HE WELMIMGTpN- I WILMINGTON, (North-Carolina) tHURSDAY, APItir 2 . 1S15.H f V J" I un-itr Volume XIX 1 .4 1 1 a - - w 1 5 - I - '.I tv Viimliis;ton Prices .Current CtZnctLixotzc ct f K-2i, 10i.tcCOJ. Tuin.Se do- ItsMirtr - do. fipr.tt Tirpnthf Peat, t&ctcye,' Pepper, : Park. 233 Ih. I J. c. 1 CO. imlnston N. C 'under ti.e Jf"7"'d V"' y--TTThV vIT ofMav next the eW-V .ce pt lhe cr- Arty person tint Sp.f.V JSJ,- JCr Tr:th,he Sn.scnbcr shall ... ' -. ...rSs-. .... . !ite the nionsr which it itiv rertiW- Silt, TbrrWe. &C fnr. Ilinn hmwn m w t m Tallin,, : IVi-ie. TeflerlfTe. !!. U 15 ?t n. i io or jT -U 1 00 09 CO in. :-j 1.. . A III 10 f23 I Hr L ; -1-2 f (111 I I I 2 j 2 25 2 50 2 75 2 2 5J cm linn 1 J , 1 v hts h. 90 1 ao j 1 40 1 50 1 35 100 IK 2 -0 h-.uhd 70 j 83 '!. 14 1 15 j 100 lb 13 - P8 loo u, r J r jo - I at Wil- . 1 . f - TOR SALEj JC0 catk prime Hicc, roo birrcU Floor, . 6o baltt Cottoa, ' . , r 15 hhdf. Tobacco I . 150 ctki Flaxrcd, , Hnz Lrd in Kegt tnd Firkinf, WhiAcy in h!di & barrels ' 2 torn Nail Rods ond A fcvKeaCut Nails, ALSO. O. and H..O. Stores and Hcadini;. AppJr to R. V. DROWN. REMOVAL. Q3? Alexander HHttridgc has rrmr?rd his place of liutinesa to, the Office latelr occupied by the late Vn. Kitkpatrick. on D. McLeran'a vrbarf, r.rt itrrct.: t Wilminntoo.N.C 19th April, 1315. 2 p. - FOR SALE, ' SOOlialcsCotion, , " k , 50 hhds. Tobccco, 500 barrels Flour, 5 ton Iron, (fit far waggon tire) 100,000 ft. Lumber, boards k scantling, 8,000 bushels Lircrpool Salt, ' 10 tons I,og-ood, 50 tubs Srecl. AJ.IVZ'r IIATTRIDGE, IX McLcranV 'uart; Oran-e air-xt. April roih. 1815. 5 I cfntnlrt IHtM It not tT3i ??c ; t-u aoisc; An rjr atene of uninry jo . 1 Tc In rait I trusted, tthat the flwin DawU Wontd b&nisb Sorrov, and en!rpe tSc SduI, To ilie l-Ue Revel, and pro?r vctcd Ft WiU Dreamt stkcctikd, anrl disonkrrU itct 1 And as at darn of morn f4? U'.aoa4 tifU Broke tliro llie Fumes an t lItaa'xns el its What had beta said, I aaVd rnjrSoul, tvliat done ? ' 1 llaw flowM our Mirth, ari chence tlie Saurce brjpm? ! Ferbaps the je?.t that cajrtnU tbo apri?!itly f.fd matle the jot itl TJk lau-'i sa loud. To iome fMlseNotion ow'd iu poor Pretence. To anrnliguous Vcrdi ptrrcnei ScnsJ, To a tUc Hjonit; er a ronton Air, -entire tr A Ti turc to Ui o Jt IVv, Perhaps, alaa! tLe pleasing 3in-."nivai fcro't Fro ji. this Manfj Crror, t'm.t anoiher'a 1auit ; rrcmTonks rhich Geod:3at.tre vou!tjforj;-t, Anl IVudercs raention vih the ;t ap-st. Ad2 jre UTinunbcred Iil', tint . lb tirwtcn I.i the pernicioua privtfit If e Vonf oUccne, Or harsh, vhich, or.ee claoott, wusteer fly:" li rcvocnue j tactuo prompt ll?p!y, Seed of tcrere Uistn; I the Aoiitrecl 7IeraW13i f "4ii;iilfIerseWoifafe Tlie-Marqui'jiCweedeVMns?!;1 querade. Amidst5 the many-- masks j .ancingm; characteV,r;icommCT 1 Noble Lord's Hospitable Hoitsem I Ps i this city, the ' fblloiving' waV thetrmbst J Chandejiersihej whoIeV coni -tr--remnrkable ' i rv ; I eluded by a Promenade 10 masb tKm C v - - d - ' v vV Mrs. 1 General "De:Rottenburjrvan Lth.ft greets ;to the wonder :of thex mt-rsstinc: Squaw hen masked : at I .'nqusmqus peasant, rs be. came to OUDOer When thft fair rnvmlrri thir I uiarKtT. charms, her bcautjy was conspicuous and shone forth' unrivalkd in spHe bl i - 1 .... . savage costume, v.'incn m vain at tempted to hide the Symmetry of her Person . Mrs. Gplone 1 31 iifray en-. livened . die motki Groups by a dis play of various talent, in. several cha racters nil. of which were supported with spirit. ; Her Agnes ad mirabte: and was rendered- more interestinc: stili by her -sonr, acccrapanit d bi the. pkasicg rounds of die tink ling Guitar-p-Mrp. Jtfdge iReid a good soldier's wifej-Mrs. IDawson; iOOth regU a. lovely CqlumEine Mrs. aMaior - Clerk an interestincr AuRiistin nun pretty 'From the Bcstcn Dai Advertiser, ? WILLIAM C0i3BErXY To those who are acqiiainteH with the.. history of Villicni Cobbett, it must be apparent thnitK?s pen has al.. ways Seen r.t the serf rce'oi the high -est-bidder, that to clonk 1 is venality he has consti jitly raised an aflfectecl yield7' aboxit tie hirtligf-presses, .' and thst: With thr most unMushin- eltronterjr ; he invariably lassns vfrhat- ' ever he believes wilt best subserve the designs of ii's jipioytrs, without ; the least regard' to" vercciiv. Oar de mocrats r insist- uror the? - flcwer girl Airs. Major J Martin an. I correctreos 01 his politics and th Miss Sutherland n 1 trurn.ct liis ass ccurtrv., lass Miss -Ma- W cr rctau ;ms Tibajrv r.ct pro- ?everation. i'liftvde- ..wi ,J- juviiin peasant, tiri---iirs 1 i"'6k Ma VHi"llJ - wiiscs, . .nd i V" a picaog-4-iora iurs. xJcjor i ...-;'" tf.- il l " J " "i"-1 c sr-ci nis saaeiiyt oc Vtt V7B Should hi:n !,a.i : , vv auare a i:owr mrj Mrs. JLanjro ITnhrvprV Man ! vhoni rrn. ,W t, ... ' ?3 -Dc8S 01 ?ipminlCk Miss. - Marshal's Sales. W A Pnnrr.T wnnir' T-n(!T L,Ubl,. 01 Tuesday the 4rh Inst, a small ULIJ MOROCCO POCKET ROOK, -hich opns tit the end Cm-tf-rnlngCanh Notes to the amount of from thirty to one hundred do::ar. It !5aml It ire To niCrr r.t Iils al:ernte!y f r pge. ; rv... V.io c'.rir.hs alas ! Lqttu il-rrt ; ror sres. That rotlanc!n!. Si )th, severe Diit ase, McmVjr confi M And in'crrj.oied Tl ought. Death's Itarblnsri th Utrnt the raugiit j Ai.d in the VlcvVs that :T.;th tlie rn.-rh!i: Fell Adders lita, anj pols'aw riiatc roi:. 1 ... ; .' . ' v i" u xmu, a nave mace an cx- Lanren a pensive tun of the sam e I trct from hi' pfOaptc'i.s to a' news- orderMicsMaeiaeM'GinivrnfyjPP n wh.h 'lit s : drawn th a New Market ifJoelceV ..of 'feather f ciaracter of the .V. sr. 'dtmotratsi: weight Mrs. liichardsoKa Colcm- The piper y 'eiftitlecT The Pzrcii brio of -ths'jid Tlieatre Ix 'r v; J-" lThefeiiOw in i -the extract. ; tv. .. ; t- .... M;EN."'. "'' 41 Ivin in','. A n-tiyirsi witpecse'dl i; A Vj.lent.n5d Friar Gen. DeHtten- fyyg j.fu'cks of 'reyt;Int?.on ; hxxv burn Lieut CoL! Roberrt-oii pirfsv I ini H'ntchcim.T. ho!: seemed -to b ,'oisv inS solM piety gi v p plai c to ason- lUjJj I tempi (f: religiftqi'TpIin d?Ih 'e?? e vH jchanged i cr ' 1 ,i!t2 rg and 1 faud. qui- In : vprsai cbnAti ence for uciv'e'nul-: siD-reii- plcic?i atU cltttrst . "having, seen n; ?'re-' J ?o?inU-y n:re tile seft c-fpeacei' ;nnd t al j JSf' '"ff!?K'?bThbbdt torn to piece 3 -1 narcl and K"10 hc rrired aa a regard. . ' .. . " . ISAAC ARNOLD. F'U iJttj, 1 5 IS tf Iron sea. - : j- 7 uur'srr'r 'jftto tier v-ur u t. y.. , SSeasKa oiin . 5n .Dll, t SO barrel 5agtr,; Vii 1 tierce and ' 1 . 6 trunks of Mai At VA UW ;JJ Srrrrrit out of place ; nothrap; parti- cnlrr to coinmencl lum- av f aji ;n by faction Hing-d by intriguing j dc- iiiafrcgnes i sfo nyer cesjng hatred r 1 and strifr jjhaviii'r setn a tebnle. 'J nce too fomlof what ;thev call. 'liber--- : I - fiTors' April 20th R." CO j(' LlviTTtzrii j . TOR SA1 xrTTr The ship FiELi., 5fS?f?' burthen rbout 240 Ar 1j jh LLut 25C0 htrrcUfVnd may be 1 fatted at rrnil eaprire. A few thousand barrt Isof T.ir and Turpentinrin i'rjrIrjf .-rd-r. ArPb to HANJ'jX KllU.V S-. CO- Fcbruary 23 if M-5'fsr.bcMTr littleliclot' ?bS -iMif..ncat end i decen ,T7Vv C.TIVJ li.i'lij t. f markablc fiom liarinfj thehridec of m nose broken to! nearly a lcrcl with hi j face. The above reward nil: be given to whoever will apprehend and lodpje in Jail the said Runaway so that he my tc recoyercd and at the same time prove to conviction any white person who has hafbvur;d or attempted to take him nny or 2.1 dollars will be given to whoever will lodge the same in the Jail in this town and ail icasona- Por Liverpool or Hull (Knrj.) lbie cxpencespid. take prcizht THE Ship DR-- PER, , Master, burthen 23J tons, daily expected to-"ar-rivc fromXew-York will to cither of the above places (Liverpool preferred.) For further paiticulars, or passage, ap ply ,0 ALEX. H ATTRIDGE. jfLSO To Rent on very reasonable terms that veil known Ware-House or Wharf, ppositc the Market V harf, west side cf the River Cape-Fear, belonging to the Estate of Wm. McXennan deev . . A. H ATTRIDGE. ; .Banks of Cape-Fear and i ' Newbcrn. "THE President and Directors of the Banks of Cape-Fear, and New ibern hereby give notice that Book . will be opened for rccri ving Subscnp . wmn towards an increase of the Capi tol Stock of the said Banks re? pec Vwelyat the Citv of Raleigh, the TWs of Wilmington. Fayetteville, Kdenton,Hahfax, Ii:Us- borough, Washington; Warrenton, Salisbur Tarhorcugh, Morg-.mton, . rittsborougb', Salem. Rutherford ton, ' PIvmouth, Murfreesborough and 1 Gfeensborough, and in Nash Conn f y , on Thursday the 25th. of May next mmmissioneis to be hereaf- VftWM - - - . MUEL ASHE, JanV. April 20th, IS 14 3w. NEW CORN, For Sale by . JOHN F. BURG WIX, & CO. March 23, f!S15. J. iRraselman, SlTJt G OJmD,TIST; (Late Pupil to 15. T. Longbotliom, of Charles ton, S. C.) INFORMS the Ladies and Gentle men of , Wilmington and its environs, he may be consulted in the line of. his profession at; the house of Mr. Dick, where those ideslrous cf his services are requested to communicate the same to him personally or by written mes sage, and 2.s his stay will be very limi ted, he hopes none will unnecessarily j 1 .1. : . Qciay linn JiJicnuuiJ. 9 ' Notice. (" THE persons who composed the late Wilmington Volunteer Company, are requested to leave their Guns and Bayonets at- Mr. Rr Rankins Store. It is enpected they will be returned in good order; . - By order of the Colonel. THO'S CALLENDER. March 22, 1815. dress and ft sure very beconnnl Tke Case or RACIIEi; BAICIIR. I!7d 'Tv7 T.ff nm the ga- zingiair; lowaras mnrr.mg ne be came a sitting magistrate for the r.ight before whom all vagrants Were brought up: for judgment, Wit, me riment and repartee being -so.com- -fnn-ives is r'"??,v m th r.p the Col. the lectin t-n .!,'H--V "T'H not If '.!r prised at the ef- it'c.t ol on i lvn ncter A Dev;i by IMajcr Winchofs, his Tail more re- This moral- phenomenon still rt trcts attention, and is uncutst?ona bly ths grtnt't curiosity ol tl.c knd the T.Z2 nrodiics i. Tl.at diere ir. ... . v. ro irJ'P n rv ri' But vrrity requires, r.nd curiosity de r.ands, that more should be 'known of her t:j.io h tra::3pi;-ed. She is j nstoc;! brcs at ihdir command, endiavor- "if - - ,V.. ' ! m ; to--I bring dowi on, my nrtive couiitrv tne verv fame cptrcies-6i cs Umityacii cisrace. : " Nbtwal . .'t-mdins: the ?smi!e of Am eric ample r and tlx niri- Vi'e?' ul es- Franct, I hnd"the' eihica- rusot voe rcpublrnn. ircTioti (ior sucn. really is tt preaching far natecisia and inficleUty, sHM "bawling 1. . ; 1 ' a 1 J for th: w hi ch ti y v h av c j n a 4 - now shrouded in a veil of caactitv,! r.-lon-n by li-ut. v lioldsmith --A j auu:?r Ky 10 cicnom.a e rc.o:mv Fr.ii which is ot suffered to be ptf.etrattd.j Harlequin by Captain Gold risk, riti- j exer'mg ail thei.-nearious ingemuf Evenr thing nresented to her mind in ther active nor merrv Sir Roger ni .pipping tt fomnoa oi the its somnific state, must nnrtahcV the Coveriy by Cant Saimde iTon, 3ih church and the throne., i hose who ghostly n nr.rc of her f io-js mcdita- tgt- who trcm his knowledge ol t want experience ot v. tions ,- and a correct-atfd sMisiiir-toiv Ua-Jy'De CoverJy, .Udayd her. part 1 ces maviQrujvht I analysis of her mental disorder is for- to perfection in a second character 5 bidden bv her nious and awe-strut:-?: 'her ladysqiphnd a great deal, to sny cuscd attendants.' That she pi'ays and ejx horts lor nearly an hour in her sleep every evening, lsa fact ? but not un til she retires to rcrt : as a certain state of the body is necessary to her mental exercises. Sie understands through the medium cof the' enr ; but whether she retains the power of taste, sm;liand feeling, we have to 1 learn perhaps the new hook will" satisfy u iur her-iji and abounded in the ge neral abuse ofjhcr female acquaint ances -Major fun er, a good-lcok-inn house mmd, m-.sny seemed desir ous of her services Major Frobish er, an excellent 'portrait of a Canadian peasant -Mr. jAnldjo, a burlesque on a Hussar ; his costume laughable, but was a - bad representation o the character win op ne did not appear to on the r-ninfc. hp qn.-r'-a as though ' understand p uennis uuigruaaerv she addressed an audience in a stand- j by Maj Robinson, truly characteristic Peter Cadir, :. jtl V IIJ UUliUC inai wiu mw 1 . - , . . - , . next month leave this place lor Dalu-j - -f , ,. - 1 ; tcr appointed, whose names will be published.) Such parfof the stock, - as roav remain unsubscribed for on : f the 4th day of Julj next, will be sold and disposed of by the Presidei.'tsand Directors of said Banks respectively at an advanced price hereafter, to be fixed and made known. R. BRADLEY, Cmhter cfthe : Bank pf.Ccpe-Fear . ' , . M. C STEPHENS, Cashier cf I ; the Bank cf Xeivbertu ApniO, lSH.tf. inore. whence he intends going to France. He requests those indebted to him to scttle up immediately, and those to vf horn he may be indebted to bring jn their accounts for settlement. April 20, 1315. Administration Notice. ALL '-perrons having legal demands against the estate of Benjamin G." Wal ker, are requested to present them for liquidation ; and those who are indebt ed to his estate, will ma; payment. John Julius Gause, Idm'r. V February 16, 1815 tff mg posture, and yet sh; mentions her being in bed. She disapproves, of female teaching when awake, but glories in it while asleep.- She con siders her situation hs a misfortune in her ordinary discourse, but blesses God for the unspeakable gift in her sleeping homilies. . These singular and somewhat contradictory proper ties cannot be easily reconciled to my understanding, jedical and literary men should endeavor to elicit, analvse and describe die operations and facul- ly apart from her teligious ideas and exercises, until a run ana accurate examination (and cross-examination) is obtained, the public will not be sat isfied. Something is due to the ra tional -anxiety of the intelligent and serous inquirer. Withouradroitting an idea of levity or, wish to pain the feelings of theolemn and devout, a more liberal and expanded develope ment of, the symptoms, effects and characteristics of this astonishing case, (is desirable, practicable, and ought to .be furnished. CEPHAS. of Hibernian Rusticity ; this was a very good mask a good jack' Tar by Commissary Gen. CLirk- Major Martin, an Irishman all over, even to his buttans which were made ot potatoes LtJ Coloqel a tall farmer's daughter M.ijor ' D'Arcy a j good country Bumpkin -Mr. Radigcr a romping codntry Girl--A Game Cock bv Mr Mozam,, who coidd do every th'mg but crow -A perfect ly characteristic News Man by -Lieut Stevenson ; a Clown by the same a fair representative of Grimaldi- Col. Baron iGrant, a wounded Ser geant of M ill tia DrAVarripg a good Jean Baptist! and vicing v.kh Major Frobisher for Preeminence. Several otper good characters were represented put whose namesi we have not, learned J amidst "others- aver' good Yorkshire man. .The princi pal room jinj Masquerade, displayed character, nature and taste which the brush of artist so justlly pourtrayed. At one o'clock the company unmas ked,' and proceeded to supper ; where all the delicacies and and arts of the first JMaiue de, cuisine were raid out tempts a these conseduen- kricvy-, be ex- i 10m con ivig, at t!ec;e ft- but. for me, who h 'vt seen acts passed hyfa .republican 1; islitvro more j fraud uent tnan fnir'ery -cr coining; -'for nje, who h'fcye, sen . republican! ofBcevs of state ' off: ring their ccunt'T for sale tor-a f -w ti'ou snnds of dolUfs ; forane, who have seen republican juds become f.l lons, and Ijeloiis, beeomo republic m judges 'i' for me to t'M my . handa. and tamely listen to the insn? ;iit en logists of repuitican ' governments- and rulers, would be. u shamtful aban donment ot prr-ciplts, a clacardlv' desertion ci duty," &c. ; These are the sentiments of Cob bett, whosf authority is so much res pected by American democrats. , The Belfast Nl". -srlL'ttr, under the, head of 44 Giagow-JVl d re:5. Jan.! f3, says 44 Cotton1 has tremcly flat. i Th: or.Iv notice was that of 3$0 ))ogs uambucco at 2 s & Gd to 2s t ecn ex- wortn of Pcr- Sd. ' 1 'A German newspar;er in estimating the loss. of lives, occasione.'j( by Bo naparte's different cariipaigns, makesi a grand total of five milii'pns eightf hundred thousand in ten years. Fresh Garden Seeds. A smalt EuppIy X)f the fallowing1 Reeds just re ceivedand for?Sale at the Hnotc Sore, viz : ScarUt, Purple ane White Turnip Ra- i dish -Onion Red and Vhitt: KatlyV Diitch Turnip, Cvirjed Lettuce, Early and. Long Green - Cucumber, Biih Sq'jash, Summer Savory, Red nd Blood Beet,t i5artnips and ' Oracge and 1 Yellow Carrot , V I . ir -7