4 i. jnicatlng tfycL fcere laconic but comnn J Commodore Chtunr.pv nl f idle, and ha, IVo;ii tiic HatttX tJg&S ( received, been g nheriug laurel al Sco ice on bord of dial Fritrate under th-auspi ce, of Ms pliant Fathei. lie lias steadily rem Juxl , - hi Pst supporting the llonar of the Navy diro ' evil and thro good report. He cxuiiingly saw i; increasing r-putatirn , our !hort but honourable Content with Trench "uwKilence and ae;resaie-. when the Brave Truiton, commenced his career by "the Capture ofthe Ixsurgcx te ex:duV? the American CosnxLL.Tio.M of Naral Glory to thbw'tvilh ;.u.Ieied 1 . ' respienocnt lustre. He aiso saw with heart, hen th at baleful Stsr of D.-m cracy Thomas JefTcrso:i rose glaring hum the political Il-non tn influence and control the councils of tl.c X-ui rv, the noble SvMem of the Navy Establishment a con- cieved and established bv Fedora! Wisdom id en ,.--. ' !"oT prostrated to give place to the miserable cos- tr'vairceof ('-.inbuat. Tuc Federal Administration Jud, even in its.expiri i ;n.nenis, deeply at heart the future glory of Jie Sxvy. While a lav.- was p.i.f ted authorising s.Jc of a numirr ofthe U.S. Vci" sb, u nidi had become old and decayed, anothejr 5mCI was al3 passed providing for the building of st Smrs ofthe Line. Jefferson too'c circ to infrce the first law, he waa read, enou;Hi to sell, to dii- m Antic, to disgrace ttic Navy, fut lbs second remain ed a dead letter j tuo5 materials which vight t hiire been applied to their desii"d purpos?, .and. If they had, would have so usefully and gloriously aided in the present War, were allowed to hot in the Xary Yard: The spirits of our gallant XaVal W;liccr rre to S: humbled, broken, crashed in Gi siOATi ! Xo d'tbt, thought Jefferson, to9J e vtu-hfur Federalists.. For the Navy then a? no.v is fiil.-d almost exclusively bv Federalist. JJ it the buoyant S:r;t of Fetl;r&Usn has lived through "all this acriss of un -runted neglect and eon. tumdy ; and LiTEaALLY it may be sul, tint the Democratic Adminbtrat ion is indebted to Federal . i.i.. ... i. . .. - . . i . niaui. lu ui u aa a patriot ana a 1 Pelcrb'mrg, Extract of a Icittr frot.x a g?n: InlUcothe (Ohio ) lj L'H Frimd T-jn dated September 15- I c! :3 u Tin Jin i risji. J lee r o.v L a .:k n is rjkEx nr Com mo do he Peru? .;.v " The Express Mail bst evei.ini b t;s this pleasing News, and o vour a c.tuo:i, I sli'all c ipy tivo Lvitcrs to G - acv. i ji t-ism fit) ;n Perry ; "V. S. !i i. Xiagara, off he Wvstcrn c-.i.ri, ll;it ( I L 1K.C UiH', OC!l. lull 1 Z I J 4, I. M.' t: ) ear Gen? ra '5 ' W'j have snel the Eaeuiy, and thev ttie j ours-UYo Ships, two iings, one Sell ocnur and c!tc bl-jup. , "O. H. PEP.tlV. ''-Major General UaiTlson' September UM, 1313. " Deer Si fy ,: ' i: V ' t We h ive a great nu:r.b2t of prisoners j 1311 IU idllUt 'Will as to order a guard to rcce lormmctlie place ? Coniiidcrtbi j iiumbeis imve been killed and w.jundod f.n both sides. From the bc3t information, we have. in prisoners than we havo-men in our vessels. v -0. H.PERRY. .Major Geifcral IlARErsov." tiiut vessel in td !uc uSsu is an4ouicer, that m tall sTTvTaiiaiiSTi to riPTlEV hi.rT nuybeye hed o,k The Anelj Lieutket j over the side pluii,i?-3 ! fei aiKcorpio,sathnjpnas:erChampan,were-j shot .truck oAlf anid' a iiido tt !Z cuaoled to get early into uedn, and v?re of ; was -ut but nothih of imn(i,it.,l frfi.it pn- p.. r .... ,fii:uf. i... :...k iJ - . . r o . iu . , highest terms of Mi Magili, purser, vb j nau been tiispatohed in a bocit on service previous to my getting on board the Ni.ga- j ra : an has rendered essential - . . : . oeinr a seamun. since the .riion J 9 . . T service in t.i king j man was hurt. I was in Uch Iisai)nointed that "Sir tJmVe , " v - ..f-fc nib) id9 UK superior m point of forccH .bottf uns1ind men having tlp4r4s of VO mnik more thaa ili yon ( t,u A j Ljr of one ofthe prizes. Qfcapt. EliioiH i.e them, as.d in-- ftWay o well known to the govei nment, ic f j; .would be almost superfluous 'to sneak. In i N this action he evinced his characteristic bra-M I very and judgment, and, since the clos; Cofiy of a" letter. J "rim Commodore Perry to ; the Secretary of the A'avy. trni!cd Slates Hri- Xiaari, orf tiic Western S:ter. Head of. Lake liri', te)iember 10, ' 1313, 4 T. M. Sir -U has pleased the Almighty to give .'I to 'the amis of .the United Statt' a Siinal' of rmcucananaonun v.w .... m,; Viclo,.y ovcr tieir eni.tnies on this L:.- and itself are not cottr dis.-raced . 1 e jl Thc l-n'ti, S1U .dron coisistltl of.two h.:lpi, ! Perry, tho in unison with his frien Is he must hear-v. two Bris,ollc Schooner undone SioOp, liave ily condcmti a Wrar rashly commenced and sliam- .'; lnis momcnt snrrendercd to the fortcunder fiiUy conducted, yet hastened at the call of his Coun- : ! my command, after a shani conflict. ' ws so much We nave and havp.s a rm 4tni.i ,U;Li, a l rbis ship, the Mudin and SylpJi.haveeach a schooncr constantly in tow, feittbeotbcH : rcannot sail as- last as the ejnemV's squadron, which r;ives him decidedly the advantage and puts iuin his piowero ciigge me-when and how lie chuscs .- ;i I havc: thc onnr to be,8cciL i 'a ISAAC.CIIAlJjJrCF.V.- r t . - r. r .-r?.f. non. William Jones, . I l Stc etary ofthe JVuzri'. H - ep a-.aie.VVvOliKmrston. By the ; Northern of Mt!! night w learn that Gen. Hampton has crossed ;Lou Champi.iin with his whole " armv to Cu 'C)rcwiXY siicjhtty ' woundtd. ! DcrJ Head, a few miles iiortii; of Pluitr in killed amrou:ed T have ' notr1 burgh. : ! . . if try to the oceans of the Wilderness. With a force j j koth of men and guns aiTirto the Enemy, an in- jfcrbriu chargeable 4 to the , improvidence and Bad j ttrriiw-wi OTf JA-Jcr.s.7c M:I.nl.stratUvi, lij. re-; j Bed on the bravery of ;iis men, with few exceptions, j j all federal Tars, and, $ he modeV.ly and pioy.sly j t xprescs if, by "the bJessiinr of tlie Almighty, CQ.sot;tRCD. Tiie masteriv m.uie:uvrc whicli b.okM the enent'i line and brought t!i. in to-a close action I have lie honor to be, SvC. p. H. PERUY. Un. fP'm. Jones Sec. Auvy. Extract of a letter from Commodore Perry to the Secretary oftir Alivy. U. S. Schooner slricl, Put-in Bay 1 Zth Scfit. 1813. Sir, In my last I informed you' that we Itfl r i rtll rln t i r e HnAt HilC luL-o msUr entitles lum to the appeilai'n oi v.v Amski- :J . , , . ., J ' - : .t , . 11 . , , :l I have imw Ue honor to give you-the most ca.v.Nelsox. -lioml,5 11-s, '-" i,nporlant particulars of the action. OL the I.umllity with whkh he aUnbuteiHo his t;c.l.. the J; nion,ini: of ,he 10lh iust. at sun rise, iiicy'i CiverofallMctoVthespW.'.id r.-su'.t of his d:u f Worc discovered from Pu't-iu B y when I rinfr;.a n-ell a in that dHtiff humanity, witliAvlf.ch 'jj I&y-at anib with the sqtndron under my li. regards and treats his Foe ivu m o.mdcd and pros- jt command Wo sot under weigh, the wind tratc before him. ISy this n.ibfe icldeumeiit. the liglit at Si V ami stood foe thei. At "10 pith is made strait for the march of irioa. The u a; m. ihe wind h:tu!ed to S. E. and - brought ftml idol on 'our. arms, thcCantmenf Ibdl :.nd the !' ls to wi.icl -rarii: lormtd the line ,i.md bore CoiuUit of Michigan mav be wh-I o!f W.'ixtevcr evils we may anticipate f. i:n thv. attempted .subjnga tixi of Canada, vecn s. r in the reroiuj-.a-rtl of our !tc Territory of .Mict.ign o;!i:Ng but the Gi iry of xr.DtE)co Ho.ton. . The saiae mr. we Raid, , On a decaviilVu 1 ill " '. looking Hovel being pointed out as a Church. " Tis gwid ena-tsrh for a Carpenter's s n v hi was born in a mangrr. The Cahtmiuittr of "fTej.'c.i, the j .?.' ef iJft!Xfttt the Father cf Embargoes at al the Ptitranf"Gun!ittt te till u;ri!eJ in uc tru-'i Thomas JErrERsos. the actiou,Jias given me the'jnoitL able end ,j essential assistance. J ;I I havei the honor to enclose you a return i! ff I lr i llc!fl I. riiinrlrt-! tvw,t!,.. .. 1 statement of the relative force! of the sq-uud-jl rons. Tiic capt. and 5rst.L Jvf -the Queen); Charlotte, and first El. of tiic betroil, were l killed Cajit IJarr.luy,'. senior: ofiicer and 1 the conitnandcr of the Eadv Pi fcvost, .severe-.."! iy wounded; The commar-deif of tlie Hun- ( ter and C Tneir loss yet been f'oie io ascertuialit 'must howevcivll have bceii .verv trreat I h.vve ihe honor to be. . a - jr- m, . . tip. At 15 minutes ijetore twelve, tne ene- iny commcnceti iirnig ; at a nnniucs' ueiore :i. twelve tiic atti-m rmmciiced ootiur part i Fincin tlieh- ii -o verv destructive, owing t? to their long guns, and its beiig mostly di rected ut. the ..Lawrence, I m.de sail, and di j reeled t!se otttcr vessels 4o ltd low fo"' the )Urpo'.ic ofclosi.t g with ihe enemy- Every . btacr'and luwiir.e bcing,suon &hoi away "s"hc became unm.;njgea!j!c, nofa iihstanaiiig tlie : eif.at exertions of, tne sailing m..stcr. In ; this stLuniou she sustained the action up- Wards of two hours wjfh.iii cauniater distance ' until cvqry gun was rendered useless, and i the greatest pai'tf Of licr crew "either killed ; or wounded. Finding she could t. a longer tl annoy thci enemy, 1 deft her iii charge of rf t : .... ... ....ii i : i i 2. ' .. . .) IjltUU l.lUMilt WilU, 1 was, LUIIULVU 1" VH ehc years in the nary and jj tlic bravery already displayed by him, would ue!l a- by m;rit, en:i;kd t.i ff t'o what would comport with the 'honor of Timr.iiLt:' niijvK . U. "Burrows, di.uh is euloizctl by 1;iW cralic tonjtes, w.io, tn i7r.", was f'n-ely wound ed by DemWratic injustice. " He bad served w ith re- putatii.i more than t' was oy senionir as weu a- iy r.ur.t, en:r.".co io tlO wnat WOU'cl cORlpol tlie comnvission of ma;Urco.:!n.a,J..: but Mr. S j? the f. ig. At hall p.?t two, the unwl spring- f td;n. i4iuu ii v ao tut'i;it,u tu O. II. PERRY. Hon William Jokes. j ".; , - ' Secretary of the Jiojy. l ' Exiralt qf-a fetterHm C Perrif. ' U. S. sclupyerAVi J Pm-iii jJay i .' il3th Scpi t8I3. '-; ; Sir4,- I have caused the jisotWrs taken" ' on the ICth in slant," to 'b'6 . lanced at .-andu3v ky, and have requested GV ui Harrison to ' have tnem marched to Cbilicothe,' a; id tiiere t waiMintil yotir pleasure .shall Be J-:nown res- j pcctingthem. !J : , A : The L .u rence has been so entirely cut up ! ii is absolutely necessary-. she s'.ioako into j a;fe h&rlior.- I have therefore duected j Eieut Yarn dl to proce ed to Erie in her, with ! tne wor.'idcci ol the. fleet, and dismantle and gel her overHhc bar as soon as possible. Ihe two ships in a he..vy sea this day at ' anchor lest their, mi.sts, being' nuch injured I in the action. I shall haul tbeoi injto thc in- I ncr bay at this place, and inoor.tlicm for tne I iresent; Thc Detroit is a remarkable fine, shij, sf tl s well, and is very trong built. The Queen Charlotte is a mOth superior vessel to what has been represented. The Lady Prevoat isa large fine ch(orfer; j I also beg your -.instruction respecling the wounded. I am satisfied, sir, that 'what ever steps I might take, govebned by bu marfity would meet your approbation. Uiider this impression, I have taken, upon myself to promise cent. Barclay, who is- very dange rously wounded, that he shall be I uitled as near Lake Ontario as possible, and I had no doubt you would allow ' mfc to parole him. He is under the impression that frothing but .leaving this part of the; county wilf save his life. ; There is also a nuoibfev oft Canadians PORT OF WILMINGTON J '' . "' ' ' i? i " 1 ' - 1 v ' - , Lit e iX i: o - -1 " Ship Trio, Coles, fl-u.n Le bbh. ! Sch'r. Lnna Maria. sa h-rvir. rr n,c-L Si.iiopM.that -CP THE ; SUySQiHIiERS t C HUiiC H M A N 'S ?. f A O A Z 1 1ST E requested to trail at the ' Post O'iiee th-ir Copies. tne are fi t -rr-' : r I Removals. 7 VY'lliam Jones bss removed his office to f the boue,' lately occupied by Ms j r John Walker. ' - John R. London as removed Ins offi.e to lbs house riedrly opposite the L-der-, on the lot upon which Mr- James Freight, fantedi ft"' .. I ' i . . i THE SdHooner s. SbflfvV Tii rr V allo.wl'- y master will tak in &&2k$ Fv-eight:fer the NtfrthCounties. Apply to the Mastier on board lying at tho M;rket Wharf ad ioininf Mr.Pir5nrinrrj -jiore. October hvp. ! Sale Posiponed. THE saje of Hi ship Enterprie.i. is postponed until Sa'urdy t). 9th inst. b7 conscn:. Wiimiiijgt'jh, Ocloor 2 1813. retarj Jones, m utter earJempt t,f sut. c at tht r " ing up, jrcr.notcda nnmber ofjnnior ofticcrs over his head. ji.his vessel.' the Niagara, gallantly into dose Tor alas he wis a Federalist Ifam.vs felt ir !:v n actiofi ; I immediately went on board of her Tlrand ulvn recommended by some Frlfjul t resign vhcn he anticipated my ivisii by voiuoleer said with patriotic spirit; ;rV no myCtuntry is in war 'jiuglo bring I he schooners which had been and I will not abandon her adding with in Ji.oa T kept astern by the lightness of the wind, , he crmld not suppress "biitths.t over,. I v. ill d-s'i iutb close action. a .was with unspeakable iby Commissija iathe Hre.' i KOT tlVt fE SO IiAT. From the subjoined ejtract,-together uitli verija! j niin tha 1 1 saw, soon after I go! on' boiiiti the I Niagara, the of thc Lawrence come !. o'own,a"J though I was perfectly sensible that ' she had been defended to the last, -abd that to. ! have continued to make a shew of resistance"' jl-irts'U is rendered probable th-l iliis l'.rt is tut f would have been a wanton sacrifice of the jr.chi hditi t!ic niockade ofihecoistof Xorth-Caro- , j remains of her brave crew.. But the enemy lina. We are not the less rejoiced at thUcicmptioii, j ; was iiot able to take, possession of her, ai d because we cannot exptam me reason oi it. u circumsiances soon pcui'incu , h-h among the prisoners, many iwho? have lami lies. : " ; ' .- -" -: T?" ' t I have "the hbnor to be,, Sec :i i , Oik. PERRY. Hon. William, Jones. t s- ' ' Secretary of the:ivfK V f REC API I'ULATION. ; i Two days previous to thel action, 67 mch unfit for service in the small vessrls. Killed. : Wounded possible the circumstance oi uus o ng a gMa mar ket for lumber and Naval Stores, articles wanted by ' the Fncmy, pirticularly the first Hirher Wesf India Islands, mav Iiavc been the inducement of such re laxation in her System cf Hostilities. ' ; Nr;WA;OllKtptemIer 20. JTo remove all doubts respecting the prevra.mg re port ofthe tbekade ofthe Forts of.North Carolina, riaint-b all Ihe i.'.U ts leading l;.to" Ahentarle .nd Famtico Siund, we nreanthH js.d to saV, tLat thv- . AlJ" 1 lr -. til i O lp rtf . I'l . mmmm bk-cksde. kLicc the fcrst of tho pescnt p ontlt ; thai i'e pr.ibh CohmiI, i.w absent fioni X.-folk has: rmVid due cfUifleatlvrn thereof i.,m Admiral Wm. ... .'- - -fc aguin to be hoisted was made for close act : .two thc sin-nal ; lion. The Niagara Jeing very little lnjti ': red, I dctei mined5 to pass tfirough thc 'enc ; my's line, bore up ntl passed ahead of thtii two slrpsidtd a brij, giving a raking fire to ; them from the sun board guns, and to a larc l-bclioonerand sloop, fi cm the larboard side at half pistol shot distance. The smaller ves- sels at this t'mc haying got t within grape, and tanhisteiv distance; under tlie direction :jlof capt.i .lliOH, iuul keeping no a well di- ifreVtcd fire, tl.c two ships, a brig, and a schoo i;ncr.'surrcndercd a schooner and sIcopfjma- kintr a" vain altcmpt u escape. -: Liwrence Niagara .Caledonia Soaiers ' Ariel Trippe Scorpion 22 2 61 25 27 !6 Total. 83 27 '., 3 2 4 2 . 2 123 ' . Notice. TlIF Members of t1e riialian; Asaocii- j lion are p v iiuilarly jinfirmed that a month I'tv M?e-:ing'of that Society will be held'no M mday evnin nest at ih- Theatre half" p i t slit o'clock 4 i general attendancfc is earnestly req(Jsted j as .the business llo be transacted is of ibe,I utaiost importance' 'ta the .ssociati )ii. 4: ' , r-i' JT!INT C O W A N, .Sec v,' O to!)f r 2. ' 4 F : ' - rorj aie. ,PH1ME RICE A ND ' COTTON. i v. ?1 S. H MBLKTON, PurseK O. II. PERRY. . ' Capiaiu c senior orTKcr.Jj Apoly Ht this office i October 2. : Spanish Hides1 for Sale . TTIC Crg- of'theNch'oonerGrhd. Sa. chem cohsiVting f ,63-5 "j Buenos Ayre? H'sdep of the bed q ialtty and m good orders Will be sold in la f; dr small Lot$: to suit ..... A ifJt 0.' - I."' . October 2 I. , : CHAUXCErS Cli't'lZK.' , Extract cf a letter from Cow.' 'Isaac" Chaun- ) cey to the Secretary .hf the Javjyt :dtt ed 2, Sept. 13, lol3. . v; - .: ' . 1 "- pn lord the U. S. slip f.'en. Pike,'1 1 ; ;" - 1 . . ' V - Off Duck U?:if.d. ! SinOn the ,7th at day light, the enemy's ; fleet was discoYi-red close in vrjih- Niagara 'l JOHN HOGG. North Carolina Magazine." ' " PUIX TD AN') THLtsin-W-VPilfAHV. ' PA T. 1 S3 " U'V. Pt iee T-vo "Dollars pfr annnm, one'bflfjso bff).,, " ' paid on' livL-rvof tiki first Ir.irrftbei- Ihe, balance at r" thc expiration f wx uon.tijs.- . StjriCaii' HO S -i-Tii, be r.-ecivd at Tiir3 ' a h " i-'J: - " -- - . : !'." l ; - .. i ..... . . , , .

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