We undervahd mat M lj ir General Sin th nas received irders from tlw C ).n lundcriuXIhitf, to jai nth&tely or giiune h qua to o raited for hi , division of the Militia. ' . ' We re ififjrind that M.-. H. RHy, Ag-'nl for ihisStatc, his recti veil order to. charier a suitable vejsrl to tra'p.irt i.n.niilitel one cornpa.iy of 80 men to New Orleans.. , BaK or Capk F'.a. At an election which took place- yester day, the following gen lem.-n were t elected directors ior the ye ir 1809. Joshua G. Wright, Wm. Giles, John London, Rjbsrt Mitchell,' George H inner, ' ' D. Andersoii, Wm Campbdl," D mean M'Lern, . A Las tru , . '; J. MMilUti. J.flradley, .. . Of whom, J . G. Wright was re-elect-rd President for the ensuing year. , - . In. the observations we'have made,or .yalfcerthe questions pill, a neccssa- . rtly arising Iron a perusal of secretary Gstlatth't communication to senator Giles, recommen lmtf the proper additi onal' measures to be adopted by con., gre lo l enforce with the greater, stricm and better success (hat irv tnendot es'MtMent" ihe EattAaod, w preitvd.4o the' public view the Inlaw ing pffoittine K consequence, via. v 1st that tfrey co itemplitte the increate of the mtcuUve'i pave and influence, by cloath-., ingf him with the wtcwroutaile au'.ha. ritjr qf Y liit ih H caies of the; pro priety bf .giving clearances thus, by a elilat, titt his d'ctt should be received. trniii'v ne nng.it protract giving to any . in h finite time, at hi discretion or ca price, our vessels may be sHbject to a .' secret embargp in a ldition io the pub lie oi(e, or at lea l unprofi ably or rain uiy detained, '.'till the lime for sue- . cessful speculation wis past; aUo,that the president' would have an opportu sii'y ta sanction by a most arbitrary t -if u.. r: .: .i..: i t - law, il nil u.nair aiiMlillca lur ibtvt ite merchant a well as, all Unjust pre j'ijicc" inn aoiiinnic w inai p'miun af the mercant-l! in-.rrest whiohliave too touch inttepenJtnee to tender their iii!t : hamate to his LxcxLLEKCT I 2 J. That ,. it was an uhjiiitilt stile infraction of the acknowledged principle- on which wt hold nr property to say that we shall not sell a part of it (as in the cast of a hip owner) without continuing to be .rrpyttd the ownernf that property! .(which by selling, we kave put ou')ofth reach of our control.; und therefore sub ject to all the penalties of the viola . lioi) of the embargo acta- -The Secr. Jary goes nn to declare that sJiip-holdera should not b allowed toex merate them, selves from this reapoi'ibiWtfr " un--till the register and licence of the ve scl told, shall have been actually sur. rendered to the collector, and new pa pers shall have been regularly granted by tha collector to the purchaser, and ia every such case of prchae,,a sufficient bond -that the embargo shall noibe in . fringed, to be previously , rtquirsd.." Thus leaving it in the power of an arbi trary 1 ill-temperod Collector, to delay sales or prevent them wholly (for if at the mnirwnt that a vessel ia wanted, 'the requisite papers cannot from legal r caprtciMitdiincMliies .be procured, , .thQsale 'msy .be lost) and by this means through a ruinous and virtually uncon- atitutionally mode, depreciating the va- ferable !..,-. , , '. , , , 5 ? .,'" ' Iue of property, and infringing those - , Before we conclude these ttrlcturet, q litahle rules which should ever govern we must do Mr. Gallatin the justice to its transfer 1 3J. That they corttemplate declare our, opinion, that, in political " astilloixATEBiacatAsaolr.xicuTivtvlewt and tsgacity, he Is far beyond' rowwt, which even kecreiary Gallatin calls - arbitrary po-aer by vesting tn the president a discretionary autho rity la self eon any unusual d petit s" though they may be made in theer? eiaTac of our wt territories,' irom country 1" thus establishing a p tpectet of MASTlAL law among -us. It this go down and como but into prttton and it-will nof'fequire the power of divination to foresee, that tt a Frecedent it will be followed up, by irclng dawn every bad and executive mtasnre by an' argument . much In pnnt as the hyjoet I We shall oon . have a iniiiarydis;otiim rule over u, . . " . r. . . la lha flnuaa mA u.rf TL!. mmuti urerwliifwwmVBrronty-, wtth-cieariy tne-rneiticaey s 4nemoargt)---'"-'' - p a st-- ' t-Seh'f Henry Denies. AUen, i . out the least Intention or even the pratti. lawt at they now ttanu tttu as clearly - " ' "V J0 ay jf Bailu ' eatilit, of violating the atiiaeo Lwt. that nothing but additional restrictions," IT L. i.T , V. u J",0."1 m. ,n J, Vntiih Brit AUnis.Umnm 4tb. That, hey propose Wh.taecreLry .h.thest.ted; wnhaaaaatkacknow. wgt tdt and kee Gallttinttyt."leM.teawiUire. Kgca to n. a.."M cou,u .v. s .y ' 'r--.-. 4. iret,n hatoratfthoroing,onihe ap. tmng. remaps in ma own mma, no " Z.T: V Jo. S. Ship Mary, Baton, Are plicatiooofiheeolleciort, an immediats floubtsthe efficacy of even these-antT '.'7" V ..r.T.y- '7 Z 7- Ship tatty W Ltdia. Sutton, sail of the local, physical force of the if an assertion which has been publicly 'l , ?, West, . eountrr lr thus establishing a p.irioua and repeatetlly tltributed to him without 7 T1 , T7r. ; 'Ttn' Svedsh Sth'r IsaM'a, Bat, far however irr or JisiniertsteJ our p-eeni executive, or pfeiVlett ' erect '' in ay be, yet,' who that is acq tainted at all with human nature, bat knows that it it the nature ot man to encroach, Kim! ' whenever - rested with arbitrary pwer, to abuse it. This is the true ori jin' of tyranny, the more to be guard- eJ against becaufa the more seductive. A chief hss and met it our confidence aid love; in our unbounded confidence Ik infatuated love we strike off the ne cessary shackles which had previously circumscribed the circle of his powcMe ourchildren.will if we have the happiness , ta etcape,what we alone deserve for hav ing been the authors of it', groan under a subsequent tyranny from ttis , Very chief, whom too much power has 'made, Tain and despoticrbr from bis aticces-, or, 'possessing less excellence cf heart and testraint over his actions and re vellingjiri all " the wild mSs-ruk'; f an unlimited tviif- Tu return' t 'our Secretary's letter, we ' woald ask oqf fellow'titizens If. .they are- prepared to r give their sanction to a measure which . wul not allow an unhabbt nucttm bf the vtsiTATtoit of G9pto plead such tl siTATtoK in excuse for an. act!' for . which he .may stand indicted. There is. a law against assom ; whoever burns down his own house is severely punish able by law." Suppose an insurance com pany, apprehending that persons for whom they had Insured might frau dulently urir their own dwellings Jo come upon them for the insurance, had 'suRicient influence with our executive " to procure from him a rectmifiendatkn tothe legislature 10 enact a law, lorbid ding any person whohas.had hia house burnt down, to give in evidence of his innocence or his claim upon his insur ers, (hat it was done by incendiaries hostile to him, or that it was struck by the tightnit.g from heaven, What would " you thmk of the I What epithet could you apply Moo strong to mark , your indignation against your abhor rence of the cruel tyrant that would ie Commend it J " Yet fellow-citiaens" secretrary Gallatin has proposed and urged that congress should pass a taw, in order to put an end to all fraud bf false protests of stress of weather or hostile capture, that makes the mere fact of a vessel's cargo going into any foreign port conclusive evidence of her v having Vinlated the embartro acta and .thus become subject to all tho penalties thereunto attached. Is it credible, that if a vessel laden with produce should, coming from Swansborough to this !ort, be assailed by a privateer fronts iamished island, putt of her crew put to death Tor resistance, k the Cargo per haps Io4 to its owner, the remains of the crew should, notwithstanding, have thetr maul A sealed by a congressional KDtCf, their evidence forbidden to be taken in a court of justice, and that tha unhappy owner should find by the mer ciless tenor of the law, that his ship it confiscated and the penalty of hit bonds incurred -or if he has lost by the fury of s "tempest on the ocean, all his mists, sails and rigging, and should be driven at tho-tnercy of the winds and currents into anv port out of the United Statet, -Ject ' ve uKh raotrnn both our atill no evidence of this visitation pi .""rcantda and agricuPural fnrnds a Heaven will he received ir. a court of Kibecomingthedgpeaofintimationt justice, but hit doom is fixed and hit t -... l. t 1 i e i .!i in condemnation crtain. 11 all these hor rid usurpations on our rights and liber ties and comforts are necessary to en force the aatsaioo system, can it, fellow-citizens, be prudent, be profits . Lie, be patriotic, be constitutional,, to v support it U not a repeal of it, even , ihouah war be the conacQucnca, pre-" any other member i the Labiaet and that his recommending such singularly odious and tyrannical measures, arises' from the necessity he was under, to gise a f ill mnA ailVnuata lnlrp lalha tiuria - -" " 1. . . put to him by Mr. (filet 1 that he ttw any contradiction that we know of, wat really ottered by him, vis 1 That the embargo wat a ruinous measore, and that the people (thereby intimating that the administration would not do k) must take it of, then he calculates that either Congress will he deterred fmm enacting them, or that the people will nut lUbmHio them 1 which is not at v;rincc with j;Wsentlments" end coll, duct charged to huh, in the Punosyl- vaniaWuiAry insurrection. But while we censure when we think it U merited, d We ahull be 'equally ready to com. mend when ws believe it tu be deterred. 'Mr. Gallatin ha borne an honorable testimony to the conduct and decision of Judge Johnson in the Federal Court in the case of Gitfc&rist and others, vs. the Collector, Simon Theus, Esq.In ac cordance with the act of Congress 'lie Bays' the court, allowing them t.he rttght to issue the right ol mandamus, could not have decided otherwise than they did; and while he nobly upholds the independence of the judiciary, he virtu ally condemtthe supple tool of theexecu- of the law, who, instead of receiving, with becoming humility frotil'the Court inai tNowieuge oi wnicu pm is a gia rmgly in want, had the insolent pre sumption to dare to, arraign and con-, demn and direct the decision of our highest tribunal of justice in the person of ont of our best and ablest judges.- ' At a ptoot of tha lharaty tagsciiy of Cajfir KoaViay, Ka. Auernav Oaaarai of tha United 1 A'atat, w aaducahiawoadeilaldifcavaryoltha aetor bf tha Letters l Jaaiw" ia the lata Seiwral Lee. ' ' ' -!-,,. ' ' V The scMe placed ,n the right A.rk- Capi. Scoville, who arrived here last Monday from Martinique, ia Antigua ndgttsj inform, ushalwhiU - lay at Martinique, , a Virginia Pilotf . Boat schooler arrived there with 730 , barrels of Flour, which the captain sold t for thirty dollars a barrel that while at Antigua, in the course of four days only, three vessels came in there with fu'l cargoes ql flour from Virginia ; - that he saw- at St. Kilts a Virginia chooncfr that Itad been at Barbadoet with a cargo of flour, sold part, and .thetS tame to Si. Kitts wilhthe rernsin- der, for abetter market. Is il possible ' that there is aAyipart of the ie commUniis- inVirginia so " -worthless" at to be con cerned in evading the embargo, laws I aV. Y. Heralds From the West-Indite. K letter from Barbadnc dated the 23d of October, received at Norfolk, mentiona,that thers 1 a glut of provisions and flour in thot Islands there are rO(K) barrels in the Barbadoet market i that corn is selling at 81 strand fish at 2 50 ; and West " India produce It looking up. ' ' Tha Island of Martinico, it Is said, bat surrendered to the British forces. IL. Jtemotat the Embarg$.Mr Bur- ' well, formerly Private Secretary to the PresiJent of the United Stales, and mora intimate with him at this time than any other member of Congress, with the tingle exception perhaps of Mr. F.ppes, has declared Unequivocally that the embargo will be raised before ' the close of tha present Session. Mr. B. is a man of truth and honor, and un- i dnubtcdly hat no idea that he whom he deems his best k greatest friend, would deceive him upon this important tub- of ihit sort. Every, breath or rumour that it blown from this hill of the winds lias a sensible effect uonn tha markria fend gives rise to iniquitous speculations. The truth Is, as Mr. Jrflerson acknow ledged in Capt Woodward, that the ad nibistratioD knows met what to do next, V ( freeman's Journal. OtmctihttfSUu'tfiQhli) Ken. 17. u'Tbe bon;'8iutL lluanaoTflir, 'Esq' a federal republican, is elected -Governor of this tlata by a considera ble majority, notwithstanding the in trigues and base deception made use of to fustrate hit election. ' ' ' eawasssatssa " A Government of Loxtioni not of Men!" memorial Irom bdward Livingston v, . " -vs w-viiteaos was pro- dent of the United States, In teuttqvtnte ewftrfl the siartnal, ty seat of aval. tolled out three rrgmente 0 militia, and carried int efiet h forte of arms, ihs illegal mandate of the President, in off sittcn to the I'tol judgement of the Court, and in contempt of a subtauml legal in junction issued tj the taid Court, enjoin, tng tht Marshal aat to tarry ,'( ,J(t the said, unconstitutional er.d illegal" ton mandof the President I He pray for re- .lief. - ' " :. . .... Mr. Stnilie moted that .tjie memo linl be referred to the Atlornca Gobb,, ra' ' - . Tina was obiected to bv Isfawa. r Gardenier, Key,' and If.lliot, on the groutid that the Attorney General hiKat ALRLAux, Riven e decided opinion in- opposition to the ela 'm oj the memorialist, i ii m . PpETICAL GALAXY. ,' - ' - - Tae followinf Ueiutiful atldrtri to eonju-,1 love ' ii a traafliiiop of (be WtlCa tiili - p iated in 1 7 .6. ; Awif let noarht to l.v ditbletiinc ' j, BOtgh, 4ely ti,c huvnty aitt.inf Nr tfeaauh mUs, aorglooaiy sir Whit though to grtati of royst dooort, With pompon 1 titles graee par blood I We'll bin ia core fublhMtil hooora, And t ht aobla wa'U be good. "Our namerwhite virtea thus wt leader, Will rareeilv foa d whetc 'tit fooke Aad all (ha greas ones, ihey (hill woadtr. lv "jr ifw nu.m uuie tola. i' ' . . r ''" ;" llh boaatjr, 21 T.Um wt poff.f.. . withta oar yittanci Uatt, Ul" " I dH eh kiad reiuraiag Moo, K . eiai for - i(h give 1 . Throagh yoathsadaga , love eacelllag, . We'll haad and hand together tread SeUfailirg , faSaall 001 dwclllre, Aad babct, f wcai.rmiiag babca ear etat. . Haw Ihosld I love the pret'y creaiaret, While round my knaei tbcv loudly e!ug. To tec than look their aioihet'i reatuiei, To heat Ihess lipfc thaii aaothat's toaua.' And whaa wl h taTV tlnatrtafpottad, ' - Shall tbiak to iob m ol ar iova t "' l' ! vuat' d M " 0o,,, ' aoyi.. If Its la her ieaocence could not Ve lUtti, aVcsa'e goiog aaked (he stai aoi !(hiii,'d t , Whoe'er istht I d at, ( Udiss now diasi, That aga.a ibty (tow ioaoctai.Iaie will . ai.tr ' Aad ibat anlul j to ihiy icia iaw ibt evil, By iba devil oace usaated, iks; aow umpt tba . .' aVatil. : '; lDUOor PLEASASTRT. Xk m, II . lin .Ann mima I. .1 .(wmitiw.ll IIKWrU " Voltaif cam epistle. Addressed to borne- nty, iy irirnu"aid Voltaire. " this ! letter never will be delivered according ; to its direction." . - A miserable Poet having presented composition 10 a friend to peruse was - told that in the third verse there wat a , syllable too f w. There may be" tail the poet, M but read on, I doubt not you will find some with a syllable too much . to make up for iu' An Irishman hsving bought a sheep's head, ha1 been to a friend for a direc tiofl to -drest it, at he wat returning, repeating the method, and holding hia , purchase under bit arm, a dot? snatch ed it and ran away. Now, my dear joy," taid the Irishman, M what a fool . you make of yourself I What use will It be to you, ss you dont know how , it is to be dressed." , MaaaitB. On Atiodsy evening last, by Hanson Kelly, Esq. Capt. Jama- T. Ciboo. of the English schooner Del phim to Mrs. Eleanor Crcighton,ol this Tewa -.'.' , ' COMKtaiCAtlO.' Died lately, in Jamaica, Mrs. Muter, relict of Mr. Robert-Muter, merchant, formerly a resident in this town. For Advertisements, kc tee Supplement. .. . PORT OP WILMINGTON. EsTitia Det. IT, St AV Enterprise, Jotts Kemlerm J 5, Sth'r Isabella, Bourne, ' Boston Y.Tmk- Besio., ton, Lu Joht York , Charleston Boston Imim, iw tantas, targo, sugar, trffes and Wastes, to Hanson Xelly. Cttiiin Det. 29, Sth'r Betsey, Holmes, Button 30, Sth'r Eulrrpritfijejtt, AVwern Jan. 1, Brig Portland, Craotrtt, PhitaM. phi A d'.smatlei ship oeleff, wimir t.