V ' jTheScnVVenus, John S.OiWermatery will positively sai ' on the ttfth-instant. For reijt 6t passajej" (ha-. vin exctlient bccqi- lawlations) apply to the toaster on board or to ' J subscriber 7 . - TOIIN MITCHELLi , ' .NB. TVro apprentices are wanted on board? ' said schooner. Such persons a know of any . young lade from 1 2 to 16 years of age, whose;. -parents, or guardian woulq Do wUitnjj" to-; , bind them, willonfer afavon, by giving irw ' formation of iu They will be well cloalhed ..and a liberal schooling given. u , , U . W Novembet 15. v. V'.V 2w f : "v- -r , - irno wrtcfrMu .."' v ... V The Sch'r Rebec- cai'Tboma West, mas. ,ter, will ail la lO.or 13 day, for freight or pa. .sage, apply w the apt. on boara or 10. Vv IUaM H AltRIDGE 8c Co. Who haye mewed by .'aala Tessel, and .for r t00Cr,btthels of Liverpool Salt. ti rut .j Oct 31, FOR BOSTON, r The itoui naurrcnurig "aT? William .fcMatthauff 1411 huh in vwii-vwiwiii .difpJi'cHifqr Jreighi or - nairart. Uivine acCom. mrutationl fof'A'ir fi Oct' fbhs) r apply"at tie "Poll-Ollice-or 10 tire Cap t. oo bpard, It Mr Wm. Campbell! wharf," above and adjoining the Sobfcii. . Nor u . JOHN JLOD..- urt ffcuived and for ia.lt fit thit Ojjict, the, v I ' .MEMOIRS OF- - . . AVlLLIAM SAMPSON, (Brtthtr tMicBJtl SampsoU, ef thit State, ) '. '. 1KCLU01MO ' r Farticttlar of kia adfenturea in varioua parts - of Europe nls conhaement in the dun 4 igeonaofthe Inquisition in Lis " j-T.' " ; boti,' &c. kcv i' ' ;: J- '; . SEVERAL ORIGINAL LETTERS j t " .y-Yc amk '-'''''.V' .''V Ilia correspondence with the Ministers of State in Great-Britain and Portugal j ' .A SHORT KETCH , ' t,.iiistojRroViRELJifD, ; v Particularly as it respects the pirit of 1 ' . ;r Krkiun tiowioatioo in mat ; -v country ;:;t-.ll- . . .: A 11V OB518.VATIOSS X TBI STATE Of MANXS. fct AHgBlCA. r - . : PROPOSALS f ' ' "r ... ftAasAtso ot . V THE MESS.'AH, ) 3a Eluh htiBK trft an tie Fkhi writtta ori. fiatUy ia tbt Unn Liagatt, by r .t '. ' .. ala. KLUrsTOCK, ; "V . So justly celebrated by the Literati of Europe - as M th Milton of JUertruny 1" who is considered a haine campletcd what that favorite soa 'of lh fiutuh muse had lf unfinished.' ' "''- ' ' . V - This work will b b'ubli.htd mTibmber each of -which shall ti-mpriai one book) to be delivered to subscribers every iwb months. It will be primed In octtvo, on good, demy -VaDer. and with a handsome type, sewed. The nrice to thoe who chooe to patronize the work will be fir j cents for eaob number, tiavible in advance . When (tie last book Is cotrpletedj tbe cimci of the sobcriUcr will be added. , To nen-iabseriber) the price will be sixty- twoand ahalfcenta.: . It absll be puy to press as soon at eight hundred SHibsuribcrs offer. . " , The translator flatters himself that a work whlcti canr.ot possibly wound the ieelings of any political party -or religious sect, and whose chief tendency Is to promote the grand causa of Christianity, will meet the favora ble smiles of all those who are' dssirous to promote the real Interetta orrtllgtorr and vrfluo. : It will possess one merit at leasts In the eyes of some, being the production of a native Acric40f and chiien of the United tU V t 1 fk'HALLlNC, A M. v Mutof cf St. Jamet'i Churth, Oct IS, 1 101.". '.V. '. , '.!y77 StbtcriptUnt rtttfatd at thit Office - , : -, , FOUND." - By a negro, an English RANK KOTK. U HI be returned to the owner tm offering a defcrlption itlat will WeoHfy the Ml note, by Riaing a fanall gratuity to the finder, anil pail re Tor ibii adver- tifaivient- w A. F. MACtEILL: . November I j. tf. RttetvtJlj lU (htntt Yenut, ft!n JlrutrJ frm CbttUutn and Jtr If tbt Mciile ' . J,000 bushels 6f Silt, and . An assortment of Clothes. .. ' '. II, KELLY, Mot-Sale;;".:': . N board the fchooaer Cleaner) XM ' Williams, mailer, r ao Ulsr N. F. Rum, 1: 10 ui train vmi, ; , i - . Si 'bo brown Soap," l:v.,V ., -Taj i'U. prime table fifi,"j . ,i6;dovblk;Pepper';;:'J C. " .bbU.,Gin,' , . yi- i " 4 t'h fpVf atde and Beat; fof partlca. kfi appty to the matter on board or o .gaober , ' : v for Sale. " ;i : M-'i. be iollowinQr' articles, mst tt oenea b the fchoofler BcUTt Cipu ChurWiiU, tfc, C Dolt Mf-i-vi f , bbxei Coltoo 'Ctidt, ao. i lc ft "( 6 Ami Co1 f iDt -i&v - 1300 lb Cheeft ' - 1, ' kbit MlNf "iv ' -' 4 T- 4 o(Vi 4d, 6i tnd to4 tut ... .. ... - 1 bftl I t.u Oil Aa sITdirtmeat at Ire Ctftin, aon6fti t Poll, Ortat, Spidert; lkUItTt kiula ' Apply t,r,;:-:'ie !..-U i, : W, 'e kiula tnd fir pt ? WTCHCLL ; ..Oft t3 ?rij -'if 'n li ii. FOR SALE, by the SUfiSCRillER, St. Vbti- Salt, bv trie 100 bush. or more, T'ufUM.nd ' T'.r" s,,.w -., -,. '(, '-' Waggon Tyre and Axe bar Iron, pf, tan or ""'loo wu'1; -v t."r.j";, '! '"'i '' v d proof iWast-Indla Rum,' T in Vxcelledt 1 fllVnili-: ki. h Khrl V :,l'"f " VJ Kfi Rumfthebest quality, by :-A.:Mii Svttiir in hhds ftnd bbls, Tot- retail " 1 vuun in wags. miuiiiiK umiiij '. tone Lime in casks' of bushels ' Flour, Tobacco, Cotton, Candles in bexss aa4 Tallow by the Tierce. f - Also pf bait, - Dills on BottoH. at 40 days. r f The" Subscriber has a Fire-Proof Ware Howe, of Mr. John Eccles.10 LET, of Storage by the week. or month. N. B. The Dtbtort to tbe Pot-Oiuce, are once more noticed. ', " -;r . , , JOHN LORD The Subscriber offers for Sale,' small aasortroetit of DRV C00D3, ury suitable for aCountf 9 Slol e. The terms trill si moaerata ana tne creuu uuerai. . . : . . f , 1 i GEORGE HOOPER Oct 39. '''U'i, Tho Subkcribof Am the Cargoes of.the.Ship Santa Theressa, and rtriir Two Fi-inds. from Turks Lland, toa aistine in the whole of 6 or 7,000 buadl of ; WAtt ISLAND SALT . ' Paymerit can be made onjnoderata terms, either In Cotton, Tobacco, Riceji Flour, Tar, or Turpentine, ataTair prtw, or uoui on .1 11. .1 . n i. 1 '"; ' ' ' ' time payaoie ai iub JOHN LORD. Not. ;ia.V 770 0 Bushels' of "Liverpool Coarse SALT, being the csrgo of thk Ship" Abiona. just arrived, and for sale by . V . St..' i R. k W, MITCHELL. , , " Wholesale Store. " THE fubferibera; hae again opened their ftore and offer at vvhoeia'a a lar(te&generala(rortrr)ent'ofDaTCjo?DI fUaowAai, tiATa. he. &c. , - : . ... Giles Ik Burpvin.. iOfloberl5. '. ;. . '. 3' rat'ivt't ly IM icnoonar anwyr tt. frol Mnbltf4. Ih Inllawiai tn cltt as ii M l,U aipat il f litaa J l ta tMtllaat awtlMy ' bhaa. M I. Raas . , ' ' i to bbi- o. 4a, .. -:- . ' '.'..',. a tla. Cafr, Raai - '.- ' 1 ' ' s etttt ba SJItftt Wiae 4 ' . - ' ' ", t a,Oil .. 40? lb. Co4 a4 ftttla filh ! ; a b'n Iaait Csoa't ' ikk's. aoaaa, aal TaagsrS T . , f krit . ',.". ' a fca ball bbU l1a . 4 .' oaobai ia. HAWSOaT KlLlf. A.-BEADING 11QQAL U . The object of thjs establishment Is to collect in one mass all the respectalla pipers of every political description to be ft gularly tiled, all new amd interesting panv, phlets, and a variety of the best reviews' pnb lished in this country and in England. .- " Terms of Subscription to the Raadiag Room, ten doIUrs a year payable half yearly In advance, strangers are permitted to snb scribe monthly, at ih rstetf one dollar per month, payable In advance. ' ' The Heading Room will be opened to-raof row morning. ' .Wk.S. IIASELL . November 15. :. ' To Let,1 ' A CpmmoUiou IIousc, Situated on Front Street,' bctwet'ri tS houfel of Tliomsi Robefos and TKotBli Jenooji. Apply 'o 1 - Lewis II. Tooraej'. ' SeMemberlo, " 'joo buffccIctiTool Salt int.-S.ife,; 1 Lit. V: - ' . .... . ,. -::ir- Penn ft Hamsona" SadJIeh end tfdmm Mdkmi n feaPtCTFULLY InfdHB tt IA. hlunii bf V (lttn8tf)A lnii hi lein ity that tht tottilnui tA taffy en ttir hiirWri at tha hUl rlnil abb dan we A ol the Prihtln0ei Market jUitet, whtft theThavt bn hand i eatABlel atfuFtmtnt ul SHiclel in tRtit liHl Vti, ViCflUfmenl belt ana 0tflm0n BWdlei, feime'i m nlatteii and eomSnun It liners. Ptiitt winteiu edmftnm THiuki, autatntl eoaiMon ItttJItl, UdttVAllnV tlP! ind Hoiiteti, Any it tl ibu ih'kIm will bi iota ii eheiB 11 n bi gv)i in N Yetk bf ! the fafni PiHijfi ihuli who pleaft) ean call tnt) Iouk it the gnnil, n.et a cent chatged foi ttyini 19 plearViuem. f, Ordtn ftem .tin Ct)Untiy ntlfkiy td tended to, id thahkfulljf I6f livit b , 3i':.wv5'':i'-:"''- & " ;;Ni B.TBdll wM Irt IntleHletl It Jioin i'rtlrt will very much ebligt him if they, will ell mil teitti their aieeum!. 11 he ti now pnfuni irtel wilt wail en thtn ' crlrinfwiwf)WBPtte(fffiii i y . .A. all -..1... -.i.l. i iu qr catas onerry vv met ei s unei ir quautji , 4 hfuti Leaf ind Lump ugiPi ddi fti 3 hhd Dt'dWlt SUgari . t rbbU da. t!a Hno. i,;.v; if ANIOH UlVft -JVit RMBIPiD, pm Ntw iV, Y FALL mtt mmm (J90D9, , ,AVhich will bi ioU ihtap fyp tjnh If Cuunlry Pioilusiiby - X IWLL h NieilOMi Novf.. at TEN DOLLARS UfiWAUDi CtAAYliU f.rjm (hi lubieriyer in liladen vCuuuty, and luppaud ta be pm (owardi Chatham euunfyi wairr ne wm Nitre, -A Lame BAYHOllHlii biilid fir tm whitti and whin redt laimi inmewiiit ttwet thin mi eiiiiifi( inn nil white M)ot in hit faee, nir vv lilts Ii i in u ten aUo, i ff thlu hairi licit liali hit i.f wtattietli ' . .: Whoever wilt tiki up Ihi nld herif , and return him tq tha lubiiriber ahull restivf Ihi above rswirl, ana an rxppfieM paid w; HAMUliL 1IANXIN8. Brtinitkk cfluitlf i Nurnnber I mi . iJOLLfuTlTIEW ArTST-" ' fcflbtf. n isa almh al OA kih l N'ira mil ttr in mi ( JIM i kali i uliMfi nidi flM ihI , I will kao ikati Wlli(i, tut Tffltl lOMRi, , bit i iri an kv awini it v.il, Ahi'i pita . ilea, ahrre M II likil M IH it htilfif tb Hi M IhM uitii. whHt win tret th'M m mi ituw, t aVivif hm t ii Mr MOR'ia'i s!imi -a, m I y bim in if. jiii a wt'ftiifti'aa, rhill km l a. ti ii, isa an miian hi.i ana ay Nev.ti ' aV KlUMMT, KUN AWAY"" fltOM tha Subicrlbcr A Wfra lellAW,im4 aU4tO.fjfJ it ki la rk ai ib. bmhfla at 8f ai'i a hid bf kl tfti Hi at a wm: mi win iwy a if itnth i h tri lirlm I'.f flldlhaull tlHwfal a w if a TIM D 'LLAaJllibiiaiiav lyattMa kin,! inf ill lataiblf iff tttH MM 61 lAklilrlW. Wilsil!i, OA. i, ilt II pECEiVFf) tr ("'I i'r"' l UrtiDif rn:irrlllffrtf0titii'irH fcrven ttiotifihi'lttifriir 1,wtfA ML aNteicraiti EAKTIIM4 WAkfc, y - Aii(JetmfJonci, '. SUCAH3 IN IJAUltLLfi ami Teas of Imperial Quit It In Loxci ol 131b, cicii, Jar friiciv a mm, Oclobfftf ' If THE mWri'tff Vh iKiM.iImI Livery Stablety errt ih f M cotid itrret fof tha a4wiffK(l(M m tntn gendrrma Iritsilint; iUftt?,h af fmtinf M f hi iowri rho miy if iyw .( ifierrtKlllI af tfii f ihUUhmttttt t,Uff kirrd f gfaia Irxl (f I l ttttHf faf wir. shin b $bvnAMf ptmJit thl hMlf itfi, and all a1i ttw tM M ikf aa If tha Unffv. TM ftiMif ff f ' aVr 1 .lUn ba ap ftrlf ti4 favb It 1,1 kl if ... i ..1 i,,. ...... '.- isinuitca wn ,uer e vrry vvt,r? WAS commifcl tri lU Ml r,f ClnUm raif,artf Sk M f a I act 1 alawli M At S I ft NaVf ' t-fi bi I aWtrt ley tMf ff. a S Mi, m I r H Ml ta Wfeftf I Will. kr firwal I ." ra W y 4mi, fan t. f 4 tr '4 M ie, TM vw If iAwSaf a fraaf ft f iar4l af Itkf k tt . ' ' ' ' ON tht M'tfc f Notrrmbet next wlir fel fentfdout at Publio AaQlon, Hfll Nfl belonging to tha eflate of Chorea lennines. deceafed. for the- terns l9k IM, the tenant giving bond with iPPTMtFI tvwf tty.. . v . . 4. jU4U4 c;iuuzig5, flUIQ Ta Ovlffll if. wa NOTICE TMR ivbieriber having rtlinqu.uher' a thought of transacting mercantile busU Tif M In WllWUglqn. having made a fW& f MUihwtnt trom that here, oilers Hla pleatant iwrraer situation four PAlWl fln AVllniingto consisting of about en.. 11 1 1 :' r aTt-v' 01 , VflrPH HCTC5 OI iuAlNli, with t pfl willing house, kitchen and other. 'WBYWHCBI tellings, with about twenty or Uiiny ereiwBief good fence, i The range ra f if ellcBt for Ulo and hogs and the growth wmeui fpy tBrpentina -and tar, ' Young na I m S VH? be tlMB IB payment, w a liberal Iff (lit given 19 vhoia- who are disposed to 4t dvertisembnt. Ti Ill E fubferiber havlns rfeMU tit, ilnefa at Wilmlneton. ha iflimd bondv nptet and book accounts due him there, (at I payment) to Meffn. t'nrn, fillis Shaw; Merchants Newi THIS- .Tholilhat aro Indebted will paj - attention to this notice, and make nr. ; Vlft9n fpf tho djfeharge of the (urns due, ' f . JOHN ECCLES. . iip'imber Pi ' ' 1 WaUm-apaw awm.11 n p' h "p w Noticee , THE fubferiber being appointed Af. lornev in fafl for Ma(Tn. Corn VWim . If auaw; Merchanta New.Yark. reouefk ill thoff who are indebted to Mr. John fcffilf I (HI (bit MctJ either by bond, nu'ti or bock debt, to remember rarticu. lailv. thai no Mifanat annliritiiin w111 " b mirfi ilftribe firft dy of Novtmbci . All ihnf wha aalfh la aVnLl iha mmh. lire "T? " V w - av aav Ctltf IHlitding law fuiti may com for ward mil cnnlefl judgment, and ftaa of If ctillon will bf granted eejtial if any dciiy tin tw admit, . - -1 hiifi debtor! who neglect calling on - Ih LihfriiH aiil be fieil in W flSHflflOf Court at rayetievill. - .". Joimi-orrj. . Ifllembff l$t ta? ; NOTICE. All Pf rions Indebted to James Uiher. by Band. Not at area Account. art ffif di"! to make certain payment cf Ihi ftii in 'Mhrr cf tha Subfcriberi, en or ntfori tha irhcf tbU raonih, ether iff liny WHIM PHI lfti" ' . ' . fj.eavfVt. : atff, a, BlAO. w aasviif Ant fijftfil i'lttn JI Jttutrj ntxt, . IStmU, waeho fi, tt wharfv ffffnirr'y nccopled by Mr. Robert Ifi fn la poiifiiio of Mi Foota 4U0, 44 ftmtiUn it n- 1 BifMffy, TMl UiUBiorf, adjoining, Citeilt m a a a a fluff Win ft wnn a UT.'t convenient, cry -.11.. i.,i..t.i.. Iti'ari wi ivr ' tittt t i r rone atii OA, Hi 4 A ROOD L.nGAIM ' Taa'f tfison vh wiskes u SELL a NE QUO MUt II tn Uyr.rs U,aa4 aairsMial Louts! and tUvar. Tr aack a vf. t'b aiilNl'ea l at w a., a ..ai aw rv r ai vrP7 vj . WANT TO HHIK, Tof l! I monih, from their master, llrtf erfcor N'triwCorr. Wfffc JUIIN MAttTIM. KtfWiitf th tthettr CUt'f 6 H it, 4 Ufa Rf 1 fn'M iai;iy It it fJnea C'ffra If bii .Urrfcel $?t f liytf (in MtuiriiH la baniff I tout l!ANS0:t KILLY. . fyfniey; To tlfnt, a air at 4 cor.nvxli. fvi Cf tf.AR. A-n'f attVuft. WILMS nts, .. TPtHHu AMirvriiMirDET WILLIAMS, JUSLI.U At Ibi f ja, aa' at .Wa a i?- I 1 I .. . I ' 1 1 a a , j ' ,r n irvr. 1 J : -t i ,, i OA fiVtfiaV -1