---. c : ""1 J " X l: . 5 VPftfe :;7f.. ' 'S'-ili ft 7K "757,:: 7 - 7 ' :7 7 i 77:;'v7 W'-Vi ? ;' i fVl -who' has ! a. ...rJ! w. 1 -Ei q.uu4 fet t hs t Ian attb. bottom if Prints' RtSv- mmmmW 7": 7-77,. yA'v 7.-i7.:i rpitcwarbficKh-afrftnablw ct6V'.'Vtoiki:' 77777- v: :- .7fi.-.-::v.. v - ' " ' : T 7 WW," as&tss lliiltlsili ..tti '-it 'i'.7 . 'Hi i.-.. .;, .lit H''. i. ;. n.i' ii . '.. . -''H ...i'rii.'. 3' i: ' - is ",.:7. .. ;' .' ! ! :'! .'..-t - ' : iiW"'iw ...i ' A .1 ,'m' ' : . . ' " ''"''.,.. .a' . . ' r ' 1 . . . 1.. i-.- .. .:!,. 1 ' :. ... . 1 . ' K . . 1 . if., . ,7 .:.:;;V7, 'yipV ;? ' : , f tl::f fl:' I" ffi6i MteS ; la J S:l f Sl: '7 ':pl 'it,S: 'isSi:: llSI!srf;';;iiii;elr :;7ftS,ps:.;5 iif!Srf''7a'77?:V:v Mi, 1 i't 1 ' : n:'.i. ..: i " :, ' i: ' 11 " r . . . m c ,i (1 - " .. u:i IX . , I t 1 ,1 r :...B r t IT. . 11 fl. Elt - -M .i,.t t a. 1. ul, -u, -11 , ... .,. . ..; ,d i.KF 1.' , . . .' J"t.JlkiJ -Ui -H iltB' V-tflJi'l 'BTBtl1-. HiJ" tH- U-' ,tl I r '(H'--K'iin-t",- M jn. Ji'11 'B tl'li jlh IK: rn.uJ.jLl U -ji. ... 'J 1 .1.. u- -(... - v ... . . ,. . , r-.f .. . ; MilMMMW ;"'7'7 ;C 7 77:77,,;.. 7'':yW;fVliJfVtB?r-:. h:;-H y ' ' HAk 'V". i ' ' Whnfl-' ; -i. J i-t'..; .t. .7 t. v.:''.'' . . u '(&'. ';7 D I V 1 1 EN i 'S ' iosiV ner :' c eai'bf i cr,j7 .iMi'; r r,.:-V'r- '--f jliliiiii :" 'i.'j;! ii.r'' ... i,.1 m! .'i, i. -.-it-:,.---. S..---. r - "i . ... .1 , ..... ... . : , .'. .. -. . "" " K.A w . , , :, i;,- ., . , . ,. , . . I ... . If- Jn j.. n,,.i.;,. ......i.,!h,l ... I . . ' t, f ' . ;.'.; . ',::r. 1 , ' .. '.j j. : . ' 7:!!!':;!l::;::li 'M7?v,;,:7:.7r,';, ' ..; I'-ri'v Ati-i tinwinv Usmrri were cecd Siiu tuu . -,sw.5 omjtj. . .. Aortb.-Cjit'cjJiny ? ;v " . 7 '-Istat Etherid?.e 'bcin'ft uk sorn der.i tisat he i4 on the Wr.cu htr, Jamct 7 -CftwblMtf 1 Kufiii Duck" ro p-S Kiicns -do, . Codrta bf ilur box of to.J v;cfht'' 40 biittU luysucvil'.t Tlouj lb do ' rhiladdpins funer fine Jb, ... .rtny,piT.flwiiitflS.prop3ttiftiopt'jr-'- Bfd CorU. .LeJinr Unt, 1 ' ' i n rifstuftK m suppiy oi r rotted Hemp : will -.". - Emo iwin avid SewLiV Twine, " bc pterin. stffHtf"rk? per : ton --the. 7 Cort of any ..Jewripti,vn il bfurmttj jH4.;c wncrcMiu incurac wasp u wouia cd at the tborlrt notice f"vif ,:. Na-vy Department, i,l.i.lP I . . lTMCWntM ,! , .Jul k H..n.in Knurr. Cochran cCcitd Eilwt'rd end TimcUsv . ' ' " A .ff"""- ,fra nrilE conartner.hiir of 'IinwAnti it iht tid Jtrne Wfcy forfrum at Verdict T 1 1 n ixoU C -t L L x. i'.i Solved by mutual. c.jienU Tlioie '"who . iu. r . 3.. - 27.' - - v . -i i- i-.L-iz - . . - Ttnfifp lboevhoarelndebied thei'eto,irefcquc!itcd '"-2t rl'H Pce informs his ffitndf ar-J : AHUUtu .r ialmukc7pnient?ta'Bdwird Ward,:Jua'f ' .5u.llorcrs'h! N'niierca tcig nparl . npHE--furcfi()tr- 'hwhm dtxx& biufl. "vhU autJiori'd toicule the buwhss ol thc ' 'tlH v'uh Jcflah Harrffr,7 and thM Ml fomctimc paft,'and intrndiWv aid copartr.trfcbip. bufintiV hereafter will be 'Joc utile r if-c" , to leave this place fobr.f has ,-iaccd hii - " " li.DW A UD WATU), Ken ' P"" f nn& Hartlfo?; at the Id fl'ind ilroE!HJLCiXlb:r.wiU.:iH'r t?-rcf-''" :t:a Ma.rtci.flitxtT HUfa enent a(Tdi1 arKT accounts, in the haruti of jut'rr Lord,' 13, lCQj. ' Sv' raeat of articles in thetr line bs cot, hfq. who hir.e ti tutl'rt?ed to r'treii,--. rrT- -flanly o.t hand, and Mrnilc don n'l ; ... f , ' ; - - -, In tt.c ad?.ti( taken tne before jede v and thi amount, tcficthcr 'wltri the pro "A" P(bh in lebted . to. me arc . , r 'h tW.- 7.;, : I i'pprthetid tW .patt dc:,tMie VvrV,7v" -ixcdj llothsr nrapesty,. alfo &i:ej fer" "w1 !;matc wedhtf pym:nt ,lo : 7 ; y upiuli widttaUa tharucttM, those , ' 'WliCb ,l,c fatno purpofc, app lied to thjrciilVhaij J x -Wfii he li duly nuthorifed to i : r ;.p'iWcb gronnei my cilmhfcb'y ; if A LE faiom IwJi to the fubferi. of debit dueby hitn. All pcrfuiis thacd'r Mirjcfr i.cy abfince. 'J,?; : ' y; :: -;',;' ?,lS"h ctlwo- Mr' M Xl, ter are rnucllcd to call giKlfetila fore indebted to him ire hereby riqdrc . ''7- : 1 ' ' ' ' : . rfc v : ?:,:c,;l;,rf Yl !t 1 they pr;L'5 ' i21 hc cHned ft mcrcn- lo nuU payment io them, thcilid DiviJ U. ' ; vat trJvti .'theit WaioAly diMcnOj.j ' Um';n. 1 p 1 f tUm for ,J trtcive pjyem-lo afbgned i- and ill'.; V Ltll (XlOCk Maker,; I 7' ; IA in IS irifrli cable dowDwanii, auhelow rated J6ant, pti pjouilrK'-- . ' ' -3: -' ;.;.v' 1 't ' . .. QECmCE C..115EBON.7;; March I. tf ;.';.. , "vi Saddle tbtained asasnit Uki by hat it vtzi the 6hirdon of thlt denoncn: thai the iccyrrty "offered was luflkicnt.' and fcr . thce dtpoicih.that Mr. Thomai Hui, .tn'ef liciicd liom the bench lo; the-; said. amest cuppose ycu. KSentien srtcthtr rarre ujon , "vhith be mentioned the name cf AVilliata J. ' GrtisctiUut bVlhe beiVorthii dcpuntnt'a re l .j4ollectMrtUie3'Va ro-'sotcTTtr-order f.f t!r Court made by counting 'majority of the . 7 7 . . .7 ; .7 7 J , : fidiTimnndinj;, but rtcommeniiiR the ddi . J.'--. '.tioa uf arthifiT. -It fntihtr rrttii. that t o kr. . T ' i N lemnttr vai'nudcbyi be Court, diiappn- : .iQj?tiie 4wo&mronViocd tetuniu which , ' NOTICE. fune 14 3 . " t 1 ' fc- . V " ' " i I'nii'q . lilt; u rounts with htm ero tequircd to prefert Inhabitant! o W-lir.inton c its t icU ' ' thim to the .!)uvc oamcd per far. s br ad- r.ity, that he has tkcu iatcH Mr lohn ' ' jMttnent, - JAMES USHER,- , MMillani hnuk in Dock-ttitVi, for' " lubinity U.-t. tnctly occupied by f Mr, ViVitvh .'Dick' N ' I' ? n?.-1 " w,-CVCvll lc tnttf indebted hereto to make paymenri AnJ Ue Jthn Hin dttcafed; ttvo Nrrro' alf " tltfor'r lrlfu. f to WhOrt tHc ciliic i, indebted Ment fundty arurics of Household rfr. ail - VrtttlQtctny la.Javii i-huh n Hate to . n t ' , i. 1 r. 1 tt 1 , ' t - ' -yUi- iK f1i,.i,-v;,rLtn.r -r. it- 3f- iuclJcd tu exhibit if ttf account pro- rJttire, and a Stoc cf rlogi an I Cattle, , - rUai a pUiodfcUra(" ctttuth. ptilyauc'led witlan the fintu prefcrtbed bcbngtng miho cliaeoIthe, faul,Kicho1t, wt . lO?fiihthcTmittp-!r.atferiilofMcfrc. ,Ja-l. - J ' U, HADLEY, Ao'f. , dc V - : j Ht; tbiUzm u'bittMi'.d-te rcnu;Krtaat June t&: . .. f It. BEADLE Y. : 4 Juc? H ; f: . , ' t if - " t r ... u inurutoents. note : who wil be. fii.oJiBg ai to favor hitn - With their fitfl.s-. Jl... i.,-. v 7 Um " - " t 11111 in aw wr'iv nil ni I'iMi , dene ncitn, ,mt frti,fv , . . 7 "ll'i-!- 77x ;7 "isT i, 47 7 .i i, l i "!; . i; ,ii.' 'ii ':'V'';",.H7i'bji ,', ;" ."k'a I '"ii -! I'i.H.. i-'M 7' : i"" V' . 'V.ttii'1. i4l;i..;fi "4r V' , . .t ' .::i7.AAV i :!, ,f 'If-.. : i 7 7- i f - . 1. it 'I.' : ' 1 ' . '

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