f 4 : A URDAY, October 2, 1313. . . ' : . .' . J - u j TT . V ':.( . f.- l ,1'; 1L.L commence the Sils F RaleK. 22 Chests, 18 Trunk, 43 Causes, 2 Boxes!, Clk 474 Bundles, ana 22 Crates of En- ui uuuu, Uaputrtd by the Private a mea schooner bSAp Dracoix, Otwa . Borv3, Commander on hoartl the llriiis Brig Ann, Joaw Martik, Master, boand from Liverpool to Stl John Ncwbrun wick Such Invoices as have yet come to hand conf irm uootli ot the fallowing decription, viz :-r -Supnfine and coarse Cloth of all colours, ! l.assimeres, ditto ditto tirey, Browniand Olive Coatings, l?cd and White Flannels, Hose and StripM Blanketi, Plains, DuflTcls, Ktrseya Bombsreen, Bomuazet, of all colours, SattiRets and Rattenets, plain and figured, Prince, Brunswick, and BeTincts Cord, -Flushings, all colours, . Carpeting, Cambric and Cambnc Muslin, Cotton Shirtings, Prfm Calicoes atl Shawls, Checkt and Fancy Moledown," - Plain and Silk sinnM Toilanets. , Bedford, Patent And Windsor Cords, I Velveteens, Elastic Stockinett, Webb Braces, Cotton and Silk Laces, Mens and Womens Cotton Sc Worsted Hose Dimities. Love Handkerchiefs, tJ Beaver Gloves, Fancy VestulctSy - , Sewing Silks, Eot Cord, Thread. TWnn anil White Chacptl Xcetlles, CO Casks Cartl Wire, invoiced, at - sterling, 25 Tons Steel and Shp.et Iron. -The contents of 23 Packages are as unknown; and may contain Goods of other klndf. ' ;. ! At tiit -satactiae also be sold The Brig Ann, swWh . hr Fiirniturc. 1 he aaia nrstTtJTTave noticed the dis- ft Mr. Sec. Jones and Mr. L- Taylor, of tifc knew notliiner more tlian was coMtalned in Mr. Trior's nnie as published in the Federal . Rpuff!icaii. Hut m Mr. Jones has appealed to -the public, think it just, to "give all we have seen published on the subject. , .? mr.r of rfE whole grouxd. Frmn the Federal Rebnllican, Szpt. 6. ' TO THE PUBLIC. ILLIAM JONHS, (who is Secretary of the Nai'y) Isavi been guilty of a flagrant breach of trust to vardi njf, and having declined giring-me tJiat satis faction rliicb I have a riht to d:mandf I declare bira to the world an unprincipled Viliu. and a .ate Cow LEMUEL TAYLOR. Sept. i8i: 'Edward Pasteur, J r ; ." WILLIAM ShETARD, J S . reubern, N. C. SepuTlh, ,8l3'j .Untied State oj 'America. ? t I SJ5:.: WlLL.bc sold at . publie Auc. rtton in the. town ot AVilnnngtou. olTlndHyof October next by Mur- Initcd State, the-ship Efcr.z and - Wi. m -i r pprec olTUic Court iUruuurc ogitv-u; , Septe mber. 2 4th--2 lO D3!ia4'Rcvard. V rVkawat fn3ja; till' Subscriber about -i L A-.T..i,lr a' nrnro man m,thd Fro in tfiT ,Q?eraPf1riii IteraJd. A duel was fought at five paces distance on Fri day afternoon in the State of Virginia, about half a mile from this place on the southern road, bet'.veen col. Lemuel Taylor and commodore Barney, both of Baltimore. The first fire was without e Sect, which produced nothing but a smile of indifference. The second fire Mr. Taylor was wounded in the breasti but is expected to recover. We are informed by those who were on the ground, that botli gentlemen exhibited uncommon firmness. It was their intention to have fought in the neighborhood .of Washington, bat the marshal havmg been "apprised of their in tention, met them at Bladensburg, and' pursued fliem on till they pjTed witliout his jurisdiction The colonel remained a Tew hours in town to have hbAvcufids dressed and then proceeded to Washing ton. - . ' ! From tie J'atunal TnleHifencqr, Sept. 7. TO T IE iHJBLIC. J" . In whatever sittiat'i. I may be placed by my coun try or my late, I shall neither Iks too high, nor too ! low, to respect public opinion, and cheerfully sub mit to. its inquest and decision, accoiuiiJ; Vo the i rules of morality and honour. I am aware th.tt pMldic consideration a!on would i have ibsohvd liitfmin iivllcln a yu!,r;:tr aiid indecent; ! Illtl which a;Km-d In the IVdcr d licp '.bl'can of t this day. fcij.L "Le.-ivex. Taylor . hut it is I duetotrutc, an : f mv own cliavacter, to put nown .0Q !; (luetotrutn, an : f mv own cliavacter, to put nown I . dated by a fev brief rt-irarks. My acainjar.ca J " J widi MrTaylo:-,:?L9-v;ll !i seen hy h-j le'ti:.r.vWas'n y1 of tlio most transient "kind, ahcrdinr i:o tbindaviOii i Mr. Taylor had the audacity to charge jne with a ftaant breach of atmst" -demanded n explana 4ion l!iroug1 his friend. I gave in substance the rea-' en as I Jiave t-ere assiied, .And exhibited ti his friend t tlte original letter this- was not s.Uisfacton;iis pssitmorliis vanity had promoted him, to, prepare an alternative. A challenge waproducedjl aud, as ev ery man of h mjur and common sense in my situa tion'would have done, I declined the invitation. l'he next resort was an abortive attempt to pub lish in the Baltmiore papers the argumentative, and eloquent morsel," that appeared in the Federal Re puUtcan of this da v. The good sense of every Edi tor in' Baltimore rejected the flagitious libel, and it has at lenrth been forced by the scavengers of de-; traction Uirough the common sever. f ., I ask pardon of the public for this momentary a beratibn from the elevated path Svhich officii duty would have prescribed, but truth and candour, ra ther, than nersonal feelincr have urged the course which I have reluctantly pursued. f ashmgton, kept, y, loij. W. JONES. foriiivateoiTCivride:itinl eorrefpc:: lence. nor had any Mien rvitCA;. Do be 2l3t I receivca a let-. ter, cf Wiiicu Ue iodowntg j ; a literal copy : . ; "JitiUinore, Jlng. iOMr 1313. - Dear Sir. I kno vv t hat "our kcqualitance does tt instifv mv vshifC swch.Jzs&Viizr terns as I hue .about to ment;cnf.that icoitid not. lieJp ;acioregsing.: you, as I am convinced "I should always do, if wu vtvre better ccnuainted. : It is mentioned in or.a of the prints this evening, that Joshua Barney is appointed j ,to the command of our flotilla for rny.-:ef, do not. . ht Uevc it, because ; I presume yoii are acquainted j !' wiili his character ; but it you are not, permd me tr j " inform von,'. th$i he is a mcst abandoned rascal, notu as to POUIICS ano iiiurau ; uu. mav uc iu-iww 1 ninctcnt is Ot all tn at nave taicen an acive part,ui the c)ef'ence! of Baltimore,' and by none Yoore than J ciptl tJeorge Stiles, whose kcal and activity you j mustljavc heanlof; and in truth iffcamey is appom trnl to any command, niost of the ;"ost useful men wilt be obliged to retire. If it is not done let me beg of you, for sake of lhogovernTnent,the safety of Bal timore, an r y!'.r own character, not to make such an appointment. -- - . ' All I ask cf ou is to believe we, whea' I say I ; haye notjiingin Ucw in writing this, but the good of my country, government, and'the city wiicre 1 reside. lam, "dear sir, your verv obedient servant,. 1 JTm. Jones, Esj. Sccretqry of.tlic SxJtT4Vit?ii.'' This letter, addressed to the ScoreUlrv'.of ;tbe Na w, witliout reservation or restriction,: betraying cUher absolute ignoi-ance of propriety, or sheer im-t pudcr.ee. appealed to me a bout, mt.-epal aenincia. , mi m -itrrr. v" j ; ,n . wk 1 t ie-autnor' wouia nave proct 1111.cn. nVn'Ke tiUCl0tW hJn" he went Ctt a-JrpWnfl tVontlu house-top fearless of consequences, anlin- f V i ..vi- "v ite iitMneOUn tt'QWSers1 viting publicity rather than , concealment. - The tem fcl oad cloth.lJWC 4Vx"7 i V u 3: v per attdstvlc, ti be suit, appeared neither proier .)' and :tn bldjTCcllip hat n-.-V'- tor piibTic or --private correspondence hut least, of ' ' ltelV in vV iimniD 1 uuu,v ";?r 1 hU d,.j I suppose, lliar tne author meant 10 maitc . ' . lurj; tHeravetVVrtacvcr will njprc5; ji.the Wroftbe X- cithirr the ofucU or .nrirate ,n5 ahCUt J'W f. Ah h deprta-T of aspersion broad, foul and hWf.nite ; -. ; hend said , rrf'i1: aaSparlSalarlv when applied to an officer who had 4 v r , A 11 mastf fs- of 1 vcsseU and ouv:ri ir cautioned not to rsaruour or . . . . "; t c.trn avav tiie '.r,d rimawav, ailthc nrdiics of the law: : "- shall be enforced vah tiie utmost r.gprj ' a tmn whoever shall be tktcctcd man acC ' . ' aS unjustifiable, illegal aad i;c. : 1 jus September 25 3t . John, IwBLia. Boot diid Shoe Store, -r-iTtr tKc-r;',..r K.t itist received fi on 1 111) liUl'Jkl iuv. , J i k the Northward a iar--e and general asw -ricr.t of Leather o the first quality-, which lie often 10 iiiamiiaiuuc t,"uw i prices lor tAsn , Shoes at the on and, as he has been at a great c.vpeuse : in rtmf- hi? stock bv Land to this pi ice he requests - those who arc mdeot cd tohiilt to call and Setds their accounts, 50 aVtD enabte him to meet his payments yf ihrx- become inf 3 SAMUEL SEXTOX. " " " . 1 " September 25th- 3 wv - ' - Notice. ; ; r i ,Tf IE business of thefTic of Swedisu Consul is conducted by . J K II Master of Swedish vessels and Cu iVcts can be furnisbfd vith necessary docurncntca p2pcfi and ccrt;fi:ats-. . j September it 'f had just then been appointed to an honourable coin man'cl that of the U. S fiolilla for the defence of1 -1! tit.ne: nirt of the Ciies.'.neake Know ing that of!tCL-r to posse-n in a prom:n-nt de cree c.'t the qualiiits t'os. command, and beiievih Uit a vait majority of the conar unity of the district which l.c was appointed to defend, and cf the nation, would flel the same confidence in l ia skill, prowess, -eul and intejrritv ; I coald not but suspect that-other motiv's' and feelinprs thau thoe avowed hd parllci piited in the denunc'.Jidcn. , ' , . JCnm Urunev I Vcjog-nixed fin intrepid distin jisTied officer of the Revo'raticnry Xavy, wliose achievements have been the theme of public admira tion and tlie suijectof the pencil, whv';se vividrenre sentation "cf one cf vhose scenef. has Ion-- been a pro minent ornament Li th- chair.be r ot hie r.avy ue- 1 'parUnent. - . .-' ". - 1 linen ".him a! ow oftlie six captains Srst .--appcia- j ted under the ad::.ir.i:,Mtttion cf President Vasa,::S ton, and had l.q net re.ed lie would lon unce j have hen- iit the her.d o:iur present navy. - - . I also kneu that President AVashlr.fjton had consi- I de;cd him a cUien much er.tUled lo pubTc con- j sideration that a vessel ami p'trial messenger; H-&j sent lo Jamaica to demand Ids release from . cbnr.nc- I "mentand menaced i-nommy, for gallantry netena iti liis ship agrninst l)ritih Ucpied.tion and allth3 xrhvn his character wai as perfectly knowp as at tne present time. Under thes circumstances I could not in justice to Com. Barney or to die public, ,vhose ofiicer he is, hare withheld from him the opportuni tr of vindicatiiijf his .reputation ; nor. could I .suffer I diCAlenunciation to remain secretly on the ifdes of the l department ; nor indeed had I the most distant idea that concealment was me wisu 01 mwij hh tpt avowal "proved Ijoth !is folly, and .his base ness Coiti. Pamev cjjne to Washingl onI read to him the slander Ti orn the original,", and displayed to him the author. The result is knwu and I am hap py it js no worse it vi hi improve the manners of Mr. T. a;id 1 hopv; n'lthcui impVirlij hii hUU.' Hft -' From ttut United State Gazette. We understand that when Mr. Imr; Taylor ' published his note containing' . an ininnuation against, the honesty and courage, of Use Ilud&rastic secretary of some two or three departments, he was requested to recall it ; but having refused to do so, the note was very properly, and very spiritedly returned to him, . and no doubt is entertained that he felt the. re bjike, in all its severity. ' " 77,e Attributes of Qiialities.Ye have J seen, in some of the southern papers, a note signealby;LE n vel Taylor,' Esq. a democratic genllem in of Bal timore, who is said to hold as high h a rank in that, citv'as the Hudibra'stic secretary tbrmerlyidd in this.. t "4.1.- xrm4m TotSpc fvchn' Ail UHi; liUlC II IS tiicCtl Uiai, II m... 1 is secretary ofthejiavy) is an vnprincipledtiV?.in, and j a -base"-ceward." Some of the Secretary';) friend j were at first apprehensive that this publication woukl . be injurious to his reputation but we -are assured that there is" nd occasion ibr solicitude upo, that subject j . for.that the note was never oJidUy received by him and that he has utterly refused to preserve a co py of it by which means "he has effectually saved his honour without endangering his person. We understand that if the note had been oiheia'dy receiv ved by the secretary, and iflte tod prase; -ved a copy, the publication of it would have been accor.ipamed vrith the " indignant assute a i t would ha ve cal led forth.' ' : '. ' i' ;'! ; " Attributes of Qualities," amended. 'tVe recommended some time ago to Mr.' Secretary riiKKhrass the following lines, erroneously, imputed toSam. Butler : - - j He who fights and runs away,1 L ; May live to fight another day ; ! -i ; Bii he who is in battle slain, .;J," '"W ili never live to fight again- ; ;; We are haopy to find that the Hon. Secretary lias The republican pari of'the nation, uni versally distrusts him as a politician, and even those who adhere to him as fiidnds, jus tify themselves only by the horrible asser tion that the air l a Wdshingtoft 19. like: the. air oflhe court of every other country. V .'' ,; j,-. . v i . ' ' '' B0STONt Sept. 9. I ..- ' THR HONORED DEAD. It has been stated in some four papers, that Mr. Oliver, who has succeeded to the command of the British squadron off' Tfiew-Londbn, refused, on the application of Com. Decatur,permission to transy pert the bodies of Capt. Lawrence and Lieut. Iudlow through the sound to New! York. We understand, this is not the fact : that on the application being; first made, there was a wan of some explicitness, which Com. Decatur interpipeted as ra refusal j but that when the object of ihe jreqifest wks fully under stood, Capt Oliver wrote the Commodore a very po lite letter, regretting any deflay which might have . the business. and granting in its fullest extent, the libuity requcsfr. ation. and means to practise, on a-principle so expe dient. .We would suggest an amendment to these lines, as he has undertaken to revise and amend the. works of Butler," which will be found more -immediately applicable to his case. ' 1 . ' : He who don't fight but runs awaj . j . , . May live . to ..'figb't another day; I But hewixai is in battle slain, i: Can 'iieer'4ote- tludibrass again. From the Boston Gazette. ' Adjutant Gen. BUIjYEv3. Secretary G.ilXJTIM Mr. Gallatin : 1 ins foreigner,, wno.j has , Ion g held the importaiit post of Secreta- rv of the United States Tteasuty, to the dis- j ... - . . . . : grace of our country, in wnicn a. native citi zen of equal "capacity . and . integrity might surely. have been found, has Jateiy become more than ever the subject "of publick con versation. The refusal oftheScnate tpconfirm theppointmet of this man as an Ambassador, whiif it has commanded the' applaqsc of a large portion of our citizens, has also exci- ted the resentment of all -the sticklers1 for j executive in fabillity. It may not be amiss j at this time to republish a fev extracts from-! the opinion volunteered by anotner avounte of Mr. Madison, the famous Gen. puane. These extracts are from the Aurora of January SO; 18 12, and the wurmtli they dis play, was produced a by' treasury report, in which the necessity oT Direcjt Taxcsi' to sup ply resources for a war, were insisted on by the Secretary. ' 1 . From the Aurora, January oQ, IS 12. 1 - "PubHck sensibility appears at !ist to a wake, and the incapacity aitt audacity, which hive been manifested in the last , rjepJrt ol' the head of the treasury, .has done (more to. ,Ut rFthr. nnhlirk. than all the re- U.l uiVvr . r 7" 7' - ! .presentation, and ., arguments, and , racts which could be presented.'have been pre- scrtted, through the' medium of the publick j papers." " - . . , - f ' f We long ago said that ifr.is impossible to repose confidence in any administration in which Mr. Gallatin holds a predominant in fluence. -We- say so aKain".1 Thejpub'Hck sentiment is unequivocal von the subject, and. the reputation of Mr. Madison, Mr- Mon roe, or Mr.-Hamilton, or all of thein united," are 'not sufficient to assure it.' - u k "u Wilv artifice, remote, perplexed, subtle 'intrigueprepared Stratagems ! to secure personal instead of publick interest:. dou-dftalin?- all the duplicity and insincc- rrity of courts putting the proverbial cun ning; of Italian artinccs in poiiacal manage ment in the back ground, have been introdu ced by tins man --the secretary of the treasu ry, into tbq management of publick a'nairs." I:. It is impossible that an admiw stration with such a man'1 governing; eery things by intrigue, can stand ; the friends of. popular representative govern fncnt.Teel degraded by. the course of intrigue the duplicity, v the in sincerity, the destruction of, confidence pri- vate andVpublick,.of whiclV this rhanJs the principal mover;. ' --i' J' The President utA jh? Senate" In each of the instamces 6f ISIr. Russell and Mr. Gallatin's nomination the Senate appointed a committee ko confer with tlie president, unquestionably for the purpose of ascertaining more c; early its views re lative thereto. These conferences,: it will 6e perceived, the premdent rejected, on the ground that it wns losing sight of the co-ordinate relation in which the execlttiv;; and senatorial rancju s stooBi so far as regarded the appointing power. In other words theipresident thought it derogatory to the chair of the chie-f niagisitracy, that, a committee of the senate should be admit ted into, his presence to hold debate upon public concerns. For ourst-Ives we. should tot be rejoiced to ses such instances be coming frequent, Therd is no good rea son, however, to believe that the president ; t 1 has found a constitutional principle behind j which he maj-entrenchj himself against ali Approach by the! Senate Doubtless, if he -please, he may deny them admittance. -He is master of his owri house,; and may . act at all times the monarch within its walls. , Yet there is no orreat oresumntion in thirty . -T. V. -1 . ' S..lm ---.' - Wd:"i thin ' tne "pijesident's'tes.' -thai; tHey I .;.. ;' 5 may hear itndkbv his pjasdre. j f ' None' :- .hohave' hatd. becasipn ."':to'"speak of Mr. fi!adisqn?f hav& been' ro0re- clisposed . than ourselves to extend cparity towards his motives, arid toadmire the great tal ents he has frpquentli displayed.. But on "lafe occasions, sp many; things have concur red to prove atonceTan increased love .of power, and a falling of in the qualities ne cessary 10 a dignified jand wise adnainistra tion of it, Mr. Madison's character has lost, with us, nuchtof thefrespect which it hitherto commabdedi f In short, we believe that either die hand -.of time, br theliuflu ence of evil counsels has' weakened and corrupted the mind which has; now the di-, rection of the ' American , governmeDt.7 Tlie President like J Mr. Adams when hr frtiihd bis n'onnlarltv hecrinninr' to le- f" II I " V . . P ! " - . cline, evinces j ah irascibility, a 'jealousy, and even a hadhtiness which do not 'Cnm fort with the character of a repubh eah chf magistrate hese , features sit well upon an emperor of China, a Bonaparte or a C 1 'omjv ell j but they l(to hot become tho head raople wlpl are not the slaves of auv-rnan'caprice' '" .'!-.; "'';'.? President Washington frequently re ceived iiotonlyj the eiitire body of Congress, but even committees to his presence. So did Mr. AdanW, u ;j oil hh glory:1 The Senate and House b Representative fre quently confer j together, by the interven- .. tion;of committees, 3 the bodies them selves would be too mmierous. The Pre sident communicates with them in writin- i-Ie" receives thir, clerks and Secrtt&ries, and why should the abroach of a com m it- be all at once so alarminir. Con- tee ?ioxi' fering witn a cbmmitee coulcl he 'rip more derogatory to the Presidential character '- y than a similar jinterfew 4with the senate itself..- Tlie whidft:'a4thonty and 'character 1 , of the body .is i.'; Represented by the corner mi:tee;On its part; as the-entire sovereign ty of the people is vested for the time, in art fevr individuals selected from among them- 7 selves. Toe President cdufaT not appoint a committee, because hstairds alone and might confer without inconvenience. . Weak pretests, hoyreyer roust e used ' when better .ire! not a handl iTh'.-Presi-'-' " cent determmeu not to confer, and. wa . - creeps into the President's house, i :;The einptrors think Uiat veneration for their character is greater, as their persons are. less seen. Mr. ?.lr.disou; probably,' has his reasons fr following their example. 1 P fyktg'l flrmejvfin r '4 i 7 1 ,