i ease, ' ',- ;?-fv T" "V't!l".'Wt J f e" nr1 - ' J. . 1 r. I K ; . 'I ...i - - I.': ir r . Marshal's Sale, ON MofttHyjbe Sh-instant, in pveuance v ol the .decree tt eond'eranaiioa Btid order ,v of vale of the honorable Court of Admiral - i Moe n e dUtric , of Pamptico, stbere will be s'old, for, epso, at public Auction, to thfl town of Newberns ,-.' , v 'T'hE valuable cargo of tht ship Galatea, prize to the! privateer Chasseur of Balti 1 'tnntc and eonsiatiog of Ucr following aril elest. : J"? ' ' 7,' llo crated of Earthern WareJ. 1 " Via!, piri and bluo. edged plates, cups and ' .laueers bowls wash basons, -k-Cf .c.jtz'..L" .8$.'.casks of Hardware and Cut. vjerjr, riav knives and forks scissors, r a cars, penknives single and double bladed, Barlow, pnckeV. children nd shoe knives, sheep shears, hadi and pit sawC smilhs and other , .'4-lex, socket chiisels, drawing knives, xet and hatchets, single end double iron smooth . log,' j ck, plow aad groving plains batcher's U V steels, leather inkstands, I Ulania and tin Iron apobfts and soup ladles, saddlers swla , shoe tacts, Wight bttti, patent trowels, au-' '. gr plane" irons cutsprigs,iiUst irotjr J -jflire jirp rlm locks4 shovels andtong, i . .tsptVe gimblels,, table. Vices, screw . pistes,1 1 v du j'rUtcheSvCOWbflla. sad iron,, tailors and 1 . . I ' . ' - .,.-!' It'.. . . - t. r ' f ' natters won j, noes, books ana oroges, tics. 4es, wire;-raltrps,wood screws, garden" fnkcs,, grid iforrs, brass nail and vire,bone j;oat mould", Russia bristles, socket spadea, - Ipepptri coljke and corn mills, kc. 1 Jo Smitb Bellows:; ; .. v - "-. 6 dozen ' common dov-:-' i 1 1 j , ' $aes of crosscut sawst ;, s,!, . flrtofcsnlong handle Frying Pans . i .'i Sdi short "do. " ' 1 , 1 . )(,. ' v 60. O.'H- Spsdes, V"' A'. T T. Anvils and Vices; . 400 kegs of White Lead ground In oit, 10S casks ofCUrct Qf a superior ualitv- V-'. 0 1 cases of 1 do.-, T, . ' 1 ' ' ' S eases of 4 4 Has tnsh LinR ,1 1 Lfi ' ! Tha SMd GALATEA.- . , rTAmll.i-3t - B. DANIEL, jfanfiafc "''r ,-t , ,. ' n r Notice is hereby given, ' TrlAtat at February TerinT HrtI of the ; ,y -. Cotinf Court of Pleas sod Quarter SeiK ' " . ? sions 01 J he County- r Brunswick, the hf t" v J ' '.-' : W'tjl nd testaibent of the late William Snell, .' v"- 1" , drditted to rrobate, and ihc Suoscri ) t y , ' "," leKjualified af Execotot thereto, jflll pep, J , ' . yi ions indebted W "the estate Of the said de t .t v . V . ; l. 'teased are requeued to njske payment with 7Y ': -.'J . v t Jelay 1 sod those who have claims or de - 1 , -V "n ,; )fianda. agalnsUbe eaid estate are requested J ' j 1 . . 1 C Vi V present them t6. the subscriber for settle. r - " .rneut within the time nreicribed h tha aria c " ' I ; the Geoeral Asnembry in tueh cases made, V ." ' " knd provided, othetwise they will be tarred V-': Vii -v.V JOSEPH BURClfV ' 7. ct !20 Dollars iewara RA A WAV from the Subscriber's plan. ' tation on the 17th wit. a 'negro fellow Called FaAt or FaaNctt, bekngiog to the . estate of the ute John Poisson, liq.. He is ' a1ceQ known about Wilmington, and the rice plantations in Its vicinity, where It ta tuppo. sed be will be harboured. The above re- wird will be paid (or the apprehension ofid fellowr or on delivering turn to the keeper of the letl Is) Wdmiogton. . ; i - JOHN GARNIE1V Aptasf , ' .: ; 1 , .. How Landing' end for" sale by. ''-': V-V Bridge &Beatv :; -V. ' '.TAf targt tht ship Trihtttn frtn Qttt '110 tooiSwseds Iron, assorted sites, 321 lubbs and boxes of Steel, ', ' s)Schesu of Sheet Irottf Slby 99 lech. f f tons bar suei, end . f ' SO barrela Allum . , March f tf : - 1 Just Received. far Salt ot ikt Dxk Stft ftr Cash eaA, ' y'sliof Washing too, , ftSiOMV The Portraitere of Methodl.ra,, . UUit's Strmopv PracticalPiety,".; r ; sialic Rctcarctwet-Puricus' Evideoeel, ilfe Dralegoee; ' - '. 77- The Mlsslmury by Mis Owenson, ",' Home pf Miss Cullen, Married uie, " Soethry'sUfeof LordNcUon, ' Cottars Sketchee, ( 1 " v The hupsrstitioa of tha HlgbUiwIs end lbs ll'.ll..J.k.Un T.N.I - ' the World befwre the Flood, The Tear, t , Friected Addresses, MscNell's Poems,' ', Dbnys Poems, Roktby, Jokcby k II or see Tbs Lay of the last Scotisk Tiddle, , .' ' Cisoer by Lord Byroo, " . ' ' ' ; Morse's Csoersphy, (iutbtie's Crsromsr, Walker's Dictionary sod other School Docks best Letur Paper, blate Ink Stand Ssl . Inrf W. Wck It Red, Pocket Books Pen- cils,-Ae Some striking prints of the-In.' " dlan Massacre at "the. Itter Raisin, Wash : logtoo's Moooroest and the Patriot io Crwup. ' A few copies very lo, of a Map of the U. S. 00 which are marked the names of the . . places en the frontiers Lakes it. renders Lmnos in the Dftsent Wsr, V so le a fw dsys there wilt be offered ' . Tlcksis for sale of a BOOK. LOFTtRY enmpotiug tariety , . wotka, l.u escellmt literary Alarcft 11. FOR SALE. . 1 ' . V r? The fast lailina: private armed Schooner ' ' ' CLUBK orKaltlmuiT. .1 with all W arfnaniiitriBuoHions of rr3ews hoMit at ali now Uri.-. The Clube u burthen 130 ton, coppered and cop. per fastened an wet iuiteo lorpnTtcecnus;. U sp plied lor aoon e-my be bad on arcommoating terms. ' ! UANSOS UXtY SfCa , March jtf ' - ' ' ' , s( FOR KENT-. OR SALE, ' , nrlIAT large nd convenient .Dwelling Iloustf, X aitutted pn fi-ontmtreet, lately ocevipied by Mi's. Wattera, and formerly belonging lo Wm. iTiftt. The . House is in complete order and the lot has every necesaary outhouse n it Apply 'Mtirhwr )' " W R IfVStfa - - 1 s . 'CflntTrfn: ll' ALL persons are hereby warned not to trust any of the crew of the Swedish scbooor1 Marstrarid ai ho debts Contacted by them wiu e paiu oy inc suoscricer. VVv i K AhVl!ffv .-April f-tr.r.:. '"'lCU vCtttiort'" II j tffi v i v7-Ai v , - ii as I will discharge no debit of their contract - - ' r ST ----------Ti mi March f if : My Lot on the Sound a( WnghtsviUe-.sc eommodftting terms will be given the purcha jer; c.i.quire of i ' . March 15.., A.J,JDEROSSET ilfZ Hank of.CqpFtarii - , . v ' rebruury 1814. ' ' .THE Directors ol this Bank having resol- wed to io crease the Capiul Stock thereof, the auiw ;', one hundredrthoessnd dollars In AoareS otoneiMMulred dollars' ttaU T? : -Notice i hereby given that Books will be Opened at the Bank in Wilmington for sub scription' for Five Hundred Shares of New Stdck'undet thd superintendahce of George Hooptr John llo?gf, A; Lsiarus E- Bridge, jun'r and James DicksoA, and at the Agency Office in the Town of Fsyetteville for. Five Hundred Shares on Monday the 9th day of May next, unaer tne sapenntendance of John MacMillan. C. Chalmers. P.PrrviD. m,i 4- t uri.i- ' Tk." i. '.II.- opened at 10 o lock, A. M. and to be kept MSVSAi esse saa w vv imviv bw MV WWM 4 was; even until 3 o'clock r. or that day, and in case the bursa tor whlcn' they are res. pectively open shall not be subscribed od that day, they shall be keptbpen the same time from day to'dsyt for the four aucceed log days, at each place respectively, unless the 9hares emtmrlsew to be soOicnoett tor ere sooner taken up.i ,- . j '-";Z'i u,.. 1 That the amount of the Share or Shares subscribed for shall be tsid bf the several pno respective sudecriocri in voii r auvcr . . .. t . ' L . I- '.11 P . 4 or tn sech money as this Bank fsudiy re ceives in . payment One ' four.ft , thereof at the time of fubscrlbing shall be paid to tbs Commissioners one fourth at aixiy days one fourth et bo hundred ktid twenty daft and the remaining' fourth on the first day of January Ills. ' The payment shell be made at the Hank or to the Agent at Payetteville the subscriptions may hsvs becd made, but the holders of the Stock thos created shaft not be ' entitled to receive or participste to tny dividend, or other divi sion ofhe prods declared previous to laid 1st January, HIS. " r - ' Ja the event of e greater aumberol Sharee being subscribed for j 00 said ninth : of M y , nex, at cither place lb an is au thoriacd, the Commissioncs shall proceed to subtract from tbs subscription or subscrip tions highest in smount,' t share or shares until the aggregate of ell the subscriptions be reduced to" the number ol ihsrca iuthorl sed td be subichbed for.at said, placet res pectively. i ;( r .;. w'. And if, oy ana auer toe operation 01 soca subtraction (as often as' the ssme shsll be necessarily made end repeated ea aforesaid) 0 greater number of Shares may be allow ed to one or more 01 tne subscribers, than le the rest, ot if the number of Shsres shell cvehtuslly be greater thas) the number of Shares authorised st said fiaess respective !y; tbett and in either otthe before mention ed cute, the Commissioners skill ascertain, dr. lot. la whoa, 4 he- rreatetniQmbef of 1 Shares, or the right of subscribing for, end 1 retslomg one Share; (as the case may be) shall be vetted Aad the person ot person st la waote favor tne ir, may toeriupon, UJl, shall be deemed to aQ Intents end purposes ue lawiwi auoscrioer ana aubsctibera for suck share or shares respectively. KibAcnptlooi may be made in person of by py, sppolmee by wrttlnr " N. B Sobscrsbcrs payiog by anllclpaltoa wm oe euowee flucooni on toe same M the rate of percent. . .. , Published by Order of its Directors, ; I R. BRADLET' DuA'r. ' ' , . 'For Sale, . AW lumJinrfrom en for! Sium'nk tch'r i row jtfcp at uraaicy'i vmtjt t 14 tierce . ' llhtrrtlslW'i; ! inspeoisb Mots, - ", . Jl hogsbeedi Molaesea,', iV," .- 34 do. Rem, . .' M lbs. Tonle 6euV Feb. 13. HANSON IIU.T A CO s UunaVay about a tfi&mh tt negro wench turned EKLAt tutia yestsoU. Rht wss tMe-lh pftpl Mrs. Elltihrth Uowe and is probsbty hH king en thelSttund pn lit lOfrMv A llWflVd of FIVE DOLtAHS. tMid lit HISttBlnl xpences paid). Will b given ttt whdlVI Will deliver her lft Jiil 6r l-elufn hlHe ; March lii.tr v v i P P AHBt if- ni.v mrnmr m ''Wanted b.Putthiiei a itousi-. cAinn'si'p.ft. ti hiU skilled in his tritd lirttitsU hialhy A ruft away and not oidsriniA tniHft win wu i good purthsser by apply inj Ik Ibil U meit r.Mai'ch 1tf a:v- - 1 11 FfomU S. Oun fioal No, UT fin tM llu Sebtembew Thotnal ttullah lit 'bltllUdl'y sanaft born tit Ktftiutktlr tbdUt It mi pteiSis drk hair and tyl mkM U. th email poiha4ttlVlnoW ... I '...w u ua (lV aiiad Uas dW8 to N4brrt"'an4 iprtkt k wish 18 lie emnioveaon a larnii i wemv nve uoiihis iiriithU Wilmington of w any ebmntandtHft UiUtBP on the station, WM. BLANLTt "',.m - - tlnuh n timasa. l Wilmington) laliuarf llthi 11 li ' : THE Subscribe hiving QUiiinid ti Ai minlslrator With thi Will llltttket) bf JlihB fei , . i. !' St ak 1 ... k 1 OlWer decesud, tlttl bullce to ill eflBDI havinij.derokhtll ttlinil the Isllll b( llll said Oliver to prtstttt ihim ' for piintnt within the time ttdulred by llta let ll An sembtyt Otherwill lht will rl sarlta lffi covery by the perorlbti of uid lUlUlf li THAT convehUnt hfatlsl lllhll8ffiir I Orange ind Fourth itfsetl, how ef Uplll )f WUIUm Kltkpslf ick. AWf 18 A B , - Jell. II tf r I i IOIIN MiOADI&l Notice U hereby Given Thst 41 Notetnljtr Tirrtl, llll. if (III County Court of Picks Ihd Qtlirllf SllkiOlll V Wuhiy Of NSW.iiinovtri ini M w. i 4nd teitametit of hl 1st! Ml or loiiB iViM is. . . . j . . . 4 M . ' . j kar mi admitted to tffobltli Ind till BUll' scriberl Qualified ll Ftecutori IhifKoi All oersons indebted to the lltlllbf Ihl Is Id (ll eeased are reouested t mskl blrffltnl Willi' out delay ind that who hit! lUlml ef & mands aealnst thl laid Kill Iff rtfiOllill ta present them la thl ubliriftiri fttl Ms tmm.m mUt fHWed Vf ana nfiha (lneral Alttmbtfi lit lUfft tUfl made and provided, tjlhlfWill lllf Wilt I'd barred f ncotitjr - - .y ' r.i .,,. . , it ANiirv nr,itiii Nov. JA tf. JOHN U.tODMk fJi ana, t HMf V r t7U I John R.Mon'i WIlANried 'ftff9 WARE-HOUSE hltrtlth bf fflfi . January Sl-tl' - ' - Wanlcd ImfiicdUUij! One or two juuitkiaibrv iaimihsi ...mi . ..a.aiL li .a, 111 a k I J II or which the .highest wigri )tl ht (?im VAJAJJAlaaJ Feb. I . . Ji aiaaillilANf 1 '. ' ' TdlUftl. ; THE House en CirpeoUf;l Hill ll HMii slotf will be given eti 91 blfofl laf Irl MaW ! ary. Forterciiipplf l ee T fJntlrr. tiIE Subscribe kif,f,f itifd ll ' eeutof to tha lait will andi HI Nil tt I if 0 ea Holme, Uty 1 deiMd HinM 111 beraotis lodabled Id thl eHMI M f.lkf f Iff mcnt without delifi OtkefffrM Mill till commeaeed irilnsi Iherw I ind ihmt havctaimflamsl H1 Irtltd H tllHtH I ed i present them M W li mil iwmt m Ssmososi coeoft or b leheefdf W oilngton, within thi tlm ptnttU4 if kw otberhe ther will be btrr4 61 mmffjt - OAO'l lOLME.9vrflrr'. ' JrtB 1 jn jjcrsonj arc jchlki netiiii; anr of the trcw of tha kwtdrtl iMt ffik ten, il I wiaaof pay eof defcl ef tMl44w trKWii- JOHLfUdf tCSTfiflMi ; AprU 4 if if t ''.' for Site bow, Jives, I J miles freM IU KiflH River Immediately (he Koe Utimfi from- Liiiabetktewn f; tWf kr I GeofrctowaSooib Cirofinf (AMil lV eui 130, acres, io ikief ewr ysve M l -.!.-.. . i II ... 11 I Jl . we wbkb if a wew iranvea iiow. aw atev m f t and lldetwide withllOMt rillilHH4s1 tide aad all keeetsery H sf4ff .Ve rsl credit Wi3 !r ivi I fsvl ed iM fr' tksse mot);. ff urnve ijjf 14 iM Jh feriber so the rrsasMs , , IAMLifittLir Bladeit Cot iff pl IIImmL JM merrai aval f ase s (Ll fc4 in - -Ifl4'f m wa n rf 1 1 dss w the Cvvittty Cuurt cj New (lans Avr U W li W va 9utt Hais l WiU " IfttallWlWvM mm private aalel foWli VJWW wot NffroiMesj spd hmAi aoik1 (hem art several very njtity ttl N epKhU of ry hioa W UwWW WW kM aledame on h ww : liiiiwi iiirMvTannuti gma i iiJwMs pwiiPl .pvtvht moo loey-x-tae ient m tht WUoninrtaa ttiath ftf h Huu Ink w'uh approved diMWrtwer.mM leUtt f pjivc.kaing t u Ms)lfim wU wWornkve ftiora'. Wi wwwvml if .vppl) themkvtiv ttitlhW Pi!irV!riWt bekiswe onvppli . Iilitt 0Ht VinVTbt Ut WihC.' ef lw lintl JKttt tiQt t Holly Shelter, . , ni'iiiim'tJinieaiia iniii'iiii.'i". ."Mm" n ii 1 1 wj Mirtt VitHllV?Ilslll J A, LAZARUSr DrflfTitlirlli , art l: . ?- 'ratrn in. nn th evrninn hi 8(1 Imlinli in tlili town and lodged In ll I 1 mm m vmm Mmwif iiacajat. llll fiillswing It thl aecount he rivca of bim ' lilfi TkMhl Nlnngi ta Mr Jebn Coach- miRi TIFI ninttrf)n Wsck rlYwi nesr (iiurgitnwni Wi whom ha no ey frood uetn iwa fsninnsst, tie ituia asorrai fflirfi IIMI Mh belonging to Ml master, ind inui mi flinitiQR 10 tmi platen cn tut 1 raid hi ivopt Iht mri (cettlng four dollar 1 19 b')9l) ?H llil ro4 (bf larjtsj hone, hij i llinfli ; wHB II; tn, ' living near in t'oii'i liviriii fiimi m kni which horsi hi inirwiixi twopi Mr inoiticr or ua t'iwiPl dtafrlpt Ipsa bay eolour.tlick mans t? Uili IWtyl 19 rnri Pl4 md "f poerthia ("llll M IMI h ihlitawp for twelve deW. (irorfi ll itinut rvi fee light Inches ttighv llim miiifi MVing on blue pantaloons, cktth, iliirli M'i MM ind tlm homeire o.h lid tilth Nl Vlin MPt t u Th two P ll fi1Hl'i4 1 t ami forward, prove jro ' . . ; , IILNRV WRIGHTS Apfll lawll, , Mt'U'l 1 v ih f)miHi Hiving turmca a mzu Mnllll lOnnrplion wil WmUfn Whigite. (Ill builmtl will P tonduGtid imdtr Uiej rmj,L ' ' ffht ffitjtr lull ihfHimiit m - j- ..U Whiih hmjuil ftmt fAsW - ' 0lilfer I9m4 Itfby U, t ' ' ' 1 f X failQua folQwye. .1 , If aea.1 i li j l i ' , . ... WbMilM K.4Lfid, ftiiMllind nripurk, , . , ' d') 6l(iilifi' . rf4iliMiof1id,M 441414 III lirsulstl Inn hh rownd ind aoirsra aire, ' . Afff fbnu te fFRF5II TEA, rta a for AiMruawn Sf ' Ship Mawifrty and JIar(hotrett . , , Afld il naortmiiji sf 1 ' ' .. Uroccrjci. ; - "wiry fi tf 1 .. AmimMraiigri oUcc. v ffofUe hinby Clean, Tbet n ihl Kh rwUf'frm( l)l,bfibfOottaty Court af, e'l f 4 fnr HimIooi for ih couety ef ; -Hferir, ti, C, iha ovib-criber atytaiDedi Mn el Adllriioa tad wsi qual&id M ibf rii of Psvld Lamock deceased. AU pmui Indeed t iild estate art rev HH4 M mike piysnrnt without dtliy' 4 (toie the. hare tllms igtinst sU sstste IH le f ftif nt thine te the lubKiU . srfvrh'ivl'le'ioo uftbie the lime preseribel' M m it AntoiLlr,' ant iili 4 ss Aa Ac ' Miwad Ad Ad eotcUd Aa Act concca. iit prsriiif ef ilii signaling ittnet: Mwiwunnqn nj to pniU Uautia to the I imwmI H Laridef recsviryv Waft Ms K AT. i.Vr. ' ;Yvfl:ber llartf 1HK Mff iUt f ffni ur the aceosA fivjMAtffi- pv.'.is ti..l lle llorstior s tl.r r.d B.rtartts to attraJ. titttn fit rioi depose 4 to travel I wr9 4lv U i iwn.iwd at rtaaonaUa 1 I Ml Ml wWi'), Arplvt. , ' . , vm, il miller, HUH! HI ymuise it 'WIUIAMlUtUlU h re la lilt I i ktl't'f 9tti h 4ft4 til err 11 VI Iht nil fh lefwmrav. 1 ' ' ' . . I 1. ". t . i 4 1 ' 1 j . i u 1 f f 1 .. y .... I 4

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