n ' V V '.' Baltimore.' J' "LATEST FROM SFAI$.Mlf une 8. 'TVGAL., By ifie ahip Augustus, ,capt; j Bacchus, . "om .Lisbon, warns arrive was noncca " " evening, we have, accounts three days ,1a t terfro.n Portugal and lour days later frotxv ,; Cad. vCapU CrleU Lisbon on me I7tn , April, at which time, the allied anny of ' : v Portuguese and British troops du the iron tiers was wnacrsrapa 10 ue ius,v ;,suuu , , - The recent reinforcements from -England' being considerable5, ; the" Jiohicm of s" incif well ' app'ointedi' The combined aV- ' mies- ratner courted tnrji apprer.enucu an V attack' from ' the- French jvhose advance. V : wa? not tilted; of at Lisbon, here grea$ " . Previous to thesi'ling of the Augu ; '.' '. tus tliey had accounts .from Cadiz to th: , ith April two days later than the fabri- ' 7 r fated, accounts of. its capture. ' '.No' ad-. . ! yanca had been made by the invaders 6'f ...-. " v. . . - .1 .. . .1 :UL I - last, wee. -i vn uic .contrary vwe rrensi troops, it is ..said, Jiad" abandoned PtH.St. . Alary w he nrA .the'city htaittrc water, as. , usual It wyta supposed, that ,the french ; generals withdrew" their trops either from tear of being Daponted cut off b adyan-. . eing toct far or ip'order fWft concehtra ' .yon. of .force and vigorous attack 'on the T fombined armies' covering portugid, and ' TUESDAY, JJJJJEI, Yato". I A t ' V "( which" wight bfr'feared "would advance longer wasting their resources 6ri tlie wall f Cadiz " The whole Island bt Lebne. omea more stronti & inaccessible "eVerv. day, in tnuch that Cadiz can only tere ' iuced (il it eVef. faljs) by. a prQtra?td! in.4 V costly seige. v Xh have cut a canal across the Island about midway,' or 6 in'Jes from the' city,' and have fortified the dty sidej lnoint:ng heavy cannon i-such positions ss - to command the'gutandii. tithe causeway ' so that should tlie French become osess- - d of the, end nextthe main, they can only approach)-the city .'under, the 'ire, ofUhe " British fleet -and gun-boats in the ''.canal, . We are assured tliat, immense ViU be the loss of France before "Cndjz vill surreri '. der.' The surrender is ftot expected : ,! ;'-x ' ' ' -v '" now, April 2!. Wt have Tcceived some I'ortugrse pa jfers td tlie.llth insJThr intcUigcnre tliey Contained continues io be' of a mQ ii . satisfactory nature. . The. Spaniard ap: ar to- be tnost( successful 1n the harras n8 RAXa,vMvh''they; have a - dopted, andimless the accounts before" us Ata meeting of the three, Military, com panies in this tovm.,, J05" R. LoxdoK, Esq,' was Unanimously elected to deliver an Ora lion on the, 4th of July.- 'rJ t - - . l. '""i - ' " , " i ' : , y ' jtVe are authorised toitatei tSjrhilrHin-. ton JameSfof; "this county, hw declined be the next General Assembly.,?, t, : - ,y ' REsiojtitio or coiiDcjtw' i - Often has the question becnasked, why, aid President Jefierson make 4 Colonel of so suspicious and worthless a character as Dun aiie. Uie Ed(ttPof the Aurora. . It has never been Answered, nbf can it be, to the Credit of Mr. Jefferson, or that of his country; 'in" gular coincidence of circumstances, howc verj took place at that time. 1" Dme had opened his batteries against the then Executive (Mr. I-) he had In an unqu4ine4 manned eulogiz ed Mr. Randolph, and be had condemned th6. conduct of General VVilkinson But a very sberttims elated, mhtti this Ume Duane re- canted all hoh,d sud ot Uen. V.- tlenouncca Mr." Randolph, and lauded President Jeffer son to,the skies. . Strange 1 'Nat at all. The soqUeVwill explain H , He rece.ves the ap pointment of Colonel m a regiment of rifle nien.t : But,v!jat very office, -hieh was the pride otitis services, or which the apprehend slon of his enmity and attacks had' wrung from. the' President, is now resigned, and the question at preaent repeated is, why has Du une resigned I - Ha cannot retain hjs station I in the array, arid at the same ti:ie. abuse the 1 adininihtration and government" He mdst, therefore.tthher.iiceign, eutyrnVto e ye moved, or abunin hi objtLt of atUcking governmental head-quurtcrs. -.The l.at he cannot do-his .or ders across the water are 'positive. Napoleon. has ordered the intiis triminate seizure ofali oar property, wher ever he, can by his bands mi it j undtuus a vows an atrocious war, whv-h le hs lonj beeiin secret,; cruelly waging aguinst t:isv unoffending) end e'mif ' Sy, acquiescing people.; 'Adrninistration cn no longer time ly view this horrible- aggrj'slon-uid the -first symptom' of independent opposition, that appears in the National Intelligencer, is; a signal for B'Jkne's abuse. With the topen lnirofhe tampaiehJ the Ex-Coionel,' obse quious to; the interestli of France, resign this office, ;which Mr. Madison ought long since 16 hivetaken fromhiia ; and wliicHit is probable, a delicacy and forbearance to his predecessdr: had restrained him from doing. "The gauntlet is now -thrown, and Mr.. Sntlih relTKtahtly takes It up; THr:..S. hOw ever, racms ail tne cusuh'aon wmcn wn We are eu'JiorUe j t siatc, that Mr. Jo- seph H..Bryan,of Bertie, las candidate tore present this district In Congress.-a: -u ' - Huiijex Journal. Thi 'Yourfe English- Resctus,' Master Beatty, has received a comet" commission in One of the volunteer regiments f dra- The arrival of .that ingenious andcelebra"- ted Artist Mr1. Martin1, (last from Charlestdn) promises tojhe Jnhabitants ofjihisjplate' and the yicinif a fund Pi ufielul and agreeawe enteruitunent. t )r. ;. ;u, C tLe 3 1 si ult., AAlaa'Jones, Esq atlptney kt law, of Wadcsborough, to aiss Rebecca Street, of Moore county. t x . . . . w ; ; '?ORT Ot WILMINGTON';;; - ;; 7 Sch'f Vtnfa? 'Martin tton-tEivsin, , wi. juuj t. . m unit. jfiii.,.h w . .4 flunfl'v.ffcy , a . i ' ... f : " tf.rj.r - li2a,AFIlhenny, CharkittMRovert Phil- Jar6aioetjPptr Trader Jfeltonydoi ' ' t JPricei Ctirrent same a$ per last are whollv 'ddst'itut. , . f.,:u II accomplished whipprr. hisi assailant, wdl oommunitatlons between the Vr, h 4 travelled hand In hand with Du b Andalusia w4 Madrid, are in great dan 7 ger of being completely- Intercepted, Ths .Tan-guard of i Bellesterp's army hadl ad vanced W the neighborhood of Seville r .", MessrsM'KenziearTd Dickinson, who tolled lately from, Plymouth, jo Ioriaix, ; to necociate-respectinirran exchahore of nri- . - l ' t . . . u . oners nave arrived at tne Jiitter place Ttiey were received with , every, mark of Tei-ect, anu immeawtcly , proceeded on ineir journey v raris j,- ......, AVuvJVri, 7i 6i Canadian nexvsRy :the Montreal Ga zette of the ,31st ult. we. perceive that all , apprehensions of poUtic4 agitation in thai . uafter have not subsided- At the oolice ofiice, on the 14th, an alien was ordered to uit the province wlmediitelf; "AnA nn , Vhe 1 8th an orde'r was published, tci put ( stop to nighty assemblies of people ois guised and cdieri, under. th nan4 of Ba- rivarla. ,v .. ' J f 'WHJtX'k "el, for the ' Ahr; mas, "and . ZIZLP :t.n 3." a i, A VESSEL ATANTfitf ; ' ' , . . . . , - 1 1 : ' A' Valuable consider ! Fiveo for a vet- i run to St. Tlio- ILatktaWilmuig. .GACTIER, Kha hit Jbr M fron vfrV 'af' imfior Madeira Wine, In piicshd halfjlpcs . Gun rowder, m kes, . 4d. 8d.lt lOd-CutNallsj "JIair Brooms . .- ' Clamp md White-wash Brpshes, ' Chocolate in boxes, - v v . '." Scotch Snuff, la amall barrels. - June It.''- ' ' ' ane down the slope of political ei ror : he has reached thn ni'pr.inif.e. fnoirt llich a plutMre will bwy him in the gulph ot unconditional servitude to France nd when h attempts to retreat,; receives, as, a reward for his furmer Subservience, thscoiT and contume ly, aod cutting Joshes ot his worthy, friend ana cuaujuwri iiupuicuu uuwio. - tt will be honorable to any Vdmunsiratioa to be the theme 9f the Ex-Colohel Duane't abuse! and Mr. Madison wid do well to ex change the hollow praises of the French fac tion, fur their openpersecution, espectauy when accompanied, with, the reviving conn i denca of thq red friends of his country , ;,; MasiAenuscTTi Lco'tstATvaai- J The. LegisUture: f MasMchuseiU tori- vened on the 30th tut. the number of repre sentatives prfseht being 844. . The demo cratic camlidntei.fwxvc'oft, Esq. was chosen speaker of the Home by a majority oC ii. On the 3IU theLeulatUre made choice of tlie lion, fhttitm G, 0,"Ui fe-s dcM candidate, a presidtnt ot mat oogy. Nathaniel Coitn, E1). wis re-elected clerk.- Ten Dollars Reward. . " WtTW.A W AY from the subteribef a orgTO fellow named TONEY, about SO or 31 f tsrs of agi by trade Ship-Carpenter, aad from feet 10 inchtl to fet high formerly be Joneinj to Mr. John Henderon,deceed N' He tooV with kirn' Rfty jicket "and 4be p.ir of4rower. A4 be has wife at Mr. ' lloopar'a bluff, t U probsblt he my be lurly nr about Irt that, fieighborbwid, AH P'' nn and oarrkultrlr roriof veistU, a.e warned not to hsrbour tht "id runswsy or- csrryblmoff, stnvertii penauies oima . Li WS will V9 u-wi.. -f, - 'UfStficU . CCORCSCAMtaoN. ' ' ' - 'Nrwlern, um tf. ! Sdrqe villain cfr 'villains have made dus Week thfet. ut uc'crssful attempts" to I fire to this town; .'The first and second at ! tempt was to m fire lo tlie rirw building ix-iongmg io i'osr. j v. .vig3 in Craven-streli,' by puttidj a large roil of cotton with' fife.diert'in ainong the ha vinlri in the ccllari Last rught another at tempt was made by ptltting fittf to the on' hnisheu Itore ol flU, - Uawion. on U;e oil county -whack Fortunately .however the fire was discovered, by some df our citizen and exung-itHhed, betore it Ha4 djne any injury to either of the buildings. A reward of 50 dollars la olTered by the tommiaslonert for the discovery of tne i& cendiarr.i " ' " " 'J'- - The True Repu'ilicaw of Keibern, ssyt it is gtnerall iupposed, arid we think with ranch proijability- that in the erent of sue- ccedinit th Uieir attempts, it wa the drn of the incendiaries, to reictil from the jjil prisoner connnra uirr vn a Lainiat criintj wt i case wis sOnic umtf ag-J brought bJ lore uic paunc ; ... , - - . . , . 'nC'Tc'rl: June I. ' U. S. fri- -Fh'etteville Aeademvi.!' THE public semi-annual examination, fthd ehibUloQ of the Students of the Fayetto villi Academy commenced on Monday, the, l)th 6 June, and ended the Thursday following. J fctJQW classes were jthinineeujKe&a-i mg, writing, Arunmetic, &pciungj ana up oa pronuncuTiona;reeable to the principles or Walker s Dictionary. t be ;mguer clasj ses were examined upon" English Grammar, Geography the Latin and ureek Languag esj Logic, Geometry! Trigonometry, and. natural .and moral Philosophy. 4The examt nation was conducted, in the Mason Hill, be fore the Trustees and a large -concourse ot Ladies and Gentlemen "-' - The Trustees assure Parents and Guards ant that this examination afforded die high est satisfaction to alt concerned. ' IivU they have beheld their most sanguine hopes real ized, and their exertions crowned with more than ample success. ; The students both in the male and temale departments acquitted themselves in such a. manner as to procure for themselves and their teachers the highest commendations In ao.large a number (up wards of ISO) the Trustees never witnessed fewer instance of deficiency. ' 'fhia exaanir- hation has added fresh energy to the exer tions of those more immediately interested b the prosperity of the institutions-Ar rangements are making to procure : a hnd sbme Library and apparatus for the use of the Academy, .This, added to the local advanta ges possessed, cannot fail to make this one of the' most useful Inidtutiuas of the kind In Ur,, Southern States. 1 V-' y -.'' The exercises Closed with an exhibition of vocal and instrumental Music by! the pu pils of Mrs. Perry, which afforded pleasure to th Trustees andi higK source of gratifi, cation to thj'audience-4ifter which Mr, Ca- . fneron who had been previously appointed on the part of the Board, read the report to the students and.a crowded, audience, in which distinctions, ahd -honors were kwarded to titose wha . particularly excelled i be 'then delivered an address, In whicb were pointed out In the most striking terns, the advanta ges of a liberal education, the motives to di ligence and application In the lawdablc pur suits of science; and presented inducements - f . .pi,. . j - - i tor ine acquisiuon oi virtuous principle ana christian morality, which; could not fail to have lnfluehce npon every thinking mwd. We were in hopes to be able to lay this ad dress before the public f application to this etrect was mad w nim by th board, when it was Tound it had not been reduced to wn ting. W yt hope to prevail on him,' to fur nish a copy for publication. . .... i Till next session will commence on non day the 18th instant. ' v . u.ANUtHWiN, rrtaatnt. . P. J. TjLUxoaisT, Jua r, Set y. June 10. . Othe CcmmUtismtrt tfAAe 7tt" June Hi WHEREAS coiplaints.aaawad tb the Commissioners, that sundry unimproved lot In the town, ana hot enclosed, are very grcu: nuisances, being bvergtowh vith" weedfj which forms areCtptacle fur ail fckul oi fildi, whereby the hbalth.f the citiiens-re muchC: ' 'x "endahgered ' "- , . v- ! '.Prdtredf That Owners fit ucn luis do reC spectively have" the aame cleared of .Weed-,-. ipd UWII) VII Wr. OV1VI-W W1V V U(Vt UIU kept clean in future, undef tlie penalty of one ;S dollar pep day, for eash and every day they. shall fil to comply with this oider. . , . Qrderedy-JhH Mr.t. J. JJelanger be.Rp.. pointed Town-Surveyor, and Is to be respect - ea accorumgiy. - - , - - - . .v-. r By orJef ot the Commissioners, r . s , 2W . ' . T UALLLN JJLK. T. CTy f,-r ',, ,, .nl.l-iif ...,. FORT ' JONSTON-. f Sl -'J, ' SHitarttli. tJune 16V 1810. .T . in j$ iirsliahce of instructions from the hon; .William Eustis,' secretary .of war and ton- fbrm.ably- to proviso contained in the Law . passed at the last session of the Ceneruf As-" sembry of the State of fcorth-Carolina, cetl- " " ing to tlie United States' certain Land", for Uie.se' of Fori and ,tbe erection f ''fortifi-i. . . cations,.. situate ln.Shi'itbvitle, JN-CJ-The. ' Subiribct has had inclosed such quutitity of said 1. and. as he deems necessary to be'keni - ' free, from intrusion;' ' the two Lots; Nd: 15 1 andlebclortgnigtdt'he V: States, bounded" bjr' Motire, Ellis &' Bay sheets, 'and by filrl lntumlri S. Blaner's lot No. IV. Vilh nrh " wktcr piivilddgcs as may be attached to said . Lots, will be left uninclosed, 'until it be deemed necessary to inclose thein--Of the . I abov,e notice is hereby given to. all whom is ' may.concerm J - ? ; , major Cpmmahdinr, ; THE Subscribe' being, abgui ." to leave, this place; offer's for l-de, . -l' "! - - ' . avu ousneia isie jot iMay onu, - ' f 4P bbls; and St hJf. Orjeani ugati " .', ,VJ5 qr. casks Malaga Vipefc5 ..-. " , hu nnas. prime moiasscs, - --, .; , .- . , 18 Bags Coffee, ' . ; 2' - ' 'SO boxes Muscadelllaisins, " . Which he will tithe r hurtcr r dlshose fift " ; , V" '- ,'- '! i3rickior'Sale.'' f About 12,000 best PiiildephiaBRlCK.,, ' for sale, on Gcbi Burprwin's wharf, Apply to ' v June 18; V'V.-W . .;...-- . vIhc i -' Subscriber rcquVsts all person who hae left work to be done atbi Shop, to call and receive tbem at Mr. Diclt' ' Ildtelivfi-.:: N. DAN At -f v' -v:June 19;.v l-,1.; 7 , . i -i i u i i .- , '. YrsterJjv afr'n ed here, rlie avj. xajtx fn santii r.f rmnr'ir"m Jlnm!M'n Jloa fa I awl t!:c V 'J' P t.' war Vt"p, front an caM.m tr iA. " SALES ai AUCTION.' 1 Will be sold this ctayj Cetor ill Subscri ber' Store, Forty-Five Puncheons high fla vored. 3d proot; KUM, for note negotiaulo atUieUatik. ' f' . . ' JACOB L.EVV. June '' ''; , '.; Tke fast sailinir achoomr - f EDWIN , - ; f From St Bartholomews torn." 11 pletely found, and may be sant to aea without any repairs, .Apply a above. 'June 19. Vr- . ..'...iMilllnl.ri w,..,...,; ....m ; CASH offered forXabbri V .' ; :Any Perbn willinetu undertake ihr flnlsfl; , ing the road which tun" been prdy eomplei ted.' beginning Snakeivtlla and Intended to lead to town, rnay bo promb!y employed by ' ' applyingto .. . A. HOSTLtRw.- ..', o. noout lour mues of said load re main io be compltatcd." ' June 19 if." ' V ,: vTeh Dollars. Reward. ' -i J iiia-Awa' frri the Subscriber on' th ' Uih instant, a negro. fellow named BILLY j about three, oriuuraiid twenty years uf st,et J about Eve feet nine or ten inches higii, wj. made, nd of a very black complexion. He -had oh lien he went away a drab colore!" broad cloth coat and a pair bt striped horns- , p"uh trowtert. .It li supposed h is at pre sent in Brtintwickcoumy, in the tie)(hbur. hood Of Hood' Creek, but will probtbly en . desvor to get up to Orange county. Th bAve reward will oe. given i any person who will deliver blm to me la Wilmington, or secure him in any Jiil othst I it hiou Jane H. , . . " . .' ' tf f Ten Dollars Reward. flAa-AwAt from th Subsr-iber about lh SOtholtimo, negcebojr named JOHN, about , II or Pyesfiol sge, ef a very drk con plexion sad very psN boihv lie Utiilirr." lurking but" Wiltoiigtoa oris cndestonnic to mskshli way id HdUbmeugb. Theshoie reward willbe glvto to any on who will de. liver him torn or secure bini in iif Uilsd ' lhatlgst bifn. " -. - ELIZADETU WAT TERS. Jun I, ' : - ' ; , ' '. t tf ii 'On Friday tbc 22d fciaotr will be sojd under the Court f Ione in Wilming ton, sundry Lts of land U 'bt Town, far the bcr ciit or the Lniferiityi upojo t.e-utu- I lei ni. Jjm t?. ;:;j..;-nvANTD, -.--.v. A partner In the detail Jlutincis, w(.o cal furnish a Capital of jiuOoin i.finijdvi'ativn', of receiving half the emolument scrruinir. A dornjuiA one would le,trcretrvtljljul u activ ohl would not be rejected, it irlul.U Li other mpectwA line aiMricil toA. and k-ft at the Qflk f tho Cv.c wlilU attfidcdio. . : . ; 1 , : Jur jv A-neat-nnd liflu 'Double Chiiu LxtJ 0.1 iprwif i. -r;ilj to 4 r 1