; 1 : J7ia liff Nui'ipiJ laulligtncer. - ; ' Hu. IV. -a HIZ PEOPLE OF TIIS.UNITr.I3' - states. ? 7: e vli rf Ulen r ih tbrrt of m;r t ; f.rncc with the, beiS.gct p;;wu-s 1 1 Lu.w. . i .national point ot... light, diaq demonstrate! the Impossibility of aubmis. .' t-'.-iou tur par? at a mn-m .uTlheir ppt-es-. ' lions. To reiit ".rtiiluri tfcouU less ag- j-ravated oppression, c engaged in all the ft tils of war, ami through' .it accumulated J .-rrors established our independence; T lu'atasn this independence we established a ?.,.r.v of government,.' under which the ,s 15 administrations have all condder- ; ' It a duy tt protect? as well as they could, i ,;' i-ait trade of our citizen. ' it is this ar-, f-ao'nj'ict, which has given rlsj t n '! our aerious coifuiont with European . - .vers, and n: 'ibis likewise tven birth t. almott e-, Tery C8i- cf interior -'uioa. V'hether-, 2l v -a v - - 5 1 v have " ? . ! 1, tC infancy f cur to-vcr, to protect an object, without t ; the tries. is one thing ; that we I -ve invoViubly ' strenuously made' the fi. ; t ii rtaia. , This effort ba not been 1 .,;Ule4 merely on paper ;. but it has in-, tinted ui under one administration, to annul a s Via trea'y with one power andsto au- t i.je U.e capture of its public armed ve t and cider snc'her to paii' a lav; pro- , 2..Liiin; the io-; rtatio.i 01 seVevU impor t"tLbia of a dlfTtrcht power.. Unlhli; . .t, t a nation, we ?nd committed i we I it froundi which, howetet di-tnuta is st frs,' inuit t: maintained . until the , -, tna of.t' r: r tlon shall renounce it; t t Mhlcb CRimut, i't U;U tnoment.'bo tns- -"tt 1 v'uhout fjiTdOnj every prtte:-,-al'ii ti s 'vcvf' 'nty or spirit. - h is the dy f !v" r that Uiti the spirit cf a nation at yt', .s"t'..al i f f.n indiv'.. .ul ; and when, cmi f.c!i ri occasion, x'-'-i iues'imaUe jawtl ii I . ' 4 nin;t h the f-imer, it o;:-erau - .U ten 1 ii--j"ry, f --.a the extant of "".id, and h : diManceof 'time to vl . 4 ..".jt. - ; .may. extend. -Timidity i , i j .c'uui a caue and, oace felt Ly a - .i..., .nt, it rapidly pervade'-' the who! 1 ':. a v! becor; t s the rri'uti'ahlc ti:ht-ri-. t ...ce of remote t"" course France," on" the oter liand, would ' tiot have failed to injure us to the extent of her power; and if she found herself unable to obtain on the ocean, m indf" ";fy for the - sions iSf her enemy, ' 1,1 ave , t " lit elsewhere ; the wo' '-d ' j : patiiard on their fror host'diiy. : Under o ' . : Would have had no i (a iid as to the obli tin-" ,4 r-.id of thc:..( '." maiatd on friendly t -, with the irresistible pa . . I wouiu, it is out 100 iitvi. , : Sargo. limitinj our grow. iv;, our present power; not s view f injuring us, ea cf 1 i t u a blow at her enemy. I; ,-,; v.i. tufc-of Napoleon la rem'. . !; the pressure of Injui- ija ' , 11. ,v. been struck ; aboriivt, it ... ' ' t the result, but dreadful a; ;!'' bahlyf ii it present eF ; !- I5ul, say the oppor ' cur trade, and subjected the residue to a ca pricious regulation, would have been aub mitted to individually by our mcfthenis ? Would they not have claimed the privdc ge cfarmins their vessels, and of puahiDg thrir enterprise wherever their power eould hate opened to them a market? They most as-' uredly would ; and thia arming would hava ' 'l war. , ; .appears, therefore, that Whatever view ken of this subject;; whether national ; .i-.r or individual interest is made the ar. iterwar would have ensued, but lor the ;', AK AMEHICAK Wlil.' lis f,:: -:g ktterwsa' read on Thursday li -t in the innate and house cf B'-.-c .-n.. wrs uj nai sia'e. . : s. .- To av,,;!, no saciiHte of t 1 MWU ' '.-e tl : k',,i ' ur. . 1 t 1 ' ) r , -v j I. r - Oils' fl It would. 1.1 t,e pi e 1 1 , i, tj !.-i-t t' z ' 1! iT ; L iv w t r. : . h 'nt' e; t j . .t v?e owe omt 1 - ' . - V I. : . .. 4 J I tlie power of France Our trade to England v; I ; the ocean.; AVitho' r i;; t tion, which is not 1 ' putuble, let us bricii ; ti.vi.Utf '. a staid' of things which v. a t'i r ; English ports tous, sndsh- . : -e t: . ' In the first place, ell tl t s ' r. importation' from 'the AV which exceeds our own coiuu. be in tll'ect tut off J for it it acknowledged to be a fact that England imports more of all , , thee articles than the consumer, and the transportation of the residue from England to France and her allies is inhibited and can ? be enforced without any naval force on. tb ocean Uy the report of the Secretary cf the t Treasury, k will be seen that for the fear tndi5 September 30, 1807, there wete.c. ported f om the LTr.ited State U3 m Ui cm i f poui.dj of su;ar, and 2-1 ni'diior. of pounds 1 f co'T'ue,' which, with oiher amailer articles 1: :.:-;itute this port"' i cf trade, and may be c-timatcd at tihtctu lui'ihoiis of dtl!ars. T this amount, therefore, would our impor tation, and to the tame emunut our enpona-. lion, be cutolT.- . , , . I'y the sine report it rpjears that kr the .e pc-i iod our txpor: .-. t'i Russia, Sweden, Denmark and Norway, Uull.md, Ilan buij;, tieme;), and other llar.s,t lnwn, iYtnc'i r.iiro',v4n pe;t, 'SjianiM European p;irt, " PttrU) ;al lta!y, amounted 10 above I'vrty f.ir i.iui. cf t dlun. This pori'x.n of - trade, l.ke t! e f .rintr, is uncoi.i cctr 1 a t , 'y 1 f P.. 1 '1 rr '-I, o r (' , . t t ' i t t ' (' I r . 1. V ' . , v I J 1 . i 1 ii 1 J i 1 j cf d Yf t:,e trre dof.nrrn', it ippeart th't 1 r exorta'tont 'for the tatve i ',?-,..!'! to cre bundled r.d ti.ht - ; ' - i 1" ::,t thit the uii;i"h cr iers on;-', 'e- - To the honordU Senate and lIonse7fTT,trJ. tanvct oj ite Lonmont(Utlfi cf uar . fits '''.-. - i. ' WTtMiw-;it has been fny end-, sor ' " d it was ,ty duty, vl d; c i'xnixa tl the Union, to -n of t' a.Ctftecul r.! . 1 . 'itii ' th.i .-.r. t t'..irr"-.vr i.d nat'.t.i...! 'i's '4:1 b It vt.!, for t'." f-V.o cf j:-,y-.ts.ci;!, t; it trdr, L: a .. ...i- ' J a certain i'-"'e of t ..!.t to be 1 fn .hud . .1 i r ll.'.vi J il..l il.U! t t r . . f t : ac t.J own coune, 1 j.hu u-.i: -t uruit tt.ty be of iat'.',--l eha.ti er s. 1 j uiiunul rights. Even i t t: 1 ve, it . I t aeea tht,"b..t fir t'.u L. .-!, war wJ I laveUm iiisvi'.ih'r.. It ii a liHiVtd, th..t the th-et cf th V t;-!i o-.ders wou'.-l Le to seize and c.-t-hstate evtir u(d 1'. ' 1 tu any other t! .n .n Ti .'1 Por(i'n J oil; at.d the r t of th of il 1 rei.e h l 3 .ixe and c. ; w ate ill .y.-iih, can; ; l.t'idish fabrics, er Joui.il to n. I t ..'.-n I't-u. l'c cs u ih t:) dcsciiption of .i-dti, thercfre, the vhot'; An-.'-iic.i ti rtii-, fmipltlut conduct t i d.rec-ly vtith the ' 'i. India Ulands be J.;".MnT tu I'l.oice sr i i.iral'. t, i iu'.ei diet ed," under ir;t;y .f Ct. at.i ,, Of the ity wi'h whan 1! - d . .'H l..-v-j enhnced, - 1 -e t -tut 5; ila . n., ? ..t'iihstviid.u ' the t( .UiUort ltd ty li e tn.bary ' t.ur ?'..', s, bee., tJyitr.!::;", 1 J cfiiidemi ti ' 1:1 i I itf i i the i t c'-.rs not u ' 1 t j t; a ii ii.t, in the 'c. I. e '. ,'a.r i tr vpd .' t f an - -! 1 ih t w.iy !.- 1 -rU ! ' e : r, i ,it(. 1 ....'l .Si I: 1 i y 1 ......u'cl 1:.., vi .1..:.. ii,. .- -'. vc " j 1 1!, ii that reject '. i:e btr 011 in '"' ..... .-,(!. 5 only m.. , on t '-'. . : , 1 ive ..1 w.tn the r.v, . 1, , .. 1 1...: y I - i c-i l: 1-4 r, ..4 tn u r v ,4 1 V H .... ' ' . r -,?-. . oajttct- 01 wnicn was iipitsdVe i Ui-izure and depredation the per sons and property of our citizens, and to mdicate the -iRhta essential to iheTndepen denr.e.:or our Counti'y, ; againtt -the unjust rretensio3t v.A j;re-i)wnf of ail Lieiprt powers, "I .:" . . ' , ' : . 0 Certain T.esr lu'dons recently passed by you, have expired your disapprobation o( measures,, to which, under the influence of tocse motives, I pave my assent. As fr at theopinionof a'majority inshekc.Maturec-n operate, I eaim-jt but ct-vider these Ue:,oiu. tious as enjoiidng upon the representation of the Stat in Cor-.gre., sort a opposition to the National A(;r,..i. !3 Mien, tri ,hkU I cannot, tontialemly vi i;U my principles, con cur. ', , . . . , To pive yon however the opportunity of placinjr in the Smale of the United Su: s a member who my devise and'enf.nc the means of rehevinir cur' fel!owil!2-.nt frcru tiieir present uf.'uiinjr.,, without tAcr.C1.in5 the pe :.ce tf the hatiou, thefervufaJlibertie't cf our Searrtn, the neutral rich's of ur Coromerce, I now 'restore to you the mt ( itnmititj .to my charge, nd Tesifn my tasa Sera"r of the United Suui, ea t . part t-f thit Ommonaeallh. ' -. 1 am, with perfect rer.r-et. kc. ' - ' " - John o. ada!3. l-'-t- , ,tku:.: ' ... . '.'.c:t (!", in (he ( I !,;. f f r !.-!:' ',ttl t V i ! 1.1 ih; '' , .; :., "-:U I- r.ry V'- (,iKtrn-.r r Inch, r v i'i ') ite,' 'tidcr.Ue rujoii'v. In rorw.':neo. r ' f 1 1 ly !, inhibit Uic'carryircn c 1 i'X'y- tv.0 r ','. ont of our Ubu-d triJcj ts v. til i r i ai cx;.ort.-'. . s. ' I 1 a ' fi-i.-.j fri-.- 1 I - r-',1 . v - a : If I -' . t' ' h'.'.'-e 1 f (l 1: e I u h seiie ti l bui 11 : i ' . In C .i.-'.ui t then ; r 1 the I'ifi-.li i. i ! t e !ii wt, i i L' ' h ui- ' t' i ait.r 1 it; iht r .. r I 1 (I 1 r Lfer, tn that I .'' lljl.t'.'n ov;r t. cch .n's pf.rs'-t J thiir t:.u!e tUri-i ,-,h l'.s ' ' r.ny eh. :.O.s, all that tcot to coot. ll'n 1, , ; r t! : 1 1 ; ; Ul.d a I'd the Vet-I. ! ', wou' 1 ! , -s I ' ( n sc' 1 rt to rsi-jr?, 1 1 r-' " id c, wi . 1 l ive .' j t t 1 s i i - ' "fd. 'I 1 .; , c s j ...i i'.t-1 wm. t y ( i--, 1. 1 th-. i: ter-' n ; ! '. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a ) n rji.0u-.1t ? t..tn l.w.'.it s. U-'.i ! 1 .: r ;.. t cf r ' -'' ' - 'ih .- . v)f t- 1, i'ii.r c f f x; ' ;!s rniy r.-jr p, to I'nland. 1 A tr srhat .:';.- t . lor l,er con.uu , '" 1 She d ' li-t vai.t th-v.i 1,, t!,e v.'.; of a ceit. Per tne si;;-; 'y cf ti e C .:. . 1 The Cot.'.inn-t rtl 1-1 t j r-.-ctt.e thttn t;.i'., '1 I."n-.;I.n.l ; si; 1 Mr. Pi.ii.,,' t'.c run t i.tieh j ent f 'i-c',,1 wn:cr drawn f 1 .'1 by the c rivii, l.u ,hs at the idt a of be.- !de tn i r, e t!-eie CoiC mod.' . in-tn-l!e .ii.; ' .1 n.a;k:t, at. 1 th.-t h.u.-f auicd tn in t fl'Jiiout I-it - would not be su in ! n. l'ur.l.er; cur esp"-' ;ti('.: ' . . h-r ' onijencie ' t t " I i d-d'.t . What ' 1 ' ' ' -' " ' potted hum J ' ' 1' 1! t 0;.' J ti e demand , 1 ! d 1 .r .' 1 , .-! ., w , ; t ', -a.: ; the aur; t it. -t: .!, some i '- m-y be i - t. n w In..') the a,.ioint o! - ., t i.iei'.'.i: uttieles ta il. i'-airs I .r 1 ; t :. . 1 t ex; 1 1 '. ' '. ,i . l by v a . . t t . . 1. i .1 artub-a t'd. T- e w' -'e a-n not it ! lie cs,i "ti'l ii f'rty-' h'. 1 ..;',',o:,s, f v'...! h iwi-Hiy-riht tn 1..' - . I. The j : . , -I ar-.ihs titor.i. i i t 1 r . '.' . - . ) in 1 - Imih .1 T ,;..,,, j .. 1 1 t ... I' M. in v-- v ' 1 i.i.d t.a -! i' :rt ' ... 'i .. . . C ..' ... V 1, ho;,' c: -ti can he riot a d , ' t tn'.'.' m 1, t t I .t '1 !,re trn 1 . i"T nxty-tarn, 1 Iih.IhjIiI, n : o y 1 .'.1 uv:-d t r fibt'rtry lore:, 3. i. r. l !. ' r " ' i v v -, 'ij1 ' '" The Rtft Taftle tn Laie CS:; ' which first appeared' jn New-Yik and Boflon, is rontradicitd. ; frii'tsid to ' rank lwith lbs Owcan'' ttory of piit , years.- ' ' . , .,..-. i. . ' ti I s ' - ' ' ' '- ' "m -; , JfaUmtrt feftrt '..- AVe um'erstar.J, that jijiipi'ttlcS l.avJ -been lectiveJ from Gen Airstrorj cf a late date in April. Get Armstror-; wasihenin aris.- The Qiiys haj not been detaired by the French fovernmeor, but by Geo. Annstrongj to take his corn munications for our government. Sha 5 was sooa to return to En 1 and, whenc the would soon sail for the tj, S. without -rcturnitig to France. -."We; du "not )eainvr. thai any cxtiaoidinary circurastaacct hal ' occutied, ...... .' . ,. ,-, . .:. ' -' , ; f a, ,i An intelligent American jtatlefnan, whosj VvS-iel has been lately captured ky the Bri .tuh. utider the late Ordert of Council, oa, Ins way lroia Lisbon to New-York laderj' with fruit and wine. wrne from. Plymouth, (Kuh Apnl) to i.ii fuend in Loston at . . follows:-: t' ..'.. '';--",.'; ..-." An immens amount of property H ii'.lf V plundered and condemned. . Individuai M rr.m.i eypect t r tn- corfficn like ths " pitstnt. J'-it 1 a r.,crs;l foftUtfyaUsn . M ne, that'uur cvtj v,.lt not rckx in it u meamresi cut munttm n ergni ti lis' 11 lut. - ' ' Last Mor.Jiy Evenlr; there was a let " ptess, ) not ex-eptiiijr Americant--and 4 inany more of.our cilucni wdl ba force dv " into Heir service." ' (...-' ,-.', v.i'. v . . ' -. t- s- .? . -The English prinlt and correrpendenisf f " 'tery fertile sources of eomfstt to the Li S ; politicians in ilieUiuieU 6tate--tl,cy aipe. ' on paper as p-neotas Conaparte cn land Uitjt ruta American t d want of. ianUsh com- -incrce they '.. e the European continecl ' through w ant cf coffee oi.e half of the A- ' TTierican pecpk, (that ia-in even' eightht ti thenewspapers) are ready io revolt to Eng. land the other hrtlf of the' people' (and th remairdiigeiRhthof the newspapers) are sol J to franccthe American Iriibassadur af Pa- ,ri is removed, by a stroke of legerdemain, " from his station,' while he remain! without ny sort of knowledge 'of the Tact, tncj at I'jirls, or runiblu-jr , among the curiosities " which the eonqoev-s of sixtee.t yeart part . nitc i.unnuicii er 1 ar.l niessetio-era fhsf" rl.l ars ii 'ci! int.. n , ,- -st -'i an aiwer(' ii epted by a con. A-i: ! t-rv is tn f '; viivn . f f. rl th r ei (' r r f . ! 1 r- i vi, '1 the 1 .'Ir. t: -y 1 13 ! ! .ih t s oc , ' ! 'he II -n, ) v-.i-ri, ? ! t ' j .-. Th- . 4 i nr.EhJ UJ Ve?' '.'i 0 Ii it, Jt; s t I . 1 f t C 1 1 .. ! rt f -n r: e r i ct p . 1 s --, '. i , , 1 I 1 re i v. T i" - -i ''': af.cr being U rd- ' 1- ii ' h. t V f d : r vjiM.I-i.-:. " i.',iuiluiV(.j i':'bat c u Ijr cf the iLc bacralt, i i of hi llntjnic M ;'-tv Order in council tf 3 I lh. I8C3. permitlir Neidr:.! 1 to tn the tin t ir c 1 o-rs lt re cover thtirp.-' , --i'y, ) .-n vr- hi , v permit.. ted to prorrtd tj your J it cf d -(n;.ti'n,r!Ct. I 'ltd S'iiUi 1 pd O e f 'l-'wi:. 1 eJ by the Id. i. j ' In r- i" t!,S : '. f r iainmj wiif.;cii . ( the lack vntnstarid.i cf your t-ii- A lrf.fl- ii -'-ed O 't if r"A l-''pe, April ' , ! t- a e'a'alj turf .tnnle l.tie ,-, f.i,, i if. M. T'.- of - -v ; ..,(,.' .. ' C 'TT1 .- I 1 ' o )" a."d rrvol' S 8! 1 civ J . are made t bieak tut in three 1 r f j I-aru tf the V: tu.ct. us::'iV,' F-Ti:i:.StUTG, June (.. -T! " O..145 has nut been tlnJrini.t, r r even ih'ij, by the f arch. government b !.. I.'j::cn indujniou$!y; circulated ty the A'-tJ j-Arriicnu jrty ic thit country the at rV-.iine J by General Arui?iror ' at.il hit d'apaichft were ready r.beca;:T V a emptier will cot st.if.r any vc' 1 t j enter i!.:p.5rli of Trance f.ti havi. b"n in in the was iu frotcc ltj . E'i'. l. ,-nr the aosh t..f A(.iit, . 1 .. t-ijy t'.'J. ' fft XiTCtcd-... Vcare l;a- j thai l'c vi 1 cf ktulh f,!rlj tlTJ teen tn '. i. N "lie Rort; ,rt squadron bat trrive.l i To'j'on, er I .vinj? ac;nip.j)'ihei i 3 . el jo. t ct in cruie ia supplying the le. veu Idindi, ar.d taptuhrj manj Erjlisi end rottuce-e ve fell. ., , , . . It is rot. true, that American nil.! " lave been coi.d-mned l.i ' the pom cf I'i .-ca under the Milan- Defrc-. Ui t . KmiifwvorrY,, Cap:'. Cirdon artivij at I'I.;'. h 'j.hia, Iruoi Holland,' Li'... t -home tie f ; trcarocs and Crcwj c ' '. '. - I . .' ... I 1 .' ( '-. h; , 1 it ' ----- i ' , " ' ' I i. - I .... I . I ( :' "II J -;'- t . 1 frry t ii ...1 VCHi h, V! . n t' e 1 ..' .-1, r- ;t l iill.MJEl.l "ill A. . ka v i r is 1 j r t f!iT i c: t ;. TO ... 1 y a ii ,..an J rl k'0 lr,,e ami conv r."-. ; 1 )th: riiil a:.-l tv 0 C-itct in ?s cx: : ti t at ' i b V fiion r f tl.- C i t ;.i. . ' 1 . ' i t'? 1 1 ... I nt ti ' : - t' - r y- 1 l I i. ,'a. 1 t":n re- 1 -, tdded '1 the f ! - '. 1 a t ..-.it ci . v! ir ' -.a j 1 1 r - r ti,.. I the L". ' -.-- i! le thr.! i e ver'hi!) t.f Uk,llv.' tint's of anJ of tl.vi . . n' on fes :i 1 ' f D on, from !I i.-tt- ' A f; -a.n vhT d in the p ... . ha ! I" t n c ( 'hoc I ; we re an t yn' at c :.i'r-p-n in (late tkjt t t l ave r t ;; -li'T I 't h . !t a',!'ttio:i hit r ',erf I At.turad tt.'c't ba tern r' i,.'c...r'd j h it, that, Uir I'ctai.-.-I by t! r j " cil to.' argn list cn .'r J in llol. land, ti.f madtn. ( f ten tf the American .Uilelt .?!' t fen t thrir mattt and' ' (;'J? Th", SubhCli' ' 1' X ) 'J crff V i.e, l U tipenrvj j for j;;,,, rt ,f v:..iwt ani'A'U a-.J ' which pur poia ca'pt. Gitdnn b I te-n-ierj pra.,;y, i I'c-wn and it v::'. in- i't i. f,ail pcfuM.', m from the UrRf-f Hoi. Vorli.ed thit h-y !-v - T tr-,:-J l8,lo dei-aitfwr tic UultcJ Su'es, icady frdj--- kl lhe '-trtt April 19. ANDREW CUOTT. I -1 1 I

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