-2J 1 1- A 7rench; i .jtj ucncnus xuio anu v iru- 4 Madrid on the 8th with 19,000 k was evacuated bv the French morning. King Joseph enter f id on the fd, and as lie did not IjfHaV.left it, he published a de privinjr Madrid of the nrivllecres yjjipiul, and transferred the- same to Mpnu, f(.r which place he has sut ouL . . LONDON", iSOVtTiliKr H.i r"ivm.a ictcuuy rutencu iruiu rd W cllmcton: are dated nt R 'it. hH head quarters yemg there) where cxp" uc joiiwu oy venerai iini. . .The French armv. of. Portugal has "once lore advanced from the Douro upon Val- fodolid which was evacuated October 29th hhc Force of the erierav at the noint are rAimatcdr.t5,000infantrv and 5O0O ca- Vdrv; that armv was rendered thus formi- 4ibc ny rumiorcements lrom France- II"'. '.. -"Vi till was evurilatiuz that tilace.'f -ilCrnr- To- f - - i ; 'J . eph was advancing nvdly upon 'Madrid vith a separate corns Ki entered Cuenca ht the head of SCOO men. VA French co ps fcntcrcd- Matin 4 on the evening cl the 8th fcovembcr, OV"''' " vented a Xnble. 7 llBilmington TU ES D Att FE 1 J R U All Y 2 , is!3i itat tJfo ire ft nf a ;.-" " Thin morning's paaerstat's1 British Squadron oT tV:- Fok cons s sof tlie St. Domingo. Admjral Warrt n, pa gon.and Poictiers of r guns, and four or five frigates and three sm iller vesss of 'war. It is statcrl that they have tak'u our vessels 5 miles within Uie IIook.JAV! ' I . Urtrort Umtler tettrr)litlrie 21 44 A ship, just arrived frof i London brings trie Prince Hegetu's fy)ecch and n confirmatiDn of 'he defeat rf Hotiaparte's army The Russians carry incr tnvrv thing v before them, 2 JK of .the- French army surrendered at discretion." E.r:ractafan:tTier It i'trit JVm. '.VCapt. Pease of the! schooner Charles, i:v your port, arrived y-stt rda'.-. ic Flay in tlree Acta, writ i " v"' ' :.';;v entitle The Point n Chevalier St. Frane, SecwVer, ' .Valcour, - -. Zenker, urmici, ' , Mrs. MeltOIt, Sterner?:, Bertha. First Ofiicrr, , - , . . -Tle:ict!on passes in a mall town upon tie Ger- . "t o wcA tdft be adil-tl the Jirce of . . Fortune's Frolic. - Ttobm RougUheatl, Sen-apt, . , Snacks, Margery, ' Mr. Frank, Dolly;- . X Rattle, J MisXancy, ' Clown, " Villagers. ; , ( February 2nd, 1812. - . r V - ( " rZj" Rehearsal will take place at 6 o'clock TOTS KVKXIXti, when ull the persons concerned in the' representation, iiichulinjr ie Mditary ami Orchestra, are requestetl lo he punctual in attending. The Plantation : Moorfields, is not Rented for the pn -Sent year as was expectedl ji, is now onerea tor uent. Apply to UMTED STATES Or AMERIC.i, i n.f 'A..i( f 7 s. i or Hie Teb.'2-s3t '"J. " .. X. HILL, or 7 t.-j ' THOMAS HILL, ' Will be sold on Thursday thV. lSth instant, at Hail Point, the I'UnUUon m F-.-uns. wickj coumy tf thf late Ceorge IJiivis, all tlie pt al estate of the wid iIecersod. coistslin of Xerivs lfo! jis, Gatilc, H(,;4, Shccp Hotisehold and Kiln. t Kurnif lift, uii! M jln:intiv f Piii-minor ittnw'ilv ra credit of six months. "- ; Feb. 2. . 1 FjOS. F. HATS, E - 'v. ; r To Rent, ..... . Jtfi! Inmieduite pvxseft-iion given, TTIR Xorf-i and mindletenements laU-ly occupied bv- M. .s!r. A-nnett and Alexius it. Forsttr. .Ute'--tf;:: , v V- ; ,X. HILL. - Notice. OX T CUSDAV the 9th i.L will be hired nnt at Pi;fiic A-cn-n, a number of VF.OROKS, uutll the 1st Jainury.Ufl4. HOIJUS, GEEIf&cCO. iel:riury 2d. ' . U Ten Dollars Reward. DFiFjriT.O from this place on tho 31st ultimo, os L?iy, a. pi t yate ot Artillery tn the Army of J ie tfltd SUtes, born iu I jncoln County, state of VJ f iiv?etts, 3T years old, 5 feet 9 inches hi!, It I ilsi k complexion and blueeres. Tiie said Clifford I iror I ho bnips ....1. . u ft E ft 1 ft 1 1 1 . .:A.t trs1. nnd ' rope in oufrt' Ii hVhich L Jeter 1 N. York papers 1 ( it . in tt f ilrk comnl l-'aonc of the ..Militia detachment stationed at Fort oaisum u-vi enusicti witu m on the J4Ui of last ? no Tiie aI)ov; reward will be given for his. ap i lhcnsioii and dVlhery to m - at Fort Johnston; or to try other olhccr m the United States servke. fKbru.try2. THE President of the Unite (SEAL) the Marshal of the District of rolina, Greetiner; , WHEREAS the District Couff United States in and forthe District of Cape-Fea, within the North Carolina Dis trict, rightly and duly proceeding on a libel filed in thfe name" of the United States of America,! for the useof the ? owners' offii -; cers and crew, of a certain privat armed vessel called the i Revenge of Baltimore,' whereqtnpDert iUiUer was roaster) hath decreed all persons" who have-or pretend to have, jmj trighi, tide or interest; in a snip called trie -r , j BetseyofPdrtGlasgowil (Whereof Andrew Troop was master) her tackle, apparel and furniture, taken by the said private armed vessel the Revenge, to be monished,' cited and called to fudg niens at the time and place underwritten and o the effect hereafter expressed, jus tice so requirinc:,) you are therefbre char- J ged and strictly enjoined and commanded t '- b "Ul p vytf t irMung inrs .Tl t ents in the Vj In in tdii ' Ga z'et te.'nulw' I ,1 it i - it ' XKilmingtco, and , the kae)gii-Vr::-ster published at Raleigh' ybu'i do- nK -uth and cite or cause to be monished and r'ted p9i emptorily, all persons in genend who haVe or pretend t!o hate, anv!rjj?ht ,1, - 1 f11"75 " ic saiu snip, nertacKie, apf f cel and furniture, to appear before the Honorable Henry Potter, Judge of the District' Court for the orth-Carolina District atliis office in the city of Raleigh, Monday the'twentv-stcond rl j bnvary (instant,) then and there to shew fei'd alletlge in due form of law a reasona- .c and awiui excuse if theyf have: hny why said ship, her tackle; apparel and fur niture should not be pronounced to belong , at the time of the capture' of the , same, to the enemies of ;i theUmted States," and. as such, liable, and subject to condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned ps good uvd lawful prize ; and that you' duly; inti Tiate or cause to be intihiated tn sllnpr. ;sons aforesaid (to wHon1 by the tenor of iiic-jc pxescuts it js aiso iniimatea ). that it instii at. aiicrTixieuce in cue torm. as6nable and lawful cause if the ffj J v ' : oiuv4 vuiuiuu iuvi SIUUU i)( IDS'- uuuiu not De Dronounceu to Otonrr at th , . 1' .. i .t. : . : o " time o the capture of the same to the ene mies of the United States and as roods o their enemies, or otherwise liable and subject to condemnation, to bej adjudged and condemned as good and lawful pVjze j and further to do and receive in this be half as to justice shall: appertain j and that you duly intimatsor caiise to e intimated unto all persons aforesaid !(fp twhom by the tenor of these presents it f is ! also inti-. mated) tliat if they, shalljnotrVappearfat the time and place aboyementfoned, or do ap--pear and shall not shew a -reasonable "and , lawful cause to the contran the' saldJDis-. trict Court doth "intend! and wUlprocfced w rtijji.iaiwiiuii iuc 3miu capiurea goous ; and may pronounce that the said goods did ' belong at the time of the capture of th same to the enemies of ithe United States .V of America, and as such liable and u 1- I ject to confiscation and icondtmhtion, lit s . bo a Jjudr,cd uu .condemned as laui'ul prize, th;-abolncii of the pcrsrns' sp c it cl and 5nti mated in any wilse .noUvithstand- -ing ; .and that you duly certiiy to the said . -D strii Court, what you ; shall do in the premises,rtoet.her witlji these presents-8 ViTNEss.jThc honoralble Henr' P6tt.-r, Judge of the District Court, for the North -Carolina diiitrict, at Raleigh,' the irth day of Jania, A. D. 1813, and in the thirty-seventh year of the iudepentience of theXTnited.Siates. . CARLETOX WALKE Ckrk oWDmrict Court the v 1 I ne- ..-J - If J sof w- - 4 Ar. Lf---The foregoing tion is published, for the concerned. "'$ J-c. February 2. citation and moni-. information of all dun or BIN, Di'twti) MarsnuU List, of Letters; Ixemaining in thv Post Office for the Quatert p' . ending the 3$rnlti7HQ. , ' ( v Job Atterbury, 2 ; Samuel Avery, Richard'Ashe, Henry AveriUl ... -"Margaret Birch 2; Peter Bowdish, "Thos M Baker 2 : G. W. U. Uiinywiii; Saml Boleh, hL. Barfieldy Elizabeth Beard, John V- . .1 ' 'I- WILIJ.UI J. COW V I Is J. eitt. 2it C. si. A. I I Valuable Rice Plantation. WILL be vdd under the Court houe, on ithey shall not appear at the time and place I .Bolch,.j. BarfWld Elizabeth Beml, John VjJvementioned, or appear and 'do ilnot "Scot, Silas E. Ballard, Shneon Baldwin, ihew.a reasonable and lawful excu toU ! Jo,i" Blln Samuel iBtiidWorth, Isaac Bow- contrarv, tlie said District Court doth in tend and will proceed to adjudication ! on tlie said, capture, and may pronounce that the said ship,-her tackle, apparel and fur niture, did belong at the time of the -captor- of the same to the enemies of the Uni ted States of Amei ica, and as such liable A.WTHEK llMB.intJQ. a from Favetteville statcuthit ilLtuw"" f-xnectation prevailed there t . would hrin- the sad tidies o another embargo. Shouid Uts ev tak place, its effects will be most" sens if felt, Lrticularlv by the peopk rngf i, and adjacent to our sea coa.ts. Onto pt -culiar cirenmstances vie articl grnin had commanded a proluaMe Pif' while those of rv aval oiorc uuiu - 1 1 k purchaser at any price. A fte emanti I -and increase of price fee theU-cyer, holdout the promise oi rclid.o- ila.s V 0f our fellow citizens, r:h ,;eso t uc V tmt on the sale of N-vr,!tls. But Wleam of hupe v. :is hf g p in Sndiil;aes all . 1 1 1 Tiie sale of the above Phintation i3 POSTPC XKD 'm .MONDAY next, tiie 8Ui iiut. when it -will vnitly takt- place as above stated,. i-tlntjarv 2d, 1S1J. ' For Sale, under the Court Hyufe in Wilmington, on Fri. ' day the 5ttay of February, ensuing. Certain LANDS, formerly the propertro)" Carleion WUker, E o. and wi.ich .vilf more particularly enumerated in the Gazette, n f thp ncll'nrr na.lr 0..m. ...lit i : t. ceived in su- b paper as the .Subscriber is letrally hound to take up. 1 J jn: 2. BPNJ. SMITH. ""T v- The ahove Lai.ds are What generally gv !. ihf i,mo of, TJe Island frvek Mills, The Sound Itesidence, ami . Suinhy L)ts in Wilmington. '" S.de to cimnicnce precisely at 12 o'clock. : ' s., ' ' Barber- ous ! Barbarous ! ib-d a rnr-tTle nywise ff cef-Io nian, Lewis Blucl worth, John lrvari. Siruh By iight. Be j Brocket, JUnnes Buntinic. C- ..Vlarede?; Campbell, 4vm Qapcrs, Tho wneiKier, tieo. ..cunerki L-emtiei Lfubhiiig. 3 , ? John & Samueh Cliver, Jonathan Cwey, V '.! Thos. Craiq Capt. Jesse Cbpeland 2 , Cteik L of bupertor Court, Patty Crait, John Craw- VI V blM11 n tne premises, together with theje presents. j 1 Witness,, The Hon. Henfv Potter, Judge ot the District Court for the North Carolina District at Xaleiirh. the 27tb T Jr.. uary, 113, and in the thirtv-seventh vekr of the independence of the "United States" CARLETON WALKEiH j ' : Clerl of the District CoiAf. 3. BThe foregoing citation and moni tion is published for the information of the concerned. - 1 . J ' JUNIUS C. DUNBIBIN, Feb-2- ; Deputy-Marshal. ' i'i ' V (lYITED STATES OF A.irERlCA, j . District of JS,orth-Car'jlinu. J 1 4 THE President of the United States tl. (SEAL) to the Marshal of the District of Jfoitifc . Carolina, Greeting-; r WHEREAS the Di strict Conrr nf th .United States in and fnr thi- Hicft-; r 1 m u Cape-tear, withm the North-Carolina Uistrict, ngntly and duly proceedingon 4 libel filed in the name of the United Stated WHILE custom sanctions the a Bus r America, for the use of the owners. ot'J Pov3er iaad . Steel 1 n the wonk of f extermini- crs and cre of the private armed slood :ake 1 'pled the 1 Polly of Salem,' (whereof Sa4 nuiel C. tMndy was master,) hath deereed! ! 1 ' ; Ii i- c lhi; Jmein! I -w.fiCjr nuui lOl soy. I ' A Rev. Adam EmpicJ Samuel Ester-7 brook o 'y Wm. Eccles, Jame Eaken., Eiizabeth PullertonL S. L. !PHiU, Mrs. Fleming, 2 ;-Mrs. Jafs Jemiii-ti co ; A xius M; Poster, Maw KJfrhW i i-.-. Cr Trthll ftnL..rtftln . 1 11 Hankmki Mar- u John Howes, NaxhT M ,s- Ur,p.E s .ins, Vt WW tha Howe, Mary Huppkins Jonn iiarris, Robert He . t kell, ; Capt. As-i Hosme Mr. Hunter, f I curge Jennings 2 ; 11 i on James, J V. James, Mi s Ann MJ Jo,,t John D-oiies D. James Johiisonb ,! n 7Iex!l Kjjrkpatrw,; Miles! Kin, Dwfen Kenan, Joseph Kellog. Allen Lewis 2 L JacoLiddeti,. Johh LeJieive, Margaret Lamb 2 ; John L. ehfield. Mary VV. Mc A I fifed ! Moo re - -fat.- J ra Aic'C.I jb, tion, wej hope a liberal pub ic will not take .. exception at our venturing to bse them in beautifying the " human face divine.,, To pnvc thitour ecmie ience is sa pom i;m4 while ouf usurers are shaving'n an enor mous premium we practice h CLOSE SHAVING. . recrularir. scientiflcallv. M-.ifm.ihrsiiv extensively, upon the most humble condi- Carohna at m . , r: CROPPING iploycd WIG MAKING aV persons in crerieral who have or nrrwlS to have, any right, title or interest to iburS 11 Miuiiuu, wen wi wages, ana one arm xh:st, containing small arms, &c. taken frm on board the British brig Venus, CVhereof Andrew INPCarthv was mar A atsea, the said brig Venus havinir been i 1 u.. r. - 1 . o . f c.piurcu uy iwc aioresam private armed ' sl6p Polly, to be monished ched and call- i ecj to judgment at the time and place here- i er re ,1 ani commanded' that von omir h,, ' thk bv, publishing these presents in the ; ..tl m in rrtrr f I'i7(-tt nKKL . Ttfi VVm. Mitchel ; iMisa neil 2 j Thos, Mc'Lanathin, Thos. M. Mabson -Mrs. Kii Lome ius MariraiiJWm. Mill Jr. f.-u.. lister, Thadius IVIaynard, Gep. N. Morris. Susannah Mumlord; Dr. AJ p. Mc'Neil, issAgatha D. McMurjhy. 6eo. Mc'Ncil, Morrice Moore. Samvifi! !ft,jir xxr Donald, Mssers. Hugh Mc'Pherson &co, b Mc'Coombs. j f ' u1GCk; Nob,es' Swan Kicholcs Ann INutt, Jas. Neate. ' Olwin Osborn, Wm. Ortijr. V i.i P?t f n P?Inicr' Davi4 f restov; Dan el Pickling Pun Oarden; Ezra peck ST Robert Potter, B R. Poke j ' Mc'Queen EQtimceJ : j 'vi RuSeJl Cf-Ab E,Krar4 nusseiia ; S.iebbms, Retry Rcb-rinn T , gret Riehards, Jose Robb SmlM1 lnCr Smith Wm.' f?milli o ; kM. bmith; Mi- slhj. ;(Qn " " ::v:::''. : c vvimmgton, gazette Pbi,shea at wu- ..lift n . I I k. M . .A . . . MM ... I l.lllllllir T llinK W am J Mm -' . . . w . . , - - - -rt iciij - o tm-ifm,. . . , - r..i- . . m f Stuart, Richard Sanders? W, " iZ- kis,3 Sh,,pson, Alrs' S."VA rfw"' Dartes Sain, Jonathan Smith, VVm ttribbi : Ueniam.ri Scott 2 : Joi'l, -,mL 1 lt,t'?'-" ... T-1in(!thrt3nrin7!! au aiti rrv:..... . ' l" ' 7 rrr'ih rtprrscii- For furhcr pa rticuUri apv or .end 0r "fS "f "'"ter pub- i r, i. . pi . .. ...... . ..v iimcu at, iatv.juii uu iiuinncn anr It . . ... . ,.! . t I A I rV Tl A "7irMP 1 N. B. Last though not least, those of oor ' prf end to hare, any nght, title or interest irenerous cusiomen wno are indebted to us. r 'tnc sa,u u .smaii arms, to an- :. . 1j L ir. i li ' I . Will I'ftfcftt-v "ft f-'VT ""v". ! IUUII tt IKTS 5 iirr.h?.;n If . U UU. as mthinsr could hare induced im s'r'K S IjYm be f f'.u? fheir memories, but that sharp ed iruvT,! A iastrunurJ caucU f?isiiU. Janua i"B School. S11 ry 19, ' J oialeijrlu on Monday the twentv-second 'I; t ., Amelia i homas, Si T.wir 1 Jesse 3 Enoch ThoCot w Rooei t 1 ate. i JJCc"cri qsher, J. Ullman. - I W Ma tei West, Prudy Walker, Wi Ma rune: --uuru vvanh una ur.n v . . mship, John WallS ' m'1 ry IWatson, Hbi ; ' 2 ; C.3Valker, Tho,, Zr vau " " j"mos, eapt v - liiam! Wilt: . . -A 1 ) IcbrtJary 2U I f i t