ref il'p r.'il !^r ’.v-irlrl ho the pro»p>‘ct torf mprcnntllc and pul lie. credit 0 .uJt i > iu |Ki uui:ii » i proctiKP ;i'..ifc ri c I’at I'g uii-diii;r> loj ii l!.' I ii. :)'"I rri i-> du* t ue pU'[iijscs l.)i u IikIi such u n ctli r' ii> ilic SI (pill ol uu-w;(r. U c- um is wMiUcd, ar.d i naliK' Us to car- \ ': cut lluu tlie stork ol llir dank will i p this liitlifii i iiol.irtuoatr- and in ■ ■•1 the T tuiii ol' pt si r, il II il suoiK'i", "glorious wjf, to a sale anu honorable I i ir io ilic luai kri to a \ aluc whirli. contlasioii, it will merit tile ariive il the hank estahllsheil in ape- 5ii|jpon of all sinrere and wrdl prin- riod ol peace, Mould aulhoiise anil riplcd disciplrs ol the U'asiiiugnin oolain lui the jiulilie a bonus to a ve-i school. Cmtaielv on tluir pait, iv lA l.irj^e amoinit, In lieu ol such a party teeliiig should he allowed to honns the ivennliei.l is laiily enli-' mingle in the ilis. usiion. While on tied to, and ought not to relinipiish or! their side, no t mdul Iriend ol the jire- risk, die n-ediul s- i vices ol tile h ink I sent admini traiio i will denr, tli U i' under the pressing circunistiiiiccs oi , is entirely jiistiii ihle, ronsisteutl" war, 2, The hank, as proposed to he co'.is'.iui' d, cannot iie relied on (ho- i. !' ihe rvir, to provide a ciiculaii or .1 li ne di I'll, no'- to lui iii' h ! > tien'"i,>ns of '.oe pn 'hr r e- aiv . ' idiom a .lie.nil.0, d'e i ix. s can- rot .. lA.)''- tcit : .ii'il I to,- •ihsc'in. of i-pt clc. the ini dm ti nini't si 'd to ..'hlei'te, Vf ith u dealons (U tei luinatio i niid all circiiiie.taiKi b, to iii.iiet.iin tin ■ ii.his and ii'id, |) •e.dtiie, o! thecoiin- t'V, t') (,;)p"ve iiie liie.isuu in all ils n o I il it i.e th ir. )ii'.tr..ler! thr.i die pi nil ah.iurd, v isi.),i u-,, a.'.c' i.T.- I rune ih!e, that i.‘ ■"'.t liei.iile to li- nil'd I .'.tein, it V. oil! I be s.liL iiKuil.- I I I'l loi t’l" o''j. (:" die rroveimncnt ..u t no I i.s.siu 11 I \ .11 .poe d o.; j os d hank.M 'll in' ' U'.l. I us op. 1 a tioii to j, i\ its to ft ! W'.liou! SU. 1 ooiig of till Dank til rm ■ e.i pir;. CO,'.- II IV 1 \ :r v , pi di and . .u .1' V oul I ra- i'. prec’at •, ' t'l.r c lu - ii -ies'.ly ii.venJe 1, it lera’e. ai .1 r.’.ost pow 'll '■i a ). ■r. in ngI m i I \ for sp cic, \ '-LI ' sii.i ■ 11. and p rionnie.g e u .c . the p,i\ iTicnl o axe-, , public iransm is. Mould, a. n li- cnce has asci. I t II..I.I, I'pi. li:y tee J .'k to supply .St due a tin m di- U'.n, and p cuii.ny .i Is .o the go- Vi riimcnt. IJ ider the !t tiers imp'U - fil hr the bill, il is ni st, lli.a dm i ihe W'*’, 'he pel iod p irtiri.l-.r- ly reguiriog S'lrh .i niidi nr. and ui-h a resoiiir • I'or loans and -iclva ic r to die g i i.i i.nieiit, note- hir which the binli cv.ail 1 '>e compel.It to give sp rie in i \ !i ir.g- could not he kept in irculaiion. The most the hank coil'd etKci aiul the 'IT St it could be h'.i'io , |i ..['.I it'C ■ ti 'le I "gim; lor ruin iir.u ; ih . ii .I’.ig iil'tir tiic h.s' CO s'"!-.'1' on I lain been able le give i ' thi fuhjec, fu'.rclv •.(liptctl 'dit inter 'pii loll, i tni i I sli.i i no', he . e.t I o. :• (I i ■' I u 0 IS h ’;m.t:lv to cm I I ihi g. ■! I I 111 ' lirg t'l 11 u, t* I Pis ji. l-TC-n 11 T:.,' pl.n. 1 ,'f.i s .1 h.'.r .1. i r. -..t, . i; 011 h; ■> I), e . M I’l In '.ui 11 . ital d.'.’l i'.. sh 11 I.e CO ,0 k. .11 d O.' I 1 I- o I .r.ii'.i i.s I'h. i;, St - ,'..h. oa will eh • i ‘01.11' ... i hs rv I, sup- .letl wle.'l • i • o- ol niA n ar, there would remain but mini.'ins to 'meet tli.- demands ol it, creditors ; because ihit lv miiiions 01 p iper nui' t he is-.nrd in ih . iinljeai tortile jiurposi .s of the ■ilopc, independent ol the issue-.- which iliav he made lor olh t pnrpo scs ; and because cclainiv no eXjie- lieiice wilt I'. iirr.i'U tiv 111 potlu si I hat a'ly monied institution can lone sust.iin an ability to met t the fp’ci', whose ainount ol issue sh.ill I XC'ed six tiiiub iln anionni of if. .vholc coiivertih'lt into value. II then this paper will not he exidntn- g.-ai'le lor sptcie, on whatpi incipL ivili it he asserted, that it wdl ciitu- bi«ed :iio-e iree'.vor i xtensiv. Iv than treasuiy notes or any o'dier govern- i.lji-'t s"cu;i'\ j:ay..hle to order or I'e-.n tr ? ii .tii .i.c ul'.i lii ely depen- t'en, upon tile l.iidi and stal.tlitv ol .’f governiiierit—both ai-e liable to he cflected by the depression ol confi dence which now opci 'es 0:1 all the tr iiisactions ol basitu.A.nil boih lire eqi' .lly ohnox'o,;“ to tee ohjrc- -.i'lns w'llih il.•c natnra’iv n-g-d a- g.diifl fll paper eitr/ig, meats, not exch.i.igjah!; lot' ;f iP.e de- iii.ui'lol the h .luer b; di. li ..,J which isiuts lllaiTl. Tlu tli.-or,' ol,Mr. IJ.ill '.c t'd'.ii'la that tre.ei a iriti.-- ill not an-.w r th. pr.rp e,-s .1 clrtul i- li'tg rii-. di'Si.i, and Iran he con: icr;- j!. 1 11e St-.led, 'l i'. i;r'..ler,lahle I that the [laper ol lue r e.loi t.l h.itilc I wll! he eqirdly v fe r ih ■: purpo ,, 1 luiless till- s'''.i; bi.k, shall si.imp, til. ir ciedii upon ii, h .1 riceiv, i. hank was erected. T, it posslhl. , di -u rh'-state hanks Mould ai t a p: ■ t m '.ish'y extra! and aos'iul, n 1 ilitni'th they had entire cotill.h 1 ■ . 1 the miiinitc solvency of anv ti. inert machine, ivhich at tlii-i . r.. ; perio.d shoiilil he erecled. Hut is it cretlilile th It nil the h.mks will \ iel P s ;.\(i I oiiie t'Ut if. the l '.s\or!tc, I ■' .r 'lie pm pt'Se ol rei eiv’i'g liie laii- . S..itinn ol the Fiisiileiit ami Si nnte, . rtd oltoniiniinicalinir the joylol ti* ' dmg'i to ihe Hiitish fl.-er; .ind armies ‘ ill this (jiiartci ol the glohc. I iMi. Carrtil, with whom we have ; he' ll lav.jurcd with an interview. such a confidence ? Is the credit ol I states, lb it tin- terms of th ; treaty are the government so iinsh ike'i as to warrant surh a conlideiicf ? Arc ()t 'naay of the banks alreadv nicst ■^ainrully and reluctantly conviac; d .if the fatal danger to which thi v n c ■xp-ised th'-iiiselvcs, hv a mispl.iw.'l confidence in tile governiiitiit ^ Il only one ol them, in each principal citv, sh.iulil refuse to rec' ive the new paper, is it not evident th’it it v/oi'ld cease to be a|i|)licahlf to the sm h as to Ivii-e no doubt that the y will be immediately ratified bv’ our govermneiii. Ihe I.oiitlon “ Times'' i imiiistt l ii-.l print, deiuiunces the ireatv in the str'iiigest terms, as high ly dishotioraMe to Kn;:i md ; M illie ilip “■ ,'!'jr>ii:i^- C’tr';iii(li‘” an aiili* aiinisti rial paper, considers it as a'lvant igcuus to'In- liriiish nation.— A iiieeii .,jat W'l s'iiiitister M as held on the ‘.PJlii of Dei.emb-. 1, for the pur- Ctnnnion paymi.i.ts of the country ? | pos'.- ol jn iitio'ii.'g tor the repeal of And if, as is most probable, . II in ' ‘ hanks oi '.’cM'-loiglancl, whose pay- tlie i. rome ; at xvlii.h Mr. Cdiit- -cu- of the or.itors ol the d..y. all eoii. 's o' f 'ly m 11'. 'i, ,, M hi. !i I '1five mill s. I 1. Idni'.'l b-ule'. ii.i'li ir , SU >3'T'.r.'hie mciils being yet 111.;dc in specie, can-j' 'ipri s. nfi die peace with America, without niad.icss their as a circumstance to Great note' lor a paper ii'jt convertible int') specie, s' cold .U oriro riicct it, how could it be ajip’ ed t., any oi the nnr-j Britis.b I'i":..!!- I'.:id' inion, in com- pc'S.-s 1 exch iig btiM'.A n diir.reot paiiv m '.iIi il c Ti r. 'P's. parts of the touli.ieiit, 1;.; rendered ( Mr. C.iri'.l, u h . ! I' this city thi» uni. .trs.-.Ily itstftdas -a ni dim 1 m t | nioiI'ii.g ^>1 ti, s .n of govi riunem, I ir the payment of tax-i, m in be t ii .3 w , \ oMig'!,.,i\ t. ' n.-J us with districe wiitte lli.' pnnlv'its ot the n! s ol tht l.oii.h.n ‘ 'Tine- .' ‘ .lAr- goveaniT'cr.t ij >th hir lor. i gn a 1 j do- j C'/i: (/'iicJts ;»»»d *■ (.CiUf u‘f‘y ' to the nt.r .ti., iiiaiiu'acture:, n 1st x-1 Jlst 01 D'cendar, imiu -ive, trcim teasive'.y nail-', sj;'| ly th ' n. tu nal | mI '.cli M-e have made u3 v lumnious neressiti-s, i.i th ..ue.i igi t ven 01 t ' > .ic's ssonr lime vo'.ii l permit; lii pub i.; I I 'i ■!' t'l n; m l to ihe pojili-i -s ol .1 Le- ■Mi. K.i. jr .Im till p-ar* r "I i..e i.-m ; r.i Ksep wi areit. lcbtf I f'n the iir .:in. 'I'll r.'X'Ourilc yesterday spoke the vliollv I ' in l vi 1 J.'-, ri i;Kc. ri is hank i^ ,0 h. c aiip.llab.. to i.- sue pap' run gn\ erur.i nt S'.'C'jrit ra to the amount oi millioui o! dol lars ia the fin', war, and is aiidi.i' i- I' c ic I'.'i I ' L.;l ■he \.h -.1! Notiiii.g ■1 ciri. il.i- ig.- lor 'h II I !' II. ..Ilf! r t'se .nir'r; ; 0^ 1 c;ri. il ' ."V 'iti.ti wh'.c .iv not uni'ei s lily •iw d sik:i, am! n i groiwi than th.c s.iiijiOiiiion ui po- 1-ink ..'ill I' l fnrnis-. a ir. '.' c.i-. '.I'lg inedi j.n, a",l u i-, • xp. i.tlthe objection'., M'ii. .. ' iili gi'.rd to tn i 'il.'V notes,. .. i. I) I'.l:,' pears to admit are imu; .1 .Ulc. A.*' Ivi^UIuEll. exji' I I'-.l th- .' lo- • I t .is-.icti to aim at, M' '.il.i he t'l keep v-ed to 13'.uv Us p.ipcr for other pm- hv nilid a'ld . i.oses t" i.i\ ixtjiit, its vicMS or la- tlil'ulc . M'.ii' h, with the .lock i- the hank. 1 f. till j’lirp.i.sf, U'til a • Iro'ii to o'li 1 1 ena 'i.- ii. hy a H iw ol Bp. tie inn 1 \ .iiilt, an.l .1 1 > oi th I xtern.’l il'111 1-1 ! ‘y..-it. ur've i' .'inteiTlplatcil I . .'uiii.'i IS (10.11 a a.tte and full > x • o* us op’.ra- tions. O' the v.'h li , .'hen >' ' r-'.'i- tlei'U di.t the proposed is' i'i -.h- meiit will enifiy 'a i.ion'.poly ol die profits «>la N '. b.iiik. l.or a p rioil of tvi eiitv vea J ; di-.u ihe moi.oj.'ili ’,'(I pr.'jfits ""ill he c'oiiuau illy g'ai.vmg vith iiic progress ol the oatioi. n p'l pulali'in an.l'Ve.iltli ; lliat the ii itio') Will, diiii'igih bim- n. rnul. lie il-e- pendeuoii the. not ‘ ol the hank ''n spi.i ic.s Oi ciri u ting inedimn, wlleni'''ei the p.e.:ious 'il uds in iV la sv ated til! I .ill ti lies, lor .so in-.icil tin reo: .13 .nay hi' .111 rligihle suiisti- tule lor a spei ie ntic liimi ; and that tl .. e.xi -'isiee empl'i'oiient of the notes il the • of., ction of the- aiigin-'inctl tax.* will, mort'ov r, en dil-i the b ink' pr il t,) ( S' ivl its pu.’fit.lble issues o ' 1.1 in, Miih.iiu the t.\p use of spi- c ■ cipii'l to s.i'iport tiicir. cu'cuii- ti'iii ; it ii fo 1 a.lijn.ible as requisite, that til • eiioiiei.t, in return lor til' S'-'1 li'Vir' . b I'lk, shf'uM il.-' ■ f iii.-.iui' ■ •'■'>110 ins‘.iiU'.i'H). . • ■ t rt-'ts IT. re q’l I mai'..a'ii studi i pfin to be iui- prac'. Lid, and j mil u'.. rl\ ''. , ber.'.uii th'- spi-cf.; c.n.- not he pi '>cii-e It is iioiorioMs til if hiriUy a dollar in spirit is nov/ se..ii in 'cir oil ition nnv 'vlure sou'h of Conncctkiit: that ir. c' cr!' I’art of the co I'.'neat not ;.s'. of i'.h '■/• .hirk, it bears a preirii- ui.i of Irom tin to eighteen pr ct nt. .md cani.oi be had in large stilus even at so great a disiou.i. j the lia- lance of trade from ahruad heco iiing .l.tilv inore unfii'Ol a'.le, the cK iiiand for sneeie in our iate'-couise with fo ri-ig'. nations must gu ally incr ase ; that thus hal'ince as between Xew* E'.gl'.ind, end til.' i.ii Idle :ni i Miutii- . ni s', ifc.i b i g s'ill Piore u.ilavoni- M", file dr .in upon ih.*'s south I i,.. .'1'. pipcit .1 tliec.' til. Sit o. 'sutli a'licdiuni, > hi ii sli.-d be ri'iri'.'.cd by tt'. se in ,lu-.ul'i.i-i m v’lii-h ills' 'iit'ir. sts of the li'..diiig . l of the cociiiuiaiiv' a' c roiictn- ii-.iied, a id by "'hich their ti-aiiSji - I li-.ns are noce*s'.> i!y coniruled. I It is then in my o|'>inion, .Mr Edi- j tor, clear biyind all coiiiradiil'on, thatvlie paper nl this bank 'vill ii'it he juiivem’lv rcteive'I bv C'tner liank- I iii'j iiislitluiop''— cn th ' rnr.trnr'', if ail or t'l- giea'tr pert cf them tio not very so in rejec' it, their capital will be ahsorfed, their' profits dcs- I tl .lycd, and their existence eudanger- - Oil. The whole hanking capital of this t - . i 'l> 4? I c s'-.ions to the g i-il-’i secu ity V" - IS .'I the I t i-i the .or V- V pi.ic- ticaliie accominod.ition '' 111 tile leiiipotiirv .1 !\' ''ici s n-- e- s»a’'\ 10 an- ticip'Jte U' and i iiiou dur -hl'-i .r M. '. liare ei u dly ne- v to'll 1 1 -..sii the res i ! Ill' rxe . 1.1 iiisi.«i ' c,i 'g the pniiiltu duiy ol St'3iiiigoo| I'ii.jns lo I nil-isnre M'hi 'li has ni'deig'.'ie tii" >1 ii ler.iti ms nut rcsC'iv dilu' sam t'l.' 11 ol ihe t'v.i h,'ui3::'i of till- N iiion d 1. .’i .hitine, I console I'.ts'ilMilh ihe red. ction, thit il t ley h :')t in t'l o-in ,lhi'V can b 1 -irid'd ; and 'viiii a cotiildenv'' l!v,i, "'1 . 10;.! ■!! y V''eat, the M'isciml 111 ClKin'-r.sS S'; :”i iuislrn to ‘U ISlitU C' il more c. in 11-n niriife a.’.l >■ rti.'ii pro vision loi 'I. i-nhli- exiii' i'cics. J 'il.S AtADICOX. ^'^.ichi.'iio ,1, fapiiarv .'Iti'h 1S15. 'll', r.i . v I c.*ci, null oiOci ed I Its i-uvption. tobv .i.r.ud-' ' I cniuni-I cl Nl W-r. :g. Old is fl Dili ih'iS r.lU“ ■ ilso r.ipilll'' aug'neiulng. And i 1 iriuh .ill till sped.' i.i the s tub I rn aii'l mi'l ile sfites, isi-i’hi-r h .0 'i- til or in po'sessioii ot-II- h,r.k3 who limn the f'X'.ii.i of tile ''em i".l upon ihein h.ive h "'-n cinipill. I to snspi ml their cas'.i pa'ui.-ots. \\''l.-l'e ih-n is the i'vmiea',. amount ol specie I'f'j i'i- rrd lortlu m '" I '.lal: tube pro.".ii-il Not iVo-'i .I'li'oi 1 t'l!' th - leiidviKA' U'l'Joid teill'. is lo a I nge ami ex'eii- jive I ::|ji'i't-.tdi'n. Not ttom Ne'v- F.ngl.’.i'.d, " Ill'l l' ll'i!''rjl'i'i-.- 'V.11'stock fill' -.1(1'.me., on th.' m.ii'cei pi tec "l',i..ii W'lli he the sole 'pre.afi'.im f.n' sii'.s-'.i'iin.i) is held, a.ul 'vh-. re t!ie mor.icU in-n arc not irioasly h i .iil • 10 the insiitoiion. N-it fiom liios'' "ho have hoar dull ; sinci' th.- 'vam of (oiifi.lei'ce " liicli led lo hti.irding con- liinivs ; and has b en vtiy little di- iiiinisheil by lute d''vei.)p.'nitni3 Iro n the pen cl.' Ir. i) il’.is. A ill ceitdii- ly not from bank.s, " hiili are no'v ui - atili to meet the .lemands upon iliem (or spici.-, 'vho lii'c shaken their credit to Us t'luntiiuion, by stopping payment to th ir oivn customers and wei.dil whith 1 aliucli depositors t.nd'vlio sinely have ve- IV liitle i'uhi'eein- nt to make a great and hazardous sac.i dice, ;or the es- ishiiabiiKat ol a r'u al institution, "fiicli must con,lol tin-ir operations, impair tlieir jirofi's, and probably, as I sliall presently slio'v, ilir.trov ilieir existence. Il five iiiidion:, of sp cie annot be procuied, the plan l.iifs :.l [l-' ilie rniliid Slates’ ti.iielle ] J/r. U I ' 'S HAKK. KO. I. Mr. Kd’tor^ Among the l.>pic.3 " h'"'i it 1 op lull- tiiS'-. 'uosi s'.r'in.'ly thi.s in, inn! p.-'lii.', t-ii- pi,111 h.ic.l., urig''!.,.iy proi'i .li IS still, u ia s. i.l, int.;n- (led. Hid liSbli'l. i.i- s-btl. inMilr-' to I .' broogli. .‘ "'vai '. 'si t. il bv liic' ii.ii.iii-i'ir,.Ci( o, iiS, 'i Il> the Ifr . Il I'le outsit of the rein.ii'ks will 'll I p . '>31, sir, U> biibmit to \'.u in r.'bu ..n to it, I olearly ackii'UM .*d^e that it it \\ ill rcfc* that though th" plan sh' old he cap.ioic ot lieiii)', i .n i i d lii- iii o:i,ei mior., it 'vill not aceumpiisli the .i'/j"Cts "I ill" gov' >' nii'.iit ; inas- 'im. h IS its can..or he, canvert- t (1 O't-J a s.i'i ' .y.''.. j^'ally n cviv- i-ii i ii'cni.'.'.ing ini'ditim. it iii.i' iimjii-.-sti' nahly he ;i.ssiim'-d 'h..t tin i i'vii' int-nih I to’'e given c 'll l*r''si!viii, to Misp'-nd spi'cic he iiiim''fl'atelv e 'g- the ftt •! ton ol rongr. Ill - p.-'pi ', the- pi,111 ','1 ;i alion.ii ! o.n'vii, in ', " iH he iiiim''fl'atelv exe;- I,v I (is d. I'lie. .s..m»; lauses " hiih have j opi.iat . fl t'j produce a Mi.s)iensioii ot • ■ i'ei.K'p.'x iiK-nts, at the other hanks tl I ** ft ^ t.. ...V i*. .^1 "O'lld he iii.tiiedi.itely put into lull I'ni.raii..!! iip'on the ncv.' ins'.ituti/.ti. And Miili .1 h-ice vny imieli incitas- ed, Inc.nise iiiiismuth as toiiv live piiill'ins t‘it its capii.d is intiiidecl to be tendered ut.aatc'ab'.o t'ui'ing the countiA’, does not at this lime proh.a- hly much excred sixty millions oldol- iars. It bus f-c-.m already clwcrv'e.l, mat the nc'.y bank must in the first year issue paper f.jr the -i^irpiis' S of the goverirric't sxclusi''': ol ivliat it may issue for ii i o'vu orijinar- oper. - tioin ciroiher .iic, to ilic amo'.nit 01 lh':rty milh"iis, Daring the suspeli- , I >11 of specie paymei’ts, the state !).i'ii:s 'viiich sin.11 ifceive this paper. .Vih h'.‘ntteriy iniahl.’, excejiiso t'.ir .’s til. '' sli.'ll liip'j-e of it, to realis .' i.iv V ihi T'lm i . They can only dl3p.''se ■'I' It t'l ilvir o'vii customers or di [> sit.Ji b7'31 i.i the coms ■ ol trans- .icti-in.s in which tlT'v oiher- v/ise h.iv-.' di'.jiose l ol tii 'ir •i‘'/n pi per, 'vl,i,-!i it is al'v.iVs itieir interest ciKl'.M'’ont- to do. .knd 'viiiie j iIk V shall not dispose of it, it will I'e- iiiain a dead credit against the n.atioii- 'al bank, yicUi.ig no intereit, funii.sli- ing no fivid better lb.111 tln-ir own ca pital (though ul'im.ui ly 11 should he ad'iiitted to he as sound and gootl) for ihi' extension ot their i)"'n operations, and cnahliiig an institution certainly having rival, if not hostile tendencies, to trade upon th'.-lr prope’ ty, and at their hazard, ivithout reliirniiig ifiy equival.-nt. Nothing can he pli.incr or more intlisputahle than this re sult—')Ut for ihc put of illu.stra- ti'ii. Ictus suppose that tlie IJaiik of North America, ivliosc capital is one million of dollars, shall agree to re- ceiv'tt the paper of the new hank as a s.ile cir: ul-iting meilium.—Ehere can ! he no doulit that in a short time at least one million cf the new pap'ar "’ill lie paid into the lja"k of North America, in exch.ange lor its own pa pier, which ia noiv in the Inst credit and t'-pute. Having received the nv'.v piaper to such an amount, its whole capital is ah-soihed and its ex istence renflei'cd dcjiendeiit upon the ultimate solvency ot the neiv bank, (t cannot convert the j’apcr into spe cie, at pile'aaurc, nor by application to the source fioni "'hence it is^TTcs, convert it into v.ilue o''aii)’ other jes- ci ipti.oii. . What then is to be done ? It It ilisp'-'si's ot this paper in its own ,r:;n'i.ii tiiiiis, it su|)'pl;mts its bwn pa- >,’er, and iradcs at its o'vn risk, and ■It the haz trd ot its ciistiimcrs aiii Ivpjisilors, for the benefit of another bui.k, "iili v'l'-osc pioceetlings it ni.ty he ut'.:it.ja..iiit^d, and over whi'^h it 1 no rontri'l. And il tli-; ne'v pa- i per shall remain undisposed of, what '•.'ill the Bank of North America have ill return lor its cujiild, but a detid i rd useless balance, inajjj '.ic.iblc to any of the purpmuet lur "hie'* PF From i!'.€ 't'.Ui-jitiii I’i!e.l-^eu(cr cf the \it,h itisi. yV'e hive the p.cusure to t'nnotince ;h.'t the irvRty of ^eace between the 1 Ui'i'-’.-d States and Great Hritain :i. I sig i' il by pit the commissioiicts of ' h'jth parti'.s at Ghent on the 21th i Deccnilier 181f, was last evening dc- ! livered by Mr. Carioll, to the secre tary of state, wli'i imincdi.'tely sub mitted it to the president. The ge neral principle of the treaty is, a ic- sti'.utio.i and recognition o* the rights and possessions ol each jiaity, .as t.'nry stood before the war ; with adequate pcuvisioiis to settle all the disp^itcd pioints of boundary, by comniissiun- .;r.', p'jhicct to the decision of an a- iii'cable soveseigr.; ia case the com missioners 'Jo no: agree in opinion.— rile title to the islands in the Lay of i'assamaquoddy being controverted, i e ji'issession ivill remain with the 1 i-.t'.va rts’p'ectivcly v,ihi,,h no'.v hold •.'i''.ii, iiniii the coinmisaioiiersdccid- up- I! the title, but witiiout prejudice to ih-.* cl'.iini of either p Tty. Eerio'I- ire fixed for th-e rcs'i'uiioii of m.i'i ti!U'‘ captures in diiTcrent latitude'! ; .in J II istilitics an.- to cease as so,>n a- the ratifications of tlie treaty are t x- cii.ingcil at Washington. Il is un- 'Icrstood that Mr. lJak'.'r is the bear er of the treaty ratifw d by I'm i’rince flcgcnt, P; will be icucly to , xch;mgc the ratifi.ationa 'vlieii the Fi.'.lJvnt and tbe senate have passed up »ii til.- sahjeet. We are happy to adJ, the treat!'is thought in all rcspsits to !)c honorable to the ii.iiion, .md t.i the ncg'aci it,jrs. 'I’he President Mill, prob.tbiy, lay it before the Senate this da)'. Frtrn the J1 Atimore Tthg-ra/yh. 'File seluiuuer Fraiisit, ha'i at lived in the Chesapeake. And m'b h-ive the pleasure to stale, VaHHISTO- vaiui HuoiiKS, Esq. the beare.' of the Duplicate 'Freaty, Ins been land ed ill Auiiapolis, iiiid undiiubieclly iinmedi iteli' proceeded to tlie scat ol gov"'aiticn'. f'JiUM oun coRnf:sPO.vpE.\'r. NKW-VOItK, Feliriiai-y IJ. GLORIOUS NEWS. A TliFlA'F'F OF PEACE was signed by the American aiul Uritisli commissioners at Ghent, on the 24th of December, and rallied by the Prince Regent on the SOilp We most cordially congratulate ouf fellow-citi'zens on this propitious —ail event wliicli calb. lor deep and uiidissembled gratitude to the Almighty Sovereign ol the Universe. Mr. Hentij Carrol, one of tuu se cretaries «f th'j American legation, charged with despatches from our conimissiouers, and a copy of the treaty, b ft Ghent qn tile 2dlh ol Dc- cemher, England j s.iilcd ftom IMyiiioutli, in the Mriiish sloop ol war E.i'oiitc, on the 2.1 o' Jaii. ; and ar- rivc'l at this piji t ui 8 u’cl'jck lust cve- liing. 'Mr. Hughes, nnoihcr of the secre taries of the Am. rlcan legation, sail ed about the same time, viith des- pali hes, for th': Cnesapeake. Mr. secicuiryto the British U'g.tliou to die Uuiled Ssiales iu .I..O.'. i: g extract of- a .' bieli 1( r.ceiled, by i'lr, C.c. l fio:ii tl i( v('.-ct-il/a.'house in L'lndoii, dated iJ I n-.ln r 31, 1 8!4. “ bear .Sir — Flic bearer of 'his r..ri ics V.'.th him the oliie branch of I’l ate. The tn a:v was sig.inl ot (tf; at on the 21th instant, anti has Ik en r.ififii il bj' ihe Prince Hejeiit ; hut iit'Si'.lities arc not to ce.ise until rat'ifii'd by the Pnsitleiit, W'e .siii- cirtly congiaiill.ite you on ilii3ju) lul evetiu” Late Foreign Intelligence, From lain.Ion P..| eri ri-ct-ivetl pci- tile Fa vourite, arrived iit Ncw-Sorlc. LONDON. Nov. 24. The genet al opiaion ol tbe public respecting th- Duke ot VVcliington’s embassy to Paris, will, wc have rea son to suppose, h'.“ verified h*- his Grace’s recall. IFs life is cvc.i said to he exposed to some danger in the French capitr.I, from the evil pas- sioiis which his pres'cice there lia» i-.xcited, and the mo-.t or.iii’ary civi lities or proposals -are reit-ive'l I'-itll coldness and caution only bereuse :hey come fromfiim. Report s 1. .as Lor't Ilarrowby aa the Diike’s suc- cssor in his prest-nt eiiipi')'; f.ord .Mulgrive to ')-- President of tile C'luncil, in the ro nn of Eur.l I-I n-'i'vbv ; and liie D ike of Wei- i'lgt-in, M-.ister-Generai of the Ord- iia'.ich, iu the of Lord Alnl- grave- VVe have been positively assured th-itin p'lint of fact, oiders have lieen preparerl, in the respective depart-" in:-! ts of the French tiiilitary admi nistration, lor an iMlditi'inal recruit ing 'o a Very large extent.-—80 or rjO.OOO men as it is stated to us. These o.-tleis have not yet been is sued ; and for the present seem des tined to await the coarse of poii. events. A pretty general rumour was cur- ri-nt yestenlay loivaidsthe close of ’t-'hange, that there had been som?- si-rious -commotions in France, aU ih'iugh no piirricubirs of the time or place could lie collertc.d. An order 'VIS given to the ininl-sters ol the tx- E'liperor to quit Paris. Tliuv' have not submitted to this order, .'-.lying that the constitution does not aiimit of arbitrary acts. The grnii’.ids stated in the* circles for the tirrcst of Gen. Dubnir arc,that he made a very criminal pm- posal to a soldier on dutv at th.- door of his iii.ijcsty, and who h-id clisrlnsed the f:ict. Ill order to sib nc'- this ru- inour, it was given ont that he li.icl been recruiting men for the Ami:ricaii government, a proceeiling which the court would not permit. Vienna, Xov. 12—The note de livered by Prince Talleyrand, alti.r the arrival of Cout't .Alexii de No- a'llles, has made a strong impression on the Memh-.rrs of Congress. It i-s said to relate to S.ixoay, ami to h.ivo already productcl changes ig, the deiermiuaiions that had b-cun adopted. VIF.NN.V, NO'V. 13. Distriln/tifh af Stairs, l)\qri:ties It is believc'l the Empdor^ Alex ander, and the King of Prussia, will depaitfor Berlin after the ceremony sh.ill have taken place, recstablisii- ingthe Imperial dignity of (lerinanv in the Houic of Au.siiia. II n-oiUi; j. intervene to'prevent it, this giainl ceremony will take |>lace on the 29:'i. 'I'he rights of the :ic'V Kini.c. 'C t lie tl.i'-lly lio!i;i'a"\. 'ihe h-'‘

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