1 ' r not perceived the good Recti resulting from it. The importance if ike subject, It inte resting nature to b'n'constituenls, bo in addition to the common sufferings, had the extrtme .mortification of being represented in a state of insurrection, nsust be, an apology for hit coming forward at this early period on the subject of the embargo. : lie Ihc'e ofy lered tne following resolution t . , ,' ; ;! : Jttsokfd That the act'paWed at the fast session of Congress, entitled u An act laying aa-embargo on all ships snd vessels In the. ports and harbours of the United States,- and the several acts Supplementary and addition al thereto,'' ought to be immediately repeated.' ' On the question, whether the House, will agree to consider the resolution, it' was de-j sided by yeas and nays Yeas '8 3, Nays 9 ',' ,,' ; Mr. Chittenden then nliovedt that, it be e-s ferred to Che committee of the whole Housd Onlhcf state of the union, to whom Wi refer . red the President's message';:: .:' . -j 'I'C.' , Mr. Macon had no objection to a' fair is susstdn. ' - If the law's wers!' wrong 'and pro ductive of no beneficial efTec they ought to" krti-fnratpd. Hft (ucrp-niitrH to th cr.htli'rhaitl -1 - - on - - - o ?- to a committer ot the whole, other than that t M the state of the union." '.irT"''!" . t Mr. ChiUenden sur modified .his motion, -and it was agreed to refer the resolution to 4 committee of the. whole, v ,& :.. - ',:..-.- .On the question for what day it should' be, a order, lr.Chtttendemnoved to-morrow; , Mr. Srnili saidr, be ,had no. objection to roeeUhjs question, buVrtbt'ajl 6 early a per. riodr'i Front the general state of our fore'ign talatioat'r'hcs though the "resolution wasill timed.; What ,oud the gentleman mean by bringing, this distinct question bow before: the House i Does he mean, said Mr. S- that we must repeal the, whole of the embargo yaiem, anu uumme nooning in ine raom , 6f it f Certainly if his intention may be judg ed by the manner inwhich ,the subject is brought forward, b means this. If he docs 1 1 wish him to come' forward and tell us so ; , tell ue that he and his constituents are willing to pay a tributs and submit that they will - surrender the independence of their country. - To. consider this motion now unless a sub', atitute lor the embargo were proposed, Mr. S. said he could , not agree.-' He therefore moved that it be made the order of the day for Monday ..week. : In the mean time fit 'took it for granted that the President's mes aage would become the subject of cpnsidera- ' tion, and the House would be prepared to - taywhat course it would pursue. X , (To bt concluded in our Hint.), ' :' ; jriLMimrom :: TUESDAT, NOVEMBER l'rsoy. , " 1 -.,. .... .. ' ' J .. .. , ' . - . At length the American'peopfe can read and ponder on the President's tnesssite. ' A k. n.n.a.l nf.f. Tk.ali.rfi In. trn-tninf are not few nor unimportanU-but the limits of our paper forbid an exercine of the unplea sant office of a political ceh'or to the extent f which it is susceptible, i Wf will therefore, . for the fre$tnt, point put a few pronfioent ar ticles for which we think ft it coudemnable. -. 1st. Because the President declares that" the embargo has given safety .to our mari-1 rcrs, when it is notonou that a large portion , of them,' instead of finding employment, as, ' they bad a'rigbt toexpec in the national service, were compelled either to starve at .home,' or beg' employment (to which, h ahame to justice and national honor ! frt Amcrittn teamen were forced, by the cruel - and bad policy of our rulers, to submit) in the Znglith navy, into which some of our poblest ' tars were admitted, while others were morti fied by a h'umiliatinir refusal. . . Y ,. :.. , Sndly. Because he has de'rlared,that the enV . bargo has given safety to our mercantile jiro. ; Prty when it would be an insult to our su Vferingt to be reminded, that our ships and produce lie idle, and In a great measure rot. ; ting in our harbors, and in our barns." 3dly. Becausehe boasts, tat the embargo has enabled ul by warlike preparations, to assume the imposing attitude of defiance, . when it would be almost proverbially ridic'u- : lous, to compare our fortifications with those of myuncle Toby's and corporal Trim's, toil lustrate their memorable siege. ; 4lhlv. Because he has devoted many and long sentences to Indian affairs,' ansf philoso phic speculations about turning Cherokee! ' Into American cltireni,- when he aUows no ' more tksn three lines and a half to a state ment of our s:tuation relative to Trance, and , eomparatively but a Tew paragraphs, , and, aome of those almost unintctligible.andfone of - htm aVsolutely s, respecting the mutual position of England and . this country. ; Jthly. Because he appears to aoften the , c6nduct of France, by only stating that from her we had received no answer, when" Mr. Armstrong declares in his letter to the Se cretary of State, that he had refrained from' any application to the French minister, from a certain conviction, that Inttead of its being of any avail. It would be injurious to us. while he.ihe rre.idnt,r nothing of the. late hor. , rible attrocltist of the French on the ses, from the burning and sinking of our vessels to the murder"of in American seaman. 6thly, Because on Spanish affairs, be docs not state that Spain and Portugal hsfe open ed their ports to our ships, while England, as respect our commerce with those two nati ons his so 'modified at revoke her orders tf council, as to leave it unrestricted and dis. pitches the whole heart-chterinjlntelli?ent of Spanish pstriotlim, victorious over Gallic usurpation, in about two lines of perfectly dirbioui import, meanitij anything, or noih :, fthly. Because thoughUs tlat'ian made iU dutj, he is sepolchrally silent on the subject bf recommending.any measures to congress, thereby throwing on them (according to "his old habit, and in the words of Mr Randolph, making use bi his back door communicate ons and influence) the whole - responsibility of the measures they may adopts " 1 , 8lhly,- Because -with a ludicrous anxiety, he makes a query Shall it .ourpublie trea sures lie unproductive, in the public vaults t hall the revenue be reduced t": when, lindei1 gnt blessed embargo Ood only; Knows, wnen. , we shall. get any more money in theTreasu-; ry without odditiond.taxts:iMA'.:'y'lv- j Sthlyj Because it is a composition era msy-in its arrangement, ambiguous in its meaning) inelegant In its style, and deficient in its mat ter : and oW the whole, ojuiteVuVsajisfactoty.' .v. ; 1': VS-v-yr-;?:"' "'". , ' .,.: So prospects, at presenf, ' flatter us with the expectation of the, removal of the Em bargo, but'ratherA'threateft' additional sup plerrffcntsV 'and an' Increased: rigor: in iaforc-ingit.- . . " ,";lr-' feWa areTjarticularjfiolfcitous to direettht attentioh of all to the ietyixtitttnt communi cation pf Giin.u ri'tr. R.NewmartV'whofeletter to General .WnkinfonchirgCT'him fh being Traitor y member of Conurefs' from .ongre Virginia; pT'he following is a Correct statement of the v6tetakehift Ihi district fok an foectoof President and Vice-President j .wp'vi r. 'ix.i -: S 'V;" : ;;,-;:".:V V MKe.';,'' Brovp Sampson -aKd.:33J U ; .7 New-Hanover Onslow r:'" kadeni.l'v"ff;f' Brunswick ?ltfik 'f'.-y '4.,?i'i .-Totit. V fear 1949" 'itnVi loss Majority for Governor Ahe ).- f ! The following is a correct statement of the votes taken in Newbern district for an i.leclor pf President and Vice-President 1-Gaston U9S, Whitfield 1315', Giving a federal ma jority pf 181 to M Castonli; v ; ''' '' , ' ':: ' ...',"'! '."'i :.i ''::r-i. i State of the poll vo Vhington district A Toole 1536, Williams'948, giving a . demo cratic majority of 57$ to Mr. Jopfe. 1 :'' l- r.-.-',- !' XALXICH, HoviMiia IT. ' - r TBe eltclion for electors of President closed throughout this State on Friday last "f tn this district C6f. Taylor, the Madiso nian' candidate is elected i - ; ' v .., ';.t) vln aonie places of elections in Johnston,'' where the federalists , have decided majo-, rity, the polls were not opened, and ihta a TUB nil 1 lu lira repKUM( r)ni-r .Wim it was known (hat the soldiers belonging to the imy, stationed at this place, were to vote, many respectable' men were so disgust ed that they would not vote at alii and many did noV attend the ehctiotu' , The soldiers' did attempt to vote and were refused.'. ,, . p We do not recollect that the standing ar my ever voted before at an election, except hi tlrat republican state Virginia, which can do ho wrong, and which, is a pattern for. Kortb-Carolina upon, all occaiions. . Judge Potter gave it at his (opinion that the soldiers bsd the right of voting, and contended stre nuously at the polls, that they should be ptr' ntitttd to f aercise that right. . : ,, , J, ; It not the example now, set,' a dangerous onef Suppose .several thousand soldiers un- der,Wlkinson and Dusne, and the patrio tic commanders should hase the election of certain men much at heart, what is to pre vent trm from marching their soldiers jlo the polls,' and making thefts vote for their favorites.;;, : ,. . , - ft has been the general enquiry of the peor pie, " for what purpose is a standing arm raised and kept in the country in a time of ix-sce I" We can now" answer that iha m'.'; crults a this plile has perhaps answered one of the purposes ol the administration by voU' ing to a man for Mr. Madison as President.. If soldiers are permitted to vote it would be ah eiy matter to jajse 5(3,000, and by. placing the'ni in certain districts, they would be sure to vote for those members of Con-, gresl who created them Thus, however bur tliemome end oppressive these soldiers may be Id the people, yet the penile could have noredrcss, ; : , ;r- , la the distriCf composed of Moore, Chat barn and Orange, we have cot complete re turns. 'In Moore Mr. M ILensie, the federaL candidate, bade majority of eoo and upward he had small majorities n 0 separate elections in Chatham and a large majority at the Hal River election In Orange. At o- hcldoa fridsy instead of Thursday as the law directs. If these votes are rejected,' as they legally ought to bt, Mr. M'Kcnils Is' elected. - '. " . Mr. riummer of Hllibx district, end Col. Wynn of lltrtf&rd, ahdGn. Riddick or Cstts, all Madisonisns, ire without doubt ejected. 1 iJioerta. - "'...,,.. i .,' Xaitst, (Ujutthiitti) Nov. ft. " .The election, for a Member of 0rreH In this district, yesterday, terminated In t& r .1.!.. Y 1 1. m Ham II.mi.m1m film.t. IitM - .... Ul rV i 7 ,'' r.' rr.fn poneffion Of -k..-1.. . L ' tomakeretucDi, par This is the first time that Esse. South Dis trict has ever had the honor of a Federal re- Ircsentative. Mr. Pickmaa had 279) TWS lr.Illham.3151.' . The following . fa.fls are eommtrnicalea $y a gentleman from New-j$ftv, juft as the paper was going to prefs. , TKe coun- ty of Glouchefter has giving on examina tion" 6f the official ret omsi a majority of l5 foj'the democratic; picket.' ' but Jn one lown the (drpeflos have returned only 20, federal .votes nereis (c ,' pe ' foot, Jo hat , iunii,4iafc cuuio lorwrti ana iwurq ,inas ibey vojed for the federal ticket tbefaftr are brought; before tb legiflaiure' and a Luuiuiiiicc uai ccn appuuiicu u examine and report No Wonder . the federaliCa "irtti afloniflied'at tbe-return from Glou- ccuer. ho wonder mat Madiion can. be cleae4x;e'edent.-Trir:ri,.;'2' hev;Tmoytments, on, the continent' Jlilj indicate ..'an . early .repewal ol hoflilities 'with Auflria, who iS aiTumed an undisr mayeo annuac. ncr army is loimca inio eight divifions,;each commanded. by a field marlhal. :: ;.! he arepdoke vhartea trgerie ralifTimo: miniller of war and fubreme in ill'attcii of mlfital Jifitoioni;:jiJ: p Tioorpapefoi :ep'..5( a poierveo an extract from the NeiYoik Daily Aim tifer,, contradicting the report' of n en gagement between : he America b frigate Chefapeaie, and, a Britifh fiigatc, (name unkoo viifl j.repottjid i to, wie by - W -pliam' Duncanfan of Oun ' BoatJ No. 51 and it ; aboears that he has denied ever alfertine fuch. a (hing,, for, which realon I take this method io "mak'o' it known to the publjc that the ctrcumftance was related to me on the '9th of September la ft off. Sandy Hook; by the fy AVUliamDopcaofoo;' ;.a(f ihtf under hened gent lemeo Hive proved by their amdavitj ' .whof veri pafleagert oh board and 6n deck at the time. 1 . 1 fhoutd. not have fd long delayed reuefling you to Infers tbefe lines in your paper, had tt not Keen forthe ab fence of one of the wit ne (Tel. -r'Piz: peter hess;; ! Y Wilolihgton 14th Nor. l8p8 '.;,?,... i 'John S. Oliver;- and ohft Patteifopi being duly ffoial 1 efpeflively declare the above flatement by. Peter1 fiefs, relative to a communication made to him by vVil liani Duncaftjon, ol Gun-Boat. No. 51, Is .true, being prefeut when fuch conver. fition took place. . 'tv'Vi' :" r, J;. . , . JUtlN 5. UL1 VtK, .; if ,'' f Svaorn tt' wort mi WILLIAM link1 y y: :; '. Ditb, Athit plantation, Old Town, m the ntn irut iur rw it,ttm umii ummmrt Entiaas) Tiv.' I:. Nov', 1 5, Sth'r Relator, it Ilhtnnjt Chorletton , :, , Slooi Pattn tfcLeatL ' ,. Chorletton i :.:-.'.' .'.GLtAaao' : t5, BrixWMamV'JUrthttL 17, Sch'r Tartar, SmitK, ' 11, SlooPattjt tlcLtan,.': '; Boston Charleston Charlttton M JniieiM bai betai icUived, bat was too tat iVr laam m. 10 THE OFFICERS OF THE MILITIA 1 .' NORTn-CAROLINA.' . lTN receiving the orders of Hii Excef- J. Icncyihc Commander in Chief, to is Jo (ha Qnota Of Militias required nf inis tste by the general .government, I find all progrcfi in the bufinefs necc!Tari!y fufpendei for a few days, by the svinl of data, by which to'mke the appointment oi me teembitoa to tht lcvcral Uisilion ' I art ana Diifja.tei.- . . . . . ' - The difficulty which tliui Ipterpolei tt felf, proceeds from the modification of feveral Brigadei, and the creation of a new Divifioo.fince ihe . lafl returns of the Militia have been, received j and I am in patTcfSon of no returns but of Diviftinl. (a,' few Regiments Only excepted" ij nor are there aoy other to be (ound either wittf the Commander jn Chief, or in the Offices of'tha General Affcmbry.' . . t ' . . As the lime has Already arrived,' when the duplicate returns of the Commandants j ( Rrgimeoti ought to bave beeri received, and as they are now coming in, it U a teafonible especTation that a few dayi delay uVill enable Te toa'f portion lne Qwia in i mors proper ' aud cqhitable manner ihao could be done by any former tetorni, ltoweer minute hi detail,' were them. 1 , , . fore.whofe duty It is ticulaily Command'!!. of Regiment!, are notified of the urgent necclTity which ci'ift's for their forwarding Ibefti with all PofTlbUt difpatch'. . ' As foon as data for the appointment ate obtained, orders will be iOucd for raifmg the 'Detachment ' and it Is' confidently hoped a'i iii be ready to meet the espcr Istloni oi the. PrsfiJcnt of the.UnJieJ States, ind oi the Commander (a Chief of hit State. . CALVIN JONtS, pt ' ,( ' AJjuiant-Ctncrot. jRskitnjKov. Vt!o8. . I. I UIT Itteleed Sod lot (at at thii aflwe S ft eUpol JednUMof few late norarf atoika, ttfo le bTataof CtrVea Peai-lltcf, nd b-aite ol DtlMs'i I k . 4 .! li I . . - . . fTHE CopartnerfJiip of,C. & P. PeU " ' hm i tbia day diffylred by mutual : con fen t.-. :.-.'...- -.-, j,.. - : CHARLES PEUIAM. PETER PELHAM. v.. - Vi!miogtoo; Nov; 22. iTh ubsQrilirs;( have .reml J: ed 10 the plew Brick S'torei oh' the Korth - ' side oi Market-street, fldjoinipg Mr. Gabie.' : -where they are opening, a General Assort- .. merit of NEW; GOQ 1)3, just received 'by , the Venus, from New-York, which they' ofc. hi tbt Siile, iiu reasonable terms., ' ' Omti St W MITCHELL, :WiV;ii::;;-'i(r - at NOTICE. -' - .fOTeieas,tKC Planaiiori ori 'the? ' ; North I't Rjvthfoiw'ni Utibo. WilmiBtiM,bloii -, Cotht htiri of Mr. Arthur' Mabfoo, deenhd. htvinc ' 1 Xuftlo4 frtat injaty from per foot 'rtffpiffiai thro, i thii ii4h relot to latorra u pciloai iroai . huotiog f : . . deQrovinc the timber o4h fame, t lam dctctmiacd to pfolceuu ID onoiKr 0. aneciion.-1 ' ..4MJI. HOLMES,"' Notice:, 'i r- r Thc subscribers' having qualK f tedu tdmiiitaritot.a4 daroIftrtriKlp the Eftateof CbarlcS tootf, dtcf j, give notict to all oerfoaa . hi j demindj tfaintt f.id cfttl to pitfeat hew foe : ; . Biymcat wtthie tb tine recurred by satrf ffmbly.k ' eotilled." in ft concctatne. prtrinf 4of and ' jnotioj Utttn of dminiHritiun, and to prmat friudi . . th pitotpoitnt of iatcttttea iites," oiherwif thy it i will be birred of recovery ty the operaifoa of hid eO, 'V f hole iadebted lo (lid eftite aiereqacSed la rnika im aatdiau f ymBt,'otbef wife tecoo tie will be had M law. .-.,... .' - . 'i : v .'. SAMUEL SWANW, Admiaiftrator. ; V . : iu'. JANE JONES, Adniaiftratrix. n v . ', KoyeTobei ka,. Xii- 6. w r..- r NOTICE., 'I vJMI persons itidebtefl to .-.'the c$l - ..; tate oi wimam, ucave cerry, ticceaicd. are requeues iu inaae immcoiam pay menr,' , and thofe to whom the faid eltate is" in." ' ' debted are defjred lo render in ' their ac '- ' counts atteftetf to , Herifoa Kelly, who is " authonlcJ to fettle alt affairs ot laid eUate. , , i'i James' HrAncrum, Adm'r.'j . v Nov. ax '. . ( 30,0pg ; DOLU ARS7 . ' f or Height uojudmd ciwts. ' ;fZW-YORK STATE LOTTERY; ForOptniaj aad Impro.j certais freet' " f I r . -tods to the . Alack Rivet ,.:" PoGtieW lo eemmtooe drawinf the a alls AS AdiM dett. 6oo Ticket to be dr.wo each de aatil the who's i coacluded. ' friaes Tkle ro diyt a tin . the draertagi Sod the piyaaaat fmaraalccd or the Ittte - THE CAFTTALJ'RIZIS ARE, ' '7 30,000 Dollars,' ,, 20,009 Dollars," ; .. 10,000 Dollars,; woo Dollars, . r L- . v' V; Jf,000 Dollars,. . . ., i ? . ItGdet. teeeral of 4 ,000, 400, aoa, too, Ac. Ac ted than iwo Itaaka to a Priae. ,Tbe Scheme ot tbia . , Lolteiy i asieet Ully ackoowledted to be the bet ever yet offered fo the America Peblic, aed the price ot ' Ticket at prtfeot bo hibar tbea Eight Dollars tack. ', 7. ricKEts, ; Jiatvest' Quarters, 'and Eighths V i abb TO II sun At v ) :.;..' ' HGitJJu irAITE's v TRULY FORTUNATE LOTTERY OrriCEJ, : V' No. , M'ArETEN'.LAKEv . ; V Andlfo.i&i MAIQEN.LANI, , : ; s, v NEW-YORK, ' , Where M fold lo ibe t AT New York Lattery, - T A Ike three capil.t prie of . . . ' 35,000 DoTlara, No. 20231 r 10,000 Dollars, No. 2S40J ' ":" , . X fiOO Dollars, No. torafl r ' j s ' Also, No. 20310 a prize of 3,000 'Dolura, ' befidee beeral btheri of a,ooo, iraotf, joo Pallara, Ac. I -tec And la foimar Kew York Lottcitei were told" as the sboee Offtu, k , ; ,'j i; , 1 -t 17J99. 53,000. Dollar r 1 73 4 3,000 Dollara ' 3939 20,000 Dollara 31573 3,000 Dollars' U994 2.00O Dollara .16617,3,000 Dollara' 35595 2,000 Dollara . 363 10,000 Dollars ' 36135 SrOOO Dollars 3050 3,000 Dollara. 13298 3,000 Dollars 208$s 2,000 Dallara', . uu unr tvuiiti j -wiiicv ih waiinnorsj corner of Charles and Market,Streets, werai ' sold nearly all the Capital Prizes, in the lata'1 , Su Mary's College Lottery, ' among them', Were the following, viz. ,. .. - 699 30,000 Dollara ' 19894 1,509 Doltari' 15564 15,000 D ollars 1718 1,500 Dollars' ' 7001,10,000 Dallara 1535 1,500 Dollara' fcrr 5,000 Dollira"" fdtO 1,500 Dunara 1 14535 .1,500 Dollra , ; Distant adventurers, by eocloxing'.fiank Notes ih letiers post paid directed lo, VVaite'a 1 OtTices la Baltimore, New-Tork er . Albany, 'may have' Tiiketa ar.d Shares, retaraed by.' -post to any part of the Union,; with the uu most punctuality, and the earliest advice, se"nt of their success.. Schemes at larregrai'' lis and Case advanced for prizes as soon a drawn. A weekly ptinted prize list will bo! , forwarded lothe editor of this paper, and at, the conclusion o( the drawing the snanagcri otTicial list of Priaos as soon as printed, w her any a;eotleman caa czamlne bis own. nurobe Pnzss Informer Lotteries taken 'in payment for Tickets in this. t , , i 3 The Saltimore Trinity" Church Lou' tery commtneed drawing on the Erst of No-, veniber, and will continue to draw 3,009 Tlclcta per week -till finished. . , ! a' ' ' Tkkcts and . Shares warranted undrawn , may be had at cither of C. k R. WaitrV Lottery Offices. . a. ',,.;.'.

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