i 1 V r, $-V iriLMimTON-; t .TUESDAY, MARCH U, 1809; 4 At hit the Adnainisirauonbave hearkened ra the voice of the people.' li hat been deci dedi1eyond recal, that the deleterious power f the Embargo!, with all its detestable appen dages, i to .cease tomorrow the TSlh in.t. Tiii would, indeed, be a subject of rejoicing and exceeding great joy, were it not for the intelligence' of the iion-iatercou.se, which ridel the Ghost ol the Embargo like an Incu-' Jaxxu There fiowever; appears to be some glimmering of better Umi, may it ihine unto the perfect day when commerce shall again expand her wings unfettered and flying over the bosom of the ocean, restore to wealth and happiness a cruelly injured beople.f;: We. fay. before' the public the inaugural address of Mr Madison., There is. nothing in it to excite surprise, as to iti political cha racter. He pays a, compliment, (not' quite" acceptable,' we suspect, lo,the bigotted por .tioi of 'the democrats, thoueh allowed, to be well merited by the liberal of that party,) to . atthitpTtdecerstVYhtngton, Adams and, Jefferson. If? the latter herU-roore profuse W ht panegyric. -MMMlitoo.haa ii in is power to become almost the SecondS-' fiourof .lhiscountry.5 Should he reject the H glorious opportunity i with .which providence has furnished, him, of becoming .the esteem f Oa . ano aumircu- cmci , iimjjmmvo us, uic ft . ' whole union.' to- ingloriousfy figure at; the III ' paNtidolofaplrty, then: may he indeed be gdltfll jl "V UU, BlJiu ui uii utauis exciting in. the; beholder a mingled emotion , f puy and re-euiment. Wednesday 'the 32d ultimo, being the an niversary of the bifth-day of the late. General Gtoace 'Yashikot6n, tht same was cele brated by the Cincinnati and ' Revolution so i' ensues of the ci' y of Charleston. V omminatr-ia . htcf M th Amnu Army, , v.;r,.. Tht;toai was given by William boughton once stood high in tne estimation ;s. Where he now stands. - it is determine: but that he has pain fully disappointed many", whose g od opinion U V a' iewel worth preserving" no one can ' duubt. Uah irbe believed, that when he gave the toast, his breast beat in unison wuh his -tomrue.or that his understanding could sane tion i he declaration' of hi lip. . Perhaps Mr. - S.uiih intended to exercise ihat talcni,in which he is by no means deficient, and was pleased ' to be sarcattic on our commander in chief' Certainly the; irwd distinguished" may ennvey two verydiff.irentmeanings. He, who v ir?d thcjemple of Diana of Ephesu;, is distinguished" for being i villainous incendi ary, and his, who next to Heaven, was roost Instrumental in atchieving the American In dependence is w distinguished" as the saviour Of fell country. -If M Srtttth was sVoing tnder a masked battery, well may be asked the q estion..for what is General VVilkiuson T distinguished l For Courage ? Where has he evinced it I On the : Bank of.the Sabine, pr ,' InTthe walls of New Orleans, or on the wore y onorMtit field of the DJulliiu Has he gain-. d if reputation a a soldier by challenging v Mesrs. R. G. Harper, and' Randolph. ' tStfange'thM the very man who in be dared , v to post as a Coward, should be the very one to v ' expose his shameless VpUhy and illeI re- eeipts of tjie public monies Jo u In -ye amount. 4 Is he distinguished as a friend l'i hi. Irea- ahery- to Burr, however traiterotti h'ntsetf, V- answer .Why then 11 he toaied as a dis tinguished character 1 If Mr. Madison w - .... y:-.r-:- f . fa.HA!itt; ; ' l V siii by inserting' the fonoVingommu-: ! nication, together with a copy of the pointing 1 which is but a rough kctcb- you will oblige CONTHiUATIQ1 41a of: Mn 4 iUoj. 1 , . .Thisoa.LWJ f v. 9muh who one 1 af Federalists.' y , 1 a..tfi?r u'itodet : , V,- " , a 3 251 - Light ; cannot dwell in Darkness Vexmomt-v1 .Nxw Yobk ', , New Jerskt , PknkstlvamiA Makylano ',, , N. CAXOLtllA t ; S. Casuliba GxogctA ..,vv .Kxiitucx C)Hf- . New-Hampshire Rhode Island' Massachusetts Cpftnecticut ? X Delaware: 'MR."biTo, ' ' . I have taken the b'berty to address you on the subject of the Infamous Transparency, ex hibited 10 public view on the evening of the fourth, of M.irrh.' i?i this town, wherein, a respectable portion of the. union was repre. aen'ed in. a sry ' degradiot; manner, and at first l. ws1 led to conceiwe that it was done by. the approbation and cotinivance of the citL tens Kenerully, but 1 aqa happy to find that the Author, CoTatvr.B," aud Supportib, wis n other than a Frenchman, who not on ly gave 'he Copy but likewise furnished the funds, as apifcara by the declaration of . Mr. Belanger him.e'fr who obs'eired in the hear ing of two renpectable characters, that the copy was furnished and trn dollars paid him for its execution by the aaid'Ficnchman, if J so, does it not appear, that a moit alarming istnce,and caVrUd on by Frenchmen.'" Is it not of a piece with "i last Resource" in the Washington monitor, vgned MaxTOl, wherein ft is hintrd that if we will heartily ' and bona fide co-operate with France, " Wt the win aMi us w.im ner councils, Ku- but think this Frenchman has been rather prema ture in commencing his operations before hit credential were. acknowledged hyodr Presi dent and leave given for the exercise of his iuiictions, as counsellor general ind di.tribi-' tor of secret service mjfey, tor hit imperial Majeaty NipoUon I. to the State of North Caroliiu: aoi iit vicinity, and 1 believe on t rc-examiiuiion of tht same trsnsprency, in! you will coincide with me in its meaning andteiicleiicy, for you . will notice its most 4 a twelvemonth afterwards, and Tribute fo lowsof course,' because 'they were not bppo ed at the first commencement It afforded me, carhplete satisfaction to fiad that no Amencan wat Concerned in forming this infamous libel on the states, enumerated above (for taking the liberty - of prinking for thaaselvesj and wJiat is most astonishing, the extreme polite nest on itt exhibition' (at the native of France generally have the character of polite-Aest- in the extreme (he must have known that some of the aitizens of the Eastern states, were in town, and of course Would feel the stigma in. its fullest extent 1 but rW matter so at be could have the honor of overturning this heretofore happy country, and bringing it to enjoy a fraternal hug with M. Taurcau. iNBABiTAxts pi W"-wiifGTot, are you not jjin honor bound todisavow the above transaction 5, will it not give, a. handle to the Eastern , ttatea. to say,, that their fears of a French party in the bosom of our country (to itt destruction) has been realized 5 will it not have a tendency to widen the breach between I the Northern and Southern portions of our I ; 1 ! - j; 1 it union sira enu in 11s complete uissoiuiiun, it flot .candidly disavowed, r,xcse me 11 1 have given too high a colorincf to the transac tion, but when 1 cam'e to notice Ahe time1 of itt eXhibHion, when the union wat apparently tottering, and every moment expected t fall to bieces, I thought it- wat extremely 111 timed tosay'theleastof It. isfyi. -r,': :-:na' Fellow VaJkeis of aUdcstriptiont or par Iter, permit one of yoyr number to congratu late you on the moderation exhibited by you on the trying occasion, it will be a source of consolation to you to reflect at a Tuture day on your forbearance! when to grossly insul ted, and no doubt it will be remembered by' the cHitens of this place to your honor, ! . Amebic ahso alL part itt, there is one part 01 the conduct of this Frenchman that I should be extremely hippy to see you imitate, viz. a partiality for. your own country in every sit uation of , life, in. preference to every other country Under the sun, which you see be pur sues with a tteady hand as (if I am rightly in formed) he hat been in this country tome considerable time and yet has not divested bimscll ot hrst impressions. ; : . ' - ' Am EcLirsxo Yankee.' tones W conciliate the good will of r re-pectablc C proihiutnt character, to vilify and traduce tin ni me union wno nonesiiy opporanis our iiaipeiweney ana its authors, except ir erection. Let an immediate ri-movalvf o si P ' JctTervtn. li first commences with the " de ii(ius a chaiacter a Gen. VYdkinson frnm ' rUrstion of the independence ol "March 4ih thecmefcommanq oioiirarnvc be thefirst ( de. From a toast like Mr Smith's we , Lartened to notice to those fciven by the ,W4bihipon Light Infantry among them Communication for tht WlLMiNctoH Gliirit A- Mr. T. Cowan's patriotic toast, the town of Wilmington unanimity and friehdshlp among its inhabitants." Among the loastt drank on the i'h March the above it selAted aVpourtrsying the true American divested ot party spirit, n ho has no object in View but the good of his country. 1 Hew different is the 'cnument of this toast, from those of the in furiate monsters of psriy which have too fre quently disgraced the columns of newspapers. It needs no unost Irora ;ht deep" to disco ver that, Mr. Cowso it tn AmfiNcan in senti ment, and iff feeling t that he has no foreign attachment or antipathies 1 that he will never consent to aid the cause of France or England, by stirring up, and blowing with thepestife- roue bresst of pauy, the coalt of discord among his fellow-citizens and that he is forcibly impressed with this positive tiuth, that in umm consists the real strength.of the nation, at regards the United States, tnd the happiness of community as it respects the inhabitants of Wilmington.- The war of pro scription waged by the' democratic dema gogues against their political opponents, ten ding to keep alive irritation, and to create di vision, this toast is well calculated to diicou rage. The pointed reprobation of a fry such men as Mr. Cowan, would tend very much to check he career of violence in Wilmington, which i festering every heart, tnd estranging our fellow-citizens from each other. - . . LEON IDAS, 17 r6" not the independence itself, but in declaration (nisik the distinction.) now yon know that Mrs JcfTerson's frit iiU have always Valued tlieni,elfs on hit nehninir iKr nm. I - " o . ' r -" . . I . " , We read with particular pleasure the honors- (as if the .Secretary whj writes the account of . ale mention of 1 he noble ripsnisro, kr4 we j a victoiy, it cntnlcd to the cretin cf obtaining .. gladly repeat wi n admiration and rcpeet the ; wnr whch celcbr.'tes the virtues of General f. Fmckney.. Shall we compare Mr Smith's C 7 distinguished", ronmander in chief, With , aur finraney, wno is a Tifciis.io.. 4 1 l.im. idrti. , WM'i e'ry 4 d letni tu l Mi letl, . - ' T pt kt fcOtlJ tSntnct ot lam ." ' ' TV., mi er PwwSn y. L-S taa ow whtt (stlawit ' f v ' - H-r i ar Wi hinfo.: 1 lib. s aiiUew's an , . ' Uin kit Wiwlefoms ttoshar, Hm Jom 1 1. . . c v (hi fs ' atii Uft m fa4, ; V 'li fcMiea oa l!iU ssois. t '.. . IKI (slalit mti ni jrtt ly lN Wsiaiaa ipw Lieav laravvtv, a ikcst saaiverTiryamMt a - ih ari ' ' ,, U Tkyasewarf at Wsismstos-sM rttkwal k " " iaantry. ' . ..--ii -... 1 "- T . TK lrd,o( W.(ssT-AII srksipyrsci. SjISkia IrmCfS 1 iwi tn , f. Tm ini ol wasaifsroa a,y n tr yrctd j)ooS.eil.an(l bail snfct. . . . 4. Tk C'i4 in May ' key be sy.fcr ikSa iti tacMM repablks, fa kp that ihofe at aaara ttatea. Wtvering one confitned iq the tine r.f pofittcd rectitude 1 ' if a nuuken cue ftbvuld be er lightened to perceive that be it travelling U highway of robbery tud not the strait roadie, happiness) tl a timid but well meaning trjchdi: should be invigorated to determined action and the man ot correct-principles and id' mind and influential . standing in .sotittf should be induced to come forward to avow and disseminate ibote principle-, to exeeis that firmness before the public, and exert that influence, to w-iich bis Uleuis, Mantling and' worth have entitled him, to " give tonhdtixa to truth' and a direction to pnuioi'um i 11 we shall have been instrumental , in' accomplish ' ingonly a pvt of all ibis, then our t atabli .h ment will jiot nave been lormeo m vain, nor; our ahop opened withut success. . . y ' In this "our first exhibition, we sball effcf only two small articles, but they are. neat ones, and deserve to have mai y applicants fi r - them. Mr. J. Cowan'a toast on the 4.b of March, it the first 44 The Town of V il mington unaftimity and friendship amoiig ita inhabitants.' In this toast we and every ' thing to approve and nothing 10 ceneuie. it is a sentiment which every friend to WiU mington, to humanity, must echo from every recess .of his heart What a covered and keen satire it convey t on all or any of these whose business It is, as It must bj. their pit, tttre, to destroy unanimity and break Triehd- thip 5 by abominable political violence and ridiculous" dtnnciation of eaoii other). . cond article, 1 oast by Mr. Allen,v " Ujiani- mity- amongst; republicans and, federalists, and may j .cobins and at htocrats be pointer at." Mr. AJen in giving this toast did not in tend giving t slap at Mr, Jefferson for his fa mous inaugural essay, in which are conlpu cuous the following word u We are all re. publicans, we- are all federvUsts," though it certainly bat a squinting that way. That i!e claration of Mr- Jeffetson we appmve cf 1 we -only condemn itt author for having a htUer theory than practice. U the aatertion is un true, then Mr. Jefferson it condemnable for giving currency to a falshood,; If, on the con , trary it be true, then it .the tame cxslied personage,' condemnable for an unpaidona ble direliction of jusitce, in maktng through toe whole course ot his AUtananne adrinn istraiion so marked dittirxtion between- ' wa parties which he identifies at one. To return to, the toat, we do most cotdially a. greewith Mr. Allen.thatthe grand dcsidrrattinv is an "union amongourselves, a coakscmg, . fair and honorable, between' all the" teul " . friends of their country, whatever difT rtnee of opinion there may be in the means of pro '' moting the happiness of that beloved country. And we further join in the wish,' that To rut, whether ouA or French, whether under " the hated denounnntionof Jocoi'n or thedan- - gerout one of Antiocrou, whenever tbcf dart intermeddle with our political concern! either in private cautustct or public meetings M may be pointed at" at objecu of dentioo, ' contempt and p'inihmtnt, " ' , A third article we have on hand ready for- inspection and delivery, but we'wisb neither towetryour customers nor ourselves, both of which we thould certainly do,- were we keep our shop open any lunger; . We' there ' fore close the doifr. thanki'tg the public for What little aitention ihey may have elieadv- paid.and trusting that our future conduct will merit a continuation of their favors. 1 V. ., ' Cxasoa, AfraotAToa It Co 'couRTOf VrMEir, , . i MARRIED tn- Onslow county on the th Inst. Mr," William Hiil of Duplin, to Miss Aaa.. , DtfoLtr, daughter, of Colodet Chrutopbey Dudley of the former place. . Tk fv a sm a s 11 lMty Ikey fcKtsX.fsl'y rfj ikt f . . . .aaa.ll as M j ih vpica n njupntja wmm -(tats Iksl 4,wac4 I'M imw. at Ca- tiata : latoas. a. TM t'aaita rava.ari; tialalaak fttmti ISti kb kit f I ' ' ' Aaa a km kt ' l-xkra aa ia tee, WWisatf eacac sl k I )' '-"" . f ' TM s tuck acafWkea csmkbstc ftssll SV f- bet Duaiktt, sa4 W ! lkU sia IrrsvM' k aw. ( it. V'', 't ' hi fcrie ffkst ika fa--ik rtfaH si tub ntQsoa ( n4 ik (senate ot ear Wtait e ta'readatal ta' I if hi it . Tt a43 HhIs itiaaMtv k atsee kata 4irt4 kv '' Ukb aUats. ' ' ia. CatC fiaeaaill Tfce Arl.rtIa-tis-Mas, - wtiaas kit saautiy flssll 4iigil sstaalas r la the ka ! aar. t . i ' t.- . : A company hat been formed at EdcntoOi N.Cfor tbcMtnuXaciurtof bait. it,, before the general who commands the troops,) then it immediately skips (rvm 1776 to 1801, (the lime when Mr. Jefferson decla red ua all Federli't all Krpublicns,) and Curpoiely neglects General Washington and 1 host of worthies, who laid the foundation of mir republic in its pi-escnl form, (we will lay iioUvng of MrdVm' because be 1st .Yankee, and of course eclipsed ) its next re maikible trait, is a decree of cen.ure on the siatts of, NcwHarapshMC, Mschu-ait r, Connecticut,Khodc ljsnd tndDctawte,(tur etcrcising their constitutional rights of vot ng tor whom Ihey thought proper for president in the la -t election) by exhibiting lb era on the rTediiTaf aTlRe bottom. -in darkness tnd hi I'slics, at lha same time" every eahcr elite in the union were represented in letter of gold tnd ia large roman ctpitsls, and only observe hiw modest ihis Frenchman Is, (no doubt by bit office of counsellor genersU; in dcclsring point blank, that LtoaT caaaot nwtlL IK DatEvtss" he does not come lorward with respectful deference, tnd a.k the citizens of ' this town, if it is possible for light to dwell in darkness, no, he positively declares il eermot, presuming they are not able It form an opi nion themselves, of -course he will do it for them, excellent counsellor, happy country .that it blest with each. The next eircunv Stance that claims attention Is the Eagle in ' the act of Hiring the Ttiiot. Obbers in CooaCit, and IlitLif Dtctta" to pieces,, bt te u a sampleM cnuMcllorseip lor you, vizi put the cart'before the horse, when it it well known'lo every person who will give himseif the trouble to examine dstcs, that the Berlin Dcrrce alandt foremost on the list of gritv. K " ' Ma. EoijjMi, - . . - . While new firms in the commercial and msnu'atturing world are daily establishing, we apprehend no impropriety can lie tgtinst the forrostion of t literary partnership .The objrcla of the present one- are to bent fit to eiety, and the motives which induced it are pure ana patriotic, - To censure vice ia to encourage virtue, to commend liberality of sentiment, i, to discountenance the virulence of party spirit All are sensible bow power fully the human mind la tfTcctcd by a fear of reprehension and tn appetency for praise, Shame tnd ambition have each tbeir several powers, eqaslly potent to repress condemna ble conduct a to eilmulate to noble action. By pressing 00 these two springs of human action, we nope to cbangr, or modify and im prove, to ttrcnglbra,tnimate and confirm the tubjrett which may come within our sphere .r4hbutioess.-..Afchgb we may incidentally tfigrcsa on s point of a literary nature, yet we will not disguise the fact, that our, tabors will be pnncipal'y devoted to the department of " politics. Our censures shall not be maikcd with violr nee, though they may be severe nor shall our praises be indiscriminate, though thy may be warm Having thut un folded the precise objects of our establish ment, we wilt now inform the public through you, that til our, butlneit will hereafter be carried on under the firm of " Censor,. Ap probator h Co." . .. ' 1 Cantor It pltced first, because, unfortun ately, we shall bive more to condemn than to afyrswav jct not this declaration discourage any of our customers, we tl' least have I hit peculiar tdvsntsge in our mode of doing bu siness, that while we freely, pert with our Ktrd-xart and other trticlct of a tofier It Hurt and more attract quaitiy, we ask lor no other return-than thkt they should be fairly used by the purchaser tnd may be of service ! If - .J , .'- .1 ..H . On Tuesday lat the f-ieods and relatione of Mrs. Elizabeth Hill, wife cf John Hrll, t o,, assembled at Fail field VUntaticn, to prrfunt to her the last sad duties of iiumani'y, by at. tending her obsequies. Notonr,whn fullovrd to the grave the mournful bier, but gritted in unaffected sorrow for the lost whicft so ciely j)ad sustained, and whjch to her husband and her children can never be made tip She doubtless partook of those imperfectiort to which human nature, in its most -perfect state, ia doomed to be subject j but' with ta little doubt may the belief be cherished and laid tt a u flattering unction ta the hearts" of her dearest and moat afflicted friends, that perfection It now her stale, that cloathed in 1 angelic brightness), tha now participate! In iho I ! . t ! - . DIED , In Duplin county, on the litb Frbruarw Mrs. EirzAiiTrBtct; ldlhe" aoth yeir oT: , per tge. iq the Heath of thit elderly lady to him If wirked Dotiticitn thould be i tiKe tht Critub Order in Council nttrly V brought back to the path of political Tirtoe, society has sustained a considerable loss, her deportment through life, wat, marked with the strictest propriety, tnd her pious cism . plot were eminently calculatrd to do goodie) v others, while tbey contributed to her own esteem. She possessed the fi ten Uhipand con ' fidence of all who knew her, fiir it may ia trut,h be laid, in her heart dwell no deceitful thing, tnd ber tongue ipoke the Itw of kind nest. She his left a numerous progeny, . tegret her death, y v . . S!Of'ata!iielta r - rottT OF WILMINGTON. ' , , Ck-Taaaa " - " 1 Sth't Regulator; I! Uhewr, ChorUHot , Oar iua If iis4, Ktnnedj, ' do. . , Kater, Bittalt, , Witcattrt . , Venui, Oitw, Vw-r.is ; Brig Claritta. Wadkam, " Vw Ta Ship Lightfott Woiio, ; , . Lmrjmt CLikata Sth't RtguUtor, M llhenm, . CharUmm : ilunrnj ILfklv, .' . Bute V li ' a,". 's

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