1 r 7 tettticif Thus the remedy ST theinturtd V Mangel- J TOf,ith.largenea aafei t.pro tiixea tny depend, not on public laws but on secret executive instructions... which may . sever have ben known tdthe party aggriev ed, till the7 moment when they are thus pro duced to defeat .his constitutional remedy. - - fbi ctntluded in tur next. tnoit WASHINGTON CI IT, March 4,' 809. Tkis day, at twelve o'clock, Jamis Madison tMk the oath o Offi:e as Pretidentot the United States, and delivered, in the Cham,' vfer of the House of Representatives, in f the presence of the Senate, most of the late Representatives', and a large concourse ii .itiuntaM Inllnwihir ; ,fi SPEECH: ' . . - tJnwillin? to dcrfart from examples, of the tnot revered autfnri'.y, 1. avail myself of the taxation now presented, to express the pro ' : found Imflression made on me br the call of - tar countrv to the station, to the - duties of '. - ' hlch I am about to pledge myself, by the I mot solemn of sanction. So distinguished J a mark of confidence, proceeding from the V - deliberate and tranquil suffrage of a free end - j tirturia nation, would, under any eircum- atauce have commanded tot gratitude and y devotion a well as filled ma; with an awful ' tense of the trust to be assumed. ' Under !'.: the various circumstances which give pec I i liar solemnity to the existing pet ted, I . feci 1 that both the honor and the responsibility t allotted to me are inexpressibly enhanced , Y The present situation of the world is in , deed without a parallel ,'' and that of our own country full" of difficulties. The pressure of - these too is the more severely felt, ; because they have fallen upon u at a moment, when .' . thenationdorosneritv beinirataheierhtnotbe , ' fore attained, the contrast resulting from the . . change has Wen gendered the more striking T under the benign influence of our Kepubli " can f institutions and Uhe maintenance of . peace with all nations, whilst so many of ther , .were engaged in bloody and wasteful wars, .- . the Truits of a just policy were enjoyrd in an - oni Waited crowih of our faculties and re- " sources. Proofs of this were seen irflheim ,- ' prvements of agriculture in the success Jul enicrprizcs of commerce t in the prA gress nf manufactures and useful arts in the increase of the' public revenue, and the 'lit tnade of it In reducing the public .debt, nd in the valuable works and establishments every where multiplying over the face of our ' land. '. - , -' ; - - It is a precious reflrctiop that the transf- tiort from this properons condition of our ' country, to the scene which has for some r time b-en distressing us, Is not chargeable on any unwarrantable views, nor, as 1 trust, on any involuntary errors', in the public coun . - cits Indulging no passions which tresnpasa Th betn'thTtre giS?y if 35555 ' '; to cultivate peace, by observing, justice and .tc entitle themselves to the respect of the nation a war, by fulfilling their neutral b- , , ' ligations, with the moit scrupulous impar - .tialuy. If there be caodor in the woild, the , . tru h of these as ertion will not be question fd ; posterity, at least, will do justice to them. - ' . This unexceptionable course could not av , V4'i agsinii io injuiiice ana violence oi me vbelhgerent powets. in their rage against ' each otJatr, or impelled by more direct mo tives, pri.tciples fit retaliation have been in- ' tmiiiccd, equally contrary to universal rea . son. and tikitowlcdgcd law How long their arbitrary edicts will be continued, in spite of me armonsiraiiunioai not even a pretext or them has been given by the U. Slates, nd of the fair and liberal attempt to induce a revocation of them, cannot be anticipated Assuring myself, that undcrevery vic'mitude, ,th determined pirtt and united councils o the nation will be lifeguards to its honor end Its essential interests, 1 repair to the .post e signed me, with no other discourage mcnt than what springs from my own made q-ucy to its higH duties. If 1 do not sink ' tioder the weight of this deep conviction, it ' Is because 1 find some suppvrt in a conscious nest of the purposes, and a confidence in the . p inciplcs which 1 bring with me- into thie arduous amice . ' . To cherish peace end friendly intercourse wiih all nation having eorrcipondcnr dispq. aitionst 'to maintain .incere neutrality to wards belligerent nation to ptfer, in all ' Ca. amicabW' disruosion end reasonable ccomm'tdaiioe) of differences, to a decision of the m by anapprsl to ermsj to exclude foegn intrigue ond iureign pATtialiiietw aa ; degrading to all countries, and so baneful to free ones to tter a spirit of independence, too'.!- to invade ,the rights ot others, too ; proud to surrender mir own too' liberal to n luWs Biwortby prrindices ourselves, and t mi elevated nit to I'l -k down upon them in other.t to hold the union of the states as th b.-tt ef their p-ace and happiness to eupoort the.constitution, which i the cement '.of the union,' a well lit its limitations as in 1 it authorities to rt-ptct the rights and au "thxii'o reserved ti the states and to the ,'pple. as rqjtlly Incorporated with, and et aenti il loihe su cess of, the general system t tevid the eligh'est ihtcrference with the 'rinht- of on clence or the functions of reli , (i-n at wilf exempted from civil jurUdic ' tion j to preserve in their full eoenty the o ther sil.it sry provisions In behalf of private iid personal rights, and of the freedom of . tH4 press j to observe economy in public ex pc liturrsi ti liberate the piMi resources ' bf at honorable discharge of the public) db'st to errp wi'hin the reqnivte limits a t,vn.1,n milittrifre, alwif remembering . that i r wed aifl trained militia is the firm, v.h'i'wi-k of R'OuS'icsj that without tuadioj- r !ct ibeir liberty co never te ia mote by authorised means improvemente friendly to agriculture, to manufactures and to external as weir as internal commerce t to favor in like" manner, 'the advancement of science, and the diffusion of information, aa the beat aliment to true liberty ; to carry OB the benevolent plan, which hate been eo meritoriously' applied to the conversation ot out aboriginal neighbors from, the degrada tion and wretchedness ot savage lite, to a par ttcipation of the improvemente of which the human mind and manners are susceptible tn ft civilised state ; As far as sentiments and Intentions, such as these, can aid the fulfil ment of my. duty, they will be a resource which cannot fail me. ; . -0r,f ;' ; " Itis my good fortune, moreover,' to have the path, in which t am to tread, lightened by examples of illustrious services success fully rendered in the most trying difficulties bv thofe whoi have marched before me ' Of those of my immediate predecessor, It might least become me here to speak, i may now. ever be pardoned tor not suppressing tne sympathy ,with which mv heart is . full, in the rich reward he enjoys in the benedid tions ot a beloved ouniryi gratefully be stowed for axalted talents xealouslv devoted through a long career, to the advancement of its bichest interest and happinesa. " But the source to which I look, tor the aids which alone can. supply my deficiencies, is hi the well tried intelligence and virtue of my fcllow-citixens.and in the councils of those representing them, in the othef departments associated in the care ot the national intreis n these my confidence wiuy under every dif ficulty, be best placed, next- to that which we have all been encouraged to feel in the guar dianshitvand euidance of that Almiebty Be ingv whosv power regulates the destiny.ol nations, whose blessmes have been e conspi cuotisly dispensed to thi rising Republic, and to whom w are bound to addi cts our devout gratitude for the past, as well as our fervent supplications and best hopes tor the future.'' JjfoO, '.'you bavexooecafioajo !u any .11 otherreaIoiiS--tliiAr :oaa li tjunc huh '' Rice Innet- V.a. a member of the ROUSC of Represcntativca of the- Indiana. Territory, was deliberately, murdered in tne atreeta ot Koskaskias, on tbe 7tQ ot Vecemoer, oy ur. Jamea Dunlap,' Five hundreddollars are offered for the. apprehending of Dunlap. ; i ," 1 ' -Tor Sale, Freight or Chartcry - The' good Sb.lp .7'. PERSE VERANCEi wharf. ; If riot freighted or chartered before 1 2 o'clock TO MORROW she will -223 then be sold at Public Auc tion. She can be sent to sea at a very trifling cxpence, as ner nuii, sans ana rigging are in complete repair. The sails and rigging are In Capt Hunter's Store.'. . Jt'or particulars ap ply its the subscribed j j marcn, if., j.?t 4 X LOSTJOR USLAID, a Note of Hand payable at the Bank for 446 3 J rts. drawn by D. & R. Caraock, and indorsed by Jamea bickon A .reasonable reward will be given to the person who shall restore it. to. the aobaenber r . . , JACOB LEVY. March 14. . . , 3vr. ' - , i NOVICE, , THE subscriber being -about leaving town requests all persona having de mands against him to present tbar accounts for .etUemtnt. - y :J , clementstark. March 14. '7 : '-'W. ;' ' . , tf. The President of th United Statef on the Ut. inst. approved and signed, the 44 Act to interdict the commercinl intercourse between the -United States and Oreet-Bntain "and Francerand their dependencies and for other t Pas the honor of informing the pubUc, and more particularly those persona of , a literary turrn" has receiyed bj the ; Venus a considerable and handsome additiod ' to the atock of books.whlch he before, had or. hand They are now opened ana tor sue at the corner of Market anAltstrcen,! the? tore lately occupied by Mr.: A Lazarus, W which he has rust removea.vA-sataiogcov the Books will be published in a few days He has also for sale a variety .ot dtattonaryj y Paste Board, Pencils, Sealing wax, water and Red and Black Ink-Powder, &c. kc - March 14, ., V - 44- . V NKW.YORR STATE' LOTlERr foGtWcty CoasinenctS diwinoa iha ssth of.4y.il acxs r.i k ....-' '-rL''"r''::r; t i- t. . - i .. . -fl . r - iy,oou uoiiars. 1 1,;!,... pr;Mt. J '20,000 Dollarrf , -. . .. ' - . . , '01 r t nnn V,IIm 1 " TICKETS & SHARES, 'at Nine Dolla'sf. each, to be had at Gl k RWAlTE'a Truly Fortunate Lottery Offices Maiden-Lane. New . York, Vheye was sold in the Last Loiyxxf; the three capital prixee" ; 25,000 DollarfyNottmi . 1 -? o,OOOmnaraNo?S;.t. , 'X'r.-jQO OoUareNo-' Ordera for Tickets, poet paid, inclosing the Cash, will be faithfully executed" WAITE's sleekly prise list will be regularlf forwarded to tliei Printer of this Paper. - 4 ' saassaBBsWweaaaaawBsseiwaaa mmmmmimmmm mmmmmmm. ; : A few tickets in the abovcr Lottery for sale by THOMAS WRIGUTf b,r" " FOR., SALE orRENT; ; V' ! .THE house next-door to thty Printing- ?ffice, now' occupied by Mr. Wau, Giles. - Poixcssion given on the nrst 01 Apnw , Apply at this Office., . ' . '': t;. ' Z, lebruary 28. , . .g, purposes." NaUjat SENATE, March 1. The Senate took into consideration the bill fi-om tbe House of Representatives, making appropriations for the support of the military establishment and of the navy of the United Mates for the year l09. ;-v t . On motion to strike out the following words in the 6th section" For the fortifications of ports and harbors, in addition, to tne sttms heretofore appropriated fet that purpose, one million of dollars.' "" " '; 1 : it was Oeiei mineu m tne anirma .rap. 33, Nays ft. - ; ' - ' -..Msrch t, , -v''i "' The bill from the house of Representatives for imposing additional duties ws rejected Yeas 5 Nays 24. IX ' The annexed note from the Wskigtm Federalist was addressed to its editor by Mr, GAKBKXixa'a late fellow boarders at Wash, ington. )t is an answer to some nmrepre sentation of the Mmitor, which have hern eagerly copied intuuihei d.emociatic popers. , . iVoflA Amtrittn. You are requested to state, by the. gen tie men of the Washington mti, that the M cause and manner of Mr, GaaDtatit's H leaving tbat'mess, as stated in the Mnurt a of Saturday last, is totally and in every x part without foundation; that Mr. Gaaes M vita's changing his lodging, wat entirely M of his own pleasure that at the time he was, still continues to be on the best terms with every gentleman of the metatm4ww never heard h tin of them fa utter a mti. ment in aver of a tr partition ef tht United Stater" . . . -FOR SALE, 100 Tierces of Rice ? ,' , 500 Bushclls of Corn : 100 M. Staves assorted . 400 M. Shingles " f yX.fiX---I SCO M. feet Lumber assorted 150 Tont Timber and a fe barrels of Turpentine. . - X. : , A. LAZARUH. March li.;v , . v NOTICE. WILL be sold on Saturday the first day of April next, in D iplin County, at tbe late dwelling House of Auston Bryant, dec. all tbe perishable property of the aaidBry an'., yet unsold, consisting ol a good horse, a ybak of oxen and tart, some hoggs, cattle ana sneep, ana nousenoia lurniuurc, ocas, -c six months credit tor gooo notes wnn appro veusccumy to theao........, s, r. more betrtrs all those bavins any demands against the estate to' come forward on or be fore that day.to , - - . , ISRAEL. JUDGE. Adm'r. March; 14, 1809. , ,3w ; y TO RENTt :- . U : That commodious slated-Brick'? House in Front-St reel,' and corner of Ewaoa'' Alley. It is capable of containing two fami- tiea with a kitchen to farh, kc. ' February 7. ; ; J.JOHN MARTIN; ;NJ 500 bush. Turks Island Salt, d 'iForaaleby . ; X.w ; ! '?M ?' January 3. i - ' JAMES FLEMING The Cotton Seed. .. We are farrow to fay, iha the report of Mr. J?i"cfofi hiving dirrfled two I ir ret I of Qollin Seed to be" (hipped 'to France, apneart to be true I' is admitted to be correct by the Bl imore Democratic a at print, wnn atioi we quote mm memory -"thl Mr Jefftrltn tt) t leetfi '( bten an VMroaTUHAit ferdt arWfrttcH Jlifmet,n n V, ,, trttman'i Jtur, One Reason is enough. The W.fljirijMc.'n Monitor a violent de 'tnocrttic paper, in anfwerto the Aurora. gives the ' following resfont why lbs Cm. bargt ontfht io be repealev't ', . night h h repealed lettufe it tantt be enforced, ' '. h repeated, heatfith tvojiini $f il re !er if nufterf ufm tbe memjata tttreivi meajur. 1 Jr$urbt It h rtfealei. heeanft lit Paoria dejrtlf Thefe reifom, the two Uft of which are ftiperfluouf , recall to mind a droll circum flance which occurred foanetime ago, In one ,of the Penafytvania coorta,4 oelore Imlge AilJifon A very important wltneft , in a raufe being called, end not anfwering lo hit name, one of hit neighbours, a true - fot of Erin, jumped up and addretTed ihe court, "May it pletfe your honor, 1 cat) gUt ydu tbret fuhftsnti teafont why my neighbour Patrick Dougherry, doet not ar'end. In the fir It place, he haa beta dead four da; " Stop, fileod, fjt Ad . . j. ' run aAiiCii , Sugar of an excellent quality in barrels, and a few bags eoflce. - . " Auott Kent. ' . A Shop, and Bake-House, in Dock-street near Mri Drna'a. latelv in the occupation of Mr. Jacob Hartman. Enquire of JOHN L.UNUON. March 14. To Rent,., on low termsi and imrrediate pulTclTion eien, the ftore lately occupied, ai a book-Aore by the ru'ifcriber. W. S. ti ASELL, March 14. 1 PROPOSALS . for yukUS.'g kf tolwflMi Comtij, rslUa . NOLENS VOLENS, " THE BITER BIT, In five Acts, written by : . tVIKsRD HALL. V ',. -. Tsstss. s . , 1st. The price to SubKiibera will be lOt. on delivery., . . .3d A list of subscribers shall be published at the end of the piece 3d. It shall be put to press in a few dsya ana seni 19 suosci loers rree ot posts ire r - g, . rj- nwwnptiont received at tnu vmee. March i4...- vi - tf. 10 RENT. . AND pofleffion given immediately that commodiom lloufe ia Orange Street, lately occupied by Mr. John MacAuflso. ror uisBi apply to . . to VV11. HATTRIDGE. HPAKEN UP hy the fubferibef on the J! til March 18 9, on the Sound near mipgton.N.C. and committed tejail, a Mulatto fe low who faya hia rame Is RAV1S, and belongs to Mr. John Jeff 7, Union county, S. C. on Cilkingt Cretk.. The owner it ff quelled to come forward, prove propcity, pay charges,, and take him away. ' , . THOMAS JENNINGS. March 7,. ' tf. .'tor tale ef thit Q$et - MEMOIRS OP.n' . .. .WILLIAM SAMPSON, . (Brother tHttMUL StUncie, ej thit Sine.) ' NOTICE. '. . ' TH3 subscriber requests all persons who are indebted to him by account to come forward and .settle the tame runer by discharging or giving a note payable twelve' months after the 1st January 1809 1 en those neglecting to come forward eforc . the 1st f cbruary next, need not expect cither credit w himiU-, Mi, J. M-Hendersoo, it empowered to act for tbe subscriber. : Januarys . r N.illLU' . . WILLI AM.DICK, r 14 ' JttkeeigneJ the SPREAD EAGLE, , . 1 Has removed from serrmd to first strcrti. a few doors north of the Bank, where bis ho tel it pre pared, as heretofore to receive suck company, transient or permanent, a may ho nor him with their custom. 1 he charges re . main the same while the rhsnne of place - - rill doubtless render it a more atrreeeble atand fot aoclctiea or clubs to meet at, or re . sidrncc to those who may be inrlined to boar4 ' , there. 1 Dec." 13, , if, , NOTICE. ...j,. TTTF. snrie.rt.rvr lvMntr antTir-. ridefd to settle the business oi the late firna ofGautier 8c Co. requests ttl persona Indebt ed thereto, to come forward before the twen tieth day ol March next, and dose then ac counts. . . . , Those who (in consequence of the difficul ty of the times) are not in a situation to make . payment, will be indulged by giving en ac knowledgment aecunngJnterest. Those wbe do not comply, may rest assured their ac count swill (on the 3lt tame month J be put into a lawyer's hands for collection ' t i AU claims against said farm on. open- to Count will be liquidated by application to . j , . THOMAS-1. BlvATTT ; January 17. . . . . , NOTICE.. . THOMAS I. BEATTY la authorisci , aa mv Agent and Attorney, to adjust, collect tbe debts and settle the business tf Ike late firm of Cautier k Co. ' ' January 10. T.N CAUTIER. y NOTICE. -All persons indebted to the es;- ta'e of William Grava Btiry, deceafed. are requeued to make immediate p-jnienr, and thofe to whom the faid cflate it in debted art deCred to render in their ao count! attefled 10 Htnfoo Kelly,' who U , authorifed to fettle all afTairt ol laid eflate. .' ; James II ancTum, Adm'r, yov.aa.;; ; ,. ,.t . FIVE DOLLARS REWARD, , RAN AWAY from the I ubferiber li. ving in WilminCton a Negro Womse earned LUCY of a yellowith compleiioa about 9 years of age, remarkable for her loeuichy. Any pcrfon tlcliserlng faU regro to the fubfaiber or fecuting ber it) f Wilmington jail (hall be entitled to lh above reward. : . . ' Ftb. jt. ALtCE HERON. J - J r. 1 v

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