1X1'" 7 I- '4 rv ; . a ,r. i i,i princiea end;ur U f ! .cej '; mtS'-twrfe tbe respect a-t adoration ti....:.V.;;iclt ar.J s will onia the aioeria-- t r.U'.nfc cart 1 protection cf the God f I ..V ..eaves, ti.s C.i.v stent overeijn .iverii, ""-;;; ,f Amrrics. May i 17 cuezrt. J 't '.S.JEI-TERXO,.:, cliutes- Let c ir . --athened by reason.' ' r. , weakened by uneiero; : 'i, 9clfj. -.'Jefferson' $ f,f. .-:..",, h. GtoRiS Cus'tov, V, 1 United S'.atea. 1 un, 3 t ' I ,'1 5th. TH. tE.ued. f ' .yl !. : vitaclfr I ' Vy err.rh; "' t.tsii t., ( l' Ir couirt .JLwtrfy. ' t . T!i & ate cf North-Carolina. ' gun, 1 H chars. Lift let us cherish, -;'V ; : 7th. The Governor of North-Csrc'Ins. F , "i J cheert. Wilmirten March, tth., Tlie Militia If the L'r.iteJ.Sutef the bu)rrkcf American Independence r Hay they c found fit the water's ede whea ti.e i!efei!Cf fcf their country require their, tsry cea there. 1 9 chart. . SMUr't' jy. ' 'jiH. ThsNaty cftl.e Uu'ed Stat ei May.' its vgUnct defy au'pic'.on, and ita courage' nadrepcct. ..1 gun,:.t iher,- 7!n 'r'.. . . - .- - t - '.H. HepuV.icans and rc:l-aIiats.Mjy . t'.vir ani!yi prudace Aoer'uans. t 'gun, 3 t 'e'TS, .. Drink to me tJ!f tft.'i thine e-rs, fcV. ltth. 'I'lie nttnory c.f Ginesal Georok AHixwTtx ; th 1 . ,t in war, t!.c Hntin' Jeice, rj the f.rst i i t!,c I.earta cfl.ii coua irymtn. A sMtr.n f ;u r. ; Uh Castle. .12 h.Ths nicmory cf the Heroes whnf.M ti obu'ia (d.'.ivhkh every American woi;M . Idl to st'ppurt,) American Independence. l I3lh. The menory .f Taaj.-Liif, bami, r-i IIn;cccs; Csn,J. , Uvii. Tl'.epwcl Cr :, l.o piles that tin, i.ich nsuit hs '.ii--".! ! a cxrs. 4 ( ti 1 15.." . (;..! '.Is C'i :iiLiy- ' 1 i y it 1 . - snj i y it 1 our 4,. t ,:t note L.it t..ir r-i tvff dts-rve the' Fair. . 1 .!, dcheett, :r slmtrkan. Ifth. 1 her- !-,r-o, ru-.y its f T.-cts won he lu: i.'V I-!'. -r:- r f.f I'm i p. riAvn.ro them (four 1,',. . .,: . ther.i to rcspt. t i, 1 ;, !, 9 i'-.; Jr-...-l. 17;'-. C'.it.fiivf.n fletesu ion a'ttr,.-! i 1 iin;i',fiavice,' tm- i! ( f cor iitv,tri."'y. . ...; Ciimmerct , I ! .' er L i!,r,r 7 r." 1 i traitors and d:suta..i. r.rs. X '-if r j . 4. , VGLUTEi:U TOASTS. '. . -Jly tht Vrtiil'nt. 'I he Anu-riran Vr.!.in. tr rrv My t'if y support ' e r.a-.r.a v ! :n ci- . Ld o. by 1 '-,t-.x tMinlr r. ' . , ' rl.in-M y..uC:;. Th:ma 1:. C.u.. tier, f , --.tr C; ;uin tfthe Volunteer Corps, j:j l.r: M-L::., rcare ,nd civ.ll.Ui: thrnuhoutlht worl I. P.j O fiome. The r.irmory of Gf-nrral CREt!, who may tc j i'ly ir u h d t.,e S.i. ionr cf the Southern Sui.-j of the union. - Lj Mr. vr,AZiH. Grrnt-K.v.sin k Fran. r. - Let us '" . thefi with imparthlity, that is' . with tr,...! scv.i.:'.uti "as e:.er..ies in war, I i J eaee f. ien h." ..T! e Con.,',ry rt'Irr! It.tn.er.rly hoar uu 1 tilctt cvUcr and t'eccn.rn. 'The 4 iirf jVy 8,..1, the t'-'airi rf Ai.ericttt Indrprn-ler.-e n .m '.-r.ted ii f-...iiv .'e rs L;...h j Tl ctl. vvmiilifrr l . in by a ciuhar-e t.f i7 ...n f r,m.Fo t 'Jo .-..,), i : 3 o'i! -,; p. M theinha. t.U.u t r with thf . nil, mm f th "'"'" ' '", trtcM-V. of a d.i.ner papsred i-rtic- . unat th; hou cf Mr. l;rnj. t'-r which the fIva-io'; t'ni.t y e - ' f h aerfuipanird with a fm, 4 i, aud some witli ai ;.rc-pru:e t..eer. , I. T!: r mi ttV-'.-f'i, . " '' l' '-.tt (,f the L'.-ii'e J f: -i. ' , - ! . - Pr.,lrrf, . 4. 1-., I . , Ce...r. ' J. 1 i.r tv,,.rf, t.f ,:,e i .,.) eu.M C. 1 i.i J,! Ury ,,f t!,. I ,,, , S.4,f-. . ?yl,,f7-;. true t;..,, for ,he cr,. 'ii.e Ary.sI,Ty.f r . ; i,s ";'1"t- i.'"J'.-!rct:,er,. , ."" -' . -m it lit. (jiem ; ,i AsaisjTo. . ... ! .(:-( .. !?' 4.?,e5u?e cf Nartli-ferIna. V- lrV7 E,roj4rS-Jybe:!i5ereiit row- . l,np 0 r ?HlI?e!fe- ? " : . -"efiComferce rsl IW .t.?T ""-rMajTbeJUsepeat row . rf el VTate-, '.' '"' ' ' ' ?;' t' J worthy r;- f i.H'i, i'utriotM vf : : tinu unaLatcJ i.l tie lr, .; , American. U..Tite r'.f Sugars tT r ' ' ' " VCLUNTEr.?.:. TjCatt.S,i''y, J. Potts, f ' chief promoter of Srai'divi::e, fy.joh Csnjert. : , PopuUt';.. , J rosperity to the hf l ve 1" rs ; rj Commodore Campbell. Vr Commerce of the town cf V. ' JPjr Dr. Peuhen Zterer. 1 - r brave couotrytnin at t" --- Tolemn -Dirge, ' Roberts. '"!" ) this day ,efs thereof j. vii lijii Columbia. j Robert. Potter, The Jd .. America spirit to, insist, and pti,.-i frcip;n arcrtttions. l'- i .. .. J i?r. Clithera.1. May we gloriously Amerkan ; . J 'fi rfence, 'ere H'stoat 'rroa wa touer ita trings ta L paired by any tyrannic i .the gloUa. v I J Mr. rtu. Tl.ec. ttes unanimity 'ia u By AmcuPtrrj. ' Let the r tj ever support the Americas ,, -The day was spent in joyous uu Ztr and the evening tVx iih tie 'wmoat'fcar. Piony.' , ,. ii Li'ILji3 . WILMINGTON.; -.: ' TUSSDAV, JULY 12, ISC. T eiiiviilt tnttlltgeiKcr, Oa Friday the f.m iMu at the. bouse cf UltU rw;..K., t-;. r.u the pi.t-road, afier Very short' i:net! Mr. UotsaT DoHAtosoif, merchant cf 'this 1 r - - ' Mr. Donaldion'a worth can Wly he eat!. nMtJ.by t'.nse whf wer-? rnH'ty ac. .?b-M v ;! r--,. 11-a 1-' .. ;,,y f 1 ur.r.cis . ji e such s.i ta r ad a.T.-eiiun of all wh.i Lr , 1 li l! vriusimrc.rtai,t reliioi;s cf J'.fc i.i l, h e '-od, his conduct vs truly etc )',ry. 1'tie sheet which his psrtr.tr in bio hi. re ttivcd vms almo-.t i.,- :; portable, li s c'-iU il-tn have lot a tender and a.Tcctioi.a'tt pa. not Society, b-th civd r.d rch.'mui.l.ss Tut a fnend He was a f.ieud to it!' 'iow a ft 'i 11 1 to Man.; " " ; 1 t' that ere mi a-V., LATE AND INTERESTING. " . - . ' - : I.'EV.YORK, J..tr.eH. . 1 's fupITantoDu, caj t.'UJan, ifti, t- ' st this port lafl ercnir in days lic .iCorlr. ihe left t' erccn the Ijih f Mty, an,! hriri pi, .tr to the 14 b, r r!iir.ir- Legion i.ut to' the jib, 12 c!ay la'er than any European intelligence !.er::cfore receive l.l l.ty five Vi the o;--ortnnity of annoi. cirgioihe readers tif the Mucawtih AovttTmJt the snivel io England cl the f-.i Of. i l 35 h Arril w.ith the Arr.erijan't. f. t.ue..fi. iiouiie en.! l.eij b 'r (. As c;i t!.e tenor f t'.e difj-at 'y may Iru " fiom the i - S f,. crj ci 1 ! 'he trar-i'jiiify f the I" will perhipt in a great t: : ' M'. Lvtnan, the Arr.eic- has noli f.ed th-j rnr : . I e En;! ,h povcrnmcnf 1 . ! it ! ri...t r' "itom H vh r J Stitet cor nful at ,af !?. t 1 .-... 1 ' f rr.il f . . i " . .. . ' " 4. - f LiiMfct z s. t: a tl ct off ...iriv.irf i'.e i;r.e 1.4 ir,;:cj fn.nt t! ; Downj, f.i; , f. 1 !, L!o.ka,e Io"r rort on the Ootv h oaf:. 'I t e. Swe-lcS were "ainir importar.l dch an. Our la'efl acccunts pre lent them si hivif,,;!, ',;:.,J ,!;, iClj q.,'4MrrS at a f.m:i town almc'l at I ha can- - ity tf iUGu!( !cf Sthnia. The Ra.i.a-s ..n crp.ivn ci en.ift't have o. verru,', Finlavd a!on- the t vl tf the noil tojh fro-.iiers -.: i. ;i Li the t.i ,1 Irr placer Fir.t.n , U'r. fl;ai;j 0;l l:,t pi i i a ni . " .; ' i v.i uvea in com. cistiJing Gtuatioo iiJuaHjr tailed the Eyi Vf the Baltic.' it reported ta have been ta- IhoufanJ French inJ.Ru3ani, - .-.v. ' IhoufanJ French and iilued prohibiting all ' Ma and all count! fat J fo bare fctia all intercouifir tetweea countries not ' in her al lianra. The American Lips Hannah,. Ann,' Ranger, Jleward, Neptune; and. Miy il: t er, .sre teen feizeJ by a Frecch pt'u irr in the port of Alicant. rODOliT flayf. . . ". j cUerday. iGtcd Llcy,!! "e have po doiibt this gen "s hiatetum to America, be - . .issooy at lead to the more tj -Vitality cf our 2md, tian t- erk: ced in Firuee , When at (- a guard, was Oationed belare " i'-- 7i-.attd i'.ws r- t'withourdif. refucce?. r'reyenticg th ' ecHon ; ' : aj.cr It is ss aiftrt : 'i fotne' cf i!.a y, ti, ,..4cttl . r portly fpr.', f.li 1'ortugtje! pro-; i country, ai belongs ..aiPuv, , ,3.3 now withirf. this "Aids or who are witH ihf ffal fa.-' j::;. 'coric7TiJ7 h. A r.t'f edition of ry fclJ ock hit ,;,jua t :i publinieJ tt !,,, Jt.s jn tided ' - . -taitipg Propheckt l.uot the year 15:1 t the end ct the world. The ui!.or 7''. 7" cf Uia. The Acade- fay ot bcisi.ce;, st Fans Is fald to have .:.tranfmiucd x':.lt little work, cf U Pa!ff the f I hi."- Lisvtt't, snd whif isiil ntOrr. 0 hav fiilinrl it in.ati ,....... "-fDrihcli.l 45yparj, Cf the year t2:6, Jt iihiJ; " Let people prccure fupply cf ears and commodititJ, for at the end ; of iuguft commences a great war, wLicfi li- 'f Pany.regtoni. The.peoplt ."fjner cs'-'fl.andgrtatcalanitiej.ia 1B07, jtit aantiry ct Mow wiil tail, in the : . 1 nanT "T"" inpcnani . proi sees leutestothe yeartCn. "It. will fa r ' , '"'f'1.1 Pr.tfc'"Jhe cattle through the ' 7 f wu.rers.L-o-i that yesr a peace ' f ho,e c;'"''y v, ,.i La cj.joyed ty , dri.le'. t j fc,c!, 'c-! c'v-'ir- v.U t:-..fit: . " ' . 1 1 1 v. i a r r 0 Fi T. ft iit.untij uub Ah1tr1.-C.1ri TV ,1 Who arttved at.MtfcKheaJ, tndiy, -j days from Gibraliar, ii.forms that he faw a letter ftom .t. Lesr Ancricai. Conlul tA'i;;eM, to Mr, Cairo, at C;bta!rar catcj fchout the io:h Aj lil, aJtiiin? that t.ie A jcnn ijuaJron cf 3 fiiptcs and fcvcral :.)n bugs we.-: t. ,t crizir f r Au.eiit.Mi:,, at. J eaprt::;J the cm 'ja that UfliliJrj weie declared T!.cir pre'- i znii ihe'Tum.ian,, , that their teal obi-.l was t.n-n.. a.. lican propetl; 1. --iPn tiJ ' ,rrif"Jr", . t0 2?23: c'-i.lars. fortsch cf tKc Ai-erines l.c ii rnvr 1 r I A ef.bctrhc.i.ittcs. Mr. Lear rccommen red that American tesMi, lit th8 Mcdi Jeriancan, ftouh! rtnain In port. Capt. thst they had fee a the Al-tine and think they were cruitir 'ten wie.i vsrs parrel and Madeira. . e t '"ml that the r? rf A', rs ' g.ven rounda f d:.rUt Lir pea .e. . I : tr.r.!i t ; I,,;.,. J 1 ttt:, l wish tv, ,.,,Ciicf.n e n. a the threnrrs winch tvi, ii IS. ' if-cludif- the rate e.f tie - - ' i wh-jpcri.hed in the ren - f ..can vtt.cl cst-'urtl tr ,m,f - - r s fruiters, e su ISr.V set t S 1 .1 - r. ' Srt in . . s---"' ' oaut the middle cf Msech thousand dollars a mm. iSri.iv f r t s t ...; .c -r : ; - 1 " hour,.. This . rc. ;. ji- thr Pt rjiice. that two f f,.hrr trii!,cr, j't on the po.r.l tf ,'.;.. h, on'rrs ta eap'ure Amenesn vcrh, which would in- ''y C '-t. ete--,..; Ulipr. .,. ahmdjbeim..H;a-.!rr.i;J. Tor.bi.in t . tn l of th.o: ;.crs, Mr.Letrthocsht it beU o comply; a.cnifj-.r,. to the Pry, that he ahoull commnmcate it to his go.emment the result d i',i lorte put n ;n. The y before, Mr. Erir w thre.ienr l, , Danish com.!, pr, theprc'eitthM srrt.ts vera f,.,,.! ,lt -cr:;".tT,,, t,a! lff!,' seiel bf order ct i s Dey, tnl ,v!,;-f set to work imon; t , ',,ft, ;lhin p ha;acf 4J lit. istttr.si u lirj. Mr. Utr fcaa circuited larcth the i:.!s at di.n. cat ports this state cf thicjt wilh. th Al jsrioe F.ejei.cy, ' . KEv.yORKi June Ui ' ' fxcil tt ?uanc ABvsinszs ... ; s - T,'ha iha'J it our next tlet-trtfideiat ' ?' - The qr-cstion wh'ch has been,-so btj f ' o frequently a-ilated, VL .u'.I tjt r" jiext president f"t seems to le novrp -"yv- I euled; and the ci-'y enquiry at pi.. 1 ' W!o shall be oar next vice-jre ;J-s.ti' . ' . The answer to this queairaa it easy, if Gov. CliatorijIlisteTiirj tothedictates cf bty own boiitst judgment, and turninja deaf ear : , to the sues'ions of evd counehors, il.'I . declare his-wiilinTttis t3 saci if.ee v 't ?se denominated" claims to the next pre-i... dency," to the wishes and the unity of the . ,. republican party. Ia thut evtnt he -w til witls. , the unanimous&uITragc of lite republican tlcc tors, be no doubt, again invested with tLfc er -cond honor in his country's gift. ' " ' ' r Should governor Clinton, however siUnt'Jr'y continut to behold himself supported bf ; i' ebandoncd .en as.tbeir candidate for th----IVederiry lit Refullican t" ' Eja- ; r 1 for ice-t . ct. . vh Kicnce as a vtrtuul r-' . ! iheir oJcr, and will of ennscqaet-.te ! - f ei select another candidate, 'io 1 icause they vsi'l also be directed by conoi-v !-. 'ationa of the .impropriety and fol'yof 'yitl--tllnf their sb ;pon to atnan whoshc?:sno dis position ta t-r.l-r Uh tbemV " lm ' vontrary per:ul;s th inf.uence'of c to be arrayed in opposition ta their precetC ; lag- and interests. ' - , : We cotiSdently. trutt that .the vke-pre:.! ' ' Odcrit will yet net h relation to this aHir, ia ' " e taanner v. only of himself and cf iiit L-r " tner fame ; that he will listen to the voice c ' -the republican t- p jority, v& bow to it jn.pi ' ' V tnoticsi.ljniiss.oii. J,ut Hjour epecttstin- houid unfortutittely be'disppointed and if v . -circuiHbsatices suouia renuer c'jttauteij ne 'ry for the republican majority to ntmi ,- Jiate another entididate lor the oCiee of vice ' .. presidcm. we hope that thelrchoicernay fl! s .'' n the virtuous end patriotic Jhn Lorgdu if '. ' Nev.L'air.pihire ; a fentlcniain of eiceUcnt ta. ' lent, cf irreproachable morals, and' cf i.v Cexitle political iritv,rity. u ; ' . If we were'advocti$ for tate (Ume we s . ou'.d add that I.ar .!u is from a section of . : th union Which tho Very retpecUb'.e snd i fulous, l .-s t.cver lad one cf its citixer.a , ', t.oncred with t' ;pointmtnt of president, xt- rtbidtr. j-.'0s cf tie Supreme cc tirt,' ,-. f:: n imWi-;!.r cr a 1 r " i 1 ' ' 1 - r ( tU cr: 1 , . . 1 1 h, Cvhoccr Ecu .7, Cither, Jt a tseeti'g cf tie Cmmimr-tM cf tit let,",' OHDEPvED, titat public i.Uicele f,er-,' that the fj.lawir-j persons have Let' ' --rd toMrte ai tliwnVtch& Guard, ' it. John Lartins, Eithard Ttjlor, Dnie " O,;:!, Eiikat d Lrr.'rr?on, John Jaday tnl ' CI 1 Ah ;:, for the terni cf cr.e yr, md" ' .than; Ltpsrtcf the duty cf s Id G.ssrd t ''t l P Il rie ;'....? f.ivnd an the street afur' 9 o clo. k without pM, c-.J cctr.tr.;; ther.i ta Jdat l! e ti, tr xt jf t' e oner; to p j tro!"" the s;reetson the t.bba'.h dy f-rthe the- pur pose cf rtetervir- crder and q-jietthrih. ' ty d.pcr.injf all c "-ctions cf rr-'-res, an i fr thcpurpf;ttf pieventi - f,-, 1 fcora te l; Z reta led r .t c f ary shop, ted r t rots ci fUirjt.itirtai. id therein cathit dij. ' . Ey ordered t':a Co -nj:?..f.i t"tiar .... XVllmir t0;t, July 13. W Sad d by Clfariiccsihn' A l t' -:t tol-ira': thu place, I h'i filrv . funo rctuhat I ! . -t- I i;tOCr ,rt. r.""i? Mi h ' Uirrif.r., er.d'thsf ' Full, it fi leu .'ff wiii be ,'- rn-'-rr tV . . fr.rd Fern, L llariMon, at ll:e e'Jf ; t-i T .i k'L.'lu ; t, wlt! a f-trural a,. -r -r.t f artidci ia iJ.cir lire vIU . c' ft'.y u Ir. c.,nj -;" I.r.'l tnanner. A',1 f r.'-ra f, m ." ' -Itepunauafy tuci.JcJ to, t tA ,v ' JA?FES r?r jvv ' ! rff,UVf :,,?tS1!1. ;1,1'''t p.,mer.lts jj: ,lna a::. J.r.; ii 1 $ i i

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