r . . - - - . i . - . 53 ..v-j . -.1 . ' I Uf . fir: l" " J,rt 'oTfScT ; iri " 1 4 The report of the MinlOerV'of 'ir V rid! j!.nc?d, Maui del VilUn - Br nd Coffeef;.wbich he won't let brinB" -;. v . ri--.. w -isV COSTQNUCT,, 10, 1808.V,, I , . , ' 5r ii - . ... .4 . . .'A Pr ncefi nf Ruffia h. . - from St. Dom neo an longer. Th t " TfiovirJv Aftm'. BPnr,T ; . ot rrcnch armies inlohnr. Pruffia. i...miroraoncoiine vjuc oi iqc repont 01 me uiinisier 01 r or ign affair, though nWsfirt divulged, it ;dteJ Jhe ,24th April, 1808 telatea whol ly to Spain, and is couched in language like a l l t i . I i .1 r - n; prcamuii ioi UKiirtiiiun oi war, .a dmplaini to the Emperor Joudly of the past jtond net of Spain towards France for ages, '. .s well, as that of .recent date It admits hatSpain may be to, France either an useful .Jriend or dangeroui enemy. It declares Spain to he bad governed i that she neglects using Jher resources, and does not ener heartily V intp the.wara,. of ifxance .jagainst England , and Aht h : had abridged 4he commercial ?ighs pf. Frenchmen residing , in Spain. It yent,s .these, and .similar, complaints, very , . copiously ; arfd ad.dsv great nih can tnly U ; urgdbj great fluuigefi'l; It insinuates that .change in the .Spanish - Government is es-' - eentiaX.to .the ;:Testabiishmen of -peace nd;1 that everj thing which batis te that inci te JUfJftWfirAvit thejn delineatBrfe parf. i 1raif of Joseph the sort of king which ought )o govern, Spajn. and declares that " what '- policy suggests, justice authorizes '' and to jprge the emperor into the daring interference An , the internal affairs o Spain, which '.the A .world has tince seen, .the Minister declared, .... J that Spain really jn a stele of war with. fii tftytytj" t Reader, compare (his then secret fanguaft of theCeurtofJapoleon, osttresptt' i poleon, jc(iiAy-mi Proclamations sf Joseph ; before i they - yer "opposed, in Spain and the ' make sour own comment i. ' ' ... ' . , , . '1 ' . - Another report of the- Foreign Minister is vatea aepu isua, wnicn aetaustne prp cceding at Dayonne,lready known, H then - touches on the troubles',' In Spain, which jt dd, in the ld tune, haye been excited by England, to furnish an opportunity for her to seiee eri. the Spaniih colonie'j -i England has tahengood we.to sathjy the patriots that, her ' fltsistanfo ; is :qhoUjisJrtferes'te4j and the loorld sees that her conduct has been as liberal fis. it hat been prinipt. Her reward ; vil( be in. r ilne gratitude of the Spaniards.- It admits that hc'populatlon of Spain has - shaken off the k yoke of authority but, again assents, that Ingush wlniJ.M)e4atrjjruesj9AJJ)Lel 'ricsu Sony of England , toW the English i, I nd I- drite the- u ther M j ' Teulon, DunkrK, tne Miur,i.-..- ' -Sweden !' V fSrti, t Wfi eer W heheardjunot' s TaUof eent in Portugal.) It nafrales path,. , tScally the excesses of tbe Spantarii against the French consuls( kc. t nd prophec.es thai the EnglUh win be driven from Spain hert Te no English in Spain ,) and that their ex C.ion will be their final ruin,, ijhts ,s . ' ia Jthe fortieth time that England to be rufrtfo, aeeorawg iwiriy, The" MinSJer then goeson' W say, - The ' Vbet of all Europe will in this contest be - I S France. - France and Russia make com .Snr'agiinst W-S .Austria, after eumeraiu ious nos. ..,tiEe..ure..Mcli she had taken against Eneland and Enlih commerce, In second- Jng the views w rrante. r r"""'' -howeverr this por has earned tts arma-rrnryondmV..ure-U. I"" . Tut of .11 proportion to it. Iopuht,on .A -finances. Your Ministers, sire, only wish to !S this, In order that your Majesty may perceive the necessity of augmenting .your Xe, for the purpose of still P . relative superiority which exists between the ' , ,yir: J Whroken out at Con- A new rT... - Silefta," Denmark, Dalmatia, Albania. 4iaiyitiapies3nopain; opu(es tbreear. mies of referve,, at Bayonnc, on the Rhine, and in the Intct'tor. After recount- ing the, lofTes in Spain ; he notices the re luiution oi ine tmjieror to aileroble be yond ihePyrennecrTo tiunifred Thou: fand men. . This is to beidone- without weakening me , armies in uenriai.iy or wmaufi., ret atmies -of , Albaniij DaTmaiia. Dtfnhiatk ,and the Elh " adds,' nu 111 not bediminimedV' fo .effect tins "iugrr'er,taticr tie 'proMfes to icucw uians un, i ne m cianes oi tnecon tn lh Ifflnhnt nf fin nr!A 'anI !n ;f. f i. r . ' . - . anapprcneniion oi war win 'Qiber pow ers,'! to make a levy of So ooo horn ihe that the zeal of tha Freftch people for t he jEmperor will Overbalance any ha sd (hips they my feel from the reqiiGtions, he ohfervr. thai iemrili no tnH ...nl. France will then have iefs, men Jn arms loan tnganq -or Anuria. he rr.inilter mamen's of Auftria' bill adds, when the fOtvfcri ption of t8i o i s called ! ou t , t he armies of Germany, the Northand Italv "will ; be, . engmented more j han 8o,poo ..menj at wnich , time, f rancc, he lays, will niw.l mi Inn ft ma - I .... V Uliiiioil Ul IIIVII II) 1IIB, All' .force he allures the Emperor will cotjauer ADVICES FROM EUROPE. tantinople Sultan Musupha ha been Ue :i-J;.'.'..ssla who in- olve their fortune, their lupenorliy, and .lmoll tbeir eiiftence, in commerce, have I ?jn the example of great and courage. eeneral embargo, all commerce ipd I all Savication, rather than fltxmefulU fob 4Yt Vth'at tribute which the. Enghfh Xpofe on the W -H :rK. German. ''' ,ow,7" 7, ' u fn, . land, ere pssceable and wait on y for a Jiarjtime peace toe.e.t all their induf. "'bit the fubjeft of M,r5b'' the miniller Wet. t. tell how much has bee. ei.fled i' of She Unitsd S.a.e.., by France, in the .Louinsnahardan h.0 .c p. f nre.1 lit Tier pons wr ..... fesi. by French cruiieti, which if not fhamefoily fmlned to, h.i been filen.ly r, LoredThe Minifter conclude, , with fome French commonplace bfertaiioni, . n ,e easblifhitent of the darling ob ett of Dunapafte, the peace of the world which It aUsti a prelude- Waii tnl devotion of ibe fteaon . people tothiEaiperoft - ' Intelligenre from Europe of a late rfa'e, has beer, received here' lince our laft. Our columns are replete wilh It. ; v. , " The affjin of our own 'country arreft our ftrft attention. We find that Bona. pattern a rrjifrige to hisSenate, has, -as was to beexpeited, highly extolled the Embargo; of courfc has not exhibited the rmallcll inclination tarrla sn iota of his I 1 - n ' 'lirf tvnuw a L... .... I..u. .an nffirlfcl COntirmStlOn OI UMI TU ttT - vim thc-rlaxatio'n of her Orders jn Uounctl, as they related to our Important tiaue wifh "Spain and 1'ortugai. , - ti.. ir.:., ( id Snanifh and FortU 4 f M IWi U w I' . Putlnts continued eloriouUy.proI ferous; The French h6ftile troops were nn in thf nfirth eaft corner of the ' -J n In PaltlonlS. The StaniQ armies were collefling from all ditetUofH to attack; mem. s " f nrWitea 10 form a National livti.. wia Cortes has been made ; and they.svere to .nvM.rl i Tntrita the lad month. nave iiiiiv - ii TheRiilTUn Ambaffadoi did not follow King Jofcph in his flight t but continued at Madrid, making communications to his court throiinh the Patriotic authorities. The fmret.der pf ihe French army, and Ruffian fle, in L'fbon, is cptinrmao They obtained the mod honorab'e 'crms. ,. The Emperor N?o!eon had convoked his Senaie and adored ihem ihathe Ihouid cany on the war sgainft Spain, with vl out,; that 0Q,oao roops would he marched beyond the pyrennes that he .was in clofe alliance witirRuflis , and though he wat watching r.e movements of Auniia, a good underlWmg extlled with her. We his meiraee, th.s day, ml IVstch o ihe reports of his M'ntU teri ol Foieign Alfairs and war. They will be found to be Important. . A"Of cotiiinned aiming. An animat ed' fpint: pervaded F.nglaml. Since Ihe hat taken part wih te SaniOi Patriots, her tide of good fortune coniinued fl'wtng ' I here were rumours v (ihuii."-'-, Italy, an.( elfew'here which relied on very TIendcWdatlonltrARev4taTlorttiad beenelfrfled at Conflaniinoplc, accotn- .panied, as ufual, with muruets. - It is reported, that Luclen Bonaoarte. elder brother; of Napoleon, has obtained- paflportl from Mr. H ill, our -Envoy in Sardinia, to quit Italy,' and proceed to A'Herica. v t ',. ,:W. ': ,....."., fill ill ORlh tnfl- on 4ll.mnl u. .j. na,l to replace Sultan Selim on the throne. Muflapha I V. being informed bl it, caus ed the gatqs'of jhe, Seraglio toTbe ;fhul and Selini, who was within, to be ioftant.- 1v alTaflinaied. fTh TaMi-r hnw.vu. foOH forced in enlfih. Mnitanha Rai-. rattar, - and - the Grandees of the Porte, S a J W w S - s 1 iinn cauten rnnce mauomet tij years or agt,) the !aft branch of the reigning dy.1 na',ly to be proclaimed. Emperor. Qn nv .yui, uic unioriunaie aeum was ou- riel hv lhi fl.l nf hi (athr , UT lrnniii - .j - rnwiw r- "V. esww ; hoi whether the depofed Sultan be living forse aflert that he is Wangled. -- The greater part of the afjasfl.r)s cf Selim have oeen sxecutea ana tnis day eleven ot tne. Orincioal .nartizana nf. hliiHanha vcii - - , - . r. - -w---- w llraogled in the Seraglio.. ; l' . f.. : fREtyCH AiFAIRS.. " , ; . ' at 1 1 OAS' ' ' CC I U 1 QUI . Mitt Mfiil-dtV thh Pmn.-AP ko. .ftnT.n,1 t vuiiscrvauve aenaie, to wnicn ne commit . 1 . . i . .1 il.. flvt. ! - Too mn (ivicu me tuiiowing wpViDi- , MY Minister for Foreirn Affalra will lav be . ' . - ,- T, , flirt Vntt th AiWfwJnt tvat; MLt'.v a Spain, and the Constitutions agreed to by the Snanith Junta. : Mr War MinUter will acquaint you with the wants andj the aiiua.. tion ot my armies in the different partaof the '1 am rltf-m in..! , --m it.. tit. - nftitik.. ftvr vriij Ull llic W.I wuu Spain with the utmost activity, and destroy the armies which Eneland has disembarked J . L . . m, - - f in inai country. m taturc aecurny oi my subjects, jhjtaraarihi"' r .- f . r "v ,iiiaw w sis via ma j u be' enough to secure pur title .to Louisiana. on all goods which cannot be imported ny longer, ..The ta which the farmer jvip bf - ' ler '.payVby his mill standing. Tbe tax which the cooper pays by his .barrels falling Mo 1 -piecesitTheaj which "Ihe shipwright pays " Km ft. t a t In.lta. A AM Ainna . .TL. . .- 1. ! l . 1. uf uia muiwi ua;iuji. lie ln WII11U Ilia ; hoat-builder pays by his planks roitTnfi;; The; tax which the rope-maker pays by; bis hemp tangling;. The ta which the caulker pays by ' 'his pitch running.. The tax which the fish-' .ecman payby his. fishTtbrown 'Sway.- Th tax which the hatteis, shoe makers, taylora , ; and smith pay by their creditor'; bankrupt-,' -' cy, i .The tax;. which the landlords pay by "the tenants running- away. . V The tax which,." - the tenant pays, by standing idle at bis work- bench, ; shopkboard ' or counter; ' The tax: " "which the merchant pays by painting and wettinR his ships. . The tax which the sailor pays by losing his wages. The tax which every poor man pays by being turned out of employment,- .. .. t:.,- n ... ' r; Stop, atoplMfJiitiMliiiii ja :he embargo out and out J V : w 7 . To be sure it is, and the great emhtrgbV roon and his friends laid it, and therefore ent ,with thent I 5r.-v:' ' vi'-vr,;. TMi alliance with the emperor of Russia vnn. ft..K Fncitanrt can elingUIllC STCI J llJ ruivu ...(.-"- - entertain from her projects.. I have no doubt respecting the peace ot tne continent j ou a neitner will, nor ougni iw rciy uj calculations and the errors of other courts ; andsince my neighbors increase their armies, It i a duty incumbent on me7to, increase mine. ' ' . - ... The empire of Constantinople is strug. riinip with tha most violent convulsions.: Sultan Selim, the best emperor tne vmo- m.n. h. had for a lentrtltol time, nas tun r.tun h ik handa of his own nephews. This . , - ,, : .i..tmnh hiidMn aiieciea me. i iniiv fresh sacrifices on my people, confident of their support ; they are necessary, in order . ...... tt.m fmm heavier sucrifices. and ..1.4 iK.m in i hi. o-nnd reiult of a cenersl peace, which ought also to be considered as the moment ol repose. Frenchmen, m projecU have but ope oh in ;- rmip hannineta and the Derma ...i .-ii kin r mir children t and, it I tint wi. " ei w - know you' right, you will haten to this new cslU rendered necessary by the interests or I tt- oniintra-' Vnit hava SO often assured me IIIW VWWW" i w - f , of vour affection,' I will behold the sincerity of your sentiments In the alacrity with which you will second projects that are so Intimate ly .connected with your dearest interests, with the honor of the empire, and with my Given at the Imperial Palace of St. Cloud,' this 4th Sept. 1801. . -Vmedl . NAPOLEON SPAKlSlt COKGRESS. . k rl.,.l rnnorefs ol the SnsniQi n- tion is to convene at Toledo, in.thit month. The Supreme Junta at Seville, ina very mifterly manner, informt the nation of its readinef, to refign iu pow. ersto ihe. National onRrci. a n. veral provinces are to fend two dclegtfel each to the General Congrefi. The pro- ..l.i !..... ., in Ka cholen .by the VlllCiai J , " i oeoole. Some of the mod eminent pawl. oil have already been appointed o tne National Congrefs. Vtn AodaUiBa, Count de Till? and Don V.ncant More. r.i it. Cantamiml. from vaicnm, : 7 , . and the Matq-i de CHel - RJ"R" p ao.i.i. Ilnit flafaer-Melchcrde riuui oi - -- . r . jovt LUnoi, and ihc'MafV" Clro?.0 Trtm tbt tfi'th Amtritan TRIBUTE. u'k.'i. ti i War nald the tribute to the Eng- i i ".n.r.i Smith, tke Chief Embartro roon t and he dared tonoasto. u au , ome'r Barbacue. On what did n'c'er Embargoroon pay tribute to England f On ai pipes or Uolland Oin, the proceeds pro bably of Dstavia Coffee, and not of Arnm can Produce f any hind, for he aeldom does us the favor to ship a pound or bushel of H ' l10" Wuen uia ne .... pipes of Gin I About 100 dollars, at eight, 'pence sterling a gsllon. What w.s it the i ... . - I . H. m.v trihlltA on Lnelwh wsntca to mm r-J . in 1776? On the Teas which ihey sent to this counirr . Wh.t did our fathers do to a. void the British tribute at that day ? .They determined to drink mm j or their Trt. and set nre 10 n - . . ." did not the Chief Embsrgoroon refute to bring the G n, or psy tne inout. -r"T he knowllbat six pipes cf Holland, miaed with twelve pipes or Whi.kry, make elgh tsen pipes or Gin, and that pounds are made p by pence. Do., any body rise demand tribute er the Americans? ,Oh. jet. Bu napsrte tskes now and then. V hy '' the U to pay for Louisiana TM , Paragraphs Jron late London Peiper, ' .'XORGLArV AW nOBBERY-ni I ' . " Whereas on the night of the 20tb r July -last, a numerous gang ot French banditti , burglariously broke into the Royal Palace of. . the City of Madrid, where they concealed . . 'themselves until the ?7th of the laid month, and .then secretly departed, laden w';th im mense booty, having stolen from (nence all the plate, and every portable article Of value, -taking ,the road to France. , AH patriotick . Spaniards are hereby requested to be aiding and assisting in the apprehension of all or any of the said Robbers J and whoever ap prehends all or any of them, shall receive the tnanasanfl olessingt pwMEWTtpwin- lie is about five feet seven inches high, of a meager, squalid aspecu;, saffron coloured . . . complexion. He wat, when be escaped, ha- .Vited in a Royal Robe, which he is known to r -have stolen from the King's wardrobe at KaDles. He is a brother of the noted thief - .... t 11 l.I..klU. ull who has cornmmea numoenc niuw .v. -.. over Europe, murdered millions of the hu- . man race, and who waa uteiy at Dayou"., , where. It is supposed, ho tamefl tor me pur- . pose t f receiving the stolen goods which Me brother was to bring from Spain. " ' ". - I T1a tsaamlwavna fit ft tat Attorney was ae , . counted for by one of bis friends irsry logi cally. ' " He lived without tausest and died without tfiett! ";' f ' , . ' When JosEPH iled fromroTir" V it Is recorded that he left hrs garment ; but - when our modem losxrn took hisjltght rnm Msdrid, It does not appear mat ne icu y . , thing valuable behind him ! , - ' It"-has beeV suggested thst Don Joseph would be an excellent name for a rc horset entered to run for the king's plate, . ttC. ',h Ucraat translator of Ana- ...a ik- miniature picture or In tirb husband, on the neck oi w0" man, 1,9 the Saracen s oa, on " c NivsuatroiT, Oct. !! ' A coaster clesred out last week, for the esstnard, was detsined below by some branch or our naval force." As tbe story goes, the cosster was brought to and detained bv -one of the gun-boats (No.-'i Look and see rxrhsps) and on strict esammation or tno manifest ahdcargi. It appeared eery thing on board-was-Cleared-jDUtr even to- an oia hro, bet unfortunately she had laid an egg ,fter the vessel had ssiled wblch wss not en. -A la. iha rninilavu Ami terra in a-f - - - . . . pure previsions" on board than was cleared, was cause or iWwnWSju'e' . patch. Tictxicat Dux. , Th fenowine- letter wss sent to a maker in this state, by a printer, in conse. quenceof which the hlonte between thjm . wss accurately rrrii.. , . , o.. t. (...',., i..rnmi necessarf to wmii v3IB, ""O -------- -- n a large number er our standing accounts ,o prevsnt my r, '.V cdiana rut tots i in woli Blanks of diFTcrcnt kindr for Salo . ' ; RtMm OiTtcc: , X V 'r ?'. - ' . ' ' V vent my running l business, by inr tbe smsll sum you owe me, wiin ri Kier, you will assist In letpg we. J, ' - YourXVc- -i 1

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