, jgv--m'-n yc? 1 i' Vi V n ; TtlR FEMALE PILGX1M, . V V f? . , . 8y a Yotwg Lady e Coanectietit .-3 WntirElt fjpest thoe jtfgriie-strsnj'ei'i -f4 nowest fboo not 'tis fult of danger,' K : nrt tiijr courve &3t -' '.V1?; rv Wandering o'er this waste so wide't"..; f' Yet no harm will e'ef brfal roe, ..While Ho blest with, loch aguide. ,V", ;. ' , ''' ' oil brjikfoy steps HI fcendV.,)! j 4Vne to ptuRjwiH tie dertuM.'' . ,C : ( "; . . i V 1 ' ; Sucl a guide ! tie (ftride attends', thee v ' V .: -lit unseen by mortal eyes. , , " .-' - ... ; r.' ."..'., V..-; V Ky.? .:V"Tcf. unseen, bnt still telieyeinej r;.';; ."i'V-. Bach Sfrirleiny eteps attends';, w').:. vtle! hi every strait relieve me, '.'.' ''..'JIefom Wery ham tyhii&'&S Piljttim see that stream before theet ; Tlailcly todmjf.thrmi(!f) the relet ; ? j 8hon'd Ha deadly waves folfVer. thee; Then my rdprtmsjte end. i' 'f -'-t ''lyr-Pown tte strein she plunjfa frim iSgWIl ; i : Uke n Anget cloli'd in Ugfi( 'rv; 4 'V' VKEB TAB- tiTf' 'Wtowinff liwle-s-flg;,. wriilen u'lHe tine of n ; ' . V English one,: y' 'msett ' i 'tji'jiewrtshiiw , to r j nAmencsn VaraJ Minstrelsy, and raucU mpcnor, ".in wtr opinion to the British sanjRf tTei enframed on the ocevt, the hurt Jinnee tsr', -,'kftfat lanrtls of frime in the ,tujr of the wsrj-'X - viUtf&tcjot ardour inspirit when Bt fipftts. i- Ve conquers tor flory and tnsritimfe: right '.TlWi 'mtrri 8afl6 the mast head he'naiTsVv '''' i-V'. Vliere it jrallantly float to the ftfottrinf ijtJei'f- - f tV'iHeserrinjrhls jin, with tnteeourae he glow) :. , And delUnce heVida to America's foes.' 4 ,i V; i ,)t V.1''1 feneitma feeltnin hisbosotn is stored,; ,- j ' r v . , Tights onJtill ex'un-nc' ! gom 1y iIm benrd, i , j,; . ", But the enemy conquered, to mercy ImcUnedi ; . A friend in the brave, he tejoiees to f nd,' , ' ..,t,r.' , . Aerompllshed the eru'ne, t ,hk fonatry he steers, " ' , fl"-'h swells his full heart as his Salty he hears, .'I ';, .. ' 'if'jT' WthfuJUfUiey andkve are ear tsrs,.;;,-' T,'?"' : ; , j;0 Jin gland's honor, their stripes ml tlieir stars : ... .- v.'V ' AVOIfiCS.' TaistThe princital aowi hy hero of Uu has. been the s nival of Henry. Ills friend, tl sj sotlsan1 C mntde Crillon, Is nootlter than a CHderant French friert, whowaa an o.Tlocr m (lie suT f Marsha h'tv in Bpainr when he contrived to rob the military ehost and e nespo to Rnand.! There he' snoceede d In pitsing himself o(Tss an emigrant nobleman, and OS snch, sold to Henry, an estate in 'rsncr, share In tile Bunk bFranee. and Sills' on di'Jfc rent senstors WilKi neve eirted. The estate is in the inoon, and the liares all counterfeits. Tims 'Jenry h cm nearly the whole of the money which ne Amerk-sn govern. s , - wu iiuy enou(,n so give turns L(Hn paper. ' TIltT. nilttJfirT.-.in'lulianTtlahop bid ' . . iirttri(!cd lhrou great dilBcultJes without repining,' ' - and met with much apposition in the discliarge of his . , ( fiihiisterial duty without ever brt'in J n the Irast im pnlrtire. An inlinuile friciHlcif hia, whohigliiy S(l ti'lri d tliose virtm s,' wl irh lie thonsh k hrpaailble , 1 io lmIt('ei'one day asVed the llishnp, ifhe coiU I C' mmnntcate tlio srcret of being alvsvs cua'ented ' ' " ft? replied the old man, I can teach you m- sc. , " eret.'snd with great facility It consists innothiny ' XS in maiinsr tis:U ttiofrb fyes. - " -? iHs fiVnd bfed him fd iplaia himscjf U st 1 ; THi.itg'.y " ttpVicd th n'shop i in whatever state t am, I ftrst of sQ loot; up to Heaven ar.d svmemher that my principal buiinea hart, is to get W. . tlx n.lok down upon tlte earth and ea1 to miuiUh' ' small a pare I shall ecenpy m it when t am Ixwled, , I Us . look abroad into the world smd obsrrvo' whst Bin 'jiudrs there are wtui are in all respects mot , unh ppj than mj self 1 Thui J Irani where true hap ' p4iK-M is placed wlwre all our cares nat end,; iiH ' Aow Utile reaaa I haVt to repine cr complaia.'-at &e of tJielt feffc?fe1t,Tttii, ig trf ivV attended m the'dischargftof the dutie as igned theniv Wpumisnce hereof ;, . h" IJgpbivTt Tfit on. Saturday, the 20h of June a publication appeared an the ewapa per entitled the Federal Republican,' prinU el in this "place which escitpi great irr5 tation, in ihe ,citv-i-ihat' on jthe, Monday JoHoVtnij; th pi tRtmg ccupied byj tns eaito ot tn;it paper was pmiea agrrn, and 'their press'-, destroyed.. mnb ttnn bad aubsided, mi the transaction waa under Ieg?l , investigation ..lay ..the cvwninal rdtttti-until Saturday Vc tSth of J!V"i in tHe evening of which dif,Afikpl Hinsam,' one of the editors of the'ttper,; with aeye ral of Kja friends Froin '6ther Counties, and one from' another 'itate came; into pwn, unknown to the inhabit wti (or knovim on y to a very jew of th tn) aha took p-Ssscs-' kion of a brick houe'in Charles itreet, 'that had bi-en the Utt dwelling of Mf.'Wagner, jiis partnefi s ThVcaitttnitj.ee further' re port that from 'written i documentiaince fitvifttl and tomntunilfated to them by. the hiayorfitaptRias that the plannf rtniewinj the paper, and arming for defence of the hotwe. from which it was intended to be issued, had been deliberately formed and onwinised some time previous", in the coun- tn'j without the kndwlesfge'of the' citizens tof Baltimore, and all thedetails -settled and adjusted by persons' who musl have been acquainted' with mHitar)' service Ihnt haying o taker"posesstp$ of the h6use, the1 y. fortifiqdjt Vtron'gly,' and pre pared arms attd ammunition to defend it i ihat oa thc next morning the uitonssuo4 from 'that " 10111$ hii paper! cfinialqini 'se? vere animadyersions upon the mayor, peo pie and police Of, HaJUpre, which th edl tor caused to be circulated through-the ci tv -In the. course of the same day it w ts known t v many persons 'that Ale Hanson, one of the editors,' was in the house, and from the .. preparations. , for ' defence that jv.ere'.li)bscrvcdl to. bcinakjnglthireint it was conjectured that he expected to be at tacked. , Durinff the dny .many other p i. sons of the- city went tot the house, and some remained there associated with those- wunin ; - i owai cu eyen ng many ooys n ui and their no:e exiitingsonae apprehension. a'neighborihg. magistrate endeavored to disperse them, and had. nearly succeeded, when about 8 o'clock a c&rriage stopped at the door of the house,' and a nunvber of muskets andjether aitidei were ecn toUe taken, but of it and conveyed through .an : armed sruard into the house i the boys then rt tarned ' Tt-eommenced their noise, ac'. companied.' with; abusive language to the persons in the house, aad.jbcgan throwing; stones at the windows j at hia' time, and for an hour or more thereafter, there did not appear more than five or six men, who could be supposed, to have any c tinecuon with, or controul over the boys t abou. tliis p riod,' a person'onths footway'endea vorinfj to persuade the boys from, theic mischief vas severely wounded in the foot by something . weighty, tlirown from th ; hous th boys were ) eptatolly told fm n the prrsbia vtthin, to go awyy and not m-' K st iht m , that they were anned, and svoold tie nd, tin mv Ives j the bqys stul comma ing id throw stonesy-twr gins were frcd from the UfpvT phrt of tht: no iwf charged, as it is supposed,, with blank cartridges, as no; injury .was done by them j the assem blage ol petple in the street at this time greatly .increased, and the threats of throw ing ot stance became more general and vi oltDt i the Snahi-e of th -lfier "windows were broken and attempu made to force tlie door by-running against fu Ten of twelve guns w.re then fired Irom the house "in quick succession, by which several per sons in the street were wounded, some danjtrouslyj about th'rsrlmc appl:cation was nude for rnilitary aid to prevent for thlr mischief Vhilat the military were as St-mbling in pursuance of art order from; the Uneial, issuiU in compliance with tfe!s(Sit,r foVn V. TTal!, Ot erge TVTncliesttT," 1 Peregrtne Warhcld, ucorge Kichardi, hd wacd Gwin. David Hoffman, Horatio Biee- low'Ephraim'-fJaither, William GaUaer, aceoi acniey, iiiirx- u. rnugie, umiei Murray and Richard S. Crulib, After the removal of the persons- the interior of the house was 'jreatly in'umi. and the furni ture in it destroyed and rlisp'rned. ' ' ' -iae commitie.tunnef report, Tim pa ling the course of the day," th ra war ap plied to the iheriff tri use particut tr" pre r4fitinn in' rtirinfV iiUk Atinra nf tl iiil wieistepfO;niwdnol'"andhouToneii o'clock application was tiiade by the naivor an,1 other justices, to the brigadier general, : to call jout ' th-t; militarr to preserve ; the toeace and quieaV.ihe state Orders wsre wsuei calling out ra'reg'unent of -Infantry, wo iroaptor eavairv, an t. two cam.ianies of amuery, fo parMeat an appointed jiaie. and place. The mayor the general, ami many citizens repaired td the early in (he, afternoon, at whiclfia trumber of per sons had assembled, the Sch greater p irt ol.whoai -.srere iaacfaulr,wd'H'aefin;ui 'pene f those of a different temperof mind, upon being remonstrated with appeared to , i .-.-at , . t - . . , . yieia io i&e aamonicions ,or otm rs ana to be appeased with the assurance triven that the party in jail,hould not be bailed or snjtered to escape during the night $" it be camt- uie prevailing opinion aoout tne pn son that no mischief would be attt-m-tted that tiirht ; in consequence, of which, and of the tnufficieBcy ol.tite force assrwibk-d, the, military, by the order of the gt neral, with the apjqrrjMtxiMlie:.' maycrrere? rliamimifH i antl m int nsrSna L-l thit ni , t r " r" j- - . on and went to their homes, .".: J-.J Shordy after 'dartq Vie numberi of tho disorderly increased i'and an intet tion was manifested of breaking into the jail y he mayor, " with the aid of a few persons, iuc ceedrd for some time in) preventing the ;-f :.!-Y V) Tb!ars "Reward, 'f' ; ' f)FSERTEP frusri my f bnspany of iraU ; ed Militia stationed; at Smithvillei on tbsj slight of the 4th naant, two men, via t vf y' . ; Wat! Baiirca, drafted from the Long ; t Creek Company f N. Ifsqoeer, and as near -at can be described 4 five feet sevea and si ' quarter Inches in height, light complexion, light haie. blue' eyes was dressed jn dark" mixed htjirtespuu and hecfe shirt , appearaj ; ? to.be aiftut thirty-two years ofsgtt. . .'. .. V" V jAttss Gory is; five feet acten inches ! , height, dark complexion', blue) .eyes, black y;' hiir, large whiskers, -! the age of twenty . ''I Wo years or theteaboot, Vai dreskd. in brown; stuff 'coat, &tnpeO homespun panta loans- and very long bootsV He sras volua r leer.Trorrt Black river L where he resides, and '! "near which it is. srtprsed he my be lurkirigJ All persons' In 'rbe service 6f their countrjr f n? well .di ;posed toWrd it , are requested t: use'theirs exeitions rto f secure : thsabof ;i .DserterW'i.;W.:f-?'. :-e.'J& A reward of Ten Dollsrs, with all reisona- ;'.v: Ma enpencps. w'-II be paid for the.dejiverrl? f j' of each, ijr eitherl ot tjtit ; to'enVral;VVm. ' -, Wr June, ! A HminKlnn. op 1A h 4USS8m er at liSmitbyi' !-4?vv:;,y-;;-i - N:f--v'. JOHN. MITCITF.LL,' Cabi, ' r ' 00 acre v' on I which is .'good. UsVelline House and convenient out building and N eg i o jV rnian. a srond pja in cci k, "and haf y neeru'ed to bouse yors laise to far ; by the month f .Nt.t 'en a - good shig , earpfnter;- App:r stthjs xffice-rT""''- T Erison door from ot-jrig lorcea npen t tney titig bvi-rpowtrcd by the increased num bers and violence oi the assailints,'' the mayor was forced away ; and the doorhav ing been : previously buttered, and ' again threatened,' was opened by tlie : turn key. Upon the entry oi the assailants they lor ced the inner dooe s end pressed 4ntn the ! rK)m in which the person above mention ed were conniu dI!ece a ccne of horror ens.ed which the co-nmiuct caniwit well i describe. The.Tesiilt.was,' that one of the persons (gen. Linjranjw.s Killed, eleven others dreadfully beatch, eight of whom" were thrown together in tront tu uc jau, xippoeed t be dead.''"'" 5 " ' , i lie wtJiiiiiuiicc ucuig, vj nuvuvrity under which they net, directed to the colt lection imd report of facts, have ctrelul! avoided the ezpresaion ot an opm.on o . any of the causes, or extent ot Uic unhappy comniQ ions berth reported. ' Other i'acu, (but they knowof none ra.teriiti) may'.iav ; atunded the above transact ou, winch th ;imited powers of rx ck, touncil do no' itr.b ' them to irpp it. t tne toumniwc ta full authority to ikvc lope. -i- J '. 1 i ; , . "; , Adam Fonei 4cn . , :' : Jamet Carry, ' ' ' . , ' . U'iiHam Sttitart, ' - . ' ,-. ' V ThouatKeU. ', Cottvroiuee of the first branch c ty counuL jamt$ Uibiounr i 1 t f I A ITU. WttK'S WOltKa-lThe Wlo.gsln(ri., lar rircujptt inre teok place at ftltcflicld aime ti-aa Since -mK young wnman was msrricdwn Tartiw, hrtm,At tohed on Frith, the child died ea Sutvdift WkS buried on Sim the hiuhand enlUied tr a s. d r on Mmdot, marched on TuttJtn, nj the drown, td lKractfoa U'rlMailS , ' - 'kwHr":'V;; Qfte Committee fijf','fi. hfj'r wt the cmuet ent tx'ett of tht lot t comma ' i I'll tt llthimirr; . (...."' pn'Ulrlljchf iSaCiiyfVKnfcl, Anf.sVIItt , Ai Inwuiif rtMiei fv rrfnti real, concur. . e.l m, nvl lrr, to be fh iwd all th MWipa' 1-vrfofiAOcUyi lly or.Wr, ' , y n. it. sKWHr., ctk. t t'.vf sr hk1 hrancb. Auj'st 6, 1811, the Hlowing TrMit prxai,(Ml,' ersd, ronrmml in andae. di.vd M I filiied in all i,e . w.fncrs a( the ay. , H) edrr, Tlk ROOl tH, CUrk .. ": n rr.itfl jorrviro.v.'&i, , J Manager i wa citt e fUirutoat. ' 'I l.c V'l iommitlee of tlie twoWanrh. tsofilie city cou'R'il aio'nttcJto enquire li.V tne Mc an I tit in f tlie Lite torn mot:on.' su tu -h iv itg, M enfined uji tbcyi, teicsttd wie aid of tiuxteca a re- vi i w a a( r quisilion tront the legal authority, frequent Erlno- tool pi-ce from the Injusa' and three guns were bred at it f some short time a( terwinla a gun was -fired from the house which killed Doctor Gale 'In the street a-bout-twelve feet 1 from the house " This j circumstance greatly incense d the irritstifru of tl.oss tn Jie stiett, wko soon after btouht a ftld piece in front of the, house, ) but by Uie interposition of sever! citizens t were restrain. J fiom Cringtrpon thehouie, tinder uri assurance that lliC crsorts li it would wumlxJer thtmiclvcs t-f the civd audionry i tlie mi!itafv soon after arpeSN ru, uii it.iu"u ViCiuatiYta.iu liVbi r afpeSN i ViUiarn JWD m-U, Committee of the 2d branch city council. The undersigned being requested there to, joined the above coiumiiu-c in the dis charge pf their duty, aud unite wuh Uitia ta the foregoing reporu " - - ,1 . , ,- Jama A Buchanan, w- . f..J . -., k d eter uuie. M , TaoriKuJte Luuet lV ' ' Lemuci 7Vyor Rohert Gilmtrt . . , . S.'Slerrtt, " . . u,.., Slate Bant, . - ; '"' 1 . ' RAtnoa July it, int. THE Stockholders' of the State Bank are hereby Informed, that the foanh Instalment ef their Shares will become due en the I lib day of August next. t Is cipected that particularity will be observed, end payment made at the several Rinks st which the &ubeeripilont were orip.lnslly ntadt, agrtse tlj td the ct hrnrporatirtg sid Btk. - v ace. v 1HE.5 Rubcribcr hi.virR been eppolntetl ' Ai'niidstra i r -to the f siatc t.( Amos Vttfl,' ideiaed.'b the i'un oi Pleas ant! Quarter v , fteV Wris cf the Cootit) s( Bmnswickvat July " ;j tetjn, lSlS.givf i notice to all persona having" y '' den and aewnat the evrate of the said Amoa ' '-' Perry JO p"e?et thrm for pny mem Withlsj "ll the tinn; required by the sets of the General .' ;i A scmbly io soch esses made end provided; - or they w'H be bired Cf recovery by , tbeW i opera. ion of said acts. :'-'.v ; ".- ' -' :' - 'l'""' : : ? JOHN li ALL. Aim'ri : Wiin ington July" 31, ' -"-, . Notice,- On the 4 Is "rlsy o August next, will be eld at , Vn iih.ll-v ttrun- wick County) all tht pt f 'rr.il p petty ot the late AeaPerT" ry. deceased. , Sax n ontba credit will risen. Tote; with appev.dtetirily will reqvrrd. : - a . . JC-HN U ALL, Idm'ti "Vilminprton, July Jlst.'ma. ; ;. .;. Swaasaw - rs '.in i iiaia' ' i imwii awsswawssssswJsss 1 Hat Manufactory Remoyed. R -RASKIN repecltully iufoNaa hit frttridi and the puaJfi that be has removed l th- more in front f the river, lest ocenpi ee by I) i R.F.teriit. , , ; v -' H- eominui s to carry en the Mimtfactne ri'OK of Htof U, ms- and. fluidities, and dispnves rf ihr swt at a rate 1 o trsionablaV to be fwntilsiiterl i.f, AH tlo 'whos af r.ountshiveb ensndinw .iitydys and up- wsms, art r quetca to can r' n.ie settle menu, , . . . 4 ... Julys! tf. S " f I' ." M o&t or Mislaid, v " AswaV M'.nuwariduiii B 'k c -Tered with pi-ceof newp,.prcnntaipiii particulare rela'iye to th oTounts cf moneys received and P'1! fnrtHt ue rflhe ( I nrth. - Wboe ver rrsy. hi the sanster knu wene It is, would confer e f vne br leaving It at this Of? Ere or givirg notice wUre it msy bt 0t.-- . M y Jft. 4 J; .V , ..J i, ; -j T - r '. - ; t house no further injury orrurtcd liati'.a tock place w'ua tSoae widiin the ik) JSC, nnu woq oeiog asiurru ioa a mui tary guard would be'iumikbcd, and every eUn used by the mayor and general to en sure their, safety from violerf, they snr rendered themselves tu the civil authori'y about sevoa eclotk in the morning uf Tuew day, and wire conducted to jail and coin iniucd lor juriher tlamioMi i lliey were, Alexander C Hanson, ("enj!rnry Lee, J mt M Lindas, William ttroder, Joho llKHnpson, WiUiatn U. fiend, O. Spri?!, j I Ucnry- Ivcnocdy, Robert iLilpur, Henry 1 , . -,' . ' ' ' AT.L rswnt InJrbted to the W'.lm'attitt eststditbsnrnt of UeUte- fi m of Donaldson, McMills k Co. are requested to make im mediate payment te John Lord, F.sq who rs ab0 and aw' saihorised te tective py snent end grant dischsrres. ; Suits will be iransadistcly commenced train! sit detia . , JOHN'MeMllUN. , Aoiest IV- Jt ,' . Jfvoieta Vef. ' Wanted, . A Mgr. CM thai is fit f r a It vsni t jrs'r.h. liberal aijti wi I le vi Apif atUOI)ca. . - . Ja.s ,THP. Sob rriher estnestly reqisestt all thoe who stsr.d n-lebtrd to the laie firm af William Eerie k Co- and kicks k Robtaoss, In settle the sun wrh W ili'sm Mitchell, who it fully tmpnwcrtd to, gitc diicbaiges,. and muke sncb etl'tmrni in. any way be tnay deem most eipcduipus. . . . .'Aug. 4 -tr J.- -Wat. ECCLESs 1 One or two Apprentices i ; to iV Shoe ttid boot pirkirg butineis la sll k eartout brancMa,4 wiJ bo taken by , ' . Jn'yll. , ""'- . S.bbXTON. ; - , Notice , t. - On the S9th ef May lest, thw Copsrtncrshrp of CaiTTKMDta & l!nao wat dissolved by u . . . u . . , . . t. ! i . ... ? , oiuniai consent. josrjo ajisno is autnort scd to settle the accounts ef the firm i he. tlertture notifies tn debtors to sid firm, ! f thee by note or c recount,' thai Immediate payment must be eaade, or their notes and 1 eecnunis will, wt hewt disctisn'mailon, beput 1. .I - i -- I. r r n ..t . 1 , . . w m aauua an ma tuict-r lor coiirrutm, . 1 " '' V '-: 'I V, M' CafTtteeta, " ' r ' ; - Jottra DiisVr. ' " , ' N, V, The Ws'rk Making and Jtwcllery -hus.neii is still carried on by Joseph Pith pp. "7 1. V , . V . tf f ats sen. HKTit in rvsLisito IT ' . 2'-. H' ILL AM S. HAS ELL , - "V v coeroiTloM. , . ' ; . l.Tiitl DotLLaai ijrf, fxtjobltn ft e we, ay J-oea Uotiaas if m 4 wifre ' t ,V s5ajrittim ran i rntitidMa l(n i liwfl.'wmjli MoaTBS. - : ' " . 5. Apfr Will h diKomuM(4ntil trr'Off , ;ttm irtted, mfii A orcuni tie t e r (( ,4 I .1 - A1 'i 1