r 1 'a; r Y - '4 " lor publishing bj Subscription " a umiLiTinv err i - if- ' T 11 E X f 17 C C T A XTiXj.t- ' la Etl'nV W.'ae; trb n Epic Poem wriltee Oil. , iJI ianoa Grma ttsgotfe, kjr ' v' - . , M. K.LOPVTOCK, , . ' ; So justly celebrated by theLitcratj ot Europe, as J toe Alilton ot Vernany ;',, wno i considered at having completed what that I r favorite son of the Britibh muse had left ." anfinished. - r-''7';; iV' . V'"-: ' This work will be published in numbers each 6f which shall comprize 'one book, to be delivered to subscribers every two months It will be printed in octavo," on good demy paper, and with a handsome type, sewed. , , The price to those who choose to patronixe . the work; will be fifty cents for each number, payable in advance N ' " When the last book is completed;' the Barnes of the subscribers will be added . - To nan-subscribers; the price will be sixty, two and, a half cents. , ''''. It shall be put to press as soon as eight hundred su.bsbvibers offer. t ' " ' ' '- . The translator flatter himself that a work which cannot po8sjbl wound ' the feelings of any political partyorreligiOHS sect, and whose chief tendency is to promote the grand " cause of Christianity, will meet the favora ble smiles of all those who are desijsdus to ; promote the real Interests of religion and ', -vritue. ,It will possess one merit at least, in - ilhe eyes of some, being the production, of a native American, and eilixen of the United states. r,- V'";?- 'fX-.. HALLINC, r.'M.yf ; S factor of St. Jfnies'i Chufeh, ''.;:; $ iJ .-'v . Wilmington) N. C. ' -f ; Oct. 13, 1808. - - ; . . , : -, -. C7", Subscriptions tecehed at thit Office r r- r tEi dollars iiEwXub. i : 5 - - . . -J'r r 4 setae ' 1 V- ; Ui-i t : RtJN AWAY from the Sub- briber, oa th aieth of OfWer( a Negro mta by (be Mint of JIM hrUa tell fprti meet fellow sad U veil aaoa aboat WileeiDttoa, sad Tophi! Soead,' sad bit .Ut o Rocky M at r-Uj. AQt''pliiii. tioo, hereitit likely be miybe bilking tbout attbit Whoever will tppreheael the hid lei low, ui'd deliver him to meV tl Mr " M,xfUUY plinuiioa, or lodge him in Ibe J.tt of Wilmington, fh.U fatve lbs bote reward, tod au rceiooeoie cntrgn iata ot " .. . RUNAWAY, . 7 FROM the Subscriber a Ncsro fellow, aimed QUACOW.fuppoftd to be in the neigh, hot hood oi the Big Bridge, where he bis been (eea. He bad oa when be weat wy, B ee jacket,, wtih red lining end OiiMburgh Trow fete, A reweid of TEN 0ULLARS will be givea to iay per Ion who will 'appreheod him, end all rctfontble fhrgei paid. ) Wilntogtoa, 06. $i, itos. ' 'It' Advertisement; " I HE fubferiber having declined bu , J, fi nefi at- Wilmington, has-a fll gned the bonds, notes and book accounts due him ibeie, (at a payment) i Meffrs., Corp,- Ellis & Shaw, Merchants New York. 1 hafe that are lRdebted will pay attention to this notice, and make! pro- viuon for, the difcharge of the fums due. ':. ' . - T : JOHN ECCLES. September ,6 . j : 6w. jOH" BOSTON; The Scli'r Rebec ca, Thomas West, mas , ter, will sail into or 12 days, for freight or pas sage, apply tuthe Capt. j on board or to.s . , . Wil.LiAM HATTRlDGEfcTJo.; " 'AVho have received by aaid vesVe'and forj: sale, , i - Jvii -,;:5- . 1000 bushels of Liverpool salt. -:!oct.!3i.. FOR BOSTON, r The flout & flaunch Brig William & Martha, jult arrived from.Boflon, will- iV JL dilparch t tor treigni or Pffget (baling ccom- - ; modal ion for 4or per' fons) apply at the Pofl-Office, or to the Captf 'on board, at Mr' Win. CarripbellV wharf, above and adjoining the Subfcri. bers ' '' ;'' ,: ' 1 ,f :''':,,-'V '.'-vi : Nov.T. JOHNXORO. 'Notice. FOR SALE ton. - g6 Mids. Molafles . , 4 . ' I O 3-? uo prime ugar-j---? -10 bags Green Coffee r ' ' Hanson; KELLY: .The)'; board the fchooaer'Elcanej' r- "4 w iinarjns, matter, , ; v , bals.' N. E; Rum, Tn 16 do. train Oil, ' ' I .10 boxes brown Soap, ' X 25 q'ls. prime table Fifl , 10 do. black Pepper, . a hbla. Gin. - f t : A lew Potatoes and Beati, for part icu--!iwp3rW4evei. triafler. on, board or to., , . t HANSON KELLY .. . r FOR SALE. The following .articles', just re- tled bi the febooaer BetUy, Cpt. CbarcbiU, ,vi. ' iO Hhdi t proof Rom ; 4 ditto tad bbl N I r; , ; , ' . dt'to MonlTee ' , - ' yoo bo(bet l.verpool Silt '' ; ?. ) , (, D ton, Grtadttooca, Oinereoi uare - . j btla soj: - ' v . ' ' 7". a boxes Cottoo Cstda, ac 4 k I .' t6dHio Cod F flt. . : . . ;;,!...." SlOo'lb Cheefe '... ' . . . . J ,i - . . 4bbl.MfBef . '..'"': '.! j'.i ' 4 cilk. 4J, 64 tad ioe Cat Hiils , , , , -' ' 7vki r..;..o.l - of IroaCiR rp, eotihRingor rota, bilUU. Tee kiuUe aod ri doge. ", r I "HE fubferiber being' appointed At JL 'torney in fi& fr MetTrs. Corr), Ellii & 6hw, Merchants New-York,' rtquclt all ihofe whj9 ateiindebted - to lvf r. John Ecclea (at ibis fUct . eitljer I by Eond, no'e, or book lcbt, to remember particu larly, that no perfonal application will be made alter the hrit day of November next ,:. .".v - - " " v ' -7 All there who wifli to avotAthe expen- cei of attending law fuits may come for ward and confefs judgment, and Hay of ekecution will be granted equal te any delay the law admiti. .:. ' .-i : ' ;Thofe debtors wno neglect calling on the fiibfciiber will be fued ,to the follow, ing Superior Court at Fayetteyiile. " ' ?::..;; :John Lord. September 13. . '' :- - 8r ."; "A Cblramocllbus 1 loose, i Situated on Front Street between the houfel of .Xhoaaas. finWo-aiuLThoniaS Jenniugf. App'y to 1 .-. . . ; Lewtsi. Toomerv September 10. ;' ' ' RECEIVED by the "brig Serpent, Dennis Shea, maftet, from Liverpool feven thoufand bnfbels Liverpool SAL T, and 65 cratei EARTHEN WARE, lor hie by . . n-r, , . '. Anderson Jones. ' Oflober ji f ..' !" v 3'w , JOHN G A &NfEt Offers for. Sale, low for jash, or t Prbdoce f air ff"Tent of DRY GOODS ii CXO CERUS, eoobUmi of '.'. r" ' v''- Fine and cpatje Cloth8, Cafiimeres, Swanfdown, Jatkouet and Fancy Vtfls, White, Elue, Grey, and Drab PI sins," Flannels, Sarges, Halfchecks .Durants, Bombazeii, Negro Cotton, Duffel Blank ets, and fine Rofe do. Velvets, Cambricks, Thickfetts, Fuflians, .Dimities, MuQins, Cambricks, Callicoes, India Co lons, Ir- Oi Linens, Brown do. Plaii'laSaSheeiing, Diapers, Table-cloths.' Tbreau1 '& Silk, liaisTlSec. &c. Liquors. Wine, and Groceries of all kinds, Salt, coat fe, and fine, Iron'jSj; Steel. - JU lUorlesnt Oveae, Ipiders, IkilUa, Apply os Oft ILftW, MITCHELL.- - SpGARS IN BARRELS '" '. ' -r".-.- and': i '-r-.. Teas 6f Imperial Quality In boxes r , , o 12 lb. each, Jot sale by 4 FOR SALE, by the SUBSCRIBEB, 4 . St. Ubes Salt, by the lQObush. or more, Turks Island do. ; . , ' .Liverpool ground do. , . AVareon Tyre and Axe bar Iron, pr. too or 100 t. . ;: ' - ; . 3d proof West-India Rum, of an excellent 1 tUvour, pr. the hhd. , . , . N E Rum of the best quality, bf do. -, Sujrtrin hhds and bbla, for retail . . '' CofTee in bags, roidlinp; quality ' Stone Lima io casks of 5 bushels Flour, Tobacco, Cotton, Candles ia bexas and Tallow by the Tierce. . j . : Also for Sate, .; . . , . . Bitls on Boston, at 40 days. : ... ( The Subacrtber has a Fire-Proof . Ware Home, of Mr. John Ecclcs, TO LUT, or Storage by the week or month., . B. ,Th Debtors to the Post-Office, are once more noticed. 4 1 . . J0Il?TL01il7i October 3), D. SMITH. r : Notice.,- . . ON tKe.lVh of November next will be rented out at Publ'rc1 Anflion', fevcral houfes belonging to the . cdate of Georee Tenn'mej, deceafed, for the term of one yetr, the tenant giving bond with approved fecority, . ' ' . , . I nomas Jennings, Aam'r. October , : . tf. fletelvtdlf tbf fcktitfr Venus, ctftein lltward trim Lbariitun an fir ' fsbhlbefulfcrihtr. 2,000 bushels ot Salt, and An assortment of Clothes. . - H. KELLY. 0lX5r ; L- - The Subscriber offers for Sale, a small assortment of DRY GOODS, very 'suitable tor a Country Store. The terms will be moderate and the credit liberal. ' ' - CEORCli HOOPER. ' octs; . . v. , ;. ToRcnt, 7 Vff t'Jf'JP'n. t' flf Jaauirj next, THATHoufe, warehoufei, & whatf, , formerly occupied by Mr. Robert Muter, now in ponmioo of M Footo : ; JLSO, And pmuim givtn im- ; ' Tha'f Brick Store, adjoining, Giles tc Burftwin't, with t la'CC convenient, dry cellar, fit fof florlnai Salr JOHNF.BORGVVIN. oa. 11. . v - 4w Wholesale Store. ' r a lift; (oblcriberi nse agsm opened JL their (lore and oiier at w hole (ale 1 large & general aiTortmcni of DtvGoODS llARDW All, 11 ATS, &C. &C. , ' . , Giles Ik Burgwin. ' Oi1ober aj," jw, JUST RECEIVED, from New- Tiri, v ; .JAi Assortment of ? ', " FALLand W INTER GOODS, ' ; - Which will be sold cheap for Ca.h orl : j' v ; Country Produce, by --i : :-v HLL 8c NICHOLS. .Nov. r. ; ' -' 4t TEN DOLLARS REWARD. CTRAYED from the subscriber in Bladen County, and supposed to be- Ruua towards Chatham county, where he waa ri.td, , " A Large BAY HORSE ; . hisleTt Cr fojt white, and when rode seems somewhat stiller than the others,' and has 1 white spot in hit face near' which is ah ul . z aiuv -a jVm hil. fc.i..' mmtm -th or weathers. ' ' ' . : Whoever .will take rjp the said horse, and return him to the subscriber ahull receive the. above reward, and ail expences paid. ; ' , . v SAMUEL ilANKlNS. , Brunswick coanty, Novnber 8. . , Jm . CrVGOOD'BARGAlN v To any. person who swshe to SELL a GRO.BQY, of from 12 to te fears old, d warranted honest .and: sieved. For such a one, Ca.h will be given.. , '- , , : . Nov. l- 4t - , v Appi; at this Office.. - TaUentV ' : ?HE.BR1CK STORE n mrkej ; i ,' tee'V oear the Courw 1 Joy fa,- latejy . it -upied by MrChaUss J ooea ,,. poffeflion ri xi : '. . T occup ,wil be glyen immedvaiety ; ..n.i - ; the Brick Store io market flrt rear the rtiew, market houfe,' atrefeftt in. tie occupancy, of R. JiWi Mitch -kll, j pofleflion will be given the fiift of Novet bcr enfoing.. Apply 'tOiH t). ' ? ; ; . tfi &ROQERTiITCHEtLyT i,; Odober n. ' t r jw. . rrPHE Oibfctibcra hatting difpofed Jf thejr 2 f Stock m l rare, feel anxiow tq dole htirbopks---therefore requeft, allwhohav,e. open accounts 10 pome, tor ward and cioie 'them; oby noteor other wife on. oilbefore- ;fhe 75th November nex,t"l After xhat dale ipcir accounts U.feei.iathe HanO pi an .Attorney, &-tfw'ir-!i:tL'-frAt. sivnoyrarQ.cc' btewarLii Oflober 18, W w1 7''v;v;.,..'i i '- , - .... ,- deceived ty the bri&Chorlelort Wek'et trom Aew iorn,Mia tbejcooiner amtra v y r 00 BushrCoarse 9 Puncbeflns,3d proof Rop, vVt,v, 3 Hhdsf Sugar riv M rf"i.8, Bbls. riltoi, . JsjccWi -: lvL,IO -Bbl5.-NEfRom jOQO':Yadf JoW ' GlvfolxprtZT'&fr f.,).;ji Pipes 4.1 h proof Brandy'vyjijjvj ';&0 Hif barrels prime ecf, CuitaVWof - ' ' ;--Tfimily:fe.-. ... . Alftbj tbt -Jcboontr IJabeila, JromrTurfJ 52,500 bushels Salt. ! . r. : HANSON KELLY.5.. . J September 20. An' Jet for the relief of the Iucorporete Mo 1 , ehanics of the town of H'lminjlon. t7IltREAS it is represented to this W General Assembly, that Ibe laws now in force, fur the regulation oi tltves in the town of Wilmington,. and for preventing the owners ot slaves from hiring to them their own lime,' are imperfectly executed, for the want of some proper body who duty it shall be to see them carried into execution ; J tor remedy whereof, .., 1 . BE It enacted by the General Assembly of the Stale of North-Carolina, and it it hertby . enacted by the authority of the same, 1 hat from and after thtrpassing ol this act It shall be the spetitl duty of the commissioners of the town of Wilmington, and they are here by enjoined to cause to be inforced by the proper officers of ibe county of New-llano jrcrnd town aforesaid, all and singular 'the several laws made for the regulation ef slaves and people of colour within .i 1 town of Wilmington, and also all and singular the several laws mtde to prevent tlavcs from hir n themselves out, and the owners thereof, rom hiring to them their owo time, acd up on complaint made to any one of the Com miationers of said town, it shall be his dutv to direct a meeting of the Commissioners to be called for the purpose of hearing and de elding on said complaint in the Usual manner 1 V a a ' . a 01 nearmg ana aecKiiog on complaints loo ther natures. Rtttlvtdhj ibt Stbuner CUriJa 6 EHtt, toft. J life l, frm Cbrlefitnt .. and for sale. v , v ' 4 hbdi. Sugar ol fupcrlor ability 10 bags Green Coffee , too bags Llvctyol Silt" ' pipes Gin ' . , , ao tiercel Rica ao barrell Flour ' . " . HANSON KELLY. Scpteciber 7 . ' ,. NOTICE. he'Iiicorpofatdd 'Master "Me chanics, of this town, arc requested To attend at the subscriber's house, on Thursday, the 10th jmt. io elect a President, Vice-Preii dcat, Secretary and Trta.urtr. JOHN MARTIN, Treas'r. Nov.r,'i808. . aw WANTS TO HIRE, For six raonthSjfrom their master, three or lour iNea:ro uoopcrs. Nor. . . . JOHN MARTIN v- LIVERY SfABLES. rPHE subscriber has establislied a' tn'6'. : - , Litery Stables, on the west aide ol-Se : cond street, fof the accommodation of those gentlemen travelling through or residing in this town,, who may be' disposed'to' avail ' iherriselves of this, establishiqent."- Every kind of grain and forage tiefieisary for Jiorses, shall be abundantly provided and faithtyllj, given, and, all due attention paid tq them by til. lKllr. , rki W1 nv'UV ur shall, be kept clean, and each mil shall Ije -fui'nwKe'd with litter every evening.' : ? i . ii lyiu. WILLKINGS. Oct. ir.;: "v'.r.v.-K;-:,': IT! Juft meivect by the fchoonef1 Beifryr eept Mullet, farm M.iblehud.tbe lollowiae tiliele, ia4 fat tilt. ' , - s fr'P'i lit aioal klrand aa excellent quality ' ; i hto. I. Rues 'i.,. ":,-.-.,. -; .'v : vaeo- Cuem torn , i'-jl'-- l:s. .ia caCre aeft ularct Wiae'' .,',';'. 'rV: . i X do. Oil .f . ,9o la. C4 s;d fcsk 1$; '.--.'.,;; , ) atiet Indit Good, . 3 kb s. :eandi tad Toi)aet ' ' ; vihi ball blultlssoe. - r ; - i ,,. , -.. : manso mir.. ' t 'v I. NOTICE. , All Persons indebted to James Uther, bjr Bond, Note r opto Account, are f quelled to tnske certain psymcnt of the fame to either of the Sublet (bers, on or before the ao h of this raonth, otherwife they, will be put la f. . . D.J..CAMOCg. t ; ' Nr..L JaMU O1X0X 1 Periii &- Harrisbii Saddlers and liar wssMdicrSJi V ESPECTFtJLLYiaform she inaa. XV'bitsrvts of Wilmington and it vicin ity that they continue to carry orV their . bufioefs at the old Hand one door veelt el the Prioiing Office, Markei Stteet, where) . they have on hand a complete aflbrtment . ot articles in their line vit. Uenilemen a bed and common Saddles, Ladie's .do. plaited and common Hsrrtfs, Port manteau & common Trunks, plaited and common Bridles, llorfeman's Caps. and -, Holflers, &e, Any of the above arttclea -will be fold at cheap as can be eot in, N. - York of the fame quality, thofe -who pieaie can can ana 100 u urc gnooi, 001 . a cent charged fortrvirg to pfcafo fhem. O rife ri from the vwiniry-itilckiy it -ter did to, and lhai.k fully tfcciveithr : v . 'r.&jf. ' --Nr"B-Tlofe-wbo- are indebted-to- - James Pctin will very much oblige him' it they will cats and Irtie their accounts, as he is now prefent and will wait on thtra . with plearuie. , , f ' James. Va in. Ofloner it ' tf ' url rtcavtd, an, tOti HA LI, bf l Ik Sub tcrtber, the following article vis. , ; 10 qr casks Sherry Wine, of superior quality. hhds Loaf ami lmp nogar, do. do. 3 bhds Brown Sugar. Tbbls do. do. - ' 'f f 4 tiipes Gin. t ''' Nov. I. - HANSON XF.LI.Y.- '1 r ' ' li'lLMlNGlOlf. .:. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED nt WILLIAMS. HASEUAr At three DoUms 6yar piyMe In advonei tr FSir Dollart ifnotpuid xvi:Mn iht I fnt an mmihs. ; . ' '. Single peper li tenH ' V r ', " . r-