1 Ti II. JUL ft rNtn sssV -CdlLJv t Wilmington, rw. tue!dy,; February s, Via is; - - .. - it ,-:-.-iJr fc v i3r,-jr u - if ' .: i and fur 'V .Si- am-la.mi!y Mcntacue, des on ruifi. Elenor. Montalhert. ' 'njiinFhorn'bofoutrli.' 'weW - VJ;h Family, Eleanors J taVJ of the heart. Trcdcricai.E. Perrr tWi'Lo'jUa. Julia Cfihille. t;,-v )undornc. Henrv 4 of Conscience, Anra St Itci, ion, Simple Storv, Jjqueima, ierfount Cattle, Cistle on the Reck, iirhc, Wihr. Ehza, Zoraica." Eih, : For Sale, Freight or Charter, &K 1 sau"ch and fast sailing schooner S&VjEIIKNUV & be"uiff3 years Wifi2Sr oU, about ninctv tons burthen and well .January 25. ons burthen and S. &f A. B. ARNOLD. " lU . raVt F.p-tomc of History, m m k. v I : 1 r s Grandisofii ijpoai Courtship, Power of sjrnpathy I t1'1!1 H3P'es Orphen.Osma and Alcceird of I'assion, Sidney IlMuM'S ok.ViI!get Emma Corbet f. Tanner s Fritnd. Alexis Constant lover- Kmijiuj luquiaitor Vl!:. ?niiit f thtt Has.i& Jr IhejOrphan SUters.-ucy ey rt Aui:n Mary Jinc, x,. ; TThxti Trevor. Surh fol-ics are, Khciinere ' Herry Sommcrvillc, Cip?ey CouMttrts, CaMlinc of Ltchfielf. F.i:ni!v. Suj ry TyiHa, Filial IndicrcfiAns; Tm'c M nk F-i!'-retjiPuwcrof Syro'pathy, orttion. Fatal rnPae.i:rke!y I!al, arclimont Vlc.tr. pf. Wake field, Selima. A?dc Cljur'-i, Koniancd.cf the Forest ; hVterrillc'.DvJnar.d, IV'tron-Mns, ow 0".i Fcitricls.with a n-v 'fji:c, Marchiioi:t . Vshtrbood, iritsmornst IJjrronct, P-pl?i'ie, Fannie f!Iali!en, LiC) Ur;on, Ar of precrsirt; Sec- 4 A'lifnNCramrr.r, A!eline Mobr y Antric h rev-.Iuti.n, AhtS Trovi-U : A' l-t'co Ke . Abbes', Akin' l.uer$ A :ul tlibni f MiiHi-icrs. tiacon a Assays B o'ber d Sis'.cr. H-!v B.ble, ' "is ' 1 For Sale, : Under the Court Ihusi in Wilmington, on FrU 'h daj the 5lh day of February, ensuing Certain LANDS, forme -Iv the nmnprlirnf I Carleton Walker E-W. and which vilf be mwrc parucuiariy enumerated in the Gazelle .of.fhc en'nS week. .Payment wi.be re ceived fin such paper as the Subscriber is' IKaJIy bound to take up. Jan, 26, - BFN7. SMITH. -. -j. . , "ijThose person btloning to thb company of drafted Ii!ilia from this conntf, lately und.-r my command, arr hereby in-' formed that if ther attend at lhs pface on Saturday the 6th February next, thev will receive the amount Axis- for fb'ir services. JOHN A. WATSON. Janu3ry 26 2w Just received by the scli'r Henry c, f i . r t - C50 pieces.Silk Handk -rchief. , :r,"r oor.TorioiH Shell Ccmbsi assorted, 1 ton ofFft and ' ' A quaniywfC.co: NTut5, All.ivhich will be sol i low if applied-for oon.v Jmu 26. S. Sc . B. ARNOLD. ' ' j , Turpentine: Wanted. . '.. : CASH wi'l b- paid for 100O barrels crood.' tto!t TyRPKXTIXE. . . January 26. -VI.-!. V .'''!,''." election . of Representatives to :itn4s has terminated in favour tStbe mfratic Ticket, by a littJ more, than ea;; , han!?e had taen place nce Sep- mbtr. and althoudi we . knew that the c f peace: m this part of the;! state, uiif' i (ia thci r : tl utv; yet swe dared Inot :tiec nor did ve expect . to carry the -i'-'tioi'ii tVe had more' than tTiree tlou- rr 1 tri rnm iri three months r f iVVfc 4 "it -eve; and Jthe V best info rrned f iJei.:quaUy. Relieved "fbrytea .dys 4f ft 3t could 4 be leai:ntr: t h a t the .ejace 3uS&titr5at : fcave ecrtdiiily revaltd;;. llot -fare; .rdisapppinted. Tlier North "es!i; nsection of the state has.' not ;dbue i. advertised m tins 'city and exhibited ata v ; if- r - hose'auilw and For - t thelight oJhich wan tor,lhas paid ::r;:hs ''doHairji -is sfta-more;;!v':: Alas ! its motion has; been stopped en. f Arnon the visitors yas ATVIr Fifltdnr " ; whose suspicipns - were awakened , yj.:sler-u;. . J day oy tne souad ot. a tiurnmc: cxwk--- -.-:S2 On a repeated visi t tfi is " mdrn '5n; acco i . V 'panied by seyejir!fc!fdsm..ii6'; wZr&'&til'r minftH; if thefe'JwarianvinipUion,: to da-X. -. ;tt i tect it, these sabiciorisi: were cbnfirnidl Kk i,-. 5 take! beffan by rtqufestitjor permis imio '''"f'XXJ !the 'mach"ineHotb:eees.ibptKe-r:ii it -examination, iwnicn . ueiftreuiseds ttv' rx" v.'ii 3 s i aH: oi- ::i)rni.eAi:oLT'A. . A Mf.S W . AI.KCIl, ' t it sb Ci-ro, Bozmii's Muryhnd aTje A B-tan:c Garden, British ?pT, f : ft TV nrapHtcM UuMioTiary. . St V Help and Cui'le. Btr.l if Mm .hrai. tV. Hslpand Guide. Cutler, Cori na nhitj Rrcrrdjr, Citk cf Otrant'c- U II.I.TAM .V. I'lSHEn. 1 F rippeariiij to the satisfaction of this Court, that tin: defendant in this, cause re sidijrfi without the limits of this st:te Or uetrfil rli.it notice be jriven to the said de fendant by way df advci llseincMt in the Wijuiingum Ciazcttc feir three months, tha 'unless he appear at next t'.rm to be held on jthe fc'"i! .'tond.v of Fcbruatvnext, itsdnty, and through a neglect the niost iinajdonab!e where we had least. "reason to tx peil tv it, the,; election , is lost, r ! It is b ity so Anclliir "rconsoletion y is, ,that t) flange in bur favoar; is ;mucb gf-eler t ; 4i Ave h ad antici pated ; and th at th e, cur r .l:; now every - moment becoming si orer.af.d;stronger, i n avo vr o f peace, rtmberce-and freedom. The. " Border t will "soon be "as; unpopular ;in norjltis it Js, mother parts of New- laitdlAnd WeUitmv,: tor one cluster ing bullying, cajm-:;j pali hasxonieto " a. close", and we hre ; era if;d nothing but an unbroken series of - dwjlter. cle feat, disjr'race. and ruin; and comintncedCanJittack iipon itrSand the nrsr piece, forn, oil - the upper, whvcl la hi ch tlie. perdiculr sharlfew la-tcn'-V . ed; - Kcoyer ed f - tJie that Jhe otiQnwasccimrnunitated ty aT crnk turned by ah eehk'.'in the chamber .aboveri entering which they ibiind : U ia ttie act,4 :: ;. - ' .. ' v.. ?- vAa. XX 'fefco&fusi6.n that" ensued; J was-not snlalL 'Tbe three :,feli67s concrred r- ' J turned the money jtb tfcjefrVseht ; but it! -X is miteh to be h mented it! rat they; xvrtf 5 iered?.to make theirs escauel unmol ti-J:X Note TheTabove macliinct iai denied t fr :. ' iweonaeners; I- Frdtrithe Norfolk L&Jrer; 1; !: Same1 'df our patent" Virginia demo- cr?tk are taking qonsontion irom tne cjr- cajrtarrce of General Smyth b'eing aS J they sayfan inshinan'; tne facts is, We bejiijjve he iV -'a rtati ve of Virginia .;' but suppcsj; it is thcrwis?, " ve :Jee" nothing to furnish co'troiation. This brings to our nfcol lccf.o!u an anecdote of the late cap:. Clifichl ef iVcenous'jplTprr. if V rr HYas 'a person who at the same tie-;vhV$a?MefribtT': of congres iiid - 'i - M JUDICAL ; C'rr for Ccfi2umptwf Com ?!aits ' . " - luiown .huu is j iii.crr-.si -! thitijr that can be desirous of and Daughter. Few ale M-nio. L I t ? f ' r I man, and I do not say, th nt,irTmili' vvr fir.r aAMi-EL.MOiwuc.joHs .MASSY, i . ror mat i out j .wi u vcniure to sav, cna Ilia. lit i.Uc .vhKai. 1,. 1.t !,'! II 1 "" r i- i ' . x f i I 'ius -. "i""ui me iiiiuia ui mis auif wi- ii a memuer oi -jrarnainenr. or a AOionei. L) ,.tr.! of Vyoming, H n.erS Gii:raphicl Catechim Hcmer's Qvssee Ifr:s": Koey. J'prdia l rner 'S-.'c J H operS Kxarnin itios, Hcrran S lio .irea f If?.f Foelon. Luvofthe L.nt Mmattl L tl? and M-mrc, Ladf'ii Cabinet J.i-'er Firtiarumt Liu ncc (ircave 'Ck bird, Mon' Monitor ". I l inihs oP.Mr. Clarke, Moot'. Wnr.i' -MickuyV Mivija:or. Mcae, United ttr K' lticarAlmanac Narratives of Shipuck P :ii!i, Gi a.nmar, Porta! P.e ant-res of Hop -, PindaiS AVork Kl.Jou? ouinfp iicviunn 'ii.iaxre K'u-h .Kimbicr. ttea'Iy K-rker la may's South Carolina, iliva! Pnrcs prctator. Senarl to Ar!icote, I tut Southev' Poem. Tiumh- of Tcmjer 5fcmicMur anJ Order, ihrMiis of Vo zjivr. Sailor- Frirr'ihip i7 Conttoh S't rrs V"rk, Simple jl alts sp-a-ea Poems, SmecaV M;r.p ILx ?r--is?rf Sterne's Joumtf I.'Tic-hu, Three Spjif Ms Cy! ,r'!rrn3 sort's Sasff)i Lr. MH:r j.rpe irv IT appearing ta the satisfaction of this Court, ihat.ihc defetnhmts in this cause re sides without the limits of this state Or dered tbat notice be given the said defend unhts !v way of adyer.tisement in the Wil miigton Gazette for threer months, that unless they appear at the next term, to be held on , thc-Sfcond Alonday .of February next, and replevy and plead, judgment will :e granted against them. J&tness, TilOS.F. DAVIS, Cleric in cverv . useiull to hum an if ,s : OUS Ot tnviIT? the huhhr In irem r that chance has discovered :A.n oitic wh had;;-.a"cons,uomtiv''Gotrmlairi-':".irr" Im breast, was dUsllviiig overa ch,i!fihg iliH "- -S pf fire, in a close to-im, vn ecuaf quanmy : " !pf white pitch and-y.'ilov'bees-wx; Mcith an intentioii oi soldering s m l)tties ; " after having breathed srm;J tiuie ?h the vapjr arising fom irj he ' iouSii-flie x$n-X-: plaint in his breast: grb'tl rellevedfhls :'V observation, exrrcni.-Iy inierestmgKtn hLii- self, derniintd him to continue the; smc: fiimigation trnne da vs. i 'He soon bercclvX X. cd a very ,caiisidera.ble amendment, .i d, at lengtn wa rjn.ty curctU 1 h;s; cure vai vcrv. m of if ; and s:i w.iS; bf made nf 1J med U trial nlioht hte was desp.:-:red- o?. Tdi -' would have remained a long time in his own country before he would have peen tidv, talked op thli rent d; in .b- cone i'ViL member of Parliament, 1. -F IS I CR.J) r . l . . t 1 ffe )on ifjdarick STATE OF XOUTIf -CAROLINA.' , wVw Jlancr.'rr County A cirwiCT 7Vrn 1812. William H. WiLLlAM IT appearing to the satisfaction of tbis Court, that die defendant in th'ik cause re sides without she limits of Uiis state Or-' dered that notice be given the said defen diintjjry way of advertsement in the Wil mington t Gazette for three months, that unless he-appear at next term, to be held on the second Monday of February next, and replevy and piead, judgmeut will be grant tcl against him. . 'jrttttes. i ri wo. r. vid, cirrfi. mp parti on tne .v.w UNo. IfirWilrabg- .irj IjtVer and CokradV &4V.irri.ed in the' prA Vtvi'.. c . -V?rr-. - -Ai VVi.V ... . J fori . . a a. win fir- w-iwwi. " . vein-- iVa - ;st .NliTrrv to fe ou GAU I lr.Kr 1. JO. Dollars Reward. DESERTED. from this post on the night oJ fhr I9th ult. Jamks Lamrone, a private fefjufantry, aged "22 years, five feet 4 inches hih, of dark complexion, grey eyes, dark hair, and by profesJion a labourer- The a bo vc reward will be paid for his apprehen ion, on delivering him to the commanding rer at ints post, or to any uommusioDed icer of the U. S. Army. V JOHN ERVING, . Lieut. Wst Artillerists Commanding. cf m Fort Johnston; . u Nov. 22d, 13 1 3. -t.. ii ' T?t'. Tirllnf c T?itrifrl . -- -1 i -STH AYED from the nlan- . i i tation of the late John Hilli Eaq; about t he first: of June, a bay MAKL, about 1 4 hands 3 inches high, .years old with two colt, the largest three years old the ensuing Spring ; a ay -with a white hind footthe other a sorrel ,-FiHjrt two years old. Vine following sbrincr particular marks not , recollected J, VTbe above reward will be given and all rea vjnaoie expenecs paia, on aenveripg tne. Vd mare and cofta at the above plantation; ct.27-.tf XFlHlUU t FROM THE N. YORK EVFXING POST. Interesting Dccument. Among the do cuments lately transmitted by the Presi dent to Congress, .is j one from Admiral AVarren. dated Halifax, October ; 2 1st, 1812, in which, after acknowledge iighhe receipt of the application of John Oiinh. of Boston, the ; father of ; Th6mas Diinn, . for ihe discharge of I his son,-as an ; A! jhe rican seaman and transmitting a deposi tion of his birth, the Admiral adds, ff It appears the said man j is married in Eng land, has been eight years in His Majes ty's service, and received a pension from Government under these circumstances, and the man never baying made any ap plication fbr his discharge from prison, he continues on board the Statira." Noxu this ii prt'ciselij the ase of a naUiralvzed Bri tish subject voluntarily serving' on board our,, navy. The Government demand him. Great Britain has nbt yet gone that length ; but we have thus impliedly admitted her ricrnt to do so. And does it not uresis-" tibly follow, that if she has a right td de mand, she has a right to take I On Ithe other handi by her refusal to discharjgel she must admit, in turn, our right to hold her naturalized subjects in the same manner- that $he holds'ours ? Ought not tiien inese connicunp claims to De lortnwjitb adjusted by negotiation r , . : ?v x x-hx From the Baltimore Sun. . A misapprehension has -prevailed, we belive,as to the supposed tiexv propoii- lion, to oreai-untain, mentionen in de bate :by IVIr. Calhoiin. Thatt ifentleman explained his meaning, to be merely, that! if consistent with! the delicacy 'proper to be ob served towards the Executive, with whom the power of negociation : rests, the com mittee of Foreign Relations proposed to make., public a propos i don comprizi ng. the oilers, already made to Ureat- iSritain and btf her rejected. jThis was intended wholly for the satisfaction of the people. ! paper ihis remedy eCtly-Vcur j. ? i ieu evcry; nop- ripe cou'iU and the patient vv islp-j I consequenc - ot which, lU- r Jers that the fact sh.j, the Public G?lze;te. I connims . this rw:dau j-addinW'tf-r ti-.o "ecu, .VJlMtSflcftCtVl iV2 1 -quid benefit . on sever :! persoalv 'who were attacked with compla nts liiOiX-rt- ' eyeii to' ; hi prinr-sjs.,:gaVv hi. Of insf rted sn and tnat very many, vtit i were ulcerated, and who wiere mk irely t-; -en oyer; had been cured! by rtnifeimi::" Vemedv. It snould be observed, that the VoojIi in vvuiui Auiiiiuauuu 13 Uli cJLXC-iornr 'J" hh to be very cfeiy shut upj, and that person should walk. about to suck in the vapor dy degrees." , ' . 'i :X, , ' The fallowing recipt-is paid to be a spee dy and effectual Cure for! tiie B se'tcn : ' Take one pint of good vinegar, and' h ai a pint of loaf sugar and simmer them trvre ther a cOvenient time in a , pewter ' v ;ss-l , with .-aptwiehsoytr. Let tle patient d) 1 k of this during the day, a small quantitv at a time, either clear, oyx; accommodated to the palate by diiuting4t wiith water." r ''TPv.wst mitle iise'r of this prescription, was restored o perfect health in one day, and afterwards recovered his -strength with a; rapidtv ibt astoniVhtrd hf " fwnd& 'Many persons of the first rspcctability. havejsincev rjcn greatest distress Sc weak ness to hich this complaint hatl reduced them and-cured in the same " astonishing mannerr: This siniiple renidy so 'potential ' its effects, is remarkably pfcasant td the taste, more agieeable thaii lemonadeJaud. on being .swallowed, seeds to reach the seat of .the disease with the velocity of : electricitv. ' ; . : h ' . THE subset iber has for sale on reasona: ? ble terrn,, a small quantity cf New England RUM.n hogsheads and brels. "wbich is 14 months; old. ISAAC ARNOLD. s:Ja.BU3rylQ4 tf .; - ;jr. "Perpetual motion secret out ! The All's over ! the - perpetual motion ktcly To Rent,! conyement HOUSE, with' a larpe Kitrh ' healthy; stuatito VFor funher -nlrtiV. app'y to January 19 Gir Prticnl .t- ,K Wir. MITCHELL; ; J: 1 , , t.f - - . V- - . - . "r:X

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