t , i i 7 " , V r 4: " ..n , i -car cljyorEB Coiyrr. ' : vs. ' la Equity , Smith an! Bowell. ?1 N" tht? j'jnve caue in the court of Equity Vi ;P Vi!m.hi-on at October term. fsi2f in rf tw ina!e t;at unless the complasn- i aaid Court on orbstore the hrt Equity day of iaic Court, to be held in Wilmington on the Ihird Monday "-after the 4th Monday in Mf-h, 13!.;, ant? enter in'o bond with two gv h and sufficient securities, for the effec tunl nrer.uii'in of, slid suit, said sutt shall st-d dl-rnh-tfl Ordered further, that no .. tire .fold order be piven, by publication in the Wilmington Gazette for Vix weeks Wm. B. MEAKS, a M. E. January 19.-6W i ! State of qrth-Carolina,? ' " .Wa Handier Counijl' ) 51. ;(: . S.murl Aihe, by next Friend,! Joseph Masker. y S the above cause in the Court of Equi. ty bM in 'Wilmington, at October term 18 1 2. an orde was made t hat unlrss the c"'-npb"ir.t appear before the Cletk and Mnter of id Court on r.r before the; first Iq j!tv dav of id Court, to be held in V ihninjrton npj'the third .Monday .aftrjr he 4; M. rl.lry mi March, 1813 a d enter iuto bmd vi.h tw, ?-ood and suflicient securities, forth etTtcmal proecu'in of id suit, nail suit 'all stand d'umwi Ordered fu-hert tat lmiicc of arl order -her given, bv bubtirition in the Wilmington Cn&eeUc, for six weeks. ' ; " Wm. B. ME A US, C. 4. E. January 29 6w For Sale, ids Sc 10 bbls first qual. Loaf Sugar, fJs aU 50 bbls. do. Brown do. (. prime Grefen Coffee, in bags Sc hds fids & 20 tierces retailing Molasses, oO casks Cut and Wroucht Nads, 4d 6d 8d, 10d, 1 2d, and 20dys.. . 1 Weeding Hoes, - ; Peac! and Aople Brandy. in barrels, Matra Utripes and Bed Ticks. v JL Jan 1 2 -Uf A. LAZ RUS. An Jpviting- offerJ THE Subscriber wishes, in the, way of a Lotteryt to dispose of an elegant Gig and five hand-ome Riding Choirs- He a flaxes to them, prices. so low that he makes no profit on hts work, but his necessities require it and Nhewill be content to sell them eTen at a sacrifice. SCHEME. Prize No. 1.1 fiicrt phitcd mouutinj and cradle sni'inirs, - - - 180 2. 1 lfcwibleSlinjr Chair, S. 1 do. : do. - on Pillars, ''' - 60 4. 1 !o. do. on Slider?, n. 50 5. I single do. i,- . - ' 4. -. 6. 1 double common do. - 40 Tickets at S2 50 cents each, to be had at 'the stores of '.Messrs. Andersont'Gorrie ant Rankin and at, the Book store. Wh. KNOWLES;; ) p 4000. bCrt 250 State of NTorth-Carolina,? ,V .:n.rr-r C un'y- ss .. . E 'vcuto.-i of Thonv. S hub rick,") vs. S In Equity. Thorn a Craike. ) In 'tj-.tr u' v- cnus? in the Conrt of Equi r hej l in ,Vi;.nin,ar the October term 1st?, an or'd r w:.s made sthat unless the co rpb;o t ";!e ir brfare the - Clerk; and an-! M,vrr of si l Court, to be held in Vl'd'oin on the !hir d Mordajr after the 4-1 Mo r!y in mar !i, 13 1 3, and enter into h -vi?ho fpod and stnliricrt seruri'tiesf f .r. he fT c'ual p :c ru ion of s ud suit, R d -nit -hall stand ci i s ssed Oi dcrcd fmt'nrr, that noti'-e of v-iin order b- r;vCn, bv ouidiratian in the Wi!miiprtf.n Ckiette, for six week'. I avm. B. ME A US, C: M. E. J noary 12 Sw 1 January 12 if f Jamaica Rum, : 1 i O. . t - GO do - j 1 do. liyerpobl, Grotirid Salt, Blown do 5000 lbs Cordage," ' ' - - Bar Iron, and a lot of Stone; Jugs assorted, of 2 and three jrallonsi if ! t J f HANSON KELLY & CO. -: NoTembcr S4. i '-!; ., . - To Rent, 1 J THAT convenient Grocery Store and Bake House on the South East corner of front and Orange streets, s f he rent be '1ot. For particulars apply to. . ; Dec. 22d l : JAMES DICKSON. ;; ; , St- James' Church:: f , ; 'jThe list of the jpews with tbe names of the persons who have hired thtm for the pre seut year is left at the Book tsore, where suchx persons are 'requested to call without deuy and ?ettle for the same. ! . ii r : .Jiarc of onh-Carolin.? . -X . fjf. r r Sm ftmt:el tH:-t xbf j.e;ii Friend 7 'j'p.qwHvZ Cemr ,'r",- ,rfl others. ) J ,V stove r i,r in the Court of Equf t.idi" Co;n Jlai' B! -ie" 'f that iJhless, the snd in AVil. t v !;! 1 Jfi '.-r W t TO- . . . frnrr. to h nelfl . . l - i v. I Ha 4, M vi'v in March. 1815. q.nd enter m to Wl with two od an 1 st.mrient seen-ri.ie-. rnr 'he rfiVcuial nrorecufon oT said t c,; Kh-.il sum! dismissed Orcler- r k-if notice of said urder he iv- I 111C WIIUIIU'V.. er ziite, i,v nub if.anun n for iX v k'-. January 19 : -. " -' 1 Qrte of Nor h-Carolina, Viili4m VViliscn, atid'othcrs.'J i ts. " , In Equity. "Vi,!bm H t . lis . n and others. ) f u..'. V:i.n'.nctnn,.t Ocmber term, 18 . . ;',e!.,re tUe. Clerk n,l Master of I' n cVi oa or before ihe .first Eq...ty d.r of M cUrr. . He heW in Wilm.noo on l"i , n.l .. intobcn-1 v-.th two f,,.! pnUectV-n of said utV d .u.t .hn ', ..l,T,ls.i-0..pred turtJirr, that ti 'ice'orJ nr...r l.en. by pton .n be Witalni?tin Ci,u. for wrcVj. ,a . Wm. B.MEAKb, C. J.i. State of North-Carolina, ' Xsti Il.ixorr.RC.coxrr. 1 Executors o: William Match ktt, rf John Matchett, yin Equity. &rd ' The Hirs or Mary Matchett. J IV the .b e cause in the Court of Equity ,,W in SVi'inu gton: at October term 13 2. ep before the CI rk and Merof !,Vl Co-rfon or-before the first Equity day r i d C 'urt. to.be held in Wilmington on r.fs'?si :nfX anerth- 4th Monday , n VT "k 8 . a,d enter into bond, with rwo ' . .. o. the REMOVAL. " THE Subscriber, Hair Dresser and Bar br, informs his friends and the public that lie has removed his Shop to that beautiful and convenient stand in Front street, for merly occupied by Paine & Bazodie, where lie purpose's to carry on his businets in ail its branches. H- keeps the best of; Razors, sweetest of Pomatum and Liqnid Blacking of a mnit liable fthininc: hue. all far sale at very reduced prices. He hopes that his Patrons will still continue to favor him with their, custom, a? in every thing his shop will be lendered agreeable and convenient. He will crieaqrc by the ciuarter, six months or year. Wm R. LUCAS. N. B." A hint is r;iven to those in arrears, that a payment would be not onlyacCeptnble, but is rejlly necessary, in these hard times. January 12 tf To Rent low, Til T snupj house opposite the late Ri chard Langdon, on the hi!!, formerly oc cupied bv Col. MacNedl. Eor terms apply at this Otlice. . j . Jan 12 tf. . To Let, 44 A genteel apartment in an eligible part of the town, with the use -of a kitchen: I'oy st-Nsion given immediately. Apply at this Oflire. xjec. Z - r- irrrrf-- V bctoftefrtfi, IS 12- ; . PnblicNotice. . " ;The subscriber most respectfully solicits tRlhose to whom ha is indebtedveither by f.bWd or note or open -ac county to foward to lain vnrougii inc meuium onnc juaiuuitc a duplicate of the same as soop asj convenient; Wm. M FISHER. 1. Big Bridge W. IL VANN.ihforms the publicand his fnends that he has removed to the Big Bridge, where he will keep a public Tavern for the purpose of general acfcorrttiodatipn. His attention will be directedlto wase and tnder cornforfable these who may ut up at his house-and aLo take good care of travel Jer! horses. Genuine Family JVjtG Which are celebrated; for the c disease's to which the hum , is liable. Prepared onl 1 thle sole Proprietor, T. W DYOTT, Mi D. Robertson's VEGETABtE NERVOUS Or JVatilre's Graftd Rests T (Price i dollar acd 50 cesti Is confadentiiy recomended as ficacious Medicine for thepeed revli inward weakness, depres-ion of Ijhe "riff Q r1.CxMr.rinn nf Um ! .T . - T ! its baleful influence! the" whole ner03 tern wruningthe heart with anguish,: atd lexciting the iB&cai,uus U1 "vixor to-iepair. a I 1 ! bele nrTO V i ith intxpress j 1 e mcilrdreaiU demon liaye thousands fallen a .sjcnhceM thf direful transports of its rage, k l The most common symptom cf it conn v - X He informs all persons indebted to him that Mr.'Jas-NL- White, i his agent n ifm place to receive all claims due to hirrrl As tbe Subscriber is determined not to ; aV vail himself of any i advantage derivedom the Suspension Iiaw, the said agent vn pa tlf an fast ats he can collect, whatever cnimj may legally be presented again t him- WmIE VAN? Januaiy 5th.-tf South -Washington School. A SCHOOL under the direction of m lcom BrniUNE, will be opened in tWo l: li t n rr f-i .ill f Ti r 1 vi is v w noun il t'ii uu iiil in o . vti- vi 1 miuai J . 'next. Mr. Bethune has exhibited ample - 1. ; , r merfcement ar weakness, flatulence? ritlpl tations, watchfulftess, drowkincss after ertj ing. timiditv, flbhes of heat and cold, nuir nes, crampt gddiness, paips jir the he'i Jg backf and loins, hickup, difficulty of iepf " tion and degluti tiori, aDxiety, dry cough, Ssc H,- Da RORRRTSnuis ' fcs A STOMACHIC ELIXIR OFH5iLTfl; offered to, the public, for the, speedy relief and cure -o obstinate coughs, colds, censump- tions, the hoopimg cough, athrpa puiitand nveness, sicKnesat tire stomach, dynme ri naini in yumyjai, ace. JLX8 m a t i n " v , . GUI Alf'nd effrftrrcori. Tor-' ihe goot, InmlV'MO, ftpec aD( g,avei, f),ft tweltiy acf pints, ff uaiqi, b-uifti, rd all kin of en1 woODA.thc crtmp, ptiyis in (be hcd; fce n body4j uitt.wev inc ncci chiiittiwni, . froinn. limb ,fite, DR. ROBERTSON'S INFALl IABLE .' ' ' A medicine highiiy necessary to be kept in ill families. Price 50 cents. 1 . . V j ; -. ... T01riACUU' 01TTR9.. Which are celebrated for the strengthen- J ir.g we&k stomachs, increasing the apps ite h and a certain preventative and cure for the. rheaoastifat ;fvver and auue. I testimonials of his capacitv as an Instructor ;. , ' F roniplexiori, Sec ' &c. (Prke'-lrJo 'doJatii'J ' Is t'. ti.' V. fffec-l r j ..: cairt AtiiL anaii ,t fr !-rcil turxnc;, ..-.. .-.-k juoi'Caiicn in i 1 Bryant Uoccrs vs IT-annenrinc to the satislaction oi miv Court that the defendant in this cause re side, without the limits oT thw stpie, itu ordered that unless he appear at the next rm of this Court, to be held at the Court um In Smithville on the last Mor.dav of Jaouary next, and replevy and plead, yK' ment will be entered up aqjainsi mm. JOHN J G WSE, Clerk C.C November 24 eowSt i' ? A very great bargain. Two HOUSES, and a CART with tackle, are offered for sale at the very low price of, 125 dollars. Thecrifice is great, but the. 'ant or monev renders it necessary. Appiyj immediately at this office. Ucc ? The Subscriber has on hand of former and late importations the articles an-; nexed, which he is desirous to dispose oi fair prices and suitable payments : Russia and Raven's Duck, Russia Sheeting, Engli h Canva, New England Rum, of good flavor, Brass Knobs and Locks, Stock Locks, low priced, Bar Iron, suitable for waggon tire, S-ine Twine, Glass 10 by 850 feet boxes, i t With an assortment of Shi? f ry. I December 1-rf I SM1THj "'" " 1 1 " Received per the Sch'f Charlei From New.Yosk the toiiowm w whih will be sold for a small advance i nnnlied immediately. p 1 bale Ksc Blankets, 1 ditto "assorted Flannels, . 1. trunk assorted Callicoes, , boxes of Hats 2 boxes Window Qlass 7 by 9, , I box hairpint Tumblers, Bar Iron. , T. BURR. Dec.22f18f2, tf Notice.' XT.L oersont indebted to the Subscriberi or to thoWpersons vtho have Wt in his hands for collection, are informed tha it is his intention and dirccucm to P them indiscriminately, if the.r accounts ar - . i j : ; -m manner during to rtot arranpeu - fel! as in the Greek and Latin classics ; ' JjLnd also abundant recommendation as to. iese :taln lit"; Lv private life. frbe J;rr rt t-if, Xuition will be W4-andJtrict at- J! ix3 tment of thrr;! sent a vacancy but for ten Scholars, who will be furnished iih good Boarding at a reasonable rate. Application to be made j to either of the Subscribers. I William! Iaix... . Edward Ahis'i hong. James Usher. December 29. r STOLEN, THE Subscriber oh the night of the 15th inst had his store broke open, arid in the morning when firstopened a Red Mo rocco Pocket Book, cpntainihg about forty dollars in N. C. State Babk Bills, with some Notes," (say on Mr.tE Pigford for jhirtv dolldrs and some cents, one on Mr. R. Parish loir ten dollars, j one oh Day-id Smith for eight dollars "and sevnteen cents, also one on J ohn jMoore fpr about seven dollars, with a piece o Cdrbcau Cloth of six and a quarter, yards ; also a piece of light Homespun was missing. The Sub scriber will give ahy suitable reward for the apprehension jjf the thief or the deli- verv oi the above .articles, j i ' J H. SAUNDERS. December 22d--Uf i l j for Sale at the Wilmingtori Book Store; The concentrated HnJctitrt ' df'Tel I low Bar fc, Preprd hy J. Daltom, ChyroUt and ApOsheetryt A certain cure for intermittents, and very useful in all complaints, that require large does of the bark, and an Otcellent preyenta tive against the prevailing Fever of the sea son, and the common Fever which are to prevalent in the country atea-?poofful only of this Tincture being equal to a large dose of the Powder, or to six times it cjuantity of the Compound Tincture ofjhe Ncw-Loiiuuu ..Pharmacopoeia. The great biijerness also gives it a peculiar advantage in Bilious Dis orders, and renders it an excellent substitute for the Medicinal Bittersi J. D altos adds .the testimony of one the the most leftmed and cmineht Physicians un the present iday. Doctor Sims of London, Pre sident of the' Medical Society, who says that a concentrated preparation of the Yellow Bark, as a tonic and anti-iiervous medicine, is superior to any '0 hot itj wonderfully pro motes digestion, relieves lowness of spirits, tremors, and those complaifits too frequenll, produced by the effects of .inebriation, and of ther irregular habits of lifej and all those dis orders arising irom too great an irritaDiiuy &c. &c. THfriBALM OF IBFRIA, I Extracted from ar Iberian nLnt. for cu. Dr. Tt ;nt,i rpl-hrat.d VGOUf ANtiRHilCATJC DROPS' 1 or pea.iif7 nc cer'amty. h r medicine. tase ir.nmujiy. superior tu ny for the cure of that' Tr.ur ntt or. d frtrlmnitrtr . r rice 5U cents fpcr box. TE RESTOIATIVEDENTRIFICE: i r ytMt k tjw pveservirgf the Oreth and Cm ins. (Vrice 50 cevtf ) I Sie these, invaluable Medicines vVn. first I disccHred, upwirds of seven n"uNaFf x-nynu r-KtuwTiaye expenencrd thfirj happf md salutary effectf-miiny of whbral irrm ur lowest stjage ct their disorders ' Tafootiq that eacin4 all the aioxc genv cint Micinfs are signed jon the vutsidi cover wii" 'msismure or th solebrobrUtor - . . ni ... . - . I : j. w DYOTTkAL D;r THMIou Subscr Janu DES on tht 1 native ol high, s black hatj nance ; walkjj Snead bigh hair COti perl lort t Uif S PC 1 f I Iff Rent, : peient occupied by the THOS- W RIGHT. . 0 IbJ Jars K if fiorr) l Fort Johnvton, "fust, Charles Jc r- V irer. y8 kf0 r f 4 price icS'V 2. ,iWftf,'- A - 3. f'tvittbe&iin 1 1 i 1 4 ? : 1 I a . J f 11 i! .Vil'niMi. pi the nervous system : Wit. H. HAWw ,7