vr .-vf r . i t ME. r vTTN your US c sper I ebferrel ia adrtr- .i. tifcci-.it cf one Matthias in. fa. Sawpr -STwiiP a reward of Oir llundrti Dtllart or apprehending and fecuting me ia'any jail within the Unite J S.aus, Rating that -I had Rcler. off 'a fellow of his rime J ; ifvfs or Muflapia, and that J 'left Edsn. -; t-i d the ntgbf.v- :-i 1 .'- ;':- - . ')!' -' - .ToVhidt aSV'rtion I ve the lie,' 4st 2 Ut Ik'enton afir an early dinner; id' " tha da , time one nTv-and did hire his . , . .... r -i j - . 'fellow for a guide, and gave him tuitniim 'iirangea, uia c.icrurga ins xeiiow and f,ae bim a pafi to return, and thought lie wtf gone but when I fawahe adver- SUtfcneiit. Mr, v raise. Mr, uea ana 100 Dollars Reward r 20 Dollars Reward. t"HE abniV reward cf Out llundrti "p AH-AW AY from-the fuhfaiber is rJL D-llari willbe paid for apptehenatrg. s' X Vi'-mngton about Cx;:;ks t 'jt and fccur'.flg in any goal within the Unl .a V' " ay n turned - 520 Dollars Rcwarc. ted States, ARTHUR. HOWE, and tie-" fro , MUSTAPHA, commonly called MufT, ""Arthur Howe it a .'young tnan if .or ao yean olJ, dark complexion, f ytl'o vifh hair and h-i'e eyeij hit f round, sod hi countenance fereck txpre'dive of .dark angry psfiions.' 11 lemarkable for having a dtfarihltj in ' back, which occafions him u t , ly half beat, fa that whi ' : BoS erect pofture, he v .; i . sneafure 4 Ilof? feet U.' f.t,.. hare much motion' when t ils, at JESSE..-. 'tee yean ok", f, i TESERTED from this roil c a t' j U, I2th ir.SaM, Jam Cell ti j I tushes, privsie fjUmts ima U. Su'.ja . --imtnt of .rtii'ertilt; iha forrr.er "n n Livrr - Fi s--:. I twe ' . Csn- .r . i it T-itelf d3iada inoutriea about hior. and . er !on and hair? as lw.down' if net jfindirjhc was not pooe, wt ptirfuedhiro. lower than his knees. The above defcri. tookhirrv and lodged htm in ;;Wilaiinto ?i tail. Unvt it m,inteatenttoa wis t f Mr. sawyer lutes, wouta i nave cgl 3nfcjed!ate!'so. Vjlnrangton wouIJ I i r; liave c-irei !sm for laif, and rst t rf'.fcharged h"m as 1 did i - , iJo-ths iack l$f that Mi,7 'tay.t &rJ ryfelf winter hsd a difpute far hay'ir!' fjiiit Rolbina, cif .st 'tn before hi door, .? tie aouiea me, 3 an4 male f;io' tctrsst In hil houfs. Afift a wl.ile h carotowC'lliook hands, and- (aid htf'was forry lor what 5 l aj u;d.v ihit u ail hat I.cpirt at prefeot rteoVcl that couM S.ava madeM't S.advert:f me inthe raf calty manner he has dowe. However, I , fhall wait uatil Mr. Sawyer Cull come or lien Ut tzc, tzi he Ibi'.i fiud me at acjr lime ' ; - '.','. . .y.jn . '....;., , " - lam It i tfll t-nnvrn in P lnl.in that V,; f'lrtor hat r.rn fnr ean in the habit ' ri.. and mav frVl him feVetal times on his tanccs tn ruwioiicj rcero'-irg anj ivicn-. , nond, may endeavor through their affif tance to make his efcape to the nortward. Arthur Hoe has rtlations near'Wilmlpj-.' ton, ia tkis fiatt and er Nathvi"ek in Tenneee to one cf which placei be Will prebsVy enJravoi tatravtt after par lijg with theafrtfidr.fto. " , .To" the above reward, will be sJ-kd tri-. Vellirg expenses and iefonble wagesfof the ddivtfy of the afotefaid Howe, & tie. pro Muf to mein this place, or '-DJlart for either of them. '; ' y Matthias E. SS'jer. ;" $ ............. w 01m n V '.mtl..4 7 ?!?itday tiiehf, thetnh iniV. a tiero ' ' I - called MUSS or I.IUSTAPH t ytirs c!:-, cf a dark's"! ,-vsry ' lnr:j UaJ, f c! .it.-'" jror l ' ' Co!t.i!r ; .. -s','f I . projetiifcg, and c : nouth rather large, ai... . - j . . In his general behaviour ha is polite en i fjbmiiliVe, he is $ complete body (crvant, and a handy fillow mtih mo.l-tools ir about fcorfesi Ue carried c2 mh him no . clothe which are retrmluble, except aa o'ivt great coat cf fc-arfkim.-. The abova fulon k Qav went cil on a ftng'e (lick chair, a large bay horfer and have been ttaced' in Company' about eighteen mi!;s front Cdcnton, It is conjeaured that Arthur1 Ifort wi!! tendua Lints is tar as Vtrgi. si: i it , t x i r ' crT v. e.k is brovht up ia tha I inicl Mal'att, is a tola .itfssaJ is well acuaict ork.j , ' - i to ttiieve Ciff is ia Ralcilu whera T.e has f ' , ' 3 iV'tf reward for. dJL i &r tit jailor of this place i ' corifining her ia ' as j ,::in WILLIAMS i -reby "riven j ' , jt Bonds, Note, and boo'.c ' ,ie the fubferibar, an af ; i & Robert ;.Cmockr awJ j , ii to he collected by ilicm, and the iusaunt, togethtr'.with the pto cetds of cthei - property,' alfa afuned fr : the fame par f r y.t applied' to. the dtfcharg of debts due ty himi All perfons thet4 lore int S l af co -;Lj I Vi. C.I k I "'it' WIS IV. Rtaw hat. and trouf. J. f.orn inCiiitli.rd Coar.tv. tatscf t or l '- Carolina, aijed twenty years, ve f:ct f -ven inchts high," lc'.t hair, hzel e),:, lairco;rp!clioa,by occugatioa a I r -.cf t haJ cr whea he west away a Lk: -r jac'i'f, Htaw hat, it) white ps . -. , Vhotfr wtii tpptehend- fa.J d.r'v., and 1 ' teia.ra any jail ia this -t t : joir,:'' i dates,- cr deliver., .them at thit-.- po.it, fiU. receive the aiovi reward, cr ten djK..i- f.reither -f then fo appr. J,.nJl anJ f.cutid, aad a'.) tt-ioal's es tcnf.s raid. ' :1- "Iwi. 1 Uf ' ... I, O. I fliUltJi. , 14; 1 ow3 lraelUiv wi;Si f sntienjera froto rJenion 10 ieurn, aaa cueu to tuts puce a riiyjtf. " : : . r ; Arthur Ilnsctjun'r. - . WilrrJftoo, July 12th, i8c3. ' . v V l(. C. The printer in-Edcnton ia rc fuelled ta tftfert this advertifement three " Umca iabts pper, and be will be paid by fendir.goti bis bill to I.lr. Hall, and Mr. Howea friends are tequeiUd to fend oa depoGtiohs to clear bis charaier, to ci ia - ; ' IOIIN GRANGE.' v , ....... . 20 Dollars Reard4 R A II. A V AY from the fubferittr I. Duplin County on the toth Oilober' lad. a i,eno man ramed CORK, ahnur J to hi-n are herebv requirei' 30 years of age,- uit feet nine or ten in.... to cna'o 1 2vr:nt to hm, Utefild DaviT cbes htgn, an.t Lout rnade. lie bat c-. and Robert Camock,' nd James-Dick wife at Wm. Robefoi. n S-r-pfoni Tn, ctTnch c-fthemaa GaM be appoiotcd County, and is new in that li'J'.cat petfon I w 4aiandi or wnfettk-J ac-' . I r.,l j,ie the ihove reward f.r rr-re- JAMi:i IIUHii ; AVateh & Clock Maker, C-rt.r,.Aai''.-' iy b'n." truer Cuuntp, 1 iLLcn CirUKNS, p;i lulnc;;: ty the t.'.c.u if r. ' t 1 . 1 .? .H.r..rr 'rill-'!. All CRuJ 111 H.HaiLlH -( Tcr r.:self a C4nd,ate at the et-iuia ton, to represent you in the fccnau tn. f.-rtTi thpciretimitaneeolit havinabeca 7Tt ilui ! I t.. Utp'v f I r. lohn lcly reported,.! soma rnalicioui peron, ..MiUm's tiouTe i'i Dk-fticet, fur th&J" ray vote n the passaged Use iuuicw ntfiy h.SPEC Tl U'.LY informs the in- lubitnti c f Vi!,-intcn U itt vie!-. Althouth rr.T Lien. ! may not iztm a pulisa - .refutation of this report esser.tl.l to my pfch- tical interest; yet jmtice to my own ihui trr, and regard fjr the Eood cpinien t;f try .eountryhen generally, Ti Men 1 hva ever l:ca an-i Jaus iotirikb and dei lwpl ne at lcat todedire, th.t it ii nAouii tit trvth. I!y. vote cn the JuJiciary L. II, was the result tf aa cp'tnicncarcf.;"y and dctbtr te!y formed, that an aheraUon in our Court yt'.em was ceeeuary, nid would be produc tire of public keneEu-But.Deierthteshad I receive initructions frsm my coniiUutnis n that subject, which I in vain endeavoured ' ta procure, try vote would have' been cor . rrjJ thereby 1 fur I conceive that the w.d of the neprc'entative, should in such cte, J tc'l to the will of the peoj lc. ' ' - , It remjina far me to assure ycu, peaUe Taen, tht should I behonoitl wuh a mj'r i:y of your sutTrsr.es, 1 1'; - ,'- f . Jr.'" " . occuptei 1 y Mr.', WilUam Pick r. V 1 ft t I ! . . ( . at a Uiiititra Kockb,. v r.erc n 1 ie'i..i iy tarry on lus forrr r branch i f btifincfs--ia ii.alinpall kipi'i fG iU U hilver Voik t! f rrp.irii!g Qjtadrapts, Corrpart, and all other kinds of ioflruracnts. .,Trof who win he f c' Pj;;' 5 ft o favfr him Vi;h their cullom n.ay tcly on i:s beir done with r.eatncfs aad difpatch ; . ,. May Jt. , ;-, . ' ff. til the lit Wove in fjmikhinsc:' rMtcd - tf the Uniied Sute, mou'.h, N. H. Iloton, I,e-Londjn, New. York, PUdadclpl.ia, J,ew-La!lc, ilalumare, J.'otfalk, V'i!min'on, 2J.CCharle'on, S.C. nnah,Geor'.a, and New-Oilf- r'.teaand wt.l , T'..r'ry rr ; it f a! er..! j ;'!" ; . It lie rr- p lit it i i -iMr.i'.U",: p" ;" " cf ti iUr rolled II. r j'e tl s rrke pr ton-t!.a '. ; : wl.eft it would te founts wtifi hi ftt are required t pttfert thcai to the atove named f rrfor.s for a J. juamenu - - JAMES USHER. - Eebruary t6. if. . Titulctihr tJtrtfirJaU lit JiiUv'r j trt'itUt, t-z.'t ' .; '. -"too bhjt. Molau.t ' . . .' ' '23 do, -Sugar ' ;" v ' ; ' ; ., ' 5 barrels do' - 1 puncheor.s i'h yrecl kca -.' ' I hhd. CcTcs boxes T T do. C 57 belts Hi;.-: a Dai . "to pieces , Ravens' d, ... a cUIU'Hyfon Til 3 dj. I 'jck dj. Cori:.".i by tie tct er Us v-x'l.t : 4 biSftU ravtitti'.'.e J lour - I'd do. ruilaJelphia fuperEssdo. ' . A'fa 17 Ma'.ciina FJ"ai 4 c.ki fica t . rn. " - . tt ir'fl'l Tl T V. ' nlr.aiy, Miya 1. liOTICE. 1 u. tuoscttaen r ;v; , rr: -vsl i;.c fods to the riailct nhsii l . L-?Tp. J. lottn crke Where, ia aJ.u i to their asort3ent rf turr.er and I'ancy Cu-.J' Hardware, Grc-i-er us, t.ci: ty arc bt, f epenin a few fcu;'.s f.8 & 4-4 L'.ifi re trived froraDiilLit j which t'sry t 111 t.IIfcfjr !w by tha pU:cr f,r cas,h en??. -. . r " i '' rn At... .A . 1 W .A ..... . si. if Ban!; of Cr;pc-jcar. nivicriiD of f-urT..cc;l '" lr t & r. j. .'ft t t rurti I - tr r t x r S-il. 2 "IS 1. inj c:.i r.k it t'e- B C t! t. f . - c will he r; t :t Julf rtxi rr ts cr t c n try if irat-i June 2j. iJas.k on t thfftufter, to ti! Sioc.khol,.! tcrnks du! au'.hotir.-d. - JOHN. I'CGG.Cw-.Vrv Jure t4, 4v . riV IIUNDIIED DOLLARS Iin7AHD. . ' , ' ' '"' Ttt.rjf D.;Hz-.t$ xzl. IT baa reeentlv been na 'aknosata th u:;unattt, that ttt the f.ift d iSot. the firfV moieties cf the ondcr-mentiuned notes cf the Cirk cf the h ' .weteenclofcd by Wi'.'.iant Keats, tf. Colleger cf ti 2 cnflomi at V, ....in-ton,' lionh-Catolina, ia a letter adJftHed to I hocnas a udor i ucker, reafurur.cf sne unitca 2taie, ana pui imu is .iv. - , nu m mv . .. t uav liint.c 1 States, a a m - v v w i n i i n urn -Mitin. b n a i i i t n a ua. v ..iiia ri i.si i' a nil. . ii AMLKlLAfS dlilill, t .k- t .1 f.,t Tn. fm ti-rt .rr'r.fcf 'rr '".. -I I - IUIT. It JT. IHC KLU ti UyiLIH.) VI liiw lt- .................... .. . . w . . v . . J eNavy will recslretia. rut iuta ftt Poll-O.T,ce as afonfdi neither o which ktterl, with the t!c;es escloftd, , her next, rropcaii tur t , ,., refeited. Ort the back of eich moictv cl every rote wt written the t.i:t. ; Ilen-ipt-f the fowth -( vnU VmIs. .ndnncne rati tf the back of fcU er cf rr.oS cf t!-5 r.-:es: w:r to t cVi.vcred at I'ortl. . , .( I r . f,.Hi u,tnrS rircuw'linre i! r,r Ari utln..,. I I ' ' - ' 'V UViuj , ' ' - ' - - - ' - ti i ' - - i ii ! detecled. pavm:nt of ti e notes bis beta Tapped at ti e Dark cf n r-, ., .,t n...,r. I : i.u: 1 1 :.u. D DOLLARS will Le paid tetany reifm who Tulltive fjch in i' ment,as CiaU produce the convklkn f the t.TcnJ-r ty wl r j fiid notes were purloined or flo'.en. , . ALBERT GALLAT1H, ttitttarj ,Ut 7afrj. a rswar J 2' t Dr'J'tairr.r, ' is.-. :y tt I Ta'- ' rood '!!. a..-i - ! u. j!uih f.Wtt ahirpir,', kitchens, t.c. t.e wul , (shortly send cart throu-h t-e Town at ' snj hr-pei t!..t fi....:s w',11 see their ioterett 1 1 swirj line arttdes. It U7 ! be sa 1 j:ct to thote convtnieal to marVt t, who ir tleiin Unit, to savetHrir he. , Ue ! huers himself la a ihort time'ta be aV.e to l-pT the hrt ef Soa? at well aa the bett .! Canilcsat pidsriupnci.. pf oticc- i i M.I ' r tihrr hivir" dec!" i ... eti'.ne D4iL and i 1 1 -.tr,Ji to leave ih s place fon, has placed his property t04eihcr wuh the bonds, poiet, and accounts. In tve har.Jsof Jho LcrJ, Efj. who sW)ne is authoiifcd it receive ray aients and five receipts. Thsfs that '! iri rr nl hrr rro,liir Rortd'in hlS ' -' w - -- r- J)J ware houfe will take charge cf the fama 4J 1 4 7 'JO S6 2774 31 Sill ' 3507 2IS3 . i::s 1353 1) I) i j n J 'i ! th 1 .h J. 7. 7. mi, . arch, 1!'JJ, .S. 1507, . . 1 br, urch do. c . d j.' . K .. do. da Aprif, 15.-6, li s I. a A-r:,!. IE 1 - !. I - J ' , lilt, ' :.ch. n- irch,t30t, da. d . Ix'OV" It It CtSCElPTION' of rcoTt"- , . . . ". .. . . To t. '.J i'jrii.V. Ak:r.G.khrit orktafcr at Cl a-f.r Do. Dj. . - Da. Do. Dj. . ' Uj. Da. " Dj , Jjtf'h lfler.hj Sivs'.r.ah, ' '. do. . ' c . , il j. ' ' do. ' 7. Warner at the tar.k of t!. iV.ui :. Corntliua h's, t'ew-Vot'k, ' do. r A.!an Ckhrtst, Chre:tc 1 il 3. , . ' . di. , d. . '. ", J.;e;hl!bfrsli-3, Savar.r.t'. , da. " d. d . ' .!-; " I.. lev 1C 5 1, 1 1: l: ' i f ICkilM ECCLES. ' 4 4-1 1,1 . 3 1 ' I -I ' J f J ) J t 3 S) i) 9

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