t V 7 A" tvr, POETRY. ;?; " ! THE PROTEST.' - V ' " - ;n 3;,' . - . . . . , :. , , , . . -'Which evtrt;mun, addicted to Drunktnneu ' : l r 4 -ought to make and adhcrejot -f . X f BOTE8T thatnom'oro 111 get drunk i v ' Tis the curse and the plague of ray life ; t ' It ruinslny eredit, my health cad my purse ' r My peace and my comfort. and whet is atill i worse, ' ' , f' ' t ,;,r It vexes and angers my wtfe.'-. ' ;', ; I protest' that too more I'll get drunk, c . ' It torments and embittcre my life J ' 1 '' '- To ruin 'twould hurry it vot'ry headlong :: yuu reason ueciarus, ui " wrong;.. . . i 'f's'r" . ' ' : And so do the,lears of taf wife. :: , , ' 4 I protest that no more I'll get drunks " ., Nor Tcad such'a wretched vile life, " ,V :. Its attendants are poverty, shame k disgrace ' Disease and despair atare me hard in the face, " 7 r- And so does my heart broken wife FTT' ' t protest that'no more IU get dnraV -; 'Tis the sarins of all evils in life I ' , . Tis the curse of all curseiof tnischleftfc v VOISt , itsine piague 01 tut jjiaguco, u ufciii v rcWstrv -v, ."v r" " ,;-''-"-- wonder loud chides fry poor wife ! I protest that no more 111 get drunk, , -; , , i', For I find it the banc of my life .k' ' Ifi-nrfnrfh I'llhfttchful thatROUarh'shall ', .,' destroy,. .:' . - "( la ray children, my homef and my wif.t ' - ;'V '" ''...-' T.ir. ?'.(; '"y. -V PAt Coach CoxtRsATtoit. ; iig!iihmanTiil JohTison is, I am fcfraid, . 1 absurd, when ho ayi, ,.. - , , ; ; Turn from tK !ttwtinj btibt oar fcorofd tjrfr Mot Ml lot gold wkit o!4 e bctct bay ' : " Where Is the absurdity V sard the Irish t. man, who at first was so much strackj at the finenws of the thought that he did not pel ' ,ccive the ball for&e expression,', fill his , frien4 asked, low. any person could loll for . f gold, which could nfcver.be bought fo? jgold f j ,1.1 , j ,". Q . ' :. . a r. -f.'-'i , . une case to o sure must pe excepiea , ; a patriot ma sell' his, rcputatiou and the , purcbascf get nothing by it A ; . ' -. , Scotchman' Sin , yoa define an- Irish .," tullf ;: ' '-. ; .'' IrithmanX-t Perhaps the essence of a bull lies in confuriou of idea ' V' '." ' ' EngHhmunJ That sounds plausible e- . nough in theory, but It will not appljMn -'practice, for confusion of ideas is common to both countries What do yot thmk of the f Enplish studentr "who when h was asUcd ' 'what BroeresJha, had made, in the study of . . muUicine, modestly repuett f 1 hope i shall goon be fully qualified to, be a'physklan for ' .S .L...1. I ... ana sMa' tit ma t!U ' 4 lllllllk ft villi uvn nuiv v vmc .miut . - f ; O, (sa)d the Scotchinajv iaughlnn:) con ' ' . fusion 6,f 4deas anuwl constitute a .bull, or '".this Would be one. ,i, Another definition, If ',. you please, sir .- A" ' J "7 ' ' .. Irihman To aroend.our bill, suppose we insert the word hiu Rhable, anH. say, that a certain laughable jonjutiom 0 iaat consti1 'tutesabulL,', 1." ' EngliAan- Still there are - English blunders lf thrs description. Do you not remember Bluckjnore's famous lues in ' prince Arthur 1f . ti, A Wim4 ,t r'r vqrt ShI aa, " ' ' t ' WHith fict kit riadnri w ' ; 4 1 lave-ne not fere a ktrghable confuilion of idens and in utothcr passage where the m lime poet soys, - ,, . j ( Vr . Mt roi d fo ioui, ib J Ir)k w4iroM frtm, IlUvfiyhdo'ir" oIIoI'bw ; v , Irhhman-J' I think $ can Rife you an ex- ample of an IrUh bull, in which are alt the (essential requiaiies, incongruity, confusion, , and laughable confusion both in thought and expression ' When 6ir Richard Steele was asked bow it happened, that his countrymen "tmada so many bulls,' he replied ' It is the effect ef climate, sir c if an Englrslrnan were born in Ireland, b .would make as .tnany. - ..T,i.. V V. Thomas'S; Beale,.. ": f . Em Jmtttctittd end far. tale, Jive lattt : j, ' . - - Ihdu Goods, tit. -S bales Mamoodys,. ,- 3 do, .i Sannts,- ,1 do. Currabs, - 3& pieces Duck, . ; , . . ! 't . iDOQ .Gunny bags, S., :, V New England Rain ia hhds. aind Wuk ,' ,' , ' Alia oa hand, . ' Madeira -Wine Boston Beef, No. 1, and few fases Claret Wine. , 'April 84. thomas avuight; "V Ha4 just received from .York, the following assortment of GOOpS, which he will sell very lowTor cash t, 1. i i LINENS, Pririts, Diaper Muslins, feur. L-sce Sleeve, ' plain and' figured, ' Cotton Stockings, Men and Women's Silk' Stock inc., Nankcnt, VSewirar Silks, kc Black Crape, Spider Nett," Superfine Cloths and Caoim'eres blue, black, and tottle'gw. ,V3mos,aiMi Anoe at au kinds. ' i- t.. J Msv'23. ', .. . Gun-Powder and Tow Cloth: of g4 quality, just received and for sale by April S. v v -Vr.' --r i .'1 if. Sugars in Boxes, and a corn pleat aaMrtmcnt.pf JBar aud-Bolt Iron. Spike and Mails, for tale by .. ' WilmingohAcademy. . ' THE Trusteesof t- e Wilmington Acade. raj loiorm such or the subscribers as are in arrears on account of iheir subscriptions to-I wsrds defraviDK the exnence of the buildine. which the Trustees under the authority of me sunscribers have bad erected, but which remains unfinished, that Mr. William Will. a . s . ' . , Kings is authorisea to receive tbe nmi I which they respective! owe. ' ' As the want of such a bulldintr is verv I sensibly felt by parents and others,, interes ted in the education the youth of the town ! and its vicinity, and as the one now tip has i remained in us present condition for a consi derable length W time (a condition which ex poses it to daily injury) for the want of funds 9 complete , ut s nopea mat uis gentle men who may be in arrears will be punctual in making payment to MrW. ol the full a mount of what they severally owe, whenever ! he msy call on them for that purpose, 'if '-, Ki.i l Valuable Lands FofsaWi low for cash-or vaunt TJinw., the following valuable property, via t- -' j That; wt,ll known plantation,' formerly the residence of cot father. Ivkiflf an tha mr road to Fayetteville, between the 37 and 3 - f"". iiwtiiwurca who lypiess nd Pine trees and lightwood Also, another piece 01 .350 acres, on the west side of the Ttver,bVbr Mr; William Sutton's, his allowed to haveUhe beit Gmfcen hd DghU Wood, Jn that part of the country and the whole of Jitlie;1iaody tojhe River.. Also, several other tracts of (and in BWdcft Coun ty.. Likewis e Mstt Sat with a sood Coa Mill, on an txcellent stream, wlikin a iuarti of la mile of ike above plantation; lying iq New-Hahover County. All the pr. pery now ottered fo sul i situated ift a healthy part of tlc country and js wtU worth the attention of any one.doirous of putchae ing, valuable country property. . May. .'if, EVAN ANDRES. " 7V RENT, : : 1 - THET LOFT over the Subscriber's Wire House, Nos. t and 3, lately occupied as a Sail Loft, 90 by 35 feet. - - . , ' . , CEO. WiD. BURG WIN. ' ! May . - . ' - A if MATOASES , ; THOSE families who are desirous to be provided with Matrasses, or to have them made at their bouses, may apply at the Sub scribers Store. " " . 4' ' . . '... ' & rOKTAlltl" A vafuable Town Lot; " SITUATED between Judge WrigbiVeMl Dr. DcKosseit's new buildings, front street For further pirticulara Tespretibg said It, apply to VYt. H. MisBsu. March 10. 'JfJ ';. ' ' 'JUBILER tVAp. ; The English society for the discharge and relief of jf nwtis Imprisoned fur small debts, . In c'.nscVjuencc of the liberal donattuns dur hr the last yer, but particularly ,tlio-e in roimnemofviUcm of the British king's tutor- Ing the JOth year of his reign, dtscliargfd and relieved 134 debtors fi-otn tlie several pt isans throughout, the kingdom, many of who.n (whoso debts were considerable) had , luITcrca along confinement Of this mini ' ber were tliicbiircd by what is in I-nnilon , called the Jubilee Fund, 94, whhad 631 - wives and 1 330 rbildixn. 135 of these debt ors were b Nowg&te. " ', c i . ' . t 1 t . 1 ' . ' . 1 . , ,.',.'...). ' " ' t . I appears from t1e ,CUUet of yesterosy morning, that Mr Cooper, the Tragedian s an the eve of his departure for Europe, and that It ls'tinec;nin whether he intends to re. turo to this country. .V. y. Gunt FOR SALE BT 'lHE SUBSCRIBER, , , F rth Hyfon Tr fy 0 cKiO, let tm) Limp Sutw tw Itmbnck, t iaprrfis cloth, 9bm tk t rM ! Cmm, Alt a Ai.k l. '11 1 11 win mi isw iot cm, or tppievtd ftori A )JUn!v;, Stationary, ?ic.rorsi!c at TORENT, - The store at present oeropied by jphnand R, Ekadley.; The dwelling home occupied by the aubseriber. and a Wba, f. with a gond convenient Isnding, suiuble fur the rtcep. Won of any kind of produce. ' Apply to January 13. . R. TIRADLET 1 1 - --'h EDWAKU W1NSLOW ' ' - ' -'.Ait f,t ule; 1 k ' ," Mids: and SO bbls Muscovado SUGARS, April 34. " ' ' '." '.-. 100 DOLLARS WORTH OP BOOHS , My U gained f of ot dollar, in S. MAMA B00KLO1TEUY ' .r' " .4 ; ' -SC.rn.Ht..1. '. ' : I Prire of 1 00 Dollsr la led- J, . 1 I . 21 135 do. do do. do.' do. ,i0. 3j 10 I 3 do do. , do. do,, do. SO 95 . sa 103 I SkMM Ifi Prizes ; 438 nisnks. ' ' ' v oo TitllUit 1 dollar each, hioo Any.'persm drawing a priae, and wishing Tor any books, that I have not In my pr. sion, they shsil be procured from fttw.York la e short time, if to be kad The booki are to be put at tbe lowest cash prices. The orawing siu comanini isioon as the Tick ets are f.d. - .' f . r ." , '. , , fCT Titktts foristflM lie Cacttcfi"ira, . r- EUzabethtwvn Academy TIlE Trustees of the Elitabethtowit Aca'd x emy, at length have the pleasure to in form4he public, that they bate engaged the IteTr WiuiaM B. o1xbokt,i as a Pastor " : principal icacner-r inai ne wui com1 mence the important cuttesof fata' station on or aboat the 2(nb of May. Tbe qualifica. tions "of tb Principal are so well known in different parts of the state,'' as to preclude the necessity of any recomavendation on the part of tbe Trustees.' Wi services, in the Vayettevflle and other Academiest are gene rally acknowledged t!) have been great. His uniform . attendance to.' the morals, man ner., and general deportment of those who have been subject to his fuitionbas justly oonrmandad the applaW of both the judi dou and interested. i '. - The par;n .J ibis inttitutton, having el ready been subject to conderalle expence in order to render .the establishment' both permnem., and t ftspectsble, : flattef them; aelves, ibat parents U guardians of children. particularly .In the lower country,' will not wifhhulri thtir 'patronage $nd support.; . . The Truiee art of the opinion, thaf the ait nation oft his Academy ia in every respect, really commodious Biwtd will be attaina ble In good homes on moderate terms. The town Is well watered, and deemed as healthy as any place in the lower country The Tuitees hafe no hesitation in asserting, that on lbif part great care will be exercised in order (o promote both the resncctebilitv iDf the institution., and the general welfare of me stunenia. - 4 , i Byt order of the AoardV ' . , " " THOMAS BROWN; A'W, : J. WRIGHT, Stcrttart, , . . - Liisabctb, April 5. 4A reward of Fort Dollars will ; ' be given to any one who will apprehend and ; T secure' in the Wilmington jail the following Negre Women Harriet, Bella, Elsey and MiUy. HabbUt is a tall thin wench of a- ', yellowish complexion about thirty two or . . thihy three years of aee. well known in Wil. mington, where her parents arc and suppo posed to be harbored in the neighborhood of . Town Creek Bridge. . Rkll i.ni.t .rh , -her complexion eimilar W that of Harriets ' wno a nave reason to believe U secreted in town. t; Elset Is also a short wench, her . complexion deeper than either of the othera, j I haa remarkable white teeth and speaks quick' v , end at Mr- Geofge MacKenaics plaptatiort, -V i isjiuiuuii wwsiaros stria , nssa a a. j .. i. A about twenty.five years of age. . Mult b slender wench or ih Complexion verrmuch nf ih mni.nn . .t, ' I! l .. . . " : ' '-VI 'T..v:':, Muuuiwiree ana twenty years cf age. am i may DC foiind either In mn n . iu. .-j ,f ..-: y MacKenxie'a plantation. ; Forty dollars will- " be given for their delivery in tbe Wilming ton tall or1 ten for either of them. v April 1. f k- . . 1 , "VENTY DOLLARS REWARD. . Vi i - Rltn-awav frftm trii cnKcprlK. Ak...4 .1 J t x. . s - : ...... , .::) !!:' auvui me jsi oi wovember last a negro mam r nained SC1PIO,-between 5 feet 7o inche inn a ippi niiyn... a, . i ..i. . . -. . .. . ... a. . w vQinpiexiOD, im i puoeni in speech, and wU known! about; , Wilmingtoni., I will give the above reward . wuever win secure hint in any jail, sO I (hast I ttta C ! , . r " .' "".7'''V '.'. ... Mini again, or 1 will give 00 . , hundred dollars reward to wtioevernrill con, ; - mi my cBptaip, .roaaier or owner of any ve" tat who has taken him off, as I am told i . j thecal.. J hereby warn elf taptains, mas. ' I ter and owners of Vessels or others froni harborinr or tak'mc him ... employing him in any way. - " ' . . SV. I'. ST"TTTTtTTTnTr' A" 1 .. V..,VH vm-, t"f . J- ..... . .: Fifty Dollars Reyard. .' '. ' 7. , Robbery !, . : npHE avibscriber'e shop, was bfolte into , A last night, and abtut' thirty Watchet stole thereirom,1 with, some other articles which cannot be dcBorihc&t A deecrip uon of al many" of1 the Wafxhes as can at presunt bejrccollectcd is annexed. The jttkcrihtT is convinced that this daring fe iony must have Wen committed by some person well, acquiiinted.with the situation of the shop. -lie will give a rew?rd of fifty dollar for the apprcHension of the thief on convictiorST '': , ; 1. Cormvall, Lbndon, No. Jftf, double cascilver. Fcron A Paris, U9, French norJzontaL, WiniamDawnham, London, 8SWV single" case, gold. ; Julia Jcffray, Glasgow, II E C ;A gtlt;. watch; et round the bczclandback the. enamel out of die back., One Geneva aUvcr watchj double case, ho name nor number Blow Lawtkr, London, 790, ailver fact, dou-We-ease. - Proctor, Dablint alargeailver old fashion. Chaajonea, London; 4674, double tasc,ailvcr. fho. BurpuB, Indod, 1S4, large aihref, old fashion. , A aingle case ailver, watch, In the case Ibe mark pf a crown.4 Rlw Qowca, London, 6x10, dduble case, f,ilt. Rd. , Norton, London, 2138," silver, double case, second hand. Tho&. Thompson, London, 2648, double casc,ailvcr. Vrauchcr, A Paris, 17742, single case, goia. mos. liendmon, Co ventryr405r --double, case, - gilt, aceond hand in the centre. A French watch.silver. in uic case or me piate,' akae, L,t Whevl ailaf, 2642. - Edw.Steel, W, Thavia, dou b!e case, ailver, old fashion. W.Radaw, London, 9706. , , A gold . Prench watch. the top or bezel that holda tbe glass is lost, A French watch case, and part f the works, say face; Ice. A "email gilt case, with some email sets, no works. ,A dou- oie case, cu wiuwut worse or bcreu A small silver watch, old fashion, English. A smalt Engl'ish.wirtch case, old fashion. A small gold watch, aithout a glass, silk string,' small gold key and acJ. Craw ford, London, 682.;, A ailver watch half capped and jewelled, old falion,ViUiout the makers narne or number. The afve are all that are recollected at present . Wu. Ill I.LI AUp. -' Foufltnillr, Trlrtary 12.1110. ,Y 1 r STRAYED; . An 0 red & wblte, mtssuripg Sf iachea between the horns, ' Two dollars will be git . en te $pj person who will deliver kin, to ' I 10 pOLLARS REGARD. lPTlKSchawNeaf " v ,gn, viacx no sieek, well made and PUu"0, . probably' about Wilmington, or H tip, mtfbt harbor ed af or near the plantaiion of the late Mr. ' Merrick, on the Soqnd. .Ten dollars re ward will be giren to any person who will appre-: head tH said roraway, defiver him to tha subscriber er lotlf him in some iail. ; H r"i . s . ,4 , ;m, HOOPER-' ; Thirty Dotiars Reward For the BAHNEY, about 45 years of age, 5 feet 0 "oiKn, siommaae,oi a good appearing countenance, speaks plain haa long hair,, somewhat of a datk mustee kind, one of his legs U much larger than the other. ; Tbe ssi4 '. Carney eloped frommv nlam Atifmffl Affl sfntAAMsa ' River, near Charfe&ton, South Carolina, id i'i.t ibi'i. una imm mionnAiinn t.i way for Nortn Carolina. Aavhis former ' owner resided near Wiljnitrgton.la said state and on hi way was apprehended, but after warfla made his escspe, and is supposed to be " ; In ot near Wilmington. If apprehended and sent on to Charleston, South Carolina, all re. ; uuuoib expences, wgstner with the abova reward, will be paid, on deliverv of said fterm ta , . THOMAS naf nwirr . Feb. 13 - . . t . .. V ' . Ten Dollars Reward. - - v Afisco.VDED on A.i.v ;l . first of Octobtr last. CfAaLkfTov or Cbasltow. Ii. u ..it known. aboMt Augqsta as drummer : is iiro ana, wcu msoe, or very black eons., pleVion I about j feet nine inches high, and ' years of age. . He has a deep msrk Or cnt on one of his eye-hrews (which not recollee ted.) The above reward will be, paid for j bis apprehension and dtlitrry to mt, or on ' bi using HJQgta 10 JJII. . , ., -JAMES CORMICK., December f. , . ; . t . THE Sub&triberi t to tbee persons who are Indebted to the, ! to come forward and aettl th: ccoonts, at do further; Credit can be given ' , CSC BRANSON. Who have fitf sale a small assortment of CroceriescoarseDrvCoodt' and couotry Produce, which cm be hid a . '. Wanted at this bffioe, ' An APPRENTICE DOV. who ui ir.S ' end write. ' . , Fh. 2ft. ; WlLMlKQ1Vii w.c. ; .. , iTts ao resitsate at j j 'USELLU MACXATir. ' ,' V COKPITIO . ' 1. Tf aaa DcLUissr, fiejoittf cS. tern, ft Folia DoLLAaa if ttii WdAa inejirn tit mcnir.t , S. tvhtrtyiitn esn It fKtiud fa g Ut9 timt than Sit Moaras. . 1 r- . . .rl. j . . . . . u evt art it:', ft 4. inVitf. a...., ..." i