t -Tr VK?v 7 ;'t-v .V - 4 i -4 if ti Vwh,ch, together, fin,whnt I under at?ud by" the cDnstitudon, raiseid our cbuhe 'T v try to aa unexampled height of happiness and DroSDeritvt ancf ia exact proportfoV : ,Io -the fenceoMese iaws an'dmis , -r )iistkutlon,iI smile at .any privation; to f U-ii whichr personallv I wiiwyQ . subjected U ' thinking, that ,lifc( cannot so. well and so (J happily because it cannot.be so honoraUy f . and useful'v excended. as in defence of )P-' ith)9 our best inheritance',. 'and in th5 toajn i Itrnanre iSf the (rood bid cause, for which '; vplampden died in thfc field, and Sidney and :;;x Russet on, die Scaffbld;S'M , i''-V 'V-F ': - linir obedience, must be pure-rn'"6; yVtrctait a pure source that is. an house of I ... commons. freelr ekcWd bf h&;itf.cHle- ' ' .nMl nnrl irnrwl til! -irT11Ttt !' -i 7; ... is ry- tvtair representation m panranieuw ; ' 'f.4;'f Cdttrotionatnfbwni'ia nofcackiifowledgi; Ma'id. byatt; except those who cantfary to law : We possessed' themselves of a pttperty to Tunls-waiting tr'- v Pocahontas, from N. York, carried ml-, Boulogne, bound to lonningepj -waning inin t rwcj tikui Narlolk, earned into Calais, b nd to lpu hiBgeai comprotniie htti been "mdc." A raerics,lrom PbiUdelphta C.aTie(l DtaDuDv kitk, frona the river Jde to Philadelphia; waning trial. Tnpneniaffon P;aiadelpUia; carried into Cherbourg, bound to Tonnin gen , put, u .by. djsttc, and .detained pf or der of the custom, house, - Iinnctta, carri ed in' o Brit, from Lirei pool to Boston ; condemned, r Calpe, carried Into Brest, froi" Lisbon to Liverpool ; waiting trial. V Kesort, from' New-York, carried .into -Amsterdam, taken off the 1 exel t vessel and careo con demned, tat thewrant of, a French cerrtticatew - : land, mi El gland F'l : V'lV i-i.TlO dear, dear bn&$:7sl&:J':hf X' ' ?' Dear-fbr ,btr Tepuutbn through h Wbrld, 1 .fJ'J-'.- - (WW. leas to i ii i mi, ( t i.-.-t , ... ? X i - Like to a teuement or pelting fiTO rju .4tr .. K'i ;' tVVliose rtc,ky; aore beats -.back, tile enyious I 1 '. Of watery Neptune is how. bound in with V ' Front this foul arid traitorous meht oondsi Itti.MMI. . . .r. ... imc our d r Imo" Amtterdam,- taken at the entrance of thfe Teael f waiting tHal.' JPfcHftaras, Bed- fqrd.'from Virginia, carried into Aifilterdartit taken at the entrance of the Texel J waiting trial.'; 8uan,rom New-York, caVrled into Amsterdam! tateo at .me .enirance oi me Texe! ;- waitinsr Iriah Piaater,, from Nor-- folk, carried JqtorAmstiCfciarajyiihen; 4" the. & Ann from Boston, . hi JowJ from Fbtla delpbia. HamijLon, from : Tonis ' Zephyr, fram Baltimore.' Kite from do." . Caroline, from Boston Sophia, from Baltimore Ore- tembo, from. do. Two Betseys, from Be verly.. Romp, from Salem., Vjctoryi from do. Hercules, from do.' ' Augusta, from Blumore.,, Margaret, from' Salnu "j Fran cis, from do. Trent, from dV Emily, from New-York. Emily Irm Sulem. Emily, fpro G ali poli. . Syren from Newburyport. -Peace frob do. Oustotiach, from ConnecticBt. . ?rr-frMt(ii NorfaH IxigcfiXl " ft will be very well recollected, that few weeks since a -letter addressed by Counsellor tMMEff. the celebrated Irish : Fatnot. to of irls?iiu ; Equatori rorn Ne-jr-Tjtf iaJJ8r.: fleethtm,' the' fditor "of tha New. York American Citiaen,' was published in most of ine newspapera at tna recjuesi oi wr, uin iTnelt." :',! was n' published in lhis'rpaper' which imposes, on us the necessity of brief iT.italinir 'tbe orikin of that letteJ Mr. "Cheetham, in his life ofThomas Pairlfc, had Teqeciea epon a ivuuam ponntvute,- jpr w punaier 'very- unbecoming, kbxb judgment entrance of jthe, ttf$4 tMS'Upi tmlj' .Nty )if Mi Emthettj ! wko wuIk greats proprfety it i Cyi frbnj ,, Boston, carmd irrta :(iAmste.rdAnfl,x andliberality4Caued Mr."Cheetham to cor laKcn acme cuiruut ( wio tcxci i .wnumz t reel tne mnrcprc&cnnuuni. trials Hero,. from Alexandria, carried Into Amsterdam,1 taken, at - the entrance, of the vTexeli waiting trial, j Hainy. from Bos ton, carried into Amsterdam, taken at .an char ik the Texel. FriepdH)iiJ,7rpin New-'J York; iarrled nto Amer)ami .taken' in tbe'l TexeU -.Exertion, rrom JJux)ury,' carried into-' Pafmpol. from" Vtlehtia! ia. London waiupR iriaj,.- MOCfiy, carrieq, ujio unis from, ajea;to London ; .waitiriiriat Jabe r..from NewjYorlarried into Tarbs'rquQ ,winp .fiypyVnTwb. Friends, from Beverly, carried inW.CivtauYecbia waiting trlau.. Biorning iar, from iosion It Mrrtlitt!- Uld ham.had ttouutd tlierer thesobieiwoti tiate nevf; falk'n under bar noticeV btjC.be wejjr further, he gave the character of Mr. toiinmll in terms that will to found below, anl WafuriheirefcbmmehdalnonVslated that bt Intehded to Vftirovi to this country; Mr. Cheethsm has foufda docuinent,' which it DublUhed herewith, that 'wiU.enable- u to arfpredatcthe value' of Mr BnAneville aa a citizen. We think it in w be laid 'of. Mr. You 'wrbn'u'ed yourself to wtite ia sach a 'V -caase "J h -v '; I ... ,. bcugn-monger sovereigns .derivtf an inw i .. . . jlhard hand bf honest labprv -I do, jhoweverj ' now'entertain aft ardent hope that this de graded and degrading systems to which all oyij: jBiaicuiucs, eyaiiwt anu uitiigcri are rp v y " owtng wiut lengin ivc ,wy ,iu tuc jno : :. ;.; de'ratef'but (letermined jersey'enmcie , of a .;-.;: If hole' united people. ';,,-'.t - i ' '-. . If 'Majw'a charta aiidtheold 'Uw of the land 4 .firia charu wi!l then resume lhe.fVen.Dire-- freedom V - ' :" Vill revive the catternillars of the state; ? - fundly narrowsphere, will fall off, and pe rishproperty, an J political power, which 71 the law never separates, will be re-united v, --the tih replaced in the nappyf ,and dig' 'tlJIk tMVU. ...Ill Vt 1 vuri9Vlvu- i Ttibn-i-the people relieV;ed from tKe bitterest K of all curses,' the curse of Canaan that of ! bexng servants of ervants---and restored . 4 to-their just and iddUputable'righu".' a To effect .tlicse great, imporfcrnt- and i . necessary purposes, noxeniona of mine UllilU ever lc nouuiijj f, niuiwu, UCir l- tainment, no effort of mine can avails ..L.... ; i The people of England must speak out ;';.' i-they must dp more-they must act t and A if following the example of the electors f .;v Wfstnjinistcr, they do act, in a firm and , w :rcgdaf manner, 'upon a concerted plan y. '' eycr, keeping' the law and constitution in view they roust finally, succeed, re i covering thal to which they are legally , futjUed the appoiotmeo of their own . N guardians and trustees, for the protection f their fwn liberty, and propeii - They ' ; must either do thw, or, they. must inevita - , .My fall, sacrince, to- one,' or the other, i of the most contemptible factions, that ever -' i diimed thia or any bUie r country. , I. , ' ; JThc question is now at issue f it must " ;ow be ultimately determined, whether we - arv benccfort!; to be slaves,' or be fre J,' Hold fc the kws-this great country nyiy .'tecover; forsake them it anditwUlcertaiu- ttrried fntoVCiVitasy ecuiv wajim VS Li..'-' A ' 1 . -T. " J. '1. .. ' ....... ...... ft I "m L.I 1 . . Little John, from New-York err ltd, into Morca, waiting triaU . BaJJ Eagle,.' frnt Philadelphia, carried into Xrieite, wa'tinft trial. : Commerce, fim Philadtfpia, carri ed tntq Amsttrdaai. bound from Gol!'ct)b,ufg to Kiddleford. - Uoxi r rwhds, from j ojiihd. fceni', 'farriJinto Mortaisi.put ia'tyrTfeM' seized by order pf (he custom hou-.c- 11. aware, iroin , vnmeiion, cirnea mio ua air, fiofn Tohniogen to Ibe Uoi ed Slates j ae quitted. , Chaiharatfrora Boaion, carried in to Nam a.''' Perseverance, carried into Civita Vechia, boOndTto Cjvlta .Veehia Cwaiting r'rlah Iooisa 'and Cecilia sou 'ltd at Sea. Phoenix, fiOra New York,' scutiltd at 'sea. America, from Salem, carried Into i port near Tunii. .Elizabeth, from Ba Umore, car ried into Trieste, KOf.led at sra. " ' U!)io from Baltimore, carried Into Tabsqe7 Scuttled at sea.VViKlanti from NorfuMi, tarried into Amsterdam, waiting trial A Hukoreu, from Raltimore carried .into Cubs,, ws'itm trial. Joseph, eattied Into Sec'oawitini?:'traI.J Union, from Providance, carried into Dun kitk," waiting trial.-; t -sV. Liit f vtsuls itqwsftreitH 'dijftrtrii'pttit tj Third wsi drtyen from EcsTar.lhr wouldfeb T 1 i t America, where he has invested tlloney , ' v ana wnat you would not expeet, be would ba i . a king there j yes, they would tr ake him ' ' kingthere.-'j; .-'.": v.- '.: .". V" M P will bavf ahpresentatWe;gCK.. ; ' x ;' vernment,'but America, ungrateful and with- v.- out energy, will have a .king not in form,' V '. perbtfpa but is facW,-'.?t.l!'l.: : ' ' ? ,t:j-' M If Fr'ancelud anamy toland n the TJi States, she.ought not to Vend ifthere Corn- : l 1 J wallisand Burgoyne were conquered by bav . . r. ing advanced into the interior. . It la tfue that1 'f , ! 1 i' raiiur uas uciiiicr nccv nor aa army WRicn - , - she can dispose of in, the new 1 continent r v whajouhlahe then to do wkh rcspeetj - the animetiit itans of Amme1 iiivr-t--; jf?t' 'd,-$ jot to be so imprudeqt as to declare waf ; v I sgaina then f for this, would be akqjto de-i? clare it ajrainat all tha tuttitmui theileinaw' .IpS- erats, then in opposition to, and bow paesjwV tke administration c th-toyerimeoj'ffthd',r'i-V i Vni ted States) anJ planter and even against the savages, whom, we respect. ; It must be? George the .Third.-, Aodhow shall it be made yoa will soy (Ms warof exception tjf v. tl .v . ' , A Beet ot, liarhLvesieis. not drawinn at C 1 ,i J tht.sBes Vova.tkw'.iee 4jrtart.-'jsfii ti''l',! boats,. and-bomb-ketcbes, wHI go fctitJiy" river savannaiv in ueofgia, as fait as Tybeev and from Tybee ts thfr towp of SayaofiaW Uu. ?' wiHtake possessiontfth? msgszineof sfTe 1 1 ft ana ewra ine farm AoKtesoo the right and Jetv ... 3 to tne voott. toe ritr? ri ?v-; t is MThe same ppeEtion sI;Chsrtesto.n in S Carolina It passes the bar, and by Uje sanet operation burns Johnson's Mand. and tb ouiioings .on auuivanrs iSxiarm.,- "-.Ihe iaita t ' ntrislu T . - A Mm ucwuciiitn, ' j Your mont obedient humlile irrvant, v' , ' FRANCIS BUltUETn ' f... - f Tfi.thit DfXtort tfJJfettminiUer. ' ; . , '-. . ' , Paan, April 4.- , A lit) of ' tophtriad itijiuittftd in A? n Foiitr, Swia,. WW msi AW, . t fiM iA'l sA 1809. . . : , Ann, iron. New tOra,earneo into &u Jean a Lux, captured. by 3 opto boats i vcsicl - and tr,:o MudtssBtJ..;; -. - Arrow, from Boston," t a rrWd Into Villa . franca, bound to Cgliari waiting trUI. . Lydia, from Boston,' carried Jnto 8. Jean ' ' d Lu i acrnihted, bat not permitted lo sail. Oct a vi a, froni' Charlein, carried into Cs tls bound to London wairing trial. . "Naneytfroni Bltimort carried imo Duiv Virk. bound to Hull hip and carco con- v ' 'dmnd. Eliss, Ir m Norf-Ik, carried'into . Brtbt, bound to Tofiningtn Wailing trial. ! llsdisoo, , from Baltimon, carried ; nto ( 1 Dipp, bound to im river Jade-.com pro has bao made. John Adams, from . Virginia, carried inter LJitppa,- bound, to : Hamburgh wailing triah Suley, from Dtton, carrlei Imo Marlaix from London tT Cape de VenU eorKJewne d. .Sasan, cf ' rt.n-r,turg, carried into Calaia, from th . Iliter Jada to Norlola vessel and cargo - condemned.' Francis and Mry, from Vir. gUua. carried into . Dieppe, bound tolxn L v d- n eisel and earto condemned, Nim- ' ', . bK fmm l)t'imoJe, canied into the l,lsod ' af Vritr wi' trial. Molly, from Ph) r . !Si3c!?liif earned into Villa Francs, boend Spencer, from- Philadelphia, carried into St, ScVttatian'a.- 'Exchange; from Bitltlmore,' carried into do. EJesnor, fromBaliimore, carried into do. Post Boy, frbm Bat'imbrti eatried into 'do.-Fox;-from Philadelphia, carried into do , AVellv from Boston, c4r r1r inlo do. Hetty, from Salem, carried into do. Betscyyfrom SaTeiH, Carried into do. Camilla, from New-York, carried Into do. Commodore Rodgers, from New York, carried in to do. - Trim oner, from Baltimore, carrisd into do. i General ,Wilkinain from Boston,, carried into, do .Mary Ann, from New-YorkJ carried into do, , prosper, Jroro New-York, carried Into do. ,Sa!ly,- from N York, ciatrlcd into do... Andrew, from Phi ladelphia, tarrisd into, 'do... Robvck, Irpn Philadelphia, . carried into do.SuTamma ny, from New-York, carried into do. Yjurg Connecticut, from New-York, carried into do Ergle, from Philadelphia, carried Into H do. .Tantivy, Jroro New'.YorIC carried, into do. Brother, fiom Philadelphia. Mary & Eliaa, from Bsltimore,-, F.mmeline, Jrora New York. Jostph, from MarbUhcad. John, from do. Sprina;-Bird, from do. v Abigail, from do Two Bro.be rs, frgm Boso, car riet mtd Socosw (Swtllow, from Philadtl phia'i Independence, from Baltimore. - Two Bra hrrs, Irora Bo-ttan., . Hawk, from PbiU-drlpltl..- Eliza,' from Bolor, Hawk, from Baltimore. Freedom. Irom N'ew-Y ik. .In trtpid. from ?lem. Pot B'.y, from Phila; delphia. Daltm, from Salem. Traa lohn, from Marblehead. alur,.froro Pailadel phis." -Torrans, from do. .Hawk, from BV timnrt. AUctrRoes la Ine different porta of Spain 'are ordered Id b tranportcd to Bayotme. ., , v. . - Carpott ttet'ltti in IManJ. ,MatilJa, from do. carried into do Indian Queen, from N-i ork,' carried Into Am tcrdam. ' SurTolk.lfrbm do carried into do. Desne, from do. carried into do'. Baltinsora from Baltimora, carnra into do Juno, from Btittol, R. I. carried into do. ' Janus, from Nrwbury port, -carried kite dov llamnah, from do. carried into do Sally, from do. carried into do.- Two Sisters from Beverly, carried juodo, rPonions of .several of. he cargoes sequestered In Holland were not admissible ot in . lira of their srrival. , The vessels wkicb brought them cava returned totha L'nifcd Slitea. , ' Omi mtlifrd fnd told hjmitr of iht p. IM' front Beverly, tarritd jnto Naples, Msry, from Boston. , L rarua, rum. N. York Amhst, from Pyiborr. Nancy, from 8a. fc lin. 1 ortune from do. Williim &- it Jlary k Nore, fiora Pint i-hMpbia. Nwney The 'Wlowmcr well Wrhteif character: it rirerf bf MOns, BonnevUle, publisher 61 the Sim Infarmei by Mr Emmett,in his letter y . . . . . . ft. - ' i .. i a aeare sen to mr viee!.nni... . ; ' . ; .. ,' . Mr. Bonneville was not only a'.repub. lican prirtier," bat b had a very large and productis eatablti hrjoeat of that nature, and was In : b-tblri r of ihttmacy .tad biterctmrse with most ofhe literary cbaraetera OfFrancer and with vary many ot the con-pieuQiM per sons whom 4h Ftenrh rtValutiot, bd made k0fwn."-he embatked irdtTntly In the'revo lution, but was 'not implicated In its crime J f,ir'h. w nwerifieit. concealed wnd subse- cjseaify Iniprisofled during the time or Ro bespierre.' After bis liberation hv edited the Bie( loforme, one of tbe ' snoat esleemrd Knirrjalsofthat dayi-which was suppresedby Bonaparte on account of its unequivocal hos tility to the new order, of things," He was offered permission to reiume It, 4f he would m ,k bend to the times ; but he would not submit to exoresa sentiment be did not feel, n to suppress one Which be thought im portant and just. Nr. raino lived in hli i"UM for several years t not as a ooaraer in lie pecuniary kcn tf the word--for the si tuation of the t rie did hot admit ot bis mak ing compensation, sordid that u the other beo rtqane it. it was an asyium wnicn a very ardent and benetoleiit republican af forded to X in so whose I suits and failings he saw and disliked,, but whose political princi- 11 nli-1. nd writings be esteemed, and whose di r . rf. .. . ... j relrct aiTUauou na piura. k ii was an asy ium which was latterly anorded in spi's of, the first consul's threatened displeasure' and re sentmrnt. . At the time Mr. Paine was about embarking for - America, Mr. Bonneville. (whose Journal bad been auppscsied, wbotc establishment ind pruspects had beet) de stroyed, and ao had btmclf become erru oently obnoxious to th new government) de termbed to leave Fraoce, and settle in the V'aitcd Sratas -bat as it is a matter of est treine d.fhctilly for a suspected .person to withdraw from that counUy.-ne sent bis fa roily be lore him, that be might se'te the P st favitrabla opportunity ot cnibaraing alone. Mr. Patuc, w.th a due sens ot the very great obligation he owed bis bebefactar, made the promiM ha has slnrc performed, of assisting Mrs. Bonneville and her children, andpfleav ing to them tne principal part of his proper ly. These fads 1 was made acquainted with in Paris by Mr, Booneiile .himself. Her dt pari ur was much against her own wi.bes, but at her husband's earnest desire, and s a matter looi apoaer ot, and known among his friends before ivtook place At a proof of this and of tha general cvttens. m whrcb she and her husband wcr held. I mat iiow add that aha was the bearer" of a letter from' f M ns. MercWr, In the name of the National lostbate, to Mr. Jefferson, aa a member tl that body, sad ia which sh was pariiculirly recommeadrdtothe President's protect ion. The subjoined extract, front Mr. Donne villa's Bit lnfrux is copied from Bristtd's Hints on the National -a introptey of Uru iain. iust published, o 387. - A French ball- aal newapsper, called 44 Li Bien hfarmt, published ia Fans, ltd dated 36;b rruciiJor, 6th year tl the republick. f I7V8) a time when the eiecetive, directory were rrlrva mIv diaplcaaed with tha federal sdmin'tstrstioa ef th Uol'ed States for not immediately declaring war sgainst Britain, and becoming the vassal el t ranee, contain , the follow ine denunciation oi venceance a Ha wbo speaks ill of John Adams, then 1 president or the United Slates) shall pig a ' f.na of Iwo thousand dollars, and is shut tip ! for two years lit v-hoyiiirs ac,ali)t thogo i vefnroant, .ball pay live thousand dotlars.arid i suif.r fiS feara imirionmtnt. Cache t arrested, and hit paper (the Aurora, pubH.h. a I t FhiUiIlpHa) prol iUu .i- So nn rb the libtr'yt-f t'-c prt. -. If C- ikr operation ;at, ebrgeto,n,'. Poutb; Cwrolini, ( -and Washington North Carolina i wb into'- ' ? V Ihetaptek lo, and h ia by )bat perhnpsbfi whfckj the vperatkiw ma. be btgunf from Norfolk," Alexaadria." the erpital of Mafyland ' (Armapolis) and.EaltimoTi- u,-q:,'U H tare mait.be taken,- my fnends. bot tsv let oneVseU be enveloped in tbe Cbessbrakea -..IA k. if .i- t- . V t ... t " Mv. . yi. iiuuiu lw sil!lllll4VrU, II Jlie,f.lJ x ,t- i WVf le, or the Lnglisb .merkaBsbj; , t land, had time to adrance, , 1 ' - I "i The';operatifih tf the' theaapeake is era i m aafaskli Bffair of eichl days, and muatlbecio at the most distant place, that is, Baltimore, whence may be.drawb a large contribution. V Savan nah, Cbarlcaton And Nor folk, have near there, , lit tie earthen forts, .which, cah be tak?nwitb -out great daRer from the ror. Have a care then to advance yoUMelves into the Dela'- ware. Une can burn on the feft Livingston If one'Vayaure, howevetthat the A"ghah were at;f distance from.it, biie.cahat tbe , same time-aunt fhiladtlphio. U ia an affair - ofeiirht'da'ya.".,',"r ;..,t'.. rt. -' , - , , flctwcefl Sandy Hook antl licw-Yorlc , v ; there is-a fort in'. a'much,nre nspacuit'"- '' S ble State; but they will bomDard. it. Lon"v : v- 'Sn Island, covered with louses.;"and . tlsa ' ') Nantucket to be turnedv ln ail hour i and V Boaton to be bombarded. - ' . :',' The master Lhrw would be so finish at 1 ' . Halifax or Novi Sidf, yhere U Ting- f i " sn winter in rewrnmg irom tne :wc.;; , Indite t not btlievinp: you to he in forco V there, thtv keep none in the neichborhood ii uw expsuitioni were, co-opej-ateu n vj a next front, Canpda. convoyed b a signal ' , ' !, frigate the flpetatibn would be brillianU ; ' ' One might send the most part of-your, '. .--f emigrants to Canada, v ,'! ',' M V" Enter N. Orleans with the consent of , V V Spain, take possession of the port of Natch' " ' ex, aB on the friends of liberty in the back; . . r am of the O. States, from Kentucky try the aouihern limits pf English Amet ica-f. It will be necessary to make some prtBci.ta 7 to t' e savrgesV send lack by way' of Spain, ; genv Mekwrnt,- efcief of the Creels , put ' 4 iq mouou geu Clark cf Khoxville call ' . to the.Fn-iKrh standard the "legji-rrs. of. . Ilotida and America raised by Gtnct ard ; Mangourit j proclaim the ' liberty. or,the ; black slavts. in the U. Suusj and ive equality of fights to die people of color. ' u It it in fcnr.theinhabiuntaof the cob'- federate ports whoangUi.ise the U. Statea. To destro- their t Laboratories it to fix tbeiu , for ten years la the Interior of the cotuvT-" trj-1 k to nut them in opposition with ihe . u planters who will acciwe them for the dm-' , asters of the war j 4t ia to destroy the leo- Z ' pard v ho at this moment feigns a union with the eat'le to devour her." " - ' J While Mons. Bonneville then was pre .a' J paring to emigrate to the U. Staas, hV. : was projecttug triprctahte a tie wnt tn - oesirucucn ot our country the M liua) laoofthc raan-iioiiati on the Tvrtt ' the 1AMK OPEHATiox on the Chcsainake ' ' Bat die luaMKCLof Pai(.'ADXLriitA . the me crtaATiox at I-org-IslauU and v N. York die BoiiaAXPiitaT of Bos ron the letting loose ihe tjcgToct to cut thS THXOAts ot their. masters, end generally, -which would be M an affair of a few hours,'" the destruetion by it and sword of the" U. States,. 'x . '" , ' ; ' , . - V" A House situated at tlic lor.'cr - end of the Con, justuWeSnead's W hirf. PosacSMoa given yt)T!(.litely, N' " AUa, v."' 'V. ' 8 A house of two tenement lu rrinctjs StTvK-hatbg tvny "r-.ijvnieiiee Ttrmn eii? bud .'?. ' , , 7 ''. - ' ' '4"jt'r VN ' - ' rfcfw-'r ( - ' tiv

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