5 -I-.:- . 'ft ; -" ' t. ' t: f-. ps; 1 ' POEtUY..- '.' . u .. .,, ; t iiao90 ' i, . .v ';'7''; I have" heard it insinuated, that your fisper, jlstqo frequently ncglectedby ourfeniaJerhpau , ilnonde,; I shall send, you , a communication ,j Jitxt week, whichaccidcnt putinta my p os- v H esion, that will unfwcstionably draw the at teition of all the belles of Wilmington. ''. :.','TJie writer does pot pretend to eire drigH . 'ttati-y-i hut be seems'. determined thai bi-d. tall TJecom to at. I lur if&. I 111 1 """T r s consigned to the boudoir of the curious, tcf 1 1 1 A be; re-anDl' edt to the nertt e-eneraUon of fauM f3:n,u ties. ?.Vm-VW - v' R- T sr Tf' V V - :C w; n :f ' Uii L'llii ' : - wJr w urLmtlv weight, lJ 2 ;,;,-- , 1. - rr. .viVaie. l -A a, manure,, .1 " . laii r,-,- ---- -.- i.t..' prlsnt his enamOiftU'rith a copy ji'.18 trvii3cd he ha b'&fettation enoueh'iti diM tong tne number pt the ielectn ,, S-' -:iJ 'i . nan rtt 'ntTnir atfrttrti AhV. " lAttrtL W ..I.TX' V I YSTA iTT "xa 'T , vv nose ieavpst inousana sweeis aiscioae ; ; tVytth modest air t hides itsctaftav 'W Vf And:c'ry breexe-Us leaves afarms,Wu -' ''jT'M'M' 0 '( Sound itibashful level,1- M fVijiV Awd oft,uaknow;n pcge,cted, ,U.; - J'V ' I Ma iV3- - iIaw'Vi.iil7jVtharrofarnfr4 i r? i ..7, a" 0"Aw!i5gU!'PIWS WPft d be if 'f v-Slie thti Ker, kindlipg :ag expVe3t r ii''; r G leave by bocr, ' : : i.V J ' i-Ahd h5dfr;tn-hnnjtterctBtthy1readrt." till .i.kL.fl ji i ' .: i rt ; , )'.. :: i J ii ruie'vac ueiaoi nowersaconc, ( t -.3J.:a .. iL ..t u lit . - .... . 7jr Ana rals l tt 'head vxih modest pi glet . ; vlvVhilc on its little trembling tongue, 'r. X f" J fAiiSp '6T S&wJiicumBent K,ung i . ; i .: w, And dost thou think!!'!! Uave: this bWen : : The seat of'tnatiy jfricndlweW.:.;-,, v And thy fruit, forth' will bloom do more , :-,:m'."Mj Pwfr.will bers&..jk, .-( ;., 'h ', But know proud rose. ! 1 " :.Tv ''-"j ' : f -l.T PftiWA Jeal . M -ahininfc rneiv'.' Mi. i , , " ui sun awia me giooni dc ipcn, 9':,2'i c-t ; ,'t cheer the leallcss yrood," ; -y V" FfesuminR tool' the Wood Rose cried, Aud' strove iri vili hernhame to hkle j" ' ''' But ah I no more the flower tould" sbyi For. while she apokeprtransicTUbreeie 1 ' " Camt riistllng through theneihborin trees, "And bore her boalted charms away. And such,' said f,' j's beauty's-power f ; 1 tSke thee she f.dls, poor Vriflkng flpwer S v"r ' .'And If 'he 'lives ,her tittle. diy, jj :. IJHV 0 ITIItlVI VllLII lUlU -ti 2K And rot5 her form of every grt.ct 4 1 -r w . ' i And steals her blopnv wa'y. vvv,,; - K ; toj Ju thy fornv'.lhou Iffturel groen,v r, i " ',: . fair Virtue's scmbfaji'ie seotiu keen. In life she eheers each different. stae.'''-. : "itn'vfl transient rein, and Bummer's glow,' Aiid Autumn mild adroncing aiosr ; r . f The sarcastic DeaDifrom whose fatteHo , ; yoon married Jadj, it extracted Ity'fol ; ' i lowing lines, is tnost linmerciful ill his Istire Uptn thi ladics--.T! ere ! ,still grcal force 'V "tffid soma ffutVUt wKut'h.o writf svJt i ' )xt. '"""In a potK) whee, both sexes mcct,ifth tnen are eUcourVing any general ub- jeet, the Lulic never tiunk it tiicir boMmjss V to partake In haprfs?,bit in m Separate rjub enter, dn each other with the.priceand '(' choice of luce, and silkj and what dresses ; 1 . tfiey' liked or dis vproved ut , the church or jil. y kunse.. 'And' when you we among )04r i selves, how na'ur4lT,ttfter. the first comili n'lfiis, do you apply your bunds to each Uirr't lappets' and ruRlct, and mntius, as if the -tjIiou bnsiDcss T jour lives, and the tib'ic concern of the world, depended jipoii 1 Uic cu' or color of your dresses. As divines ! tbtit somo peiiple take mor pain, to 1 ' ' dfininfd. thant would rottbem tohc svedj - ti your si emplnjs mors thought, mcjoftry - and.-ppli'i 4icn to be fools, than wou!4 serve to nuke thcTU wine and uicful. .Voea 1 re ; Cect this,' I cutuiot concei v you to be hu , ra ui at it'ircs, but srt 6f species hardly a de-rea a!ove a rjul.ri which has mar ' Ep&aid the ctof'!ith Mflte ?!W?hj t would have you know I never, wear w y thing except diaiiopds. I ask your pardon (re plied the gentleman) I remember the time when you handed a great deal of paste; This; produced a great laugh which wus heighten ed by B ijster's io&etafe him oii the shouldeF jind drily saying, 'f D me Jack, why don' Jon 4ci Juni against the wall j. -,.- 1 . fLargji potatoes ought, to ,ba. selected, for aec-d, anJ then cut in (not;more than ) twa or thrfie, pieces; guch, seed wilK send ;fortii y a vigorqus shoots,,arid if planted tn a favourable- aoil, will.insure, abundant crop hirotatoa,! tnnve most iux. .sandy Loams, (that are nsl- too pioisU ir-Vir-y it' for iPoutoa Iq& idunc w far, sjuperipr, jo horiK; evert ttrawiha'y,r fiu! Icr, ik prefcrabU. to. ; rouen: dune; .Coarse, !!ittejr,Vitft..;tVfifljtiqt -nlrcep.vtb;imd joose,; but forward thfr gtbwtii "of them m jliis way ; the, ponTBWvat.nio'spberitk' air that Mbonv4jn.itJp8Ae'Mlftbir tHd litter, ScKtuyndjerg BepaiaUoatordecamposi Uotvtin,onSnjed state byjwidcli'the.pure a'?,may eeaxbiSr.'tyUthe itk!riiffldJaHairt! mabje.jnatte r. the ikhI t avhlla thd foul air xr .azqt fsaid td h th:loe4rof thfrlants s U eonjrjbute -V9. win growth othe potatoes. , l,tlnuk theloUowicgihe heatmodflofmi; king thcra.., Fimiiloiiirb: the ifrond inten- ea tor meni ; menMirrowttb aite which furro it,'bout Iwo. feet apart put the no toet,abp Qot.apart in the rows, and af:' ter covering tliem with 3rt, about 3 inches thick, stre w hayj Strau- or litter aver -all the ground tot. he thickness of . I or, 1 s inches . 1 ws Is .allithat necessary tobo -ddne, n ; THE LOfT over the Subscriber' Ware House, Nos. t and i, lately occupied as a Sail iiOtt, 50by35teet. ri.'.V --i . UtO, V7. Or BVRUW1N ' TH05E families who are desirous to be ptf'oyided witf,larr!is5e or to have them niaae ai ineir nouses, may apply at tntuD Scriber.Store ' ".' ? 5A:vaIuable Town L6t," ' ' trtJ A'rtf ieween Judge Vrigbt's'an'd DC De Rbtt' Hew buildiqir, front street. For further particulars 'respecting said Lot., -- A:'. forty- Dollars Reiz'ctrJ, ' Atewart rf Fnrtv TtnlTara iwttt - be given to any one ho will apprehcii and 5 - secure in the Wilmington, jail the following ' .; n ) in egro women? t tlarnet, Sella, Xlsey and ; ' " Mdly, IIairut U ull thin wench cf yellowish completion about thirty two or ;K4 thirty three years of age, neUkooWn in Wil-'f V ; mington, where her parent are'and fuppo- ; posed to bs harbored ip the neighborhood of - Town Creek Bridge. 1 Bu.a a short wencb. V her compUxlon similar to that of Harriets , V ' Xv fh( have reason to believe is secreted in WW town. Etstt is also short" wench, ter &f: ' completion deeper than cither of the others, , X U' Jias remarkable white teeth and speaks quick - ? , j ! V. uJl,,,'ca 10 e frequently in towtf , ' and at Mfr. Ceorga MacKenaie't plantation "i tlbput) where sfas ?ha p husband she is '' about twenty 6ve years of age. Millv is v "-:'i slender wench 9f xhi common Ueigbt, her -V V 'fV -"i i presenf occupU' by Jph and lBradler. ' The dwelling house nccunied by the.! sUbicribVr, ;and AVhai f, with t ge Cbfifeiuenf '1anjine7ultaUe for the recen.' tlbn ot.any kind! Produce. A"pply to ? -M I - 1 ' ' - ' - . II !8EDWAIiD,WjSLavV'tv. " ;( . hKas. 4ct 41.0 bbf .Muscovado. SUGARS. ' u aDout tnree ana .twenty years, of age and v ; may be found either in town or M Mr- Ceorga A;1' v MacKenreie's plantation., FortT dollar will ' t i r i V i ' diverti:rf tricka than any of to t i .an mil mid less inic'.ileTOUIamletpcnMvr.ftnliiht In i'nebc "tolerable critic In vel vet andbro c.!e an !, for aught 1 know, wbnld 'jually' . ktcomet .em." , .f The late John lM W, whose f&tW was i till piyiisr, fcftd ,v.ho h.4 occasionally pructiJ i-A in tho siune humbSa hrcditary occutxi. i Uun VinWE Ulng one evening sirutung b the rt;n fv,.n nith a pairtl gliucimg Lu l-s. a Vcn'lc.nin who was prrwnt re 'jj-iuW tt ikt) rmb!cd diamonds j Jil they, are, gathered in the fall,: THE1 Trustee t of the'.' .Val n. t Vierton Acad tnv inform aueh tat thirtmYs&itera ai kr in arrears orf)iccburit Of their subscriptions lo wards defraying the eipvnee of the building, which the Trustees tinder the 'authority of ,iu uuwnurn nave oaa creciea, out wtiicp remains unfininhed, that Mri.WUIiaiuWill. kings i ftUthorisedT6 receive IhesBms which they pcctiveYy'owe. V'. -i Ai tha-want f tiich e'bun'lding Isery sensibly felt by "parents1 and other, interes ted in the education, af theyouth of the town and Its vicinilyand the one rrow.Up bus rematren in its present condition for a consi erable length of lime.ta eondtto whirb ex poses it do-daily injury) for tho want of funds ) comp1ete.it. .It is hoped thattha gentle men who may be in arrears wiu be punctual in msk-ng payment.tp ftlr: W:W the fuQ mount of what, they severally ewe, whenever he rosy rail on them for that purpose, tf ' I lie, trustees cf the Llizabethiown Acad ttny, at' length Lva' jthft pleasure to in. I lorm the, puniis, thst they s,vo engaged the Rev., VV tituM b. 'M.zjioNKir, aa l'aitar nu( principal leacncr icsi.ne win com: tmence ihe important duties pf his station on o about tbeOih of Mr.- The oualifica. thnt of the Piinctpal are s well known in different paru ol the state, as , to preclude lie necessity pf any recommendation on the part of the Trustee-'' llts t rvicefc In the F'yetteville and other Academies, are gene-. rally acknowledged to hv been great. His Umtvrm attendance to the .morils mm-, ncr, and general 'deportment of hose who wfeoeen subject to, hi tuition, has ju.My commanded the' applaose pf both the judii clout and interested. '' ''", The pairona of rhii Institution, having sl-j resdy teen iubjec,l to consider'aliJe eiprnca in order to Tender the establishment both permanent and'' respectable, fatter then iclves, thst parrnts It KUurditni'cirhiidren,' prtlcu!srly in the lower country, wilt not wiikliold ihehf-perronitre and liupport. v ' The Trustee are of the opinion, thst the situation pflhi Acaderny is In every respect, really coromolin,' JB"ard will be a'Uina-' ble ingood hou'ts on nio'rferstc lerms. '. The towo la' well watered, and eVmrd as. ht-althy is any place In he lower count ty ' The Trustees htivt no lrsirtinn in asKrtrog, (baton tbeirpart great fare will he eiercNed ip'irder.i prompt both the rc"pec.tbility of the inti wion, and the geDetal welfare cf (he stuiients. t ' - - -',.. , , By order of the Board.; " , , ' , TilOMAS'nROVV, AnJW J. WRIGHT, Sarttarj. . . - " F-thyib. April S. -' . .. .. y. - ytuabU ' Ldmls ! . . " . F"' ale, tow for essh or young Negroes, ihe foHeng v(uUe property, ; , .That tll known pl.mtstioo, formerly (he residence my father, lying op tlie stage mad to Fsyettcville, beiwceb the 57 and 31 ni'le posts. , It U well covered with Cypress' and Pine trees and lightwood Alio, another piece o ISO acres, on the west side of the liver, back of Mr. William Sutton's Ilia, allowed to bsve the bet timber and light wood in that part of the country aud the whole of Jit lies handy to the River, Alto, cversl tkef triii of land in LUdcn Coun ty.. , Liksvue, Mm. Sat with a good Cose Mitt, on in txCclleat stresm, wi'hlo aTjnaHerof a mile ui tae above pUntaiion lying In New I lnoer County, AU th pre penr now otlcrtd for ssle it aituated in'cv healthy psrt of the country and is writ worth be atttntionof any one dclrou of purchts, , l'ig vslu Me ceuntry Moprty. Msyl.. : If KVAHANDRI.S. f Fitdi' Hyfoii Tea tv bt chfR, lot tod Lnm loiar by.tbo borflicti or. bind ; Jtw eift tffoiN Hi, ,' two tfft (ifrott4, rBibricli )f taptr fine cloth, tn4 j Crf ret kh I tulrty te ,od, AI' Ot whi'ek. he will bU low lor Ctih, or n,,o(d Oiprt N4lir-, vJKMUplCUQii.J. Sugars in Boxes, and a com- pleat atsortment ' of . Bar and Boll" rch Spifcea and INSUI. for sale by 41 May sar. ri JT, SMITH be given' for their deliverr in' the Wilmln. ; top jailor ten fot ither of thesn. -V , tf,v-A tWWlM.lAM If, MAClENZlEr 'Wr7& TWENTVDOLtiATf5 ft! iv A. r ! I ti j. , , .. J-T A F VB. Vf 'f , ' about tho 1st .November laM negro wnWiJ I pamed SClllO, between jeet 1q jnchei s1 and 6 feet high, f pyetow cpmplexion, in piidenr.Ja Speech;1 end well knowd aboutf WS. ' Wilmington. I will giyei the above rwar'i"i:' ;.v,t to whoever will secure him ip any jail, to 'X - '- ". that ! may get him again, or X will give on;J rMH muiiuicu uuiuri rewara to wnoevpr wui enn Vict apy captain, master or owner of any ves V tel, who hat taken hloi off, la l am told i &h?k- meci'c. i nereny wrn, ajl captams. mas ;" J .ters andijwners otvensele br qthers' fcm v- hsrborlpg or taking him out of the state Gt : :I y employing him in. any way s : -,: . a v." ..V'i'; s ' ' , W. F. 5TRUDWICP. April 17,' ' ,j - , xl i . ' l iCun-Powdet andTow Qoth, of goud qusUy, just received end for sale by ,',:w : D. SMITH.'.. April JL",i,;;j. --y ,:iai-?j. ;'': tt 'A.'.,- i' Fifty Doilars Reward. r'TIIuhscrier'fi bhop' was broke antey X - ltat ni cht, and ibcut thirty Ueiche$ ilote tliertirpm, ,with some other artidci which fcawiotbe tkaenbed.. A descrip tion df M marry of the Watchea as can at. present be recollected w annexed. The lubhcribci is convinced that thii during fe ll my must have Ik' en committed by some pvrson wcu actpajnicQ wicn me suuaaon of the sKop;-He vriU; 'jgjve . p revurd ot fifty Uolldis,: lor the apprtVijsjoaof the thief rn roiivlrtinn . v J. Cornwall, London,',No. 18 ctquble i" , . a. . . casi suver. r ci on ran, ijy, r rench horjiftntnl..' William PawrJum, Londoa, VMZj , hinyle case,l gold.: John, ' Jtffray, Clx"w' II. K C ' - A ek watch, act nmuixl the bezel and back, the -enamel our- of the back. One Geneva hilvcr watch; double ta&e. no name nnr number. 'iRIop1 Lawdel-, London; 79f, silver' face, idou- we'eisti. (Proctor,- Duan, plarga silver old fashion. Chas Jones, London, 4C74. drmble case, silver. t J no. BurpU,L6ndon,' SM, large , silver,; old (aahion. A single case silver watch, in the case the matk of a -crown ; Jth. Clowes, London, 210, dquble ewe, jrijt.' ltd. Norton, London, 21o5T ailvecvduuble case,' socond hand. Ihos. Ihompson, London, douhlc I case, silver. - Vauchcr, A Pans, 17743, single case, gold. . Tlios. Henderson, Co ventry, 305, jiouble case, ilt,' sctond buid in tht'eemre. A French watch,ilverr in the case or the plate, kAt, Le Chcu allart642. Edw.StevI, W'.Thavindon-' ble case, ailver, old fashion. W. Ratlaw, London,1 970$. A Rild French watch, the top or bccl that holds the glass is lost. 'A French watch case,' and part .f the works, say face, tc. A, am'all gilt rase, ,with some small sets, ca work". A dou ble case, gilt, whhtfut woTks or bezel. A small' silver watch, old fashion, Englbh 'A small English watch case, oil fashion. A small told watch, without a class, silk string, small gold -key and seaL Craw ford, Loadorn C82. , A silver watch half opp-nl and jewelled, t4J fashion, without the makers name or numlcr. ' ' t1t aJibvc are ill that arc rrcollected ftt present. , Wm. IIILLIAKD. FaycttcvUU ftirunrtf 18,1810 V ' ir TfT r A no nnu nn ' ; icunaway a negroicUow nara--irH ; cd ROBERT, belonging toC. Sc haw -Near '4fS 6 leet high, black and sleek,- well made and erect end very plausible. He. Is probably about Wilmington, orif not, may be harbor ed at or ner the plantation of .the late Mr" Merrick on the Soqild.; Ten doflafs rewsrd will bo given to any person who will appre , heed tha said runaway, deliver him to the sobieriber or lodge him in some jail. May 21. A. Mt HOOPFR1 : Thirty Jhllah Reward, ;) ' For the recovery of a negro man simcd BARNEr, about 4J yerof age, S feet ' inches highf stoutmade, of a good eppearinj countenance.' tDtL.ks rlain. has ,lor, hir.L . .' somewhat of i dark mustee kipd, one of hie -'v i ; V Barney eloped from mvDlvntalionc'aCoonrra i . ' i R'er, hear Cbarlton. South Carolina, 'is).:'.) ';J May IflOT, and ftpm Information mde hie ! , ' . way for North' Carolina. . As bis former ? , owner resided near Wilmington, in said uie, 1. and op bit wy was apprehended, but sftetv ; , I wsrds rnade his esc tre, and is suppoted to ha : "y " " J in or near wummgion. " II apprehended pad sent on (o Chstleston, South Csroliua, all res. ' .. sonabl? rxpencei," totrether. with the above . . regard, will be paid, on delivery of said negra',! ' . TimM Mil nvuirr . r Feb. IV TIOMAli BALDWiCI., -Ten. Dollars Ucvvartl. - Twenty Dollars Reward. , RAM.AWAY irom Ut (tfb(crilf th t$ St 11, S a Wll ar4 HAPPY. tbMU St ImI ftht lch SH, Soot !(. eotr (am pi t mm, i4 Ui( iwih ie lh (.( pn ti kit attmih, f iMfikt U kit CMtitliei, TSt tkt Iwtr4 rUt t It) i k,Wr 111 dtltrt lk (t4 .ra l 0 fybUuUf H Wi)ita, er Sua la (um,tl Wv4 : : ... STUAXluU, 'v An (VTC, red 4 ahitr,mesurlg Slirthos pctween the horns, 1 wo ddUsrp will be glr cp la aoy person ne anil deliver turn to , '.. . AYrfS.llAJXi!- ABSCONDED on Ssturdty the lwmfy first e-f .October hit,' rny Nrtrro C-ltow CBiELPSTowtor Cparitop". He" is tvtj known about Augusta as a drumrntr ;4iU slight and well ynsde, of very black epnsV pic,on i auouia icvi nine incnei men, ana yesrs oi age. ; lie nss p oerprotrK rrcut op ne of bis eye brows (wnirh not reroliee ted.) The above rewsrd will be paid fof his apprehension end delivery to tne, .or pa his kcing lodged in jail. , , : ;, 'December I. -.; . j,l ., . ' ,TIIFvy Subscribers give notice r 10 (boe.persrn who are indebted to I htm, , to cme forwsrd and settle their respective 1 accountSr as no further eredit can be gtveit wiip conveaiency to themsclvea. . - . i . NEATE at BBANSONV :, ; Who bsve for isle a srpsll suortmrot tf . Groceries ', toarse' Dry Coods ' - and country produced which cn be hsd it their store on Urqucbsrtt wharf, low tot ri "(v.- V j ..''-1 r ' ' ' '.Vf- AVinted atthiaOfRce, o : An APPIttNTICE BOY, who csn res! and write. 4 l eu, ae. 's ,- t WllMlhVlQXt tt. t. r taiPTio ivn rviLiiMtD IT','"-"' ' 2 1 AS ELL tf MGX AT!, . " r ' ' ' CONDITIONS , "V I . 1. Tastt DcLlsss tjJr, fiaytllt ia ei- eanf, er I'o?B DollAps not fU WAiP lhtfnii ncntiu,':. . .... c i .8, txfiuriptijr. tan h rttthtj for ) 1Vi timt than Sis Monips, .. . 5 Kifofxr will h diutntinvfdurtit trrtct, f ; e? Jrt;, pniii th mtewJi lt ip ii

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