feffSE&ft -At the County'Coutt if QumJ "5 Jill 'ibe1 fc: terl ol Pond two and Ml half mile lft flgtrVpTie in breadth, 'and 10 feet deep", ro a part,of 'the Green Mountain to the ike, Memprtmagog, distance of si esj devaating the country ,and affnphting the in lubitants through which it passed t toveringf the cultivated ground with trees.otonei, earth and rubbish from 10 'to 13 feet deep; and sweeping into the lake two sawmills, I grit mm, uiaommun shod, nve Driogei, m nvrae and a large number of sheep The scene i said to have been awfut, and hat the history of America does not record a more uncom mon event. No Uvea were lost; The ca tastrophe was occasioned by digging a canal through" a quicksand soil, to communicate he watervof the pond to mill-dams below. The pond was complete! drained. ' CHEAP GOODS. "THE Subscriber has recently received an, additional supply of " v ' ' . r- j . ' Dry Gobd$ and Hardware, 'yiz Cillicoes, Ginghams, Thread,Tapes,Stock logs, Gloves, Bombszett, Knfve. Scissor Locks, Sec. Sec, Also, a few pair of Fair-top uoots ail bt which he otters tor casn omy, at very reduced prices. ' ...... . . ,4. THoMAS ,WRIOHT. ".June 2j.-.tf s, ;;... J', . ' wanted: A partner In the Retail Business, who (an furnish a Capital of gSOOiu cons'eration; of receiving half the emolument accruing A dormant ;on wpnld b preferred, but, jo jactive one would-nnt be rcicctcd. if suitable tn other respects A hoe addressed to A nd left at the OJfite-of the Gazette will be attended to. ' . -' .-JuneM. THE StpscHbers being desiroe of baTaO cine 'all their accounts annually, to correct any omis?ton or overcharge that might un intentionally occur from i heir too long itanil- ing request alt persona to whom they may be indebted to present their accounts for set dementThe accounts of all those who may indebted "to them will-be made up to the lit July and presented for liquidation cither by note or acknowledgment: - r. nURGWlNlORME. berland for JuneTerm 1810, the subfceribera qualtfied as Executor on the estate of An drew Broadfootlate of said couuty. All per eons who are Indebted to the laid estate are requested t make, immediate payment, and those .who. have any demand against the estate- will present , them : for settlement, within the time limited by law. William Maclellaa will attend to he settlement of the estate, those, who are concerned aire re quested to call on him for the adjustment of tneir respective accounts. CHAftLlK ClALMt. : , .Robinson MvMfoaD, WXLUAMt BttAOfono, f ' ,.- William Maciellan, fafetteville, June 9, 1810.'. ,1 I' ' ;" "' . t Sm -." TO RENT, ; THE L6I Tover the Subscriber's Ware House, Nost and 2, lately occupied at a Sail Loft, 50 by ii feet. .. - i r ; , J , GEO, VT. D fiURGWIN. ; I May, j f y' v ; s ' We have the atiif action to'c'o'mrnunkaft, ' the verv plea in inlclligenee of the safety f Mr.' MCKto iAit, whose supposed loss, ''. Aiia family, hi . friends, and hi Country have ' ilneercrf but pfematorely deplored Jor Cf feral years. The event wai-c6ns'ulered so certalnf that a pension as votej ' tpMre . Viaa by'tht House of Common, to consi- - det iim of her husband' pubiie services, in - a f.rmr aei'uon ef parlianieijU'.'. Thia CUa " tleraarn a s, our readers will reeollr cty b " ' been long qd usefully cnagtd Jn eaploring the irefMrf .VMfa, and Mangsialjjope jtiay be jniertained that his.,CQuntry ' wUl bate the benefit J .hi borou and V fcaz tVduus, researches. Tbe whole of the mil at'iched to ihe enterprise,, above fifty ' Id number wiih the exception of three, are s ' aJiT'io have terUhed." The intelligence ,tf jrhUh- ate, alludrriand which we hope toon ' to tsi Tally confi-nVed, ha been received by the atttp f MtH tr London, O'pt.Tmftao, rrived It flloo'h, film Corcc. Tff viout to the departure of that vessel, inforraatioo lmd been received at hene gal by a eaiive of the Mandmiro country, who.arcoropanied . U . rRK, ajr. ,iaie the Jjieriof f a Beg? Jwd'Sansa'iting laai e wa anv- ib (im m. n h of Juimry. LfiU puawitU lhe G -rpor t fSfipegal, had, in, const ouente ol thia . iniormationw dirertrd hat a decked boat AhouSd iromfiliately be fiitedf gt to pro reed up the -liyer 5knearul Jor4be.iurQe pf ghiog a3taef tr Mr PAa,i4. b lav. neat of Africa. , 1 his account is turtrMcr cor. toboraed by !Uer dated JnSlarcMau, re ' ceivedby a vessel from Sierra Leone, rprflf D .D tucU. who writes as follows.,!.- x PtiTtlt me to lay txifore you ow in for- taailus resort :r,f ngaco ra' waica 1 4 good assortment of . ' DRV GOODS & GROCERIES "At th ,'atpre" ionhertjf r6cconie by Mr. OweftlQsnanneat door to Messrs. Geer & Avery which the subscribers will sell on rea sonable terma for cash or country produce. . . ! ! : MOOREW USHER. . Ali. otve hundred thousand RedO.llbd. Staves! twft.hundred thousand tact of Mer chantable Lumber, three" ibousand bnahcls AUtJiii Salt Ihd few bbd of 3d proof Kuat. !: v;iv7P rent, :r ; The atore at . present occupied by John and R. Bradley. The dwelling bouse occupied by the subscriber, and a W5haif,,with a good convenient landing. auUable for the recep tion'of iny kind of iodnce. Apply to , . January H. ' f , R. BRADLEY. ' K x , Valuable Lands ! ';, , for ealei low for ces or young TTegroes, the following valuable property, vi r . -J That, well known plantation, formerly the residence of my fat her, lying on the itaa:e 4iurrM"'"l'. between the 17 and 3 mil hrtkra.""" It' la well coVtrea iro.... and Pine trees and light wQodAlo, another niece ol 450 acre, on the west side or the river, back bt ivir,,vviuiaro nuuon s. ins allowed to have the bevt timber, and light wood In that part, of the country 'and the whole of ft liea handy to the Rivet. Also, several other tracts of land in Bladen Coun- Likewier, a Mas, biT with a good Coi.Mut, on rt excellent stream, within a Quarter of a mile of te above plantation, lying In New Manover toum v. ah tne pro perty, now offered for tale la situated ilt a healthy part of the country and is well worth the Ittentina of any oneesirous of pufchasi ing yaloabfc eoOTtry property May J - Any Person willing to undertake the fintshV ing the road which has been1 partly compla-i ted,' beginning U $nakesville and intended to lead to town, may be profitahly emploved by"J " . . N. B. About four mile af said -road -ie'- mains to be compleated. t : June tf- A ' fa lit. auDscnper db established a act rf L.ivtT oTABLts, oa the wcit side or sei cond-strcet. for the; 'accommodation of those 1 A gentlemen travelling through or residing iri . . " thia town, who may be-disposed to aaif,' -themselves of his establishment. Every kind' ' of grain and forage, Accessary far hoNes, - V shall be abundamly pTOvided and fauhfan p gives, and all due attention paid to them bf ' 0 the hostlers. The Stable are quite dry 1 ' shall be tept clean, and each .tal shall btf . furnished with Litter every evening. - ; . - ' . WfLLTAAI WILLK1NC9. ' V . H. fi B, Hrfrse and Chairs to hire, ,': A - for sale ,. v - v. '" .'A .valuable Town Lot,'-v : &1TTJATED between Judtre-Wright'. . A Dr. De Rosieti new buildings, front atreeti" For further particulars-respecting said Lou ' ' tpply to .r, .; ; jOHJf R. LONDON. tf. Ha Idr.sale at the .$toi'c for merly occupied" by Wataon tt Bloodworth, an extensive assortment ot .771 ? VrockerUClasi-jYarttf Groceries Among them, Hyson Tea, in amall boxes of 12 Ibs. each, luiubte for Lirrtuy use 1 Soap in boxes, and a few ct of fiue Pencil Watt, which h will djjpoe vi Mvt for cash, . May 14. --. - - - ... X- L: tf m EVAN ANDRES. CAUTION.) v ; k . The Copartnership of Nathan -and Lott Williams h st bn towte ihne jr enot ted. Lotf Viinaros having attained poiusaiob of 1 ha book, anq paper ; belonging .lo the ssld firm, and proceeded to collect the debts, without coming to a ' settlement with the tubseriber.'or giving any kind of Wtisfaction or'ecur (y relative to h business, l't- etrte oeceary thatabe debtors to the said firm should b informed, that the itid Lott William Iris mhbrijtd to rjceife payment fioro them , those therefore; vjbo pay him will io it at.thelr own ri.k 1 . L,.k f Jdae 3; l tJ - NATHAN' WILLIAMS. , U " -wf--vji .- ' MATRASSES.'--;' jr, TH05E familiee who are desfroii ta'te provided with piatrasses, or to nave tnera made at their nouses, may apply at tne ouo- cribcr' 6tore - - - - 'v- , . ; - ' TEaat .& Fostaixi:, April 10.;, , : . iTca Dollars Reward. - ..' . Rak.'aw at front the Subscriber about the lot h ult 1 mo, a negro boy named JOll N , about 18 or 11 year of age, bf a very dark com plexion arid very spare 'built. He" is cither luiking about Wilmington otis endeavoring to make kit way to Hillsborough. The abave reward will be given to any one who wi'.lde. liver hint to me vr secure him in any jail so that I tret him. . .,' '.. - v . ELIZABETH WATTERS. ...June 1 ' ' - ' ' tf 10 DOLLARS REWARD. : j . Runaway a negro fellow nam ed RUBERT, belonging toC. Schaw-Neir 6 fee high,, black nd sleek, well made and erect and very plausible, I He la prtbtbly about Wilnwnrton.or U nut, may be harbor ed at or octr the plantation of the late Mr. Menvk, ca the bound. ,ieo douara reward will Ie gien to any person who will appre hend Ihe Mid runaway deliver him to the subscriber or lodre him In some jail, r .'. May 15. 1 . A; M. HOOPER. .... Stopped,, (supposed to be sto fen,) Jrom a Negro. Girl, a Bank BiLt w The owner, by describipg it. fyg for tlslat -adverthMBvot2ul a reasonable reward, tnaf ' JSay ?aiB,.;,,AypJf Lli Printisg Ou.cej - , , JOUT JOHNSTONi, t . . 9mritilirt Id, Ilia Tn puWttanf e of instructSifii frorfl thC boa. Wiluatul.ui)ij secretary ci war ana con formably to a provlno contained In the Law. btindred dolUr reward to wlioevtf will con- v . . . e i- ir r n r.inisin. miner or owner ui in? tis w. Lvore.ii(h Teni -an intelligent J.Ia- " ;l ' " " - of North-CarolUla. ced- T who hartektn him IT, as I am told is honied... whoirs , I met Cree, and wbo c"' o. f. ! J c"-"CZ hh. Cae. 1 heteby warn all captains, mas- 1M adted ., ituuVtoMfi Pk', from the ' ,ke eS S offtrt'?- tr. and owner of Vessel, or ethers from lime'orhT.Urid.nibnta.eontln.piVAWca, ;bf rJ, fkh Ihat the Wg ofSego had hown much fa-- W"?r M ha flncc OTuui o , w V f , . - y W. T. STRUD WICK. , "rto-Mr.PA.a, and that tha rrnort of hi. Htf Lc. .fcen,"c; V.e ' U- ;; luttU.heu rsvaiuwriifiie'radpa. f I ' Ten Dollars Reward. f .. ,1,. v..... -;,i,;.i and 1S beloflking to the U. 5tatea bounded M. . . - . . ... , ,.,,.. , - t.tA , ' wT.,:. .f n nC U In. W nay iTcn, WJby Mr, RUN-AWAY from the aubaenber a " - ; ir . u i?Lh.s,e i.r vrt iy liniii 1 f-ii.. mmj thmv v. Jw.,i ll.al I. ilkla rl kU II a. JSC 11 laillilt t. V4 T 'I '" , IV. I W TV iimiviwi -wMar -pwvwa wr ,TyENTY. DOLLARS REWAlttL ' -v Run-away from the subscriber about the 1st ef November lal a nt;ro man paracdSCtPIO. between 'jfcef 10 inches and feet high, of a yel ow complexion, Im pudent; in speech, nd wen anown about Wilmington. 1 will give the above reward t6'wiioeVcr will aecure him In kny jsfl, o that !ntay get hlftr again, or 1 will give one H-v "sT ' . . . -tli, s . x uty jJollars Kewarcu' ; - ; ," Robbery , ,v ' I 'HE aubscriber's shop wasLrt&e int" X last nitrht. and abcut thirtv IV'.u t:rt stole therefrom, with 1me other' artic ic ." which cannot be described.' . A descrip . . tioa of as many of the .Wattlies" as can at present dc recoucctea is annexed. 1 he subscriber is.convinced tliat tlii daring fcf -Ifmv must have bee.n rrvrAiti'ittt-? htr wm r . .. .. .. ' - - . 11 - : . . ; jcrsou wcu nctiuiunicu wim me tRuatiotj a, . of ihe fthnrm-H( Will irn'i n rvurarit r.( v- fifty ; dollar, for the apprthensioa of the ", J. Cornwall; London tlTt double . case, ,ilver.: Feron A Pwi, tri, Freitwh. , hori2omal,VUliamDavfnam, -L)n(tjn, , ' - ' W07 'I single case, gold, . joba Jcffr. t, f Glasgow, H E Cc f A' gilt watch, aV ' round the beiel and backi the enamel oxf ' oihe bacli One Geneva silver ' watch, C double case, no namcuor tiumber , Bloay -Lawder, London,1 790, ailver facri do a-' Me case. Proctor,' Dublin, a large silver old fashion,;K. Chas oner,; London, 48,'4, double case,ih er., Jrib.Du-pun,In If.p, ' ' tit, lartrp si 1W lc unn. t A .1 tA 1 Case iilver wntqK in thr, cise lw mar t of , a crown." Wu Clpwts, - London, taA double ca9egUi,f, lid. Norton, Lontiqn, 21358, auver, dotib.e case, eceonrt hand, llios. nirrmpson, Iopdon, 048, double ' casr,il4r., Vauche. A 'Paris, ,17742, . stegle case,jgoUl. h Thq. Henderson, Co- vcatr)', 305,T doubla ?cae,- gilt, tccftndV , hand in the centre. AFrenchwatcK,i!vcir, . in the case or the platt a r am, 1 Che i- - llar, 2642. , Ed.Stet , 'W.'rhaV'invdo - ble case, silver, old fuAbion. : W. Kat!a, London,- P706. A 'gold rrtnch valvh, the top or Uriel that hold the glass is lfit. A French watch case,' and part "of, the works, ea)r face, fcc. A small gilt case, . with some Rmall acts," oo Vprksi A dou Ue case, gilt, without work J or te tcL A erpall silver, watch, o1d'faf.hioa, nglislt A mall t-nghsh watchxaK, pld fashion' A" email goli.watth, .widtout- a clae, tilk . string, inaU gold , krr and ncaU ; Craw. " ford, Loadon,6s,2. , A ailrrr watch- hjf . enpped Aid jewtll ed,-old fashion, W hhout ' the tnakeri name or number -;-! " 1 Tlie above arc all duft arer coHeete d itt present. r Wf. HILLIAUn: : Fm,etkV, 'February 1 2, 1 E 10J --'TWcrity"I)ollarVRcwardC;.':! - T AN AWAY from tht MUtk Vyt. XV fofinsnl C"m).I iuA rtC 'mbaikitMid on the Niger, bul Ihirtk It mi(be tbout three years eo. Mr. Paaa 'bad (sktft fwgr moih provijon for him ',lf and, two' follower, with whom he terl-d to proceed t Ibe eswaid, and'on- 'ward It far a the Red Sta. Some travel ltr ha had fallen to with Ms guide, Worm- .a him.that'ab..utlwoorthrt month ob- riutit to Mr. r' embatkatkm, k had - . t . J t 1 ' - . . . Lu at. . tee MWiiry cMtten m nn crtw oj in . I jniioX f I tun wh te Irln t j'-rne birds, fc.i' iha he passed Tcr.i'juctoo, in ihe fttgtil wtfr." ' nrgrn yer water prhilerljje a ma h-aiiathe l to .-of g, by trad a Ship-Carptntar, aadlrom lAtt, will bo kit Mnii.eloKU, tmUI It 'be. .J fcet 10 tftcbelto S let $lan, tormiry D decmed nrCCnary to inclose tlicmi-Of tha ' longing to Mr. John Hendron, deceit J. abov iioiic Ishertby ghento Ivhomiti He Ux With him grey, jacket ind blue may concern 1 J.O.SVl!'t .,. . I s R'.ls f,.kbilc; AUui I5.t lct n.i- 1; ! .'Ulcus, f. r ale,wi Geo. Purr; i .-!..' i Aj.jJv to , ' 1'K(",V1K ! UV.Mt, l Juno ft. .v , -y ; ".' : m . a . ..Ssa. fair ci trowser. At,r fit wue at oir. looper'a blufT, it U prwl.w. 1 e may U lurk ' ing lout in that neighborh-vod. i AM per ' ton and particularly ratsttr ii vettela. If 1 w)ed bot to harbour the aaid rvoawtf or 1 carry him oti; asik avrett penalUef the w will be enforced t:lnt then oa proof rrf .hr fact. . GEOHGE CAMKRONt April ir. r H tifl.S f-,f Mloi. mow! HAJtKY. (bout be Ml l(kt lacW h s)h,'tMivirapWtw, H- Otih la (h lore rs(li ekl.itC.l la kit c)Arfti TN !" rtvsii iU S ln tw hmr will iiif ! M (N tablctiUr la Wdwtvttea, OT ledet ki U htrt Wf MV f tot ' .' '. n v ' . WSobif s. UlrVLj, Stationary, &c; (br.sklo at ' tlus. office. T '''"' , , 'ajta aid rviums It JIASKUL MACRA TH ; .' , m . (joNomoxs ; 1 ' : ' I, T U ottAat ijfjr, fajaUtf eJt.', nar,r't loi t)ot,tat net fiJ witfiiW t Ie nr in mor.tht . ,i . . , ' . A't miuVa ea 4t ncelnd fir a ! liW I t Sia Momii., f , , 3. i'a ftaft vUt bt i'utmlmti w.nH trtt.rr jriiiitlr iin.'rrtlAAfrcwr.!i ru rtia-Y i

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