. -..ft 2 papers arc rry r i- tC$, A. consu in those articles he has now just received 54 Case Ginghams, - " .. 2 lb. Bed Ticks, ' . 13 do. Cotton Shirtings, superior quality, ?'4 do. Stripes, v ; 5 do Chambrays, it 4 do. Assorted containing Threads of va rious colors and numbers, Handkercjieif, Shawls, Stripe, Mattrass Ticking, &c. See. which are offered For Sale on the lowest terms by ' J PR ALL. ' JVb. 2 Burling Slip New-York, Sept. 18th 8w. ; FOR SALE, Received per the brig Salvador from Porta Jico 99 hhds. of Rum, i 15 barrels "Muscovado Sugar, 7 20 bags OfT;e, Sec, " i 34 Spanish Hides...'.. : 23 j. per schooner San Vincent from Gonaevis, 50 hhds. (sup.) Muscovado Sugar. " J)q. per Schooner Fabitna, from Havana, . 43 hhs. Molasses. August 28. H ANSOM RELLY is CO. FOR SALE, Just received per the Swetlish brig Mar garitta capt. Landgren.from Cadiz: 3V uancis vupjici o-j a5fjTSaTeg' rgady Ttmle Cbtki, I - m t: 5UU Duxes ;uuscaaei iaisms, - , 125 barrels do. I t bales low-priced Spanih Cloth's, 2250 lb- Quick Silver, 2 cases Italian Harmonic Chords. . - ' ALSO, , ' Haw Landing from on board the Swedish brig Warbler Capt. Jcnesy from Porto Rico . 75 hhds. Rum, . I 62 do. Molasses, CO bbls. Muscovado Sugar,r 4 bags Coffee,, i 10 cask Limes August 14. HANSON KELLY Sc CO. For Sale, 350 boxes Huvannah brown Sugar, 90. do. do. white do. ! 132 bags. 1 best grrtn Ccitee. ret tihW f 591 lbs., sewing Siiks, (all colours.) 3 bales Broad Cloths. - L HANSON KELLY & CO. -August f Tf " " 1 ' ' . iThe Subscriber haWon hand,of firmer and late importations the articles an nextd, which he is desiroils to dispose of at fair prices and suitable payments . Russia and Raven's Duck, ! RuiVia Sheeting, . - English Canvas, . New England Rum, of good daTor, JJrass Knobs and Locks, ' Stock Locks, low-priced, J . - iWlron, suitable for waggon tire, , ; Seine Twine, '. - . . ' - rt irt 0i KCi feet boxes. - ' UUi vr u; WUhan astortmentof Ship Chandlery. December I if D- "SMITH; . FOR S ALE, , . ' -f . " 100 bags green Coffee, , , , V". ' 40 hhds Molasses, ; --v.: : o close the sales of the Spanish bnj-.Dos AffliKM, from the Havanna. H A.NSON KELLY V CO. -vW. OvlHhd. Staves, v f Cash. will be' paid as above for ; ;' 50.000 W. O. HUd. Staves. . v September 18. ... ,' y . . For CASJH only. Except to.those.to whom he may; be in debtcd. thc Subscriber, hereafter, will. s.U 'f his various prticlcs ot . . ; - - BOOK.S, STATIONARV, , ' " - arid - Z '" - ' nWrr vAXifJ.T MEDICINES? . - .- .,.r .k-tor them . xie ouii w r- , on M' J1 J f A A "WW f Uuce Aue conai credit the purchaser giving bonds with ?p- THOMAS F. DAVIS, Executor. N. B. The Purchasers at the sales of the personal Estate of the above deceased are in formed that their notes'are become due and unless thev make payment before the first of January next suits will be brought against them. , September 18 Sw. 1 i For Sale, THE Plantation, whereon ths Subscriber, now, livea, 13 miles from the Northwest River immediately on the Road, leading, from EHzabethtown Bladen : County td Georgetown South Carolina, containing ab out 620 acres, 40 cleared under : Fence and on which is a new framed House 26 feetllongi and 16 feet wide with a 10 feet Piazza on each side and all necessary out buildings, a libe ral credit will be given fcr part of the pur chase money. For terms apply to the Sub scriber on the Premises. JAMES KELLY. Bladen County, Sept. 18th tf. . Taken Up and committed to jail the'l8:h August, a-NTegro Bey 18 or t9 years ct cgc, 5 tcct 4 or 5 mciies nign, andt says his name is CATQ,'and his master's name Penuil Hewit of South Carolina The owner is requested q cqrae forward,1 prove property, "pay charges and take him away. HENRY VRICHT, Jailer, r ! Wilmington, August lst tf , - 4 - 1 " f And Another ! . ; TAKEN up and committed to jail on the 91st July a Negro Lad obcut 18 years old he is smart and likely, says his nciine is 11EN RYand that he belong? to Mr. James Bryant of Halifax County in this State, that he run away about' ten. Weeks irce. Hew.as appre hended in this town. He is about five foot, high and has on a good suit of Cioaths of a light brown "or yellowish colour. V The owner ii requested to come forward, rove proper ty, pay charges and tkc him awy. HENRY WRIGHT, Jailer. September I8ih. ! " Ten Dollars Reward. I RUN-AWAY from the Subicribsr about three veetri since a mulatto fellovy named George ilEncuT aiis Morris. : This fel low ii a daik coloured Mulatto, pitted a'lit xU n the face wUh the small pcx ; is about five feet four inches high, zr.d about twenty- n - U... I l'li.- Indian tour cr nve years oiu , c ii a by birth and it is more than probable he may attempt to pass himself for a free manHe is well known at , Wilmington and at Fort John36n-wnere ncwa uucu ,aav j . Hahey. Any one whow;ll apprehend the saU fellow or secure him in jail so that I gel him, will receive the above reward by ap plying to , xhoMAS C. RESTON. August 21. tf .; ' : ;r Twenty' dollars Reward. " RUN-AWAY two Negro Fellows." The first namcd!DAIION, about. 27 years old, stout made and knock-knee'd. The second noraed PARIS, about 40 years old and .len der made. For the delivery of both the ithin three months) to me I or Jesse Scarborough on Cat Fish, 5 miles ' from Wilmington; or for lodging the same 1 in jail so that l ean get them, a reward of twenty dollars will be given or flfoT :,,. . P. P. ASHE, titner. I. June 25 tf " , - . ' ''. Ten Dollars Rewarl ' DESERTED from Fort Johnston, North Carolina, on Monday evening, the wxtm.T'i . Honn. at private in mv company," ho delivered himself up to A Se In EeLn N. C. as a! deserter, from: Norfolk, under ,h. - He is sbout 26 years of age, 5 leet seen " d an half.ncl.es hU, blue eyes, dark har, ivarthr completion ind by. profeSS.oo Un nntl cODDer smuu. a- - , .. - j briber, preparing iu j, offers for sale the lot he at . the south east corner oi rincess streetsrunning 66 feet r and 1 10 feet on the latter with Jias not been built and all 2k her ; improve mtUs S800 dollars in cash were paid tor loin tn T. R. I .nnclon Ef biiire. and J cash have since been paid to Mr A 'Rhin exclusive, of tums paid to Fisher 5 ..Jnikorc ACt (iiih hrirlr reri" used dl.U ULlA&c - l v - . - . in fx.mriitinn rhimnies1 kc. per bill' The frame is an exceeding good one enclosed 1 with boards edge to edge upon wnicn aje nuq t the best of juniper shingles except in the pi- j azza where it is weatherboarded. The fence j is probably equal to any in this part of the ; country being made entirely of heart lum- j ber jointed and capped. .As no part of the : house nor fence .has been painted and only , the lower part of the't houseilaihed.it' is not j necessary that any dependence should be placed on this statement it is expected the whole will be exammea Dy me person wish ing to purchased Price if paid; before the first day of Octo ber next SI 700. -Approved notes or ex change on the northward would be received, disctunt being allowed for the time to run. ? vTi ARCH vS. ALLEN. Sept. 8, 18 IS tf J . ; r ,- , : P"' : " , Just-Reeeivedf . And for ale at the Book Store, Letter Paper and common W riting Paper of different kinds, Wafers and also Spelling Books. . y September 4 15 Notice and Cautioni ALL persons ar strictly! forbidden to Hunt on the premises of Hilton Plantation. The trespasses already committed there and the injury '.suffered,' occasions this notice and a disregard of it will be certainly. folio wed by a prosecution of the offender or offenders. - H.KELY, TExecutorsofA 1 ! A. PEDEN, y the Estate. I September 4 tf . :' ' . ' ' , . .; . LOST, J x ! ; -A Note of Hand made by .Hanson Kelly to Alexander. Anderson "and "by-him endori ed,'dated Ut M?y;-I8ll, payable months after date at the Bank of Cape Fear, on.which there is an endorsement of 557 paid on it the I Oth November 1 812. AU; persons are cautioned against purchasing the same, as ti e balar.es due on it has been paid to me. t - , JAMES USHER. Wilmfogtnn, Aug- 17 1313 ' i Ten Dollars Reward. DESERTED from this Garrison on the ui i Ut. Daniel Grant, a private in cap'. John Gray Blount's corapVpy If 1 regiment of Infantry aged IV years, 5 itei n Inene high,' dark complexion, black hair, blue eyes "and believed -a seaman 6y profession.. He went off rith the rnilitia of Duplin county, btely disbanded from this station, where it is supposed' ne has gone, The-abovc reward and all reasc'nable expeoces wiH be paid to any person who-will deliver him at this post or to any officer of the United States' army. WILLIAM WILSON, v 'I jCaptlst-Reg't WtUlerisiijOommanding. Fort Johnston. Smithyille,- N. :C. ; , 23d August, 1813. Vw Houe'litc occupied- by' 'William Dick as a. j I. V , - . x- ; I 'MARINE ;H0TEL-.. The stanc ii crrjellcnt; ' thq House large roomy and commodious"; tfaerTrms very reasonable and imme'diatepossesf fon -fivrn s i Enquire at thu bflicc-- July 24 tf . J r.,:":-- p ' For Sale or Rent,- . : THAT Valuable Rice Plantation foirmei' y owneil by Mr. Carlton Walker, situated on the North Wt ky Rivertconsisting of two. hundred acrts Rice Land, a considerable ' part of which is in a state of cultivation. 'j Termsi I, 2 and 3 years credit or to bit rented on very advantageous terms.- Apply immediately to . JOHN F. BURG WIN Or in his absence: to ! JOHN R. LONDON. April .10 tf r Iv: J it .. .- 'V t5- ilfiy -Dollars Reward, WILL be i given for apprehending and lodging in any Jail in this state, so that I get him, my mulattof man named stfrcfti,! a,' theTwise;rfl; Patrick or AbrainW. Patrick, he is well hown about the Towii of AVil inington, cn Levisigstcn Creek in Btunswick County, on the Riiver through the Counf Bladen, in and about trie Town f Fayette ville, and on Rockfish Creek, in the County of Cumberland, whece he was raiseu witti Mrs. Kirkpatrick his former owner. Abraxn . is remarkable for being a tall man with rather thin visage, hair fine and inclined to. curl a bout the neck, with a scar as from" a. Bi: 6 under the left cheek bpne, and for convert sing upon mechamckfc on which he isr yery speculative he isia good Mill Wright and HouseCarh uter, and is particularly expert at 'putting vAter on the wheel cfaSaw ov o-; ther Mill he caniwrite aud will probably at tempt to pass hinJ-elf as a free man per; sons are warned now they are ; imposep on, :v in rjisr nf ersirjlflivinr'' him w it limit nprmfa - r f-4 - k v-- - - ; . sion, the oenaltic of the Law will be; ewf' ''V ' -. : '"J-. A: 1. . !U., L. :.i1....eili loir.;,'' i" 4 v . v. up witmn tne course oi mis monin ni?; oi--fence shalll be pardoned ctherwise I shall takeVj the neceksary step toontfaw him. - - . "VV July 10 tf. i . : . I Notice. v , V'Vv THE Suliscriber having 'qualified at. the '4 Jast County Court iof Pless and Quarter Sec- " ... ; srons for the count:v of New Ilahoverj as Ex-' " v ecutorvtn the, :Iast will and testamcntjof the; ' j ' A Jate Robert William, deceased., notifies" to" - m11 ncrjons havmc demands' airamst the es ... . - f. Tt?Cl?P' FROM the U. S. Gun boaiNo.t 150 Eli: iiktt'SREST, alias William's a dark mu- lailo man aooui 5 ieei, o ;s "&. much pitted. withlne small rk .walkn e rect about 22 or 25 years of age; slow of pcerih haih from Charleston-whert he say his mother and relations reside. 1 en Dollars Reward will be given to any person who will take up said deserter and deliver him to nanjr Officer of the Navy of tne U. S. or place hinv in jail. - .T.-N, .GAUTIER, ; . " Commanding Naval Officer. July 24 tf. ' - . " : - j. : Notice. .; ; , THE Subscribeis, at August Term. 1813 of New-Hanover County Court, qualified as Executors 10 the last win auu icammcm. ui. Thomas Wright, deceased, late of Charjes ton AH persons having claims against said estate are requested to present them for set tlement within the time prescribed by law, otherwise they will be barred of a recovery. , HANSON KELLY, 7.-. ALEX'r PEDEN, j rs'- .August 21 4w. " - ' ; 1 THIS i s to inform all persons who may be in - tberhabit of hunting, .without permission: Wm.; litchell and John. S: Springs'who, are on' the premises; with dog cr gun, on me tanus oi mc Peter Mai Well on the Sound, and also' fish ing,'toy&lering, o'r.landinc ttieir boats on 'the said lands that they will be prosecuted to iht utmost rigor of the lawi if they .continue to th,m mr nfrer this notice " . L v s P" - ,:s. springs; tate of the said dejected,!. to bring them for- .ward legaisy attejsieu:.tor Jupiciauon witnin the'time prescribed by JaW-j ' Debtors toaid estate ve rcquesited to nia ke payment as soon as possible, j ji' " ": i THOMAS COWAN Mnn . " . I'jor Sale, " A VALUABLE Tract of Land lying on ; Holly Shelter, ' wtell ' limbered with -V hite Oak. : The soil "i equal in fertility to any in New-Hanover;' County. An excellent 'Winter '-and Summer-?rnge for cattle and hogs. For term apply to the Subscriber in Sampson County, or to AVn. B. tvl .ea r f. s i o Wumington1; . .j. .!AE oampsok. 'MaFh6. tf j - .1 V J To Gentlemen deficient of Hair, on nny part of the Head, and who do qot ' , wish to wear, nn entire Wig.. . , " 1 before atteroptedw and surpass everything of inaiLKlUU , nicy ,arc puv yii in a wuhisiu auu the wearer cannot feel or see tbem on the" head..; '.. 1 , ' .'June 19 tf PA1NF. tsf BAZODIE, - . fc . ... f . . ' ; I Have invented an entire new method of sup-1 , . plying that oefect, j.by substituting others t '( i whVch cannot be distinguished from natural . " , y J hiair. heinc ot an enurexew.pnnciple, never. " ; f i For Sale. - A few hundred bushel of CORN arid Corn Meal. Pease, &c. by 1; Aug 23. Pi PICKERING, ; ej ... -C-AV-AKTEDi r -;i "A" second1 band, "Book Case, sufficiently ,'",! roomv tcr hold 'from two to "three -hundred " volumes. Apply; at this cflice. , . ,Sep? .4. ': : . ' : f " ; WILLIAM X HASELL. . " IlnLT-AH"! "vtfK tartofe tit Ida menct.' or Four Dollars if not paid withi .2. lYtf i3jcrtJrta .f Jrt 5 recthed'for a ? ; : j -: - 3 snllbedisconinved,until art eat'' j ,1 V-f or? scltfedi wiln 'the dctouxlU be fit in tuit? - - - - 4. . - i . - , - - - i- ( S ! I .1 1 T 'L ' Feb.2T.-tr V-JOHNLOKIJ i 2; . . . . 'I , - ," (ft "" ,j . ' 'L . ." " , "" .i V.". ' "'.. -J ' S i - " i