1 . ' r 1 w i -? i - - iJritItUr.) cy'-which Ftaacaaa obtained in our na- f fiht; v;. -Mf fore Wt& Worth crhrtlrt Itf f4 X'-. -''t-- 'ifenaUouqcilt, .Ai 'n (enwWng lit, C.''f 1 V:y-j-TPwiH.iiftB thi dt!ifUTuj Mrflwoeei but 'difgtace But it : sccxtti the Tedcralists , Wiy . W a$ on l suppc - , f viriftK:wWW'tt' tfmnttit fen tfrfclliffiirt everit Sitiod thit NYork .Wtte & dis- ' p . . .; it. IhU la tlk. .i'atonfiictvt dkrtie'nomt A -iwtto! H irpottiilt, thai hetf fclector1' tcxei ' ' b rtqaUitr !p idctitloit totM other rt- -t: Wll&fieifc.tfi U oU of VtrritcmtNi ejWktt. Nop i ber fftuna tfi deipiifr MM.trotet maf b Cedent, in this etteth tou ofNtw-Ydrk U neeciurf to la mrt tHe pieces of the rtjiiiWiotn candidate, " To Uluatrate this, ut dowfliall'the (crtlowioi fita m fcdml - - : n'-y ? ' l' J- , Jfew-llampaWro - . . w;tirMmIroM,.-v-.r:.-tf Vd fehoda-laUmt :i g;tK ' 4 : Vermont 'X'Kt-v-'V'-: J-jCt;i. Ueir-Jenef :ltp. t V-! " Peonayha'nifc id ..' -r-'-Delaware S And atlow farther, ti merely txmtble, (hui ii foltowins ttalca fit th federal votea corned out, vit.' y,., ,:-t- Marjland :-:mf4 V ' Xiorth-Caronim ; . 4 1:: i. :"; -Apd wt hat " t'rJ t intd U tbnolutelj certain, Tit Maryland V Honh-CaroKiia .South-Carolina : fceorjffa v . leotock , TennetMO t . Ohio " v' :; r 10 e s s - ."i ThU rwmtt ktm 4 federal, and n re frublican votea, Indeperideody ef N-York: t tiirhty-oine conthotlnj a majority ot the . hole rote,' aftd bein con'iequenily reqvii , tte tothe cbntee of a PreiidVn'ti aecoTdinj to' the ebote atatettent, the totet of New-York; dread oitho ans wW'ch: th'i.a .oerBduoua nailde praAifes to lUr6y ..hor" devoted victims ueaeva tell prey to toe tree ipherjf of France. a(T!(leU by the efkledneu IridcreJulity ol tibeiir'owit citizen, mI he reafonab'e ' faart-thai nnleti a 'toll chaoie df 'polif'Ki je tffe&ei fimiUr -.12. iL-i J? .Vl'lkliiLi' L, n Ttiii tentteman,turni4tea .aoothef In." fiance of the ttiumphof reaftfti over pre judice and patAon,.; )n; the early periodi ot the r rencn revolution i ne was lo (trongiy cputatnipted W the ipfeflior. of jacobinifro, a lo appear incurable. But a more inutnite acquaintance wiui drench pulitkkt hai removed the or gibst taii.t. The ptepondctaiing power ot France J) not novr, rfrcreniee to hit ithainatioii iq the alluiing form, of ) people ttrogijling; for freedom Hi fen fit are alarmed bf the afpect of a furio'i , and unrelenting defpottfi which threaten! tobaolfh liberty from the earth operation of a whole Tome ' fear, hit tlluGon have been di fuelled, and he iflay now reafooably nreteodto a risk among thole Rateleieo, wtm purlce real and practical good ih pre fere Lee tqbtiati tainaoie ODjecia or lancica put uncert.aip advaniager - Hit cdndoct Is England Wat the teiuU of real political mUonreombu lied with an bonoraoie tleure I), advance the.inierttl-and (ecu re the' peace of hit country. - Yet tot th.il conduct, he Mi been dcn6uncV5l. by Int. Jetterlbn, and difebargedby hit partyi . hit btende. n.'uoccd, becaule he would not enter Into th: pernicious views of our .cabinet,' la footnoting the dettns of tiubaapaYie' .ft . be expiree J tioetica; , . c X ; ' US first nfccessarily ty uke placed U 'ti'Techti before this Restriction be vtmovcdi - tor. the partial supplyttbis con should 3jh vget btopdwer.iJ . " tinentffoa Mwiafthusett w Lou Syppos th:ri ihat to proctfrt a. ;K Brii$ mfiiufecture 1 0mtat;pimtmstMaversmUe(t- . ttwpQtary relteji jht mdpetmnce i our positrujjorcvcr ; mcjrxtzm oj it relief thus obtained at sacn an import fifteen imUKtef rHSlIws ,aii interwn3evwiiaietcifqetweeit :.eoiini',BeW:eict . Nf.York should' BiWin ped: Peruana no ocrfoe who hit fieufed in Out political drama, bal excited rrure ge neral attenTion ihau this extraordinary . character, ' Bf , ilie, fawning minions' of f adnlniilra'Mn, he cat been denoaoced as a political apoflate,1 a difafpoinfed officri fcekef who has larrilccd hit party upon the altar of bis own felfiQt pjfflons, Tbe e Burtons ol his eloduence hae eveo been ridiculed as the faints .if infinity, by thofe Very men who once eitollcd biro as tbe tfcco'inpliihed itatefmao,' ihO cartif a- f bp orator,' and vittoous patt'lou , Dot In the ebulllnont vt anger; we do not look ior iroin. . a ne crcrurcs 01 preuoeniiu favor have farted iintler the Lfli of bis bitter farcafm, and have been bumbled by tbe efforts ol his fuperior mind. , yuable to ithftand thi f'orce of art umeoif,( they bare enJeavvrcd to defliOy tbiif ctfkfl;' bjf blading bis tepuiatioa. ' , , . DUpatuonare meflf have been perplexed , by the ftcming coniradicIioDi la his cka. t tafltr, While be aidocaies wl'h kbUiiy ' and teat the policy of falcfolifoi,' he re tains all bit mifcrsble prrudcas and bit.' ter rancour, eogctnlcred by former con-; tefls. AlihooKD ODvofcd aH the adminlr ' 1 ration of Mf.' cffetfon;yct N aniiobfly ! leeks to avoid ibe imputation of Icrnog his Orgiaal principles, whlcn be coiitint'a' be Kaspieferved inyiolate.1 "j . J Our ppinion of tab gentlemaA Is' tbaV bit' pre lent conduct orif inatcs in pore moiivcs. am poiiucai pnucipits upon K If rlnn to a federal candidate. Will make hint , twute, ta sum mm rrtuaenu rr ' . Accwrdlnf to recent information tram : tScntujtky, Gov; Clinton, will havefbur votes In this flate for Prefiden Ken ; x s lucky haUh votes. , v ' If he lWiflature of Vermont be re. ' fcublicaa. as is sow probable, her electo ral votes, we are affored, will.be hi, Vov. Cliotoa lor the Picfdenc; V The New.Jerfey eleOien commeBCc : yelleWay and will clofe tbis evening.-! xrt teeri party in tnis as n-the 01 Her flatet, where by force of the Va(b.inrton . OaucUl abd the embargo" It has furceeded; sSat enades moA treBuoiil effort. What the iffue will bt'k we Oftnot wlib. con&V - dence lay, Jbtat if x&ay now . be ack now. , ' ledged, without the apprehenfion of injuV iy, tiat our republican trlcads in INsw. ' J ei fej are not free from alarm; ' . .(RttmtUtm tTetch-Ttwtr, ' ' Irim lit BaU'mtit Ftiirtl'RtfulUciri: 2 : MR. GALLATIN. Wbilo wo obftrve with pride and plea (at tbe returning Irfiuence of corrtA erioclplet opoa a farfe peril ou otouf5 fel. lowcititeiis. we cannot avoid conerata'. latieg the friendi of civil liberty snfl fo- toariy fubjeils, weelicVe boflile 16 the , cfal order Opoa, ibe recovery of forfie gool of Ouf country but as far as" .the ' diftiitpifhed iesders of dcmocrscy frorti Foreign rclatioias .01 the nation' -are Coo.' f , .. ,V-7. . i . t e a m tneir yiuoeary notions to tne loundacis ti real repobllcanlfm, The fecretary of tbetreafury la fnconteffabiy tbd enoft a. lie nsan,' of whom tbe party In adminlr. tVailda" could"eveT boaff. iTijnsIfurrt," . While la ppofitioa, contiibu e4 efleaiU J Mr to render tbe federal parry unpopu: tti ani bis cooddrl U that fiuatioii ex. Cited fcrious fairs' for tTvi tate of oor re Vs. joe fjdere,' wbra H wa placed at. the laead cf tbe ircafuiy.' B'ut tbefe fesri - kave been agreeably djrappftinted. fa lead of iBnovailBg opoa the plant of his f radeccff.ws, be bas iberoughly porfued t&eo lilt well itceitained, thai this gtnitemta la buSitd to tbe anil-coomet clal rpirit which bow predotolfls'e'i la our cabinet, which threaten to defltoy cur ff sob ryOeai endTio strf p the fbUotatni. of ear wealth. His toaocial abilities and konwledc e rene'tf bjs Opinion opoa this fubjeft dcfevleg of blh refpscT, eTptci ollr aa It ti lvt0 sf aloft tbe ftrtt with whom M erxe afltd. Another lubjefl, ponwhtch bt differs with Mr. jeflerfod taAMadifdO, ilour ftiifgn concerns. cernSJ. be appears 10 be guverned by cor. ltd rosxTtnj.. Hit accoant of tbe origin of bit oppoAiion 10 Mr. jefferfon Is very fattifactory. Aa indifcicel eapfeCTon of Mf. Wadif an- ofened the 'eyes of Mf; rtaadolph,'and deeply imp relied opoo bis' mind, that deigns were eoiertaioed by 1 he cabinet' Inimical te our liberie and independence. Tbe meafures which have. been fines putfuei, have tlrenrthencd Mi i. ( 4k ".a a . cOBViction, tnat IM samloiaralion, was wicui and weskf that they Wade pro. fcQIons ol epup'lcjrtilffls with a view to Bfcleite ilair DOiolarftv. while tn faA. ibey laboorfd' 10 pr'm6td the ierflt of the decided enemy 10 liberty liadef etery Tt embsrr o wilt not bd tatrsf off ly 1 oor prcfent ruWrt. until tbey fi'.id that a ; continuation of it will eadanctr tbelr feats,' It It rtporud rhu Mr. Gallatie bas fa id thai tbe embargo noil be taken off by the people 4" and it Is oaly1 frtora a change of rnaa tbt wd eVpcci a' dungs' of oiea hta. . ' ' i , . tHe risktundcr the French 5c SpaC tiish Decrees is not so great, but r M tliat rtSpect trade to a. conside rable imcnint in their contravene : iion lugt carried on ; an eyi isiori Kbwever of their suppienleti -taj -decrees ;-as-well : as -of tHe feulations of all the other EnW pean Continental Powers (Swe den excepted,) as it respccti a . cpznplete stoppage of aU; inter course Vith lgiandi has beeri tmjvcd art oath Id the British House of commons, to. haYe be tome totaUyimpracable.'.rfhus then on the rart of all ihe Euro pean CdAtin tntal powers (except . Sweden) wholly and effectually precluded fifom. t'rftering fhtirs rfrora 'ariy BridsH tor proa ef fecjrre'audedl3y Xhdeii of Council from' iH entry to those continental ports by any "other route whatever than through theirs v and as lintain, With ber thousand vesseli of war, , is ablti 'efilciently tif enforce her reguli-iions,-it- evidently follows that our export trade .'to Europe, miist be wholly confined ta GreatBri tkin and Sweden ; or to such po'rti A r at !' : as may nereajtcr recome open to the British flair. In other direct ffaons' Our trade to and between this country and the colonic 'of 'v.. - : . t.i''k .1 99 2 sC43ropcan powers in inc west-. . Indies and America is left open,' . as tvelt a such ffortiorf 6f that to the British C6ionies as the M6-" ther. country' miy from time to time find it convenient to permit- neither are we cut oil from a di rect . trade between this country trvi the. Ex-In6cJ, China, and Africi., ' ' , ' . ... i Here' we must remarkthatMr. Key (of Maryland) undoubtedly more profoundedry versed in the principles of law thin of commerce, has in: congress cxuldnrly pre sented a sketch of the trade still Open ; predicating a calculation of its present value, by what it was btfore the opeiation of these or ders',; decrees and novel reguhti ons of foreign powers. 1 . Not aware .thai the teveral tranche ri of cur trade are o interwoven together and for their respective Ik.tSjlua -19 dependent on each othef , 1 that torn asuni&r the contexture 6f ljtfic"Vrholc Is' affected, and the rc - ipcclive importance 6f each where 'not wholly destroyed, becomes Scatty depreciated. Fot us" there-. tore m'esnmate the advantages of those branches of trade now left betweeri Britt'-inid the ports' of the Continent thtii prohibhg y terccfurse with her; (at.BritdivU eoraforiirlg herself xmdtr this :'rk : strictio'n should Say, that although excluded from all other ports fVbni s nave stuit . open - an, extensive ":'t''.' It in the' traldeto New-York; to that port at least we can export fifteen millions ox douars ; ; whereas wr truth; New-York riot herself-C6n-1 toiriin tfhUndre(T- thtisnd , ; dollars' worth; "her imj&rtatiOri l under tbe circumstanceii cntem -plated must Jje confineca to -that ; ifum ; of in whatever proportion it is' exceeded, mur the juef ' ' of the commodiueskinkf arid sTrouId' a ' m'emb'er in the.: British House" of Commons' ' deliberately riie'In wpporT itnd eravely refer' to documentstpti ? foe table shewing the exports 19 . NefiYo'rk Usually to have ayeta- : ged thai amount, would :, it not "1 excite a smile da the faces of those who had dipped Vather deeper in their researches into thi nature? of v tfade, than would be eYinced.y such shallop arguments ? "The . t V principle which wd have strgges ted applies with full force, not ; only as it regards such branches ; -of odf exp6rt trade as are noW leltcpoi; brtalso in dhamiidoa ' .' of the value of aU our import trade, .fcot excepting even that of British inanuiactures; ;; ; t;r:' Jt Is well kmowii' that of the ai ( iaount of our former actual ex. ' , ports to GrcavBritain, a very con . indexable portion was again re exported ; and that even the porution bf very many articiei; and to a 'large amount ' too, was . permitted ohly on that expresar . condition. A fundataentil priiw'. ' :' ciple in- the navigationi laws4 of Great-Britan confines the Imports-.-'. " tioti of foreign products bto thst country, to Briush vessels ; 'f the vessels of that Country wh6sd " '.' produce they Carry. ' Some re- . laxationa indeed of the trlctnesa"' . of this rule, by Crcat-Brftxln lit' r times of waT to suit her own coni veniency have ccwiorially beenf 'made.;,., T . .. . '.. ; , -Our export' rent of all articles' of foreign growth beine'.thus com plettly occluded ; it iollows that the amount of theif imponatioriskl must be coalined to our hcJnis cohshmptioli, with some small amount to Sweden apej thb French 1 " , colohiei; txrulering-our trade tV ' the ast Indies and China wWchf' J.- - J.

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