tr ItK trrrmiderrt) the power of mak ' ' , log w and providing for amlitary opera- " tioiu in. both houses conjointly, it nfaxrYf fiesumablc that the f ramers of the con-' stitution "-did not contemplate secret pro- -.fve&flgiL in any, father In .what other case can they be necessary, or-;Con eistent.wuhthe principles ot our wsmu 1 ' ( '-tiona? Our political systerat is essentially. stetn of - publicity. lThegcriiua of it t , is-at var v th the course so commonly pur- 'ftucd by monarchal cabitiets and despotic ' ' - ,uivan$ bo tar as our; congress have de ' . parted from this original principle of our !. system, they are jusdyliaUe to th? censure - "f -involved in Lord Chatham' speech on a , motion tor tne dissolution 01 parliament m s ,, tr71J For a public assembly to be afraid - ox naving ineir aeiiDeraiions. puunsnea, is xnonitrous and speaks for itself.; No'ntor; ' , ttd tan'coristrue such a "proc durelrto their ...... - wauvantage; Ht, ano xne practice to iocs- 'ing f the rloors', are Vifficjeht 'to ' open the' " - ,' of the ' Uind t they must see that all, - -J hot well within,' :. U this be - g;od 'doc- ' - - aretHiblic! .' ' i ... ' ''? Tlie uutstlanM not however, what ought JLJto be the powers of .congress,' in; this -res-' J v r pect. Butt what aje tnose powers; It. js. the opinion" of some: that a wi itteti "constU' x ' tutioa aflbrds nd security to 'the; rights !of the people."' j;Let us hope ;ihathfsjopitj. , Toii, is infoiiiided-ItU' ,daigerauT.rto,Ca-i V4io pt constructions pf the spirit of the' jjoii- - " stitution. lt ia-mucasalcf to adhere to the '.latter. ri If this Jb .generally. clpaeiiand the: . constitution bekat-once correcj ' iu, prircipfc; ' jj,and tnteUigible, in expression, hoW( caa jt; -bs otherwise; than that it should secure our , right and: privilege!, . Could , a. ttik jtotf 4 ftcairra, - a collection '.of a- shreds -'and! s patches'oiVtivr, executive and j: iiciary opbucnis 1in4;dtmoiia,;euniua1 .7. " ted actually in the progress of as,' i i curef theni, better than thi'i,EX tcRipfX, . f-' tms plainly5 recorded law, to whic!vall can' - v r recur, and wluch au.ssa apprehend L -; , V. Xt, Each house- of congress, theii, has pow; ta; coacesLfiom itlw peopl uch -por - tioo of ita proccedbgs as' it deems; impro ' - .pet for promulgation. ' ' Hut th'rt power can' 'Only bef, exercised by first exercising' ano ther, that of w determining the rules of its'- r prbccedings',' unless, indeed,: the- house ' .ahai-think, it more proper'and tale the'. " trouble from day to day, of taking a dis , .tinct vote." on: every;' part of .the Journal; 1 . vhich4t- means' to keep concealed,.5 Nd ' such thing exists jri practiced ' ITie house - of representatives has established particif- Jar rules upon the subject, .j h rs, provided ; that when a member shall announce to the house- that he has "a motion to makei the - froced"a?g4 oii rwhich,' , in his bpmion, v OujyU to be kept cret, the doors shall be ' Y closed, and' the house, shall determine by. a vote, whethet those proceedings shall be V stcitt or not. The f hous sometimes im- ?f nediatcl deterritinea that the proceedings t y shall not be kept secret, as in the case rofa ,.. -roodon whilh was made for' theVseques ,.,( - tratioi) of debts due by the citizens o' the " U. Sutes t llritish subject."' Hut no in ' stince is recollected in which the house literally pursued its own rulo,' and ' deter. ; , rumcd by a tormal vote.tnat proceedings ! iipon a motion made with" cloed- doors ahould be kept secret. The house'there-(- ' ore does w, injhe cases mentioned, pur ' tr sue die idler of the constitution and of iu own rule, which is. intended to earnr that " ' provision of' the "cbnsutution into effects ' . llow far, then, ia the rule obligatory tpon cn ttrrirdt.ccasiom,-proct2'ecl provlsionj, clouting, ana numerous necessary article, which, ia defiance of U remonstrances, they daily conveyed to small bodies of pa triotic troops, -who had shtwn themselves m the ejwhborhood. -This was' at fcpgth considered as an offence of much enormity against the rrench Government, and acoti siderable'number of these ladies were! ta- Ken up ana iriea oy ii imary inounat, whose sentence consigned 16 to be allot tad the sentence was cart ied into Xeaji tion. - fie saw three of these heroines'put. to Ieath, wjnch hey endured with'wori derful IbrtlWd; ' i' ';f'''.;'V- : JfK f-'-x vy c are extremeir concernea,.to . una, that amonff other melancholy circumstances resulting from the, late' disturbances in the, capital, tus -Majesty was renaerea so v)- huppy ;that . he was, indisposed for aww days, and the'cHect was tne total loss! his remaining sight, J r But it'i with very great satistacuon w add; that his-iviajesty ts'now :pcrfectly recovered, and la as good I general health: asihieverieiijoyed.' r His alestv5 ii ft weVer. obliged to. avail him ieirof 'ekteriKJ assistariiie in hiicasiorial walksi'Which waa not the "case: before th unfortunate; eveots alluded tO His medi cal 'atti?ridahts'hav'ei: we.'tinderstobd,' 'ddr- ;iareq, iai;.nis, eye js now n lor tne ope-,iee)s ramseu otsposea t,a.ttVi'iV the memlxxs t : Another rule provides that wlien tf con-' fidcntial message is- received from the pre fident, rhe proceedings, upon suchrmes sage shall be secret, until the house hall Otherwise' determine, But nothing is said respecting documents which tmy be cotn tnuiucated with the message. These form, in fact, no part of , the proceedings" of ' tlie house, being merely matter of informa tion to bear upon those proceedings. They are never recorded in die journal of its i die journal of' ha proceedings'' as ? may la fArir judgment require seclTry1', that they have a .light to' conceal. ; This will lead us t the nvcug:U.ionot a w qucs Uoi DOCUMENTS FROM. tRANCE, twcil k WuhBt ky rtttil h John ., V -?.V''- Mttn. , -;, . '-'n '. .-rZ Y -; -i ' ; .'".' General ' jtrmitring if Mr. Smith. ' t ' t Sra -I wrote a few lines to you ytster day announcing the receipt and transmist sion of acopy of;the, Duke'or Cadore's note to me ot thei'(l41h just. ; , , 1 1 After much serious' reflection I have thought it best to forbear all notice at pfe- sent or tne errors, as well of fact as of ar gument, which may be found in the intro ductory part of that note t to take the Mi- nisicr j nu wora; 10 enters once upon piwuuscu iiciTjtiatiLHi. anu.-or inis -.7aVh capture aod 'eenderansiion 6Fa "ship driven on the shores of France hV'' stresa of weather tod the perils" of the se'a --nothing J; Was thef seizure and seques-r traticm ofmany cargoes brought, ?b Prance' ia ships -violating' no law and admitted to' -regular entry at the imperial custom hous-" es nothing ?.;Vas": the violation bf our maritime; rights, consecrated as they have been by d;e solemn form's of a public trea" tv-nothing? In a word, Was it nothing that out ships' were, burnt on the high seas, "t without other offence, tban' .that of belong. ', ing to the United States i or other apologv,' iwux was io uc louna jnineennancea sate tv of therpetratbrf ,, purely- if, it be the duty of th United States to resent the 'the- - f :vij' if Rutty ta, 1l0 BtWU r Kf'W' XVe haye received the London papers 6f Monday. ) There is hot;c wlth'the eitep- tion ot the prorogation ot thft finch Legis lative Body, any ihtelligence f womrlt t those papers.''r It is worthy1' of observation, that although there sv sbfitary collateral fliajf against the, fterjjat enewUi of tlk Continent." the spceich of the Senator Ree- ftaultdpci hot contain the ictwtomary .At- tacit upon the people ana jgovjernment ot Engtaad. '; Thial may., be. considered 'by manv santmine oersons as indicative of the return of a pacibc disposition on the part of Is apoleon. ?. the .speech; expatiates -With great and, pardonable, complacency on the nuptials lof the. mperc and, the" Arch duchess f, Austria. , ..There 1 iro doubt jlhat this iriarrlage aa. one, of the first strokes of policy Napoleon ever exhibited. Jt pecuresf as his orators say, rhe peace of tne -ivontinem r ana ; wnen. tner remnsuia shall have been subdued; it will leave him at liberty to prosecute a maritime war, oj; to turn the anna of thi French People,' as ' wen as oi nis conicucraie legionaries, to the Ottoman, Etnpire.1 -The Litter is men tioned slightly t but it raay be for the pur pose of concealing h'm design, IiWced we nun; luai . a ursisn war is ay no meant so remote as niay be generally imagined.' - , -1 he last Accounts from JLubon and bpain describe the French as suffering under Ecatwant of provislohsr 't)he of these etters says,'1 the French- are retreating froHt. the, Fortujruese frontier in want o'. everr thing" . JThesame want is felt in Spain, and the next accounts will probably bring us intelligence of their' having quit ted the vicinity of Cadiz. - , . - . The Duke of Uulluno (Victor) is stated to have died at Seville on the 4th April, in consequence ot a wounu inmctea Dy a can non shot, while rcconnoitcring the Spanish wprks bclore Cadiz. ;. .. ' ( ; ' Foreign Inttlligcncc. ' ' ' ' itXew-tork. r.J V" reV(, -"'," '. '-'.' " LonDOir, May 2 ; .' - . 'Whatrv er may U the termination of the ' prvUut lOuuit iiS)'.jntlt js evident frons , - er)' account -ninth, wc rcctive, that the itivu dtcrm'mtd. hut'ulity to tlic.rfench ' tuutiniies tg be eVihcc J by the Lravc inhale w ' lu.its of die Peninmla, from one extrcml- ' tf thereof to "die oUitr i, and Uiat In fact ' tuc pesr e cn only; b concluded ia desola, V tion, ' St. S our readers wHlch. t - icrve", at tlie foot of Uic T.cnccs, and , : tbcTtf're ailj'mintj Frsnce, and Vet from thai c,unrr has live f'-JTowing statement ' I eVn lroii(,-ht by an American captain l " He nj , uilic women of the country hxi, , TO Wtf SURVE TR. ' I ; . Mr- J. Dclange :r, - lately ap pointed br the Commiioneri Town Sumy or, has tb honor of bforminr the rahsbU Untt and ibt owners .of lots in tke Town of Wilmington that he it now ready to exercWt th duties of his appointment. He will sur vey any lot tbtt may bs desired, with dis patch ' nd fidelity, and ia addition draw out bandsoma vltw ot its situation and environs. His charts for the additioosl trouble, he will tcvc wholly ta the gerrtrotlty of his employ. ers. . lie proposes -to vndertske' gentfnl Survey of th Town and draw a plsn there' of, on which -will be narked out all the streets, alleys, cul U sscs, hills, vslleys,re msrksblc trees and vacsot lots, ana1 be will then be entiled to fumUh every proprietor of town, propsrtr with a separtt pl af his own ponenion. accurate in the proportion ! snd situatkm Y!l which wilt be rttpecifully Y submitted, letting to each pwrchattr t psy a sura propornone to the number ei bis lots."1'' , , . . : ' "'' liberal encouragement and promiwi to ipire noplns t dervt it.' ,' Jone2 f. V- ..P. BENJAMIN, begs leave to rnskc grstcM axpreition ef his feelings to those persons who hart cacitited towards him that large share of kindnett ad patron ti which he hat recaiwd m this place, an4 st the same time to inform them that he io terds in a few dyt to depart lor , the North, ward. . Early ia the fill ha will return ta re ivime bia prcfeaaios as a Teacher of Moale, sad beinjf dctirous of c(abli.hira; a amaJI Mutictl Kepoiitory In th'ra town, heaolieits thoaa who nky be indebted to him to iU their accoents he will thea be the better enabled to prmecuta hit intention,' the aue. ecit ol which he belief et,; will b n tfvsa tape te the lrtrt of Muue ia this town, si well at i pro.', to himiclf. , J,un - purpose, to offer tb him a : project or t-e-d anif moae wtu nave tneauvantage m trying tjhe sincerity, of the' overtures made py hins, and perhaps of drawing frorrvhim the precise tcrma onwhichrhis master; will accoromodateV)V If- these Ceet sricfi as we ought to accept, we shall hav'e a Treatv, in wnicn neitner purrienw nnr wrongf, win . ociiorgoucns ii otnerwise, injere. wm oe enough, both bf time and occasion, to, do juui; to ineir policy pnaur own, oy a ireexamination of each" f''1 1" ,: n-yejjpe, nonor to oe; c ccca.,.'.- ifffijwalfc)lefor;Smithi5 Extract -of SeP.u-Weii'Me 10th March.''4I;.haVei,it 'fertrth rfe' cetved a verbal mSssjigei in answer to my riote of the 2lst ult. " It was front (lie Mi- nlslcfpf Ibrefjih relations!; "and in the fot lowing words i u His Majes.tY,ha decided ha aclV the American property: seized in &pam .put . the money, aiasing tljcretrota Shall remain in (Lpou , This message has given occasion to a letter irom me marked Nd. 2.1- l Paris. lOtA Matdl tglO. " Sir, '! had yesterday the5 hbrior bf re eeivinjr; verbal triessage" irom your tellency,' Stating, that his malesty, had 1 decided,' that the Amerkaii property seiz ed in the port ot bpam should be sold, ...:' d.i A . ' rt : .l . ahould remain in depot,; ' - yn receiving wis imorrnauon, iwq ques. tit-hs suggested themselves r."";A '- Isu, v .nether this decision-wraa, or-was not, expended to shipsj as .well as to .'car. goes: ana -m... .;.. .v-; r. u 2d Whether the rrtonev arismcr front the iaka which might be made under it, would. or would not, be ubiect to the issue the pending negotiation 1 , '. Mv, ir v 4 we gcnucinaa ennrgcu wnn uic aeuve1 ry of jour message not having been Irt H.rjcted to ai.swcr tKcsa questions, it be' tomes my duty to present -them to your excellency, and to request a solution of therein Nor is H less a duty, on rrtv part, to examine the ground on which his ma jesty has been, pleased to take this deci- s.on, which I understand to be that of rr trisaL suggested for the first 'time in the noie you uiu iue uic uunoi io .wine v tne on the 14th ult. In the 4d paragraph of this nou. it Is sAklf that his Majesty could not hav calculated o the measures taken by the Jnited Statesi wh45f. having tie grounds of complaint against - France, have comprised her in their.acu of exclu sion, and since the morh of - May Lut, have prohibited the entry into their ports of French Vessels, by subjecting them to : It is true that the IT States hare since the 50th of iMay lut forbidden the entry of I: renca vessels into their pcrbors rxJ it is alw .tme tliat the penalty of confiscation attache to, the v-olation of this law. . But id hat respect loee this offend France f Will she refuse to js the right of regulat ing commerce within our own porta f Or will she deny that the law in' question is a r'etlatioa merely municipal I Examine it both as to object and meant w hat does it more than furiid American ships from go ing into the ports of France, and Frenrh t slupe-from coming into those of the, U. : Statral And Wlrj' this prcJiibition f To ! anid injury' and insult to escape that lawietsncas, wnicn is ueclarca to be a forced consequence of tire decrees of tlie British counciL " If then its objec be IAirrJr dtlcavvf, "what: are its - means f ijmply Aru'.f previously ond ' grner.lly promulgate d, operatint; aulcljr Within tlie tenitory of the U Statet, and punishing alike the infractors of k, whether citizens of the said states, or others, . And what Is this but the exercise cf a rit, common to all nations, of' ixduduig at tlitir will foreign commerce, aad of enforcing that exclusion i Can this be deemed a wromr to France I Can this be regarded as a It giti- maie cauta o repruai on tne part ot a pemtr, v.ho makes itthe.hnl duty of na Uona to defend their sovereignty and tjho iAta dcnntioni'lizca the ships of tlvoK who will not suli.cri!e to the oninion. Hal it has been s'nl Uiat the M United Sutra had nothing to caaplnin ef aaat Iraacf.' t oyucal usurpations of the British ordrs of I.November, 1807,'" it" cannot, be Ui their ta complain of the daily atid practical outrageson tne part, ot r ranee i it is in- dceu true; that were we, United States des- - , -titute of policy, of honor" ;ahd "'o"f :jtftefgjr ' . ' - fas has been lnsmuated thev-miehr have 7"- iadopted ia sy stem "of discriminaudn Vbe 't ? tween 'Ke''tv6; belligerents j eymkhtiJL, drawn .Imaginaurjipes tetweerl ,ihe ' i and7sectmd aggressor f they , rpight 'o -Vv? '. 'first- have rescpted in, .the. one . Conduct . to which they 'Jtamely submitted in tle. other. WISE JUVkWtVWlWI UfU ,"vviyov, tuuiiy' v. 7 ' weak;ahddisgraccfu fJ3ut s'Ucn Wasiiot f&t the course they tiursuedi and it Is perhaps It?- 1 liecessary consequence of the : J usti j;e ' pi . ' their;ineasures that "they are this, day an f moepenaenc nauon. xuv wj.1 not press.;' K this part of my subject j, jt would, be .af ;,; lyr frontful tor youT; excellency; (knowing" .a5"; v'' J yem clV there are, not less thart-?t)0 7 ; tttUr r,Tat or tus toUies) to multiply ,-. tf com nlatni against' France, 44. '; a - f My attention is necessarily CtileoJ to ant&jJO.jj ther part of tlie "aame paragraph, wJucW:i 1 f : L;.V.fti rii. -T. I raadci vM A soon,'t says your excellencr.' as; his vJVfaiesty;' was informed of this measure ( the nonntercotirse lawl it be came tus uuiy 10 jciaiM upon lire wmek . ncan vessels, not orHv witltta hjf own tcr ritorics; but also within the courftrics-uft ;y der his Influenced "Ih' the ports of HoIlan(h ';Z - Spain, Italy and Naples, the' American ves-', sets have been seized, because the Amerb. . v rita Ziyi.y .mi.i,t XVjmA .tl.a .. . -A -k LUfl, f!U4 fcttt A , Cfibl V,.il,. - . ' . '., -I ' :Thes9 remarks divide themselvtst ihto 2. the1 following heads J : lsW Ine right of his Majesty to seizd nd '"confiscate American Vessels, withih - : .his own territories. .!. -;f ? ' ';V ' 2d.-The right to do krwlthlfl the territo L : ; rie of hia allies 1' and - : ' t ' ,. -'.7. , ' 8d. The reason of that right; 'viz.. iV . ; ; frtiw tAeriC(tnhaasetztdtrtiich vmels. - 1 - The. first of Oiese subjects has be'en'al:s" T ' ready examihed and the second must b tights within the limits of, hiaallv eanoot be greater than within rus ovrn If then it . ; V f fc has been shewn, that the non-intercourse ' ,r ' "L law was mcrelv defective, in its object r 'i that it.was but intended to guard against J 'V'ii- 1 that state of violence which .unhapptly-prr i ,: i v vailed ; .that it was" restricted ia its opera-'. i tiorVto the territory of the United States,'-..'. and that if was duly promulgated there anl ' in .Europe bcfore; execution j' ;it will be I-";';;. 01 iuui ucMnjiuua . cannoiButnonse a i rhrasnreiDf reprisal, equally sudden anu ' silent "in its' enactment and 'application, ; founded oh no previous wrong, productive : of no previous comtilaint, and operatinjf 3: beyond the limits of his Majesty's territo-. (kiwiu wiuua uuicvi wvcrc;gns, wno; " had evrn iicifthe commerce of the U- ' nitcd Slates to tlieir port. . ." ' , ult is therefore: the tliird anhjecl only, ' tie reason of the rig'A.-which remains ta V be examined ; and with regard to 1; I may ,, observe, that if the alkdgcd fact "which ; forms this reason be unfounded, the rea- on itself fails and the right with it. Jo - tms view wi wie outness 1 may Oe permit ted to enquire, when and where anr sciz-. - r tr . , .. urc 01 a fpcncn vcsfcci ros uen place urr dtrthe non-intercourse law f.-mril at The" - same time to express my firm peuaiknt that no such acizure hna been made 1 ' ErsuatioQ ' fnunded alike on .'the "lU , tie e of the government and of the journals '' 01 tne country, ana still more wal the pti. tive dcclaratim of several Weil informed ' and renptcuUe persons hu have left A- l merica as late as the 2Gth of December bst. My conclusion therefore is, that r t French vessel havin; violated the law. nr., seizure of such vessel luu occurred, anel . - ' tlvat tlie report which has reached Tails i ; i i ' ni-i,!. ,l,!u 17... ...I.. I . ' ' L 1 r'"""': ,u"u-u "i citcumsranct alto gethcr unconnettrd widi the norv-ktcr " ooursic law or its operation. . . ' 'Though fr fi-om Uhln? to proW- till 1l1L.T- I ntii.M .-- 1 - i.wt in -Mrniiom rt. ' a I i V 1 -4 1 . 5 nce-.;. t ; malting tlw-iT-cat and autLlc r.t, J. , . wiwugm m ms majesty atntiinvai with ll,ard to lSc dcfcuiie ifMnxadottcd lv tl- Lniwd Sutw. ILe law, whkh hrww' behrvt It furnjh ground far n-jtl,J,wai 6r.tcvmmumc.tcd thU maiYstv in Jur.e rr JiHy lart, -aadci rt-inl- did not Uhh tt. :tc a-sy frf.i'n or fi-Jiw- uidnca-liv w. t I 1 ri 11 M i a.

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