v.t J; V .4-i " . .... I9 44 . - - 4 i Oil'P-p'iHV: '.vwiW;be the prospect, O substautL! aids- la its pecuniary , rtiejjuis atv 0 present crins and cfu- r-M the injvitl, oflhe .'r' f .vident that tbe stock of the lnk will the rt tarn' of nesce. if not sooner. v, rise in the "market to . a valucivfiich' if the bant were established in a pe riod - of -. peace, wouhr authorise and obtain for tj.e public a bonus toa ve ry liree amOuntlrln Heu of such a - - ' ,,!. bonus the government is Jairlyeiiti ' - r tltd toYandought not to relinquish 0 ; , " . risk, thel nWdl'ul services of the ban 0 bank under2 the pressing circumstances of war. 2, The bahVns , proposed to be toiiMiiiueq, .cannot oe reueti on, uor ing th& war, o provide a circulating it -.-diifov, :ioV to fvroUh loans,' or an wr,..rticip:ftipnS-6F-i)e public reveSiue. ' uhout a medium, the tftxes can "r riot Ite-cotVi ted Vand i T the ubsenc; "of fpecief the rhtdiHiTv uiidtTt hl'to V bi ok befsoVtiuitejjs that eFwuca' , ' issut (I by. r'iiatTOial bank . The. pro.' w " - I t I Ml .. - .V I . J ' tore mercantile and public -credit, produce a safe'ei c i'at rig medium for tWe purposes lor, which such a medi um is .wanted, and enable usto car rp this, hitherto unfortunate ian'd in- glorious war,- to a. safe and honorable j,uiihuou, ii Hiu merii, ine active support of all sincere and well prin cipled disciples of. the Washington schooU Certainly on tliejr part, no party feeling; should i be. allowed to n)iiigle in the discussion. . ,Vliile on their side, no candid friend of the pre. sent administration will deny, thutit is Entirely jdstlfrible, consistently with a zftdous deter ihintiom iund''r all circumstajicts,' t6 rnahStain the rights and indepeadejvee of-the coun try, to oppose the measuie in all its paits,. if it can be dcir.oustrited thm ilu- plan is absurd," visio:iarjvar.dini prtctK abl'ei that if JjracuctiWe 16 a li rn'ilerl extent, it would be still insuffi citHt tor the oHjt'cts thiegovernraent luv.s, i-rtview, ihj't its paper would ra- pi ily and eXteasivelv t'.'prec.ata, iad posed b'aiik;ili co.'.!her.iS; -aHd cod-1 tlui hbwettr honesdv nitendti, it ductit:opcraiia-viv.'i;JSrn' o!ign-. J cnuld'oiily'ojji rt -1 4 V 1 - tion to pjy Hs not is in' i j'sof '. ! 'r AVithout sutlvaa obiii5a:Ua the noto-,-of the oarik- though' not t ehang :;!c for sp'.ci)fevct restiAj on g od pU-dges and p r forming the u-.es of specie, i; the ayratiU of taxes, a.iu in q.r public. traiiBuCiVms, woukl, as c -ri-: ence has asccrMttl, rp)lity the b-uik to supply at once a ci?cut.tirij rndi um, and pccuiuary alii io tSe go vernment. , Under the fetters impos ed by tlieS btH, it is inii.ifrst, thjit during the War, the period particular- t 4 recuirincurh a medium and vuch a resource for, loans and d Ranees to "tiie ciyurjimeiit, noten for which the ( v bfink wuuld becomprr.abfo '' totve -p:rie in e vihang could not be kept in v'irculaion.; -1 he' must the bank . toulri effect and the: m'it it could' be . expnd aim at, would be to keep ; - th- iisti.uti'n" lv by , limited and " lof.-l truoaaeU-itts, Vicli Vith .'th ' iau-rcVi O'. puh'ic stock it -the b?nk, xnutu, vivid .a dividend sutficimt lor - thU purpose, . until a 'chnnge from war1 j- lit I'tatr o i' ii i , iiav'iu n, wjr u rn u specie Intu :i i u'ult, and a rf moval of tli'-vt xtrrnal.lie'm nvl $.r it, toltrivt v it.j .contemplated ovuinei;is Horn a 'f aafe atid fultjiVer..l;in of us opera tions. . - v . .', ;c. ; , Oil the whoU , when . it is .cotjm. etecT tlut" ihW: proposed (frVabJisH- A: loent will eftjov a inoftopi'ly. or the' ' prutts of a N??. bauk. for oi jtorkxl of ,' twrnt)' years- ;;diat lh,c tnoVjojolid - profits will be coi.tiau.tliy gto ''h'i5 v ith ne progre'ss of the nation -iL'po-" pulation"nd wealth j that th'e' HAtion will, 'dirV3 sim pt ricd, lc di . . pendi'Aton thCnot ol the bank, fii th.U ajitLt ie of 'circuiting rrtediu.-n, t. whenever, the precious ntculs in iy be . v V.iated and all times, for so mdith .-'thi.Tfof fts'may be an rligible sulnti ;',tutc for a specie raediuiw ; and- that . ; tli. cxteisi ve employment of the notes the collfcticm . of. the-, augmented it 'tat', will ,tnoreov ri en tlikthebankft - g'.'.iflv to t-xtend its pioBuble iucs ofjhrm, wUh;UVthe xp use f sfe- I., ' Cii ClJtAl to s;ippnrt tiuir. circula te y, :ti'n j jvJj rcasn.iUe as requisite, V K't that th jverurtk-.ty in returo for ." ' tlw ? turatrdinHry c''3c; Monsto the ; ':, ' b.i'ik,.Rhou1J hnv.. a iu-r security AVvl ' sltiiuit'g ill pw'biic .'i'necis of the y"' ii9,ia,i.M)fr4-io.i. pt'rr:', Ji.fthe v . Lid, and articuliir.v" hr every p'lac ; : 'iicalle aiCconini)daiiiw ln;th' in . the t ;T-. lenporaryavncs 'lii isary to an '..' "tkipateini'ux.s, "and i- ihoie mote Jyof-.',! l-w't"wi'.eh areiijly ne ,.,'..." xcfcilt y tu di T'V:Ti the re i,t tn uxT s '' IirJi',rlj,.gthepaiii4ul duty 'of ' 1 :', J- rt?tiDjo!j.'CUons ti a nieastr which -vvk4 ;h urJtig'HMj th d -i:crati.ri' and ; TCwCi,tdtlrMiicu.',BoUr.e two neus ' v ',' of ihr N tli'Nvd I' .lulctre, IcotioL . r ' , ' ..'r.Vk-ll vith ifterrflvain,ih4til t'iry ; V 2 . . not th: wiht whnli ;1 attach V t.i di'.-in hej; van b; ,conswuuo;ial!y )) , j .overruled j l- wiili h' cunSJeacv !!' i t .-ihw, ii a crr.'tf'-iryVven,t,ihe wtsilun tif co.i;r,rs lastm ti iuistitu'f a . ',' rnofe toitimnitrat andffrtim'pio. I ' ision ioi h tmblir exici -nrits. i ' V - v. J A MF.S M A DISO Nf. J ' Af.uhngi .t, janoaiy :J''h IMS. , ."', J '. " ( ' 'll: nt ''- wasuad,ftud wdtred tofici iii'nttiJ.-- f; . ' ' Vfum l l'i,eJ tiuV tiWU " ' mm. ', . ' NO. J. f- ' ,Mr'..Urt 1 ;;V , U ' ;. , ' Ailing ' t-Tiy 's.ch at jliw ' , il:c,fiiuVti isH,. u-t trl05ly , ' C'C the' i-tt M i'iiof icoorcss ud : . t'' pC,i4.', t'ld jl.in v ff,' A Vkt1oi.;J . 'hacL.'s e,r!!ia.!v pro(M.wd 1V Mt Dali.k A .d 4 iiill, it 'u sd I, i(fr . i!cd, 4ikJ" hs bi1, i. U -'fl, iulift U'l Tto J'1.' frtoy,S !nrn'.f't'..id ir;u.i d ' ty .the-idM,Wri.tK, iliikivt ily , liol.is the tr a ' ytxr. ' Id'lht .'-ouiiil of.ihr rcftUfk wlu.li I p-o;rOM' ir, fj uibmit tn j In , in rl. t to it, I - clearly kckn;c7v Out it U a ul rt .v"---:": '-v ::." ... ierat'4 aa"a most powerful ndrresisti!Iceirne for mia " and deception Kair.ir aftiT the, best c jiisi'leratioii I have been able to give to the suojecs, 'entirely adoptca die latter ojiauou, k tru .t, i snail no; oe accusotj ty n dvtr fact lous'y .or ra t liv.atit!v to em'u. ra; ' th:- o,ierat'ons pf.tht -vern'r..e( t, wUilc brteily stu ting to y u, thx gotud on. wWch this fudgment-hss b eit formelv The pi in. hw i'l be obscrv.4!!! sup poses a bark to b j creuted whpiai'rp ital shall cousisi; o) F;(ty rallliou-j ol dollars, of which fory five millions sh ill lie co.aii'"Svd j Unitid fkules sto- k, ar.d fiv? miUbrjn, subscribaWe wliolly Ly Individ U)it ifi specie This. P3,nk is to bi cnnpillabl. to is sue paper on gove rnra'ehVsccurit'ti to the amount or thitiy millions of dol lars in the frit car; and is auihori- ?.td to issue-its paper for other pur poses to any txtsnt, its views or ia tresta may require."; - . i , V ', I maintain such a plan to he im praqicab!', bec;vuse the specie car. not.be prtKured. ' -Y, v tt is notorious tli.it hardlv a dollar in sptcie is' now "seen in "circulation any. where south ot Connecticut ; that in every part nf the continent not east ot. New-fork, it bears a pre mi um of.frbm ten to eighteen pr cent and can.ot be had in large sums v'cu at so great A discbunt tlut the - ba lance of trade iron abroad bccomiuR daily more unfaor:lle, the demand for specie in our intercourse with fo reig'i "nations' must gready increase ; that this bal'ihce as between New England, nd thii-mr Idle an J touth c-rn st".f t bi-ioij still rnore uafavbra M, the. dr.iln cpon the t states, south of Nt w.K.ig!and is trojn thin caus also rapidly augmei)tinf. And ' i.i truth th.t all tlit specie iii the fc .uth trn aud mid lie-states, ieitht-a h'.ard cd or io po-sesionoftl.'-'ha:iks who uom therxttr.t ot tne tienuml' upon thetn bave bren compelled to suspend AHiere th-i is thcimaensr amount of specie repii- reo lor tut m w banx to te prorut cat Not fm'ti' abroad for the tendency undoubtedly is to a larp: nnd. exren- ive exportation. iNot from New- La-mod, where little ol tat war stock (an advance on the market mice of tt.l:h will be to-s sole prtafiunt lur fm'kcribiiiis'held, b.k! .where the n.onicd'rtv-n' arc pot inouiiy h.jjnW io the instituMon. ' Not from lli'jse uhnbave hoarded since the want of Cotifklcr.ee which led to hoiirdiiW con linucs i and has b -en very little di- mtniMied by Tate U'rvcwpem'cnfa Iro.Vl the pen of Mr; II ill.es. A id cejtdn- ly not Irrtm banks, w tut b are now ut able t'j meet the demands upon them for specie, who fitvc shaken tlieir credit toiti foundation, by, stopping payment to their own customers and depositors, 'und who surely have ye- ..i . . i rv tune ny'ieein'rni io n.ue a great ana nnzaruous saltier, .or tne e s tsbliahment of a rival institution which muu'connol their rpt rations, impair tneir ron's,and probably, as ( haU presently show, ill etroy their tiisunctr If five mi.lijns ofpdc . . I f . ij ; US ncfjitioiv war, there .would . femain hit ' " fir j miliums, to' myet, the demands )t tta creditors ; because; thirty mllliona of paper lousVbe issued in the.&tjeat for thc purpostr' oT thr government aiwrc, uioepenuent ot tne . issueH Which' may bejuade for oth?r- purpo7 sea ; and because certainly no expe- rience, wui warrant the hypothesis, that any moniedjnstitution can long sWtam an ability to meet the Ipecfe demand, whose amount of issue shall exceed six times - the asnonnt of its vhole capital convertible into value. If then this paper will nobe exchan geable for specie,' oo;, what principle will it te asserted, that it will encu lartd more freely of) extensively than ! treasury note or any 'olhcr govern, nlert security paytbW to order or bearer ? Both are' ultimately difpeii tfent upon tie faitli and, stability of t!ie government both are liable to be cflected by the depression of confi dence which now oper'ites on all the transactions of business And both are equJly' obnoxious to the-obrec-tiotts which, are naturaliy urged "a gainst till paper tciiggemcnts, not iixchaiigiable for value at 1 the de mand of the holder bv th. haud vhieh issues them. Tiie i.theorw. of Nlr. Dallas adniits that treast'ry nte ill not answer th purpWes. 6f a circuli ti':g mtdiiiu Wid from the coaiid?: ratio.iB I hare stated, it k undeniable that the paper of the rational bank will be equally vht for this purjjoc, unless the sne b.tnkt shall stamp thtir cifdii upon it, a-id receive it ia exchuigii lor thtiron. Nothiiiir car'siiswrrthe purpo-O' of a circola t'rg n'Jimn w!i;hi. tiot universally r-ceiVd as ucb, and no Lbsurdity can be grosser rhan ,the supposition ih?t 43v paper j.'a, clTe t.ic purp sts orsu"ch.amdjuna, wh(':hjbU be rejected - by , tf.cse bitituiiuas in which the mt-lrcsla of the trkdintr pUrt of the coin muni ty ac - concen trated, aid by; which their ti-atisat-tiens tire rwceas&rily coivtroled, ' .' lts then inmy opinion, Mr. Edi. hanlc was erected. Is it possllli". ir".b the state ; banks would . act a pfrrl s rashjyextravagant and aosuai, i veiw dtoiigh tev'Tiad entire confidence i the ultimate solvency of any' -government machine whitn at this abrmiug period should be erected.' But is U credible that all the banks-will yield such a confidence Is the credit of the. goverhraeht so Unshaken as to warrant i'such a confidence ?- Are opt many of tbe banks already'rricst painfully and reluctantly convinced of the fatal danger to Which they ha e exposed: themselves, by a mispbtted confidence in the; government ? , H only one of them, in each principal ' . i : i . r - . ' t city, -snouiu recuse; to receive tne new paper, is-it not evident .hat it wouia cesc to ot applicable to the common pay mecta of, the: country ? Aud if, as is most probable, ilu banks of , New-J&nguad, whose pay ments being yet m;;de in specie, can notwithout -niadness exchange their notes for a paper not cohvertJble into specie:, should at Once reject it, how could i t be app3ed to' any of the; 'pur. posts 1 1 exch ange between differfnt parts of the couiiient, be rendered univcrsJiy useful as a niediai.i evrn lor the' payment of taxes, or in the districkwhere the payments of the goveanrocnthoth for foreign 'aiid do mestic naiiUtactiire1 are mast ex- I tensivtly mad, supply "thu naticnal necessities, in. ciistitvi ge. even pi the public cbinracts. I afSr.-Vs t!i-:n f.Ir, Editor 'that the paper id' ike liew Lank will not furnish, a tfire cifcikur- ing medi jm, a.id that it ii exposed o allthe objecjions, whirh vtth rt gardto tn ssury notes, Mr. Dallas ap pears to admit are insupe nlt?;: AN INGlUIltEn. s. aTso come but it. the ravoriU, tor, clear bey thatthe paper univerraMy r ind all contradiction. pi this bank will not be reived bv fctber bank- in'!? iiutitutioo4 :hat cnthe contran iem cap From thi Rutmtai fottdigcncer of the We have the pleasure to onnounce th.rt the ti-caty of feace between the event,". Urittvd antes and .Great Britain us signed by ell ' the commissioners of both' partita at Ccnt bn the 24th December 18 14, was last eveniac de livered by Mr.'Carrotl, to the secrcs r the purxse of receiving the rati' ScatiOn ofthe President and Sinutettl and of communicating the joyfol ti . dings to the Biitislv fleets and armies in this quarter bl the globe. Mr. Carrol, with whom- -we .have.1 been favoured 'with an 'interview. states, thut the terms of the treaty are such as to jeave no doubt that the -will be immediately ratified by our government. The London u Times" .,' a .ministerial print' r denounces the ; treaty in the strongest terms, asjugh ly dishonorable hd England! "while (ht: Morning Chronicle ", an anti ; ministerial paper, .considers ; it aa - advantageous to the British nation. i Ajneetngat WtAfininster was held' on the 29th of December, for therpur ' pose oi petitioning tor tne repeal ot the income ; at which. Mr. Cart- wriyht, one of the orators of the day, ixpicsriu me peace wnn America, as a happy circumstance to Grekt Boutin. ' Th favourite yelterday spoke tho -British frigate Kndvmion, in com pany with the Tent rlos ! . Mr. Carrol, who left this city thia morning &r th- st;ar of. government, his very obligingly- favored us with files of tbs London 4 Times 4 Mor M'lff'Chronide and 4 Conner tothe 31st of December, inclusive, from which we have made as. volumnioua cxfi actsv as our time would permit j ' and to the politeness oi Doot-rt Le. ncx, Esq. we are indebted for the' i idJiba ifig extract of a letter,-.which j .e received, by Mr. Carrol from a respectable house in L6ndon, dated DccMr,btr3t, 1814, y " 44 Dear Sir Tlic bearer of this carries w ith him the olive brunch of Peate.Tlie trt ay was -signed of" (ihent on the 2ith instant, and ha been ratified by the Prince Regent V but hostUhirs are not -'to. cease until ratified by the President, We sin- ctrtly cocgiataLac you on tliis joyful ' ? V "t : h , . Hi ". - i . i ' I J il ail or the g ea;yer pert cf them do ury o( state, who immediately stlu- noi very soan irejec it, tneir capital miued it to the.preji Late Foreign ' Intelligence, from Lorvlon Pf ert rrceivrd per tlie Fa- vourite, arrived at Kew-S'urk. :.r v LONDON Nov. 24. 4 a a J The ' jreneral opinion ol (lie public dent." The ft-l respecting the; Duke of Wellington' will be" absorbed, their profits des- J ricral principle of the treaty is,' a ie- embassy to Paris, willvwe have rca-A,, troyeel, and Ulcir fexiwenca eudaaser- Istuutioa and recognition of thcrightsl son to suppose,; be verified by. his r . v I ed. "-;'- . . ' I and posscssiora of each party, as thew Grace'" jrecaS. 1 Ills life, is even said - ' ; 3 - iV" ' fi r .. r The whole banking capiul of this I stood before the war i with adea Jite I to be exposed to some danger in the country, does not at this time proba-1 pcovisions to seulc all ihe disputed! French capital, Itom the evil pas- I.i;. L. I'! "il- r I . . - . . . . . . r I ' 1 . , Jil t . . uiy inuin execeu sixty mil. ions oi uol-1 points ot . ocuncary, by Commission-1 sions wnicn his presence incre na lars.V It has Leen already obacrsf d, tri subject to-tte decision jof an a that the. new bank must1 in , the firsj micablu soveseigcl ia case "thi; corn year issue 'paper ftfr the Jfcirpoars. of inissioners donotagree iaopiniou. the wrmmce.t exclushV of what it Tlic tiOeto the islands in the bay of may issue, for its own ordinarv 1 onera- I'askaavaauoddr beimr controverted: tions orothtr.v'uc, to the amount ol I Vt lossesaioa will remain widi the 1 isor in his present employmeiit t thirty millions,", During tlie suspeoi- iirtxs rtspecUvcly which now holtf Lord Mulgrive to V PfcsidenC of. nifMi of sjKoie -payments, the state theui, uwil the commissioners decide the Council,' in ,thii ro m of Lorl hinks which shr.ll iccejve this jiaptr, upon the .title butwithout prejudice HirroWby ; and tho Dike of Wei-' will be utterly unable, except so far to the claim of either nnrty. Perio.l iincton, Master-General oflhe Ord- I i v rxcited. and the most rdluary Vtvi- lities or proposals are rvceived wifh couness ana ; caution- only uecause. :hey come from jnnx. - Keport aeh'ct Lord Ilarrowby as-ue Doke suc- M they shall disoe of it, to 'realise any vatu rom it. l They ' can nnlv lispnsi! tf it j to thVir own customers or tu post tors? ot tn the-cOuri- of trans fictions in which -they, m'lht other wise have.diiposed of tlnrtr own' pv' perwtich it is always their inure.t and endeavour tn -do. And' while tncy shall not dispose of it, it will ie main a dead credit "against the hation al buok, yieWt ig no jntcreit, furnish e. c .i . . the ratificatrQus when' the FrcMdcnt and the senate have passed up n the I subject. ' We are happy, to , adJ, that are fixed for the restitution of mari naach, in the place of Lord Mnl- time captures in diCcrent latitude! ; i;rave ' t ) ' ; ' " '. and hostilities are to cease as'soon a .VVc be ben positively assured ..." tha ratif.cartons of the treaty are ri- th-itln TKjint of fact, orders have hern t changed at : Washington. ; -Tt h un- prepared," in the. respective depart derstoodthat Mr.' Baker is the bear-1 m;nts- ot the I'renr.n miiiury aomi- . cr of the freatv ratifit d by the Prince I mstrattoo, for aa additional recruit- llegtnt, ft WiU be teady to exchange JnK 'o very large extent ou or . lyj.uuu men as it is stated to us. . . These ordrrs have -not yet been is v ' surd ; and for the present seem des tioed to await the. course of political' events. ' , .. A pretty jeneral rumofjr.as cur- r tow ai ds the close ot . there had been som7 .commotions in ' France, al-- . . to trade upda their property, and at I ' ". Trim the R.t!lmore Tehrraph.' though no particulars of the time or their tuzsrd, without returning- any Th? schooner Transit; has amved tquivslent. Nothing CM Upkiner Snthe Chesapeake. , And , we hive or moi-e indisputable than this re- the tdeasurw to state, that JHatST0- suit but for ch purple of illustra-1 ?iier HCjciiki Esq. the bearer of ti n, let us suppose that the Dank of I the Duplicate Treaty, h is been land- North Amenta, whoe capititl is one I ed in ' AunaXlis, and ' undoubtedly imniedtttrly proceeded to the scat of government. v .' - NKW VOKK, rtltcry li. CLOHIOUS NEWS.'" ' A TliZATZ, OF, 'MACE, u :.. . ' ') ' : '.;; . - r i . 1 . ... ing no una ociter iii.in tneir own ca I the treaty it thought in all rcspits to pital (though ulrimiiic ly it should be Uw honorable to the nation, and the admitted to be as sound and pood far I nrrtfi itnrn. The Prrvdi-nt 'Will. th! extrnsion of their qwn operations, probably, lay H before the Senate this nt.' "estcrday to anil enabling an institution . certainly dy..'..; '..-! ' -': t f 'Change, that thei having rival, if Bot1iotile tendencies, ... ''", '71' r serious jcommotic plce could he .collected.; An ordjp wis given to the ministers ol the ex Emperor to quit Paris., Tlicy have not submlttrd to this order, sayinif that the constitution does not admit of . arbitrary acts. , , .JL 1 he croiv.ids statrd in the I'arisiair circles for the arrest of Gen. Do tour arc, that he made a very crjminal rr'o. : posai to a soiuicr on ourv ai rnc ooor of his niajrsty, and who had diirlo?4 I the fact. In order to silence this ru signed by the American and British J mour, it was given ont that he had commissioner at Ghent, oo the 24th I been recruiting men for the American , 2. I co;u ti l,- that though thr ptan h" ol I ( capable of being tan ted in io nwMiion, it V.l ml actuiiipiith tne o.yfCt i tir gort r iiq:ni i tnm iiiOH .is iu rif.tr t&a.ibt Imj tonvrrt ttd irV a sa'r in 5?r jrally ncVrv rd irCMl.uiig Mirdium. . ' It ttms unqtiesti' nIly I assumed iaI tin J"fcf int-nded tobigtvrn o lh?" PresidwiU, lOiUsi-nd frcic MVimin, -aim re imracn'ntflv mn iv.dVv l.ie -nie t0s nhithb.ivc MjHfuttd vi i.fnluce a tiMcnuti o i-iieti omnent. at the other banks a Cold he in.out'iatcly j nt Sun ,fu! pp-.raiMr upon the jHW Ins'.ltuiV'n ..... i Ad wt,r a Mm vtiy mutii irctrai rd.'hf tn. hmith as foilv.' five mlitUmiff iu tai'H.iI is i&UitJed lit It iei.d.rvd .uultsb'. tuiii g the Wf U tlt f uTtmacs Iwf wLU tlf milHon'of dollars shall acrre to re Ceive thr natirr of the itew bank as sale cirruUting medium. There can he no doubt tlut in a short time at leant on nillibn cf the new paper will be paid into tae Dunk, of .North America, in exchange lor its own pa- ru-r. ublrVi ia now -in.lbi- fircl credit and . repute Having received tho I of Deqembcri and rat':4ed by ' the J government, a proceeding whjth the , new naiicr to sucn an a mourn, . us whole capital Is absoibtd and its ex istence rendered dependent Upon the ultinTute solvency of the new bank. It cannot convert ; die paper Into spe ti. at oUaaurc. nor bv, arplication tothe soufct from whence it is3li. convert it info value orany other ckt Prince Rcirent on die 30th. .Wt most- cordially congratulate our f llow-cilizens on this propitious W,sn event which calls for deep and undtssembled eratiuulc to the Almighty Sovereign of the Universr. iir. licnnj LutrnU one ot Me se cretaries of the American legation, ciiiion. WVat then is to be Jone 1 thargr d with despauhes from our the l( it disj'r-srsofthis DMr ia iw own conimiimers, and a copy t"of the I adu ir mjactMW, x auppiants ilsbwn pa- trcly,,lt'ft Ghent qu the iih of Da- court would not perm.U VYienna .n. 12 Tlie pole de. e " livcretl by Prince Talleyrand, after the arrival of, Count Alexis de No aille, has ma lc atroog impression on the Mrmbrra of Cchi gre5. It it said to rrlate to Saaoat', and to have- alreauy prfx'.uoeu several twinges dqernvuatioui that oaa oven . per, and trades a1tsnrt risk, and cembcr, fjt hnglani i lailcd from Dutributttn of Stain, UgnilMU it the hsxtrd -of ita customers, and Plymouth, In the Mriiishiloop of war It js believed the Empnor Alca. Up nilors, for the benefit of another Faotite, on the Si of Jan. j and ar. aoder, and the King of Prussia, will , bai'L'u'ult wlas t locrtdings it oiiy riwd at this poitul 8 o'clock lasUVe- depart for Berlin after the ceremony be ur.iC40.K.ti.d,(nid ova which it has no rt.ntrol. And if lha otw pa jHiASall rnuin'undi!t-Mdor, what will the Dank cf North Amencahave in fdurn ot its carnl'l, but a dead iird useless bahncr, iiiapj !ic-t! to . .. . . .. ...ii. tiini.., . . . . -.'-' shall have taken place, rtrstawnn- Mr, IJnthri. another of the ic ere I mzthe ImitriM diruttrof trmany t.uul of ti.o American kguiun, saiM in the lluuicol Autuia. II DiMitu I i .. .i . . . . i.. i.e. i ..Ii. . i. . l: . cu noout inc same time. I pauhes, for the Citciapeak , 01 r. ILikrr. sec t etarv to l leg-lieu u tl Uuiuujutct iu ha U.U0y humi'v. Tbe !' tgUion, sail- m the iluUiCOl AutUia. II nwcuu t, ilh des- iiturvtnt to 'prevent it, hii(Rminlj ake. . ' cereipwy ill take pUca rut the Uyih. the nri:ih 11 rSnlm cf tho new Knpn,,r J.' . T ,. ... '. - - - j . . - i f

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