A. iv, i" ' V v-ff 4 i. '-. of. PlEASAXTmjT Tht foUovhglintt art noaBtfcAVtKjfflm V r ' -V-rettr Fn4' hefj if' x-ft . tj. ; frond sptrUgfigotn. ' - DEB T'S like mouse-trapwberi jro'ii once ; Ypuil End it no great matter t-ge in," , But rather puskltiig td get out again t.;v. : . Thia fact one Michael Wiggins fining so true, - " ' Thai he determined to get out of view,:-' V.'jh 'So took" snog lodgings to a" secret Umei;; ,; Were, 'ajt Isis Window placed the conning dbg, i . JtuffRing pimseH on peine mu incer.- RoBected o tht horrors of the fleet -' " tree, he etfdaimM, these lodging! are . bat meW " f nd in i be day time J cannot be mtt v ; ' Still liberty r dear bbcrij iterer tweet H VtW'ctlf broken Were hW reterida, " V toltol athwart the dusky street htf , K wretched, amful, and dpairtng Elf1 1 v""5T l&t'nuig a fope" the iron lanip'poii' rotttjd'r " r. v lldhh'iin? the 'ei and Uhii:fatal!bo4iftd iA.Vit goihgW WW w'Htgv"ft hartrhiinelft i i V ' tJ Michael artt-conpatdo( lend, him f,; Stfahea down MaiibefOfvosejD'iltoe-' v '-.And with hjieriti theeithboih0oda.larmii ss ;; Arrwine IHs-t in ime the tpe.to g'ap. , j ?C'- ;p. tltk deaVditfl nainR, nppae, at)4 clasp . , Thr ainking victiin in b' ppen arms. - .. , , ; VAn-tTcrte tb?" tatrtretich in -deep mio- can t r cfatitK enrV t,t , Sat.'a to n)yelf, my children n( tt wile J. fjft I that myelf,'n' wife. a'nd jFh'iid'rvtn fifar daitT;p6ttr. tout natoe'in' '"tfrr'Jt ;f eliraey io te.1) towhom I"wn?f tife V' feaye Michar!, itft a bluh of node''it tenser , tfm but the inatrnmew of Providence, ' f hiehnight cnd bf humble means pK ' ; X Heaven alone your graiUnde ahould tend" ' ';' In roe, however, view your More food t -V ;.--'-:if,i(-.':aiirn If'ii; ;i--,.-s ; '-r:; i-irTv ; duciataringpt lipit'nehg Kllthael fast fx f So J" erica the man, ' fopnd yon, then; V herp no nuaaler ,.ntbfd jpn: npw, v' f ai'yn are; atlengtb j'enre faitly bit, , t,am a 8Awiii'-'b hvt if rit, -t : ; 1 bo Master to V core along to uod V .Th tjk.re'e wivea of Xn,(lu ffpuiiaiini f, Juitict, .wereone vtnmir in(crg-d in a a : ,1 cil gof f'" d'Cw4i, and ae tording to toe cnsfin of the fcsne "brfirat icRan 1 love ray love' my lave with o JV", - Vacaose beW -nifVrVl hwccond in. the m'c term," eonfHe'd h-r orHliiy for an ' 'jr. .cnute he f it .,Vhjtuia-i.i4 the J ' nvowrd a nimilar tcgard. for a G, benau'c be vlrenj ' '" . : . 4Krtaihk Ton.b a La vrr litat . ' fa "v .Who, fame aure!b o. wa jut fcn Wit t ' N .' ' r i. o!e'dvnet and AenaelW, 1 - Hi Thrri let htrle 'Vtcre" let Wr Jfthn Gofeev '' ' ' ' Xne'laMgba. and none crirt v-1' v.Vrbt t1 gontv nr how be faret -" io one; knew- nor no one tatta.,- I 'ytittt i"" y ' :, j ' .TT! . ' ij- .'w s ( . ' J'W A UallM Jiw.tficje. . -weHt. months bcturt Ihe b.nfc.WOi:rinberi M wU it'tbe lihj of .N-VeoAer, llol, the giatihc.wiethe ewinmecilJ ffrwi.n T geliem i eongre .mi mv npninH w ,'; na'M which, pe,aalB. of the nceipf and i napenaaere of the publio money, be mi . t.Jk.ma)r wordsl . -. ,"'' ;" ; . SiuU it Uinfirit t thtpoWe, lulls 7 ' Shull the Ttvenaa' toei rcdueed ) Ar aha!) il ndi' tatbar be 'apptoprtaied.- 5 p provt'mcw Xf rotdai canalat .rjrxdr u tllotf,iUl4 other Ireat fnadauins of prus- penty, nl inion, undajr the powfwhitb ? oigres may already .pnveee or euch, ' m MJmm vf the aon.nuUon maybe apt li p'-oved by .the states. .... , . '" JRjch wi; ihe p:riul '0c'Wlr which the r kia rwxmlr. twelve moniB neo i in rthrve lle vvu oi.'rv u"'v ,f n umuUlme niillioht. . " i... u'.w..f. .it a ni' fti ihe iirditiarv ea 'V-Wnd-inreN and ihe,frdmpi n I"" ! . ' ie'jUto," ptfona ai) .prn'ii' meoi'. Congreaadidn4tbJPrP'.Mej tr. r "M noj find time, to , uVe anji oidtr r-pi, t(- is,,, by ihil'iiene tin ttjM lbecome n..Kki ihe'tcrHt ftVe Vabf " -Anpiinlhii-sibet.'llMn'f ted,at lair -tml rtt.r4a.d mftfitiifi nl? w-n Jin rk niiUf H 7 ' . - I Q:If4rt,lo eVth" it the act! at the amc ium vrtnen watdubursedDy the7 fVeaanrf ior those vbjctc urii the ytar' entfinef 30'ft seMemnef, U09 an caord. ; ing above staled' t roillwne of d lva , tbe dtficil icyt atcnrdtogHO the pwcdmg eumau woula amoum t taree nnrmma f dn which supposition, !t woiild aetm pru i dent; to" orar to- pfotwe aojnst ay 'ot Hcieney tn-the eeeeipta beynnd whar hae been eetintste'lp to aeihorWe A. LO AN tovn iiiLtien o noMwk,;.;t , ..;. t; ... lkrev tne, it may be rettonally asked, "and we hope without offence, how. is jW state of things to be accoumed for V Has Mr, Madi son, inMess than one year, ao vqundered the rcveouea'of the natios, that instead of re sorting tn-M jv jefteriion committee el way a nd meanr No 2y to devien mode x.fcjpen 'ling theru-)iiMexof rv,nne, tlift treswry ja o!tgea-to nave recoone: to a loan ol roe a MilLtovs, beside, coniiptttng the duties which cmstnute the Mediterranean fundj , Or was Mr. JetTcrson rather more cunning than ho nesi;ln r.eresenting the state orpubHcSair in far noref favor bble liBhVthsn,: the troth would warrant !; Let tbt; demycrste deeiile. Oa tbroe diffeTent o.raiona Mr, Smith, itfurot ttrmji and ivluOl ejprvig jtmn mrmimm Jft -ta.V crr f f Anviin In s i vtt wan uf ca -asvvu v v f5 the America government, hf niere laiinM- Uion and imbliwion- Vminien's so erossly In- ts1t!ng'i to'jul fy thd; wjection f amima- tct. in tne miasi ot an imporsant negociawn. and ibjui imminently tojeopardite the peace ot thexountrvr I ne omision otaucn a specj heatien michi be important at to tbeobierl to be attained in regard to' Mr. Jadcvnt ( but tt hw proved escecdiogky unf trtunate Jor rhose who- sat down to the pcrusaj of the cor 'Hnondence with predetermination, at all venta, to 8itcoverthe iptuit,ndi Qfccum, the. jusuD(-4tH)n of Mr. hmith j inasmuch -aa scarcely two of thetn have been able to agreo; uptm the, particular passages in whicn it ts onveyed i though -they ell- see it wvn per feci distinctness and in ihe moat glaring co Ws- iSorot, indeed see it in the whole tfor. despondence; from the beginniitg to :he.ien4 not neeuliarl tn- one psraw anymore, tnan 'Wben' tKrthestf -ti thtf wiscss'ninnng Uiem lr t nejP run no ruk ot oeing nm. n "fnV tncirpbaitton oyjbe force vfargument' One roan gravely rataes hj spectacles upon hia.fortbtad4BtKU-pwctng his .npgeT,,VPon- thi particular parsgraph; tells you. tberw-.it is, and is aVpiain arid! palpable as tun rote vn your face. ' His neighbuur, qviive as lags ciousns himself, tells br that h is abi'-g .h er in the wrong t Jthaui'l i found In bc liext column, nd ret exchuively fin' the '' fatt of an cmeial torrcspondcnttS- K Jhird dis cerns it in a certain phrase ao.cnnninglf wedg ed In, between matters totally Irrelevant, as to demonstrate that this Jackson 'evidently intended t give to tbe American government the be direct, and a the same time to do it so sidy that vulgar eve should never be able to discover it. Anoher finds st U' tmg in sinfcte word (a which he- perceive such an ex em ef meaning' as to einrchen the :rK? tenirib awf becad'fcof an msult of suf- fi int maemtade ta justify ny mtaswre of esentmtW tn 'We manner aretpty trirro aiuderwvrtbwild wddeBortofcnnMcture! ileserttd by th-.ir guides, each- one. fixing np4 on the spot souaoi lor, rcorOn to tliemee ere of bis own -agactiy, none of.hnt beiog tin-aihed with any characUrHUdefignMion of it, until every . print of bo auiitee. i k- , cupted bv pne or ethert the Rroup , iliH, ihe opinions and reasonings of these 1alD a in f he aggregate, temiuateuv proctaeta sartie ctnc'iLiicn as tboac ft tea brt de criDtiont' namely lhat the intuit 'prevedta the wh'Ie maS'andliVe ihe eubljle Q'lMlrt electrirVy, mviMbl,'--inaudjblcv 'intatigiplc yet a fully trenendou, is-heo once et in motion, i d-ffused in equal 'porir.i thrnigh all the part .. .. : . . s , V. 5 Cii , Fro tht Baltimore hid! Rtfiublunm.y t i Tsbufi bollard ikwarcL Till W ' given to ny nac K(e) nilt fis si ard erere lb- Inail; ' (f-etd bf Ue ilworsbtl Francis Jama Jackson, mini-ner poipotn tiwry,,from,ihe court of G-xat fknam 'othf llnorablr Robert Smith, Sceralar otlate, of tht United Steles. . i ( . . t . I he wud Insult abKeoa'ad Immedlauly or tbe publication of tbecorrtfc"aHace btwtu the aaid high. , partica, ,M Itat'wg in it flat strntiHirg kkt an ImuU rpm.imt.tmtd fufn I crrtarrt titkt toii A!r..1nkhiaAn otherwise c .tie -od commonly 'know in thin country bv the name of toornbaren. Cu' democf tie editors are nqucilca J-' arrest ,tlie-ad insult wherever fbnd.-end to prevent as lar aa pessibk tie (II efeoie that anariM Com I another escape. ,tby arc b"tl'l farther recttd to cany the aaifl Inul!. l luond.u ue nnv Jiider or he superior couitiof tbe Uoi teijiai, aM m Iveptiij iBe.ksrof pgoaio of fbriation as. the esse may be,, and ,o htirt the.aan.e in safe kfet4ng being cn D'Cii-rl tat hy admiiMsya'oooiiha Uni-ed statta will becelled apen to proo'ur ieaama foMbe peiipje tf ibt; lr Nute,a wvll as fo the, eourt of CreUDntaii-aore espeW, )j 'it 1H hould be lik.lr so aise between th two countries from, the aaid la ull fmling to ae ,Tbe above reward wit befnid on; (Misery at the Heeretary ofSuuet' HCce, it Vyasbington, tron pnof aforesaid, by ; 'lttpofCJa!lc'Jeivrnrbei"C 0 to- wwvie so lue unit w wit Bnrti. T TAVTNf; , rM-urnM tromtBOnru. antni f":W Xl ward, 1 take this tnelhed of inioiming; : : 5.AS?i!!5fc:"A tlwfeWumebted t. mVof the & i 1 pkceiThis i aikxlier of Mr. 3tfrtsoi'a happy ppmmmeniev''-,-- Cmrit v j i "iff 1 '" 'i'"" t 1 " 'i' 1 -V r-s&R- SALZf t, m.( -r; THREtimnlred Sad ivraiy rc, of tM, M Lard'l Crfcv b(4 ttmilri WWw WltninttrA. mth of "h jrkrtiU low irqamliV. Tavtaatf.for Bock i equal l ny ta ibe Baw. -t lata apply t I t I .tlh hlili . . .. ' .ANy keltEK.'.- f A:m mRfr FRQOF WAliEttWS& -f rTWS tatrr riWhaviageowtfetcditt two lower 4WU , , 6o4'hi WiS Hlf Mh' 4iioa eoafiBia ef iwdiami BiuhMtogiwMy-fi'S letj, by tbirt '.fif vitf i tit ev t f Rent m tet (oMbl Him, togct )m jmith a loft fiiy Jew by ibuiy taverfii h divifjaa?, aad 1V. (epwrw comnaiikHioa with tha whirl. lha wire npvw i, ntmtca )ranioniijf ojrint w btaaiNla' dilcftcaVitr-it foe't hor file, it ti ore. i im wjrt npvw i, nintca (rainwnirijr opiwti tio MsSrtiPaan ejoirtiaj ihr haole luelyoc by Mii John Foots Th tonve.nr.cy of iti fit the1 conilrlc(tcaVitr-it ffo fioc fiie, it .Tanef Kbmi m ebjea to ncrtnnu at Fayetf. nili whi are ta tat habit ol Koneg s auaainy nt pre ioct t thu owa. $halii ift fcbfctlbe, be aatbtvtv ttBttmidr wi i1 ,' Wed.o ioiw at tbe )Kcti(einei iin.iv ' V.' -. nW avaowMi, - ! TN eopreatoce of tbe deib of M MeKsina f 1 Whti-a i-fcfei ' ciofc of be Dufin' fWf m fli in t .' MoKatfc UoRav ntettTxy, U ntfM ictbtt4 to tlw-.Ma ore ai laearata miiw tou j and iholat Whan am nay. pe i" acbted aia fcouabcd to band ia (he if actoebi (oi teu 5 .v 't 'i " ''''ty.yXMj. il"--aasvivlatj Ce.pf met. Tl AV AWAV from ihe (akicribn dn ihe Ifcih ol IVkfL a Stiro teilow oumd HARV. boot five :leu eight iaebt, bsl, oot buili, eo,r'e ewiipl K ni ad larcc Ml a lar ta, ic ptn pi di maotn, pnoon ia bia caaver.tiio. -i lib,ultrd will be ,ra IO ' whooac will dclivn tha. It ia ta, tht bjblcnbrr i WllmitWB, lodit bin ia. lama In), wbet M y be. ot. -; - e hir. : tf 6a Gttoit and Fiaul BUrcts. aolWBea'fifa ! StatMt it i V - v, -. v-- t . v ' , riimrt,n ktut nf nrnflinv niSttl' their aft tentum tho nrofinett and. 1 mtflt ndd, ton eceffityk:of their coming forward and few. f i sung tne accounts ior. wuicii mey u' uro. W long in arrears to me..: JNone at taem aa j Jf complain of my baring been otherwile UttO v ' . accommpotingTbJ drcumfUnce. fhoulsV ",;' X induce them to be more prompt to tcoomm v mod ate me. . .! j,rztUEi. - : December 12. Saddltrs. and Harnessf Aft RESPECTFULLY Inform tW iithabii;., "tanta of Wilmington and its vlcinktl' that they continue to carry on "their bufmeflf I'rintine Otfictf, Mkei-ftreetil where- the . tie m their Kne, Vi t' Gentlemen's be 1 annt cornmon Saddles, ladies ditto,: riaited anC--' mon trunas, paiiea ana common uriaies, v , ilorreoiesl Utpg tiiiid - liauteiV Kfiw An of the above aryejes will.bt fold as cheap at J : A iney can oe uui tuaicw. iicw- a. yca vi ( , s H. iJ.' Oidetiirorh the country itMt s tended arid thanktully receheU ., ; ..vb .; i A Hif.D'tiMI Nrr.r bY named IDHIT l BOB U .boat foat ictt atfV sad vtobaftK about i l ii, ntaldrHt bfaaf bt hen roaaubao. C. b 01 bvta.vaiiitaao by a ei "'.tow' aaajiad Juka 8pbldia he' Ttyr bit lao'lh-r br n4toot ivtd with DC1 im.et atUitt pitct. ikwiijito co 4 ltar, ptovc prpiy py taar in itaa bits away. ..;v; v. -:'' 2r . ' i!i .! ;.i.Y'-, f - ' JZ'f. ClSeap Storage ';vvl3S The.foWctibeT will ftore arucfeait trt low rate. in; "his-.VVare-houfe, , corirer of ,uwi iircct, wuicn ia very convenient- low Naval flores, fait, anaUall articles intended! "j for tranfportatton by water Its .Ctuatiofj,'; remtherillfbf fim IwC na11v 'P-'.yt H-ll&W1 kffA LAgiitrtii:,1 ' : . : ' IVhc affert1 far salt '-rt : l "? -v.d ' red oak ItavM' SOU bbit turpentine ? ; eanw dleixtf liesLqanUu ijn4 1 fat ; awticka-s Drt Coott bf tW pwcW-. ;.:- -'f '"" i'i Dec 5 .?:':' &-'tff ..) s'r-1 . . 1. L. ----- ' lL.m1 FOR SALE,' . . A pair of handsome tixH brow- Carriage lloast..Knqmre at this Office." - N.iU Corn will be received in paymcor' -December It. "; H" ! Jwl rtciittifrm Ktx-1rk, and ncvjptmng lately pcupieibf lOiam Cae,Efqllffc- the ftcfef adjdining tlie fame Jv4th cellarll v. widcrnth-cipicr of -y the above 'houffljr . woukr be fold, or exchanged' for negroe. f ""' -' ;. ; i- t j; F; BURGW1N.J'. I' at r ! i, .i i i in r ilnn Ii rY ' Conaittint cf Subri nHe aniT Find Cloths "do C dime res OMt Common dade. nuicy C.iia, alo ; i''t''" '.: - Hardware Groccricti&c.&c. wl ith will la disposed ct low, for Cask or, WILLIAM McKAY. tf. 'l4h$ House Juki Lot, at prcicnt occupied by. Di.Dii iV M NielL ! Ctoytan-iiUBGlNr , lAugvV .;:": , ' ..!. .. k-, ii,;. , m.i t Ato "wi; vtU furnished' Start iii't: i'v miTMviLie,-- -.' Tbd fubtribet baa orenedV Taiiont atbi wt; -f waceiient sJertment of t .," Drjr.GnoAs .nnipricriesj,?:(i AH of which hi oftrs for Lm at very pea foaable prkti for, CaDi'or N-ival Store,., . AMOS 1 , December 5.' ; r, r ""' ' J w ? 4 V'4 he 3ibScr .befs offer, for Sale laniaka Rumj, y!i(lt;ey, Sogwi Satt, Flog J . .,,t .A enal flbftstnl oC : irv.f Dry CovdStJlaidMan '(j,?tg Slim CHAN DLKUY, ; .Msv ' Hcfofvra", That a'diVldinid of rouV.aiul jpl half pef cenk on the tock pf thia pankbn antf hereby declared for the' half yearn ding on the Sill infljnt, and that the btni be. pa id at. the Dank to the tbciholieri csa their Rrprefenrat vee dalysnthorifed, on Sd) tth da ot January next, or an day tnereafa ter. . .-.'- v pi ' t ) i- LQTThlir TICKETS f . . : JOHN HOGG, 'CM; -v DectmWil r" -.' 'v ' w ti- M aWMaawtwatM bdwMtdAwMtMawMtwwwnlnMtaaawn! ' .Bjr :orde"of ihtrlftoard of;l)b " reOoTi, tKd adtertifement fceretofcrrf pubC nuiro, pintiiuHi inc terms ana nrnc pf Cj celving fubfcrintiorvi &r an enlargeneot ox the' capital Rock of tBanliidiCQntinael w-Neve rtbelers. fb(ct'pUoru) viil be receive ed on the dty Hated, fay thn th sf Ftbsne try, 1 8 1 0, on. the tttml and at the nUcca ih laid tdvertifement wientioned,- unlefs fullie afict be prchoufly given to tht eonWam 2 ) ' I t,. Kt. mm m. . ilniiuMrwrm ,j4. ,tf - ' i " ,. ,, . , . . ' WOT. " ' ?viin n-rvrv J ". ;.A feMr.,(kkr.tv tn- the' .Upjftfr , .i,, ;,,,; ,; Jl, "" "'if ittn$6liimit tifrafiirojf '"rt'Wi'enbn.,Nn1l)rleah, uh. rercived by a nvrtheiu ti" 1 t ... r ! r t i . Mirge Mjuciyrier ;e cry ., , r Dec ik - j , tfi ,u.'o..TitotvWitMW TO J.br;' Th Htusc: arid t-otT litdy'p eticiad tr Mir. lames Laioooe. ,Th"U boufe in fronta tJbilruamg the vrw of, tit r (beet, lhall be Lmmedietely rrmoveilra gar . den todofed, and all neceffirf rep aire mad ' ; to thr houfe-. Wcif, WW pet wmiun-k ' fV fardier pifticularf apply tw -: . , ' ,t NarTt)k .,' i:, MDbiaKlwaltiijuV ' j ''') ' :'', V'..-X' tU.. . ., ....jj o.:-3it, tttntrtt ' f ' -'f 1 ::;Wii:.t.d;:on.c25A ' JTmajiyoetr tlw "nafWarton wbeTaon RnrTt , llut convenient Dwelling HowCa firuard) " 'no Friacefa (Ircct, next door bo thoSljErliTf I ' Difict end formerly occapicd by Mr: Jofturt ?tl Theterma win U "oWj'.fuUc 'tH bardnefl of the tlnwe. ' f: "I December!?. ' 1, J i'rf 3 r Io,', reftdck6 fadsfy an oetcuiien sn m iissnrnv ... :K.,V?!W iVii . 9JT uuaet iraluft tb (A ; ltkiae4ty.iine( C'M.-'. r-ViliJ,' tX'.j "... aitB ae r justrt at . ',1 '4 ' 'tev.V ,fpy OoLlAM tWfal f Ihf frit tin montfif. 'i,'m'. ' , ,. ' , ' 1. itJ mtbttrtptM 'ion tt rutintm f r;J b ' iau iAjn Sin Mops.,-,.'i ", . ' ' , , 1 '. "J. AVoer wJfif fufctieiiVonii7err'rd"w t . a . . .1 j:-t. .iIj i.) ;J - - 1 ! 4-I -" 'is am'ni "v ii . . f E)adritri mi th4 ) ttf Hit fct W Jmllin. jj Uul Mr. Befri i tkt 4Uctbr ;' v.... . 1 . s '.