i ii i iijlr iiiimm! If; i " , " V" - , v I. J I l A i ' . ? taipcd jr spwaiog. th$ Veyocltion ' tf ihe3M s tiers herein mentioned, ihall tc." tslteuj to . f evive wh)llyf or . in part, hf cH-ds m -v council of the 11th of November, 1807", Or t any other order not herein tncntioued or, to deprive parties of , ?ny l legal remedy to. - which, they may be entitled, under 'the Or- der in CounciCof the 21st of April". 1812. ': His Roja) i.Kjlinesa the Priiipc"Reg&t " " Is herebv pleased iiirjler to declare, in the' flame, that shall VgWs ihrinIteeenjt; ifc vrta.rk ees snovuaso require iroo restoring ai - ter reaspna noticc, the orders of tha. fk. ' 4 ; of January, -.isqr, and 26tlv.,of April 1809, r any partereof, to their jfvill effect, or " from taking such other roeawes pltalia- ' i tion acainst the 'eneroyj as may appear to his Ral-HitK4Ml4i43e;'-- And the irtght, hon.i the, orc.i qo'mmis-; niotiers of fiis 'estytreasyryhii .JyiaV """ lord? commisswiiers uft'se' 'iid:,n,alfv5nd ' the Juaire ofie high court of . admiralty. ' 1 ana tne j uqge oi tne cowt or, vice auuiinu ,' ,' ty, are to take the necessary'tneasure here ' r Jn, at jtothen miy respectively appertain ti-riwri Cp r viTPt? imf" & IS"' v a 'the tohabitsurts of Bostonj: assembled In legal ' owTMiveeting1, on the 6th inst to receive the report fifth commute ot the Fri6nd of Union, Iildepen., dene and Liberty, and to consider of the aliS-ming-1 attack on the Liberty of Opinion" and of flic Frets at y The foUowinf , Vrcmw BesoIuUoni were iubmitted and iupported, by, Melsr. SuinnerOti! (iullrrul mnd Lkvf rme, ind oppose4 by Mr. BLike and Mr. Baroe.UThe wete howeyer, after tbo failure of a motion by Mr. Dlaka to alter Uwm, a- : optCd Without a liicntui!r vote. v,. ' , ' ? 1 5 RESOLUTIONS. ' ' v Tbeinbabitantf of th etowrt of Boatofl, havelcirnt; ith heartfelt concern, that in the cirr of ButUmore. V a moet ootrceci-attack, the reaultnf deliberate j 2j ombination, haa been maile upon the Freedom of r v - ' Opinion and the Liberty of the Prra, ' An inftiriate 7 Mob baa tncfeetled in acCotnprishiny it sanpiinary himnvi. kth destruction of Dlinlinf.tilTlKrs ifut ; : f other ropertyi br pnUinr down buililinff.aiat X ere mrirly leased to the doncluetora of hose press ' - ' hf tiolating the (anctuarjr of dwelling house , . kreakaif open the pubHc prison, and drsfftinft forth , from the protection of the civil authority, the victims . ,' of their .fcrociotii pursuit, gxiiltjr of nd irirak but the aoreasion of their opinion i the completinir the ' ueoftbeir eoormitiei br bniiae wounds and rourj der. aecompanied with the most barbarous and ' b the circumsUnces attending tli origiiH the p ' tcmmm1 the cstastroplie of tins bloouy scene, we discern, with painful motion', not merely an atrfra- wataosioi'tbe calamities of the present unjust andru I " Snous war. but s prelude to the dissolutWu of free I . ywerimienU and the etb!iliment of a reign of trr. . wr. ' i, WkIcs, Marked with a tronr reseni- , V ilaacc te- the early e&esaes of flier-mch revolution,' : : , when epinion vaa rmniilied witli deatli. and when tnoba were employed in tle breaking oprn'of priunn . and the; jacrUica of mny innocent persons who ... 'foirht protection witliin thetr Wall. . . ' ,' ,, JIiiU, be tedueiti(r men to a Mate of nature, dr. i. feat Ota ej cfc f ttrrv aoi'tal cowpsct They are qnally dangeroar 1.1 the poremmentt theent mpt ' to Nbwt, and to thoe whkh etrndcscviul to cmirt, ; ; . their ipport, and connive at tht'ur outrage,- But of , all wob, tlioae whiell olunteer professedly in sup4 ' ; part of Corermnent, are ihe roost to be dreaded, un., . their asuikUnrc Is opmre and prpmptlj- rijeet. ltd. By accc,ptinf,"r even telcTat'mi; smb iwgrrJ i ,aeaUieis, H become manifest that a Gnwrnnwit, daree not confide in It own strength, or in the un. " .Masaed approbation of the people. Oifosii Ion is - discouraged by tl.e violence of sin b a niob, brcans t it assume to reprtsrnt ami enforce the will siul ' pleasure f covertmient, and tli haedittl, wbo, un. reproved and unctindicted, lead tl.e li.wlea nwl.' t - - titnde fcd the eoriRilence of tommininned oBicers. la wick a slate, the Civil AUpftralc finds an c ci . i ; for his mac'.ion, 'or a,reil fur his ci.miptiwv 1U nWr erttrm, Kn trembles, in W-UWtf U f.ry l! ' thwWKtkrftte from 'tf jife by jninu,j;'V' 'jti acf'smetloa. The laws are adenrfd; New ok, , -jcetaofiulrnc are tUcerel' Dsnrt-rbeaet sll sua et all partie In succession. The Government ' aTtheaatwi and tU- Mob Lorcnrncnt chtnet pi ict With each other.. The acccHsrv becomes tl.e prind ' et. The Mob eret's lis horrid crrt over tucnure n-rt .fnf PHifvilv. nf llie doniesiic r'lations of Iifer ami of Civil Institution! nil, sutiai'ed or fi , fined witli alaiirlitcr, it resiaaa lt blunges r.a iim kka at the feet of & Dictator, and rxws it iloedy Land to nrsli'Hi euro Cod uf iU iJolatr', J whose n-nre tolemble depotiiny riutks of mm be. ..'Vkssi U Is considered tliat thia entrf psiwed DiiAtish resolution, mvnhintr Ha utariat nvihu, iihnni a sIolH (n.taftc of A rocinti arl $u -Uinry excrsi on the part ojlb fcr,r.l 'y (,,;r4.' ' meinOrsme prooi ei mrir morsi mm'KH unir.ir tne and enf.rtitencd- dmraeter r and w hen li at lo considered that the present unhappy war, an rci.; Bt to lU nishes and fcelina of " innnefcH! nwjo. rity of aafiVeciliwn. die mt im(le inteKits in . lny oVprt orrpratlrwhh'thfse: rhkh rrrr ii ' - ' tt-kc In our irolmiary wr, U la der.rory anl . WM..;4rn ah lt.e Arm rkan thuractrr, that mi tl MxniiMiit'iif such a war. exrraaca kliould ' 1 eaamiiKcd hWh the tirtne of oureillicna would M ia a crisis nhrn our Watties were in d.-iiinr. ' and our eonfifry actually oo.Hpid and lavailed by auiuUns'armirt. Ve are lheMnre Con pfjlid tnlie " . U.. tt,-e tlx entnrr at lUtimore re las'lprtl d - be ntlrnert,'who In therfown country hu licen u;i.nml b siiailar acenee. and llt Frtorti fir ie MiV are Ue ttlreipsl agents, and (he (rw ililud. d. . natites bo jiilntd Uietn, are meriiy msuunHm m , tVl.ile 0ee s'srwint1 cenrln' sister H(e, ' file In ea freteftil envniona toaarda tlK Almighty .Human rtcnu, toe uie qf v', r.u n We art prrmttun icnuigiKiine . i.i toi. . .mt ii oi IK'S iurinr.- "i)vriK'i SsM Wrtiorl'f ortne prwem wis mh.-" .nn t, .i... i, a ith a loe of order, etuis hm. ...f Jlt nncM ! too niurh knolrlr nfil e l"mn cJuirattrr. wuJ Mt.ki an sco,!!.. anre vwh t.itnrr, not to know; Hid a few unpr.c. nlcdi-ssMii- vU2"lb t Vrrirhe.who.t.n.lrrihe rover of n'gl.t aUttrr wlurrtW, re or;uid, tiud ar4 -ajwDiuiir, Disposer fimd onlrr "d unanimity,, whw h ws to enjo, it Uhotcs l emc'iUo I the'prTvstion of lh' e lmr tje p-acable citiien, unarmed and uneoosriotii f danger, rcj Without wystenv and wiihout plMj jwtil uie scahnt; uduera u the mob are at then- window a!)d Iteir torches' at their doors T1iereftrj ' ' Jieitfred, As tde senw.nf jtlie JnbabiUntaof -till town .Tli t the tirrible nroceedmea in Baltimore. . in firsi.delibeRiii.-ly demolishing a fie press, and the iiouse ,m Biucii it wa esuwisiiea ute repeuuon ot the attack after a short interval (the violation of the prison, which ha'.tevt-f been cotis'idered a jimctdary . both, for the Innooeni and puihy and the barbarous nWsafcre of one or tifore-citizens therein confined, ' flr no other ontnee than havim? defended their 6wrf I , dwellimr, and the fi-eedma of ttee nun, nfter Hie civil H 'l.'L-. I i . i . in. i. i.Lt.' I auinoniy uau nsgieueu aiKjwwji w protect nieni, tneritSj tbaoat uitqnalthed centuce, and caiw mrttv 4h anost amitif.nrirnensipn tlvsuterna) . jaee of bur beloved jeouny. ',..' ..'!' Jinehxd, That While: w aW noi disposed to an unreasonable jealousy the constitutional authori ties, nor to impute to. our ruh-Mj without full proof,. mtt indifference to the ..fight of thVcHuens, we can not refrain from, ex pressing our regrfthattiie Pre. s'ulen toft lie United Suites, in whose vicuiity, and for too pretended support of .whose measures, the enf cefwt-a were eommitted, hai not thoiiirlit proper to in r tcrfero in any krtown mode for,heir euppress'ion i eapeeiaiiy as ihe lliWi-tuetion ot shipments by uie tv1 oters, and' other 6utrages, are Vioktior of the law of the Uuited States, and as the influence of his Jiigli Statinfi, Wtild-probabIy "not have- been slighted by .these pretended, aupportcr of hi authority. tv'' still confide in the hope, that the President will not thiiit illn66miiiible with hul BigB, 'lati6fts expreu fcia disapprohntion of these enormities. - 4. ;' - ..',' ?eofW(f,.Tbt we are alarmed, astonished and confounded, to tin4 Out a paper published at the teat of Oovernment, and which ia understood on omc occasion to be its ot-jran, not. only led .the way to thcie scenek of confusion, but lias impliedly ajiprpv. ed and justiftd them, and that while nq mention wis made of this, late horiible matsacre, in which the 'blood of our oldest molutiohary -officer flowed lh the treeU of Baltimore, a severe commentary wa r issued in tliat paper against the spirited ttddrc u of a . Republican Magistrate in New-York, because he ex. preivcu upt aunoiTenceui nious.v : c ia iiui muiihi the eoneliuiii yUitH Htesefaat wouldaeeni t war. mnt,r thit' these meo are not diicoutitenaced by the E?c-cutive of Uie TJ. Statef,?. W woidd raer consi der tlfetn as of French origin, and the first fruit of the vuinatural ami dreailtul allmnce into MUictl we huv tntcrt-il !n fari if no! in form. ( V .'t'J ', Heulred: Tliat it is the duty of every good citizen witho.it ditinctKh of psrty, to furmsti himself witn uitable arms and eoupmenu,' and to bold himself ready at a moment's warning , to protect and support tne mafistiiitei and tiierai ot um county, ov sup. pressing every speetei otriot, tumult ami unrawtul assembly, whateer may be the political opinions of the person agahist wliotnihSYame are discttd f and tliat the tion. Duniel Sargvnt, Hon. Jolin.U. Joncs SI . Win, BuHirarr, Col. Henry Sargent, Joshua Da- Vis, F.tq. M j. Charles Davis, Capt. J, hn Cotton, Cupt Helirv Piirkctt: Caot. Otia Goouvn. Maior Joseph Tildeit, Col Ceo e Sullivan, and Capt Joua pan Chapman, be a ebrtinuttee to prepare article ot Association for this purpose, ami to cause the lame to be' offered for signature to every citizen or the town, and to-do whatever may be further necessary 10 curry uuo ciioqi iuc onieci 01 una remimuuu., . , . n . . a mi . 1. . . I : l J . 1 ' iirmrvea, I uai in aaiu coinmnirc ue uciirru fiirthwith to eaose to be. assigned alarm pott for each Volunteer or Other company of milion,' and to hi and publish tli signals of alarm, and to commu ntcate the same to the Bnenfl of this county. ? . '-VeaaJWrf'That the Selecrmen of the towrl of Bo. tttu be and they are hereby redUcftodto uke all prei per and legal measure, widen myi m their njiinKin e necessary fir Uie preservation of the public order nu tranquility or Un. town. ( ;. . r (, - Ittrl Thit we sincerely totidole With the rood pp'Wple or Rattlnvore and Mary Unit, upon the tow ot those hivlilvrcspertable eitjaeii who have. fallen vic tim to Uie anhallowed fury of a ton irn mob W t'.n's.' "t them M-unyn In, the cue of utx.rty-CLnd ii thii Ittrvi'iw we offer arr aA lum f.-om the rage of foreigner, and nr asiuranre or co-operation with tkaen in auy meaaure to save otir country. . . tc.!ir That thoae outratTou oroceedinrt are. in our opinion, attributable buUe prcst-nt wanton, hn- pohuc nitil iinjurt wart antTare. we irar,' but a pre. lude to rreatrr evil jaxlyto be srm heixlod i and tliat we p1fo.11 re rtt..;;e ti-om ties-ruction, -out in a change uf our p:-rscitt U. tiers , ud thai, we are rea dy to support, in the elections of public olHoere, all those who are atrocatr tr peace, without dtstiuc two of party..- ', ;..'' l' 1 i . - H'tilxni, That a-kiU w absum irom all nncon. t!tu'kinal mcaturet, we will maintain aal.exrcUe thefi-ec'dotn of spcreh snd U Uie Vrest, nnut our tat. en breath, nndjsmaud bv tr frown of power, the rimer of arm, Ui Uiret ot ytacetnen or Ox vio ent ot moo. , i , " . . . , A arcond s,plcat w iV-n rcid, th4 the town would t.-ko ii.to cMtai deration the propriety of kit- r4trn;r IVlrrvtea t meet other Ik legatet from ti.tt tveral ountit s which might be chosen in tlie Corn, motrwrar.h, ln tvi a meeting'of atuig Conven Usn tlieaild btotmie m-ccMary. - " ' " V Mr. Dewter moved an incefinite poslnnement erf theiuhject, He qnestioned the onstitutionaliiy( such meetings ot, ilelcgatet, except in Caat-s or ex lit-me neceudy o oiie of whk.h he tli'Hi .Hit now ex la'ed. heatf aa'mir griwairea' net.' lie exprevwd hi fr-are test ch nndrnned powrr at a Conruttunn rmtt nccytarvly be clothed with might be used a tiity had been used pt our country to vtiy pcmkl its purport . and be tttahlialibig a precrdtirt wlnrh p.-alrritv ntleht hart tail 16 larnvrn. Me conteidcd that the l-nrfal Cnvrrtmirjil had the power to U cljre the )Var, bieh.wt the eauae of many of our gvievuucei i Lut l. dipircatyd lit War a uikhi ' sarv at aradc a it hex it flue rrparation i and aaitl it VrN(Mi04 t Uv-Wvn tleotarod at all; it truglit to Jiane bean 'it Franc-., , The atieeck U very ' elaborate, and Uie ebuvf is mere aictcU of it pro mind ces. ' ' lfr.'Otirvrphvg aTwtme lcnft?i.'!Sire idrocafei 0i constitubonaliry oj.tli mir prijxisrd; and , that H w at least 'expedient that Uie delegate . stnmld be elwm. He coutniided that in lut 0iuuu II e fcart of the lion. Gentleman' wti tbe oHsrui' or a cry brUliaiil Htiaimtwv. That convention of rteh-yati s wrrr very tomtnon, and tHat very reeeaUy,' a mat OnnveKtiun bad been coin aned and a.lioum- l edlnKcw-lcrMV. and that aon of the ukhlulcon. 1 ry iet.ee prcilrcted by itr, IX bad ensued. . II said tli t0W1 Wa 10 OTW pienRT'l ny a wrmer too ; vtrnncur With tittle country traihrm as a mtt.Vire' iae kind, ulrcn tr the voice the nl.oW hute ! might be beard si Of mc tiui by the misruU rs af , the nailoni and mat vue eommmreiiriimti u uhu ' duty to-rrc'i tumd the rtHb-mptkNt uf (he rtetlge a far as reranlcd tM cTmic of the oVleri. ' He ho. p h tabjeel would not be potrj-oncd, "lliu,(n be t ok I nnl MttrrUia an onimon tlat Mte CoavniUun itih-enilU-i l if should be, he cmiM t)x ei;riveof tnv nexle.W tl'ett 0e ed e'remon ttrinn mote f-.t mora rvncubl or roore conatiti.tixhal Oun by I B'ate roneHitt'iO. " ' Tint ih b.U- having cominuc d until titer 1 o'i lock, the anetUng lvimed ronrvt day atlQeVofk. . . . ADJUVKM-ir air.i.n-w. -The town t uteblto adlmitnittat, t-.l C cjniatiott tu d to be on ludi.tku'4 fot'potMrmcnt of C The riliwTtment. wa advocated Vr Mrasra. Towujend, Ijlak and the. mover, and opposed by. 'Mer&V.(We,UveYmoi-e, Whitit.an -anij Otilramf tlie question, fur fjettponefBcnt was lost by a ia. Bainse Biajor - j M ftUESDl AUGUST 3i l8il' V'-V t v 1 1-1, j1 ' .V. V - AeTrni.istriors TnatTnovr evince ,'tai, thev tAtnarican. eijbt' 'Seertf y , their de--ilaratlons, -: 'tth' President perlorm txiav rtJtiiiwl9i'S i'itopir'axl'- mr suspena-tne opcruoDi ot waj- lei h?n mia'intUy(fhif constiuiuohat council,. theienatQ. of the y; s. that node- jay, jnui put one luuiiiciH, uiay procmsiinsie that most desirable tUte of thin g, peace and f 1 - ' Cavalry Kotlc 1 : . y -:: Lnie N;n-Hno;r Troop ef.Horie krt , . ' x by a iit terdered ig'tpptip prcperly ktrceddqrjrr-:l '- - -' ' Vl psd it the.i,Uil place of parade to Saturday - ; ' : ,' ex, pre'clitly at 4 o'clcek W.";. v : ' - -Augustas vVfJAsiEj. a; iuhmikc, :Stt, , i .untrywMirtnBtr' are reuoted to be i.y, ; . tmst iial tijatiendtog, beiftg thi Utt Sarurdcy V V ;l 3 p ibis mown l,V: 1 1: 5 sTQLEK'.".;-;.Vi: A6ot; a ,Uay, ago,- fronj,'the?8ubcribi!r,'V n SfaittJ,' orne,Krkjd.HuMrti fnd auin" t.t'i Jiy.'.D.H.,' 1.2' Cravats, if which'are re' ft-:,' tnarkably1 fine; and tnarked, tVf; It i 3 fa? 'tyi ; Ntnkeen PantaloonsV marked' behind jn the. Vv f,i Wttiitban T'FtWrlelrr .;' a 'Great' Coat i ''blick'fWt' '' a free, trader' If he will io this, then Will we acknowtettire jtbit we hive done hira inius-1 ttce in tluspcctinffhini of pursulpg measures at Tarlancc with his country Vweltare.- "' -.'' A )ator"NatiOrik inteige(l' announce it ah the intention of adnitnistratlon to seize the -first .fa voralilrBpportunitjr of adjustine; with England our differences, :and' of pr-. senting a nosiue uoui u r rancc, suouw nc continue to harra qut Arude, or refuse to lndemetfy ' us fof,. the epol.ations already made. ;, Now for he-Ukt I The Qritrtin Council ate rtwktdi and, more than that, passports hae bean grunted to secure all ouc return cargoes trora. i-ngiana irom. capture uy tncir cruiacia, ,v , , An. interesting and 'connected narrative fciyen under oath, has been just presented to the people, 'of 'the', late missicre land mob fn. the eity.orBaltlmofo, , ' If possU)te, jre wll repubUsh itr Ji details solemn and iiwft truths, in tinityle of equal eloquence, inte' rest and slmpircUyx7-;Tr;iikenf,lf the' press and the support or the "federal Re- publican" tire now 'become' identified and the numbers oT subaenbert which Seem to flow in from all quarters to its Support, mark most pointedly the ecnci-al interest which is excited in behalf tl ad valuable a paper, and ol the writoriotii and heroic cbhduoori of 1 i r.fciECTIiRENC imo Gabriel Holmes, Senate. l S. Majhews and Tbo. D. King, Commons x Town of jvewtfrn' John, sunlcy, fcsq.-. Crorrn William. Gastoni Esq. .Senate. J HI- ' f . i S.01. 1 iiiuian aim iir. ' . xuiiiinuna. All stiunch Federalists. ' The count until the present election has been decidedly de- tnhrrati ! ; ' ' ''V ' Cunilerfond-Jchn Smith, Senate, Ro bert Campbell IRkhard lluckebee, Cooi nbnsv?AIl Pederkllstl also, i '' '?. ' Z 1'owklffitHtvUJitkii -A- Cwnterenv- v'v '." " v j'-r.- -. ':' " "' ' :. .' ' . '"j Wrty davi -rmi'ircr We. hkre seen a letter from a very rcpec'uble gentleman at Albany-. 'staling that the governor of Canada had sent an 'Adjutant General . with a flag; of truco to Albany,' bearing an ofhcul account' of the revocation of the orders in" couneir and a proposition for an Armistice. It mention. that Uen. Dearborn aad the iirittsh begocu tor', after discussing, the' subject to a very late hour, signed an Armistice for JO day, aud that the llruishGerici al left Albany, ou hi return to Canada, on Monday. - . ; The same letter add ILildeo bascerUin iy bceq takca ) tuid Uius we ahull remain for the present.. V C" Vorktoficr' '.' -',-.)' ' .!. .... . . .( ' We are Informed tsavs the taoodon Morn ing Chronicle) that Li cences will forthwith be granted to Amei kan Shlpadcaiiucd from hence tor' the RepubtUand Ireihtcd wjth Dritiih rnanufactures. In th: nature of gua ryntee of safe conduct' oatnxt capture by Hi Uish cruuers. . These Lkcences are to be titeot silk" Hat,' and a case ef Raiors An ycrspu reiurninij vnc nuoyc articiea, snuiiia ell. rewarded; WTA Wkv HUNTR.-f . r1 ' for a note oihand. tiven bv mt.to Joh'nD. S plood wbf th of w Hanover county, N C. " ' oq op abo&t the t6lh, jar ?th ifist, - payable in' t ' 11. nueeo; .oaytii wc uiret Bunarea ,aoiiirvin rt hartntv of a ri.crrr, that I rinvlniMl frnM r' said John V. Bloodwortn, as I am Uttermin,, ed hot to pay the same k the laid negro has ' not prhVed to be according to contract, i' : r - Fayelteviller luty SO. -k' ' , "wji TIlE.Subacrlber has taken the Comptirf; , Room lately occupied by Mr Edmund1 DridK- ' r'- v imrpf(flaterlwv:.Wm.Ha yani.'.'Store. '' t ' jiW f- ; y and h earnestly rcquetts all those Who Mnd mneoiea 10 Dim to maae immediB e settle meet by bonj, hole or otherwrseCVs hs fuN 1- ' ther indulgence Cam be expeeied. 'f v , " Autt. 34.lf V 'W.MU CHElV " 7 .Proposals y WILL be received by thwSubseribers omit ! the la;t of 1 hi month. from any person wire ", will undertake.to build st, Smit-bville a-Ale..''? thoditt Church. - iThe.-mtteriBls to-be of l wood, and the plan the same as that of the .V v tyethodist Church In Wnmington. " The . building TO be SO feet lon and 30 broad,aiii "VI to be fiaishtd withobt delay.' ' 4. ' ROBERT' HOWB, ' 7 Attn Com. ; : ,4 DENNIS HAMUNS, X mituoJ: -. 4 : ' August r'W-A RUNAWAY i'i': .-v-r Nerro fellow named Archer was taken'- tip by the tubscribtr ea the -night of the 51st Inttrjdeavor4n,',to tonceal himself under . : hilioufa.vi-11 ibowt.4 iet and asaorwU height, formerly belonged to hv lute Petxr ' Carpenter, snd was told at a public vendue H after the decease oitaid Peter Carpenter tot . Carletnn Walker, who, aioce sold him to at' Kir, Kestotv liyiog la Dupln county' from f whom he escaped about a month ago This t tb story of the negro The owner it r . quired to come forward prrve property, pay ,1. evpenres ana use niroironr me jaa where be it now In safekeeping- i. - - , ,;: f ,, Ahguttsi CHRIS I OPHER WALLACE: .; akunaway:;-: :.: . We Negro was lately tsken up' by the , . sJbtcnher snd lodged in the jiil in this town. He iptaki very broken Eikhb, but the J following is the best acenvot which can be ; got from him-.(hat his nme it George, buft in hi own country (Congo) he was called . Mcetndtethal his rrattri a Mr. Peief McLeod, who lives in Sooth Carolina no, Affront Charleston ibat he taiatt" Corn . Peat and Potatrira. -Ihur nf.ii....u .11:." 77 . "f valid fof such protection, whether the pro. r'n:n : ? T . Tll'l V V oul . prty be utiusn or American. , , l iiuiiio, i'rantti Swrdent tfftAn Austri an and a Swedish 'Messenger, have arrived, Thoaxcounu by tbe t are suid to be, that the Human arntr is considerably sument ed, well provided, and in a high stale of di Upline t and dm the French in tbe VistjuU, " . . . t . . Jfcmi 1.?-- ... I. - r Capotcu 10 great uuntumc o aiiwu.11 of the waotoisuaicteotsuticn-nce. ' t 11 ' ; 1 ' 1 y--V toaauslciilB. ' ' TVuD, la t'iitatKtbtAwn, lUi-deiicvttmy,iVriday ihoUlat uR.Uia4Wied by U her fikavU, lr. Mtt. nr M Mlutaa. if of Mr,aua M MilUn, merchant a that pntee. " , . T". , ' " Hy jKkiwt worn, by torturin J paiijs'otiprtai'd, . la nr.tn a cold aona, rr.itfixia u.r oil w nac TT- Aticnuoii ! I I 2 f be .Wilninw'tor AaTitttstCom pan v will parade In Set-nnd stresi, opJo.'ne ' Mr. lahn AYtlTking, va Saturdat ntiii, at 4 twtock, P. M. lu Uhiri lit. ' ' " , f ' : i R.AV.'CHOWN,rcr.: . Autrtiat iS.1 & S .Ccrfnic Witailnjjton; Voiiiniccfi. ar ordered' (0 ippearpnf til srtned sad ,' ctnuiftd pn Saturday peal, yrcisly at 4 O'clock,; I. M - , ' , J ..tly order of ihe Captain, 'f. " ' Aug- 31. , W. 3. lUtr.tt, Stt'f V SALES AT!AUCVl6iV.,. 0 THURSDAY tMi of aVtt.terttl.e-, bf direnion of the Adminitliaitia o tht Tstate efJIr. John HUukt, dee, wl) N i.hi. at i:. room hi credit, at the iilaJUV'on of Ms Sato. nsnv w iiuibj 1 ""i, .nljUr T i Ao.2V-.tf . 4 JlUUUCF.EltlCCO.j J fet 6 inChea, hat! a full face, Dock marked' about the bote, hat a variety of curwus devi- ' ces and mark' on "hi breast, iiorrruch Snd on ' hi left t de three inrkof the whip, he sp-"1 ' pears to be about 30 years old." .The bwner' ' it requested to ea.l, ptrve property, py -rharet and a rcaaonaU reward and take hiov.. ... PtLtG GARUNILR. . u ; :,Tifiy:polUrs Uevyard i'--.. ' ESCAPED frim en hnsrd a Faycttetilh bt at Elitibe.hu.Vn, in irort, rpy Negrqf ,J Marck, lately apprehended and confined in . Hl.Uborewnh laitH i by trade a Carpen ley ( can rad and write j pretrrdt ,10 te h r great rel'gl',r',tt which he uet at a cloak te Ins designs tayt he it free man (1 about " . 1 feet seven in.-.hrs irigh, and hn I wcr teetb 1 p oject btvoni lbs p'pr. .,The above re waid wdl b ;ie to any pers-.n wb will ipptthend ihe iald March kud 'ddivtr him to. tne ia Wiltnit'g'on, togrthcr wt-h ail rea son sue exnence ei iravtuinir pant. . . . 1 Austtutaj ., A F.MACNEILL. .V 0 iv saaf r- ' S ia '.I r. JIUNAU'AY.' - A icwardiif ft, Dot last will bep-,14 ' for a' nrgm wumsn ca led J.M.l.Y, bdortgin;. 16 Mrs. Heron, if i.Vtn ai.d liMlgcd in ) within co ijt f-tni this, and Twenty-live ; if liken and aeinrtd f'r trri day. ... , '.May It. ., JOUNR. LONDON. 1 '""" WanlcJ iramcdiait.ly, Three nr jnrcolral H yr rrpn nl1te ti Ihe Brick laying Ui ine.a. y ai'lrt.Uio will b- paid to trakt thrm ccn.plcis cik- , men. None nerd apply tut suth aacan mir e , wa lvtcmr.tndd. Apr1; 4 thrsOtf. '"' 1