ft- V t - 5C -It f ) k "i S V, c f. . i-. or. t I . t I.'. ' " " " t. From Wailek's Coms. ' T-Ctf"tny Lady' Isabella playing on the lute. 1 . SUCH moving Sounds, from such a careless - touch I ; ' . , ' So nnconcemU herself, and wfe o much J 5 ,' t V bat art is this, that with so little pains , , Transpomusthus,ando;rourBpiritsreigns? . v .''ThetrembliivKstringaiibouthcrfingerscrowd . ' s And tell their oy forev'ry kiss aloud v ' II iii amb mAArfii trs tnalr thawm trpmv 1 rTouch'd by that hand, who would riot teem' . 1 i ,( ble'toofr '' ' J ' '' V; Here Love takes stand, and while she charms r 'th6 ear, " V " , Emnties his fluiver on the list'ning deer f '. . T .' ,' Music so sortens, and disarms1, the-tnind, t ' hat not aH affow, 1953 resistant flndvT- "r u Thus the fair tyrant celebrates the prizd? - -: ' ' " ' And acts.herself the triumph of her eyes': ' J ' '"So Nero once,' With harp in hand, survey?!, f - r r.ttis flaming, Rome and as It bVnj'd he play M, - ' WORTHS SAME. i( ' ttftAP0L0Gr for having iavedbefotf. i , $ They that never had the use, ' i . Of tlie grape's surpming juke, i- ' , .. : Ta the first delicious eup, , ""V Vl " All their reason swallow up : ';'.' ' , J, " f Neither do, hor cave to know, , " ' ' , Whether it be best or no. . '" " I So they that are tb loye inclluM, ' , ;- Sway'd by hance,'iot choice, orart,,' - .To the first that's fair, or kind, ... - . v Make pi eent of their hearn :-' 'Tis not she that first we lovii, ' t J liut whom dying we approve , - ' . - ' " A dispute, , it seemi, lately arose in one of '"K" the vhiyersittesrxoncernmg precedence be ,'twcen'doctors of civil lawj and doctors in mo-.-- . dkine : it was referred to K facetious proctor, ' ( who decided that b fcUstomar,( the thif ' ? Should go tyere, ana me executioner jonow I;. v . '; Or, Mat. ihould decide any yuung man who i heitUatet about teaming to' Juay i theddle. ' A few ycurs ago, a man Who lived at Allcr' i lanl ( Efior.l by tfude a tailor,' but who occa 1 ' : lionully could handle his fiddle as well as his ; . tieedle, on his way home, from- whence ho t had been exercising his musical talents, for , 'theentcrujnf j-in the morning the montli of June, was ' , " attacked by a UullAAltcr aevaral effort to escape, tie auempie w vciiu u u c ,. jioi , kowever succeeding, in U attempt, a mo,! . jnentary impulse' directed him to pull out his I , fiddle, and fortifying himself behind the tree ! , as well as he could, began to play; upon I which the enraged animal became toully tlis I armed of his ferocity, and appeared to listen j with great attention. 1 he affrighted Joo i 5nip, finding his fierce and formidable enemy io much appeased, begun to think of making Ms escape, left off playing, and was moving , off wiihout even the slightest desire to know wljo should puy the piper. This, however, the bull wouhi not suS'cr ; for no sooner had bur Orpheus ceased his fasclnatiug strain, t an the bull's rsge appeared to return with as much violence as before. He was there ' fore pJad to have recourse a second time to his fiddle, which instantly , operated again ; " fci a magic charm upon the bull, who became as composed and attentive as before. He fcfterwafds nudo several more attempts to escape, but all in vain ; fur no soonw did he top his fiddle than the bull's anger return ' ed, so that he was compelled to continue fid dllngaway till near 0 o'clock, (about S hours) When tho family tame to fetch the cows, by which he w,i relieved and rest acd from a ' tiresome and fsghtful situation. Ho I, per haps the first nan upon record who nfjy rc ally be S-ld to have fiddled for his lifeand ho his so Truly fulfilled the I'oet's idea, that Music balli charms to soothe the sa -. ae'hTCasl.,, ... . IDS THt. DVSCM'Xf Rt. fExtriictcd Horn llic rmiaucipnu aie lc snfl Pliyskal Journal," edited by Dr. li. . Rartmt. tl; 1. 1. 130.1 ' i .' i Last Summer, when I was near the set tlement of the Oneida Indians (111 the state of New-York) the Dysentery prevailed much, nd carried off tome of the white inhabitants who acnlled to thft Indians for a remedy. They directed them to drink a decoction of the roots of Olatkberry bushes (Kobus Oc- tldcntuUO which the y did) after whkli not one died. All who used it, agreed that it is safe, sure and sprcdy itirs; ' JAMfcS V. A. ANDEltSON. Aigest4,iao4.,;,;" :; .r ' J good assortment of DRY GOODS U GROCEUIES 'At the s'ore formerly occupied by Mr. Owtn Kenan, next ddof to Mssrs'Ger k Ary which th sgbtrlbtrs will sell on rea sonable terms tor ch or eourftry produce. - - - MOOPE tf USHt It. Atso. riia huqdi'id theumriil Htd 0. f Ihd. Rtsies. tw hundred thouisnd ftet of Wr ch.matile l umber. tNree thmissnd.bnshtH A'lum Suit and I few hhJa of 2d proof Rum. JM.y Si. . A partner, ui the HcuirBusiness, mo can furnish a Capital of g5000irt conshration of receiving half the" emolument acruing.; A dormant one would be preferredbut an, active bnc would, not be rejected, if btable in other respects A line addi'cssel to A and left at the Office of tlie GaTzettMll he attended to: Juf$. , CHEAP GOODS THE Subieriber has rec'entlr reccive sn ..j.i:ii .,t v v ! i"."'-' -,"'V Dry Goods, and Hardware Viz. Callicoes, Ginffhams, Threads, Tapes,Stock ingS, Gloves Bombazetti, knives, sossors, Locks, be &c Also, a few patcot ntr-iop Boots all of which he oflsrs for cash onlf, at ery reduced prices. -l- ; Has for, sale at the Store f(N merly occupied by NVatsoa 84 Bloodwortlian extensive assortment of - - , , Crockery, Glass-jrdrt & Grocerfs,, Among them, Hyspn Tea,' in small box of 12 lbs. each, suitable for family use ; Soiin boxes, and a few sets of fine Pencil Vore, which he will dispose of low for casn. A ; ' : Bricks for Sale.'1" '' fw n Oeo Bonrwln's wharf. Annlv to June 18. . , Tv. . "- X0T1CK ' , . THE Subscribers being desirous balan cing all their accounts annually, to orrect any omissions or overcharges that mht un intentionally occur from their too lonund in 't request all persons to whom thy may be Indebted to present their accountsnr set tlement The accountsnr all those wo may be indebted to there will be made otto the' ,st July and presented for liquidatioi either by. note or acknowledgment ; . , . BUKGWIN W 0141 El , " MsyS9. ' I tf ' FOUT JOHNSTON. 1 1 " .; f ttrartLLty June 16, B10. 1 In pursuance of instructions from tjie hon. William Kustis,. secretary of war, aid eon. formably to r proviso contaiued in tht LaWi passed t the lust session of the General As. TTTVr f I 'tK'e f . NDah-jC.irolInav ttd. nig iu Vila wiuicu VLriiin laiiav- n-i -jBO'-vr-tt rrtmint mo erecuon of fortifi. cations, situate In anuthville. N. .TU Subscriber has had inclosed such quurtiry of suu f.anu, as no accms necessary to bt kept free from infusion. The two Lots. No. l s and l6bclongthg to the U. Sutcs, bcundod by JVloore, tins Ic Hay streets, and tr Mr. Benjamin S. Blaney's lot No. 17, wit) such water privilcdges as may be attached o said Lots, will be left unlnclosed,' until it be deemed necessary to inclose them. Of tlte abov,e notice is hereby given to all wom it may concern. r . i . . - - ' J.G.SVlFi' ' ' Major (,'bmmanutig. MATRASSES, i THOSE families who are destreutto be provided with Matrasses, or to havethem made at their houses, buy apply at th Sub scribcrs' Store. - , , . VtT 8e FoirfAk; ' April io. : j : , ' 710 JiENT, ' " .THE LOFT over the Subscriber's Ware. I I"'ise, Nos. I and I, lately occupied as a Sail Loft, 50 by 33 feet. ' ", CEO.V.D.BURGWIN, .- Miy i. .. - : ' . r. ' . CASH offered for Labor. ? Any Person f illing to undertake the finiJi. lng the road which has been partlr eomrte. 't : pi .1!:;'.- s c..i ii . tcu. ocu'ii'tiim at oiiBiofTincBa intended to lead to town, may be profitably employed ly n.Jwinrrtn ' . 1. tlnvl l I.D N. B. About four miles of said road rt- roiinstobe tompleated. - Jone . tf. raltiablc Lands t For isle, low for cash or young Negroes, the following; valuable property, via I i That well known plantation, formerly the resideoca of my father, lying on the stage foad ttflsycttevtlle, between the 37 at 38 mile posts. It is well covered with Cypress and Pint trees and JlghtwoodMtoi another piece ot SJJatfa. tw the ,wttt aids of the river, back of Mr. William Sutton's, fi la allowed to have the best timber and light- wood In that part ot toe country ailths whole 6f it lies handy to the River. MUo, severs I other trscisoi land In Bladen lourv- ty, Likewise, aMlLL Siat with akood Coan Mill, on an excellent stream, thln a quaiter of i mik of ike above plansiion, lying In New-Hsnovir County. "Alt th'pro pfrty now offered for sale, is situattin a healthy part of the Country snd Is wtll forth the attention of any ohtoesiroos oipu phas ing valuable country property May I. if I. VAN ANDtJES .-i " en Dollars fovvarcl. AftSCONDED"on"Satorday the twenty-; first of October last, my .negro ichuw Chsrlesto op Calto. -He is well known about .Augustt as drummer I is lifrht and well made, of very black com plexion i about i feet nine inches high; and years of age. He has deep mark or tut on one of his eye-bro (hich notrecollec ted.f The above reward will be paid for his apprehension and delivery to me, or on hit being lodged in jail ."' : December 9. ' . "' tl ii. Mi li 'if .11 i'1 , Thirty Dollop Reward) . v tor the recovery of a negro man named BARNEY, Sb'out 4S years or sge, 5 feet 6 inches highitout made, of a good appearing Countenance, speaks y plain, has long hair, somewhat of a dark mustee kind, one of his kgs is much larger than the other The said Barney eluped from my plaatatisn ea Coperi River, near Charle.ton,. South Carolina, in May ) 807, and from information mjde his way for North Carolina. , AS his former owner resided near Wilmington, in said btste, and On his way was apprehended, but after wards made his escape, and is supposed to be in or near Wilmington1. If apprehended and sent on to Charleston, South Carolina, all rea sonable expences. together with the above reward, will be paid, on delivery of said negro to ' THOMAS BALD WICK. , Feb. . r, , - , 10 DOLLARS REWARD. s feet hiehi blark and sleek, well made and erect and very plausible He" is, probably about Y''lminKt0,nPr it not, may be harbor ed at or near the plantation of the late Mr. Merrick, on the Sound, 1 en dollars reward will be Riten to any person who will appre hend the isrtd tur.swsV. deliver him to the subscriber or lodge him in some jail. v. My 32. ' a. n. nuurcni V !' Ten Dollars Reward. , " RUN-AWAY from the subMn iber a negro relbw named TONEY, about 30 or 35 years of age, by trade a Ship Carpenter, ad from 5 feet 10 inches to 6 feet blah , formerly be longing to Mr, John Henderson,, deceased. He took tiit n him a grey jacket and blue psir of irowM-rs. As he ban a wile at mr, Hcoprr'). bluffl it is probable he may be lurk ing about irt that' neighborhood.,. AH per sons and particularly masters of vessels, arc warned not to harbour the said runaway or tarry him off. as the severest penalties of the Ik m will bt entoreetl attinst them n proof I :- I..M I April IT, "TWLNTY uvllllnUii MbW.tKD. ; Run-away from the subscriber about the lat of November Wt ntgra man' named SCIPtO, between S feet 10 Inches and 6 feet hih, of a yet ow complexion, Im pudent in speech, 'snd well known about i Wilmington. I wiil give the above reward to whoever will secure him in any iiil, so that I may get him again, or 1 Vil give one hundred dollars reward tewboevrr w.H con vict any captain master or 'iwiterof any ves cl who has takrn btm cfT, as 1 ant told is thecase. . thereby warn all captains, mas ter and owners of vessels or others fiom harboring or taking him oat of the state or employing him In any sv. ' .NOTICE. . , ' At the County Court of Cum berlmd for June Term t B 10., the subscribers Jual'bed a Lxecutors on the estate of A ly re w Droadfootlat of said couuty. All per sons who are indebted to the said estate sre requested w make immediate payment, and thue whn have sny demands -agsin.t the eatHte will present them for settlement, withm. the time limited by law Wifliam Maclrllan will attend to the settlement of i the estate, those, who are cwerned are re- ! quested to call on him fnr thi adjustment of their respective accounts. . ' ClfASISS ( BiLMtll, ' M R stasiir Mostrnip, Jun'r. 1 K . . WlUIAM BSABTOBO, l"r William Macleliaw, J 1 rsyettoville, June t 1810. . ' 2m Stopped, (supposed to I be sto len,) from a Negro Girl, a Bavk DtLt f tW hna. l jlaael-.!aw It Kttfiafi ttB tkisi advertlwmf nt, snd reasonsblt reward, msy have it again. Apply at the Printing OHice. May 38. tf LIVERY STABLES. lilt. Subscriber has established a set of Livsbt Sf asiss, on the west side tf Second-street, for tha accommodation 14 those gentlemen travailing through or residing in this-town, "who may be disposed to avail themselves of this establishment,1 Lvery kind of grain and forage, necessary for horses, shall be abundantly provided snd faithfully glvtn, and all due attention paid te them, by the hostlers. Tho Stables sre quite dry shall be krpt clean, and each stall shall bt furnished with Lltttr every tvenlnr WILLIAM WILLKlNfcS. fit D HorsLS and Clmlrs to hire. , ' Tor sate at the H Vmingioh Bookstore : , DaJRQBEHTSQN'S CltESRATtD . STOMACHIC ELIXER OF HEALTH j . 'i 1 (Price me dollar and Jifij cents.) , Which has proved by thousands, who have I experienced Its beneficial effects, to be the i most valuable Medicine ever offered to the Public, for speedily relieving and curing the cramp, pains, and wind in. the stomach and bowels, carrying oft superfluous bile,-remov- . mg, habitual costiveness, sickness at the sio- I roacn, severe neaa acne, kc. - 1 1 , r For the dysentery or lax, cholera morbus, severe gnpings, and other diseases ot the -bowels, and the summer bowel complaint in children, it has proved a certain remedy, and restored to perfect health from the greatest debility. ' .' ; , ' ' Persons Sfthcted with pulmenary conU plaints, or disorder of the breast and lungs, even in the roost advanced state, , will find " immediate relief. " Common coughs and e'olds which are ge- . neraily occasioned by obstructed perspira . tion, wilt be found to yield to its benign in Alienee in a few hours " . , .T . In asthmatic or : consumptive" complaints, horsenets, wheesing, shortness of breath, and the hooping cough it Will give ImmedU att relief . - ' - t , BR, ROBERTSON'S , ' 6olit and Rheumatic tJrojs 0 ' . f Price tvo Dollars. ; ' ' .'A safe and 'etTec,tlial cuie forthe Gout, Rheumatism, Lumbago, stone and gravel, and body stiffness of the Heck, chilblains . froten limbs, &c. ' ' , . - ' , ' ' DR. ROBERTSON'S. . . - 1 - Intallihla ' A - Vbriri Destroying Lozenges. . A medicine highly necessary, to be kept in -- all families Price 50 cents. SBBS-aassassM-ax-o-p--aBBMkwa ; f . Twenty Doljars Reward. . :, RAN.AWAT frora ht tabferiber ea the ijtb Sept. laft. s Neito follow Bim-4 HARKT. about fia ' fed (ht isciiaa high, Saol bailt, corfe comploio. Sad larc tacib ia tbt iore part of his month; plaafibte r la ais coaveninoa i aa abova leware win m it u wbemtr will atitivcr tha Iai4 fto to tha rabtenber . ia WilmiBjtoB, or lodge kirn ia Come jail wberct aaav bo got. ..:, ' ' ? Uaobrr t JAMKS USHEK. ' ' , Fifty Dollars Reward. . - - Robbery! V THE suhscriber'a shop was broke into lastnightv and abct thirty Watches it6Ie"lftere.nnii,,wiUi some other articles which cannot be described. A descrip tion c(f as many of the Watches as caii at - 1 present be 'recollected is annexed. , The v subscriber is tonvince,d that this daring fe- otif miiRt have been 'committed by - some . person well acquainted with the situation ' of the shop. He will 1 give a reward of' fifty dollars . for, the apprehension of the.' th'u-f on conviction. , ' J. Colnwall, Lohdon, -No. I87t tloublo .' case, silver, Feron A Paris, 1 79, French horizontal. William Dawnham, London, 9y07,v single case, ; gold., John Jcfiray, Glasgow, 11 K C. A gilt watch, ' set round the hcZcI and back, the enamel ouv of tho back. . One Geneva sHyer "watch, . double case, no name nor number. - Hltbty Lawder, London, 790, silver ' face, ddu blc case. Proctor, Dublin, a lartre silver old fashion. Chas Jones, London, 4674, double case,silver. Jno. Bur-pull, London, 264, large silver, old fashion. A single case silver watch, in the case the mark of n crown, Rh." Clowes, London; 6210, double Caao,, gilt. ' Rd." Norton, Ifndon, S1358, silver,: double case, second hand. Thos. Thompson, Londdn, 2848, double case, silver. Vaucher, A Paris, 1 7742, single case, gold. Thos. Henderson, Co ventry, 305, -double .-case, gilt,' second ' hand in the centre. A French watch,silvtrr-; in the case or tlie plate, arakn, Le Cheu allar,2642, Edw.StetL W. Thavin, doa. lie case, adver, old fashion. W. Ratlaw, ' Londwn, Srofi. A: gold -French Watch,, -the top ot bezel that holds tlie glass u lost. ! A rrench watcn case,, tnd part of thd i works, say face, 8tc. , A; small gilt case, I with some small sets, no works "A dou 'blc case, gilt, wiihout works or bc?.cl. A ' small silver watch, old fashion, Lnglish A small ttigUh watch ease, -old fashion. i; ,",ua1 " ""lVH. . string, small gold key and seal. Cruw- tord, London, C82. A silver watch half capped and jewelled, old fashion, witliout th nvikers name or number-. " . 1 The above are all that are tecftHef fed at prtsonu -- l - -1.WsIIIU.IAUa-ruytLxUk, Ithrwry 13,l8IO. . , rLMiVCTOaV, . . . ; ' iitxs ao rusLiflrn bt IUSELL V MAGRATir. . ; ' CONDITIONS . I Tasst DoLtABf 0 jeat' faaNs i uL anet or poua DolLabS if pel paid Wi.Ajs) tkt frtt lit rnontht. 1. V luhnriMM to h ttctiotd Jut 0 Ult flMefAeaSie MoHtbs. ' . 3. Aiifijfxr 9U bi ditremtinutd until errtor, e;i ortiettUd, until the ortovntt fafmt itiuit 5 V" t I T if