IV . . .-.'.'. -'.' '... - -,.r .-' W-' ' 1. ti J- the. -Atncrican government.'' Far from tVis, its communication wasuimtdutely follow Vtd b;y overtures of ccammfd.ttioni which, i ' thoutrn productive ol KiO positive arrange" Hf - . meat; aid riot, make, imattcrs worse than J ! they found ttawu - -VVr; "" '''"' ' . V j , . Oi the 22d of August last I Was honbr l ted with a full exposition of the vicwYatid r ffincjples which had govcnwd," and which ' ahouUi continue "to "govern--. hii majesty's V Hv. "''policy in relftion -to the Unite ( States, and jn this we do not find the slightest trace of 'V. complaint against the provisions of tfie lav . in question. vIs' .;: ' r 1 ' At a period later than the 2 2d of Au' 1 trust;' ku American sjiip.-destined to par "of. Spain Vas captured by a French prira T'leer. ,i An1 appeal wa3 made to his raajesi tv minister o war, wno navm nimuutea ,1, x ...the case 'received ordersv to , Ubere'qJlx - metican 'vmek'dtttined it Sparu'$fcjortstt ) T which had not. tottdtidfhk inpe'riddKreet., V Another Amjerican'ship att a" point of " v time still later than the capture of thejjre- ? 3 .h Uedinias.Wttit Sato the port boa-1, j v onne, out aavwg vieuiea no iaw; oi iu f ' ftlaiestyas.acquitted.by'his couneilofl ' . i- ' In the long conversation fjiad the, honor; I . - V folding , with your ; EUehcy;m the! i . .'9rtv'nf Tantiarvv no idea of renrisal was: i. '- "onaintained by you nor suspected by me ',' V foot) on thecoBtrary, in'speaVjng; of ;! thei - , . i Seizure r American property ,in ppain, ; ' v you cjtpressly' declared, that: it was riot a1, - ., 'V, Can pro6K.be tn6re conclusye. that "( 'ft(m the first' "pn$'iulgai.ion of the ' law , ixqvnx to uie xatn vi January wst, nouting ihother rettin? tofeuf bnatncli la j. ..; ... I am tirk lie.' &c; - JOHM ARMSTRONG,: Honorable -R Smith., Vc-i'V-.'- '4 -. . r..- ' r J- ',t .' : - .' TaAtyoth March, 810. . SiiwTbe nited State v fishing to falfj their engagements; lo the .holders ,f the public debt in lOllaqd, but unable from, the present ute"jTcommerce to do so by the ,or dinary mode '-'of remitting biUYof tschnDge, foutiif it 'ptcestarir to enter into Xontracli with certain- merchaaU or the kaid states,: to make remittance In tohdtcr 'A cargo o W article was accordingly put on boaM the A merican'thlp Hera,' and uUpatched for the port of Tooningea in Denmark, with orders that the net proceeds should He placed in the haadtofihe American bankers la Amstcr. dam for thft jphrpose abovf mentiohc'h4 passage uaiui veen Ulltominuiil Jivurai7 the ship muck darrtaged and the ere w quite exhausted,; the Captain believed ;U to be his ,duty; on t,lie j?ritrcjplfi of self preseratibhV to enter : the , first port he could .make. He ac cordingly entered that of tbe Teset, and, ter hiving taken oh board two pilo's and be ing within the fourth buoy," Was "dapjured by ' 4 boat belongingto a French prjvstee'r.V 'St ini ioc cuiiainary papers, allot wnicn are in rule, the Hero sailed cinder ; certificate, granted by the govern meat; that the voy age was mderufcen; foftKe: purpose Ceffcctinj U-l hate ih94ght,'irj that the peculiarity of tnese circumstances tnade it proper tot me to ask a special decision of his maie'siV in tbiVCase,: and with ihtei ' vuew'.lwi the ho noropslTering to yoor excellency the present wprfntatibn.,-;.A;-C- ''-'j'- latgnrjl i i JimiN Alt i itUU. V' ,curttd to produce 4 change ix i his opinion. I fSliv-I bad yesterday tbe honor, of tUtine 1 know aott but the confidence I feci in I to ymir excellency tbe Case of the' American the bpen find loyal policy of hi - Majesty, h'P H:rt ahd requesting thereon his tnsjes. iy s aecision., -1 nave now, mat m iniurtuing hy l.the nature 6f renrisal was .contemplated Un IxctUtn ht Dm fcCntott i v by hi Majesty j) ::--'i .i-;--. Cm A.-- ,-4.4rv ' ;r;Vha tirctttntance: may ndve since 6t t ':.'-. "C-'v?:'i& March 8!0,t 1.! t 1 i altogether eicludcs th idea, that; th j rule was merely found for "the; occasion, and ( made tb justify' seizures, 'not otherwise jusfifiable. ;V fet ' ' .'';'. 'V I brav votir xlxcellencv to accent, fee. fccl - r-(Signed)r JOHN ARMSTHONG: " JW Lxctucncy the Vue of Cttaorc :r .minuter oxteriir Relatione' -.'J :'.-':'. '!)' ,' ' .:''i',!-v: f U'.Vv'v$- Jtxtraci of a'letter from gentra Armstrong' t , Jr. ioiitA, Jterf Peru, Jfird, 1810.: After seven weeks detention in Esgland, the John Adams has at length' got back to France. She arrived ia the roada of Havre . en the 2fl'h ultimo. ' . .1 informed Mr. Cbampsgnr, 1st. that Mr. 1 Piakney bad not besn ible to send by thif , onveyante the. result of his application to 'h llritUk eorernmejitconcaminBthe blocks .' adea of France prtot to the Berlin Decree ) but that he hoprd .to be able t scnd-Tt to a ' lw days by ' another conveyance Snd 3d. that if he (Mr. Chatkpagny) hi any thing to t communicate whith would have any effect of Changing the" present relations of the two ' countriei, and1 which he. wished to be early kbown to the Uhited States, he J would do well to let The know it in 3i hours, at the messenger would '.leave ' Paris wiibin that -time. To this mctsuge I received the foJ- ;, lowjng answer t That M for some days paU ' nothing in the nature of business end uncon - ' sected .with the marriage of the .Emperor eould be ttsnsicltd t end that far some days to come the same csvlte of delay wuld con tinue to operate that my letters were still ' . before the Emperor, that be would .eite the ' ' flnt rooroent to get mi some drc'uion in re '. lation to them, .Thiii yon see thaj every thing '. if yet in air. ; " '-";- ; . . . -a . . - ( " ;." ' Zxtrocl tf a Utter JroM Gtnretrmitrnjf ti Mr, Smith, dated Far!i1th )n7,18lO, . ' The Emperor left Paris two dy s" ago for St. Cloud, whence be goes to CoPRae. 'where he will remain till Easter.' .-it is not ' probable that I shall have m answer to my . propositions till he returns to Paris. The dv before be set out be csvc me a this to ' carry myself and Ctroily to the Uciied States.' f The' tninUter recommended thht I should , uofpin myself dawn to a day as to departure, at eirtumxttncit miAl me 1 it prtftr for me U aiflf tomevhol lengtf than I wm inttmki, ' The treaty between Prance and Holland was , ' tMtiScd the 30th March, end will be publish ed this day ia Holland- 1 em assuitd that It .V contains tbe following article I . ... fjl the merchsndixe conveyed Into the - BortS of Hollaod on board Americsn veutls einee the first day or January, 1 803, shaJJ be wot under sequestration, subject to the dipe aitiooof Frsnce, according to circumaunces, and tbe fo!;ticsl relations .with ibe, Vaiud v etates." -'-'.'- '" t ' 't .-i' , v ;n see bv the tony enrlosed of a decree of the king of NspUa, that he hsa put hit gains beyond tbe reach of negotiation. The ports of Prussia are opened to our com werce. .Avoid both rmssia and' Denmark ' w'U too have other assurances." - : ' Sifr-The John Adams beiaa, yet detajnej V .'I m able to infona you, that on the IHh a - . . .a. ... ,i;r.rn-t the as e of all t . J- -..! iiV.n In the porta of i ..4 th..t iha tnoneTBriimf tUrttroro f thouJJ be plsced n his tm itr. H has . Z refused to give up the $ ders4 that tbe case be brought be ore the 1 council of priies, where en ndemnanon nt 1 . . ;. ' t aend a eopr of a note ccsaarur . . ,.,t hicl Ibia iineieir wi you that t ttUmber of American ship com ing directly from the United States 'iqhi port of Naples, uadrr a promise of a pro. lection of ;,bi rnaieaty jthe king,' have not. wit hsiendinf been" seized and thelf cafgoti soi(j v r-tbtbenent or the use.". -Nor does the injury atop here. ,ThoUgh thus deprived of all means of subsisting themselves, tbe captains , have been obliged to 'Subsist the crews (amounting, nearly to JtiO men and are now menace ! whh a farther exaction for port Charges. ? This in he strong lan guage of one of the sufferers, is literally te strip them naked, and then to demand from them the expence of doing so, ''As the con. SUlaf" agent of the United States at Naples has made several unavailing representations on this aubjectrjo the &ng and that he has reason to believe that the sjiiem of wh'ich this is a branch, emanates from his maiestv the Empcror,'it becomes my duty to submit the facta to your exrenency and : to .seek through your intervention, such correction of the evil ae humanity and hittice msy' conspire to dictate. A remark which equal- ly applies to the Crews of the ships csptursdJ in Spain snd Naples,' is, that should the Vcs sett te which they balong be confiscated,' means ought tone a Horded them of rrturn ing to their country In this etent therefore, 1 have to propose to your excellency that two or more ships be put at thcdi. position of the nearest Aonertran Consul, and -peri mlttcd to -sad to' the United States under bond, for tbe amount of theiswaluatlon res. pectiveiy. .. " . .. ; l am, sir, fce. - ' -.. Signed) ( JOHN ARMSTRONG. K. . the Duke of Qadt'e, ' - V . - ' tmnton. i rx ; TUESDAY, JUNE SS,'l gld. - l The time for decision is how come.' The letter of General Armstrong to the Duke of Cadore (Chahipagny) in reply to his Verbal message, announcing .the attrocious deter mination of his Emperor,' speaks a language of spirit, remohsti'ance and truth ,whkj re fleets honor on himself as aMinistcr and on the nation he represents. It is only to be re gretted that such spirited and dependent language. -ha? . not -been' sooner used. 'It would certainly have been rtibre hondrabte to his mi.sion and would probably hare - drtet red the Great Robber 'of thij' . .WdMd Ti-ora( some-Of-bis iiBiustifiabla violations of ;Ame' ' rican tightM.l.:Napoleoh'hWlial' completely jthrown the gauntle'treatlng with contemp. tijous,idefiance thc.J Amerfcah' nation,' and1 'il-.'...f..i" 4.l s'u'.; mcnt i yThat' Congress1 will be (Concerted is probable "paragraphs. 4;papers "hear- the seat ot government strengthen tbis eipecta. tion.VlBut betur' for the people would it be,' that he msmbers ef it remain scparata,'than assemble! uiile'slr forthe tiurpose of exhibit- uig cunpucfc more vigorous ana energetic than can bevfbund ta their last session. 'Mr. Madison tannoieani tf enectiner anbtlier Embareo, then'wh'y shbald Jhe convene on .gfest if h does not intsend to rpedn.mend,'a ent 'nature front wstrwuona'ott: but cam- jnerce' t Vhv - iWe bore breat gratification 'incontmbnU eating to the publici that , we hate authoTi y to state, that Wiitfaii GasToa, Esq .will of fer himself axamlldaie at tho ensiaasr Au gust ele(5tiori,to rcDrjescnt this district m the' Congress of the United States,.. t . f date'to' represent the Newlwrn Contrressioaal District in the hcxt Congress of- the United vmencan? ; , Aner rcaoing vencrax jrm stwg!e letter, read the .two following para- graphs from ..the, Dempcratic- Baltimore Whig What think you of this Editor's patriotism, or, of his brother, the'cx-colonel Juanc'si j,, v-jW's rH ':'-"-iY Z.J At greater tkfltuih, the gteale the'libel.' V It is supposed that Champagnyrs letter ,jto Gen Armstrong', is cohderancd bulhls Mns ficldean maxinhi Itt contalnsxauch truth, not we confess, withoiltkan;iuslent raaiinerY out wgrtai is tne truth, -v- &ltainng at tnatit yet iwUortflnlt t'tamtt " Mettwho'can be very com twsed at Dridsh impvrsstnents,-who look pn tho attack of, the Chesapeake Vnh'eold inditference are brimful of honor and feclihg at the Duke of Cadore " letter. ? This blustering is a genui. in proof cowardice ye have waited ia hopes oi secmg the mtrrjiretrntatione in this' famous1 letter exposed but we have waited in vaio. ' .' ..' . . ' ; : port -or wrLMiNGTOTf. - n : .Ciihsrii Agftia, Cub P'ay.'W.ckt, F HtffJ Reiuro, Hojie, Phil.deipbia v,V : . y-V LEAKED. T 8chr. P.(tr,Wifki, NW-Yv "' " " . " . mm m wi jmi igai e J i J -P J ..ssia. m . - 11. f . ' ' - . . mmmmmwmMmmmummmmiAmmmmmmmmU , .f ) "A to; , 1 NEW AND CURIOUS . EXH INITIO, N,.i;. the AcABiten fitted uh itt eemmedict - , I dnd ftccent manner for the ftitrflOMe j ''"-Y; ; This EvsaiKft,THtfRsoAT, !c Fbidat next- 'This performance, which has procured tt - -its author the most favorable encouragement I'" ? in every part of the wbrld whereto has 'tie -ml hibited, -consists in new and pleasing Philo- u pofitieal Experiment Mechanical Centriv? : ' , ancet, 'Mtigit JTrft ana Deerjitimt. qxkh eov. ' In every performance.: 'will bfe introduced1 many striking novelties. ""2! . t Performanca t CPmmcnc at JS. Vcl6ck' V je.eV,'f,'.l'it. - ' . PRICES CURRENT. t , Dacon lb 8 1 D'-ef bt. 9 a 10 1 Corn. bush. 87 1 Cotton, lb. 13 a J 4 j Flour; bbl.'6 a 30 rUiveed.cask 9 1 Boards (li e inch) 1 000ft 6 a 8; Scantling at Timber rqusr butelS i ShlnHca,' 3 a 3 Si t Stave, (w. o. hhd.) 95 i Red Oak do White O kbbb Is Is Tar, 1 25 1 Turpentine 2 75 1 Pitch 3 $0 ; Bice 2 $0;'Stlt, 60 a 70 t Tovaero 10131b 4 50 a 5. V FOR SALE, . ' f On vrrt tttuenabU And acrommojjtinr ttrsif, Am excellent light Indon built Cptca k an handsome Paatoe, . .; I am also diipoed to sell a very convenient Jsatcr Waccoa A' Dost ju-t Coishid thst will esrry from 6 to T0 0O0 Shingles, built of the best mate rials and to draw , but Utile water.- '-'- - " ' i " . Several young women, with" Camillas ot promising cbildrea. I Apply to ' , . BENJAMIN SMITH. JuneSS. I : ... " - " If if 'I TaKC Notice ! - : THVT all perseos are strictly forbldd.n to buy from or sell to either of myservsnts, eny article without a written permission sign. to by snyscli, one ot my umiiy, or some other white person known to be generally In my eroploymeaU: v , BENJ. SMITH. ' '. June tft. . " ) ' ' t : ' ' ' tf ... CI IE Al GOODS., . . . THE SohKribtr hae recently received est id-iitionsr supply of . ', " , . Dry Goods and Hardware vis.- CalHcof s, Ciarhasns,Thra(lf, Tapes, Stock Inct, Cloves,' CerobsictU, Knives, Scissors, Loci, fcc kc-AUo, a few'psiror Fsir-top Boots an of which he offers for csslt only, at very reoucetl pnci. ' ; THOMAS WRIGHT. 'Jttr.e3l.-a?' ; , ' ' , s V 'ron Kdxartovtn', 1 8. , On the morninir of the 5th InsCa vessel was 'discovered stranded, on a shoal, about uue nine uiu iiaui uvui qo xjtst nan oi .......... . Mannas vineyard, .several boats were manned with hardy end resolute men, who had oftcnvrlsqued their lives - among the breakers to save others, attempted to take the men, who , were hamrtnor on the masts, from the wreck, '.A rapid tide, and heavy gale of wind, caused the sea to break so high. mat n urrisc loam appalled their stout hearts, and tbev stood momentarily exnecu ing to see the unfortunate men swallowed in the devouring sea. . J ft About 13 o'clock, Lot Norton,'jun.' Isa iah Tfase, Suraon Pease, and Henry Worth, tooK a boat trom town to attempt their relief. Tliey approached the breakers in solemn si. lence.. , Shall we make the attempt n As one, they answered txs I And immediately took off jt c ke t, boots, and eve ry in umlrance aiid prepared for ilia bold attempt I Vith re solution seldom equalled, perhaps never ex- reeded, they pressed forward through the breakers, reached the wreck, and took into their 'small boat seven men, and under the protecting hand of Provldenccbrouebt them Lsafe to land. Such instances of bravo hu TT - .tis e a man u y cannot ds too nigiuy appiauaeu, ror I too liberally rewarded. . Mr. Norton, who I beaded Uie enterprizer has a young family, I a ho depeM wholly en his Industry ;' had bo I lost his life, his family must hate been great .I-".'7.: Cavalry Notice. ;v ,; , v THENew Hanover Troop of Light 'llorser v ire. ordered to appear at the usual place of - ' V parade, half east,0 o'clock, A. M.on the4ih I ' ' July, equipped strreesblp to la wxW' f j, Jij Order ot the Catitmn,,. .-. . t u- - '-. I tst 'i ' 'V.. : ........ ' ; . -H', ' i r.?--' ": Altentiofv ! Kiv -' . tTHE members of the Artillery Compshrs V ' "f are required to turh oo' faroperly armed and . accoutred' at the Alarm Post on; the 4tle .' ' July at half pait'9 o'clock, Ai'M. C ; M i -y.' '" :,' barlow, 'tiW v. 'Jane 2 ,.'.', ,, ;f'i;r :q i. 2s) ?. 1 1 .. 11 " 1 1 1 ""' WUmiftgtdti Volunteers AttchdJ, : THE AViimlnglon Volunteers Ire ; ordered to parade" at the usual placc,.ln full unifotdv and completely equipped, at half past nine o'clock,-A. M. on the 4'h'July. ?? y . V r f jx - W.S,liASELL, Stc'jJ t? 1. FOR SALE, I : The T T" '. Prom SL'Ttartlitilomws. rnm. "--ptctcjy found, and may be sent to sea without any repairs' J, LEVY.: j ,' June 19. .1. . ''' ", - " - ' .' On Thursilsy evening last by the Rev. Mr. Kolcrt -Tate, of South Washlneton, Mr. William I. Love, of this town, to Mus Tntacsa MaauGaara, of Rockrh. ' ,.v.;.-''v-i.'5ji,7 ,v ; .Lately In Charleston, S. C. Mrs. Sian Sxith, aneilll, rttpectcd through life for Wr many virtues and smiahltf ou.iliUas.-J w .... .. . i t lis vcnrraoie uny was tne daugiiter 01 one of t)e f.rst setilers on Capr-Far rivcf and the loumicr ct the town of 'Brutntwitkv Fromlier were descended, II J persons, oT wnoin cnr.Jrcn. s grand chilJicn ainl 34 preat grand eluWrvn, were lmrj at the time. ei tiroccrjJMV'., , . , ' " . .Stoletr frora the Subscriber Stivte Srooa, stamped on the back of the handle with L, D. or D. L. st it is pruhabler that it has 4cto pawned in some shop, the, amount due for U sr.d a small reward will be given to whoever will return it to " - - ' JOUN WILLIAMS. : Junet8t . '. . . .v tf. -v: Dcihg about to leave the State ; ' i ' for a few months, 1 have appointed Ceorpe Duncan and William Waits Johcs, Eaqrs. , - my Agent and Attorney, during my absence,' ' to act in aod transact all my business gene " rally, . - PLTtR MAXWtLU . ' ' ( Juae'26. .' '. 4 ' ?w' f A, - r ; CAUTION! 1 'The Cepannership of Nathao snd Lott Williams has been some time since dissolved ' Lolt Williams having e!tainei poascssioe' of lb" books and papers belonging to the sah) Crrn, and procscCed to collect the debts, without coming to a settlement ' with tho ' subscrlber,or Hiving any kind of aat'ufaction - or security relative to the business, it (be cornel necesisry that the debtors lo Che sa f rns a ho ild be informed, thst the said Lott sviiusms is pot mhonita i receive payment r flAI. ttkaM . tlin.a iLmu. .1. . . u V.m wvm t ... , t.w. vi v vv, f7 '"I1 will do it at their own ri.k. Jane 1C. t If NATHAN WILLIAMS. ; - LIVERY STADLES. Tilt Subscriber has established set of Livtar Srasics, on the west side tf Se-. cond itreet, for the accommodation cf those Dtlemen trsrslling through or residing in this town, So may be diaposed to avail themselves of ihUeitaMUbrneot. I'.vcry lini of gralil sad frg, necessary for hones," sSall be sbunJan'.ly provided and f.iitullf giveo, and all due attention paid lo theai by the hostlers. The Stables are -qui e dif . shaH be kept d.an, and each stall stall ee furnished with I.hter every evening. v . .WILLIAM WiLl.KlNOr; N. I). Honrs tvS Cba'rsjo birr. nt ' I . . ' ' . '' '., kI .V '4 3 : W, p a

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