--- jr . ' . - -rr-- t - ...... - . . . ' - , T. . .. p.. - . . v ' i . . . . . - - - . . k BOARDING. : 'TXIE Subscriber-rcapcctfallf. in forms hit friend afli lhc publia in ge neral, that he has taken that Urge, con- -venicntand tiewlr -fiuhbed. Brick House of Doctor; DsRowetUSirith an IntrnUoQ of" nccominodatlcs Boarders he hopes he vill giTC general latiauc- . lion to these" ho may; think proper to fdtor biro, with Ihtir Company- . .ROBERT DORSET., K. B. Pr irate Parties will be ar comroudated x the shteit notice. - 'March lCth 1315. " ' KOTICS IS hereby :i oflhs decth of Mr. WUlIara Uirhaatvick, late of topi Mercha.i that at NTeinor Trtn.-IGU. ofths Cu-jnty Ccurt of Pleas and Qj-.rtcr Ccsauz2 of the Peron- int'cWcd too. .1 c-t.-AC are na tificd to :r':3 pamtvv.;'J.out d;lar, fTiiJ ihr' nto.r.75;bnis jainit ca;d Estates pru, :Le;a to Sutscr: brr lor li'j; Jction rriihin 2 tirr.e ptc s:ried by an kt of Amiably entitled ""Aiioi ;o a.-rsn j n Ant cniUkd&n Aft r. io:rctf-s proving ot' tjiKs and 'gfia!;j Ic.tera of Adminl'travion and to pvnt iraus in tK riaJng : ri.?nt rvf in.sttcs csta.' s." oiacrwise - th( no:icc .fill he p;ad: in b?r of re Cvcry. ' ; ja v.t:f; h. nn auchox, diur. -tf - - . AmcrictJi Jnrutions. AVARii of 'hi'incbavcnieac,- ouJInv.-ifjrj lu n.i ticiUii.-, srj sub jected ior r. ;:it nf a suitable estab lishment in this fOT,n, fcr the display "avid sale of tcvr ?flai.hmes indlnven tion tii siJbscnb'jr tcndr.'s his arrvics a Ajr.t for rectivin and rxposl:: for saie tJa;?nt Machines 8c uv'jiul mentions .of everv cltrscrip- lion, fur a niod crate comva;33io!i. With this view, hi; hAs O.Ven that commoa:.us Store X 2 Harm's Iia:!dir.-s. fr'.' ar.d from lih Iiu:!dir.3, Ifxttr &'J and from h'n incwird -p cf niech.micr; purjuiu , "d hir. U ::rmiacd ns.d'ittv to pro-tti-Jte l:r rjttren of U-o- wlv may favour hi: with th-:r ccniT:md he xi niitvparc patronage fmoi thocc who supply hosc'wrvi v.aat & Jtipp! of the prcdurVs of Acricsn geiinu. . For th.: t-eitcr accoi.datjon of custemwrj a ccrnplrte a?cr!mMt cf J5ALACS, -xvl be ept for a!e - at tlie ab e3tcre. joiim is. ofa;iegrn. N. B. ViTr.iA of Merchandize atteud'-'J oai ur.:-I,?.nJ I3r.hu;cco of j every iz Set. METALS, lucli as copper, pewr.r, lc-id, car.1 lion Sc. r.'.asuvv.Iy 's.antcd. Boston, J -r e 2f.. Administrution Notice. KOllCIi L herder qiven, thtl Henry Vv'riphr, l ite oi icvr-IIjaovtr County, U desd, and the Suh-.sribvra havr eUtarntd From the Court of ?'t3J and Qtnrur Sections for i.id county at FebruAiy Term JSl.. Istttrc of Ad jnTni?trat:or. on tiid Etate- ruid request O ersor.i imJ :btod tot '.j1 Ej;? to imiile p.""rnenr trithivjt ' uclay, and thoie who hive ckima agair.si the Eb tate will pre;-'it tbiu fcr siUleicr.i within the time prescribed by law, otherwise tkl3 notice '.vtll be plead in G.H0LME3, JaaV. Jt , JO HN CO WAN, 3 AJMSk r: Februarv 23 4f FROM th-jt :ucr;trt Iai rurhU oi Wtant Axwi-d tic auw of AT.e w xU the ra?a trw XT.MAXACS fcci STAMPS For Sale nt the li.ok Store NOTICE. 'On the 10th ult. a Negro fcllov earned calhn fcinvclf oamucl f ett m, was takri up in ikt town and lodged in J -11 as a runaway. ile is about thirty. uve yrars of ae. 6 County of NtwT?ai07er. N. Carolina, the fcuscrU'-'V vob;v.tU letters -of Adn5'iK:ra:xi: tbi rbtc of t!ie i-iJ 1 peafcs alow, nai lare features and thick lip. He had on brotra pinta Iooas,a black waistcoat, a drab colour, ed cnatand blue cotover it. " He lays hc 11 free, bu: dud ri:h him a very ; aupicotia Certificate cf h freedom 2 that he vraa birn nd brought up in Prince Georgta county in Maryland and thu be a carpenter by ttade. .The owner of said runaway ii no:ifii-d to come forward, prove, proper y, pay .. Q'largct and Ue him awy, otbenriae lis .will be sold ca the law rfirccta - . -i For Ssile at tlie Bootstercr, : I ,A small attortment of . iv' Large Xnivet And-Fofki " Desert. do.. ' do. ' . -; Of iter Kni Yes.. Shoemiker'a do. J-' Spqrtsman,a pocket- do.';- " Penknives. Scissors Pint, -: Raxora ol diTerent qualities, c; v v VcrDaorlar. Soapi House 13 rooms Scrubbing Brushes, , ; ' ; f - Hearth do. elegant find conuncnV , ? Cloaths do. 1 V ; Hair . do. , - - 1 Whiaker. do.' . Flir . do. 1 ; . : v; Tcoth - do. arions kinds, " ' Paper, writing end letter, by the rcatn or from 25 cents to 2,50 a quir. ; ; Together or the fcllwixg BOOKS, nin MnrrtinuKn. I Ponn. far Tales, Q-Donntl, Belinda, Patron- ece, Miseionar-, Fit!r:rB IVJGer - niny by- JIada'ns de Sine!, Loyalist, UL.b-jcca, Parent's Asa.stant, Aarn turcr. of Sr S. Greaves, Scott'd Vork, Ecexurth's Talcj, DayidionV Orid, Vasderer, Exile of Erin, Sketches of Chcractsr, CaiUt Rack llert, Sinclair a d. Horter.sie, F&fasr'J Talci, Cotra ger a of G!cr.burnie, Ab'jey of Veyhill; Marrijd Life, Good ,2VL.n of rarxlem 6xu, Vicur of VYUefield, Scraish Cftcfs, Er.tlc orSiberia, Scncf aGc .HuP j Vrial, H arincr 5 Ch: c r:fc!c, L?rd D's. Sxcurjionx UnlrcrU Re ceipt Boc-; Battlscf Lrip-ic, Frcerra im's Monhcr, Chrl.w Tra7e!e, Crirp b'cil'a Virg:n:e, MoorV Vists, Cl.vke'a Nsral History of the U. States, Jrxk 9on on Com:Eerce liemairii of Prince Eugene, Byron 'h Foems, Coopcr't clc. Life of 2Ce!snn, Wcrld before the'Fioo. Conalr, L'l&nagcT.cnt of the Tongue. Bryde of Abydes, Colmn Pueai, Chateaubriand's Travels, 6t!i volume oi Burke's Works, Lifejf Veilington, ForiythcnFmirTreci, Hannah Acre's Knickerbocker IJow-York, Knrpc raent of the Totjuc, Portreit of Bora- pane, esoor: ot Kusis, jTt::2:or. s Letter, Matters or. Whiet, Bennett's j Letters, John Bui! end .hroUijr Io thn, Jewi red Ctar'-.t's ii;z.::ditioh. Moore'ar Hints. ' c Gilpin. Live, Mag-c on tht Atone- Gupin lave, Magec on tht Atonc- tifrnt, Buck' TheokKr.cal DicVonr.r-. Paley's Phiicso-hy, Knon Bdle, Chi- i- :ua! niad?dre3a Locking Glws fofth PiOcs5ora oi IU!iion. Jat's Scrmmis .Simeon Liiurgy, Gilpia'8 Live?, Ad dison's livid 2.13C9, PaJey'sdo. Faber on the Prcphrcic s, VihMjc Svnr.ona Cot tage Etcher. UsdizB niicts Rc, milr Instructor, P.jirn cf Grace, Sa;. tttr:t, oraitii'if .c-turcs, M-scde'aP.-ayei s ' vforkt, Darter tic Cookery, Mivicrof the r.rrxis, Life of 'Horvarc, L;fj cf Washington. Details "cf Gen. 7tcz. K152 nv I'rc-f r j.-s, tVrtcoaa Evidences, 'Burgh's DiTKM, Hki'3 Scrm7n. Fe- l-ra'iirczi reiv. rr.r cn thr timr.t. or.ecri?j;cc, Ca:;s c.Z Ccncicnce, Jtovjre5 Entrclrcf, Forc of Truth, Watli' Fs&!rr.s and-H ir.nf Parkinson's Hymns, Ilippxn'i Hymns, Cam Meet irg Hymn, j AmiiicLn Trooper's Companion, Mi. HU17 Mci.tor, liucr.e's Hand Eoo's, Cmg's J?oid Excrcit;, "Dim Ca vilrr, Element i of War, Artlclc3 oi VVlf. RucIi2n's Dom-ic IsLiclne, Hlack'a Jcturr,, Dxr. rrr on i)i-ord?re of Cattle, C.-nvctaii o Ckzai'lniv. f CrachrVa Tannery. . ' - ems, Shakeran: Works, I t f ?ro:V Botamc Garden, Homer! a Odyasy, Ibe Kivy shaU ncrrivc ihe Jbyvs re . v ' Vl4 ward wilix u t-ccsonable cheprs. tDWAHD HADllAWAT, ConirT.fc.nd'.nj C S. schooner Xonsuch, ilminrj, N". C. April Ttri. BREAD. For SIe a quantity of Ship and Pilot Bread of thd beit quality vrhich the Subscrijer will sell at the lowest nri-1 ces, onippiag: suppuea at Uie shortest notice. Apply to 1 , P. KIRK. Dock Street, npposttc the Pump, 7 March JOtp,. 1815 tf. y K. B. Masters of Vessels and Shippers wishing to have their flour liakcu into Bread can have it doac oa the moat moderate-terms. Tor Sale, . ; ; v , A FORTE IANO ofmostexcel- enttonc, Lnghsh made.' , Apply at thh Grite Febrttsxj 2-tf v . , ' Ror.U2tf:JVirr of Christianity, liafm of Jrncrs -r Jjsc, together vUh the Fenie GiL-ad, Christisa MoitJs, TsylcrVtund rif.ht of taking toll ? th A. .. r- ' i- acre "ranted to iitnwmin Smith by TTvfT' S"' le SUt September S"Tf- -V - lMr2,SCriC Son-5 M,of saH tract conveyed by seid rtitfe' .Bd S.hiPM Alto a tct: of land JTinl. in add w iwte., i3ii,iTc racial, roaers r' Ten Dollars ReyanL m ik En, u a & m m ww mrm eriNaashcet ht 5ia lastsu Jajis j ta Beapia SttA by 2d fsn rw-s cxSesc8 beroed the Sir- fifcf P!- . -..WUlj3e Sold,' At pubUc Auction in vyilmington bn Tuesday ;.tho-secondl day; of Mdy; nexU by virtue of :ar Dced of Trust made to ine, for "thepiirpose th e rein mentioned, by Ben j arain Smith Esq. bearing date" the third dayof July 18 io. . ; " All .that Plantation,, parcel or. tract of Land, situated oo Malary Creek and Cape-Fear River (Brunswick, County) whe reon, th e late Jame s ; R cad forme rly lired including a Saw and 'Grist Millj butting and bounding to the - eastward on said River, to thwcstwarH on lands of said enjzmin Snath, . to the north -rr.rd oi lands claimed by Richard iEa- j frlcc, aid to the - southward on i James ' Siaith'i Benevcnto Plantation contain- ' ig ciSGt hurdred :aAl fifty acres, be the same more fcr ,1 ss, also several i tracts fdjoiiung the skid plantation of jTcnierjl Read agreeabhr to ;the Grants therecfto him so far s?iitiirardly as said Benevfcnto Line and v due west course therefrom and ve3txfardly and north wardly as not to interfere ..with older Grant' containing' eleven hundred acre ht Uj same mere or .less. : ; L WILLIAM B. MEAUES, Trustee. Vilrainjon, March 23d 1 8 15. .Notice. WILlAr. soldi at public . auction, under the tourt-House in Wilmington gn oaturdid&e l.th day of Maync::t7 by virtue' of? deed, of trust to os made River .Known bv the mime of Bcnsvcn-1 jtnerect a.'Tv.ii praise uie sum oi iaiu, ! v. hh i:.tcY&.t ft-oi'SOth'day. of Ivlarch, i,-r .it.: i::-- o rc;crn i j in 15, up to the dzjftt&'-: yiii ' " j sold i;rcS" j . ' W, E-M3r.E3 ? 2 J. R. Londou. V3 be Tv t r-c rzijrc&s. April, 6 l15-r-tdm. wick County N. C. knovn by the name of ELyiDERE-including, all t.e landbccnveyeti by James IIc;;g to Ben- ianim :.mith rMtjnn? 10 iO acres the Morf V Rnsf mil Vorlli rAcf 1 Capo Fear fiver ta the :ia:n road iced in 2; from ihe Irick-hcuss to ViI minst?!. AUj ajl thnt pjantcticn lying. in said Conntyfcnovn by the name of Oil -TON iiicIudiv.g all the lands .scsivcycd by Ri:hard Quince to Ksnjamin Smith by Detd bearing date 23d Jan. 179C contdninby estimation 4000 Scro3 to gether wxi all the Mills, Machines Iz improver jts thereon. Also 6:0 ceres lying in said County on the Norih Vest rier near Belvi- acres gmRted to Benjamin Smith br grunt dated 21st Septa bepterafcer ires as bv crd grant xzlII more ful!r appear- f Ato apices oflxrai In scid connty t - . R mure lEilT snrrO fcrcT5ce 30 a deed from Murr iJcrrs'toi 4 Benjaan Simthbcatrxndatc 24th be-1 ccmocT 1 803, except 4DD seres cm the beck part thereof which has been sold by said Benjamin Smith. wilso a tract tf land lying "in . said county granted to Ucnjamin Smith by 6th November estimation 856 1 ro, contahiin by acres. v Also a tract of lan i in said County toiiiannng oy estimation 640 acres granted to lien jam in Smith, by grant baaring date 27th November 1804. . Also a tract of land ""lying: in s?.Td county containing by estimation .200 -jcres granted to Benjamin Smith bv The foregoing proerty or a much thereof will raise the suniW 621.4 77 ent with hiterest on .jjc sum of S2j398 from 25d day of -Maitb 1S15 up (o me oay 01 sale win bo Uold for c'ash. ' - Wm.B.MEARES, 2 JOHN R,LONDON.5 April 6118 ft Vcr . ty viz, vo p:autationS Jji.g in ! -tfc? rivbiic credit, bymg. du to lirunsui Cnnntv Tv. H.nn Cane-Fear spirits, ciistliisa . witim, inc .vvimicu r: .j, t-v f - I 1 1 M..nVl ' ,rT&.;n ? aTivo.jl?ncc f h. art lavinf" duties 01 "11- I , J ' V 7 . V tion thereif f.ken in deed from Bcnja- t eens!: 3 to duliliers of spirituous h- 11 ' ' ;"- -v- " v ": : min Smiuj to James Smith beating quorfi, passed Dec. CI, fSH, every f .r f ISTlTICF IHf V datc-thtb dayof March, J807J j persfcri W'jo..shli, - after the; 1st Jay of H- Vt' YcttFfk-k f r'V :AsO, , Warv,r515,distimritswitl Thn fclWbglCegroeUi, : George, es,;is KPP&e, Penay, LimU, to Cltrisa rnd' July. 4 or hircaaer to be :oett oy nirxi? co pay '-.;vr.rt "Si .n1!?.; V. - - i 1 j. -4. h a n'l smVitV f i. ' es on application to Owen Aenant; 1 he Ntevc aronovtv or as much f.rc:t:r centra ;3I!qi; rm amrits c js-t p f - . :i - . : f . : -Notice. ". .( prescribed.:- ' -i,; , " " ' '-';;:: ) crd frbhf Mrrl WILL be sold, Tubl&: AucYi6n,.Mpbo Ksh-se proptofS undr the Corn Hcu., in the towfc of f x? - Z ivii,,;n.v . ... ,.u .1,- him to disch.-.rge,an aostfact cl the ;e-( witti .lr- Ji 5Pe mkbv8-.0'- Wilmington, on br.turt.ay Ine ltn day ' . . . ' . . - j;i ,r-r.s,;i'i kUr?. t'-k..VTUI's- i m -v i cf V'vn- KvrVr,. a T - a f vsral acts., of Congress, ubjectipgi JS : yettowj,j blacL, hhushtr-hmiiTi -bij rnit-in- - has ibcrcii rjVooarcd,--a cenv of which,-1 &'T .ne; IS- pPODa&iy MirGn?iti A 7ilr 'r y . . . w! Iwh t; ani7e:fVfbr3 of statecnw W Ordnance Offtoeth Malary DtstrtcU - Charlest6n, March' 0ih, 1815. Public vNbtice is he en to all eisons, (not in actual service) having! in their possession airras,ccciiv trementsor ammunttidri that they: de liver the same to such' officer as may be thelnearest to thenjas arerlierein after scifiedl K A rfasonabte and ne ceisary expenceV of transportation w ill be allowed. .::::p$ss v "' ''-if' T'hose iriiNorth-Caroliha ;..ta nejdem ycred to the Commanding OfBcers at NewbeVniWilmington; Fort JohTislQttf (SniithVillc) of the Military Store KP -Those in SciithCaroliria are tobs de livered to the Commanding Officers,. Fort Wtnyaw, CGedrgetown):FoTt xvia ricn Bfcauicrt)6cAthe,llW Store Keeperav Charleston or Columbia. i Those in Georgia are toJeelivered to the Commanding Xffrcefs, Sunburyj 'Damn Toil Kawkins,' or thift i'MlTitary. Store jKeeperSv Savahnch or: Auguf ta; Further Notice is hereby given -; that ill pcrsocs hain cprgeGf Public Pro perty I as ! aforesaid, Vefasing'toyreport cr unnec2&si W delavine tbe delivery thereof, as hereby dirne'ed, will Ve pro- 1 stcuted fcccormisg to I3w.; - ; - -n. - , -v r t r r A T A T, T -ll5-o-- v : f "T " - :j , , - ' J; Notice is kcreby gieni Til AT agreeably to the act of Con rjrss$ entitled u Vn act to provide ad tiitioiri re venues for defraying .tnt ei- Su- M:d territories thereoiV and by tl'i-.t!, ,. nr. ?tibiect to the limiUtions: in the acprdjro Phv S3 cc'n9 a ml!on en ;suck spi- ei! to bc t)cen ; and thr,t .srely to tUdac bou.-required, prvif cc HQ civ., ,:andot?v r - 1 nisNed to hi.T; by tbs collector, on' Vle- ; 'i::c cone'etcr will also fMmish, on Jcnjjand, blank bonrls, and such other Uanl 'is TiJL -enable the distilbr to comply with tho several provisions of la. A. r.lclNTIHE, j Colkcrfcr the 6-h Coiiecticn j trfci of A. Cart ii iia. Fpbrnary .15, Il5. , ; Notice is hereby ghen THAT by ai art of Congress '-itU tledj " Ah Act io pro vide addition " io venyesfur defray ii g thsespcntci of govratnent, and maiht&iririg the puj lic credit, by duties cr dles atuction, andfoa licenses to retail wines, spiritu ous Jipuors, and foreign merchandise, anopr!.iereas:i.,g the lates of postage," passed 25rd, December, la U, an ad- one hundred per ce-1 auction and an ddi-1 d!t!i ?l duty of turn on sales at lioniduty of fifty per Saturn on HcWTa cet to retailers-are laid, to take effect I fnrr rerformed unt?cr nenalties therein r5?mn;nJa n the 1st day of February, 1SU - 4 a.c UC5rer to present tnem; fcrmably to ivhicJi act that can ifcdiately aod thess indebted ne A fj,?. can irrsrliectfid at thl a - r imooetS on Aoeti sakl i?d!!tHT;aI duty ch iair is to ! oaiO, ' oft Trsitle appKcav ( T wm fcwr-1L. A. XsJKTJBSL-. Cn"!lfrtrrt. fi"k -ti .- VUI T.iXLtCWLlLi February 1815, rill tac notice thai that application is again tope made, and the additional duty required must be paid before the first day of May next. fv' -' ' ' ' NOTICE. ; v-U-v. i or Stolen on the 9ih j instant, a April 20th 1815. 5i v Wintedto Hire, Either by the year or month, a smart ccuve cut, about 13 or 13 years old, for, which liberal wages will be given. tfiMflssaiSSEt I ,,?e on d ta care of the place, withVI a dockt tai), br to years old, about ! a roan ,tock of cattle jdC sii or erea t 14 hands bight Any person delivering j cows c.This place,1 the" neroe&' " said creature to me in this olaefi'sliVj. I and-the -cattls .-will, be -soltf tWt ' receive a liberal compensation and all j scP2r2te as may suit the convenience v - I of ourchnycr v . L APPf to Cae fiflltor. Apra-flf - infortithelnhabnaiitaof.VVjlmjDcnr ;V HIJU Ha iiJlJ IHSl I1C -L.II!lCnaSv"irT" r - v-. mMay,itopaVt4with hjatidroilV Ut .Newnjrp bi'i ahsettt-UlMe thejrefnreryS requests those-tne!d entreats k n necvuur iww ,'.wi-ji.,:, counts. by the latter, end ot hjj -rr FuFiTUJtKpttcr, toJas departuitJ A Ikri vate or !nubl!C .VfaleaM-' Vt VefyH&Iyj ikinmto beinc ih the hotjser.d' to; washing and ,a-ycry; vaiuwie 1 SrnTiClv ia nereby given to the In- i!iiiii;of' the Sixth District of :thfc SaTebtVNortbi.,Carohia?coii$i tne couuiies . jmmm 7..' . ColumouB, wcw'twMu r )low;nd Dup icwnt 'MAKtio can be roromejtd I' yril-18 tintAsiessori, will attend lmmei- f :itr: fru. thcoumose of collecting the.: . T: i VTsfbr the present WAIwrtUr cf Household, 'FurnituTcron -tr.: 'AlfnrnTa interest-' :r- ?. SierWatches. All persons interest ed :af e hereby quired to be prepared tb-'renderC-tOv the said" Asilstant Assesirr .K' -; ors lista of their prcperty . as afbresajd, Jlf ko-reMble to the several atts. ot t.on- r. er the penaityannesett ; - RICHARD PAR RISK, V i Principal Assessor, " vvurauw 1RICH ARD P AR IISH; April IT,' 1315 1 .1. ' Twenty Dollars .RaKAWAY fro A'iat Smithvilkvort tpovK reward itjUc given fur appro. f T -endingtbe"said runn-vay, onoofxfV her havicg been h3b?!ired by ''nWhlto'N whit-'V3V:l peraon, or ten doHars on delivery j to the Subjsrihr, fodffimr her ir Al ether rrcsohab!e experices will a&o pe pain April 10 SAMUEL POTTERS -' tf ' ' V- J -" - , To Rent, r :?W iliat PLANTATION on ihe So'in V lately ccenpied -by ;Mf. Gat!ie. j ne- fence. . Tor terms zinlrXoi : '?A'Lv -i Li KITT V RQPEjSCN February'2Sd.---.tf .-V.' " Copartnership &k$olv&&& Notice 13 vherebyv Giral mC 'ff ,p,.f Jll )f I t,as! Ufr Fi fl-bP delved hr ,, COnTl. AV??' " 5 persoa3 havr c!m agami satd tfg T "tHGUAST wHl"s?iIi caj?rf''";j . , T ForSalc, 11IAT fjOeaHt and hst&hy SvvaiaT coailbrtable House and out-houoeif tip- . ; y ii aaroenwith frcit treevud 3 wp of various kinds, will 3do lea-f 1 sure to the health which its tituabto - f oficrs To a persoiv desiroui of en terW'y 4 idgiptpthe Salt business it furhi?hes an ' : exc Jllentstand for the .erectmn1' : t$ WA Works- The ? will be also W; Wa i t 1 negroes whd;hnve been acctistpmeiM? ifet nn tx it.. -r .1 i - . i to bomade to - w A All A D L7I lill.nl lln W V -0HN WILLXINQS.V- At , C A yrv- jui received on signment and win be sold low.by V - , . V j ' A i. . ,-' : I . e t V 1 . " . . cm i . v- 1