f A. .3 f t ! V. I " - 1 . ) i l ' " "- "' i. .. , i J " r . , p.sliwi' ; I' . l' Messrs.' Editors The folio wing extract from Mr! BurkcVWoi aPpJy ?? exactlv j to the'present state of tiis country, that I could not forbrar transcribing them, for vour paper. Tne reader wiUprrctivc that tii.- party who ruled Great Britain, ! ivhen she declared the wicked and ruinous war against her colonies in 175, mid J use uf the s um: 4iv,:in I enforced the necesity of iinim.nitr with the smc zeal, that the war-hawks in America do at this- d ty. In nnswrrto their nky sophistry, Mr. Darke, has .the lollowin j s.mtimeMs. , THE EXTRACTS. - i 44 If I had not lived long enough to be little surprised at anything I should have been In soras decree astonished at (the contiau -d rage of nrveral gentlemen, Vho not s itisfied with carrvmrc fire and sword into America, are an united with nearly th-: same fury agaiiit tao e nergh bonrs of iheir whose only' crime it is, that tY.-y h ive charitably and hum tnely wished thciii to entertain more reasonable ssnti- and not always sacrifice their mte- j ) their passion. Ail this rage con- j rcu to their nassio vinas me, thut at bottom they urcfarfroti j aiiijitJ that ihetj are in the, right. ror wn.it U it thev wuuld have: A war 1 - - J i, 'f hcv cen unly have at this moment tne Mating of something that is very like one ; avl if the war they enjoyed at present be not sufficiently hot and extensive, they may shortly have it as warm and as sprea ding their hearts cm desire. Is it the force of the kingdom they call for ? They , fcnvt: it already , and if they choose to fight t!i; ir own battle in their own persons nobody prevrnts it. P they think the service is sun- j t d .wwant of -liberal supplies I Parliairtmr ' j h iw. voted enough to glut the keenest appe tite. I this is not su'lkient, let them open their own private purse Strings, and give from what is left to them, as large and with is little care as they think proper-" 44 These men are continually calling for unanimity. But before this unanimity can be mawer either of wish o- congratulation, we ought to he pretty sure, that we are en-, gaged in a rational pursuit. Piirenzy does not become a slighter distemper on account of the number infected with it. Delu sion and wjaknesss produce not one mis chief the less, because they are universal." 44 In ider to produce this favorite wian tmitij a &ir:m, arguments for our contin uance .11 this course, are drawn from .the wretched situation itself into which we have been betra cd! It is s aid, that bein at 7Var whatever our sentiments. -might lurgJeen DijDrepi:xrmr;jry Ti-rnrn?c rji now is to strengthen: the hunch of govnunent J On the principle of this1 argument, tht- more mischief we suffer Iror.i any administration the more pur trust in it is to be confirmed ! " JLrt them but, once get them into a xvtr and their pou'er h .,!, and an act of oblivion pasted for all' their misconduct'" ' , .j We all know tnat tne sense oi uicna- tionobligJU the courtof Charles the Second s to abandon the Dutch war, a war next'; to ; the present, the nvst impolitic which we ghnd paid but little respect to the court jiir go of that day ; nor could th v be irill i mcd by the preteiidedrivalshipof the Dutch in trule ; by thi massacre at Amboyjia, ever r carried on. The good people of hn- v.nirn was acea ?u iuw oc-c w yt p'tMic vengeance ; n5r bv declamations ag uust toe ingnuiiuuctu '- w. re not moved from their evident interest bv all these arts ; nor was it enou4i to tell tfum that they were at war ; and that they m ist go through it ; that the cause of the dis mte was lo.t in th : consequence. The nf PnM .n l were calL'd unon then .1 ....a . .r i- . hnli " Tn'ntr as they are now, to make government s'rong. Thev thought it a great deal bit- !j ter to make it rJscjr.-i honest. . ' j x ij-Sff - i Trom the Chariot on Courier. j; From the Chniloton Courier. Conquest or .Canada. ,..r u.,n. K There is pe the public mind The idea ol tne con- f "Thomrison, rhans no sub ect on which cried the old woman, -in uie i. u. uv is so much astray; none, we poor ieueia.:b. . arc iu.u.u .ran i :.. ..,...:lc rrU rv-.nV.-d I'ord Under the penaltv of de- Connies t of Canaaa. ClllCSl. Ul - iinavi.4 - II , " . . . . , I :1 u- to nroduce on the Bridsh nation, ternv.a-d, xvnarever we. m.iy be v ..... -V . . v. .1 t -i I .d.nfoiK' (liirincr the Kevolution- ; claim tne prnues-c ui iwnp. . iJ..:i! ....,.;.,.: to he so. Seven thirds are true and o arV War, aim ami . L 'I ' , . i ,i..n.o American general I thincs we. complain. , ' VILLI VI I w uti vai v ' s j t i ' evident to even- reasoning minu, huh the only way to sare the small iorce we Iruf in Canada and to protect our own frontiers ; was as speedily as possible to ! 'withdraw our troops and endeavor to de id ourselves, there was at that time a nam' in the old congress, like the war men of the preseo:'dav,who were totally regards less of the safety of th Atlantic States!" b. rw now attacked in several places ;! ...... -r- . , and even of the perilous situation ot Gen. j V Washington"; then iu presence ot the ene- j ir.v wan a iortcuok - - as' the llritidi army 4 they w.-ud nit only h ive exerted every nerve to i 1 e new le- v,es to proceed to Cana.K but even h M-e detached a part of Gen. Wellington stj This pirtv was silenced, and thejr cjtn otic scheme' prevented from being put m ;t lerable Dri Franklin,'denvei-ed it his 11 commonly terse and pointed maiiueVi 4 A ter very briefly observing on the erront opinion that the loss of Canada would ft uuce any consuieraoie eliecton tne urn nation, or on their councils : thatlthe P I ! 1 1 r ' .1 vince was In fact'a bill of enormous expeh to them, not worth their keeping, nor acquiring, if we had the power; and on the little effect our addresses and procla mations had on the people of anada ; none of whom except a few.men of despe rate fortunes had joined our armies ; who though thry disliked the British, liked us still Uss; a3 before, that time having had among them a very bad sasnple cf Ameri cans, such men iu fact as only crossed the Lakes to impose on the simple unsuspici ous Canadians ; and also hated us as being descendants of the English ; and who had actually assisted in conquering the Province- Concluded his speech in nearly the following words : " But, Mr.. President, 4 I have two j;ctioiis to make to thispro 4 position for persisting in the attempt to 4 cpnqu.r Canada.' Every eye was now turned on the venerable Doctor. 4 The 4 first is, you; cannot take Canada"- not t ike CzCnada was murmurt-d from several quarters. 4 Yes, said the. Doctor, I affirm 4 you cannot take. Canada; and if gentlemen 4 will recollect the sanguinary ctinflict car- 4 ried on" for 5 or. 6 years bv the Uritish na- j 4tion against a handful of troops, illv pro 4 vided and. not supported from' France ; 4 and a very small I population, and how 4 much stronger that Province now is ; j 4 they wul agree with me that with no torce 4 we can now raise can we take Canacla. -4 My second objection is, that if we should 4 rven t. verrun the Province we could not keep at.' not keep .it, muttered the par ty.' 4 No, sir, said the Doctor, not keep k it, without a navy capable of meeting and 4 beating the British fleet, and command 4 ing the St. Lawrence and its waters, we fc cannot keep Canada. All the force Uni- ted America could raise or support could j 4 not keep that Province. The British na- j tion would feel their' honor piqued at the j 4 loss of it and vyould send out such a 4 force. as would soon drive,out our troops, j 4 and our loss and our expVnce would be 4 incalculable, and that to for a thing not 4 worth having- for myself, i'declare, I 4 would not accept it, if offered to us.' 'j ' The, Doctor's t wo short reasoas prevail ed ; an I the troops were withdrawn'; the tnii.! ic 'Jf nrv.vu. The British soon (rt eat- bi-Utfc4-4wl Pfovinceafidcjrriei '.every thing before vieai ; 1 out iy puinii VlUr : u " z - . - A rieo 1 pn too; far and not mieeting a4 proper stjip- port.and co-operation from Sir 11. ( Clin ton, th'ey lost the army under, B u rgtiyne. Whit a misfortune it is,. Mr. Printer, that there was not some' l'"ankliu in the present' Congress. We see the same, mad course pursued ; the .Atlantic' States, from N,w-Orleans to , the, Provjiice- of Main, every "where exposed to th : attack and in ' reads of the enemy, and left v.dth very lit tle' exception to defend diemselves with their miiitia only ; whii even soldier th i:. can be. raised is hurried to the Canada line, j ap-aiu to contend ior tne same wortniess object, for, a tiling that" the wise, the ve nerable rranklin- thought would' not he wurth our acceptance even if offered to u."? gratuitous;'. CAKOLlMilNSlS. Fto'n the. Viiyirre dlea ier. A 20. s a st S V Xr ihi:u-arc. facLi . TH tell yu torv H.t, and 'then Til udl.yo'u hat seven things are true. A una beat a is wile, and drove her under, the oed, but she would .5 till exercise theVihf of of cX n- plaining: XJyoudon t lipid your tongue Tlf kno-.r the ren-. iii why said (thc old man- -Vlu - v; what I pi :asC; at leabt' said the old woman. 4e siU iil s iid the old ik If you don t li old fellow, 'for if you speak a mother crooked ?fird' Til thrash voiu - "Xatns horns nuncration oi a ((iuiHM.Wi-.iHiiy , trie ijiii wMuitiu t ui- driven, to lining. ithes'e seven ere foolishly i and u-ieledlv squandered on the infamous j II en rv. 1 there auy body vviio will nave 2. That Fort Mi chirmiat kinack was not garrisontdi provisioned, and notified of Uhe wVr so as to keep the W. Indians in check. Who will justify the 'neglect : 3rvTnat early and effectual jneasures were not taken to ensure tlie command oa the lakes. Who justifies this neglect.. . t . 1 4. That better mm were notseiectea as commanders.' . i ' - 5. That a 'force 'of SO or 30,Q0O men was not sejit at once to make an effectual imnresMon on .Canada immediately on the declaration ot war. 6. T hat in the present distressed state of country 14,CK)0 dollars should be squander ed for. cli ant .and splendid . .saddiaonal fur::iwurc err U;e paliicfc 1 oun . . i. is . - . - " j t T 1 :. r h'v . .... . . ' tmr M have. 9000 a year, (enough we should suo him for all his time, ) and now lO Thatthe ad minis trat'ion ! should ;coun ten ince and support the mli who rais e:l the Biltimorc mob, broke on-n the jail, abused the prisoners, and murdered tne gcoa old patriot, tyen.Lmgan. of seven tr iths to complain of Wfc might tuuiucmic a iiunarea. i i Aias I for o-t-- poor country. . , .1 i k j j , i THE BOXntt BE VTK. AXOTJIZR STJIA1.Y0F YiJKEfc DOODLE. Columbia now that skill, defied f, ! , Of which the Britons talk, sir ; Bold artless Yankee EjTTERPRtZE, . ' Has beat an English BoxerI ! EXrERPRI.t: & H07ZER. Extract of a letter from Captain 1 1 it it- to Commo dore B a. i n 9 ri l d r. (luted the tpth intt. ' I yesterday visited the two bris and was aston ished to see the difference of injury sustained in the action. -The Entefihrtze has but one 18 nound shut sides, but no injury done by them. TBorer has eisrhteen or twenty 18 pound sliot in her hull, most of them at the water's ede ; several I stands of 13 t pound sraPe stick in her side, and suqh a quantity ofsmailrapc tliat I did not undertake to count ' .them. Her masts, sails and spars "are diterallyfciit to pieces; several of her g'uns dismountedarid unfit ! for service; her topgallant forecastle linearly taken! off b the shot: her boats cut to nieces, andi her quarters injuredin proportion. To giy e youpan idea - X J . 1 - " n?-- ; . 1 I counted in her mainmast, talone,dhre 18 pound ; ot the quantity ot s!iot about her, I uifjorm ou tnat shot hojes, IS lartje grape 'shot holes, 16 musket ballliobs, and a large number qnsaialhfr shot holes, without counting- above the,; cai'Mharpips. We find it impossible to g-etatthe number, killed ; no papers are found bv which we'ean' ascertain it. 1 I, liowever, coufntetl upwards of ninety, hammocks !f which Were in her netting with beds in thern, besides . several beds ttfthout hammocks ; ' and she has fexcefteint ac commodations for all heff officers bejow, iu? state roorns, so that I have no' doubt thatjbhe had! one hundred men on board , We know that she has se veral of the Rattler'' s meil,;and?a quantity tif wadi .was taken out of the Rattler, loadetlwth-f'our large grapshq- with a small Ijolc in the cenb-e to put in jt cartridge that the inside of the wad may - take ' fire ! when it leaves the gun,.. IiiiqihL is in. evry ii exceed any thing I have seen in a vessel; of her class." , - ( . ., : .. .: l. y - FftOM THP BOSTON GAZE riTB ft OccasiQnedJty tle arrixnil of the Remains- LV.KEN'CB.antf LUDLOW, ' - , I . a r salem; ' ' ' v 1 Relics of the fallen"'brave ! w ' - Tenants of an hoiWi 'd tomb 1 ' 'Conscious priile exalts the- wave' Whose swelling bosom bears you home Ocean bails you, gallant sjul ! f ' !Xbw once,more u'et j'is realm you cross ' And each hillo as rolls, i V Moans an antheni for yout loss u -Glory's .Ilalo binds yovir binws i' I' Immovtraky's your suov:rl, ? I lAVline'fiur love, like Zebhvr, blows j i " From ivour dik uf tame, ea each cloud Ailoration warms the clay ' That was'cnld on foreign bier I .Our hat sacrifice we. pay, Tis the sileut, grief-swoll'ii tear. - I Sans nf Glory f Mighty Dcad.f." Welcome to your parent dand 1 Softly hc-rc sljall rest your jiead,1 Pillowd bv3'oar brother "hand. v ' . I ' : "Xa'bexceJ Ludlow! SonsoFF!amei iiere shall rise J-he scupturdstc vYottle is the Hero? name, v , Glory claims it as fo otw ; WELL DONE. 1 The Common Council of the city of New. York have come to the foil owinor' re- solutions which do them honor s "... ilcsolvcd, that the, sum of ;one tliou s and doll ars be granted to each of the two children of Captain Lawrence and be ves ted in the Commissioners of the Sinking Funds of tluit Corporation,' to be applied, at r the discretion of foe Commissioners, to the ducatiqn of the children or tb interest arising therefrom, to be . added (at least veaily) to the principal, and the aggregate amount to be paid by them to thej said chil ttren ;,to the daughter at 18. and to sons at 21 years of age. Iri case of their death, the. money to be applied to the reward of Other naval merit. '....,. t The remains Vof Captain Lawrence and I of,his gallant companion in arms having ar- rived, they also resolved to take charge of their interment. , PORT OF AUGUSTA, Sept. ! 2k- " I ' ' jieparled ti.ice of.- I ' isti return . . V I Four.HurdeAVa)rt for Xe--Ymk. 1?'. . ! 4 do. .. do. ' do.r fjr PhiLuleSphi' '-fellow-. do. . for i. do." f "1 t ' i Chit spoken oa the l?tU' Avgiist, iatX. jr 14,-. in lier hull, one in her mainmast, arid one iu her ing into several gross errors and absurd! ?!TS?i; Jiftf h - ti but at the safce time sound and solid r-. rree.notuv v.'yf Jl.l - t i IMPOR FAN f STATS iPAPKH, 1 Sie folio win' 'nwi-sr fi "m: 'p:rper rn. raiTeau's jdetter has made its first public -appenra:ice ; m a print called thb I-ijd.'.ral extreme lmaiuuuoa nione, sucn a paper couirl have made its appearance in a iour- j nal of what is called the federal cast. We look at this paper aiVJ contemplate , its character with1 a judgment very dj'ffer entiyaltected, and. in mahy resp'etts from boththtcbsses of politic i in who have al ready ani mad verteld on it. "t We see in it a paper conceived bva mna ul very aruciic iiuqu, very earnest in the ..discharge of the duties of the Station iii which he was placed, irot as much acquain- -ted with the naturi of this government -or he feelings bf tie : American people as he ' ought to have been 3 and therefore nhmo-l If Pn dle great-pomt which are involved m j the questions which m f act are the foun- - datious of me war of the last 20 vears id (which have been growing into importance and affecting the destiny "of. ciyUized na uons trpm tne pea the present diiy. of Aix la Chapeile to O a those points, which1 relate to the gen eral interests' of nasions, Tltrreau is sus r f 11' t ' I ' --J 1- ? tamed oy the interests of all nations lh:tt aic tyuceraea iaree, enlarged and namT rally 'unrestrained :o.noi'erce. f On those; points, which refer to the po-? licy of our tu ti country, he unfortupfttely Speaks truth vvhich cannot be evaded Ot repelled a 'id which have their origin! in the fatal po icv-which---' succeeded the tri. :-rnphs.of the . revorution, the abominable limitation df the Uritish s stem of firovefn- : ment anil' girw, atd th.; sen ile, iiiutatlon of ail hehso'rd id", inapplicable,! striUV sintiA, : ' , social policy. raentwim tins settiiiitt. wit ..t n.f. sceixs ionfVwnh this taiiie 'frbearanrj; ' i ie7 huiilutin; ; Insults,' -contun: all the !; wrongs ijiiuries,' fliitLpartial rWricta-'' ,,heis eloquent bec.ause jie is- fortified vhen he- talks of the influeneel of land iirom: piriilie affairsrhe falls ofFoufy in the iiijvftitionfilancuapje topanit the niiianditftt stymie lia terms safiicientiy i4n In a'ijkigLirelLSjhas; only VlvVn a" i-vlir M-.xK'iL .A .1... : shamed to avow.bsit ;rrVeh."everv ivi: - andvd'is';reet n'iari. i'hnl new ' airlt',r.':1ii!.i ihx interest, and Ha . . . . 1 " v iuuvu .Jiirco tll,jre AlllLT . ' . '3 . --f rv." 1. Dennd Pour; viz. Sullivan Lord Stii-linV. L L Lincoln. Now natk the reverse..!' ":. during oue year's war we have lost.- eral killed oncVik.Cabtiirel fivk vi, nun,, vvincnester, rVVindcr, Chan dler, and WadswoHh.--rPike; indeed, feir like a brave man, and" hi niemorv; will be revered by alh : Wads worth, it "is tnfo was capiun-d. withoiiit 4 disgrace". Of tht; other FOUii-whatf shall we sav ? Prhv: Gate- ."' ZJPROCZJJLiTIOXy tlis Am? oJPrvs&i. . KoytfctSBVRG, June i?, 113. Late last night reached us the following publication -signed by Ins. Majesty, at his head quarters, O.W I Graditz, near Scnreidn&z, dittd June 51b, 1S13. . ' The enemy has proptiscd, an armistice; 1 hvc with my allies, accepted ilitHl the 2-3th of Julj- Ti;is lias been done to the end that Ue i ti;.tMiir1l streiiirtb, which my jH.ollt have in&o :laudable a manner put ibrth; may atHain, its full rowtH." An imye'aiicd activiry, iinintcrmfitctl exertions v.iillbad to.thi cr.J. , HitluTtofthefsi.EMV has -' uif ?ass. :i:s ix force we could puW ' rei7in ouf1 uatiuial honor r we rnust avail ourselves of" his "shurt 'inter val to Lecoms MilTiciently stionj, that in Uie ervl e muy coi.querour jiv.'.epcndlncc. lielirrn ip'yourrt -solution ; put confidence m our. Lu ;,-.snd. tbeiv continu o;r cxuioi.s asi vbi'i have hrJieiio ltK-:'" and we'Whill fjaln oui-.acrqd point, ' WILLUMf If . even oj A.nerkan Lbir t rrovii tne iir: he has efliK&ed opisnliniysi of rights Hj IIe has piny t,old f rittlis a-4 Jjtj the power-'' and iiiHuejice f "nlc yiior public njF- fairs wh Hill'fatiitjLul ngi have;fcltby their frresides 'wliifh" Iveaj'mark - aw W401faU I' U(J&iJ,Ul A I fill I f - r r ica,,-nas loim dvpiontdAxand?hi'-h the fa ?i talVoJicyf iri3?Mvtte4n ushhV ' 'futie'rV o,Vass'ascl! etpQg, that "nothing .' bLQhcwoidcbaldiJrth'tSfl.. 1 - . . CJOTv the ieven' y4irHvar of. 1 lis-. re - r -5'o$jv tll Unitetuttls'Iost; General X VilitdJAzH: rren,IVfbntgomcrA"'"' . Wooster, -Mereer;Nash, UCalb. ."V' zrt't tvithcut disgrace, ln'tfce same nerind' I' , f i. I - 1 H - 4 P.. t - Ivl . I ' ' t v. . i ! " ! ' i' ' '- j; 'r I ' i; 1 1 ' 1 Ms n f . . .' . ::.) "i 4! . V. ,1.:;, i t ' r 1 f 1 I : -j r.t - 1 'A

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