r .SPEECH OF THE , HOK; JOSEPH PEARSON-, tie ILuo Jlrfircscyuahvefr ntcemfter jy. The hill Supplementary to the .act for the more per - feet organization of th'cirmj of the United States" nd OieVdl 'in addition to the act for ralingan 'Additional Military Forcer 11.15. under conside ration. . : i U : nf-mi fr.il :tr.' the s.n of mu;t is equal to the sin of commissions-it others art- injured bv our neglect, with wh it propriety can we complain i"f that injury should happen to be mule to recoil upon ourseive- ; unless, indeeu, xtioctnal mean posii in tinsmith ' I rnrwivft it that our own hands are e::tlrcV clear, and that u is our dutv to make them before they are further steepedVMood. Ucfrre I cater inta thz examina tion of the motion of . impressment ths only avow ed cxislin- object of Hie war permit me to declare the firm conviction of n.v understanding, J" 11 this question, as citl'ur circumstances . I J. -, 'are taken to prevent its recurrence. um Uoii is true let it be applied to the question now must irrcs:ta:ii ee. it at present stand, under the pe ces m the tvo nations could bt i ul- ly and fairly understood bv the people , tuts co- j trv, they would not sustain thcvar.in .1ach we are j invntvtrt for one slntrfe hour. XoV-rJ a war never , can, it never outfit i'o b sustained for the protection f Hritisli subjects, or f, reisers of any description , tvho m?y come an.ontr us. nnk-ss they rema.n witm the territorial infliction of ths Lnited States. Un I tlie contrary, if U. Britain Vdl not 1 satisfied to ar- , ranfce tli.si:ij ct fairlv. so as to exempli iy- t abme of,the practice of impressing from our u sseli, tvhm suMi se-tirit as is in our po-ver to ?T.e, anu such as fche oii.t to ask, is given her, inat ntne et her seafaring sii!;rcts sfiuU b employed m our ptto- li of merchant rt-.4els Uien we. sh:d haVc a cause , vt war (nd he united in it) more worthy o theencr- ; fries cftl.is, nation. How 'uT c have the rijfht, or how expedJet t it mav be for the Seps'.atarc to 1-es.trirt , the claims of mc, the vei v Incomi kraWe class ot j teamen, iz those Ilntish seamen who have nrei- ously to the existing war, been ii iri::arlyi"aluu . arreeablv l tne laws ti uic .un.v: far, I sa?, it would be constitutional and-just to ; terfere with the claim and privius now en joyed by l.:- .:..i-.w .i-c.t.;ti..n of rvrsons, I am n?t afc , this motr.en! prepared to say I ha.eTe, however, toe number is so inconsiderable, that it wonld nut pro duce anv n.inous obstacle to an arrangement ulncn would he othcrwi e dirh!e to the two natioiw.--1 The whole numlier of seamen of this description an-rin- the whole period from 1796 to lHll, a"'b y to J remrt of the secretary of sU Ve, amount on I y to 1332, and from Hie opinion of gentlemen well imi.rin -cxl on tl.i , subject, it hiely pmhuble at tlc pen cfthedoclurationofwar, and pe i -iiups at ir.enr. ther.cVre .not one hundred; W' zed British seamen in our service. It P" therefore, that ih a ne-ociauon secuted u ith frkn.lly Wsnwtions-; aoju ;j tlon ofA miRht not arisc-and .fit uul, hoth I ties regardiBcr :md lookinj; to thor futur ... Jha t the past would not permit ho means:. .h i -ileal ami oast evil, to Income a senous jvc 5 Ytil't iiihv v- oast . A - . hA4:A T ' t t ' HI I contestation. s mi . ,lin,w,..i i r. have complclc contioui : over the 8hiect-they rVt'htZ - protection. If they re not content V- itlkthe Wewins tVour law and our W. without pt.ntliemscl es : h,.mi nf tlu-ir native sovere:. br, it .c.,AA nv chance is to be had on a very extraoniiuarr d.umeut fur.ushel by J . .rMii t. tiiiroorunffu tet;ites and edicts of that cintry 'Je the revolution she ndonly nmtlon to the naturalizJ per- own-soVereirt.' but denies to Mtrals ralize her enemies as to proTectiici V 1 (lia(CIU?IIH I HPT asrainst ner arntsuiti aui'o i din Medmen on board neutral vessels at pea, . Tl sir, theses practices and these pretensions have be en forced upon'iu by the officers of the French gfm ment in a variety of instances, and so far from fpse officers coiuideriiit an ouence, tfiey have reprh " iwivmmciti'Tur. Wrf;.:cXjr hir - seamen fto ''ourservicewnor have I heard a wiiisper of compjiut ..K:t 3tmmi the French crovemment. Fll nil". JH"JVV 0 T . " , . . .1 - ln'a rat,l anv uttpntion tO tllC DTOCliU 19 UICIC UIUI (MS j'." "'V 1 ;,ir: nf Krwnre on t!v subiect, that is iCTioranto riirid vicilance with which she has endeavored tlse- to hrrclFJhft services OI QCT OWTl sraauuii and the little" cereroonrwitli wlch nonsral cr naturtdizM seamen have been treateahy her she make it a crime In her seamen to servfcn board vessels of other nations whether enemiefcr friends slie punishes- as pirate a3l masters of v4 sels, whether haturahzed or settled inothsr cop' triei who1 take commissions or use any oCier fig than that of France if her seamen ; are found in l reJii bhlps in time of peace, they are doomed to c finementand sen ice,' jf in time of war, they are si- ter.ced to tJiree years m uie gaanc. of tie regulations which exist and had thek oridii previous to the revolution. Since thit perio&arjdh die tide of French principles (for 1 will not prosl tute tlie term liberty) other regulations haVeUkii plr.ee which 'clearly shew of what avail wfcertij cate of naturalization or cu" protection to fi)hipje3 woukl have been, had that nation been able keep anv thinp like a fleet at sea., .Dy tliis modernlian pion of maritime rijrhts, alt csptains of neutral ves sels were nunisheil as sjuot, unless liey coukj by our minister near the rvnclr court U&ttbe'jsve; hern in an filled or neutral country all Engluh sailors on bjani neutral Hag-s in the ports of France, were ordered to !e arresLed, and every man wlo spike theKnih" Unguftffe was to be considei-fi EnrJ. ;h, unless l.e couia prove y auweuuu Tht e. sir, are some of. the doctrines and pra ja tiC "l-JlIf- : tilt ir cruelty .and inmstice in lu-rN nnist be admitted bv all: Uiey trauscena n.-.t.-nM. s which have ever come to ' knowledge; t!icv are adduced not tb palliate. I v.m.ln.!- nf th. i r'-tisli covciiiroeiU " but to sher ,.fn.1ori diner nt nations, on the subject for jfnkD., the u-.r i now continued, and principal!)--W sher, . that uhilst-we vsertthe principle .that -ottr,fiaghallt be the shield of protectiou, to- every torcgneruo ni:-y take refuse under it, Uiis war will he tteriUtt ;if not universal. . V -r'"V O.ic wonl more, sir, pn Uus part of the subject it is tliis : inilepende-ntf of the existence of the war and the intrinsic delicacv and perplexity of the ques tion of which I have been treating, and setting aside all considerations of injury and abstract ight toth in' relation to" oarsclveV and others, there is seme tliinff of supcrir encouragement and pRirongadue fi-om us to our native tars. National honor and na tu,nal safety rccjuirc, that your nav ies and your ar , Mi,;.i,i hf- rnnitiosed of the names of our soil It i'l lfits us to share the tods and honors ot. defending our country with those xvho fcavq no li cr est in h already Ins the glory ot the late bnlknt naval achievement, tuc capture oi:u u.c- j tlie Constitution, under command of-Capt-lIull, in somewhat tarnislied by the tact, or at least the bchef, that nreflt Dart of our" crew were Hntqns V ' 5 , 1. . 4 , 1 1 J I M 1 1 Cell not Late To deceived at Baltim Extracts from ligence, - iLtfhx from France. ?rench Bulletins. TWENTY-FIFTH BULLETIN OF THE FRENCH GRANP ARMY. All the sick, who; were in the -hospital at lSiascowi were removed on the lotn, 16th, 17th, andJStH, to Alojaisk and bmo Icnsk. The Ammunition w?pns and aU. the munitions, together wtth prizes ?nd r:i.;oW and trophies, have nartPfl uD. anu were sent oft on th.j 15th. The army rdceived orders to make bread for 20 dysind to get in readiness, to depart. The Enlpcror quitted Moscow . on the 10th. . . - f b ' - Pa!ris, isovemncr w ,TWENTY-SIXTlf EUllLETip OF THE,FRENCII GRAND ARMY. . r. L .t. ATocktv-i (ien. ivutu- t..:. Lo,tiic m trout or SOW tOOX a pOSlilun one 5w . m.. Vuwrnir formed several re- ,lf,htc for the delence oi tne cny, W4 U. Af liolflino- nut to the All tKe j taken care! .ores uiinTjn-.' the Knir if caused Uunng the present session u. vw... - . - v t be a detail if an .iv,f ror.a tef n f' Russell and!r,lCastl,reagh. on JS; '..vuav Mr. 4..i-cu, vnife.. to le emment so to do, did nropo, that the la to foreigners to v r aiu, ict .-hci a... bv merica's'sons ; to tlicm impaj-t tht, honor or tke sl.amei As to the bill under congelation t . dcriU perfect nullity in pomt ot pracUcal e hyeivfj. It will ladd to the expences already too peat for lit le to oeur ui vnn " sv- f ,. 1-r last momerit. hfe 14th Sept, seeing the Frendi army v- ..,i ik;ni h4 evacuated nis; position, and pasled through loscowy u . o4rc. at Q in the morn- -i .;,i miar-fl r:iri throiiirll lllg. wtir auyanvtu b""'' r ; y at one, same day. j, , , c The commander ot tne rear guaru ui h Russians asked permission ;to ucmc thro' the city without bing hreu upon , .u .rtI.( et ns trra'nted : but 'on our-arn. val at the Kremlin, the raboie, armed by rrr,nr mnvinp some resisui ur. ;,-,cfantlv; riisnersed. Ten tioa Russian: soldiers werc? tre ncxim - eral succeeding da(s, picked up m dinr ent parts of the city, where they had Wan tiered from ah impulse of plunder, l Hey are experienced gcl soldiers, and have served to augment tne numoer ot uui soners. . "li, - fl f . Tue i 5th,. 16th and 17th, the comman der of the Russian rear guard said, that no more fignting should take place, and spoke much of peace. He proceeded on the road'of Kolomna, and o tr advanced guard took a position at jhe bridge ot Moskwa, live leagues from Moscow. In the mean' time the Russian army quitted, the road of Kolumna, and took that Ot Kalouga.. The most profound; silefce pervaded their whole arnly. 1 It was soon observed that the enemy were ona march. ? The Duke bf Istriaim mediatelv went to Desna with a corps oi observation. Thl King of naples follow ed tW enemv towards ludei, auoaf ter-r Kremlin to l mined- Tj Ohke of viso Ww it;' upon tne at sfai-. .1-- ji 4 .? " The arseUiarrarH of Tre viso then." tSV' Of 4JXX) stone, houses laloscow 2fA only remain o1 r . " w Mmu4M&3 only about 500 remV'- TWESTT-SEVEST.B BULLTIN ClKEFRE h GRANU ARMY i !' - Vtreia, Oct Th orJmnl Russian, army p.tmvti The; Russian an t nrJlf rhieflv of Cossa ks al ne cruits. i Men of information sta trf th. Rn;an infantry only trje aX is com rstd of experienced soldie Russians have nau ui.ee yj;ucr, Count iPino on our part, was wounded. , , . twenty'-eigitii bulletin of ! jiCH GRAND ARMY.- . 1 ' Smolensk Nqv. . 1 The Imperial Head-Quarters vttx tViH 1 sr1 Nfftv at, Wjasma nd on the 9tl $ ml.n!,tj 'The weather proved very liPt Ath : but on the 7th, thewltrtv commenced J the gromd bang coyt4 . with snow. -The roads- became vcpv . difficult lor horses of dr V& ha fe lost a numper , by.cold gues, cuufd by & ',r,; the setting in of the bad 7th, we Have lost upwards of3ii roved. sstaiis general vvittjrenstem well as bv a creat riurhbcflllif . J ' militia attacked on the 18th Oct. Marshal GHvidtVSt. Cyr ; but Was repulsed by slid seconded by the Ephsh Geiiral hbrsesj Wrede, who Jddk 3000 pnscf;ew, ana do- V veredjhe field of battle with thier dead! -! i? Atrcin. or;tv M nrttKnl St. Cv:r heift? mi r' that iMaf shal Duke 4of BcOuAo & (1ctof-) with the 9th corps, was marcni; g to reinforce him4 recrossed the Dwiia 1 order, to meet him; and by forming aun tionv. attacked and beat Wittgensttin a d forced him to recross the Dwina arst d St. Cst - speaks in the highest terms' of t e Vood conduct of his troops, partfculaf y fhP S Jiss division Colonel Guetenuc F . floitU rpin rirrir fl f lio-ht infant V, HW'r t,ne 'iai-v6"'""" . - ' . r - ,f pejp I-or, sir. so tottering are the props of this war; ta m passea oy us, "?2L;- -iLrJbSb& ance 01 uic w f ,ubiects c;r citucns t U,e employment o the f11. ai ,,aa ulready i iut. excepttne sucn nnij i,;t, been naturalised, on nX!Z4t nt auUso tlie Ui. .This PS',U the execu- riscd, and t considered bii1. us ti. i?5tainlyenudedJo - al;d f -6m tlie time and manncy;"nK- implied from the the aneiio:t most proposition. .,W of the executiw m l0win? of our ' Tbus the suhject ia c oUticn of a right, o-n cabinet, not so much to the ht as the occasional fae Xncl fairlvsand, fr vrhich it is ailedgeU tiu tQ a s. ' scented, atthehazar.l ofeveryU q and happy peopie. . VP,eis I government is Intake Iron . nntrlea UriUsh subi in the pwctiie. comma often take from mere! I O -1 Pal X I u'ill fdl instant tu tourn u Ty uU-mi 'V'Y.rT- your rciincc is"outw. pnvdng for the PJ tXceed aVirty-five md winch, 1 t nsbdi p: e scs 1 j hons OI uouars. - -r T . abrtleti ,y fail, and if it doe. To Ulay of payment, it to those who IO.M. toward xo from No honest man can den e n mortg:voe is AlreaayV wardslplaced himself in the rear, with srrU JaM'-' had with him oiiiy tne. aavaiiw.ii , b - " jf G , . . . 1.. ifnriiate the ! Plc n,.. n.-mv liilfl Oil IV. llilic w v. . .. 1 1 niv f . , 1 ... ,11 ki. Y V take his place, W hf 2nd coi-ps; T tver ehjoyedl ...hmpn!-j ihev nact made, a COUlUac vvuiui the ; advanced a . . tliirlv- lve.tHcer. m number f ' J hund, Uve Uiousaiul men, W!U pas,ed which hav.e.fustsprung; Pbu"ument) that yesterday: Suppose (for die t fi f leen u (here are at this moment nwj Uian 'and men enlisted ,n J ary officers follows already that there are su besldes cruitin-service. , ..n-mnloved officers m leagues', aiter ..-.;.,rf rrlm iniislv lOT uard. The Prince ol Por.iau.wski took a position in the jrear of the Nara, at the confluence of the lbtia. ; v ., It being intended that Gen. Launston should iro io tueiKussian head quarters ou rmiiiiiuiucduuup armv still occupieu ocnv -nLl wd Vizier had been recei. r AJ' reinHi-etl ,uy &y,wvw-4iivi, .wv m c..v iicrainst the Knsaians still prevai. t 1 r - . hv then, onrl nav fa dumber aitnou.v-.. recruiting omo ntv. town or vi hall we have emauci" . y Aina a render oS m admit of a recruiting onuj ; - & gUltes) every county, town f irse of Uiis ad- verejjmant to iur,r - , he exijren- n or subiectsm time oi - . that. w . -.ktaf TIlCTIllft cies of the, .utc- ma, ivnr - vcssels wVt "r v. m - .camen inour iPf rc..k lfl.A T II. 1" III Mil - - - !. Uiis practice ant . ,1 ..A 1ST T r 111 1 III . " . . . . V .i T0" ,VVa of that class 01 her of tlicsen.ces h ,,i.(.r safety m .nneot 1 c ... .1 .11 .nhers eiscntial to litr SJ; -v -tr ,f more than all ""t nerat prosperity of aii.viu ,ir,.fl anu tie TUU h:nF..,'n'H o?V re- 1 f bat ration. r fnr the reasons S3 If there is any onal mass o uac.- -r-- . ntlS to m--,r Swhich a. pre- rapiu cu-"-- enlistment of 15,000 men exists, authorising the enustme , .f k it mese u w - . Aitional mass ot uses c- peculiar charm in the penou , i 1 , .,i:-rrnt;. alter r 1 rR ra iiu aw.. , , ... for 18 nionUM. in -- - - of 18 muntis, y men Tnt,Uted by .Uie ulC y ltip.icUi.mof officer,,, unnecessary r tllMU,nt catnnai I unucni" -i - i-nada are in- nr.. no more """h . : . ' ,i.i fliiiinu: the winter. ! ni campaign is hrokm nttm Canada are m- L, t our officers, instead tended tiu.mji"- ---- sncu jing their time ura oflohinginthe tents, iaing a force for munient, 2io enlist at all, as ,ci 11 men . ...--. 1 Mve li. hatU 1U uic - irb a ntitKiuis tiiaiithe pUnl" lT u unriinr.ai " J . .. -II many can u-ifvou ld a recruit- tnere -- jm .... tablished between our advanced posts anu those of the enemv, who mutually -agreed; not-to attack each other withoht three Uourstprevious inotice ; but on thtr lSth, at 7 A. M. 4,000 Cossacks rushed from a wood situate about half a cannon shot from Gen. Sebastiam's corps, Which; formed the vrTnitv of the left of the advanced guard. Tnev surprised Hhis corps of light cavalry j who were uismountea, anu m ic receiving their! ! rations of flour ; and was thereby unable o form until they had rt ireated a quartef- of a league. The ene nv, emboldened, took possession of 12 pieces of cannon ana caisboni. ui . . cral Sebastiani's, anu ou uaa8c waw. , in all they took 65 waggons, instead of lOO, reported in .he last " bulletin. . V In the mean time, the enemy's regular fnmi th mull, the l urkish empire.- lfiree c '-VOVS ' XiU!3l(l Uiiauuv.13 y rvv. returi home, from Constantinople, w arrested, -.and confined in the Barrack! Siiistfa, Hlcppoh, Kuschmk. It appe? iiidei, from these circumstances that a OI 31USUUUC3 , Utl vvii . u ; h L J, is riot verv distant. A Uritisn ratefppeared-a the DardanneUcs, antt 1 too much? li mentiontu, v lie' 1 .In. rnunLrv. i"K c5t.eJcT: .".iderihe intrinsic objection.' ' vti It bt: contemlcd that this is jrranunjr too - i VVillitbt neutral flag shall f11 viii ir nt: lim -f . . . every thing Uut, six. rrntieilirit ncciii !wm : . -n , ist lit t .ineiwive operations ; Ito rrr. 101 v thiji ,w;r u t(J fce when I rettect on u of opposing "niw proceciued, ana , 7; vctcran soKj-rs, cavalry and two colomus of infantry also arrived, and were in hopes of gaining the uw Unnrl the viuinitv of Voronsvo be- rciuld entrance. Philadelphia., Jan. J Jhetfrom England,-Arrived yt davlthk cartel ship lontine; tapu yr, in 4P dii from Liverpool, bhe lelt lanloaithe lirst ol ueeemDcr anu 4. Loldonj papers to the 28th ot JS ove Lord Wellington, wl still retrtatVnc, and pursued9 by tlie X buf witlout having been engage fnrUUnhle naval foWP .1 ,lii,,ir.;i fWrVienca; r;.: ' ,.l-ir;?W;; OLettersU r i 1 riicy uiust go iur- irction 01 nuii .- a of a LwiHK1'"-"- tiu.Iwtbcy..n.ust tl ... tnist Uiem , iuihction ar.d thus territorial jim ? . iftLi . . ' . 1 irriU wives Dcyo " ; - - . 4. Kov reutn. ' fail into the hands ol tneir " uiaWe,t let U not done this war nlfl, lhe n. ShouM v!uUl l c a Ur.U j - J principle will not we be Miccstid uune l ftS ot its mari- te. VanclkmHl hv am - - to oUr?elves, sUperir naval plxC. t - I OUt I I i U.em U.e object ... ur ; wishes. time rHcr, -. . . .. nii!css a i.l... crM.-fV.LT.; " ' ammsi inc - . . . - . " . entering c " l,nseeO'nati'n .rani .civilization or - - - Ihat all civihctl nau- j - j pfnaturaliraUon vet UUer.tlie rigUtnd pnJgue. of perpetual -Ue-Hy agree m bv a foreign nower gives r- r . soVCreign i.rr,.n nrotecuon ag-i' u .tPrtL who are bouil by m ue l" rJTnrotecUon which fa only uue- k doors for more than an anpearca oj r ana iiciilci""5 . ,2. from a tremendous, p-, c' ; ..' nn.1 was aU over ol a roxrsm oi h--:--. ,-.. as con- claims to pm;'" "fZ. to be protecteu, wu -then-tore, arc 1 except tlie tie.result-bou.Klby-ZTLon wfcchfa only due $fn: the Federal Kepvouc nj -"yr" r , t. t-- iw t n u liic jviiiK.ui "k." r arK; ttii-re. ! He marched forward and rushed upon the the Russian regular" cav i.irv, making ten or t.Vwive dill erent char- ' S. - 4 ' "1 ' ' ;- V nre Moscbw had ceased to exist, the ha,! W in tontemnlatioa. eitherl -to abandon that mass of rums, or to occu- 1 lor moreiuai. ..rr- . doors w ci v r- ' n trcaour. in a c . . Y .nd ducted out ol '. Sri where he was bled. Nothmg If . . - .1 . k.. mtnnTr oneselt upt. .1. 'iiW man fdis himselt UIC ' J v , to rase hr.to the c ".omhnsfible matter, ne my JCremlm, oniv with .8000' men but tne Kremlin, after fifteen days lalor; .. o. nnt deemed suffictetitly strong to be maintained ; its occupation wouia have einenis :ncial.- weakened and protracted- thef mov tr.. armv in lieu of be'insr. benefi Xo protect Moscow lipni beggars and plunderers, would recpiire a force ot 2(fxX men, Moscow is this day a very unwiio'.c soine place. A population of 200,0 wanderibir tu the neLchborins wcodi dying with hunger; ana lurtmg aoout 1 VaVdens Hn qucst ?f vetablcs to subsi hkllt he follow! Kdiaasterl fhe iie ivs AftLAnn.'inni:. V nn the 2h tlt " y.i --- ui i. ccived mv am...-: v,ia- c It 5 was needless to rcta'n a pla ii m i terV rrr,A 3 tv the srCr.YJ' " ss. purerl tl, ,? .. Kr' ' i'tivn, un; I, T 1 :. Hi I; til 14 j uv. o .. ,,o mu2 uzzic.w"" V n.: niters, hke an . rlav burst . ,i-,v burst ny iu ohargen mcndcrt?uss. hill . ' " if? i " t.t f.iim the Wll,c'w"