however,, which shall net have teen in I'r land, may freely enter the Hussion port, i.,i export the production of the Empire, tviih Ithiproviso, that the commercial Lenses to which : such vessel shall be iidilitiS'td, tlntl undertake in writing, .that uclr vessel ,hall. not 50 to Entjland but that they wilt consign their cargoes to fome port belonging to a. power friendly to Russia. The undcrtgnd think it .tii duty te communicate this ne 'arranjrement to Mr. Lovett Harris, Cnul General for the United State of America, J und seizes thi opportunity to renew the as surances of hi high consideration. . (Sifeticd) - . - , ' s 'Cobwt NrcHotAS TloMASiorr,' . y , Tettr$burgh lOri J8Q8. , j IJr.LovxTT Uabri.' , , ; Jt . "Match EsTes, June it. 1 Uy vcfTel which elFetted ,her tape. ftfrom Charavte,onthe 30th utt. by culling '"tot every tMo deaf J trail iitcYmincd cn berty or Dci'-lv 'J.'. . 7r; ; . f Ji. Jfajr .irk, he argued the Y'ortunate pioplei IdiJ not hear him ; -..k. Lut 1 am told by a . iiirnd, whose veracity l ean rely on that he ,, said "his fiiherwa a weaver, and exhorted ; them to supp i 1 the cause, but, to Conduct thetmclves with propriety, and that he would fci a id hy them, and if one was hurt to apply to h 1 111 lorfediess.' , . , , LON DON7 June u I Traps with America, v " - " ' SRirim iiousE'ef coMAiotiX " ' IVtdntJimS'jfunt . , ' T'hehou'e refolreJ iilelf -into a com mjttee to crmfider of the means, of pro" rooting commercial tiitei.courld with, Ante? , ,, , ' v ... i . ' , Mr. Rofe prefaced the motion ht in tended iu fubmit by a fuccinft Inftory of the commercial Jntercourfe between this , tu,,,.,, 4.u.w..r .,, ,.. m apw-.y ;. her cabled, we hnd tliat an oracr nan . ciVe thia ofte insertion, In fl.n as not to be audi hip frnm the ciL , ; at ir.L. - tr-,...- v, livin ,. v - Jeiy. He then adverted to the .iinfricndlj .a ftjia EMBARGO ON ALL VES ? diJpofition fcccijily nd ftill hianifefled by $ELS without refpea itt'any &ig what". oofly to the mutual difadvantage ef both, j The" captain of a veJTel -which arrived yeiieniay itom. in . uutcn coanr nic . hat it was rumouieda,lh, time of his "departure which wai on tit .ifrinff.'thir 'Ae' PRUSSI ANSKEVOU ; TED againft -the 'French lroopv'J 1 ; it hid been Vrry formidabfe partlculrjr ! ar;t$uiu,ani ivjacreotirg X rm.NloK, Ai;pii VX'.r- X XHaving pullUheci the ndveitisement tf Dr. Sawyer resP ,inS "A-rtlmr iiowr, jun. -and being requested by Mi. Gruiic, a ivla-. tion of ni4 Jp.we, "to inset t the bovt , we deena it but justice loTV. lawyer to'iy, tlit,. . the above prodttction, w fr c'n;e.wiUiiii our knowledge;. i lbijlijfindd. - Wv,-, tapha,"twe rt lnformeJ y the Doctor, ha never, since, he wned him, bvea 'allowed to hire hi own time.: . Howe's intentions te- tainlv were bad, havHt' we :ie credibly .inforrnetl, UKcnvtfle. itnow o.t in me ' and hi hsvintr crossed Chtiwun river mornins a little after; day-ligHt, aur much of rogue'T' vVe TKV ' r,( hV resectable connections) that : .- 1 .. . , r II in bur Dower to say any mng jar orpine joung man.1 -1 fd. Gat. ty i nc rrmter at wtiunugiuu '!,"'".. ' ' . .i ' . : " '' W il, had issued a Procmat'toTt, of 5 tki-ing aU rrcr.cbnit-n in the place, who had y KDt uken the oavh cf allcfiiace to .Spam pre- v'nin to the late revoldumWto quit the isl-:--'nd immediately ;' and hat ast mimber - had o'.readv tailed lor the United J'ae--- - Th Caroline has JO on buard.." Iwt ' ' Vl'.Hti.h men of war were lying at Uavann 1 w he captain T. sviled, beside a number i rf -KnRtib privateer.: .. The . , fng-te . Franchrte.' ad brig Hre Fly, which had beti , at ! ! avanna, had sailed for Jamai ca, w 1 th 0 is- nat'.hcs. :':'?".''' -: 'v"'':f1 " t - . ' i . The BritiJi rfJicer aw treate d with most marked and enihuHioc rcsipcLi. t, . th- firm del 'ermmatto - -4 ,-ltt ;,rf Ct,!ia to declare iuelf indc-penden t, m ; ; vtrv 'ihe event ct UonupHrie's sacces & - v . 1 tcrom present povtiiiii.cuv ui h-'" : - it i iu,t'X Struct of LlUr from IL-vna,o 4 genlf , J, f-thit' mad in thii rfy, detect 3tt juty . j, This djy hi-:BM.:..brig P,Mppcapt. TiOll, in 9 days itom Jamutc, m un. ""toortr'atid brought J he lollowing inul ligence f nations. ., Hie otjca or"thi propobtioti WaJ, tofhew to America that thiscountry . had friendly difoofnions lowirds hef. and - that (lie was dilpofed in future to carry y on commercial intercourfe witlj her, when-s i ytt complete amity beti(treen both Ihoul 5 be reftoredJ.(t,.lfe wal ;hot. '.ahiloMi lo re new the -treaty which had beem fettled ho-";; . fore lntrrcnnrfe'brokeVpt bfcaufeit war' -One which tvbuld have been very difaJvitt J tageotia t to Eoglafit.; - Cut - hi ;y utpofe",( 1 would be to put America, in her future ' trade, on a footing wich the mod favored . ' WILMINGTON, . TUESDAY,' AUGUST 25, 1805. - Jleium of ELxtitns fot member? of thi titt.t ! Genctl Jsfembiy, Mni Ctngrcst.' ' rtMfl Tlionia 'I readn'ill, her.ate. Vil-, Jiam Johnston aud Lawrence Moore, -Com-tiivhar- -, - ' - rfcriV Ceorfce Outlaw, "Senate." Joseph , Bryan and Willmm Eason, Congruous. vCiaiaw-r John Farrar, Senate.' : Jwhn Me-liai-e and Andrew lleaden. Common.. , Moon Tjioma Ty m, Senate. Arclii hald lacNilt and V lliaia Uoie.-. Coni mons. ' -; ' ' .Samhson Joab "BlacVman, "SenSto il- - f Cy account received frem Cad t a. to the r '19th of Jmie,' the '.Spanish, general Jlw 3 - August 5. . ' ' 5 W V THE Sr AK1 ih N ATION. ' ' 'The Soani nation, more than'pny other. 'lid lived Pih the faidst of extract dmary e. r, Jiani Kino; and Jesc iVrden, Common.; Iiatibni and to' pVpf ' hat ; t KeTipi iitietW hu;' htch ibave ,had littte inllnenco, on y OranJare Mebanei Senaici : John file he meant to offer fliould in .the;" I rHhtit rnannersU 'Cat! wei rrprtsent to oir: : Thompson tindDavid Melwne, Common. irftaiM - contHti Ricyrn operation. 'ctrctTro'jropletimotxxprshe in eniu, ,,: ''7?tiwon Benjamin Let," Senate. ; 'HtfKT. , 31c concludelfJ)y moving a refoluiion to TDannef s,' laws, interests and rcliqion tjianlX Tlrown and , Alexander llowlaiid, Commons. the fb Sowi.-J effect j That all cpod,Xlie Spaniards aAdlMrs-rfian ltritina":j' ."wajoiin Viliiam,'Seiiate. . losepb;; varet and mt'ichaiuleVa'the growth snd f ""' ;MMlemen,.'''tablilie4. for aeven or f ; Jlichardson and Joseph Booh, Commons. ? W0d..ce of oieilca itrorted; Kilo MtZ"? te:,; conn.rv either U Bfiifh thin : Waited - Vul rco'ttrae; with; a"T other .'people. aK,Jone,V.r.) and Dr. AILn .C.lchrjt, cc-Unuto law, or WfkmA.' jTtiT iv rm lurellinmin ntmu hu inn .r . " . . V . r r AVhat ought we to expect that A nnaiKirt Hl'n.' xhl, W nllA &Mii a KaA - - -.. . .,r , ociety without esampl ''fbuiths -of thecrewi t f vvluch mail be na- ,-wt..-,.-u uses of Americ3,Thould be 'admitlid 'at ' f mre or evea Rallant' action j the fame ratei of ifutjr at; were jpaiilpr ' much a the ether, brave i k t !U f.,ii attrrintPt. W P I riiie,;Apauoca, wui..a -..vw.-.--, : -., v; ordered by the National Juoto ot Spittn, t. proceed to London, not only with po-M-.i conclude, hot tomer mto air cfien-- fl tive nd ecf.rnveValliaticc, o rirry on thet v v,r against I-VAnrf,'atheiroinmtft enemy. Vi the evening of the 19th June,.;. these': Cunm'uionfti aailed from Cadiz lor, Lon-,: don, on bfl-rd' the Revenge British amp of,; war, Sir John Core, commar.der. : In conscq'ience tthe Emperor of Con-; ftan'inople declaring vr caint Fjn, !" Tm-l-Mi Ambassador had urnveil at Libral-i tar with aipleudid letmue, ana on!; wait-;.. ,', j ; ed for a BrUifch f-'P of wartocenvty hiraAoJ"7 .London' 7-t r ; 'C: .... ; .XX rX-X'.vX i , 7 ' 'Vntatut'dxvtiit in thit tiwat 'LleuXtnQxt .-J . ' a tnuil Mond, to Mist Rebrcca Wrihf. ' XV.. X,';' J 'TORT OF AVILMIau 1 urs ,. . ; :.'. r.STERtfl.'. '-'.'' '"v7.- Xit. ilrthr. Trimmer, Sharp.' 20 dyi i ,'t frni llcrnuvla-Cji ijo. ugar,-to Waster.' ji'i-f. aiScii. Venus, Howard, ' Boston , i .eoecca, Lei ry, uum uunua the like articles roomif fOrn the moft favored nations ; and h4t all comraVdi ties brought from other nation or caytu. red from an enemy by ,tlie '.Americans, , fliouU becntered into Criijih porn atthe .' Jowell ilu.irt paid by any oilier country ?' Alter lome convetlauon between Jvif. ate, who laid down their arm only to ijve . thernseivt tip to plt-aSures, ann with whom. the ' onavoidal)le intercourse hetwem thm'x cxs had lo romlut all the obstacle pre eehtedby a flifTeience of religion,' manner , r 'nr . -T i .1 c. ... ,och a, alate ...Jame. luirtngton ani Joim '.iman, v-otw- yai ait .to Jonn i. . I ein hitory, will;, ynon.v . i!, . ; : ry . D . ; ' J imonr mr.. "iTam Villiam and Lewis Daniel, Commons. -Tife briar Exchange, richol, ha arrived. and baMioBV' :', V . fJift'iBi Wnt".:' Ftnund, !Se.Satr v.. t 1'biUdclphia, 4 dy from this port. . ; 7, V : Franc. A Uyriuro and' 'Cob John Harrison, Common. ' : " ' Criwia-.Thqmrs,Tavlor. f.cnale. Sa-. muel Parker and Wnham liobarda, Com- aion. 'l' . .'7. .4 r'i ;' . ponfonbr, the chancellor of the exchequer nd Urr;bk Itrur,,le; th Spaniard de and implacable domcitie animosiiiei on both ' v' " Mtgonutj .tldrnund Dehcrry, 'Senate.' Bidet- " ;, ' " p-'f."' " X XX X f-Soepb l'aron and Clsbon Harris, Common." Inured to oppoVifion and anecrby thi X ' JlndMh Collin Steed.' Sedate. W.'Ar- ufo and ', "..; Ipr! .if ' '.' .and Mr. IJen the rcfolotioo wai'ajjreed ..'. '.:' .f V -i-'.:j i. "ft-( f V .. Mr. Rofs then moved anofher'refolu-' tiorv-tiiat all tobacco imported ' feonj A-: anerica in Bfitift 'or American (hips afottfaid be admitted in Britifh volU, at the fame duriea wiih lobacXd coming from' Hold and Stth VV'aiJe, ComTnoti. i;r(! themselve from the warlike fruest f Cu.7rd Jona'hao Fat ker,' Senaf. : Jlo onW to dominate over the old world, and v- btt Jlatinon and John Howell, Commons rjiWaJohii Foster,' Senate. Thomaa II. Alston aarlJame J. HilL Comnaoris. AViA .William Anington, Senate.5' Bed toon Bui'.n and AmnCaudy, Common?. ' Edrrtomht Henry LTotile. cnte. liar- then Or to the conqoegt, f the -new. ' They 'astonished the universe hy the enterprise, ot ' their Cortea't and their Pizarro'. and by the predipiotis power' of their Charles the Vths, Since those brilliant eooch in her history.' 1U Bfitilh plantationi i and thr all fnufft ' Snain ti ot tedoced into the twd.nai? tpaclt.;. ij thwet aM jv.t -an Maucik mmons. from the fame be. admitted, at the tame . ?r"Jr 'r.'" V-' V! V' .tU .u; rnnv. finin lauvn JIf?r IiaiUHIl HUM Ittf II, . 'ii"i . , . Uwatin the nature of thinn that "rifpose X.X' arJame Rhode, Smute. ..William ahmjld iuccted o many agftatipnt.'tnd evert . Smith and Jets Slocum. Common," , , v , ; lanuuortoa state rihinio violent.;;, , X Tovntf Newbtrn William Gas'on , r , But that brave and bighaprited people p- " Craxtn Cmfjl!fury Tillman, Senate prar at Ungtk to have awakened front their ' John S. NcLgii and Stephen ILmU, Com- Iumoe,r.. ieoue4 to vengeance br a leriet comm. tee ot tne wtio e , ofth! pwt deKrading oppression., revolfm ) confideraUoa tile trade . horr0rt the atrocion and parralleled r ' ' . , ' tartiitw att4 kenas .f ik- - - , J - NOTICE. T 7s TILL he fold a. Public Auflion caj . V V the iQ-h ocpirmbrr, thell'Hif Lot now occnpte-l hv George Car I r the town of Smi'livillc, ti c properly Il.n r.r I tn filufr an I -rulon In , '. triy hancta in favr of ti e United S'a.ts.1 ' -'Junius C. l)v:nblbint X;, rrAKENOTltE, that Win. South- f -. tlutje S fntlffl CBtnirio from ja u,) 1 In reIjiutiori , wat alfa agreed Jo, and 'ordered sole repeated todnorrowi : ; On tlie motion ot Mr. Rofe it war or. Vricd.that the houfe would to motrow te . fulve Srfelf ioto a committee of the' whole Jionfr, Iw.ake' into with the Braiili. Akkuca Contet ate, hondtn U.kt, the' whole Soani-th nation inttrir tit - - . . i ' r I 4805,. , . be electrified by the ho y fire of Patbiotisx. Ttiont, . .', . ': . '.' i .' ' CortrrrfErriih ' Pigntt, .Senate, '."Jacob Henry and J. Huberts, Common. s ," " v Jones F.noch Foy, Senate. , ; IVlmond Hatch and Jsmat C Bryan, Cnmmnrt.' ' REPRESENTATIVES tS CONCRESS. The following oflioial' communlcailon jo Animated by a tiecere love of country,, JVVtiere JDittrict John Sr.ty tnt euie,-; un inaiani amvto, a.- nave wnicn use rengion it , n all but oegeaeratr deemed tt an mcumoent ooty to make puulict forth informatinof alfAmerkan merchant, and otber alfecud thereby. , ' (Sicwedt -WM. LYMAN. ' Jr. rcterjrrfc,.rt4) ztth 'Afrit UQli- Sit 1 herewith band" yoda copy of a nvte fiftitexiUt Dittrict Archibald aJcSnde. Irrrcij(i Dlttritl; Nathaniel Maron. ' ilUifjrotrgi 'jirt'cr Richard Stanford. oulsja entinent , innate , in -the hert of Ttiatir-f oaded to revenue by a ; aerie of the" mot unheard of act of oppression, and at last called into action by tha jate diabolical view and treachery of Raonapart,they will bear down all opposition, end drive froraX their dnr nstiv land with terrible tlanr h(er I lately received from the minister of foreiga . .those blood hounds, who, under various de- aflalrs, which will acquamr you, that mea. -ceptiv prrtext have erept Into the territory i michkfl ! the EmDeror llonaDarte. w UrlmiUrtotboepuruedbyFrne, with Xvf the defendant ofth-se brave men who 'order to hii I officer at Caudaloupe, to tu Capt. Aydelott, from P. , P. Gaudaloupr, respect to neutral ,Vtsel'lrdina; betir.eeit. J'.ngland and her porta, have been adopted here AU intercourse by mem of owr5air Is thus stopped between CrraLBriuin and .who art Wed here yesterday, iolorms, that 5 dys previous to bU ssilinp, vessel ar- rived there, in 33 flay front Hay one, cut- Itll take fonrUt and, conquered nde Charles and '-possrssioa of South-America, and to hoit t-i.ilif. ITi.f.e. k. f . . i .i - . r.u. r . Phipp. Uulike the German empire. divided into numberless principalities (the aoil for -.intrijtti to weaken by' lowing dissentions) Itusiia. You will please to communicate our the .Spaniard have but one Rovtrnnsent, oner i intention to those whom it may inctrctt, and . behete me; re.pcctfully ' - ( ' ' " , Sir. your most obi aervent; . - ' :-. (Signed).'. LOVE'f T H ARRIS. ' . V. itciAM. Ltm aw, Esq. ,y - jiittntjnCtniul, Londjn, ,v w . ' i , . -.;.." In nrdir to prevent the posilirity ef any ' "enmrouoicalion whateverbetwten l!uiand " ( F-r-fMand, lni Iwpcriil Majesty bsjud(;e.l It ; adviwatle to order that no vessel eomiuir; ' . frons n r.hqlith port, c Kn if it belotij; to a nation friendly to Ku.sii, and' sh.tlVit be , religion, the same interests, and above all i possessing a higher watiow At, f tT than ; any other nation on the eontineut of Eu. rope. . , ; ' , ' C With all lh(se material to prodwc tatTT t of action, and burning with Jcdignatisn' to, avenge the, multiplied ii.j-iriea and inanlta heaped upon them by a Dtvtt. under the ) mask of a Fatrao. the : arms will he art irresistible a to driv ihf in. : ; iduou invaders from their oiJ. - Once ve t the Pyrenees, the French can never agaia' ' penetrate a country dtfendrd h Irfnumi.!..' laden with n tnerthsndits, shall b admiv-XHble passe and mountain, and where in eve. ted into li.e po.a of IIu.j . Ltcr vend, , ry mam wiU U found a otua fighting , '' ,-';;''' 3 '.-.. , '. i --t .' ..v.X the French flair in eh name of the Emperor 1 of France, IViag of Italy," protector of the Rbinisb Confederation, King ci Spain, For tugal and the Indies. . ' ' , f i- .'. The above vessel took out 84 barrels of flour, which wa told at 43 dollar per bar rel. , .' v v . - ', : . A letter by the Enterprise, dated Cauda ' loupe, the. 14th of July, eUtes, that a few days aince, the Britiah made an atta-k cw lb Island of St. Martins, with 120 men'.' , and alter having possession of th island fjr two bourt, they Were repulsed, With the loss f all their party killed, excepting 13 rrtn. ' ' : .' CaAatisTow, August IS.' ' Tle hlp Caroline, captain Tof.s, arnvrd at quarantine thi mornii-K from Havanna, in day; byhef Wikam, that th Covtrsior - . -- t'- ill -: I1 .ciland, Llqiiire, cf the eour.tyot Duplin i a .1-ar, and doth not at all time fye A the truth he has thirled me faHcly ,sith Lcinjf. in arrear wi-h him in a col- v leQien ol fwo cy ! had to col rrt ,f.-r bin , amgent for Jafcp'i Dean k Davil Bo-'; ney ; he took an atiarhmcnt BgairiR.ine.V" ' nd levied if on my land and flanialioT in Duplin when 1 wat about ro lemove . to rew-Unovcr, t!ie fime lu-h ni been ' f nlly fettled, but to Ihew to .be world X hi envy and insiicc ho cave leave to Hie ', Sheriff to fell my land v another, LxecU- - , . tnigltt hsv fold it mjftlf for 44Jdo!lart. .'j : ami the irxtitt loid it lor too-ao m, - - jnuruny ot juiy wo-iti iau,at u rpnn ? SoutherUnd aeknowlcried be wa in my ' debt when be took out tlu sttachment . ' 'jr'd had jeceived .be money bimftlf 1 was .U,-,A iiihl a t ,il boonhr ima I nrfrS ' and livtd or. I c in citrayizaace. but Cod witneft wt.ti bit bent, keiliJnot ' in'cni a dcfiaud, bu- wlut wat dol'waa , in igiiofaoie ai d mulakc, for he woulj i fwum to fware to a lie if he knew it, but - ' , had turgot wbat he Lid done ''With' that morcy at tlie time l.e fwoti io il.e at- ', fJut he it kn wn he I In ar rears with Joffjl) D an' LteciitO.5, an4'; liaih.Hiove t urcvui e a forrtJ rtceipt. ' which 1 can prove ; I alfo bate feed ire Soctherland' pftt where he had pai l)cn ftnif hnt dred dollsri, or rar lht ;. amLr,. &i ( h f, t m , f I 4 a.fisr il w a pillUMin s stall si i V4 " ' v. a w wm m W j etitcrct :on was every ctM, ar.d a I he ha I paij Mr. Dan, but find ha winte.l . to f.trc John F.' Rb-i'ci to forge a " leCript. 1 w.ll wait fi-r lis anfwer to wlut I have wrote, and If ha d-Xaj roltry lo cMrio'e himfcif, I wiHtlip in fajii'g 1 Can t "e I im li-ir. . MOLSiMA.NMNO.- Ac;uaiJ. i i. ' ." ,.:.' - '.' j ..' ... -

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