Y St - i' ;' I . A.- j : . ' i .?-, T, r 4 v- f 4- - V:' f -rnore you probably cci'otf ttMO';a he Jtime may come wheu.wiui grewer ettect, you can prefer, if ctsWy,b)gnerVjirtms. AU is hazarded br-prtcpitateiy urging more tHan your relative strength Enables you to etduircUu . Permit your country, to crow Let no iust right be abandoned If any be postponed; ,&frlf.Wffriuct$i ' at a more opportune season, w-ua -better . 'prosper of success:' If yeW-will quit Jthis i crusade against panada., and seek f? la' ! the spirit of accomoujdatiori---arid ( permit v : m;' to add) if you wilr foVegoyounempiric I . . schemes oi embargo and commercial res V Wctions-y6urUl restore haraftony Iti . . nome.np aiiay inai wiue epreaay ana( i . , : some paces aiarming sptrix ot tusvuiuciu that prevails In ottr l?uvAiyour;p-' - ific efforts fail. If att otiinate kntimpla- . tx table foe 3l not agree to isuch i peacie , ai. , vx country can wiuv crepu, accept, iucm Appeal to uie candpr ind spirit Qf your peo- ple tor a congtttutioftauupport. wtt a juu assurance, that.fiu'cH, an appeal upder such li circumstances, cannot be made, n iv ( v Vi r a n nfL ' a : rj i i i " ihlrfGasionaf iV. Ctstf to submit to 'the consideration of he- House a propo ahi0nwhich: j)t' deemed vital-, tmpor- 'runs fof sever dayV "to all the'Vttention "-if f4)e"H6ase;.'Wtiha jo ob'taiil ait-pportuhiqr It" Was-' $rop(v iitioa somewhat aitnilaf t6 that -offered the ' other day by gehtletnah front Maryland ; ; (Mr, Wight) -trow hich ho wtVer it dif- Jerd ja two ; circumstanca. 'tfl did 'not . embrace a mere s palliativ fof evil, but a ( radical cUfe t . it didiiot ptbpose an enc(uir j I ty iyaoy- wmmitteeirit", the; expediency lf a certaja oUri6 but i Required J de4 xis4on increon -u tipuse. - .in- piner i .j? .t .words It was a propositipn for a. total and complete -abandonment of, the restrictive ay stem an .abandonment at one and for"- .. cver,'In conformi'ry to the practice which - jK fe. bad prevailed finder the rule of the former. '. ::' -"j Speaker, andj which ay it had not fceeo' rei versed he should eonsider as binding, Mfr;! r o. said, m 1 6AOUI04 . .reiactantly, .abstain ''! vr90 rguing the motion h was abouf.to v Jropos,-, and confinV himself .to, a- brief s'j".9UUiioctiit of the reasons on-which: it was ' C founded. ;. It tyighfbe supposed at ft 1 ' r v'. Tjitde Itrange that lie should entertain a hope had scrsoort a time ago rasde a decn.oa in ; K t flavor of .ohe embargo,', and' that dclsioij : .i i nad been .:uppite4i by; Ii'or0nte1 .. orancn 01 tne irgisiature. uut tnert were ' 'a few considerations applicable to iherore- .'V;; eent tWMOtnt, whichinduced the "bo'pe that H ,f the", House "might depart frorri the .system, j;. C It would 1)ercct)llexted,' Mr. said, that '. r the government was1 now; about commen cintr.perhas had already commenced, the . colleciTon of the war taxes imposed; by -V Congress at their last csslon? ilow it . iniKhtbe in other parts of the,tadr.tn'; iie ', could ttotssy : but in thts.part whence he ; . . came, be could lay swiy some' confidence, , , t to.it unless tnere should be a depaKure , . froui a system wh'icn deprived thr husband- man of a market for tlie produce ol'ihis . ' ' Labors, these taxes .would bcar most! ty ' pressively on thet. people vIt was of Vn . Bortance. too, that t decision shonlcf be . pronounced 00 this subject v without drlar, , from a nolher consideration, Spcchlations V were already afloat, rumors circulated, and bopes indulged, Uvat the 'embargo would ' ' ' be removed, if such a thing was design . cd( it was necessary that the design should . be tflcOuaUd without dtlay, th-l ail pel- ' sons interested might be permitted to de rive f.ir profils from thv trade which would be thrown t open ua a rcrpovaLof the V 4 embafco, and thsf it micl.f, not Wl alt- . . anther into the hands ',ef sptcal.uori. - It vai imporunt that nsptnse sfiould ;be ' tloneaw.iyi and that those scnsatis which arise from a rpid suctessU ! hopee and v feurs, "should be lul!cj.' -ThtrewwarJo. ' ' thcr consideration 4 hlch tad Weight oa bis ' " mind. Coo ptc ss had authorised hr law . ' an immense expenditure. To enable the' , , Treasury to mtt tbj expenditure, a large loan h id become accessary. Sdch' Vas I J ," the prtssure on our wunird lnkthurion from the present state of commerce, as ' durcd him to suppose. 'there Mrould be "a . a.ost . serious diCitulty lit btaininjr' that . . ' ' k-u. If iht cowtqoencrs would be, f. k cnlyby iliose uiroegh whose 9zttyvn . . present state ot iihoijs na uttn proujecu, tw.dur required Ot hint to say, that he. ' should tthi-lJ itw.ih comjHJsure, if not . , widt comluceucy. ,L5ut b lkJ to it 1 ' effrtu on the character of the nation, and ' 'on. its public credit 1 aud - aa fr' a thse cwn'idersilotis went hw llt as lively en ln fi re t in the suewss of the loin si any gen ' 1 tl-mao In the h"Oje. . One more Consrdc " 'rwtioo lie wwili urfje. He was one -of . J , tt.ose who thoiit this policy alw)s trrb V" l.Jts, eabnrralng to the Erumccs, op t rrtisive to the comaiauvty, and lacfIi(.Wnt as rjixda. the inemy.-, ilut if he had been In atj tr;prxAjswJjettf tfui cdtttr jryopijionyaa correct bcsubmi.i te'd to gentlemen wjujlher the perwd d to not passed by hen any lmpOant Mrmo- Use tduld x:xp?ctedtO be derived .,ftw". tha bargpl Coutd we.ha asbed.'. xpett , to produce.a difficulty in obtaining provi siona fof the irmie ,pf Spali ; and P?ftu gal, whett tkc.it soil was'., no inger pollu-; led bvhe hostile foot h That -we -ctoul o-m occasion difficulty to Great Britain in-ob- mining suppuca ur ucr 4'rj ,v" wananesol'th world were oneir to htr ? Oi that we ould allecr ner tnanuiaurca bv crohibitine thlir mportattonrwhetl' fa know that with ,all their exertions hep ar tizans can scarcely ' produc; , sumclent supply tcj.'atisf y the 'prx4e'i -demand for . 4er aojics, trona aoroaa it. s. v uo wc-. somewnat UKene aoove, if k vauw mittecfthe fbllowinff resolution i ;t .Jef50fcfThat it is fxpecUeot to repeat the act toyiag an embargo n au,nips an(j So'mach as may. be iaforce , of the stvird provisions oi an act entiued Ao act in terdict commercial intercourse betwten the United;1 States .and " G.; Britain, tod France an,d "( their dependenttts,, And ibr I .KesotveO), inat a committee P4 spptna? ieu inuring in a cku or uius -purspp . the fiiregoing rsol'uitioiu-. s:s L .The ;questioijwas statJill- thi p-maii nun, jjivfw uiywwwi uicso solutions iAndSr- Grundy ',ofsTef. having required , fre jYeas and fCayeri- on, iue question wus aeciae as toiicws r4- Y'iror considcrauon . 8 .'C Against ft"'- 'Js. -Ti-. 8'' ; So theifouss refused now to onvdett t th,e saidresplutiong'r- V,';;sv:i In'tbeSenW''oftle:'U.v V'- ' instant, while the ! Loan Bill was under dis cussion, Mr. Kf n5 of" New-iork,, made a most powerful and interestipg speech up vn it. " He proposed. a(i amendment toit- which tn'su'JWance was. " that thelniet- nal 'taxes, be' pledged, untH. the redemp xton ci ine , ucdi, tor toe psyrneni 01 tne : interest and One per tent, asotkally .'of the 'pincipal.' lie reprobated' tae war hi the most, pointeci Terms; ana, satnougn ( ne would not vole lor the' means of prosecu tVng i it, yet such ws the-;' 'extsr.ncy, such rt. f4r-liM iitii-ifirm n( th nnKlicXTWH bin,' prtw'idedhif amendment should be Idopterl. pn 43ie "13th; Mr Cttts fnafle a lnfethy and- powerful speech To favoV of, Mr. -Kifrg's ,amndmeu r He rrprtssed hi fearful apprehensions; as respects the the credit of the country, in case the, a mendment should be negatived 1' and Com- cMmentedVy in handsome "tei'n, tMr King ptrsotism and ntj?;iaminity. t; " ' '' ,'. ; ' ContimiatioA of , . Late ; Foreign Intelligence.'';'. ftccehtd by ths lUmblvr, eaptain 8nw, arrived-at Buhlnn In 34 days from Botdtaux, . Tb PriS. Muttheur ot ths 2(h of Jan. eonisins enpir of ths Correspmidenee which ha(( takes nlws betwten ths wlnisrers of Frsnet - and the Print JMcttemich in rtprd ta ths nrgiatloA, whieff it arcrei ts tMM nwmenced. Tha fouWiaf note of U.s tUros lc .Saint Aignara, pnder data uf ih 9ik of Nov. sutrs. th basis proposed bjribs allies, M Wkicb BuiMparts accedeil. . , - - - ."!, KOTri. . ' X.d Cmnl At Mettemich tnlurmt me that the tireiisiatanovs s hiok have brought sm to iht head qunert of ths Cmprror of Austria tendered k prop r to make me the meiUunt of. rrportinf to his ma. jastv ths Jktnporor ths nser ts bis proposition nade thrmirh li Count ds .Merfc UU. M. the Count Metlrrnicli and M. ths Count da Siesselrods Sav , TTt'ieua ms is say 1 " 1 , That tilt coaluccd pswsrt srtrs 'bound to each ethsrVy inliMtluhl urf. Id which their (ores toiK stated, and (rOiS whrhlhey snuld fccvrr swervt. -..That tlrSescipvucU tgtrrwils whrhthry bad contractsd prtclmlrd Ihertl iron mkn any peacs dk.l ik.M fa . A . . I . , . .... . ... That-st the imie ul in Congress at Prigne'ss ts-' prcuifun nfs Ynntisemsl kvors Sss inouigtd, vl snncb a circMmataiirri sot allow time to make sr. ranRemema for s nort eamprfheoSin treaty, but nncm maiuirjiimriiisof SU sUMet powtrs, St Wc,ll f vessels 19 th poru nfl ) patto ?t.4h u. states, V - i y ? f f Resched. That Uls jexpedlence to teteal SsthoMof lfrlaiidwtrkauAtnd w su jaMkas.ie-Mtuaiss Ja It- ; Cm lbs fhsj abs pass, ti. Ktsthhirof u ariliUk or oft srg.xinios thick DM IT St ISMt srmtiplt s tvncral pttcs i That Ox slUed sortrsrs Were ynaramooaly agrstd (una. j Riwrm .Birronij irwrtranc smIiI to setsvrvs ftt ptwrf and its preposHt rsoc in ks wtrgrty (dsns j ton hMrgr") couAalug itlf wttl.ta it tutur.1 ; DOftrnUfw.aaitS arc tbt BliKiet U A, atd tha j . tli at tbt print ipW of tbt Wd-pndntt Of Censti ny Sst t eon-Mi, tiot ems Sjo i U4 therefurs l-rancs P'uit rtnonnet, ot mrrclv tha 4afl.mieW t sbith t powerful atat svsy. oUaiai am ana i.finfe. ! twf. W.f .a.M 1.: .A - - - - . . Bjibj i luat, bettdis. k was canliraiallr la tha pa. siU S shich bit HH4y had himsrif bid daws is sa)a g ta it m pr.ipt tut great wtrt should bs a. (janud by states Wis fjfmUhlc i . . . ' .l hl ni tbt sadt of tbt P)rniwes, (h IndVpes. tWce of .ytm, ttd tlx rt-taUbliahmest of tlw AS cwnt D.baaiy, wtrt equally s,condi0ua aiat Otis That Austria shuttM hkvt t frornkr is Ibaly. whb Slight btssiUcd by srgociatkiti, ihMUtaaaWariia of Fardavmi myat b a aul jtct f trmti; aa wtl ta ww tuar, aunt of I'air a bring U ths M, taganimt tbat in eaatsuy at wli u itnnr ttU bt rawmed m a tasnner asdtpsndant af t re, snl ol mry other prevotidVrsnt poaet, , : That tha fulortautt U Moltaad should Idtt its bt s tuiari af fciatWt i tht principle f u Hv SVteai vt brtar ormJkf Iraa r muril. . 1 sat ttand ssj rcsdf ta kakt the frtatetl st tA- i)mie the freedom of Commerce" u4 BHratWitlI wh iih Frnohdt rilfbt to pretein : " M . Aw . I . A. I . .Ut .. f i iini tx )i , Mniptv. aurh fslaeo is bs i m1ett;ieem toiiwiilent oo tlwnlgLt bnk ifUc ,. DotentUrti of iti the belliirer etit powers mieht inmc ilUtely ienible i the progre of military pperstionv . . - . i . . rc qot jiowever uj i)esujx;Bueu on ui nccyvnvA-; . ,v3Jiea)-'J ;.. saint aiuwar,'; LrtisCliin: SOWe are yt 'Fi'ench, sU ?w shsll not see hero tli, enery. Wr reoeive troops every dsr, and Msraiut Augcresu if expected here to day witH s numrrovs corps ana sruuery. uop sua cnthuussm re in lt hearts, trsnquility i w U the, f-mitfes. , v- .7 ; : 'The coe,my has bees driwr from U their ontoosts i thev sre in full retreat. : The. resis- Unoe'they have eierienceil, the good disposi lions of the ;nhabUantsrnd the wriifalol the remtor cements thip in the city, seem tahare produced njieif rslrojjraa movement; . - -. :. - fr-; i' " .' Tao ti av Jan. 24. i fELs snirit of the military. officers .and soldiers, is most excellent. A kind, of fury traniooru theta iX the very nsme alfe of ths enemies that eotne to sack ? France i they bur to' onv wiem. on me oiner naeoi ine juimcf , . ;v j IliMBvss. JaalJ. uaTouMltssuaeaaDoaunm i hi advance of Hk)bttrM.r.TKiS eit ia. Strung and Swnrtshjnedfor- veaf Benudottc BkI Gen. Uen- nmgsen seep ineir uroopsany leagues irom nsm-i burr. . Their lorce u rreater than DavousiT w 1... fL.',.l 1-1 .t.u ni xuinnu w vavairy vxrv w Asxiasas. Jan,2L.: The enemy- Iws "occupied Dijon. , v .V V.. ,Vr '" 'JJ-A MxuTtti 1m. tg. A frest body of the enemy's troops 'javs rete! upon Janeyr with the retjuiai tisUiey bare raised. '". ' i - v v.w',,- V... , ; ' " - BotMAtiK, Jsn. 27, ; i'-.'.-'XpieD WZLUXtiTWS ARMT.- ' On'tlte'lstof Jan. snEntrlnh deUchment. presen trd itself upon die left bank of the A door, before the Icte of Brock' It was Srpulsed sod obtid to retire with loss.. On the 3d, we drove tram tits HasUUe of L'lcrence. an Enirliiih retrt On the 5th Jail. Lord. Weirmgtott went Trpm Bt. lean do LUi. lie only icir1 some detMChibents belpre Bsyonne ana tne Aaour Ills fine was formed upon .llasporers. On the 6th. he disolaved 20.000 men. and at 3 P. M. he attacked a battalion oruie BlU division piaeeq ra auvanc 01 Itastidw de Clerence, U an advance post This hU '. . . i ... . . . J Uiieo srlreatcd u fmod order: "The two main ar mies remained in pretence of each other until 5 M. on tha Tth. . TV. Engliah army then.. reireated in different directions.' snd dispersed eniirel,tLord W. perceived that tb 'part of then Ffiench army, j which remained in ths entrrncntnents u uayonne, mieht ift ofl his re treat on St Jean de. Un. ' Tbs bad UBUeraUnding between the Ensh ; and Span iah augment, every day. i ' " V : -; rail, Jan. 19- n e an Ttrj rony wi cf s4 the inlubitants bf Macon, have permitud a smaKj aumbec of the enemy to enter their city, uen Uiey irnpht eaaily have repulsed it- It has thua becoms suhjxct to reqtiisU'mns and contribution.. In War, nsthing is respected bui. coursge. Cswardice is despiaed. '''-, :' :'', t. - f lbs city of Dole has also been surprised by a mall party of the enemy, - ,v ; t -r , PrlrtKltf. frttvr yi'sw Srdett9X, rs i Er!itor$ s - tAs rArsmctr. rrArrf-iWrrf ta (M KamWtr, BoaosasX, Jan. 20--Vd. VcUjogtwi has made His Uord.lnp ws art now in no fears of a visit from him her.. Indeed it was never ts be feared, from the great ex rent of the dreary beats and sand which separates mis eity irons U'tonne. - - - . -The Emprror k-ft Pans on die 25th to put him- hii st tncneaa ui tut army in vtiampagne st m WGJXO men. His srtillc-ry ainounu ts 1000 months of Hrf, with which he mrrtds driving die allies nut sf Franc i and that s prate is sow mors probable Hi be-nade at VkMia than st Paria is true. Larjro reinfTrcerl"m are pout'iur into Jit low cNtntr!es winch si vl an projrR-sv the allies Ht that fjur tcr, IMi d -T. l s thn all irs, what will be their sit 'lalioo in Ih'mr trfvaf siUi 13 garrisoned foetrrjsc in tlietr rear, nd as enraged popuUce to h rrst tbemf- v " .' v.,''. .. . . ; . . Tlie eonscriptins nf 1814 Is completed. That sf th remains", uf 18U2 ta-1810 is also rained, snd s snther of 1815 has just been eJUd on. -. These thres leonsermtions lunmh JOO.000 men each 7lOd to . this 1lie re'mams of the armv beorev. Sav' 300JHJ0 iht National Guards, snd V't Volunteers, and tiurly iuf iny en maaa, ana yoa wui nna ta conquer Francs is out of the rjusstirm, tt ss rather sup. post that ths Emperor has used a rusede nneTr,to get tbt klli into Franer. .where they inclined to come, that b Blight do theic woik tsr them to llie b.at sdvanutgs.for tlvs best BiiUtary men thmk none nf those that Itavs had ths audacity to crust lbs i.R)iine, will ever return fW s hence ihey cams, f ftyTlif pUin English sf all ths shuts French l seas, is that bt AUird srmy is in sosaetsion of iioe o" " s wh a-wtu us sect oy s reieftnct so tne . 'v'' . -' . fltOM CADIZ. , Ctdia inners to th nl nf laViuir ' imii,,l it I unMnn, mepi ion the arrival of ths Duke of San Car ; los at Madrid, With Ounanarts's everUires for s ss paraltneseti biU condemn it ; W.I . s. a n ... a .S k ba .s m as irencs vria suciwn uau aisarmcd au ins t Jtl.t sn4 Usnnas toldkrt WUginf t st CaUmniA. .', to ths anoy Tht liianitnM sad taken ths eitr effaces. The taatls atiU hfkl sut ' . ' trlut uVparUd trots this pUca fur rrsncs. ". f . .. . .. ' ... ' .?.. . Basis, Jsif li r Mr lbs laa columns nl Uia tilted armies eoMtitU their sdvanca as aU loirs. . ; Th haaO ejnarter of aJitnh,f Print tth wart set), birrg, vsr an the 13tk, tt YetAtil, snd ayra tw rwgaS US Ut aUvanou t-l l.B. tiHiliy'j crps .to LangTca, Iht inlishitanls Ctd on tht troucs, but aW a aW mf huttnc m wutk tl nitt aata tt teas wsr neaiW ' lit Held raat.hj's ktad-Oitartcrt wets tabatt Langret ths Dthar ll:h. - , , tksrTsI ki.hn's'crya fiat had si new, direct mk ghnrnlt frurn uW tuwanlt L-pus, smf, at it a tat march. ' - - , ' ' Can.' Riatchi silfl ciperalat against tufftrt. D tsnena is Invctted by tlx ourns af ttchl'sstats. , Tht Uavariaut tstHUf Oca. Wrcde, hsvt bad t t rv srrarus aflaw a ith tha tarmy near hL Dray sndtr Mral VtotuT. Ii Ux eomn.rnciswnt of tht'ao tt0 Uxy wt'rs rtpularJJ tad tlx Frmcs avlry ttSitiaiHUd by O..AtJIiud, bad tanas tticeU btal stbt arrival tttltn lit atoy'a barviaa bnirsde. tatoNcaty wtta coiapitti'ly rrpnlatd, tsd mrrd tu wski laaxville, sthlUletofstvtihcra, It Sonx hundred priaoocrs, . , Tlx coats ki enatiuut very Rar ia tdvanot. 'I . 1 atatrd IS yaut Lardalup ia say lastdctpaidi, Sav wntt frNa l4is)..l Iutw-l that Mtraiwta retired aah pre- If iiaUiervsAdMtsoi the laAle.li aaaiaat Wt taped twntt U trcvia, feoatvtft bpt a piogreas ott Jeipnes into Francs in sli roontbs f-mmq, m rhtls leur orTVtutairM.lni k U ssnt htl 400l Rb a 2,iXi toot h-ont bis Sttuy l th'Nptdiu His UmLhio's career is at an end, sfld k (iiUu from tUyttaUurta Mattlial fctactwKSa Kit bca3arWia tfi "lOtll ' Ks$eCaii4,ltksul liUajit-M.9inbi!Uck- dpti (hat he D1 bcuMdi usthe 15th.uc.VXh;.'' ' r py Kccpunt fitwi Para, thij enemy krs coitectintf .... some tores Men? i;iinoui u M,ucy wiu prwuijr . - telireon h f -om Nancy. r " -. . Tlie Kaij ehdiHHissiiui rnrd sndrreseryes, ? to the amount f,tliirtytUuuM)dim-n, trnssed the 4 Bhfns yesterday tt this place, and defiled bclyre tha allied sovefeins'i.;. y ''Sv .--' it' It i inile tin possible ; V giire aa ides of .thess- p tiwmnW! in tfnv dpscrintiin. ' , Hit irvarlike appear-' ' anee, Uieir umirable ulpwrfk.- thtir nHJitary per-, n I fiu-tunt r iul wtienon! considers what they tmre un-,i ' , jMrersednlfeir own rcgionaVand'jnarehtd bt. le ' w sliiMt mo8tl,from Moscow across the BUiiie, one ia ; 11... I'.. u-Aniln mtr mAwln'iratUm. J" , 1 . J . - ' f . . 4, ,Tbe condition in which tluc Kussian cavalry P- pesred, reflects -highest reptttoi tmlus" branch of their servjev sudtheit rtilUfj yoytIraV ? knows, not to be surpaased.' PEACE BETWEEN weWKUAKi'VWiPc . . Thave we nonour w ib . i -p - . 1.' ' ' V " ' C SIEWAST, U Gen. - '..i. . I, . Viscount CasUereago, etc. kc, ' ' - 4 r , 15; Vr "i ttt. TUorntoB DSSSigneu wiu v . . k -, potentlsry s Oejinitivs Trtal otVMAndtaflif'CS y , - - AH conquests to be resionn espepi .iinigowm.- , . Prisoners ofwar on both Sides tube released. . Den- f 'y it tit to join the Allies with 40,000 men, Jf Englsr.d ,-, will eiyes subsidy of 400V0GW. in tae yew xoi.- - 1. l'oitieranu to oe ceueu oy owenea w vvuhmm ) 't lieu of Norway, Stralaund still ta continues depot fl v' .. 44 tinues depot f' J . . .i ill in bet pu.- f id u 'toedute , - ,( 1 xaetly st ths t r .aid." an much ' J " I- i ' ' for EngliiiK produce. Uenmant 10 00 au in uer (ww. 4utween Denmark and the other Allies.: " m rata aa die Swedish tmona are paid, so muds' per month, snd may be (called out fbr whatever yt 1 time, longer or slurt(ir,- or not at all, as ths BnUib ; , Cbvernment thinks Juropet. A- M v ? tetrad rfa ik$piuch from Fvofd, Tomsn- ,v f fiKMUtt Ciutkrwtg d'Utd Xiet, J- It li with the greatest satisfaction that I have the -- J honor of informuiff ybot brd1ipv :"tnaV : Baron De WiLlerstedt.'-the Swedish Miniater.. And .-miseir, . , f Aawe Mi din tei4Treutif Peac with the 1'lenr " jpttentiarief of Hi Miijertg, ttt Kim f penmaft" ,:A Tne rare, ana Tower guns ww m v-..- , iion of the peace with Uwniark, and. coininauicsjed .. to the City toths usual orm, ( w :vi.t Our Panersi letters,ud yertialinteirigence. ' v- Htrjr p Rambler prod tree; abundant evidence for stating that the allied powers nae now 1 the controull asd iwill determijie' the destiny u of France- they will we think, demand from ' tue people tne expulsion 01 uonaparte -nw ; restoration or,thcJiourboif family iind 1 gua-T ranteetotheiationitssiicientand legiumate. doraluion hst, the King of Naples, ( Jlurat; -X , will torn the allies on the condmoa 6ar. r vlue the Throne secured to bids during h -; ., natural life- and then t its former possessor , it is sua tnai xsooapano was iiunmS ,.. n not Wading Ms armies.' that bis ,Qucct hadt.Vfl'. beed declared Empress-. ?lei;ciit--King Joy, ,' 1. i;- ) A-mrA lid f t rinral. and clianreil Wlia J i 1 lim . vikiwi , -r a- ri - a nr arupulfethayt tkf. bjSSIS 'A'1 .X r ia tte. viciuitx, f iitrls, tui' ' ? '' '' J a. nfui w bees tut down to palluade the iatrencwmeOU , One of the Tarts tettejs, dated January 21, says-' I expect our mhd stars in i ttussla will reach the United puttee before the Ram bler.';;pv'u-.,4?V7 f large JBrUCfiJortts taming it Jmertea. "i i '- ' , t U M U T.... I Preparations have beeu' madi on a larety ' scale to enable Sir , Cuchrsne to.Uke with ' .' bLn a large force, botl naval and rollitury. . auvAioxanqer taxes wim T un soout OOO Marines, under the immediate command t?f' Miij. IN ithoU. Mr Alexander will also take . , With him a strong bot'y 'drriflerhen and bala' ' torriog-artUlery, Coi.jreve rotkeu,shrtp nell sltclls, with ill the sromunidon, kc.ne- ' cessary to give effect U those engines of del JrrivtJ f Aim CocArtnt- wtb ttrmr ore at ' Lermuda. ' j v BaeaivaA. &tarch 12. ' ,; Sunday arrived II. M.sliip Asia, 74 Vice . .' f Admiral Sir Alexander Cochrane, K. ' f Hon. Cpt, Paget,. and Superb, 74, CspC" : ' v",f v inwugnv, train nr;iana, majeruc, "vipu Hsynct,' and Sophlu,. Capt. Leckyer from a V cruise.'- 1 ; h is reported (bat upon what authority wa are not able to say) that, Our government bts signified its determinations' to listen le rs " rurthertermsl of SctAmmMatiarj 'whatever.: with aMaaicA, built pent tipon prpscculing wmt iue iihis rii'ra trvrriiu. 1 . , v It settled in Ceruiuds that Ad. Ceck ' barn had ktartlrd tlial lii llia iii,nn.i,M. wkal It JftS to U si trtr wim tntlsnd - Sums ports in tle,Uiiiw d Sum wtto u be boiabarded inthe spring., . v y It was said that (rum 10 Is 14 sail of the line were coming out to join Admiral Coch rane. Tlw Ban Dumingo wut expected a botit ths 801 h Inst, at Lermuda, wlien AdmL. uiintl Wsrrcn seuld reiurt ii4 her to Eng- . ' ' land. Admir.1 Cochrane '.would then take ' ' ' couuoand of the Ucrniuda and lUliUxsuaoa Ptnftf i Mr W. The prtpsradona VhUh ate ruakitij at Montreal, and the mora iircnu, wn'tn are Rt.uig ot throghoet the - Lois province of Cai.aja, Indicate aa eatlr v ' "' f anJ tigortHisprotvtulUio o the war.- , t I f I la IIM.JT. tk. ll.l.t'. ..' ' . l. I. ' .. ,iav aii 1Mb aanunt wtXttlC, UU( Major, OcitcrtI Iltniptott, bts tendered has? Tesifnatlou totliA ScoeUry if War. . ' V "It it said that Gen. 1 sard Is to be tU cotH-.' mtniler ia chicfof the army sf Canada for the ' eosutng eantpaign BrUcr,Gcnsrsl VV'indtr patted tsreugY'. " ; - 'W on Tuesday Jasl,oa hit way to Qetbea'' I ' n ' V ' V ' fiWAjirioa L.V...-.1 . - v . - - It,,. 1 "7 1 , 1 -, I: I 2, 1 J " 1 :; I . . . 1 ' .. . r Va r 'ft n m , ".ti. H at . i. ... V- .' :-. ) it r a . a r J a -. i. '

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