St . till'0 P' 3v'S.:JW.MIU ' ,u;" J."" . : ; ' I'" r b;:i. "'",'T.'.r " .8'' I'.1" " - .. .:;;r --hi - . :;' ? ...'".'-:: ? , "...: ' S - - ;."" ". . " "TfAi ,..f Jk . 'i '.. f-c J1..; .:. ' -.t'- j- . i Vi..'' If:? 2.: ;: V- 1 i.'1: SliW-'ff.. ""V X" W. ;'!; I :;i: .;i,i'; :;; ,i5;;i;; , i.,'.? ifi if,:i,i:;i'":i"'i 'L-r j c w n hit .3,4 . ,r ,t.M 1. w . i I , -; i.. v i. 1.1 . "i . 1 . , .c. i. o n 0.4) ii ii i&.d- t.:'J air-j, a.i.n 1, t, ja.ji .,r....M:in i. nit o l us.' 11 Ji s n 1. 1- l . . -mi mitf Wit ' ! 5 (ShS1 1 e e bit' fit 1 ;t n itj e. t C - b ciTc p f pft ' M. rt! t I'.i 1 . it.' 1 Y .1 . .. : 1 i ' ,.rr:t. :?r-'-'ittiud'a th!.' rptijKIF.'' V- ; r.ijp Brltliti.FsrilaincrititJi.i to roett ;th?,Vaubmd .u.k' u.ct-m an uiw,;. iTft. A. HaII, J, Ljitituj; mincer,; pirs arnytii n iat j --r. ZtV; iu ;3Ctvvffcn their waconniryahe poj'U VJt,; : p'AhSi CdDn . "r! : tbu,t. -pvht .Bri . C .. 2iivmaiii tnernks uf i!y .bUxka., ? f i,,; .cVa Vihe .cctiu ' . xuin , ; Mcvv,nlui the -te--order ot carb.ts imHt ISo iurtoJtW niilUI. o,clcVs rrs cMcmiMy ijd. Voilui;.E guvemmcu tt Btml,; She n.O ,' '. : ; rcct fctul..ortlr that no twjjaf, or..' colo 'on ihc produce.whutf'tcr U- vtipixd or ;e xperu j :, ith, That by .ihV!a ol n iiraw. nir jw!j" 4-''-c ;1 pvlcm- .eVl.numn hwp; ctroubictl ; J.. PlnnmtrmnUony : ;i. j A nxisnie'uo JouiR jviil :fi itiMnma - lm eigltt Hen dy. . , - i V-. -"''i1'"''' v 5ih',rii With rcftrd to'KnijrUad.- the terrr?" " . , lu ,L . .mr-' "-'1 fl.f co; . 'Uiinica is h-yftnclfc!t erduury calcoUtmi..-Succ8i, from Jitmtc, rtJied lit til port v : r ;-TU-.Jarie1frotn-Unn, btinii dipatcies )r(ncrda, touchca at Cpo Mich'o! Aloteon ; ftf .iiam twit fro ni Mr. Viackney; !lV the ".Sccrtury cf ibe I5ih !ntt. W vi. r,i n 1- j ; ,. 4... thiir o'iiracviturUV, fttl setp. ainj? .ttvlhcjr-., ffiW p;-.. ' ' the xpcdii,on which from Ert-.;tind had very tlcody bittla 3 of .4 tlays .Ufo" r V1 ' oc?nvcni5Ucc, -rictptwhtrr trbjly re.' : ,;amP(( cf tovt the 27. h -Aphl, .it vo. wid lud for iu fu-'n ten rilWjttps Xuu xUx- ' i'1 ; ttrntdbv u Wri the -adtniMlcn tr e.xcfu-ul'iwAr lhe Joilt cf - . ; rtLi sji tSu.ti m cf itirtuftht cf,.eqaip;-ir.t io;s men 'killed, niiuftcmfcr froun " V ' ' ' ' -.:.,'. -. .tatTlut bvthe nriptctril UV of - ..inlh-lport, -1.,'. ; , , - r - ; ,v; : " .nd othct i:jropr. uMrUs"- U. h-th Hf, " . .KflT , ,5; thcccttjpj Mr.UJ . . Admirt,l Bctltr, cn h?,n return fsJind, ,.toi ' v : v.vY uia! t('rcrr.thv.4hvui tratig . to' r , ! -Mf: WW:: i.tyntitr.. lada'public aiirti'erics tih. th Kiin?t h- , PORT Of WILMINUTOJI . r'; from thir poiU thU't' MS n-.h ccr. hy:nJ direct f?h a kvc-.Cipt.'UamphuyJ. cf theU.;nrd, ' - Kmd , ' . " It-Vv. , !5cxui or cOier -doeumsni. shintf m 'cruneji itenwl' tfjt tff,p:,M:t,, cf-.- h;d .Ud fiom Engbp for the f..M.Ir.dti 2?j. SrhV.tuv, Girdle, 39 dsn from. r : . V h-V ;;;: ' rhat country th5 vi-Uuth'Uth burtc, Hf f:cn. : : r rbiUdclphU, Unndy, ry Gdic, ?vir - !Cdanditi .ch-r Mly, Mt!; Jdayaf.otA ChirUir-, Y ' .'i -n?:U A,i9 ,rJ.rr few dayt" CHtr1etcn in baling , : . , Y" ' . Y . . Y, V V ' w? cer, ' iXt,hi frcn ththxs:itch Wuc the cHct . failed, .that" - JCd Hi !Sf nie on 3 J, fc TaHbU.'lhe 'V' ' r V - Y'. ' 'Iir -a' s or d'Knn? e r.t v d c ci a r j n 1 1 1': 4 1 liC af.-' .tru .mf K; bjeij ttnjJ bv 15 Bnirft to the .Ponu.; : .,fl.rquc Talrlot, cf wd f,cii Eailirti ...' Y 1 ."ii-:- I! HcVl'lSto s , " f- ' ' Y- .' ' ' ttr.. ,Thc L:nSimVco!o,in;Vcic fuFl.;, ,.1 65" f.? Cbih:ttr.f; .. Y; ;V" . V. . j . v t . . r- . . -. v ' 1 ' ' . j : - 1 - ? ' , 1 ' i. ' ! . - . v y - ." - - - ' 1 ; . 1 . s - 1 ' 1 '. '. ; .. .:. 8 1 , ; ' . . '- - .-';t -f . - i.-,-r - ! - - ...- " . . i. 5 - , ? - Pv- - . ' . " - . . . ; . i . - - i ., . -. ' - - r ... . ..... . . , ' i ' , -i , : . v !-'-.. i' : ' r . t . - r- - j , -' i : . , . ' . , . . . . ' t ' . , , ' r , i i 1 , t .7, ,. . J..' I