?- .f. Tto ah, wdT bit sections aluVpentt. Th!7Ir 5fk infr?tl0D he.e provision - -fl old man, who read the production of Juvems, 13 case either France r Great-Britain shall ; aa revoke or modify her edicts as that they aballtceasa to violate the neutral commerce ed the United States to declare the same by ; irocUmation, alter whicVthc prohibitions of f Ibis lot on the commerce of the nation" so do : . ing sJudTceas.yvwr,s. vy ; .th- , . The 1 tth section repeals the act tb ainend and continue hi force certain parts of the' act entitledan act (fiiinterdict the commercial iMcrooBna between the United! State ana Aret-Britain and Fjahce and their de ';. (endencie and for other purpose; : . , "rThe 12th ection flmiu thiractto I the "mi cf the next esion of Congre; It wu read !t twictfaad retemd 6H committee bt the -v whola) Uoifs on FrHaexUV'',;f,' Mr? Rhea (Tenn.) called for the order of .(ne atf, onne resolunona from the Senate. Th Jipuse reierved itlf Into a committee of q the whole;oa jhe rcaolutlon Mr Batter la 1 lA' R,Pe",n faVorof thVescilutiotjs, i Mr. 'JMuer and .Mr. Ita 7:; ttehwtne committee rosej.jrepQrted progres.3 apd hdlat to 'it agalrt"' lTf-'n-t If li.7 Bank pf 1j following "geptkmeti ere rfetterdBy H ,v, . Ci Hooper CaiapbeU,Vrr . :.: ilXK tatt-lt.'Br.dley,:: .- C. Walker. t3t1'hot yet known b,o'arfthe Directors ppointea oj ne uorernor on tue pari ot trie , It WM Auv jntentipn to -he prepiid en irticle.pp.thcoaduaof idmioUu-alLonjdur. ilte Iheir Ute sincuUr diolomattc corretpon- U. dence terminating ' so untxpectedly iu. the ' dmiSaI of the British tenVtwi'sTaeoiiciia 7---:ae)n-f tSei'eibjtttttrtit of Mr -Gtlesfwhtch is- ' w taking place in the house of repre nta tive,,and which w.a. intend to, publish, wiU, ' supercede the ncceMity of making any rc. 1 not as an ittic composition, but as a prod : won replete with good sense and inctflcsuig sound doctrine. , , v Vv...;, ;,Thisimpressioa,so favorable to Juvenjs, am unwilling to le$in by verbal jcriticisnv I .would not divert . the geniusi of, Juvenis from disseminating good princifies, to a dei Tndeof paartitulai' expitssfons' which" may have injuied claasic sensibility t "I would ra ther atimolate his exertions to' decr iha faf ionable follies of the day an4 to erect the siaoaard or knowledge as the only bah, neiriwder wich. tict and diasipatioaf an ha. successtully opposed., rif the occasional as siBranc o one. unaided by classic lore, could induce ' Juvenis 'to penetrate the Citadel vhose bastion's are ignorance and fashion, he' may calculate on ) f 'miitaleU noet cotofaeoclDg with At II i TouridTaftd se Wtedtite Wtfr wpreVtbe following lines keV. were placed qf Mf4-,w. Hill, a pari of V rait of,, $ immediately abova the Epeupba m the first f l4wed Tnn Timber. iTbe owner, bi Drov, colunia of the last age mvtead; of tug jn(t paying expences can have) j to laced at tha bead o the column, many pa- . ' ' hi ':vMn-tw thH nffir. pars were stnickoff belore the trror was dis :j,Vlirr- v- . . . . ' covered ana rectineav r f:': -- iv ?;... ! .f ficT On Sunday oext Pivlne Service will VJ -ftMALE;! te pertormeoattne trica vourcn at 4 .cjwi.a 1 j' &ail WJRRENTOIK i. ir'U t Kr X.- .V.. 0. TnW Rnnllmill mil WiL. it ! " - . . J' 17 ' fSX 1 UltLaLjiaitiS IU tUB'lVllHSI tfl &SB1SS - - liam Thames, Baptist Ministcrt'. ' ;wifi Enally psssi . They' are however renu Auslv bDDosed on two srrounds 4he first that iackton.hadno't giv0 the iisutt ailed m! 'hw'krfmtnUtraficn and he second, that the paaalhg'of the resolutiooi, wtuld Iw'ult becsarily ilhrowingihe-Ksuntlet of war ai the lt of the British empire. , Mr-uUans ts ' said o have delivered, la powerful and unan. i 'twertikle speech. iFor our own part, we ro "S)njy tlljr; thU.'tiider.tha.cxpecUtion iraised , ty the repretenUtions. 9I thjp ,Eiii((r of,th r lstmhal inelfigehceO of ibdibg without any' stlEeulty, the te said to; have' been toclearty Insinuated, repeated, and then more uoegui . k airain offentivclv urecd. but we have ; .aearched in vain' through the documents for it, and hjeteIorr knst belief ti iuis nbf-ihere. ' Our eyes are ppen, snd we trust, their seoe is tfot shuv'afid we ihill bn.thjit;td to .any f erson who will correct our vision tf.it bi i rtrrtel, and satisfy tur mind, that the RilXts of our Coimtryfhave'irtot ihioiMrlrss a little i " lrnprfction. iy thlrif optics, rabcr pos 1 itt suca'cyca a fludibraa deacyibeSfc, .; i .! Their Cptlcs must be, good. ,1 ,wten ' J- ir. fyho tee what ii not to be titb." . 9'ta a'tMty, some of their iiiiatuateH Tollpw svt hal ndi'thr eanuorf DoftUWbitketeiv x 4oa, lnlh Mtritic"'whaexclainlsdi''ii ' 4iTie)ps.nUl fleet ! aonoiaa 14 ( ' Because-? His not In sighu,;- ; .f (f . " .TV ,dreat tbmplamtuavtn0oCflatebee made by thtf purchasers of Carolina produce here thar gross deceptions, have been disco vensd in the articles of Cotioa;and Rite wpuld take the liberty of hintincr to. the orowers of these artieles thfrdisidvsntaee a- ruins 10 nf' A mi grnallr, it nmnair cnaracierwnicn tne produce ot the State" of orlh-Cirolina (particularly Cou ton has hitherto sustained should be lot. no lacv are, tnatin respect to the article or Cottony fotne years ago it was almost sulficii em "0 command r sale to know, that it was inbKcu ui rxurin varoniwr ana ne -appear aijce of thebag when opened 'pcneraMy ton. firmed this character : but within three or four years large mastes of jsaeds (in one in. stance ninety pounds) have been found packed in the middle f bap" where the external d- -pcarencc ws fair and promising i RenerBlIy speaking meje is an appearance ot negject qu iiiiuciiuuii ,iu. puiimg tip -me article 'which if persisted in, must ruin its repots iion to the northward. Rice cafck have lately 1)eeh discoTfred to weturh Ulb.- more than marked. iVn t( thirk hLntl hpat lvino 1 r iput'ini evidently with a yiw to deceive the purchaser. rThe mrfttyof m North'Ca roliria f!6r rtceird here tMs leasan, hav "been, "mUcp approved, but had it. been regun lady inspected, and the wright, tire and fine- i 1.-4 .t-'L.I.,- . . ,1 IICl,IVrMU 1 lie unricia, It, would DAfe spl.4 at a .OcttrpricB and been more- satisfac tory to tire buyers, who appeared doubtful whether they got thtrr fulV Weight. -' V" " ', I hear of no complaint against NavalStore ito which (from Wilmington) a favorableA opinion it annexed' berei 1 There hintt ar iljrown but with a view to prevent deception! by B,frier,d tojbVtradf'of North jCarolipa.;, ( .-.''-'.. '!-w'v ir Novaxolws, t Boston, Jfov. 3, 1 808. ' " ; v Fur wsnt of room A. B's communica- uon is BRinj)ostpond. - in in course o tnra week wt expect to havpthd Wte tottrmeitts(rtadf .for deivtry DIED, On Thursday stt, ,Mr Jamjs flcCBat, Silversmith, of this towa.. j;, i..OiJSatujdsy lasUlr. WtsLtAn CotXtats of thi town. -'. v ) ' .,!-, ' Jl J VOR'T Qt WIL f4l$G TOif, V '.- ' tyfaato, ' " 36 Drf. Uvr rjsoref, JnUumtf V'V -"jirsfl S9rniNiiNluerv.4V(irr it. Avnti'int 1 yi.ShX Fundjfck,, PuaehdrJ, ' facat Sbe Prt'tidtnt'Cwait ... - PLiladehhia At. JSarinolfinuipt FOR CHARLESTON,. . 1 he bJoop . ; . . filjAHV BiaHETi ? ' Will sail in two days. For freight or passage ; having -excellent ac; il jL V lithment, n Examination otihe Pupils wa held"- 'the 71b and. 8th, mstanUHit tha V presence of a respectable Audience- In order, that the progress of the Pupils might be im y partially- .nvttigie4..Mr' NicolsonJ laistf PrinciDal of the Academy in thisplaci. a Ren- fl9maj.ot.4iagaed' 4Uer-ewta.tioB;fi-v-. i Md toCally unconnected vlth.the.'Schctel,'ar7 solicited to preside, January 2 SAMUEL JPpTTER :H,AUMONIC bOCIEXY. There wilt be a Concert on Saturdiy hext. move toeomntence pttLiseiy-at v txioca'":- a distance, who had obliging promisa tnir v, ? -a- , hid, were! prevented frQm'twnd:bgby tbeia- .j ' '-pltmency'of-tho'weetheri ''ti'y0S ' .. ?.J4Nat' "SThe" Members Mtyoiin?8 Lodge present their ihanks tb T N. Gautier, Faq. tor bis elegantv impressive and well a lapteeT addressi They also . tender their ap knqwledgments tothe Gentlemen of the Hsr- taontc, Society for the polite eadiiie with. I wacn iney: scceaea to tne request 01 per" forming in Church, at the anniversary of St, John, nd for ibexcellcnt music(rsrhich they, on1 that occasion, produced.; . They would also wish to xprs their sensibility at the honor done tfiem by General - B. Siniih, Grand Master pf thia,Sute. in joining tbern in the exercises of that memorable day. X uy. oraer 01 tne Masters laffuary SrlM'f jj.J,SJU-, -UVJ..'.'-'H.'l'lilMWi .uiu.i 11 1 11 1. ilnTj -!rhi' Public Notice Is given; " THAT a Negro fellow. beloWine to 'we found and secured a swtall rsfvof 6 barrels of Tutrolttienhlittle ; bridge over SmitFs" creek. By proving property paying expenccs and a reward to the follow. and applying to me'.f tha piropeny shallba giyea up to the owner. ; . ,v 4 1 ' , : u-y -'-4- -x.i V ,; ' .'AVm' CAMPBELL.; vjfanuary 2.- ; v" . ;. .' ;.'y : . lt( '.fpr'.tJjic, purpose, of clpslngp.ut' coricehi"i'rw rendered fndispefiaible, -tre. e'arnkstly .call upon our' debtors for a settle. meet of ihejr sctopnts, as no- longer Indul gence can be sUowroi and, in tontrqurncr i f the lata of ihe.timps.must decline ilf Uny-.mor crediW Those, to whom w art indebted, are. 'requeMe'd to send in their ac counts, whit h shall b )ichargrd ' . v . 1 :, v, rflRIX ktHARRISOM' . ;;:JnMVy 3. ltlQ. , ..'4 ;.n,. 4w-v- the JbweClae jt SpeUing; and'Rcadnks and of tppfe further vaouj4vjbngMsB .$ ;. ; Unthe,6.econa aay,tne nigr;r,ic.siiesreaotej.(. lect piece in blsnk verse, and wtteafietwarda examined on the HUtonr of Encland Geot ' 'wrppby and' -tbV'uVe ,of ;the GloW.' , Eachi ttats'exbibiied'sptcimen 0r their VVritiiigV x r The Ptomniasktons of thrte' i Voun Lidica.' i! , i 1 Miss Sitgreaves, Miss Winslow and Miss C , 5 Mordocai read, and rhe extrcrse'fcof IbVS-p ddy then cloed by a handsome andimpres S'y.Si siye address t9 the Young Ladie byMf.'VVW ; . liamTtufflh;, inbeiiulf of himself aDd tbeCoraJf ; , (..Many bC toe Xpung La,diea appeaijedta, : ' cimeDsolNeedlcwqrk waslikiwisejsplsyedj ?' On Saturdaye company attended WaVy'r ?a s aical.Pe'rfovaiy:tbe.piaCMr'f Ale i , . ander'C Miller, whicb, l 'm auiborised t. .'.y; T say, gave very genetai vatisuciion.. ,ooms t leWanl sneciraemof thiir nroi'ress litDrsWw -'': V ..C . ... Jor and PathtTnit wifreTik'kwIse exhibit and 5 met with tbt. apptbbatiun .of the Compsnyivff . Sji ; I? nriilsrtl M 'ihast nfat 'aayfktli t tiBet ftsa.a, ' ZfctJr- ' ww- - Vt-,J,M 'hjwvb WM,iyii, i.T-iT'iy-i tended mar untied endeavors ot nitnseliv nia j Astitiapts, J-Mbrdecai'itifot-uis the public .'1 that the Schoof will commeneo oa he40 h' ofr v ' " . JiHiary.under Jhtssroe superiautitlarcaof ? - heretoloro. vine AluicaU''lirtwingvarid ;-rv. Painting Departments cohtmeipgiuneer the) ' " direction pf Mr. Alexander C. Miller .wtiosev''; J; ; ':, Capatitj ; Jrf thoe;Brancbe is lob well knwar ' to require any cortifnent.," ' .'Z--.'-- i To those who hare beeo pleated to'tncou- , A rase: 'thia'4d?ituti6n, be lenders' bis grateful ,' i .', cknow,!edgcjneot wjih- an, a8U"nce, thajj ; the unretnitied tlrend' attention wKicbbave' ' . ' ' hitbertv be.cn' hjeitowed, shall continue iindirJ ,,-' " r ,T manj aftntfgeTXrng fcomtheia y f "; beinB1 early ,fotnl inu clauses-Wuce bipt i'.sir " to (eqnyt, hp inrliRett ttf place their Thil -v dreii f Vtrds under his direction, 'to Uf ihem attead'.ss sooii.'ts postible aftet-he fa"1 commencement )t tbfe' Scboof.i:' v 1 ':. Tat-iFor Bustdisod Tuiiion inTtieya ' idus Braftciis (Mu4ckfcrted)'i5i05'peTal ":' annum.'(i ITi-lP. V Each Toufie Lady niun be furnished whrA ' - " 1 VOn Wednesday forenoon, " the 0thren-f tha Maepnh; prdyr1a .tia, T"':tt Jt St. John's Lodge, and forined a-handsome pro Cttiion Irdm thence to' the Dlick CUurcb RacrrdJiusic wss performed, by the Hm fcers of kibe, IJirmonic Society, -and an Oraa fi on Urfcc'ilv appropriate nd highly aloquent 4ri drnWe,l by T..N- Gautier fcsrj. Th Brethren the'n' reurhed to St. John's I.nk, Md afterwsrd met at Dick's Hotel( whrt : Jf&'r i nl, trorilell, fiedaa Admlrfistrstvit Wtbe rsUtebf Hehiv II T6Mt. . , . t ..T - Walters senr. deceased, requests all I'er.' I . . ' . r"-1. . ' . yns having demands galntaid deceased wpreHrtt thtm to 'XTm. B Mrara, who Is. fully tuthorited la traniStt and settlr. the bu t sinesv .'''Itua'AitTa Watess. 4 ii wmmmm n.iii i-.f i , i I Hi t 39A, SOI j,SnV Fant'fC$tlax Su Jjartholemivi : citrfrtrtfjut'irffrK. r , - J ' Tf it thfwf Ifare of the state is intimatel !.'; jn overseer; : ;; WHO understands well ike culture of ,C.oa and ;Cnllortnd who can come well rtconj-' ; roendco, is wanted to taae Charge of hlitn llsndv upon a Plantation on New Topsail, Seundtby tba-LMhof the present niootli. Ht,NKI B. IIOWAKU. Jan. t. U10. ; 7 3w,.r A - they -wart igTeeably ttcriatfcdtbyaa atiua4. I"- dant an4 eleglot cole" collutidn. . 1 " . . ....... -x 1 f J v connihed with an imrxoved mode of tilling .rhe soiT Ahdltfe'due luansgemeni of rural coaderns is so telrcVKlcnt, that all, it ia pre sumed, are ready to admit, and therefore 00 ! labprad argameni Ja neoetlary to etUllub. I AQimtfnlant atthiaiuterest is to the nros. II neritjr .of Ithe stste at larce, but to lbs arri. culliralist more eipccii.lty, U has been long t' tfcfft. Ad to UnguWh and" left to individual ex. ertionfofmtmve. Mb ateldenl ant benta- ' tial ilracsivrry bt made, or industry attittcd ny KODIU1 iufi( ntu r iww in iww 1 ta Imm miinJ. iaoblniaw hahtta-nf- Br she Ust MaiU wa. are frrorartd, that l0.bnnAn.the, flUeeterv rwtithas with stthinr:iPHWl Mi beta decided bf ; t,: u ennfincd to the nsrrew iimitsof his ..... r arJ1UifiOLlei:iuaiureAJiiUast kthuss pUtk slop t6 pfngtes. of which .wt publish, for cing off certain ( ,,,, kjjoaUilge t ftis WcoWeltt is much to tes'ricliona from commerce sod cither pur ( 'uTetfrtiud.' Ts cbiate thWaiitfonufie and . poses, hlt'betn introduced py .iir'Msciw, tedvoaas iaspiaviamwtvby adaaswg each atssed twa readitiRS a thaIy of the ttste - od,, bsbeeis.auccv'lf rnsde by 'Uf. tba'laai Washington, paper wstihe4a ,lnQtf env-sged it simllsr pursttitt la the ! antiAirned IbrtM third readme anr tiiscss40 atsi. nr the when, (a tha -s. ( i.bpst patuge or tajecUotw .-Jtifcsupt; Ltt !otihe-trf tddress These viewt" ,' ttcelVcd kiuci our lsst. rrftir."TlAtl ; ! DANCING SCHOOL .- '..WlU commence again on Wed- nesdty the'SAtk of this month, enntmu. ing tbrouthovt the winter session bopifg thai tha Psrews of Children and those who hse ' a wb Hs become Subscribers will not delay any time in forwarding them, if they wishtbenrio be pui in the hmclattwith those who fw already Students. N.B. The Even in School Tor young Men will be kepValto. Pnsaie lessoni will be given.' " ' '' ..r v x" W.H.Cuat; I aa.fr" 't 'twp i .if ik.t itVillle adon . - - . . 1 n.riw . . NaiUtet . European ; Intelligence bis been - .mclai'ion, Hrnce wtetl anxious of wett are of r)licn Will be best promoted by iciaiion, Hrnce wtetl anxtousof reset. Wift tid concurritig with our.Brttbrta, Aba 1 NOTICE. " The" Proprietor of a Planution lying in Bladen CoUpiy, 00 the outb Wt'ti side of Cape Fear, in a healthy and elevated situation, 11 fniUt froh) ElitahrthTown and JO from Wilminirton, would wii toexchns U'fw another fettled PUn'stion, either oh the C1....J t J . I: Bii-i,!... - . 1 ovuixj nr mm, aaii iticr, ana not more The followingTaimoiiials are annexed fa ibe sail ifamion.vf such, si may be iricl'u)c.s- - . ' to.jfucoufagetho lnlliu,Uoo ...., , :t 4' Oeing requckteu ey Air. Mproecab to astfts -at tbexarnins.'W pf tb,,Voung' L'djet wj ' nve seen uuacrnia.iiirecion lorsume const . iertbU timf. I attended at thi tintt appoint " . ed, 'and cither cksm'mcd; myself jor heard ..' ncir .iiistructora cxamina iiv tne. i' ritictv ' msnnrr, the everst classes, in Engli'shGnmi ' ;: mar; lIistory Geography and the -Cse of iba " 4 Globe lu tosjhirJi RrjrfihtS''of,ttarnin(f "' they ;bavt, contiAued,layappy .ewiselTea incj Jwly tlast.- .XMiC aswduityJince thsw time, bst.n.IWr4 a the,lest,. btion the , tnrrary the greatest cxeniont' seem to hava ; been.madaby tfiTYd'ur.g Ladietilo attain ta v; . a emitbt dtgret of perfection in tht differ ' ' ": ' entt3rsnchsof Scienc to-which thry htV . psid their sUcntiSVi, and heir exertions hsrw V V beea . crowned with wncomman success. ,B "3 think I tlould detract from , mertt off ' Mordecaf f nd bis Assistant r'w-rt 4 nob to declare that the utmb.t ju,ins wt re takers by them In conveying the mot; ptrmsncntrf utcfiil instruction to then' Pupils in Ibi snH -r plett and estictt stranneK and in jus;iei( the Insusjetove ant Pupils must say r.'thst f ': ' never hi .tnylfe ratuodea an Cxjminattoa whicb gsyo me so ranch seTmtatriaw . 'i . 1 1 ' '.SAVUEL NlCJiOLSOJivC WarrniM,i Dtttmlxr t, 80,.' , , , The tindersigned,aho werettntdVB tht laa F, xanilnanoh. W Mr. Mor drcai's Pi. tnli, wiih pleasure declare, thatfhtir ptr " furmsneta XceVc'cd'tbcir, roost 'aahguine t -'' pectationw The reiidirittt thd correcrnvsa : " j of (he totwer giterrby tbos: tPprrd in tht ' ' different Klses' of Grammar, jlii'tury and. ' tirgrapny4 to tat KVersl quttttonk put ta thsn twetva or-twenty miles disT.n from Wilmingtoit, This tract of land contain! i lh m tin OMuh' along and chte xnlnatirf, w I rinnicM.. I inner, and afl those entsr-td In I ItO acres, of which 100 and tmwarJa r. 5 evidenced terv considersbte SDrlkaficn'oi '.?yr .'' . IV"5 1 rural econoroks n tb county wIewHaoo I cleared tnd under fence i l" prodoeti excel. !' thtlr part as Well tsgrtsf ssilduiiy andau . . .u . , . 1 ri. . Li 1.1 . i 11 . r . , ' . ... - ' ,1 . . . - ' Tbt object of JuvtWt omloutjdly wtt,to If ver snd Ihpitef Itt neighborhood. . v fwnrovelhemorsls'and rtlW tbt pltasures !l MaMbefr!brt"rPvne all sueh-pVrtons four ytiVta, hy sireelingAbctf UUentlen to il td. meet on the third Mond liUrsry pursuits ss, a mesas of tttainlagao j Mr. Dili's IIot.b.bvtvra,erith dtt.rtt'lt an, end, he tnoughtVt T)ectH to-? and t,wrle o4ock, for tbe to. meet on the third Monday of January, at tht bmirsofelctc purpose, of. con- lent Corn and Cotton, a roo.t eliirible sftn tion for a Store, having (wo public rosils 1esd Int throueh M, On the ornl.4 t tmfoHsble frsmed Mansion loused 3t bt U, eodtainlngh Half and Crt Bed RoOhia, t ' - . - r 1 . ' ' ksuYklhhoseddthC4aAjprernU '-tuHirgbiftha Jfroprlety of sormiaf and ktia-.t wralj. necessary out Houses, Is corr.pleta , I. . . .1 1. .1-14 ..vi.r.r..ii.r. AriatilrisntaYatuHusuSoatain iwwed7 ' swasr, wita awew-ttrmi TYISClilna llnuu. ta an m .,-v .wv, ...... ... " fc. ..V f ... .... u.. ...... .7 T that lre knowledge, and a palate Tor lotelleo ,ea jwann, j, M. weorv, avamoei nsna j ana a yri" 'Unesryr unr,a,90 almost m U1 treiihin tbt cops.s cf erry ; JnhnJ- fr8JJ, lnvJob J acrerfAirmgstrt,n. wrunbet aartiturt ene, trifliPc.to .blurt Vice and .folly an W p VI3liomft ii Vv' vv-- ?rO tP L "i S -'Ce - ' 4 tnlion On iht Vat of tbrlr Teach rt. ,itoiitRii rociiRXNjriiwV4 . EM.IH c.ti-AKF., rhirgZ v. i . w BLiUSiiii lawawaai ur uwviiiaa ''k ..JOHN HAP.RISOS, 'lUtAf ' .11,, ((v.uvi,hiviiumuit, "..rrr,. ' ; k r. m r pl v m m r it , I , 1 , I.. Tiios.it cLosiEil li;sr. -i 1 t;

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