' i .... . - 1 I. 1 1. 4 V ,..., TUESDAY, MAY". 12, 1?12.- ' . "tARtL HoLxes,' jun. csa.: Kasbeen elected baenit tor the tountjljot Xycwtllan- W -W "J .... (MV1 IV 1 TOWtf MBETTAXt v&ime conversation has Jatcly taken placeT on the expedience of calling a meeting of the inhabitants of tltfs town and its Vicinity to, r petition Congress on the present akirrrfing ' state of tlicroutttryi' a mcctimr not to orifct- Cate t br eSnoctei In the spirit ; bfrprtyl bu on the broad principle of general gpod. -t EveryAmericao'ofwhatevrWiticalpe vf V t' ''suasion; mtiat see, feel, arid deplore the pre- S ( ll , " v sent disastrous state of the country i a state j V ' too, whkbittader- present circbm3tahces,Tex ? ' f'J-.i 11 hibks V mournful prospect of becoming v ' s ' -worse If this reality 'of present evil, ma . , y and oppressiyc, and this apprehension of i utuf ones;menacing still Jieayler calami- ',''. ties, be even partially true, a meeting of our - ' - . ", citizensrto consult on luchr inSportant con - 7 ' cernilVothy;-V' sttfrati&-'Jinaf lead to goodf it can te productive of no III Speaking as i raerBpartUan of a party," we : (' ' uJhtf perhaps, to discourage it, y The raa- ) lonty tn v"srosa ic on peculiarly cucwra tanced, that tney. require some application : '.from the peopleto; justify them in tfcin?he probably frtt, nd psrhapsony 'step that V will extricate us from pvlr present embarrass ' xnents, 5 But refrain from this Application andtlie WOj so, pledged that' that rapid de- cline of ,popUjarityr wbiclt; W noW taking ' ' rlace will bo j jiwyitably accelerated at ; the Northward. ln NeYorkVNow Jersey and "' JPennsyltania and all the NewEngtand BUtcs; meeting composed of all parties, have been - called, and.a degree of mion,vthat should be hafled aa, the, harbingee of future harmony and consequent prosperity,, and cherished on every, principle, of expedience and by. every sehtimentbf patriotism, ' has been exhibited, ; ' and U veil worthy "of ourlmltaiion. Th,e ) Southern Section of 'thcUi States has been! I ,' ' posed to war. ' jCthls sentiment bclncorrect I" ' l' itbehovestis to undeceive our government' I j to inform them ihow erjdusly and. earnestly edwithoutisgrace, .that it can e svylde'4 witliout disgrace to the fleofile as we verily believe, s we 'confidently assert,.?, Cv "By the subjoined extract,'1t will appear that Mr. Madison hasTttot only disavowed , J the lata acts of Commodore Campbell and -. Vjetl BlSiVUCW, . uuk nan uiugicu iiitu ici n- 1 tory and port as "bare been ,takn from the Spaniards, w'l)0 restored to the biTieert bf tht tmvrmmenL This is a (rood svmntom i - u eWes countenance to the opinion that war -' is not Intcnaeaj lor wnatioiiy wouiau oe " to give up. acquisitions, however made, to al ' Power that would in case u a war With Eitg ' - land, most probably become our enemy. But ' shall we 'credit administration in tbelr de 1 - ' "eiaration that the cbnduct of the Commodore 1 w. ' Bnd the peheral is twt only unauthorised, i ' kut is, also ; condemned by them?- Credat 1 . .1 JuXd'ut Jtfitlla",nqiitso ,'What shall we say i j y . ,f the; letter Cni. Monroe wrote to General ' " - MartiewMft extract of which 0 en. Mathews I ' V ' " enclosed in a letter, as authority fpr. procu ' - ring 1 re-mforccment from the V. S. troops ! . i stationed near .Charleston, S. C. ' ThU K f.ct i notorious'in that city llis request, , it is true, was not complied with. Orders i ' 1 . from' the peclficlly proper department had ! . - -' " fjotbecti received, and Gen. Mathews's au'. : ;thoritr. with CoL Monroe's letter to back . . him. "was. vert properly deemed insufficient ' " But this transaction proves lonelutively that ! .;. BdmlDistrationdid, sukrosa, encOuraM fh 1 A '.. , ' t-ntemrize.. Ther had not Bplriitodoopeiw ( ' 1 'I. lmt Insidious policy 'tempted tbem totf-- feet in secret, ana wnicn mcy npw juu.ani iMonslv denv But. neither Cvm.Campbell nor Gen. .Mathews, nor CoL mythe will Umely submit to "the ignominy' which their ' rulers are ' he Aping upuii them :' the, shft vill recoil on the arm which Pd it, and co ver with confusion the authors of a trantac " tii,whdoo shrink from the responsibility 'of their own', crooked policfi . Such ar the, ' fruits of the trtt of democracy, plotedby Jefferson, and watered and cherished to the , ' maturity ofevil fruit by Madison.' , ' . ' - I NTF.U F.STI N(t LETTE R, '' ; A-irrtf akitc from a pr-iiUcmn a Srftnnahto " j j,e tdiior .f tlie Cirkr.'. 1 -V ' - "Savanmh.Wt J fin), 1812.' ' . nn iiI rive - Vou the ncus here , of to-dav,wV.ili vu will find pretty cor-rftt-Gov. Mncei.U. mrlvtd.hcre this inornin, and act oflja a Uw-hours aficr- -'ards lor Duritwiih all !KCcl. on 1ii ' wv lo Amelia MunsV.to- take the comn f . . ........ am.! .Lru-hlliH ill m.iuil iron wiiviutvi jljn() o .the Spar'f.h tmjoaodjut, y. !ihcr,Vith uny wIut pv luh , ' vhith jti U ia tin puMcsiion ef t:ie L. -m. nni to'as.Mu-e lira of Cc iliapmpbAUon - four covcmnitnt mUH the privet -uingn of MA rnrwi Jrl CAJirKrU-lie armor's inorl.tmalion ti tmvf JMintin ' JiJl'nf uiwn ibe America, Cmvnto n- ftain low fuii'M-r rroc "''"C1 "'V-;'"1 coloin', . owe homr, umtr-r j rnahii.s if. h f,ir that rnUy lii'-lui s. 11 rot riuir lms rniu-doutrmclloinaiMl liuutii ..n -hftrce his firJrjk In f arof ttc, nnd die' CdVernor X'oMcredc-tt eforer Ame-j Ha Island upto tin; Spanish authorities on 1 or before the 30th in',t. agreeably to a pro- -' A feroud fay foriFedcrhfiani - vf , t-'Waa -thatf vnen the city Df-New.Yorlt in all tha. majesty of incensed patriotisnt arose, aad turoing; ixer oacx on her former advisers and rulcrsrth& Satellites of Jeffer', son" and, Madison, lifted into office men Av horn calumny had driven from it but into which truth, patriotism and- policy wbolc federal ticket tormemaers to Lon press, Senators and members Ur tbiir State LegisUturef has succeeded by ft handsonis majority The stream Cpf fttblic opinionf has passed the ?, standing; Jictnt Which Suc ceeds the top otfiood, the eU of democra ty, a word whica h'as no afnhity with true republicanism, la already moving with rapid current. ' - 'A i ; , A WORTltT REPRE5E?1rAtlVK7 1 V; Humaniryrrsjlf art the pnssSfiTr-oft W the hearts of all ywid men avlrtiibus brta5l" feels ycipittfiy for the dirtress of others ; and esrem foniri, involuntarily n rises 01' him. who steps forth to idminis' tet tlie balsam of relief. With audi esteenv our. bosom was1 Impressed for thar worthy rejiresenfativer 'from our state, Nathaniel MacOB when wc read his humane"; exer tions' to relieve'.frpni''fartiine' the devoted inhabitants' of LaguiraV the ' , Qarra.cas,' infl 'Temieriffe.' 1 It .reflectahb'nor. on the? ll. 01 1 tnat wiy auopiea v unoui a uis- r sendetrtr joiee,the: motion - of DV(, Mf ott' as tar as., respects tne twTi wiirst mentiunea places, and while weTeeret that a too scru pulous sentiment paused on the assistance that was intended lor the unhappy "survi- Vort'in TenT6rifie it is still satisfactory to observe, that a committee is instructed to enquirtj into and report on tlie real state of that iifflictcd i8land...j f fc . , . TIW BUREAU.' -: ' " If gives us 'pleasure to Announce the'ap-'- pearance of this Literary work. . Without having seen a single number, we would ha zard a recommendation of it in terms almost vnqualiued We know that the Editor poa- "pessesa ve; satility of talenu, a strength ,of unaerstanaing, an eloquence 01 leeung, ,a power of lucubration, and a vein tf spM-tive. humor,' that 4iave rarely been equalled.': , .'. Subscriptions fojhe above received at ithU office. . .'..',.".''..-- .;:;" Ma, HAiBtV i ? - . . 1 i ... . In looking tover your Gazette of last Tutsdsy; I observed, a publication signed M A visitor courting Qttemfi tinged ridicule an address to Mr. Benjamin, of the 28th ult. bn the subjeat of visitors to tbe;lnging school." 1 w'isbrto observe to you, Sir, that it is not uncommon with a littl -visitor courting,"- to nuke observations pu expres sions in common '"conversation, When the least grammatical error U' perceptible, and that he has,' since his residence here, receiv ed the appellation of a critic j and perhaps it may be correctly asserted, he has sometimes felt "disposed to be cynical. j .. ;-'.. Viewmg tne puuiicatioo,i a &cboiar"t either a smanating from Mr, Benjamin or himself, the right to publish it cannot be doubted, and the least unfavorable construe tion that (an be put upon K is that of selfish ntss. ' 'The evil complained of bv the Echo lar, no doubt might be remedied la some o. ther manner than the one hi bis pursued, less calculated to give ofTence to those whp ,wr partknUrlf InvllotTby' Mr, Benjamin or (IIS scnQiar. , urn inc mjn'cuicu, t was mrnrlaxl hut lill niori in. whrrt n the correct, the charitable, modest and diffi dent little. " courting visitor" made hilap- pearance. - Whether it was bis Wteatioo to ridicule the publication of the Scholar," to Compliment Mr." Beuiumin, or to assert a right which he had long enjojed, that efat temlitig the smging-scbooj in the character Ul n, WVAI vA' pvast fiv wii" csrulo. 'I As considerable solicitude, has been shewn to discover the author of the "courting vii tor,'.for the grat" Beaton of i,ho.e who are; tinacouainted with Uie sutl or of itus u sub lime and beautiful" piceof comiiositiofl, I will endeavor to give you a short description of Uils wonder (not of the world) but of the street that contain! the J statuc-iie is aijout tour irei v incuts nign tolerahlv fAiear set, not very light complex" Im, of a marked plusiognomy, and bamg that cbolra a country maid once enjoyed, of . sclcctuig her irt, h ssys that black suits my rwnpleiion wst " therefore ha)sge nerslly tll In s'ble, bijt possessing sn frminait mind, he Is sometimes led into tfTrmintU ha14ts, and you see l.'.m clad very often (escluiive of his umbrella) lit that spc- 1 cict of c oihinr inunded fur tlie ladies, vlt. U Is known also by Ml pe- Ctfitic manner, and wearing awatch-kry a- bout the sue ofa Urge I (in ! acnoiai, oui wen 1 ,niiy!u, 2yuU point ou many gramnutir U errors in the communication of the courting visitor," and )rust that should It apsln appear in pub lic iili hi lBalign,Mt remarks, rkholars" will net Mr fouf.a nung to answer Ihem. TI.C' Lean. AVe .iiadexstand that abott "1 ow-uuu aoiiars only was subscribed at the two . iianas la this- city on Fridwy and Saturday, . i-. -r r . . jCAaricifcn pafief. Sa'WBo s address to Philms.is necessa rily pponed' r ' i e. ' MARBflED, in BUden'couhty, Major DIED On the J 1th inst! WftiuH Camp . ii.t, Esq. a native of ihu town, t thsad-,, avileEe of 78 years, beW the Erst while tale icifrt Jsl' this plce. lie was a man f . enlarged benevolence, and sustained through . a, long life 'a charaeterPof ' the strictest up- ngnuiess ana integinty - -; . y-j PORT. QF WILMINGTON ""' ;:ir,4v-';:t' v; f'; , Brig Vigilant, Hitebbornr-i vri - 0,tOT Sch'r. Jenny, Battle, vj -4 ;. U r if Jo Gaonst, WilliSj W" ;V 'Wasbingtori; ' Ftn4 mmo6iVt4F';I'ttl ' ' Columbia, Dewing ''J,fii iSalem- - . .Mariai'aith;fcti - j4ewYork; ' Brig Caravan, Sno'.V' BosWh' '- Oeorge K Susan, Ward :K ': Jalem Jtcb'r rriendshif , Syder", f.v Boston ' ' ).i - 4. u Ann'MamKChiltoiu "! Baltimore "Arrived, sthV'NimblejGrantlO. days from Halifax, (If, J,) left in that 'port the ' sch'r William Redcliff, to sail it S days' for 4ICW lOrs . : '.I. fjts-i i: , v .;. : rC3 Tho eale of the Valuable property advertised .by1 JohiT London, Eqi oi the, , J cni pwe, wo uu puce a o-morrow-r , ' ' ' ' ."mi ' Hill ? 1 fJ The sale of the house advertised bjr John SiSpaiscs on the first page, will take -place Tbmorrbffi' . S---'..' y-. : .-';;- ' t :-ttenti0n..-V.;;, Tne Ne wllanover, Troop of ;' Horse, are orderea; to attend a private meeting at the Court House at 8 o'clock, oh Tbursdav even ing neU, to make'arrsnehrnenla for ine'ee- lebratip of the, Fourth af July. '' tt By order of the Captain, My. l, u ( y v -P FlUXIHO, Scrj't n -;.f i Attention ! v' t The W'dmington Volunteers, are ordered to attend private meetinit -at' -the Court. House at 8 o'clock, en Titursday evenlne next, to make arrangements for theTcclebraV nop 01 tue l ourth or July., . u ; uy orfler 01 the waptain, - . r, - May 12. , v . , WM.3.HASELt,Sey. ; AUCTIO I THIS DAT, will I told htfor't tht Sub:cril(Ti - ' (iir twiW rrt .'-, . , ;. , ,, 3000 lbs. Cuflcef . j; ' V"' S uhds. Sugar, '. v- . , i .;.;;, I0bbls. ' dov - , ';,' , 1 . 12 bbls. Ciders . fc. '.- . .. 10 boxes Chocolate, ' '., ;", 1 . , J hhds,' MalasstH -' . ; , 10 boie Soap,' 10 do. Candles, ''i 10 dor Spanish Segtrt, Willi vsrietv of Dar Goods; March 12.; . .. LEVY GOMEZ. ' fSw fy height or Charter, 4. ; ' -i" ' i on? ptrntttta port,,. . ftixjr'i' Tb' sttunch sod well found ship FJo'TtUfkllZR, Chutes Trtdwell. Muiw.' lor funWpmiculv apply te Ww JIITCUELU ' . ,., . Hlio hat Jer taitr jO.OOO wt best CeiTee,; . ; , '40 da. Castor Oil, - ; ,k - , v 0 aouDie lortiDca nine pouna car i , ronsaetwitn csrnsgts aorpp'cte 1 1; -r.r ai , 'Mry H.' A few tons Logwood, 4 -.v tm, Ycit Frcio-ht or Charter. f Tt-ont p9r In tht Vaitti Statu', fVi'v-iTbe resnarksbly fast sailing brig VIGILANT, Capt Uitchbom, will he ready to take 00 oard a cargo on Wednesday mors nine, sod will carry about 500 barrtls. For' particulars apply to the captain on board at Ureuhart's wharf, or tff . ', t ' ALEX'a HATTUlDGE, ' " , , ' Wao hj.' rot ttLM, Si 1 quarter casks L. P. Madeira Wine of superior quality, Cotton, Tobacco, Flour, Pork, Lard, Brandy and Oats.' May 12. , r -.'. v' Noticcr : THE, Subscriber, wkhtnr to Settle the business f Burgrfin k Ornie, renursts all persons that era in arcarsto said nrm to call and settle Iheir accounts by the 20th of June scat, after which lime tky will be put a tbe hands of an oITicer. to collect All thnte hsipg euimi gnst the sam nrm will nlesse deliver lUm for setiltrnenUo he subscribe, whs WW be resdy at all times to attend im ihem. r- " . Myl2. y ' JAMES ORME. V.;; '"''Madeira Wine:;: .,.: , ' Two half Tipes 4 iwoqusr'er CsVs old London Panic uUr Mdeir Wine, warrant- ! ed gtnuioc, and fur ssle bv ' i - It. W, BROWN. - ALSO,' ;. CoflVe In bsg, '. SuRsr lo OirrtK ' .. llkd. tetsilinit Tostco. nl j 7 A qinl'y of Sawan t.msra," ; Which will ba soli la any w 10 suit pur. Uhiuri, ' ' ' May U It ""1., :: JFilmingfon Prices to: iiea J3. f. D. If,' Bacon, y -Beef, " -Lb x 9 Barrel Gallon 10' 10 50' y-. ts " ia ' A.' Brandy,.; , Com, j - , , Cotton, (upland) Bushel 65 "I .30 Lb. t lour, new; ? Flaxseed, , Barrel Cask' Boards, (t l-4inchV 1000ft Scantling f-' -I Umber.fsmiarepine 1 . toff .l s "f 20 (Tniinsles Tcrnressfl 1000k 50 staves, (wv o. Bhds) v, -"- o.;muo ( . ' W.o'bbls.' ' io - 10 Heading,' (w. 0. hhd.) 20 ;.' 1'60 Tar,' Barrel Pitch; dov I 73 t-50 Turpentine,-.-Pi-k, i.;r,.--',:4:' Rum, (Jamaica", 4th pr --i,d proof, j American ditto, Hceii:.f,ft'ii Salt . toarse'' f 'Vf,' 1- Liverpool. . ' 3201b. Barrel w' 'if Gallon 1;2S 1 5s ' ISO 35 '.- 70 -. 60 ,70 1 inn lb Bushel 65 4 Su gif, (Inscovado)' j f OOlb,- 12 :3- : iObacco, ,5,--, .; JOOlb, ; SO f ' ; For Trcight or Charter, TCv i-'iThe fartrsailingPaclitt Schooner . M ARI A, Capt. Smith, will be read! to t. eeit a targo in all this week, and will be quickly dupatched. tor particolai's -apply to the captain on brtaM at' Allan'., wharf, or May At; "ALEX" U ATTRI DUE; -r: HARMONIC CONCERT;' :', !A Concert of the Ilarmonic Society will, take places pa Friday' evening next." .' ', $ (j!jrrere will be i rehearsal on Tliuri-' ' day evening at the Singing School.; ;' :.'; j' May 12. A HOoTLERjJSVc'j, '-,' Militia Notice. " v , The Officers and Privates composing the. ( Wilmington MilitiaV are hereby, ordered to . appear properly armed and equipt, as the ' law directs, on Saturday the 16tb int. at tho usUal place of parade, opposite the Cape- ear Bank, precisely at 10 o'clock. Puoctu- al attendance is expected. - " ; w " . May 12. " JOHN. MITCHELL, CjU .-i ', Storj-Tbief I ' V A copper-coloured fellow;1 neired Isaie; '; Murphy, last a cook on board the schooner ' Sally and Betsey, stole from the1 subscriber on Sunday evening last, six shirts, a new sur ' lout, a black silk vest and black cloth do. a -. blue coat and pantaloons, sod many other - articles, and made bit escape with them It is supposed he is concealing hlmselfae-out . the Sound. " A reward of Ta Dollaks will be giveu to whoever will arrest the said . . roguej put him tn jail, or deliver him to Capt. , uolding. Ibe said fellow has a agar om one side of his face, about tbe size ol s quar- May'lt. S'.v-:v .: ' . , . At a meeting cf the Comnii$toncrt cf the v , ;iown,MayU, 1312.' (. . Etb act from an act of the General As sembly passed in the year Is) I, for the bet. tcr regulation olihc Town of W ilmmgton.fct ,SeC.Vl, Aadlt rt jurther matltd, That' ! thst tbe Csmmiksioneis alorcsatd authe I rised to lay and collect the following Taxesi; lot every permission to keep, an ordinary two dollars, on every permission to retail li quors by the small measure .to sctijtd inha bitants paying tows trx, one collar ; CV every permission to transient persona to re tail liquors by the suisll measure, 2 dollars; TBiatroat OaoBasb, .That s ptrsnns keeping Ordinaries or retailing Liquors as", a'ovt described, do rpply to .the Commis sioners bl the town' at their, next meetipg, being the.lst Thursday So June next ensu- tag, end receive pennKsioa lor tht same. . Any person neglecting so to do be . Coed as tbe law directs. 'v.;. , By order of the Commiidnnr rs, May 12. Tit v ALLEN DtU, T. Ok Hie' Copartnerslup of Wilkin! son k Gilpin will commence on the, ! My next, a" tbe yard pow occopitd by Wilkin-' son & Gillbsnks. Id the Commiisioo snd Lumber business they will ue cvtry exe lion o render pleasant sajes te such frUtd St may put property Into their hands.' ,' . ' ' 'Aatapirr Wiitixi'ox. . . 1 , ;, J AViLtuw Citnii.' Ruma1 Sheeting 6f Duck,. Of different qualities, Cables, l'or!pe. 1 rts etblji l sr D. MlTHt Feb II ' , A ChVtr lions, aThair with Harness and -a esrt with uckle, risble trm. Ap, ply si this efTit. . it . .April !U. ' " ' Iron. - ,. ' Josi tereWed a f arf tl of Wise Ti;f, "d (nralr ly Msrch: I ; . .... v.i(l,vi 1 ' ' .

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