. ... . ' .3 I - 1 71 Y: '1 1' ' 4 bono : of ugnii thiJtT. be, found conGftent with .the hoey. 90 further credit cap be given. States. v.v.. ; ' -v ... vvr v : haee'the honor to be, 3cc. v .irJV have for fale a foull aftorjtin li-- iw uhM.J , , ; ..... : W'tfeoritrV Moaacef Which can"Hfe 1',' itf-C t ' ; 'The MnloaS(atcki'ii tain thet proceeding t the :fivt senate' on the 3d of October? consi ine j pt au Alda of 'h Archcbanrrllor bt the tmpe, and"a report muds lo the Enlperor V br tbMiniter War Sepu'li, previout to the peace 'AuMrub'Ode VaVaagt ihthta ocumeo de&er e notice-Af.er apcakiftg'of pinout determinaiion to aetlub2e in the v latcrjbf.of Fraoee't whatever, miaht bttthe' -fr f-'' ? '" -tomptexioB'of ff3rfr,;"the jfovth , of f rfcnc p- H I &',wit iVaided, that wThe temporary deselection. J l-'v!" f hi'i"Jritem wpuldt bei productive' of idnie,. ji V"; " ijjrer't6" JKt Eroptre' Aci-.Vj-f ic - V -fbe Minister oLWar furthetobiervei thai . ' "The English Mmioten who preceded the : mjmber-of the preient gotromcnr, (4 in- re ';, tbleet of wen than the latterijnere convin- vCedt-tbat ewfy terioua auetnpt on 4he Cu T I 'V.-,.;-'ntoWI.' general; Peact,!--,?, .:L1: :fJivtr mao 6f good enemajr predict i tt- - J t.(; j C Heralac to be near hndvt.ute ftngiisn '';; :.-?ri4V h hr1; in' continental comeatj"r..;vH-;;:r " f I ::'-:u:Vu'J' 1 '.'1 ' 1 '"" , ' ' ' '. Jac 'k L v tftf'rms the piibtU: that he haa v femovd bi Vindue StOrejfrQm.hu" f rmtr i tundi ne r door to theaice PriiiibgOfice to Bradley? Ware HoHt on MMn Brdr itff Wliarf, Utel occ'bpied bylMrRichar Vtangdon Jariuafy T' 1 ills ; on Boston ;and N ewrVpr k lindouhteli Bills C4i Bofton. arid, Ne York for fale by ;v "Jrtduir'( at hiS Compting R6om, iidjoining ,,T le fold-Tery reafonably.if applied for imme J4 ',1c- JASmOXABLK CCiQDS v. -. , iThe brrlbef inlortni hia friendtiarid the Subjie that he hat recewly rcturtird- froW lew York with a ."eral wirirocnt it '7' i, ;' ' V: DRY COODV . - Sr): -. V Continof Cafieoe. Muslin. Le.noVCarr- V ' hrick; 'Silk, Unena, Thread ., JSnnet'a kr, " ' ItC irbich hi will 11 at reduced pi ice for, , 5 ' ' '' .' N. It ' Any Peraon vhhin g to poTrhBue t "lensf tnay'be ecjmmodaed wltn a erW " i months, fer vWitiff k B6t bavibleit the 7' 5 ! N . , . C l; ; THOMAS WRIGHT NEircoopsr, .'-r.' 'Received by the ch'r Venus, fapt Wadham, from New-Tork,; a few arti . tle-nv addition td 1 thoUe "received -few Veek. pad, ' fuitable to the feaoni' which , ill bU'difpbfed of on reafohable terms for . cafh.-Jf.2J. Gun-Powder of a fopctiorrjua. i "fctj, h priced "cloth and Blankets. 'V C try Specie wanted.' .i-.'r1"' " ' '.' H JlUJit MITCnKll, ; sKdrernhefli.' -r i. ForSatiat Public Auction.-' " '' Oa the firit fecoiid W third of January, Ar likel "Nero men and one wom.-m.- Terms of file fix .months 'credit,' Notes pay able at the Bank with one or more good en- Korfcts, bearing uitcrelt bora thedote. "k. 1' 'mill) . 1 --v -i- 85 Puncheons third1 pf oof Utim, )andei from on board the JJrig Rebecca, Capt Ivrbhlr.; Payment in notes at CO ahd IK) dav. pjvable and negotiable at the'Bank tf CaYe Fe.ir, wUh requifite end'orfern or Uli on IUon at W day ugnt. wut De ac jCrpted.; 'Apply to , . ; , ,. .... , Dec 1 , ; , , , f Fot Sale by the Subscribcrj . , MLacJ Jlat, Wrapping Paper, Gallia, Maclrel and Dec 19. , ,v 4, , j.ereai. ktnee tncs oeatn oi Wtr. Thomas Jenningt, l have been duly sp pointed Guardian to tbe eftate of the late mr. George Jennings, NoTrca UhtfebV gW itn, tha theJHovfes'aul Negroes of , tlie fiid eltaie will be V ted nd hired out W the ill pf January nest at rl!it Jti3'mi If previouBy .difpofcd of by privarc contratl. Annli. all el which wiU b fitld loW for 1' raaMCK conTcyc-a pt an iinpuuni uwi at nwi ana me propenT tiwro in nt .rlht . i OLtvka Paautetj . i" fome wageoflcr, and in which place or tici-.L hoge store, cedered tw be delivered to trt.a.. UiLmA rii itn;,i k. n ' nitv be ia tlouhthfa Jarkint. .-Tlie tW tooeiinete '' !. )' rt - r -V-.. m-Wfc will difnofe of it rnodta - itward ahi 4eafonable charges will UMa-l.-" , ' ' rremians t ' 1 em 01 71 had at tfr SHIP: CHANDLERT. AND 1 4 ' HARD WARE Tbe tuhfcribertiavt rtceiiied If tU WrWttnut ,L- CORDAGfc ffinth decripijH, miiek fcif rJjiitmtHt tlvir jtoct on bant remfer V rf . A- 'JoftmeHt Uwndlery lint mputt. , 4 ii j AHET HAVE lsO KECEVCD ' ''Impetiai';Tea of, th belt uahtjV jHyfon,. do , I ; ''Hjffon-Dsin do.', ).f ,..) r ,' ,v t;Fifo4eTphia beft rcSnW IU 0JV - . London Mll(kAMlaTlru-nV J 'S .y I j j? f, White Lead, t- ( v v:j : Spni(b;Brov t S.l 1 Venetian Red 1 ' Black Paint, , s'W . ;l2by idandSby.tt Wwfoir Slafi !, ;Putt in .Bladders, . r ' ft iNaili pf all fi?ei, -.'j. , ' jj 5,4 jCarrntera Toola, a p n File, of . all kiad,. . . ,( j i Round and fxjuare bar Ire : r 4?;.Swediih.do. . v? .. : ' '4; Cewnarl ltcel,,&c &. ' vrff ' tso,. r ' , ; r -IIV; A few piecet white Kcrfey -t - - ' a few doi coarfe. Cloths, 1 ;5t.;i a fewrd?Irifh ILlnene, , - "J AH pf vhicll they offer for. .Tale : de. rate prices. November 14. - s-rr. i" - t 1 ' 7. Tresh "livson teat'by the chest. loaf lump fugar, by the bog(head or bbC a, few cares atlorted ftats x caies ;:auortcci cambrkks v.fuperfine cloths and, calimercsj" with a rariety of 4 ; V Vv : K . iF?wry , Good , .vv All of which he will fell low foi cafli, or aft approved fhort credit ; - ''' , : ;: v .'.lA'MM.Pietsoi i):.Jlj tU J9rrg OItv 6f i, Blmt J (i fat tiving articUt, and fbrfultr Hint doer !i If r. CeJhoriili iu Marldfottti , ' 'i . -'Bcst-'Mesft sf o; iV-'eef. For family ufe, in whole and half EbliY Apples, CramberrieSi?eder and Potatoes by the BM; and other Nbrtherri Produce,' which will be fold on veafonablc terms, for ca(h6r CountH Produce. ' ' ' f Joseph Pnriirroifl ', 4 November 14; 1 809. H ft PILLS on llosron 4or sale by ; ': ' v; ' ' 7homaj:s, bealp. Apply at his Compting Rtxim, pa Richard t 'Ji Who hat an band, t rtoJtrttt frutt'- j r- THREE half pipes London particular fa deira Wine, .very oVI 'fit e qnartor calw hfTry4Wine, knd a few botes brown Soap, TO KENT ; - vbout one htmdred acre ofTije Swamp fituatcd Immediately below, Mount Mifery BlufT, on the Nortl) Weft River, in. Vlofwl within a tolerable; good ,bank and ditch, ith an ex eUcnt haVa animrafhing' machine upon the premifes, , Apply k t '. . j 1.. Wm;i.'MEajie?.- . December 12, .- .a ' . . r ,- the RunmzmrJ ULAWAi iromtne suDiscri bcr a ncsTO fellow named TIRAlM.ihe I property of tlie late William C. Retry, was ! pbrchaied byThomSs HdVofWillim Petty, tl Lhatbara emmty, near nttsborougm into uluch ilieigliboihood the varlet Cphraim h.u1 V P15!011 delivery of toe (aid runaway to the JuWir.berV - ; "1 II : Dj tritt tf tit Mmim lrattr, ettmber 5.; '.j 4 ti . HANSON fcELLT. '1 . . " ; On; account of a'pcbunlary' dis ppfinUrieiit, will bi oId. V likily youri MuUlia Wumsn, whti her 6'i( i'tiild tbdut it nunintrio, mr a noe ti ouoiy, tn two spprtrvrd I a dorter, tUf 'dlv'trtd nert'tia ble si tbe Batik of Cape.lt tar.Ennu.ra at this Offioe.- .J 'Ji --4si I 1 ir -a a - 1-11... a- . . 1 . t. . . a m 1 t -rV r,7rTnfi l-r .rnrts prrfnr. x t t la wer iiuot ..... .", Bm Wtx, . tcniir, Frcacli, . is. the : oa recn, 'Ame".' ao. If mi. Vtloa( I tun, b, refio. J,ltooolb f the Do Hni Wi laant. Pinal. Tirtirt.1qua b1 K O iad tAtiu. w.w airm ir. , VT. toait Tir, fialluai Turprntioa, 4o OllM ilic. t Jjmict 4tbaioof, W'i(4w,ra, Ji to A :-iicaf it do. Tk.V. incite.' fteU Ioaf i IIloaaalM.hit( vanaj -v I ' : 4UrV4 aV4-re ' ,. r J . I ! STABLES, v lti w M, tf Secoaa Bract, ,th tuonm-T'tttioa 01 thole pniliiara utc hag iarob m Jijtl'' ,V i lAtort'' ItA Mi.V ki. jllfr.Mta f& ..Mil . . . .1.11. .J.l 1 . 1 , J I J. ' atotid'4 .Hid I 1 M 1 ita, and alt du altvMipt i p)d ihtavbf the toHlt-4. Tht; ' !( Mt oiit dyi nun m a-pi c-cta, ma tun m t atmat 1. ia.m aj,iU) Liuar eiy awaifl.! ' , , -,V ,; y i;jV, . THAT toi tio bui fuaaw Treat (tia, trtcca boa li o ibvinM Robialoa ,aa Tkoo. I Iranmit. Atelt Id ' , fey tmbt ji . t-HTOOME.- J,-- -i J-.". ;,. isf-' A few Bales ot Woollens, half- ;bick 'and kvt.dal A4Hoii, tor'-pioduc or nous at.uanki Aw t4V.s. .'." " -. r Sri l! '.1.. n. I U. Ut)AIltt j,i .- . ! I A few iarreii oTllosin and Fish, ; Dec 2t. - : r; ?o V;vVV ,". ajcr" fv'i'aeagssyasMPa oaeft AjiritLtt.. ' t'sl-'oQM. N,.. a. i Ird Welling-ot H VSll Ve een waj at LiUonoif the 23.1 tot was about tnjoia tha tToyanda RutViati'man of War h bee burnt at L,ibon. Cerpna siill holds out - , An opinion prevailed t HolIitif, that Doe- b. pacta wtk-extremtry dittttub. with the Lmpet6r Akxatidnfj ud that he ad, on roorj ihaa Qt occasion, exprctted in public hit Teefinigl oi thi .subject, flit jetlouty of HuMia, and 'he Ttr tnn the might com .bioe wirhAutlit tkamtt bim.have deter ruin ed him not to march any of the army ofGer tntnr lntnSoia. '! ' t ' ' ' ! , 1 , . t , J.ttt.; I . . -l ' i- '"Wtkre fevered wfththe follbwing from a frl- Rd In London Ywt'tnty depend on LVrd Wel'letley having- refuted to beceme a m irobr r of tht cubiiitt, ttnlcMi Mr. Ctnnintr Harmed' a prt f the tdHnriytifet. Air, I. MUnet, member PoDUrrtct, was pre" by lr.erctrl lo accept. the Cihanccllorthip ft t 'Cm .rlfnitfr. Kill rn.ftflii. ff kiwi. from good authority." t (, f,rri UtttlL, Tht port of Htvtri'na was cpeaon the 3th Custom tbe it .' tttrt ttttbbK kftnu St a. ' ""'l 1". 'Vbi IO-The Sfsd'uon, Frost, from Bthlmorei It Vsrried into Dieppe. . , - TheMtry, Culler, from Wtterfwd, te London, wtS taken, sbnut le days Since, by tbDuk oflfercprittUcr netf Bttchv, and carried a:o Pieppe. J A Weal Jbditmaa wis taken abou the time time. ' ; ( ,i v.s , . Th Ctmecok, ErJera, from f lynioutb la JTrJigoUtdt lb jtxprirfljrnr'; kl'Alphm, frnna Mpntterrat to Lomlan ; the Three Sit Icrt, King, from Foola to Hull J ibe Atljutor, tljit, from fjilfon re Lndont tl llftr, J Carriei Dora Oportta LcAiw ( Uj AjmUo, from V 'fcbU 1 f J ttU : t jo :i ,.,va- : : , ? -4 .-.. I' v.. . 1.; 1 v Oik. u L - I 'J 1st 'ITT, I VU raj i , a a. gi it wf,.,, 111 1W I 1 ceo ft. 1 so ?. .m. ' T i r- ''.'- .; :e,i' J , js 1 . . fciU ' J ' . t . rick it r. ' :! '"- "i 3 1 " 1 1 I "I u . : bum, - fo bo " v .ilS ' to . loelb. f It 49 v A - r Scbinkell. from Bordeaux to Petersburg t the 1-aTm td Gi'c lromtrK 10 London j1, , 4. -Fro.t. from Baltimore, a-' -m- " " W ;:r r,- .1 ' ' tzra'-z Fren&ii on the Ktb inU byjhe Plover, and arrived at Plymouth. :y Atiravctendvf ". Mary AnntvyVirgintaiVictoryi W atton hvj' Btigmore ; Uooimerce,.irginuii ucorge . , Jphawn,N. Yotiu .f-'i vL't'?-'-r'-- , dot. iriArrird.eXP4ysoiUb tqsi Goodrfch, rroni N Vork, retaken froam . t v tbe Prenpb by the Medusa, frtgateKT Arrived H W at GaTway, the JHnrva, Spear, of Boston. : Jor Libon had lieen taken, by a Frcoclt 1 4,, privateer, gn.retakea by tbe master .and r ntmenirer. Irora an officer, and TEN, MEN I ' . At rower tneuiw-aoft :ir, vi fuvurawut) Viremia. also retaken Jrom the French by . ".i ... a.' Vm.-i . Cuty.bcig. 'ni-AdLU s'& "Tbe Susan, Walton, trotn, the , weser, t VKginiV'wa taVo tbe-'15ib; 1nV btho;, Pi'ebru-iter, privateer, artd carried' to Calait. s The ship Resolution, of' N.- York; trotai Lotrtln. taken by a French pcivaUef? nj act on fire, was lallen In with on he 140 ef Oct, bv a vetvi froraLivcrpool for. Surrinanv a part of a crew put eq boardt and .cwdutdj Last night arrived in Hampton-Roadsi tlaS1; iV " " ' hi Juinav Cspt. Hewe 3 days from Lb 1 : Krpool. ; Gt ufr Retion and Tarnily, came paswengert. , November ....19th,j lat-'sq, f Jong" IT. 30, wa boajded'bjrahe, Irew vv'v- from Norway Deiaine-t the hip tro hours,, x t , K antCprobubly woula nave detroyed her, ha it not bett for te female ;iseiigeffcJ:The?''..:i.. captain of thr brig informed capwttn tioweal thttihit MintructitinV were, to dstoy eyeiy American vesstl from Britikh port, and tody -." he bd taptutrd sixteen during blariseii i? A NORTH CAROUNALmWATVRS .. A few days before the two itouaes'rosQ "j the following patriotic Resolution was kdop. ! ' t"be recommended' br w -if , lie Repi eientatives of tbe 'free PrY-ple of (he ' ; . a- 5,te ,ctNlbjCrfrJUln a ho ahull compose the neat General Asseat. t ' iu c,iuaiM . 1 cit.tne t enureiv. ettner in w.e iianu ihtifacturec of tint State, or tf the UrSiatetT 'rr; Br wived fjrtbcW That it be (he dutv-wf the publi.- Pfiniee to bihd up a copy 6f thia Kc'.blution in front ol each w tbe acta of that7 ' Seasloii.?, v;- v.A';r5'.v''.. ';.';.', lm following Address to the Pruident oti the unamni SlR-The'Legitlafure of North-Carollnaf atetntil, d fop the firat time tinea ytr wetV " called by the iuffttgetnf ycwCountrymeri t prcid ovef the councilacf the couatrr, fee i o;ir omy, & vne pettorraance of woich they cheerfallr ad?nceHto epnrey u yofc 5 their urqualifi;4 approbation, of he court3 which yon fiave.'purtued, and. which httq amply projected frorh Injury' the Jjoqof.aM ' digni-y ti the'Amerira'n govtrtiidenC'r'' , -1ntln,et piirteetous and' alarm"ing ai tW pretent, whea cVery' .iierary1 and'equh'a!lei ' principle aeema to be , diure? anled by"rh turbulent Nmiona of Europe, (be ciliirnt of the Vo ted Suts, vnatsiMeiby thatlnraaa' nett, isdom"u4 i4tHoilrn . which; Jitv '"' cbtncterittd your publjc , eebauc' wpyUl,' imdee il he much to fcti but, cheered Jby ibe ctmso'..(ary berieDthai' tbe 'Arnirieai piril b hat hithrr0 secured to us thJ bnr6.t of yoar alent', ,wiU be atwayt W tried in the fdv emenr of .our Country's' Unit. putf, wot,;pn.turdty.laa- j lU-Iy nOot-ted in both lloustst . -i ... TO JAMEH MAUISOIV V7 I ! i. tili nt'of tht VMtti'MSW I 1 mpH'wii we iiti no octnauoo in pledgw2 onrel individually and as the, Rcpretcnd' litiye pf the Freemen of Nortb-Carolina, ta . ttrpnort, with enrgy;.'and It tf'ritY c-f ouH lives nd f in one, tuch rneaiures at tbe pe nenl goreromrnybtll thlnk'trcef'to puri . ... toe, to protect from Intuli-aivd a jytuodS eur common and happy coo'ntVy. v "; ) . itroMrtb'fGM riri rtnttil ttntliui .. OOUSS OF REPRESS r'Mtt"1 -1 ' . v " TuetdayrDecVtfc'.f T-yn i Sir, Macon from tbe Committee oliWrgtf relationsv reported a bill repealing Ue nont " intercourse and making olber regulaljoba reiV peeling commerce and narigttion, ' (The 14 lec'ion prhibitt til pubfig vettela , belonging to Crest Britain or lnce lror-'' hi,mK tar naronurt or tne'Umreq staieaj Sdbjeci to certain tpeclfied extept?nsV:- '"'-. ' , fbe"5ud "tccU'n prctcKbettht panltbment T'Z'-' erthota who shall sid the mfraction af'ihri provjn.".'. .:Vr ;. r , .) .1 be 3d section nrohJita nil yndei i the flag of preat-Criuin pt France, af 6wfted In wholf or in part by.sTij citiien.ol frtvr.from enuring the harbours of the Vc'ie led Slsfeai . Tt.e 4tb sect'ion pfottibtrk the" Jmportatiea bite the t'nittd Sttel of goodV frori CrttU Uriuioar Ireltndv and France and the'rr cd be I or ef goods, from tny Careign ' port whkharethe grjU predoct ot rothuftee lure ol ureat-UnitiQ of France unlear u-amitiQ or rrancf unlea m " ' ij I wholly by c'ttiieos of thaUnU J provitions to ttki Immtdlsti ' "hr J- .'..'; r- ''.''..-. vetiers owned led Statu . i..Th tbore efftet. , ; The lib teeilon prohibits sHer the It lb bf April next the importation o! goods rem Q, Drrtan and Franca and their ulonks tjAleta IfflporUd dirsctly tbcretrvui. ' . ' . - .' 1 ;1 4 i i i'J f: ta ill f 9 t .1 - 1. I -r- - .

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