f 20 Dollars Reward.-. ' . . A Bargain." FOR SALE T AN-AW AY 'JLVJune'lalt AY on e bight of the 9 Y T briber deGrous of leaving ,hU : ""wrf ClarU vS,4v""n,!l,ntd 1 Proffer, for W. .gfcneUiroru- . ,'rj hh'ds. rVTolaff " -slYANAX; , of Day Goods, Hawwui, k. 3 . ASTYANAX: . Sa ii artanf five frrt riohr n. n ;..,. Gaociait . ftko nfinciDil Dart) ourcha. v tgn, noui rnaus, long mack hair, he has ! ' ". - iiuvcui. ,,'L 'ough nraigkt fear over oncofhiieyes Tetro ray be made known by ,,bt mi one Ucb, long l, he took tfhb him PF'wn v 3 v-1;:' all 1. ' clothes, and wjsy appear In a round , - V; Thbmas Wriijht.': V- bloe v HwuBsri, smo roond olaefc v!: imj 19- v V;: 1 1 hat tnJ,w;'artt co n nanketnpaB V - "; 1 Co. prime sugar fo baas Green Coffee. AoguR 1. ishes:;'&;.G fT"! HE subscriber" being about to connect !? avi , 4he manufactory of Soap, with bin Tallow Chandler, will pure hast, Ahe t ; a good quanta, end all kinds of Grease7 Slush from'ihippingi kitchent, fcc. he will ; shortly end cart through itheTown at V regular period v, (or the reception of Ashes ' and hope that famines will see their interest i in savior those articles.':. It may afsfbrilk i 01 i!utr . -w . , t,-. . . , ? ,"" .".r-T"' T " .. -. : object to tnose eonvenient to market,, wh i-, exper.ccs aviu bc ""iniing 'mJilUWriPlltSKlJarDenterS WantecL.;- re--eTerint lands, to save tbeir Arties. C any goal r deuyensg itiia lo the fubic'ri-'rs-;Bi' fw, i; , -Vfi ? filters himself in a si -kef." taloonS, ? Of may Bave on knee breeches of 4 TtW BOXtT EXCEIvtEKT v - ciVher ;" or nankeen.1 He is wett -QVUr kno'Wfl in Georgetown and On ih5t)eckv OmOaked ; nemilgS, r ' His Jepartue byng ite unexpefted if ii.-v';';v V fo Sal'i-M,;,;: impoUble torf 0'jeclHs what he .jrnay at- Er.yntc of .'"A V.:.. fJ Wv., , iemiiJ-PlwrrrcrJpti6 (orbid harbours. ?4 or taking Imn out f jWtimipifon; July ;'i9"'.hj8o8.'fiS' 4 oi the aatet.oycrewarditb'ang'"- m'1.'' i-..,:: ,..' ' .V -' V He - short time to be able te ' THE flfrter w.fhes to employ a fevy ; ;iappIy tfcf -.of Soap as well as the beC tf.f fleJiUopcarcJ at the fame (im? and trobabt ate with Win. '..".Their names ai v . H..'jatrsri vY 'ft1)VVIGlir.i'- Candle oierateri m ; ' NB.-TpBo,; about -telye earf;;.;v,;:-;JO? v20 Dollars Reward.; ; Tl AN: AWAY frorn ilie fubferrber CrODaDtJ aiC wun li.Mii. . tin, iia'ni.0 ' . . K 1 ' '' "t Alexander .wd m a DooN. i f ;&w anted Immediately r the- above hyi are lakcn they will b - ... tVr t r; " handfoinely fewadeJ Five Dollars character, without a ch'ild TX7ILLbc Pd ior the delivery of melldbej tll coot and waftcr.-:Eo' .VV, a negro, by about 801 ' 20 yeira qu-lre ot ,he Jrtnter. . - 1 ci age, iiucu 111 - .vi ,. , A,,g(j . -ir Daniel MaHcf, r.acned . SUED or SUUDKICK. SHOES. Hela.fuppofed to be luikwj about the (rit7ILLlAM 11. BIATTY refpefl . point, plantation lire hn inother is, . ,y y,; fuuy Jnforrns h'n friend and the ( trom ncn 111 comes it eqtwuuy iwiwwii. , pub!ick that he erniinuei to manultftote ISo caufecan be ailigncd for bis abfunce, he havioK been fent fiom OU Htown about foot or five weeks ago to town lor loin articles & has not returned ; The above reward '.will be paid on' lining bins in Wilmington jail. ',.;'- ;.;':,' ' ; Augu it . 9.' : , 1 . !; "" -' 3 w 1,000 Bushels for sale on a credit for Notes payable at the Eat.k, or way be exchange J lof-Kice, Fi and Coarfe Shots at his manufaflo. y o;i 8uh River ''.Thole who yill fa ' tor him with (heir cuHom may be allured that every .ettention will he raid to their , otders. They will ptcafe to have the mea fures for Negro Shoes fcr.t to the .Stage Office t the men's mefur ktp!. fepa rate from thofe ff the woncn. He ha ; jail in the flate. Wilmington about fix wek - agOkJ. , a' Negto' Woman named '.' ; '','" J 1 '' l.v ' S', ' J ESSE; yh i aWut twenty-trsree years old, fife feet.fi?;'-.; or fevert inches high, (lender made, vi& liktly j ?refl'e fery gen'celly,"' and 'pe . U t rterally Wears a blue handkerchief xh hejf.vV1 .hifd, which comes down Over her eyes oa t ?? ccou'ot bf their being ery weak! fte:i V,: light comp(e0ed wa broughs'pJis;shejj . Jamily of Mr. Daniel Mallett,"Uitole, . tab'e good ica mil re is and ,well ace,ualntiv; ''ed witrjhoule wotk. :; -' "4' "-r- ';vj I I have reafon to believe : fcef il iftt,' .;' Fayttcville or Raleigh, wbire, fce ha V;,' : fome relations. ' ; .;;-'--'.-:. ' . ' I will give the' above reward for Jeli " -yering her to me or the jailor of this place, ' or 1 en Uo-lara ter coohmog tier ta anj;j v.- err hand a targe lupply of good leather. ; : . - J uly : V , y' ,x rV . ELECTION. ; - Msy tj. JOHN WILLIAMS. Auguft p A. LAZARUS. 2 XTOTICE U herby giren, that an Etec- , . , v , , ' . u - j. XN tion for Members to represent the Coon. AVatch Maker, GoldsmUftj ana; "1y 'of' Ne w-Ilanovtr and Town of Wilming- ; : '..' , Jeweller ' ' ' lh "T?1 ' 1 EXPECT FULLY Intorms'thelnhaMttttr- Ur to rpreaent the -d.Hnct oX W. mington K of Wl,minKton and it vlciaity, that h , In PnniTi will Commence al the home ... . " . . w " TT " : . j.. ,1. . u r continues to carry on liw D'umess at nt 014 Journeymeiv-Hatters, : Thorny ro thB tnerof DuCk, tnd Fr(nt, : ' -.1 ' II" -Awgnit. at Wash neton, on the Mr.g - : . . . c d Si, to whom cnitam einpiy mem vn . , Crrk itridee and aniy ttnn, .n in iuu,. v ' 1,, nd finish at Wilmington on the iJ'.Iu ; v :Wm. NUTT, ,$h, July 19. ;f" - ', Wanted two or three given. App r n 1 - . n - iPti-n, Aui;i it 9. ' ''' Wilmingti Notice. T lA ItrrehotJert of itew-Hanrter Cunty. 'ILL be fold at Public Auftion on , , TTT1 -VV ih, .ash Scaieenber. the li.iufe and ' v . .... .-j , - 'trtLOw-CtTiians, , . j.Vi now r . "i . lfriendsln dilTtrent pans 01 uiecouaty, s In the town of bmrhville, the Vrperty of fferBeir4 Candidate at th doming Llec John fjarclay, to f-t .fj an Eutiim in Joa a ih. Senate of the , my hands in fjr of the United S'.MXi General Assembly.. 1 , Junius C. Dunbibin, l am induced to address you onthisoeca. rT '. ' Debvtj Jlarsw4' Vion, from the circumstance oMt havms been i 's. V . ; , ..." faUety reported by some malicious person, ( Augun 9 .y ,, mJ ,ote on lne paw of tht ludici- ary Dill, W R'en lro ainiwer inmnm work are made and repaired In the neatest ' manner, and warranted te be of the best - t Cold and Silver.. All tho.e . who hav had . wotk done, if not to their satisfaction, tnsy , have It altered gratiu He has on hand for sale, low. for cash, a small assortment of . Jewelry i and also one good Clock; One. - dollar and twelve and a half cents will be giv . en for old Silver per ounce.' ' ; , ,N..B. Pcing called upon by hi ereditors ' for payment, be it under the necessaty of requeuing all who are indebted to him to ctlf and mule their accounts and they will erj panicuisriy uonge niu ai pnicni. -. June S. ." s .. V:: , '' ' '" ' ' bt fuhjcriltr tffsftr fait tht fill ling arn at I, Viz. , , :' V '.t Lumber. Although mytrUnda may not deem a public .00 IMi. Molaflci " . ' 'it v . r J; refutation of this report essential to my poll-, do.. Sugar , A FA1K rr.cp will b. g-ven f en or ' ( toroy cmn cbarae- t b,rl,V . XX 15,000 leer l l-; ter, n(j regard fur the pood opinion el my, 4 , fcaniling leiiverea aiva.. tuntrymen generally, wnich I natevcr elaniaiien 00 l'rince George Creek, to tmbiuou to cherUh and deserve, impel which raft can be carried. Apply o alet to declare, lhat It Is noijimndtd in - ' Giles U Bunnvin. , mr'. - My vote on the Judiciary Bill,; wav ' '. n . -w the remit of an opinion carefully and dthbcN AuguU t9 ' ' rornked, that an alteration in our Court .n.ntTnrif MTPTinV .system was necary, and would be prodBe r AT.rUBLIC AUC HON . Jve of puUic btnetu-But nevertheless had -t 1 .. v Mr;Vr(t lntructinns from my corlitutnt AVthe" flore of iKef.)bfcliber on Tnef.lay - . - -,ub- ct --tfich 1 n fin ndfourei .., J 1 n it A the l6tb ina. will commence ihe Ule ol to u, mJ TOte would have ben gov. the remainin-Stockin Tre'e, belonging ernC(1 lhereDT for I conceivithat the will of to the lae concern of Lsng'Jon & Lyde lhe Repreientative, should in such caae, ykli , Cif.Jl":r tj ' to he will ol the people. puncheons 4th proof Run la . do id do do 1 fiM, CoffeeT . - ; 6 Dbs, do ' ',,. 38 botes Snap '.. ' 7 do, ' Choco! 1 - . bolts Uuffia Ducfc: - - ' ' 1 P'ecf. Raveos do.' I chr.ni Hrfon Tea ". ' . ' 1 do. . Clack do. -: ;.. , ' ' CodfiQj by the hot or b6 wtghT 4 bsrrel Fayette vil'.e Flour it do. Philadelphia fuoerGaedA' Aty Mules in a panur 4 miles from ' r M . V , Groceries, Liquors, cc.. lh4t,h0U,,ub. honored wuh.n.jer.' U"B; . ,IANv0'M KFrfV ' " ' I ' u,b;thnlbJ',lhu,it, viz. . i.y of your surTrages, I shall endeavour I. i . ; "ANbON KELLY.- ' W fl lhfn&Clio:.nrailnal1 d,.charKe the important tmt so 10 merit i9"' - , , , ' ' ' . Imperial, nvionuwu. . ..,'. ,nnrlf!.nca and promote eur common - , ' . 11 " 5 S.... .f imi I ute. Viaier, i vii m. . 7 . . ' , - TVriTlf'P. . uartsw- . , " iiv. w. , , i . , Sherry Win, in b"ul., 3.l and 4'h prijut XJ j toon.' Twin& Line. Sheet Lead, Nails, Crockery. Glaf. Stone- h Tm W.ies, . alffcveial raskifeit-l DrMnd Hardware Go3s, which teill be lolJ on ' tlilieral cidlil. - . ; ' -' , . ' Richard Langdon, ; Aufl9' - ' . '. ' -.. I.bsye tht h"r to oe -i Your motobeflient aervsnU -HICHARUMXON. '.''JulySth 85S. - ' y- '' ;;' ' ' CCT" The subscribers to' the Wtndtrt ef Natiri end Art, and FtnoU Bio "Xrafihj,a this Town-and Its vicinity, are in (ormsd ihit thsy have com to haad anJ.ar rsaCy fer delivery at la took kter. f , rpHECubfcriber ha.t ecllnejbu ''X Cifforthepefeot In vyv-njpgton,. re q.klls ll thole who si Indebted S nu y Mte, open account or tbiwire, l mskepstmeaton or btfora lU fU ft Septerber neM.it being out of his power to gr.a, inducer.. VJ :2i s ' S3 a. r ,1 i V