m Y : . ' r , ' . ) ..- , - 1 1 1 1 1 . f: FmnYthe XUWrxrc Telegraph - vv Jfr. MONROE If anv in as - J.td forth ofRce of president Wither man Jft tliVU-SuVtrs M-ddiiis o'flicial functions, in .alt f?9iust a$v7.cUquAljned'for ;tn isittjbbssailor. as he is for eovernor of ' Virginia, and; as well 'qualified; for from nor as he is -Tor - secretary; " of , state, and as well qualified1 fnr.!ecre . ftaryot state as lie is;tpr secretaryoi rvrar JIndiHtf rent it-. appears" tn"h?m ; what clucc hcVfiUH' and; re ?iviD ,1m ? ard'a. . corjcciarriL iKat' -iu-hts raulti- tuaaoirapno;Titmtnt; nc ncvcr-oocc j ctgnuv ot. .it is enough lor purpo?i ;tt-t i tis. an "office: tand he run t'rsiueul if an bpialonsrony be ; fF' tb:,vrictvof w n . a np om u u , : yv -. . . Tr:,; i . V ne rms uispjaytci , ms omcus, nc is lust inpuut oi mc prrvious mquxry, vent I thtr ,hetic?y ; duties ofvhfs ' office 'vAth JioiVor i d till m - r .sc;iH5'io uiuiK nat :ine appomzmeni cf itself 'qualifies him" to pei tbrm its , approbate duties. .y-'J '. , : From the Bastan, Gazette: v i I ctimtance that IVIonrbe is again pla t ced in the line of the succession,in : , die Way of his ,dutit.it is very ; Kppv j rent that the idea that the hereditary (rihtto the crown belongs to the bl'l . Dominion,, is not yet given np. It is true, the heir, apparent has bet n for some tinic tinder :r clouds -his bril- . Hint milltan nenius received, a mo- V tnentary eclipse at tht siege und cop I ture cftke Capitol . b ut 'no tht can elfectuaUy and ' finftlly ; obstute such flu!gcnce; : It is pcriecdy clear ihat ' tewa born to r?: we have , no S doubt that his '-jnothtr longed for a L crjoyn, or a sceptTe Whether she d ornot, he longs Tor,; both; and VV. he -must hiive. .-.Besides who V! N oubt his "qualifications I Has ha ttK' Vjnwrn. hv actual Droof. cot aircX- - t u 2 ' that h TlaAvcry bnt iwf ?r - : the crown? ivSirh-had . ' capacity tor that r jfd Um"V manner of omces,anau. v ner of courses (exceptjth - 'Smesthe purest of any man that has Crel in modern time's to D ryden's : A fflJUi SO vajlwus, mat 11c iwui u w ' J 4 StifHii opiicr., alwiy s in the wrong j . - vs eVrythinj by starts, and nothing" lon i , " Tjut ir We of revolring moon " " Wehemis:, Sadler, statesman, and buIiW " A PROOF-LIE" I Dean Swirrtn his treatise" upon The - Art of Political Lying," enu xnerates the various species of lies, and. says,; - t" ... - " ' . "A pro? tit, i V&eaprorf charge for a piece of ordnance, to tr- a sta.id- . Nov this is-just th- sort of lie that t.-. it in circulation, from the ; 1 U-.o,?-niiTirtfr l that IS, d thi brnts are m this war :-r thouffli this is roundly asserted ves . ... nTftte-and lronuuent- , " iasinu.-.ted in Ihe PrwidentV:Me.. it W fairly . entitled to be c !asd. amroC the p,an of St. Ptnck s crojf lies. . .If you take the late Treaty in one i.,M7cl the Declaniuon of VVar. n the fdicr, and request any Democrat to shew that what we-demanded m the one U conceded in ..11 ,-tnil candidly admit that Ma- w'.ii in Hrtnil caaaiQiy dUon hanot gained the pent res- pectins the ' Orders xn Councl be . ;Luse the British have not rpade res . nor remuneration tor her cap- " 1 ...nor the noint --. spectin blockades-fot Aew i to ; , word, said about them si nrp unaer uicu , --. 1 . I. ': Mi, Admiral Cocnrant's f J-aper j: ': blockade of pur whole coast j-nor ', I'le Point :rpecti..5 Impressment- t unxtf iierf neunrr i lor our oo, t4" 1. u 11 ' IU 1 - iL .ml from British hell somen nyi -r - , ,iw: r ,TVl,,,. Tlius he wili.aamit 'til . lHlUliak.v . ' .4 . VT, been defeated at ever). ,n V nd at he K made i. poini, a "about ta leave V1U j iit ;t hiii voice to a ch- . " trained I - - , ' v . fUt; ' Li. f tKU -couatrv possess , , -tne.r ? ,; tm f-e.A that -the v proof r ..ti i k w him to destruction ; ' SoSg less than a prool fc 'ennoof 'Mrue meri. , . ' '::' &rtfn-Capt. Sousa. of thcSpan- V: uh . .,' - - w ... . - ' . i iirius icaron .mc ii,tn ot linrcnf brought to by a schooner under En- gn s n coiors, w no , ora erea ; ni m to s'rnd hit;' boat bnj board ..which he complied' with. After the boat's crrvr .'with.' the 'mate .'had reached; the schooner, they ' hauled -.dowh' their English 'colors and hoistcd'Carthae ni'an. . 1 1 wai then;"" discovered thev were '& ang of. pirates. y.Their. crew consisting of about 40, were a miicr ture ox jaii nations, some rortugue.se and Americans,: but the greater nom ber yerc Frenchman. r They' detain ' ed- the mate of the ship arid all hanias on 'board of the. schooner and' man- Eedher-b)atVith'a number, of . arm-. ;d men; boarded the ship .and, ,rpb- Hjed h"'f of cables, all the. spare sdiis anvi igging an ancnor, a pipe '.01 wine; seyeSi trunks of ; clothing,' all the bed! aid bedding,, every chart on board the ship, three quadrahts,,an'd in short tvery articleltlVey coiddi lay their hands 6u When to the schooner with their bob ty,r the mate ot the ship discovered "they had taken,' his trunk ; -among the resti : He 'irmonstfatedW pus loss t : would vbeV Jto him f if they kept it 1 p9nwhich ae? captain :ot the sch. a Jfenchman exclaimed oh, lsait''Mr. Mate mefopwant to distress you, and gave him bis trunk, which was put into tly boat jarid or dered pilVbut ori opening it after he had joi onboard of ;his "pwn ship, he found it had been riffedtorall its con- tentc. :" - ..... : . . , ' - : British Navy Cptarnt- killed during ; t tlm War . Capt. Lambert ofthe Java, Capt. Peake,' - V-r . FcacockY Capt.' Blygh, 1 Boxe, StrPeter Parker, - 'IMenelaus, Capi. Patterson, V ox, Capt. Lumley, Ia'cissus, Lady Pi'ovcst' Capt Fiunis, , Capt. - Downi e, Con nance, Capt: British Maior- . v IVlajor-GetrnlTT, a3jur-vejieraiAjiou3, ' ' jLTAaiur-vjenerai jvcauc, General Gray. v . From the New .York Evenlnr Post. Frrr Trade and Sailor's Rights.-- Two cartels have arnvedxnere within a day or two from Bermuda, with about 890 American nrisoners. As the fortune of war had 'made tenants of prison ships, have returned home destitute botlt bt money ana cioioing Licnt',naRt:G.nen.l Jlislo,.,- ?? Sr "I" ! sentenced to an iraprisoWt hftrfc . 1 t ' I ' . liiir public - .siixu! lite adupaou 01 j j. , - x :, ;-; JMaiorTGcneml Brock,,.,; Tt Lti - 'Uve to thirty days, accord wig to the Notwithstanding .we have been at! Agriculture, " Man ufactufe6, Reve peace 2 months, yet, to the everlast; nuesi &c. of the United :Statesby ing disgrace 01 mqucuciai vuvtur ment, no steps have been taken to pro- vide for those brave fellows who have been fighting the batdus of the coun- try. ,iney have been now turneua- shore-to' beg a meal and a shniiug to nrocure a uicht's lodging. Several of them have thrown themselves upon the Aims-House ; and the Corpora tion much to their praise have, appro priated a , sum ot money to render them comfortable until they can pro Cure funds from their friends ia the countrjjt to carry thfcm home; , ' A D&MOCUATIC JUDGfi ; iVaifuttgtonl 'JJts. Aarch 7, Tud; Sa "Warrant of the Republican in the door. of,. office ; and being brought before " the iustice who issued tlie warrant; refit- sea to enter into recognizance iur appearance atcOart (the justice not ' . ' . ...1.1.. r mm requiring security) ; while a mitti- raus was making, to commit him to orison - he -withdrew from' the court house, and was louoweu anu laiteu into custody by the; deputy sheriff. He then issued a h'ebeas corpus for himselfl returnable before the -lioh. Judge Leake," autf'left town on Sun day morning in custody of an officer for the residence of that Judge,' in Ciaiborne county jafter giving bond and security "to the sheriff, jthat he would not escape. Since which we have no account of him. ' : 1 Charleston,; April "20. IRON SIDES" .WE HOP; S.FE. FROM BERMUDA. ! The British shij? Alexander Buchz axrnnJ Capt. . L attimeu, from4 Ber muda arrived here yesterday, but haj not furnished anv'infofination of mo- mcut, except ihc recapture ofthe Le vant y the particulars' relating. to .which she does not bring, ?as the Le vant was just entering Bermuda as she came out. The Passengers, however, inform that thc Cmititulioti, was in the act of removing the prisoners 1 from her prize, when the British squadron, consisting of the Newcastle, Leandcrj aid Acaslay hove in sight, and that Judge Poladttavwa.an-csted oil turday last, J , onth 1 erritomi) for an assault on the; rtiitor ufBn she ImiriedlattTrse 'all sa!lVromi them ': trTerf:i xhereTore. Cno doubt (as was belfevi'd.0n board hc JLevayt) but that' the: gallant -Coniiituthnl -is1 " w CaptL. brought no parjers. 'There had been no arrivalVIjcipadaTijom cngianc-. since inciurc . v01 "f ltcr "prize to-atrican' privauer.All die Amencanxprrsbaels had left Ber- 111 UU4 lUi OC'i Wi,J Extract of i letter to the 'fcditors .of theiHudi 4 more Atucrjciu, uateu uuigi.'ji am i1 derstdd that'they ment. Uur navy y. in its ciyU Well acter.' i?' drying, ri- J asmilitary. . character round if.aa increase ol attract'wns and. splendor ;., VOICE, OF KENTUCm -"The Kentuclrv, Gazette fe, lead No pxj2cA had Iaiely :becn;eitr in .9 but several re&ptufcil vssels hiicl ar-rived-bne Uiershin City of Limerick; y Commoddfe;.Rgers:andp the jlaDock-j toins Torfcr and haverved t dvli and cTiminaC were de'cldcd Durmr thri term'rand IbW number tha navy, .board, o which they ton- . v - ' J tntft tne fcommrsWone EWii'fiVEsqft Iaeir ToEaw of.coastderablft emaienceiV1 lhe:ta Superior fIon PPWIaggrgate of F.orty, :an Of, Vhich we bca'rssome resemblance to the;Brmsh ; . - : v ' - j . 5 1' haye reason.to, believe may be tried at admiralty .bord, and its Secretary, j , . - , . . . 3 . - w -. -M;:.r.Vrr mWmh-r of rriiath? eQober.rrerm, with a very t i, .,. ' inc: democratic napr in .ttit btate;trom all ; the .OfiiaJrsof. the Court contains the" following pofitbal opin- ions t-v ' ;.A " The tcace which has bbeo eluded between this countrjianrl the British; government, gives j rise;td I j raucn speculation ana aiscusspn.wuu-f our noliticians. and almost v it iptt; eve- in ihiS SCO ry description of persons in this sec tion 'of the United States j ; . I peace, or o!)tained to pmous, monieiit if un Ty.Vtr p 'win '"lint lAt twii moment . or',.the ; tnice, to Uctimote efficient and independent tnen0rCon- efficient and indep 'tKeTnelm than they nbw:-have-tleri will the present peace bp turned into the greatest good that, ever hayencf tQ""Uie' '.-American .people, , the Inde pendence oniy excepted.,, In this week's Mirror will be fotiq; nropbsals for, publishing by subsCTip- tion, a lreuiibc oa mc tpminerce, tuie non. mr. jritKin one 01 me j members of Congress from this State, j ve Vd.e Vrent" pleasure in announcing j tn',s work. to the public. Having had an opportunity to examine the; man- UScripu we have no hesitation in say- j n that we esteem it'amooer' the ra)St valuable of ourliterarV pidduc- tious.f t a he laoour oestovved upon it by die Author, has been very great ; and the information whicli it contains is not only highly imporWnV but . hasv been drawn from the most authentic sdtirces. 1 The book, which we think will prove of standard merit; will be of great use to the merchant, and -the politician, and, indeed, to every per son Vho j feels solicitous to become acqdaintetl with the strength and re sources of die nation. -VCoiU Mirror FpifLiyerpool, Ship RICHMONDj : Stephen Smith, cHSter, will sail in about 15 days for freight of 250 bales 0f cotton, or passage (having good accomaioT j dtions) apply JJJ April 27, 1815 tf , Fiv Dollars Reward. RUNAWAY from the Subscriber abo"tTTneL weehs since a negro wench n&meJ DOLLY. She carried with her a young child at the breast; She for, merly belonged to the estate of George Merrick, and U so well koowa, ai not to need any further description. jThe above reward will tie given to whoever will, deliver the satd ruuaway to Mrv William Mitchell ia town, or lodge her in; i ail, and all' reasonafclei expehces paid. S.SPRINGS: April 27-3 lr? . TTTTTTHM 'v ' tA PERSON capable of teaching the English language grammatically, wii ting,, arithmetic, alad ma'Kematics, would bs glad of encouragement to Teach yputhr in any p Art of thff State, that wpuld afford him a moderate saj I- .1 ., . , r ,... 1 , .'a . - I v a nr. .j - ::. .... . ... . tii 1 Aprj27 3t - . 1 i , AT THp BOOK-STO R K w 6ja,t receired a small addition oi Sclipol Books add Stationary; i f ml , .-iSilmfnstori TftfmpAYta-jT2r, 1815 -r ; -1 tt: - ,"v". V THE SUPERIOR COURT jbor rsew-Hanoycr County,1 was opened early on ' Monday the inii-instanl : bei -lore me non.. JJ.ucraiv j Juryof which Hanson Kelly, Eso. was Foreman." :Hts Honor lthen nroceeded - ' 1 ' -v ."..- J The Equity Dock- Pockets . of -l New-Hanover Court are now reduced to an srnalr ponjoa 1 of labour and attention and without artyof 'the privations," to wnicn j uage v,amqr.on voluntarily sno- jected himself for the 'dispatch of-bu- ivrVri-, ! ' j . y amess,' ,vv a ice pleasure in noticing ine warra comfncruianaDS, ;wnicn now r r ' - , i j4 .y.M' - .,.,0 - fhen speaking "of MthepjWgeand:in nnnmv.int? thft; nnirprsal "sntiifsrtinn. announcing the universal satisfaction, which his able, independent and ' fabo nbus . discharge, of the duties of , his umuc, naa piuuuccu m mcyuwuo mind. ' . - "(CcWvit -On tVi. lnt Afli. rmZ VUt anaatey be tWeetr soine oftbet ThViifree ; of ' each. r&t of the lioters dispersed and all yio-j Menaub' -H- H JEj&rrOyV -The Petersburg Republican speaks with teitib'e wrath of the'daricr that MRndoIph will Eucceed against Mr: Eppes and calls on the patriotism Of Cumberland county from the infamous disgrace- we would say,. ofbeing represented irt Congress by a .Scholar and a Gentleman; a ud, what is still more rare an independent ls?9i. tician. .. : v f . Mr, Randjlph had a majority of g 3 votes, and this county which remains to be heard from, it is supposed will be nearly eqmllv di vid-jd between, t!e two canJidate3. , . 'The Hon. T. Pitkin offers to the public a Literary Work the Proposals for publishing: which will be'readln this days paper. We ran no ha?afd in predicting that it will be a most va- luable addition to every Merchant5il ,h." vl causes, ana . tmrjngA.ine wWe session; be displayed great -per. severance dridt disdnfrui&hetl ali.Iitv. I one's 'offefite The Lawyer's and Politician Librarv. Wcwen tj,e United ? States and Great observe that Editors of different politV nn",n ''c oy , van . . J om loans,! and issuesjci treasury notes f cal sentiments, concur in recommend ing to patronage this work. MARRIED, On Thursday Evening lastv by the ' ltev Jesse Jennuti,! Mr. Edward U thank, to,Miss Aifr Eliza EwxNC, allof this town i - , i : w DPBD, at Sqalthville, on . Thursday list, , in the 50th year of his age, Jambs Taylor, Esq. late ot the United States JVavy. ..... " POR 3 OF WlLMWGYO Jf, JZJL Arrived1, .tftfeC. Ship Planet, Mitchell,! Uverpooli (S ) , "Richard & Afararet Banker, Rich mond, (Vir.) ! i Schr Polly, Bangj frm Dostonji Columbia- Granger Providence. Lucy, Smith, Bastorr.. Nine Sisters, BaKer, Boston. . . Folly & Uliza, litler.Sdo. - ... 'j iteffiilator, Emeu, do. Sloop Henry' Rinsr "gart, li-'timore I Traveller,1 Crane, New-'lfork. "J, Cleared, J ' ;-.t ShipSusan, Rrfling,- for Cork, (t.) , Amanda, Ross, for B iltirrrure?., p i Schr Thfee Sisters, Cook, for Boston. V-- Tru Republican, Jaryis, jCharlesUin. : -1 ;IndasUy, 4aOMr, Iiirtihi4iie, f. . - Thorn, Urouks, tCbarlestort.; j T . Speedwell, Snovv," Boston. "'Sloop Heiry;Bungi Hkg-art, Edenton; " .'if Agricultural tfoticc. i S ON Tuesdaythej jth day of May het a regular meeting of the Cape Fear A gricQltuVal Society will be held at ' . .-" ' ! in the Town of Wilmington:;", Members are requested m attend precisely at 10 o'clock , of that'dayj as there is business of impor tance to the institution to engross their attention. .K :Y- f v -r ALEX'k MOORE 'April 27-2wC , f President. NU15S TQiSNAGB trrciTRir-STATfiS s r V-vtanvfacture 'tf tl'r:totqnif9 ; p fcw flfjrrye nfMepmesrntativettfthA. r- U: States Jroni the Utati of Connecticut. TpE review of the Trade, Agricul . Cure,; and Manufactures c; the ; Colo '': knie, will. contain nn account, of their' V Exports and lxppoTts at dhTerentr peri -oBs and theamount of Tonnage erh7 v ployed in the . Colonial J trade, with a. brief account of the different; kinds of ' Manuf actures carried on,r . preTiotis tovjr hie Revolutionary War. and a eutnma- ' ' ry of mc of the princip&I Acts of the The;view ofthe Commerce of the Accomptinied with iiunierour'itbles, lllusU'A. - r'; TVi tiV-eof'the enel prlnciplci and . xl V." 4 3 member outhe Hirnte of Jfefiresentativet pfthx '. f oriiisii vruoeat, raiating ana res;,; . tncting jheVXade andv; Manufactures '1 ' ; otth'e floms;.,- , v & ""1:- v linen, Jiaicat aiiu-iio .ywtctllVH .wll r AgricuUiire an4 Manufactures, and the ; pubhclQ'Jbt Revenue, and; TonnagW : J?-t will be. given, from the pe?ce of' ir83-;" tu in;- i aiai4;, 1 siri,. ana irons . J 789,. an tttirp&jof-ht whole, expence bw; the ejd Ccn??i uuutr noua iieuus, anoo viucu mc -, r. XoHov7io SiWV bJ(thi,princips.S ; . ; 1 . K 1'he Exi.ir t and InVportsas faf i :' of the Reolu Jcrry -Wiii Ihe-airicunt ofp'jlic Debt, aVtl e tlow!;5f tjre War1 V: ' fprthe paymf nvj&f jt. w'"sorae of the . - csuescwhich leti to the ajLlopiion of the .r plion titution. " : ; r- V,: '4thf 17S0 to 13 ?4, ' . account cf' the duantity v,: .ahd Value dt the annufil Export of the - UiiUd HtKlfesv atd 4 of etch State in - - pariiculai, eiHppisbin tbe article of domesierwtti: prbduce.atid man- ; ufaciure, fcomVthafofw foVein. The' value of .arcles of foreign , origin ?k- t" porttdVI befgiyji for eacV yeari and ' for eafch-inafe.'ifom. 1502, with-ati tc United Si 54' as far aspracticbl" The arnodnt ?f,Hrmerrf the prmcipal. - foreicrn ahicles'xaallrconsunied in the' United Ht&teSi at difiVrent periods,-: c .CrTSv baOir"r t, . . I f 7 r ';"s 4;.- Aa account of the trade of the ' , V United States,' with different pktts oi a! :, the world, and comparative View of Vrt toe amount ot their trade'with ch .Haupuj wur. wuoui iney navs any ccn-,4 i ..!i.L ...1 .1 " ' .y-. siderebie commercial intercourse. Abo an ac'coupt'Of their trade to. China, that f West nside rations Relative to Jialance of ,tradei between the tfn iteorStates apd other prts of the world.T " , 5. Ths amount of public Pebt at the coramenementf the present go vern nif-r.t,. the various" provisions made for the furdi:g and payment of itf the- increase or decre-se, of the Debt, at commencement of theIate Wan. the he. with an account cf the expenses of the government at ctinerent periods. , 6... The Revenues of the United States. The. amoun(bf duties collect ed in each State on Iriipprts ?nd Ton- . 1 nage, -with' an recount. o( the Duties laid and colkcitd on pirriculur Articles' imported yhU.o f he amaimtof monies aceruing frcrn tl.e hrrr Direct Tex, and the other In' em Uf is, from he Kales ofpublic Lunds, and Iroin Posrage ' cf Letters ; with an account of the DU reel Tr-xr ifcnd oiher internal duties laci during ih let? War,' between the ' United States ar.d Great-Britain. j 7' The amo-int of the Compierctal Tonnse of .h- United Staves, "at the commencement -f the gO?t rnmcnti ( ana its aunual increase, distinivu"shing the mout employed in foreign , tfadef in the. coasting trade, and in the'Fi"di--vk eriev nd a edtQfp:radve view of Atnef J ' icanTonuagewjth teat of other Nations i 'ThiVjMrprk will be axompunied with nnrnerous"Tafcles, collected, from the bf?st sources, a great .proportiop ol which have never yet been published) Th'' whole b?ng intend' d as an au thenOc collection of facts - apd jJocu j nirntf,-shewing at different pericds, tie Wehh and resources of the Ameri can Nation. " . " . CONDITIONS Thework v.fd b? compfrised in "ai octavo yblume cdfttaftiiifg about 450 pzLjgc., and will' be, printed wh i flu entire -" new type, and on good paper, sud wil,b': delivered in board at Thi ee , Dollars, Vi'ilty . Cents.' ' - 'I 1 ' V' J Subscriptions rece'iMid at thelVihning- v ton Book. Store. , ' . ,n : . Aprd 27, 1815. ' - . k " 4ad the East4iids, including .he SonthSevind the North. Coastuof AmericB, it some cr ; -fj crj- J- copies 01 ; . - - aVS" nAVivnnWM aaittai. loot n-yi - fit f "V t f - A 4y " i J 1 4 1 j S H i ?

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