..-w, 4 ' ' ' ... ' . -f . "......... "'" r.w it- ft T ... ' 1 r v- - . . . , - ft-' ' .v-;;-:-..-?,..:' L . . . i . . ' ; ' t . ' . ' " ;- !7; S3 f . . . , , , Notice tri-Mariners. 1 Yft consequence of the encroachment of the Sea, UhnabecOin necessary to pull dowo the Light tlotitt on Bald Head, N. C there will consequeody he no Liithtunul further notice. . j- Collector! Office, Wilmington, N.C. ' 1 ' . 5th June. 1813. ' . 5 " ' , r ESor .Newport rr reowetfed ft pubtith i?w Molasses. toot pid and for sale bv the subscrl bef 48 hhds. prime retailing MOLSSti o d IS Puncheons RVWi s July.3-.tf. . , WK,L.kS. PITTS., v 150 Tierces prime RICb "'- ForSleby A. LAZARUS.. July Si iff -' r-.- rT , A BARGAlNv'f ,;. HttM .i t t . . IT . af An afnm inodating tetms, Jtis interest in the StacE lEatahlihhmentbctwiit this place and Fayette,, vill' a particular description of which may be had by applicatio to " 1 . . R1C1IVSRILLPYD. " NVB lf the aQox,iH not d't p'ted of at , ftrlrate aale b.fjre the 301 h Inst, it will M 1 1 Awb nn th forenoon of, that dv b set tfD v t Public Auction un,der the Court House in , . rv . . Wilmington and sold without reserve. July i. ' ' i ' ' 1 ' R L. Leaf Sugar and Flour. . ' just fttcatvin, : ' 400Q lb . Loaf !UUAR "500bbls. FLOUR, For Sale by June 16. A. LAZARUS. FOR SALE, . jo boxes )' ' ' ' 1 4 (,o,,rheadH VWwtx SUGARS; -' x- 5 barrels J ' " " , L. ubcxe r. : " : - '10 hhds. V Baow SUGARS. -' , '122 bbls. J ., , ( ' . . (' v23 hgsb:t green Porto Rico COFFEE, junc a. HANSON KELLY k CO. , ;f ., r , . Notice. , :' ' . . THE? Subscriber has For Sale andimmedi ' V t-;r Ytie deliverjr, x.'i "White Oak Hog head Staves, 1 "v'-.Red Oak'''-- ':'do,v -.y slOai''f-.i Sawed Lumber, Vr,-S- ;: ' v;- : " ' ; i 8hlrgles,t .' ' Turpentine, Tar kc. ke. ' ' Application to himself, or in his absence to Me. Join Duncan, at the Ware House on ' the Wharf, North iide of Mulberry Street. ' . . ' JOHN MACC1LL. . ' Juq "iw ' -' ' ' -" . s' --' . ' r--; FOR SALE . ? ' 221,000 lbs best green Porto Rico , , : COFFEE (untiled to debenture ' ... of double duty ) J, " V ' . '. ' 10,000 bushels St UhesSALT. UAH ON KELLY , CO. funet I tt '.' " - : . . ... ... ' - . . Just landed and For Sale. , ; 4T0 Barrcls'mesvado Sooam, .120 Bage green OrvtB, . ; 40 Hhds Motisses, , ' r;, : 1 ditto RtJM, . '-' lane IJth-tf. A.LAZARUS Twenty dollars Reward. RON AW AY two Negro Fellows. The Jiru earned D MOV about 37 years old, stout ma le and knock knee'd. The secoed Homed PARIS, about 40 vests old end Jen- . der made For the delivery , oi bo h the j. ' ebove ruQiwsys (within three months) to me j' or Jesse Scarborough on Cat Fiab. $ rrllea ) from WilnJo'gtuQ, or for lodging the same 1 , in jail so that I can get them, e reward of - twenty dollars will be given or ten dr-IUrstbr either.- r. P. P. ASHE , t f Jun td. 'f .' , Notice is hereby given, Anns i mi vwingi i icaseoa yvaner Sessions held for the county of Ssmpaon, on the 4btrd Mondsy in Msv. II 13, Letters ol Administration on the . Estate of Michael Sampson, dccea'ed, were granted to the luhrf rib r. All persona having' claims a. gainst said estate are requested to present thereto the uWriber, or to William B Mears in WilminRton, within the time li mited by law All persons Indebted to ssid ette are requested to moke paysocnt in medlstely. Java SAMrsox, JJm'r, June II H ; , . DICK'S HOTEL. ; THE Subscriber has removed to the large )ndsom aod cemnodiee Buck House p. r i site the CapeFesr fiankf wbtre his 10 TEL ill furnish to steady Boarders and Travellers all possible eccommodaUo od attention. AU those of his Darders who are le sr. rcare lr Board or otherwiie ere vique.ted to settle vp their sccooms te the I si of Jo Jy, and In future ' arc requested to set Me 'RMMtthly,'oiherwike not te consider them ava as hoarders. .,' Junelttf WIUJAM DICK . ' To Rent, , . A tsrtc Room under the dwelling pert of Us itouti, convsaicAl far an errc, kr, - X, bJUTlL Jsaaary 14 . V . A PERSON of decent manner ai.d onlm peached morals,, capable of Teaching (be Engliab Language in all its branchea gum; matically,and the Latin language in its eer Iter staeea, eta Writing aed Arithmetic, i wanted in thin Acaderoy,-to commence his duties on the firat da of the erisumff Nov m- , . c . ,1" ber, and to continue until the first day of Ithe subsequent August '.Applicants are re- . : -. i . . l Jiuestea u nana, in weir propolis on or u ore the first day of September nrxt, to .y . JAMES W. WALK.e-R. Srt Jutie 1. US?.NV.s' '.S?:W'-i.-i 1 WO bushels for tale by ' 4 Aeril 10. HANSON KELLY C0.1 STATE OF NttRTlftoiilN- JvW Hanover County, May ?'r 1813. AAtoir Lasaev .) f i.:rr-v v f'sV:'"- JOSEVA HOWAtD J ::'.Ji J '. -;1T appearing WtnV-ati.ifactionM!ua Court, that the defendant in this cau e re. sides without the limits of this tate Or dered that notice be giren to the said dtftft. dant by way of advertisement in the Wil mington Gazette for thiee mbntts, ttiat on less he anoear at next term, to be held on , ine sccono ortanuay oi Augur, mni nun r" L s i r . . & . J pliry end plead, judgment viu se grantea ilgAtnrt him.?-' :-;V-v.' !. -,.r 'i:," ' :.: ITex. . ; THOS. F. DAVIS. Cfcr. STATE OF NORTH CAROLtNA. , ; 2ttm Hyimet Countj, ilaj Ttrn 1113. ' Gkobck Cms. 1 .' ' ''- . '. v. - i. . DAmrfc PictiT ) , ' : . IT appearing to the utlsfactioa of this Court, that the defendant in this cause re J sides without the limits of this stateOr. . dered thst notice be given to the said defrn. ; dant by wiy of a iertisement isa'- the Wil- !mingon t.frtte- for three months, that tin. 'lets he appear at next term, to be held cn the second Monday of Aogust nufy end rei p!fry and plead, judgment 'will be granted JTtntt$. TIIOS. F. DAVIS Cttrk, 5 , Caution.-. - ';.-v. ' ALL persons are warned not to trut any any of fhe crew of t!e'Ponu,uee nhipMi serve. T- : ' ' JocttK RoiZ.B Costa ' Juni. 19 f '-;"; ' . Matter . TAXlitj fut 18 12. I have received fmm the Clerk of the County Court the TAX LlST f r the year 1H2. ready to commence the Olleetior of the Tax 9s for that year. The who are disposted o pay. without render-in it tKCCMS ry to enforce the law againa them are re q jested to call at my office. , - . , GABRIEL HOLMES, JrttSk'f ; june lain ii. . ,.. ; ; To Gentlemen deficient of Hair ' on any part .of the Head, and be do not wish to wear en entire Wig. PAINE V BAZODIE, Hive invented en entire new method of sup plying thai defect, by aubMi'otuig others which cannot b d's'lnguishsd from natural h, ir, being of an entire new principle, never before attempted, and surpass every thing of that kind l they are put on in e moment and the wearer cannot feel or see them o the head. " - : i ' June l-tf . For Sale, A VALUABLE Tract of Lard lying on Holly . Shelter, well timbered with Whi c Oak. The soil is equsl in fertility to any In New-Hanover County, , Ae exrclUoi Winter end Summer Tange for cattle aed bogs. For term apply to the 'Subscriber in Sampson Coumy, or to Wat B MiAaasin Yilrotngton. Jim SAnr.oe. March etf. , ' J; . . . f- - . Fake Carel ' ' THIS ia to inform all persons who may be In the habit, of bunting, without permission of, the subsrrib-.-rs, or Win. Mitchell and IJobo S. Springs who are no the premises, with dogo gun, on the Lands cf the late , Peter Maxwell on the Sound, and also fish. ing,oystenng, or landing their boats sf the ssld land thai thiy will be prosecuted to the utmost rigor of the Uw, If they continue te do the ams after this notice. : ' . , S.SPRNC ' Feb. ar-tf ' JOHNU)CD. ; . A Summer's Residence. . " ON 'he I I. of June pokse.sion will berU ?en to any one di pped to tent, by the Jr; oi Hy the Sun thst very romiodiods snd f1esssnt bouse Uloniiir g to the Ealat of the ate Mr. A. I'?rry, aitusUd )hSr ii.ilU, Fov terms apiity te ' Wat. E.JURT. Msy IS ti. .'.'.' For Sale or Rent; THAT Valuable RiCa pUniatloa former, ly owned by Mr. CaHion Walk -r. siti.tcd en the North Ws Ulcr,eftoi.ilng,of two hundred sens Rice Land, a coetidcrable part of which Is la a state of cuMs.tioo ' Terms, t, fl and S years credit or lo be rented on very advantageous terms. Apply Immediately to )Oim F. BURGWIN, Or la his absence to . . JOHN R..L0NDON. , April 10 tC " Wilnunffton Academy. The Subscriber has on haind.of tbrmer and late ImpcrtaUohi lh atUtUt tft nexed, which he tl desirous 16 UL pell U at fair prices and uitabli: pavmtnts l : . Ruwia and Raven's Dutk, , . V Rusia Sheeting, , ; . - .:. ,,. Enli-h Canvai, , J , ' ; . New England Rum, of good fimr 1 v r i Brass Knobs and Lot hi, . . ... Stock Locks, low pHcedi , , 4 ? Bar Iron, suitable for WaggOB Ure .' SMne Twine, , . " ' ' Glas. 10 by tIO feet hf(, ; r With an tssunnttot of Shik ChMikry ' December l-tf ' SMlTHi 4 ti Fifty dollars Kevvardi ' VtLL be paid to kny peroht wh will pive infofrtistlon td (totivlctiOtti tif iy hlt persnnl harboring or cmpioyihR the fbMovH iniar Runawato half the lbbv forth llkt I information of his being sheltered by I in of color. ' ' - - i-i ,. "v ; '-r-- ' v he ia called COVT.Nf BY. but IAmetlffl takes the nsmrorRlCHARDri flfft'P! bv trade. Ms feet hifth titf a'fethirktuly i civil black feltowr about S I ytlfl bid Hi i we seen going towards Csmbshee I ftvV ' weeks since, and my he ft permit te ink 1 for work from i mechanic la town,to whom j he waa hired ao no paper which hi Inlf : have in possession, are to regortled, ind whoever my rrrploy him are ft quit d 10 , pay all hit wages to the Subscriber ofily. who will give twenty dollars to whoever will II cure mm in any piaceoi connncmimi wee he be recovered by ': ' AekllArMetttj Thie being Coventryrs first rfftncii It shall be overlooked, if he coinei home immediate ly of his own accord April ff '. v:, To Rent, v-:V K: : And possetloa given immidlltliyi V A Wharf on the lower part efthi tewn, with two new Warehouse! A loft ind shlds. The whsrf is convenient to tm down Vll sels of any burthen. . Ship Carpentiri ihd masters of vessels may bt aeoommbdiikd with new blocks and falls pitch pot kc. lb quire of ' i . ' F. Font AMii ' - ' ' Jennttigi'i riHft - Where msy had, Bed ticking-.. NanktiMii Spirits of Turpentine, Spirits of Tf i LI'flllld Oil, Macauba Snuff, Candles by the Ooi Of pound of different sices Mattrasiei of Irtjr aiae '.Id onrt prcpaisdal usual. , 'March SO tf ' ' To Rent, , The tfouie and Lot lately ocet),tid bf Mr. Thoms P Gariey For trrmi si'ply to ; ANNMcttEiV ApUad-tf , ; . ".' . Notice : - THE Subscriber waving QtisliCed ll Ihl last Crunty Court of Pitas end Quarlir ii siun for ibe county ol N. w Hst.bVtr, ll t ccutor to the Is t wi l i d itsiaanht l the lata Robert Williams, deceased, fiolifill le sll person, having itemsnds lgslfll thl W tale of .the si. Id deciad, tnbtlng thiOt UT werdiegslly attested for llqtiil: l Ion wlthlf the time prescribed by law Debtnfl In mid estate are requested to make paymtttl is soon as possible. '" . THOMAS COWAN, h'f. March2 tf ' V . " Wanted, . . ; , A Fcmala TUTOR loiesldi Inetttlviff family. Terms will be gantrti $bi tltttl tion agreeable, One unincumbered with family of hirewn Is deslrtii. Apptt m (hit I'fnce. ' i ' Jul I' : Miyi.'y.M , The Subscriber having quail fied as Administratrix lo tbt estuu bl e?f deceased husband Thofflit llunttf rivil Notice to All person Indebted o taitt estatu to make immediate payantfil, nid to nil persona having dr rn:tndi eexintl the estate of the laid Thorn m Run ter, to present thent for nayment with in the time required if en act cf Assembly, entitled An 'Act eofiftmlfls proving ol wills and granting Leflifl t7 M administration urd to prevent fudi In u the;, management of Intestate esUbaV Also, an act emitted An At! lo inwrkl u An Act entitled as Act coocr mine tiltf 44 vln; of wills and granting Ieitrf of id ministration to prevent fraud la the may tiSirtment of intestate esuks." otherwise they will be barr'd of tttmttj by the rpe ration of the alore said acta. , t Slie has anooiiited lltnrv Urmihirt aA William li. Mcarahef Attornwi h fa4t lo whom all account! and churn tttu&l W presented for adjustments and aelflcmt u Mast Hvatts AJmn, Ftbrnary Id. ' if . ' Wantcdl . THE Subscriber trill lake eee ef I we Apprmticesto the trsde of llfuse Cafpt ter. Good care will be taken of thslr W k and coaduet ibcy will be UeM Ulf Irae aed brought HjHolndNttry - t Matb 4 f Tetteeef Rliefttf, Reading Room! IT I psrticalarty renttsttd Itisf M pf sen wiQ lakt from the Heeding R -s re Tsrle lay pspers ilk out perm Us km. Mf th Genuine M;JicUc, ' v Wkiehirifthvtitti M tki m?e a tww ttiittsii ti hhti hutnbu47 . ' " vUlUMts Prvpntd nty by " . thli PivPTtpri :': ' ': ; . t. w-i.vg:n m!,o, -a B RsMmH . - .' '-. , 1 iJ TQETAM,fc MUVUW COUDlAL. V ' ' " IslMt eelltltWl tt.iv- i : '; . IiMhUflemiy rtme4 inue inosef ;:v m-seiuus mteitint r tnt tpiy m end uri er, mm iompUIwi tHiv)e4 iih Inffhrw witkum, flfprtvinn f ue tpirlta, S Bei ideieriiiUunfthef)h liPcntdeiwitl, in bsUful inHytnei the ntrvout sys lem, writhiiia ih fcein riiH lncspreitAli l':., tBttUHic lni.'fei, th Mm drtai!l iR8imeui ef liurrefund Hmmi TntWi demuAnavi ihuinds ftilkn usur-nlks je '. Ut tllfrful lFanpuPU fif Ul re, - s ' -Thu mett epmrnun ivmntnm nfilSAnm. : '; ...... . V !' ' ' TT1 1 V VW mfillBtinsnLln flliKnillHlrtt!l?n:e pulpl tallAnttiiiietifilii.a- l.u -f. -I UlraHlrwItfhAllBftli jrtiuti.pftr tv wg, limiaity, fl8i f lH'ti mid. enjd, numb, hit'i SNmpi luinvn-tim in tht hndj, ui(k, iml hiini1 ljiqKnp, mmWi of rtipUi Hsu ind iti!tiiiti(i, pniieiy, dry ough, ke, . IT0Me11ti MMHUTHi , ! (Pitca 1 eahsi 4 xassbts.1 .- 1 . Our if ih mtitl tftlrloet mrdicintwef v tiiTtfied to ihu nuhi, for the speedy relief ' SH9 turf ef yblineii ns, eqlils, f oniurr r tlonii ihi hatiptlni tm, imMMt pulp and wind In ilu iitunuib, rinmvtng hubVujcos. 5 iUnitii sUknetittheliom4Fhidyflterirst eholirt morhiit, sinri Kfipingti M mnv -mirUuwuleoDftliilnt h Iiili)riPi Itc, , ., ' , Bl.lOURT'ON'i ' i , : oouf Aifia iiif-uMAiia pnors - , . A nil nd if tBw tm m tbt iet, isiifii, lintiie. lert m f im t. l ll. Us Hint la A aveh m the iHttie, n reus. eiisiiHHitiiinii'1, dmilii, i fitt iMlllkiiri ela w9siii( irima. itini is ihi hiti, ( inj bodv. liffsi li if th aitk, i iillbiiiMi lifH hwki ,ett, TUB HALM OF UPRIA, f ; Eitrieud ftpm in i)irln ptnt fur cuv ring defied of lln kir) M itnpreving (bt. oRtilisloni kii ke, (ISm m Hivh) Dl Tlliaf's ciU-braied ,0UUT AND IIHKUMAI IC DROPS. I it tl IWVHWMI J Ua. DruYfa.-f' ' PATENT H'QH OIN I MFNT Far nlsskanineiii aalitv. unLrimon. eassi niciriiimr, ti Inftnittly ibperlor.to mf ether miiliiini, ht idf (unof thst mot dliagriiiihti if)d lormintirg disorder m m l. MatiaiM sin a.amta as. w ,: V ...OH HOIIfRThWl " WORM DMIHQT1M WZtKCIl A fflfdltilnr hlenlr ntcrsitrv le be hem ! aft itff twit 9v pn'f yw wn faRiillti frin 10 irnii . 'Hi R''eirt'i tint I ! I ' . ' WMih Iff filvliiktid for the etrrnnhet Iflir write Knmiirhi, Intrii'ipg Ihaappeiht 4 arxiiiiniinfl'fHniiiivi indtwrf tor ibe l(f fid kjlleT kt, kf, ' m Ihrw Inn lu iMr llidirlnti were first TI9VIAII PIRIPDlf)lMtperirnced (heir . hiepy and nlmijf ff .mPr of wbons nm (hi lowm tinge ffthiir fifsordtri ; 'i'tU mft ihtl mih J all tht aloe tut. tint MidlfiifH ill Hitii tn ihi Mlndt$titt vim m iiiMiitn tr tni im fmnnt .. i W UVO IT M. D, mmiiiJ am i I ii ii ; Weil India HetAcho Prop. . The fwpritUMi fort4 vf Mublng he Putli with Mk druil of Ik iRirny tf lie's) llkdrtlne , will wlf rbaer iht, accord Ing f hi! f ipiriififf i WWII If 4 Aches arise' trnm f diiMfderid Ht r ihe tirick, thith hW r4'iHi It id-ulsld le corrcf, ni lk li lit glrtn. rrM le mow of the SMlvhr U Ms brie admlAlsisied.M' ft i Ftttni lUJuw,mi Un d te tUtf FM h (hi kvrpi ff Mirofttribuiing tome (htflf 14 Ifcf fi Wf WW t Ihe'eneaf ttrn mm, ii'strif is tt) Oisekses, ak , thlfrir44'rkWr'i', . JU Him Abdul U Mm4 H r If 7aVf Jf rT r' Ar twit, , ' " Tcrt Udlan Rcvvwd. DKKJtl VM ffim m Jvkinion. Kk Ciattm. Mffffdif eiiniBf, iht li b tf Mif III), tViiu ft .'If do. - frivste In r vmptPf, edfhnrrd fiBfi te fe teerHee HUui t ertr Um KetLlk iM4Vr i FfbiM'i proclinnlots He re tpt If fun t nt, f fi kiii end half Imim U, t' "'k hair, Minkf fewpViMMr "(i'iue ed f leper Mrvifb I Did r lb Uv re wird lot Ike rkreag iid d'Mrtrr ai ttebferlfff Urn f4fe eraay itVr ctes MMvliei I f e'HSfkmrai le ll Until aw ;ur.ofH AM), laf ff p, ltV awrB, rr? w usijsa.e , rsiif i iit rmiMif ir Cfifintil f Tllll Dettiai erer, 4J4 4 ewr. w r4 Detaiil t 4H 4 wnkm jas n sMAr , f' il Ht I pi ree raiW r Wt rrefHi Moiih, ft P pNf mitt tt iiUnimttivHH errw sty-rrriy aWrrr fir urinmr tr at awl 'I i . i ! :. i .":.;i i 7 i I 1 S " V I ; ... . '. : '..-'.'.,' -i",;

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