:- 'Jv?; I-Aa-aia I" A r-T ' ' ft rvj. M fc"-f ff'M- y"f 7 , . FOR SAIE. ; ' ? -tl -; r-' ' ' ; ! ' ' ' 1 (tfaiTmtolt'fWtt' ei'v-' v' truck ttiip fUcfiid iuppow 'thai Cei-mWa, at Mhad-In' captured 00 th 3000 bU?heU CoarSC.Dalt, t J - ' -( i ffDilmmatonJC; - t-t7(iUcJ Sltei Brig ksitdesnaket bowia tUU dv pert, Jbai becn'flrdcred wO ' Wa8'n8ol!,rt to take comiuMtyfot the ntyr -stoop of wap ! t Argui'Miteijr built- at that place and -now preparing rcpL.lgbirUI.. X aucceeded id command by tt .Renshawv . ; PreitdeDf .MadirecWmCftUoa'4cf' . ,4 Congrcsi to repeat . t3Eatbgnd;''.i&. v " ImporUiiioa Aeti bt astontsbed; qiaHy fii friertdi aoi4 the pppMtlon.f Bi ta few days; L 'I before GoTTVrighfbfRiaryU y , ' In the Congressloiial tioustf of Repreaehtaff r ; consider anc report up6a 'the erpedtency of ft Tins motion the majority, beaded by . ,the Pretideet'i especial friend, rfwed toi take Into cojisideratioRiV th' emanated? FronV i'MJWrce' eoumejf'nipcriaic.ot'. long after, Mr, Gaston submitted; iprojjoal' tioh broader than gov VrightV, For con. a . .J . 1. . t . . ... . j v , . ?.oy reawma, wen ne wunoui eatertng embargo Vete that It . ' lnto ent,conqieIyrtduc3lyeTO ; , ' , mat we mDaro suoma oe aionce taiten on, VouW id drive o t -' '.-Theftae,' y Wor)j;;nfffd .tfl..i Irowbur coailiUhatri ; 'consider his motion.: Imme3utely appeared 'in the, National Intelltgeneer; th followlog . etring of reasons Why ' the Embargo hould . ; t tt itauont fur tlimkmff it would be Impolitic to re , , pe4 the tmlwg Iwve jfe-en ukd Tjity arc o. , rtuoroui ioiuti we louowuif However, vt n-, lnoiig Ure most prominent im -.'.- f ' lm ' tiecouite t tbiiie. no profiuble foreign , trd "Leu be enied on during ibe.wy with BriUift. - L Ikcauas 1 tliink muU mopey, nd mny UKu'iiliip, ure aow engtd" kgainst G. Bi-iuin, : that will, wbro the embwifo i taiten off.Mbe witJi 'h-Aii Kvm auppert oClua wr and converted to ., eommcicial purpoaes i I f t -' r - ; : - M." JleciiseHeIiere thftt.t)ie..b)ockd flr kll - our principal porU will be rigorously, tnluil, in t - . VMica cm our lanofrt will dm expensive fty rer - (torn a repel s and if tlw Uutre of iC'e enemy ' induced kirn 10 relax m the blockadeir, 'atur ar- jpumint eould BOt advanced (or coiiUnuinj the ' v, 1 embargo. , .V.-.. ':'fY-..t'..( i t.,-i, .ivT;J ; - 4th.' lleeaute all pur teamen would seelt employ on board of foreign" ahipa, aUich would prove tv fTAcr cUniitj to- the .coon&ercUl "inutreat, of th ' Muniry than the watr hea peace takes place,' . Vw (Uiilild oat " i '! m ' ili'ey wuuld Uttve uuuucud the vanoua neuirl ,n ' tiie art of Commerce. Whkh e altoirid viiU to confine to otiraclvea, a.nvucl a Ibe EnHiah wiahtO 1 celuff lw uicnucon ua mn, w nwiuiKiurmg. . -, jDL Decoiuae tbeEngiwhwUlbeenablocti aei . ply their fleet and armiei from our rich fields wbicH 1. will indue them to double or treble the force t the Amera eutioiw whtcb the would - Otherwise ' . 4 1 and her tailort and soldier will be abundantly , etter aaUafied, If they grt full supply f freak. " proviaiuoai jthoa if they are led altogether en wormy bread and eld sail beet. . . t ; , V . Oih. lhuaeaKpeaIofthe'erbarfO,' .WHhout - jiychaegwr'f circuniaunce eiftce' it wa imputed,' 1 Vould exbibit a vernUtUtg of cbarcterijTaou 10 in the wonj'f and froraa'Tes61oti6fi hehtei fortii lo be in fa rigif,gft jho . bqnor, that magnanimity that does, not shrink from a public avowal of err pr, " we should hail as a happy presage ""that wwdomi that rtcon- mortasi inougn unaer xpe tmputsitoq 01 m- consistency, ''. change toCijpoUtkal system' Qtiit 'the'-Preiidenl' taessagt We'ltook jiff vain for this mitgoanimity. Were- it there 'id tie found we tbdUlJ be the last W indulged in, taunting renections t irom ovr nanus ie shafts'of ir.dicble should nVec- be spell1 1 tit- no rstog.;b.,reV;t tbe change in Etf MMTei the r4Q for repealing Vheembargoi 4 To anr honest and profound Statesman th) ttiaoge.aao oecn suaicintrjr RreavTioq rtT ous bjefore bfe'cohe.Rded'tiie embargo to be Jid. The,1 ltussiatt campaign 'lis frightful tUmate had given a quietus to me vranrn(uroycm wnicn pur sanuuisr tuition hjkd io gnom,iniousljr and ruinously' adopted' ftu surely Vthe , most 'promirierit and substantial arguments, in fator of ah would stafvp our en- ghboihcfod,' that it ff the enemy' fleets l, would starve And disperse the etiemy'sarmies On our frontiers,' leaving tl) Vbmised land ' of jCanada open for invasion"! '.besides 'that it would prevent our vesiejs and property from .being capta red at sea by keeping them chained to, the rVharvcs and'iricked np inwarehousea, that' me quantity 01 money . stoppeq iroro u tfr tnlaUoo In tb6 wonted mercantile channels would ttow $ovr copto&sly in loans into the national coffers, andbr. throwiogso niany men eat of employment oxir mavy ; andarmy 'would be'easUy' lled! We ''iighi ask are all these thlnjjs already effected .? rUaa Ad miraf Cocburn ordered bU squadron, from the Cbesapeake,' has1 Sir; Thomas llfdy k bandoned thi'brockade' of New-Imdoot bare the Engfiab arinies retired 1nt: the waljs of, Quebeck' ieinir theU '-extensive ' Iron 4 tier undefended) b4ve thi einews -pf war,' lrmey, beenWlsSsflciJpi meuuseen. nirriiup..wnn ciworo , re truiis or consolidated Agreeable to a- Jate. ct otcongreiss; ar our ships of wafovcr, flo wing Vith scaintn ' arid narint;s or is tW Secretary' of tio'navy toropellcd ; strip them of their trews and officers and order' thera to the Lakes I . If the attainment of all these objects rehdercd th&.Eniliargo ner.es. sary ot, first, tht. necessity of iu continuance, i is equally Sppareot now. But the Embargo i sirvcr'; was ueocasary. The pvople wer I cbeated Into it under We pretencts-Tbey Monday foltonKij bybe aid' frigate and bum, mhak eatnisfg theartel fell in wub- tbo" Veneriwie"r,an4 iwer oiner unasn cruisei Sj auuut Ullics VJ ma nwumu v Vhom Aey gave the totelil'ence. The Ven erable immediately 3 went in1 thase, and -the probability - is that ajie vwiil fall in with ber The, ponsfuut wn left Boston the last of Da e'embec but tad made no other" captures. -1 t'-ir-"V,9 . reartbat' with ready will aMhonett beavt, i tike'or elislikt, wftbout regret or art to v ".l. ' f ? 1 io preienoe or alww! wight day ,( 1 Jin 'vi'wi'iwVy ; V '.Alli jutoidto'forv.ar dial ;)N sets -VKweoie obJecttO whalpeidt, f) I i Vftff Vet 'in rt sJoatv ly wish fulfil 1 I t j?or tlioiigli Tpou do-to it rw.iih iB wH It "Hit With ft)rced wmpbance half refuae- And aeting. iury,aUtatt tone j "tJ eiiartkipcti.dJ i wttting grace, . .oiwwions riven, n4 io pretences sought . iyVitaswerve in deei er word, m look or througaf ' & PORT dFYJLSUNGTON. Swedish britrOllonsren. Johanna Peters aoh frbin St BJ-(a cargo salji. , v o KUnnnef F.llIa.iilvO YAahrtu-iiir-TiiflM Intro w" ' ' ' ' O a W . r ; - o wbod.ahd fusticV; Having on board S. Pendle tonf pdae rnaiterrom'the private armed schooner Snap Dfajjon the Swede was first eaptured by the British Frigate Cleopatra oa' a vojrage irqiw at., uoraiago-io uosioit aqa subsequently recaptured by the Snap Dragon" By this arrival an accou nt is broti ght that the aX S' Frigte Constitution, bad sunk an' English; sloop of war.oo Grenada.' The Snnp Dragon had fallen in-yih and engaged Vtt EiigUsh.ttet'6froarqu'e sliipof 18 guns, and 70 men---the siup struck to her .while throwing oh board of tbe ship some men t tale, possession of her, by accident,' the fsrer mast and 'bowsprit Were carried away Use ship taking advantage ot her hauling off vnucn now oecarne ' necessary, cHocteo per rV Fridsv the S2d. ittkt wilt bo soli Vf '4)1" Public Auction tw pound carnw- ' ados, 57 mu-keu, te ship bell, ,S .compass et, eases silks, 4 piwt; silks, a bundled fsni. condemned st UaleigH.onXhe lOth'day ' ' of M .)rcbi'l81, a lawful prize to the own-. er6 officers aadf rew of t be, private armed '. . schooner ' Revenge of Baltimore Job-Wtst .-t commander. , . '"i. , Wilmington, April 12, 1U. ' - s., , -sjaauoiu, - J v.- , v. Scarcely was the ink dry '-which publtsh . at. la -ti ll-t . ! JU JfLa. a, tl.sa. 4 Mine worw wa-mSy . uit-r,.iJ A. I 'i.v! r r ' . .. !--.--1 , if-,1-, u -, . fr': w,ltrand dctermbation of the cabinet, ' v . w j . . (ire the same paper publishes toe toiiowiag . message 1 ; , - - : f ,- U , ) j rfajJluif, JafarrVSl.' ' Tbe Ibllowins; Meaaage wi tbia day traramitudby j - the President of the fJaitel wUtcs to both houses efCengreas."' . " ' . ... j ' ' 7 sm md Bo ; ; -,, ' Taking inM vie tbe mutual (htTtti which the United Stairs and the tuttl n kt amity with tharn,' iac iS S hbrai fmmertiat mtfrert and tlie dc, ' ttttiivt ettasocs favorable thereto which have rttti taken place, taking into view also dieim Mirtaiit ailvanURfs whieh inay otherwise result Jrom tdaptlng the aute ef our commercial laws to the Cr eumsuuices bow exiumg. ' . ' ' . 1 recommend td tbe eoii.KWrstnn of ConTrs n iPd'Ky of authorising afirr a certain rjr tm, specie eacepred, from fhe LVnet iutes, io mf th Um St, and tn vcskU wnI rilMtitsted by tl.e subjects of pBr at p9 I7.L .k.?. . .-J . MtvJ of avttca ef oar Uws as r. IA fr w' of articlea awl lA .wrrj . hut r.Hd or MJiwrK-W oakv Within tfteiroomeuona. '. V I recommit! else, a. a waore aretu.l snftrian! t and encourarement to oer growmg aatfturcs, n.v.. itv. ,AA,mml dunct an. impetw, WHICH an M iesetre at lb end ol one )r afters peace atth Great i Mrhai", be preknired to the en of two years afUr '( ' -' ' H rs,', ' I- I': t . i i t.t...Mni . snd that, mfsrorofoormomt nmu tion. the exporiaiioo ef apctie be ptvfiiutica arooguoott3 asms p VJlISOr March 31. HI. . ' JAMCB MADISOJf. . Private letters jnrpurage Wt eapectstion trtst U conformity with hi recommendslloit .h Embsreo wiU U Immediately repealed. This, we sineersly hope will be the rejult. v -Kile we sntdaud the measure U msy bt wUeiaui to, consider the motives that in ' a a ' - J vSi due4lr.n,J rtUnw5,w """" for Us rej eaJ, admitting lb grounds for its ' k.. twf n aoHd. Wi must IOW .n-rleraa ill butlf w. sfp-ove oUt PP" which we moa etfUlejf do, the. w.tuust 'condemn In rxiunnl rms tbe wrtttu ruinous polle that ftrst advlted rwourst end bow weakly and BKonsUl .1- rss lia abandonment. Toll t deed fumliftS I I'Pfc w W tn5' -wMfar,Jt mty Viiktm escape , at! Next week wiri 4be Derformed . at the The atre the Comedy 'ofjhe Honcy.Mooft, wish , the Afterpeiee M Love LSuRbs , Mca smiths, being tor the bctiifiiof th Academy. 1 . rni-Frr.;'' "t Tbe prize schooner Sosan S. Eliza .and hercsreo, ronsisnng of-1' ' . -TbI . IT. . -r ,ss bog.he.ds J . -r,4vw. h ,'-( 1 wiU be sold at , Wilmington on AVednesday. the 3Qih April, under, the direction cf the Alaxsnaj, , April 1 1 SW r ,. "l I. .1 ....tj..,, r; CO The Wilmington Volunteers r rill attend parade at the visual place com pktujy Armed and ' accoutred on Fridsy L ; Evening next precisely atpalf past 3 6dock, V ' r. m By order utihe t-atnain. T u-tw April IS. t , jt, RANKIN, 1st Serj't, 1 N. C A full- attendance requTd to tra 1 act the busincis ibat wilt be Uid befor the) ' company. ' - t 1 : ' v.,, -,;; ' j : f?;. y bree' weeks or. month since.: wa i';y '.!r-' 1,'v' A;1 . About pickt up adrift f shp yai; carrying, four ," pamteo wmte ana rea. .jje owner by applying" t Hals' orftc, after oarmir necessary expencci will bave the sarrre rstoJ vv w .fijni. i. April S tr 6,000 bushels St. Utes i;-:: verge of bankruptcy,' to the brink ofdisu mon and civil war by a. laul iniquitous, io situated poller i - : ." " mgusi la fcWs' alos'd la tears. ' J ; - I7T TITO EMrtBOlfS.i : t men; .Napolcpn master: of , the '.trsv nerablecity of Moscow.-sacred io ita eye of every Uussutn, proposed sn armistice and otTcred to ceociaie for ptsce, ' the rtalty great mind of Alexander spuming IndiQ nantly the proposal replied' yhll, ear Frenchman; treads in losuliryou .Xleutan ground, nooHtr of peace will be listened, to. Reverse tbe medaL Alelande is jvow Iq France v 9bat'reply docs Napoleon mAs)' to biro when peace is proposed I lit sends bis prluie rolnistf r Csulincourt the Puke, of Victnxe, wKo rerosbi's' ten days st tbe ada tanced 'pos'ii of the si my, unheeded, and be i finally submits to ototute, tbougb the al. j tics reiuse even an armiaucs, pcuing nc ocistioiis. '?' ,'. . - '' vi ' '' -CONT,RESci -t' Jhuti hrfirrirntativn Martki . Yaoj Ctaists. I Tbe House resumed the eontiJersrioft ef ' S i jifistMashrth SoWiu, Umn tnfK Oapt O a the tm'finlshea bu.U.sl ;t yesterday, Uiog .".iS JT'SW ,he hill toeomponmse tho claims to Undsln 'L MZUmKi. aw. sjic Mississippi Terrttvry. V I . LM Mr l.li.A A. fVt. l.tll liinV pssscd to a third reading, and decided in the slTumalive. . - V , , . . , ror engroaainj , igiii r 0 lkt &mtUtuHjrTitntt. This mornlnt arrived schr. lively Ano, from Bermuda, bound to, Surrlnam.- - , She wss Capturea aunmy t'tumn .,. ' the American .frlgsto CONSTITUTION, Capt. R rw ABTrabott JOO mlUsjio the wind- Ward 01 IBIS UianOf aitci" - AmlrUsn mldshiprmnfu, boai-d, a, a car tel, Jistu g prevlwsly rcccittd ofllf the 'A List t Letters, Hi :WTr oytpr.- tntmipgnn, JKV dfirlt jt V'.K,.-,.i' .He lll-i'i!' CoU. Ash, rettr Anncr, Edward, AmstreAg, Adam-Allituin. ,' r , 'l ' I .. ' , ' ' . BV Benjamin, S ml. Brntiworth, win. BrsyiU Alfred Oorrs. Ur-.Mcroiiil. Dr. Uaaante, Win, Bur . gita, lietj- Btwluftt, ILikert Drown,' liamiaw Baa j KMiycr.Canb OrUm nrodf.rrd, , Vthnltl Babct 1 Wtn. Baahlnrl Jsm'l.Tiarthoiomcwa Mrs- Ann Ma ria Bill. Joseph IWrUaiw. . .' v .; C bo C.(tbeTallimCmickAbnV,Cbd. aey'Bcv. Wm Collinawortu, Ge. Cameron, Stephen Cabot,Sr tilark, Ji U- 'VVm. Cowan. Joseph Conner. Waher .Chealerl Tincent Caaoneky, VL; Xhrles Contwy CapU A-ChalUmeani 5 j Tho'a Cob; Mrs. Ua Csauoii, , ' , , Urmille, Drew -. Dovis, f , Jsmes Dswwm, Daniel X. Uav'ia J i Undje, It Carrole' Edwsrd . U. Dudley, Capt. NkthauUl tfcvis, 3 i Wm. Hunlsp.'-'j Cape William LVtqueit, Mrs B Uotwy ,3aA, Dcuwa iUr. SslurS r.icuti, Rihrd rrl. . , J.mea rVmminff, i Capi 60 phea II tlyntr. Alessmder rorems, Ji Wdhaia ruber, Dr. Joseph FssMast- - '" O Capt eftlie flunboat-Na lit, Jcse Coas,DMV Crahsm. 2 ( Vm. tr4iam.J , . Htort. Mary Riiti. r.Sarah Dams, JsbeS Ilowf, lohn Hsrna CoHtetius llowland, 3, Beiijams Hill, WtUiam Itm, William H-iieo, DaVmI Hooks.- ' . Hintna Jams. 3 I John Jtfaow, Amiersonl It l Jooee, rrudy Jones Amo .Jh Opt Joba M. J14. ! bin. 3i Tarsal Jndjje, Capt. James Jaspe. X Slrpw" Sinawuow, wajH at una ripp. -. iV-JnhU Uwie' J'he Lewton, Juhn laroqwe, Jonathan Largs, J, W. Leonard. Isaiah Lrwla, Jolm A. Lillift. Jmes A. Lacy, Duneaa k McUuren, William Joaes UiiiastJ. W. A Zesiin, James Lara kana. . ; , . . .' , JH MlwrMargurt Millrr.iMrs R.-beea Mnrgaa ' Utcy McAutlm. M'S Warclsia MuLr, T A Murt; ,ore-a I atiss A t McMiirpltv, Win. MoUsn,Captt Ucttersl Mnon, 3 1 TVrVk Murpln Jsmee T. Maure A ei McCoy,' Mm Sh. atoxre, Juba MeAuaUa, Jteubetf Metka, Curnclms Manscae, Urn. S!c Airy, JoaerJi Merpayt Heery Ml rhcl , Wm. Moorv.Jola Jobn B Miilrf.rciabd4 MtFail, AppWoa Maaeh, -.Dn f Ni sow, Georg W Nokb, Joha rtyetrOa, Tt.n.tv.aC NueinaU. CkM. Ntlsoft. , "f". ' tj A. D. Ui0'Ovrflun,JU 0!yf Charles tyiiars" '- .,' "J'' J Slvplwti f'ttkrtt. F. IVkctlng, tarahTharen, Jn.US rVwvJoel lafisU. Jui.S lkgt,8aiaua fUtcr, JJobert Paraer. ' ' jsCapt. W Rie, ShadrKk aVeieter Roberts, JMocs tU'ler, Ld Root, tspt JUrh, ty. Rose, Tahume Hiiid, tUttbeOt fUiWc. ' ' . . . la M t. 3 1 ixnwaa eoiu aniuei w. dwitoh, Bui. jab prwneh. r.l.nl io. Imml Jiriaiu hah. J. SuuWrs. . I tup" Joha Itinsmyreai rUaat rudwick, Wsa.T ' ' . '. t" 1 1 v ' ' 1 l " nviTrn KTiTret? itirntr. l a Narth Carolina District. ' ' t , j . Strict of ih United Zat lJ r . . WllEREASjotaOrdeCrelgbtoft,fe!r'ir " f";'' A ComnwiDder of the UaUed Slates Shil .A ! ' ' ; i . of War the Rattlesnake and lames Rtsw, V f ' " . y' , T iz.t. yuiunnuut: v tve nnip -01 -war tbs) . ; ' .. . t F.otrrpriae by tbeir advocate Robelt H" ''r."'-1 Jones Esquire, , torn filed their Libeh Iflr A. ; "'!; "V thtsboaorable Ceortio behalf as Well of the United itw. ae iaf themservea and the? cBi;" ' ' cert and crew of the said Shine ot Vessels rl 'Al ' Var selling forth that the said Ships or res ' 1 1 til'., il! n..il t' - 1 ..' f . ecievi iv av au itsuicsntae anu me Xater ? ' .'.'. price under authority of ts United States tvA pursuant to instructions from (he President i of tbe said UiMted.- Mates' for that purpose ' nsve ciptuiea wi toe aiga test ctrtsia . 1 ; i arlgcaUedthe "liatxlla' of ibe burthen of ' j- .1 w-t , :-.. : t '' , , I , -'i-r'-i-J . ,.5 - .-f :.2'',"t.-JJ !fA-'' )23 tons or UisreaboutSi ith' her ucklei apparel and frrniture together, wlib her carpal consntlng of. halt, Iron,. Wire, Steel, Wine in barrels, Copperas, paieis tc nmtrirs ttt difTi-rnt kinds. -. At. A .1.. . - r- 1 . . (tr . . . 4 , j. i tain British pi ivate armed Schooner caUcS A ',', , the f Aiprs" itiehvd ISarnett tomraaader.' ' '". "'. mounuag sa carriage guns, iter tackle, ap. , . - narel furniture aAdio jiDrrirnta t sri Ka.u ' ' l'. I . . . I'.I.K. tH ttcnor. tiuty rtlft Juquir Judge U tsidConrtbu appointed tba-.tJ. aVlondait ' '-' sfier the 3d Monday in April Instant to btr " and dtterm'me aaid libels at tbe Court Mouse , la Wdruingtoo j I do therefore bercby tit v and admonuh all eooccrncd to be 'and '.' pal at the time and plsce aforetsid to sbssy -esuteiftbey esn why tbe prayer ci ssid U - Oeu iDouia not ne grant en. .. . a. . ' ; Vitr.s . C, WALK.P.R, Ctrk aJ . . . a ' ' Af ZdmiroUf tkil iithdajtf u V;. . - "-"rs7, Hit, ,.. ' UNITE6 STATE1 OF AMERICA,)- T A r , . North-Caroline District.' SA ru f.. r- .1.. rr ri.... " Jr " "i - ;' . ; - Binutwk. JlfrS Aon bmi a T Joha Tbomaa, Jeremiah Tl, Mr Ca tharine Tavlor, AadreW llaarndiaa, J. U. Teomcr, rWiUiam Vana.. :, s'-JuU ITsIker, Mrs Jlfary Walters, Joerpb Xv.iura. Jfrs tVnllw R Jt UM" Xadiwi S'bh, Jos Wesi, r I bomsa V ishama, Josnt 1 SA'eJaosw Tkomst WtiUtoa CnrbiopWe n'liiace, . CaaaJoM WlAei, t.krm M'efMiariL Jirrl , A ithuas, Jobri Waycfat, iU Wiflk, Dr C WO- , 1 . -t ' April U-J3ta.. j ; ' " ' Kussian ihlp Joseph. ' j ALL persons are warned not .10 trust' babor asf of tbs Crtw of ibe above ascaed Lip, ALia'aCAkao, Master," or (A. Difricl f Cftcr; "f WI1 tKt A3 V liliaro Wstts Jontl Ciq. . Proctor for ibe owners ofucere nd' crew of the private Armed schooner Hevttgf . of Baltimore!' lob West Ccinmander' bt ' filed his libel in this honorable Court setting r . I. k. . . . - J ........ . J . . t . . . lortn inn ma piivjie srrocu atnroptr. Rtvrage bss captured on the bizb seas vi ' dcr suihority of the United States as prise t f war, V certain brig called the Crow" prince", .whereof EphrvilnvJIsrdieg '.ws '' master, ber tickle, sppsrel, and fumiturt together with her cargo oa board, cnrtslstinw , '! of Its barrels flour, SO bsrrels'bread and 100 , barrels Herrings 1 do tksrefore hereby 1 tibtify and adraorjit'sUconecrrjad that ' his honor Henry Potter, Esq. Judge of said Curt bss appointed the Id Monday after, the 3d Monday in April instant (at Ibe Court ' Uvuse in, WtluitogtoB; to bear and otter , Riiae s.k)ItbcU" .. .. . ' . .Wiitest,' .C:YAlJsEKrC7evaweT-, ' ; A:. .,'.', ',..4' -' 1 ' . . , ' 1 - 1 . . A " " Da, lioTt'a .'..-.-'' , : PATENT ITCH OINTMENT, , For pleassnmest, iaftty, e sped it ion, t'e ad certainty, Js Inqnltrlf auDer(r,ts say Other mrdleine,1 f the cure f . that most ' alissgreeible thd termtnfipg disorder tbe , Itch. Price SO e?ti'e rr bfR. ', , JbAmt HMiiumyh kaltfJTJ, UmuX V"' . . . ! (' I- i t I ' 1 L . 1 1-4 - 1 m sytif'S) ' , . .. A- . . . a-'