V.":- SM:Y ' - ".-a POETICAL GALAXV. : . - ttttt i eery atari allied to devotion, aad ii wee' (a tbr nrrcifa ( vfc latnr'lkat Caasaae wa lotro. Wt tolheke, ot the Cornier. Is ike cnarck Chii' tHrii, Ufoa, oa tht llth of April, S a, Br trtt twkcld Dm Ceteris da Atoide, tka bjea of hit forcft lad aailieft IKMkMM . Thl cricket of Sp.iaaad Fertogtl, fays Icarroa, art lha i vert otd!t of itrigae end it w.i not loag Mora Cnaaa e joyed aa opportaaity of declaring hit ah :&, witk all tka tomutia ardow of eiglueea, aad .. tf poet. ; .rr-T7.-jjf .-. t . ,- r -.-'5 ;, , Bat, ia iholi daft, Ion wh a lata of ao trifliag pro Miba, aad ladies tkea aacoafcionably eipeOed a pe, ' Hod at al.iiofi chirelroa femiadt, whick ktppily tor ' geatleaeat U ao longer eqairad. Th poailioue Uteiity or hi aaiftrefi farmed tkt fobj a of oor t oet'i ' anoft lender coopliiaUi lot, thoajrb kat heart kad fa eretly dccidad ia hie favor, till Portagoele delicacy tupprtacd all avowal of bar oaffioav After many -, tnoathtof tdoraloa, wkea be karably kefoeght 1 tia. - getof kereiir.fhe w as to far f of tooad bykiseatrea 7 tie, m ta make a coaproaib wUB pradery, aad ke " Cow aaaof tr..fi!kea bleu wbicb encircled ker kaad I Tkefe anecdote, aauft aot M dtipifed, for tats tank . the traapctof the timet. ; 1. ... v. Te peealiti titanica of Dost Catortna (tbst of ona of the ejeura ted") ira poled aa aatforn reftraiat' e bet levee, wbicb foot, kectae Utolerabla; ilka aaotkar Ovid, baiolitedtbefiaatjtiaf theroytl precin&i, ed tyttinCoafeoeneekiaYcdfronihecc)urt. Witktktpre. ' aifc attare et bU offeaei we ate aaacaaintad. hut It - too ttopakly trofe front a' breach of elftretioortfca , . lift and aobieBaeaoag8tt.alaweof gtll,Ntry. What .: locect it fclehflbm beta, it foraiOud a atopy or. text totheltdy'i ralMtoal. for ttraieitiag to. iaier : aourfc which worldly eOefideretioas readered, oa her part, of the kigheft iaptadcoce. But love prepared oonfoletloa fot kit vatirjf, wkera 1st ft he tipeOtd it, : Oa the moroln of bit daptrtitro, kia miftrtfl relented froot ker wonttd feveriiv, aad too le tied tka; fecret af ;. - Bar ioni-cooceiled affeftiod. The fijhi of rltf ward fooo VoJiothofe of oiotutt delight, aad the Bear of trtia( wm, perbtpt, the fweeteft of oar poet'a a iQenca, . Thaotctfioo drew from oar poet the follow lag poetictl effufioo. . . , v v - 1 whltpeVd her mf lart adieu", " s , ; I gate a mournful kin; ; . K. Cold ihow'rt of aorrow bath'd tor eyea,' ' ' i And her podr heart waa torn" villi aigha Yet atrange to tcU'twaa then I kntw , . . "'f Moat perfect WUa.-- tot LoVe, at ther timea auppreu'd, v Waa all betray'd by thia ' ' , : I I aaw him weeping in her tyea, A . I heard him breathe amongtt hertighf, . JLnd ct'ry aob which ahook her breait, : '" . , Thrill'd mine with ba " i .... . ... ' The ftlght which keen Affection cleara, " iow can it judge amisa f -- Tome, U pictor'd hope ) and taught v r My aplrit thia eonaoling thought. That Lore'a Sun, though it riao in teart -s ,r ' ; " ,y- May act in blita I ' - ; MADRID At-Bt tbi akb. aTTilV Cupid hence deiut Vhy ahouldlinereate the lit Of bo whoae aole delighta coniiit. , In killing, and in being kiid f ' ,'; Starlight eyea, and hearing inowt( . A. Lips, younjj rivals ofthe rose, .' . ; Rounded limbt, and folding arms, ' ' n Dreams of undUcver'd charma,' . Bound their witchery once about rat ; But, their prisoner now ia tree, Since on every aide. 1 see,. , There are fbol enough without me t ' Pr'ythee, Cupid, hence deaist ' Why ibQuld I increase the list I - "kxtraS fUttt 'frtmtht Htn. Mattri (j 1 OlAB Sit. ..." : r. r ' : l ' . s. u- Your or of the la before roe, I rejoice to (ee that there is one Vermont Republican who ia not fo far 'gone irt the wilds of JefFerfonian idolatry f as tocooG de me an ipoae. By the letters I re ceire from Vermont generally, it feems to toe that thofe' republicans whom 1 held in ttxehieheQ ediroation. have moftly r forgot ten that there is another God than Ihomai Jettcrron. It ia a folly my dear Gr.for men to call them Wrei republicans. while they are man-wor&ippers. This fort of wor (hip ia more criminal, and more foolic' too. than b worfliip of docks and Itones, of bulls and goats.- inoie. wno tr.au -te to the latter tort 01 worfliip. very prudently refer vo their con ndence tor tometmng elle, or lome other powers but manwor(hipperi are apt to impute Intatlibiltty to their idols , and to reGen to them all their underflandine ; all their confidence' is placed in , thofe idols j they believe in ' their ddgtnas, however, tepugrtant to that reafen which1 was given to them by the) God of Nature, J:'.", I remember well when the lower clals of Federalifls were abtioft made to believe, that the fine Ihowers and the plcafant : fun-fhine they enjoyed, and the good crops they reaped, ought to be attributed to John Adam wile and vmuous adminmratioo I hoped then that their folly was fo con fpicuous, that the republicans Would never pattern afier it. ' When John Adams told itte nation that the finger of Heaven poin ted to war, the republicans, one' And alt, laughed at him. John Adams not over this folly, and in his latter days made every exertion to leave the nation in peace ; he repented, and left us in peace. Thomas JefFeifon was a good man when he came.. inioomce oui ne naq never oecn a imie. nor a big merchant l ' he had never been praclically convtrfant with commercial or money matters. He was a Virginia gen tleman and ' Virginia gentlemen,- fat a long time, feeing the trade of their coon. try carrieJ on by thofe poor Scotchmen wbarwere fent out otrhire, by the London merchants, under a prohibition which did not permit them to keep good company, or even to marry in America, Being pel- feTed alio of the ariflocratic notions which filled the heads ot Euiopcan nobility, that a merchant and all kinds of mercantile bu Gnefs are beneath the notice of a gentle' man ; it was neat to Impoflible that Mr, Jeffcrfon could have any practicable or I correal ideal of commerce' He ,had read abundaaca on commerce, oa trade, and on roanufaclures ; and without practical knowledge, be errooeouil thoughts be could weave out fin theories, which Tbu talS li taere nonfenfe t far It (swell fcwwD. inat tne moment ws commence war with one nation, the other will grant at all we can aflc tor,' during the continu ance oi tmt war ( nay they will promife mtrt. it is evident the war party have ao Idea of hoQilities with France, although (he has the feweft advantages to hold out to ui as an inducement to engage) on her Gde and although her ruler ia lead to be trufled. What has become of his olauG. ble treaty with the late King of Spain, by wnicn inai Monarcn was to oecome cm. peror of the two Americas I Have, not all Lis treaties with the nations of the earth.been either mutilated ordifregarded J tjeuues, r ranee can da us the lead barm la cafe of war. And yet Buonaparte's con. aua towards as, and his decrees, are in their nafure as provoking as tbe conducl and or. ders of England, Indeed over and above all that ia threatened by England, Buona parte fsys, if one of our. vcllels fhouid be failing tivoardt England, (which (he mud do when leaving otir port, even If bound to German? ) or if an Enslifli velTsl (ho old peak with her, although againd the maf. tet'a wiiU Oxs is to ba forfeited od coming wiiuiq i no reaco vi au power, 9j jana or - -V X OUO 9P PLIASASTRT, Yest.-rat eat Cr, .the threatened war. it. to be with England And what is this war for I What can we hope to accomplilh by It, even If we enter mod heartily into i , E J .ti: 'j . ' iL i u i every moacrn citiiicu war aas naa fonie Objeft profefTed for Its commence ment, . wnat mail vre declare to be our motive tor engaging in a war with Cng.H una r at is, inenceaomor metcast we mult join Buonaparte 1a corjtending for this principle. Well, fuppotewe fliould, after feven yean warfare, after havingei pended one hundred and f)ft milious of dollars, and got ourfelvea one hundred million! more in debt, foeceed In obliging England to--veild the tiidcnt what fecuri. ty have we that Buonaparte will permit oi to enjoy any Glare of it f what ground have we for believing that be will treat us bet' ter than he has , treated Spain, Portugal Italy, Switterhod, the United Nether, lands, or any of thofe nation! to whom. he has promifed freedom on the land If we were to lucceed io obtaining, ia concert with Buonaparte, what he calls the liberty o( the feat, we Should juft pet it ia bis power to inflave us. Ave deferve his ha trcd more than any other nation, becaufe, by .Uiowini to the world that avrcpublican government exifl, we give the lit to that declaration, the pretext on which his u fur pat Ion refla; I mean his adertion, that a republican government tnntt eiift, Let us affit him ia obtalnlog what be tneanl by the freedom of the feai, and he will anflave'us, ai he has done all his H frienda for by the freedom of the fcas part la t!be m wrvtlctl tlw.t Hbcl C, . , - taae no notice vi v '. . ; v : VVc are really ted into our pre lent di lemma by the dovotion of the republican! to a great national idol In a few day the mantle will be transfenei ta Mr., Madifon, with all 'ui th9Wt hi wiUttrv Oecome le onieci pi, aqorauuo, , . t Private advicei from Peteriburgh PRufV Ca of OS. J, flate, that M. Dafchknow named tuenlul from Kuma tome unnesa . States, had failed for lorae port oa tha . continent, to embark tor tnu country. ; :y ..v;ii tear, cr iP$orMqffhchui(tt tntheW Voif Aurora ia a letter hom.Wafhington,' w blch . mentions the frijeQ of a motion, for a?- ; ; pointing a commiitce to inquire," whe- r ther the proceeding! of the Leifl jture o( Maflachufetts amount to kftctjjitnfrw it , TAKEN UP. and now in nr possession, an African man, about twenty-fir yeara of age, five feet eight; br nineincheaj high, spare made, hat on a pair of plain blue) trowsrs,a blanket,: common blue ncgrocapsj he Can scarcely be understood, from w,h icb) I infer that Be has been but short time ipy thia country t he says bit name is '.WILL, that his master name it 'Pee, (being not dead.Y by tigna be conveys the idea his fraud ' . - a.. a . a .a a aft.. ter planted cotton ana corn, ana tnat ne nas a cotton machine. The pvner of said no gro it requested to come forward, prove hia. -property and take him away, reatona to be) ataigned to the owner, why the subscribe baa not committed the said negro to jail. " I JACOB LEONARD Brunswick" County, January IT. ' f IX, . " Fifteen Dollars Rewardl RAH AWAY on the 3d instant, itot likely negro fcllo named JACOB, formetl; . the property of Joshua Bradey deceatd,quu black about tia feet high, plausible in conyera. tation and very artful. tie ha a dowolook it well known about the plantation of Joshua) , Bradey 't called Indian-Creek, S miles frona -Wilmington on the North-west river. A mora .particular description of him will be gives the next week Whosoever will apprebenej the said fellow and lodge him la jail, ao that can get him, or deliver bim to tne in Ww mington shall receive the above reward. , ' . M1LLUKY JrlOQKK, ZT. 4 , f autseii eFtj- -- i ,w I 1 11,1 1 1 M ' might be brought Inft praQice. - The B he meaniT " Let me triumph on the ocean a tka art (eat rtga lot sa a atsowt la tkt (tatlt XtTind to the drctt of our half naked belles, ' At a ball, or a play, or a route '. So eager they are to get into the world, . That they ttfvo all decency out. T COFFEE. . This drink hst many good phyttcal pre- nertiei, it strcegthena a weak ttomacb, help. ing digettion, and the tumours and obttruc tious of the liver and spleen, being drank fatting for some time together. It la held in great estimation among the Egyptian aqd Arabian women, in common feminine cases, In which they find it does them eminent ssr. fice." j Another enrions particutar we find men tioned hare; it, that the refuting to supply a wife with CoflVe is reckoned among the legal causes of a divorce In Turkey. ' , , , awawaBBsBwaw m A wedding lately took place tn the neigh lorhood el Longford. Kites, after a (ourt4 -ahtpof nhe"ytars,j craring which time the 2 f wmie no Ins than 1404 letters to the Motrin of bis and as his visits wrre, during bis eourtthip, conttaoily three timtt a week, it ia computed that he walked fr the purpose of paying hi devoirs, at least , IttHmilea., , ' - awaaaaawawBwBwaB ' v ' Longmtj la so frequent in Xorvaj, that B elrrcvmart. in a funeral oration, in that coun . try. Ittaly lamented the untimtj death of a , ' : - ' (LorvJon paper, " i . taaaTaWjaWa " On the rAwer of Poeiy, to mitigate the stings of affliction! . . TM IrMfMl ted krea! kotk ot algWl aad saora, tt on ia ktsle koak, ow kd iko I kat ) It I, irir-t tai iW WtkM tt itili, Lett, ra tka faetti of laag, tka Ikotaa tl Ufa. j . v Th wtdJifig $lhtt. we nndtrsttnd, are actually making in which Mr. 8iddoe'a Is ahortly to makf her appearance in the charac ter of an Inglhh Bartmtit for her Own itylf JJtntraiU DnuJlU , , ; An IrUK print tays. that Cetnit Xsmlv lit tho toy sgrs to Grttnltnd, hit given a fUoinf dvKriptioa cthemountaina ef Vt 1 democrats of America have too long ai. D lowed this fellow, man w It h leu experimen tal knowledge than mod ot ttvetnlelves, to think for then ' When he cries down commerce and tells them to rely upon their own manufactures, they forget that he wai the man who bad mod gcatoufly aCerted that American! ought to keep their wqik.fhops in Europe j that whene ver they.bccame manufaciurcri, their li bertics would be endangered , and that in proportional they loved liberty, they mud adhere to their agricultural I jr Bern. Their idolatry for thia fame man is fbch, that when he tells them that they' mull inhibit the exportation of the produce of that agriculture, .which he fo highly rtcomV mended, until they bring two of the moil fioweiful nstiqns oa earth at his feet, to mplore mercy and pardon, they eagerly, lay hold ef the opportunity to (how their obedience and their faith. While one of ihofo nations laughi at thejprolrcl, and the other viewi Ii ai putfued folely 10 con. form to the will of our chief, lha meafure, bopelcfi at the outfet, ia f erfided in, mere ly becaufe the nation Ii told, embargo or war ii their fate, and the raan.woiuVppctt believe If, 4 .v;.;.!, j. t ' - jl -r The Embargo la gone i and of cotirfe M ia yet fo be fenlcd, whether the Idolater! are lo totally lod to all reafon as to follow this war.whoep, - Democrats sod Repotf licani, and you and I amongd them, ctied loudly agslnd war1 In 1798. We called it fo'lr in ihe extreme, becaufe we could fee nothing 10 be t'nef by it ' 'not becaufe there was not fu Sclent provocation j not the French h", l4 violation of an exifl Ing treaty, plundered or robbed our fcHow cii?eni of.cverv velTel they could find float (, 1 hey Intuited our mioifleti of peace t they avowed a determination to fiut to death every American feaman found n an Kngli(h - armed vsfTeJ, although fuch feamen were prtflcd they demanded bftislosns and tribute; But yoti sndl psinted td ourfclvci and to our ntkhborfj the horrors of war, In iinproGtablentrt, and hi tendency 10 demoralize the nation. We, It feems, have pot (hinged our feoiU tnenti j but others have and 1 feat ihll man-woifh!p Ii the cauTe of ihil chssge. War wTih franca snd Englaad both, is the .f..k tk.MnA K7a r.l K ,lllnrf IR VM meant,-No ration etc t wiged fuch a war. as well ai on the land, Our fafciy do. pends oa the fhortnefs of his arm. 1 do not fee any profpcCk ot fintlhing fuch a war in a fla'e ot greater profpetity than we began it; nor do 1 believe we can help Buonaparte much, io effefling the conqoed of the ocean. We talk of raifing 50,000 men, but 1 believe they are not deilined to aDifl in the conqued of Spain, 'although we bodrrfland that he Is toacc?mplifli the liberty of the feat by his faccefs upon the land. . No I fuppofe we are to operate by Tea while he conquers by land. We are to fend out our twelve friga'ci and tloopt, together wivh oar gun boats, to ct-rquer their 1400 fhipi of war, wherever ihey art to be iound e arealfo to fend out our ptivatecn, to plunder their com merce, and we are to take Canada.. The two latter things we can really do. The militia- of Vermont caa tike all that ptrt of Canada worth having, la ' tea days, whenever the ice (hall favor the underta king by giving ibem 1 paiTiget Montreal and fomethiog may be gained by our pri. vatreri. But willihe poffctDon of the froxen regioni of Canada, while the St, Lawrence ii always blocked up by ice or 'fcwJltiliQi' viltclt, or will the plunder obtained by om piivaieerion the ocean, compenfate for the continual' blocksde of the MifliiDppI, the St. Mary'i the Cbefa peaks, tbe Delaware, ike, I Will they compenfate for the .havoc that tniy be made on onr coatt, extended lome thou, finds of miles, and which can never be fully prepared for aq attack I I have1 laid enough on this fubjecx to convince you, my oesr fir, that I am op pofed to the war which this country ii threatened by Meffu. JcfTeifon, Vfadifoa &Co. 1 need net tell via, Cr, that I fee ai indignant as any per loo can feel at the injoriet Ir (litis J on this nation by Great. Britain j nor need 1 fay that there Is 00 man la the nation, who would, if we had the power, foonerfnakethe ultimata ippcal for fatlilaaiort. Uut a wiw omen 10 look st the injuries we have foflained from France 1 and I want topuifuethe wlfed coutfe which we cip adopt. under iheprefeot clfcumnsncrs't and that is, to lei war alone. When t wis a boy, and a matt Injered or lofulted mi. I was con toled with ihe rtflcQion that I fhould fooa be b aa cnyfelf, and able take snj ewa aiij auuawiiLjc 19. euiiiuu , 14 clofd hi aCoounu reqida il thofo iAaloBt ed to him to come forWBrd on or before the id of April next, and fettle their ac count! either with money or by note with fecuritv. 0 the wile rccootfc to law will bfi had ' , ' ' p w, MOORE.;; A THEFT DETECTED And t!ic owner wiled I'er. FROM a negro Woman named Molly I atopt about a fortnight.Yiace, 21 lb, of Tallow. As the wench kit not returned to) claim it, h it probable the alole lU VThe per son, to whom it belong, on proving hit pro. perty and paying lor me advertisement, aoa have it restored by calling on . . , Ftbroary.l. . . " $p . . P. BENJAMIN ' HAS the honor to iaform bta patrorV and the public that be has removed to lbs? -hotife, in Msrket Street, latelv occupied by Edwin J. Oiborne, Efq. AVhero ha will be ready and happy to attend any off their otdcrs ip the tnuGcal line. ' Having now a commodious room for the purpofe he will give lelTons on ihe indrumenti h hai advertifed 10 teach, at his own bonfe, 10 thofe wh6 may prcier receiving ibeoa there, and he will attend thofe who deGrfJ It at the place! ihty may appoint, ' leN a. 7-,fpnv-cT a nr ro -. THF. subscriber hat etubluhed a act e Livery Stables, on the west side et So-. cood street, for the accommodalioo of tkooe gentlemen travelling through or rtaidlng in , taia sown, w nv m v uiapoaca w a.ai, themselves of this cttablithmcnu Evtry kind ofgrairkjand lbrag,nercttary for horses, thall be abundantly provided and faithfully given, and alt due attention paid to them tf the hostlers. The liablca art) quite dry I shall be kept clean, and each stall shall pi fumlihart with litter arv ascAiAe?. .,,, v Wm. WIUL1INC3 ' reb.l. - . ' rtifTia avb rciLinta ir, H WILLIAM S. IIASELL. y ; CONDITION. ' ,v I, Taiat Dottaas 0 jt foolUU t& Kmc or Fova UoiLtas ( 4 Ji4 wiiAaj tht frtt lit tmomtkt, : . . , a. .Vo ru.Wfi't re k rreihti tttt i'aalA4aStc MoaTat. ' I K paftr witt it iiKMtlmnJ tii tmt V

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