0, j: fir ; - ...... ..f '-.i -. .- s m k'-:'' - . -- '.: . ,t -. - - : " - , ' ;''rY".'. ' V ! TV .: .c c. i. cxo , , : , ;. T1.,t t-..;, f,. ' " . -: t ' i i- . 1 ' " ' , ',. . , . tr - --..J t ! i i l.flc t t t'Tr.i (Tt-u " - -cr -iwhvecc.V.-..; : -crsv. il-et; , . f ; . . .,A u ., r -. , o4. r. ?.-U -- ' . ' V4' hre rvvri.-i:lHyl',-ll!e.,-.:;'l1,U'U' r..;..vr.". . ;' . ' '". " " ' , rt ''f'Ta .iVp,'U:J'i'-''! ! - t.r.; (lr.n'x, j..w- m-' ! ;' 1 '. ' I . ... I !s rV... :i t-! -'I l'.- ? 'i r"" " ' ' "" !.!'.!; "xriJ .t ..ttoi.. . ; - 1 I t; 1 -' tj ' ;1 v ''",c ' , , ' . I I iue t 'rcrs 1,. '. ' ' T c('i "- r 5 . , lit - co- hv , tie c "J "T1' "1! , , . s ,, r . n - ,nC'Hti.HMrj(.viD . - . , . . ' . . '.-ii ; . .' ' .Vnvrilme and tiro Tcra after he tV.A accept the saine,un J shall !iare KM -jt IkhW en.iCcd " The rUuwr'i I -..U... a; ...,lW!uei,yowr meJ bound to confmue m service for the term c. VI Mr'. M.dici Comj,.- ith plcure, .nd T n-rrr !-.:.t. veU'-e tote udonned f , Vs" L. ..!!.. .n(i uli remain. JJlr. Jiroes E-eB. . if . : i f .1 C .f t JcrJs fir. the Star, f , ; , Thorr.;;. M'Giinpixy Ju! 11 i. ...ir. . ... ' I ,J!:cl f rt ccur::i ' ' j ' V, ...,,:., . - . j , , St-, J',-" v ' ; ' - ' . CV ' cvirt-hji.irnr, ' j , euAVf.v, . J';'...'orM.v cv....;'.... . Clr.'cr-CarJi'tiy . u'o. - c:... J'. rcwif, .-. .f jyd:: - v y V .. Vu'i: i.'i- . . . - . -' . 5 ' ' 1 - tun, J hn . Iredc 12, J' V. On slow f Cringe, ' Ter fort, . - JRirimunJ, sj, . Jluv'un, i, i:v ; Rockingham , rsh. JArJ;urOlds.,-; ; -Kicl Gerock. ' - Vvi'.i'um II. LiiruJon, .T.fynn llt-Jen..- ..- John Graves ' 'joha :.rAdue. ' DLsmukcs c.VardctU II. Freeman. , ; llcr.:!erson Sttinltn.' Uoican J.l'Itctu- , , Daniel Redmond. ,, ., 'Joel Kins:.. Al; Stephcu Snecdf , Lewis LftMay.: Vj".-; Joseph Dn X i,n.. n:r.k -. Vwf: X II .Vv'i:;i.vra Curt, jRobeton, A'alcm, - . . Ii lifts, v' " ' t'iVx C. 77. (5. CJ Jtfrry't Creel; fS. C.J "Cow.lf7t,-(S. C.) , :.7i tu-9 rs. C. ) Dun...t Hatch, jr. .1 James Ilrwin. Clihterl.cr lLu'.ia.', . r J ' n Wi'1',. Vrti, ALruhaci Crotnv ' :'J Jesse F. Joue. . ; ' ;' A. Frew, .f " -.. Duiiit l Gallant, VJ f ' J. M'K.' Alexander. Widuun Martin. ., f "'! " John Lwd. V v.'-; . ' tc-e'Ferrfnd.-:;'-'S;w- . Jurjee!.is;;'-rF" Piusant Henderson.;; , John Williams. ' A 'Gcoree Greene. ' ': ''.'. J- Jesse Iurper. ...,;' John Ckxke.. '. .l .",-7 : '' ( , James Campbell Thomas' Scarceyf '. rv ' '. Jolin lyenox. ; , Alexander Rowland. Nathaniel Shober. ; , , ... Kilkcnn'on. . Joseph Williams, jr. . - ' T5vil Clark. Nicholson Washington. , . ,. . .vvauga. John Carson. '. 4 nrtn:il wrviee. nnd hust fcmuui- W 1. , . ..... ' ' ii.f there injt'.hoW be under the same nues anu re n''L tions and be entitled to the same pay, ration, ior. e wid emolument o vcy kind,- bounty and rlotlnn r excepted, with the re-ul ir troops of th United Subtest I'rovUed, I hat in iitu ot ciotnu.-, every non-commissioned or.cer and private, Li tny oojr.ir.r.y, who m?.y thus oJTtf themselves, shall be entiued, when c.Uicd into fcctiud scrvir", to receive in money, sum e liul to tlie cost of ti.e clothing of a non-co;nmiv,ioncd o'.accr, or ivaic v muy be) in the re .u!r troops of the U. butes. . . bee. 3. Aadbe it further epacied, That the Presu dent of the United States be, and he hereby is au r.rm'i7 he comn.mics so tenderini' their service as aforesaid into butuhons, suaurons, regiments, brigades ana oivwons, a mv nurnhcr of volunteers snail renucr eucu uiBuiuuu. ;.in.nt. ntnetlientr but until called in lit mi J.'h " -"I . , to actual service, such companies shaH be bound to do regular militia duty as is required by law in Ukt o )v. f.,r. tf n:iLsace of this act. , ' 1 a Ani4 hr it furihi-r'enacted.'ThdX in case any volunteer above menuoncd, w hile in actual ser vice, shall sustain an Jamage, by injury done to his horse, or such other equipment as Thall have rnrniiitio1 Ht his own exnencc or by loss of the same, without any fault or neghgf nc$a his part reasonaoie sum, 10 c3 swnuu,u PreMit thft United States mav direct, shall be allowed and paid to uch volunteer fur each and See. 5. And be it further tnacteilr That the sum of five hundred thousand dollars, to be pmd out of any monies in the treasury not otherwise appropri- ed, be and the same nereoy is apprupi luicu 'cliaym ahy expense mcuiTca Dy viriuc vi, ukt piy viyons of this act. - .' ' . M TH ANTRT. MACON." , . 'Sheokerofthe IfottJ bf Reftreentaiive$. ' ULORGE1 CLINTON ( Vice-rrtudent if the United Statct, and rrttiJcnf ' j. : of the Senate. .... .t Feb. 24, 1807.- Apfhoved, , . . Til: JETTERSO. " '.V- -,' s ,: iv " 11 M,r" ''" ' -i" ' ' i . AN ACT Authonaiiif detachment from Uie MililSa or the tVttcd , 8taU;. , , i BF.it enacted by the.iknate and Iloute ofJRefire tentauvtt of Shi ! United Stater tf jlmeneq in Con ..,rf Ta K Irn'n1ftnt cf the United States be, and he b herebyanthorised, at such tunes as he shall deem necessary, to require of the Exe cutives of the several States and Territories to take effectual measures to organize, arm ana equip, w., ii..ifl 5rt pfifldiness to march a' a moment's warning, their respesuve proportions ol one hundred thousand miuua, uiuu, . a w PwiilfTit of tlm United States, from tlie latest miliua returns in the department ot war, and m cases where sucn returns nav noi uw l'hitadclj hla, Pec. 51 17. 1 ?.,. T ; fc t(.,.; ..! ,tn,tt IPUI J - , . - pnAtiua of Hie plan of tlo: wortr, raicioi tnc uuwy wua which T'Hl W conaucu-a jiir miuinni. w" ... r .-I,.. ...TV T.-:.t :,!.. tirffcC1.ttrttlieruL.lic in Dll (iUW" r . , rcncraL and especikllv of our in counLn men. 1 ') m tfoDlnloa, tliftt you rc entitled to much priue kr t..t i 'i ,.,r. ...tr-n i;l funil'lIV? U With a WOlk uc! x the Mecvcui uoinpi"""". w - v - liwfc-iff teen ex;eicncca. anions u-. . Vth incm fjr your health an.i harpincBS, and -Unaunce of your -'iAuS Dr. jjue EweU. 4 ; ' ' ' ' : ' " v " r3eeemher23, ISC?. i n.w rea utc . - - . . . ..i t!.- Statu nffieoma. Willi oleasuk itrud tt,f ictioB. It i bock cwumimg variety ;f roatjr in k .mal cpmpa. The practice Inch he re- a'ramriu m uw ""77 - ... .i rk e4not fail ot hctIT uvriu, in an nm . . . JTrvfetrntr J Lnmtrrj m w '' - WuUAr-tnJiial e&?!3 1807.' n.iJm w iV. a ortr ! The llitnter'a and . r . .1 1 r. .;..n' v.tl BTtuL BUiiUilirC. Ui .....1. . 1 ...t ;t hn rvr.dlont reiriembrH r irf-ml, Uat 1 have already karat from tf hef rk, and from rofcionai exprici. Utmg better adaptea tQ the geiiral circumrtaiicea o the peiipte of the Imtod Sutw, ttlrt any other prodcUon t.f the kind luJierto puUlUlied it cannot fwl to prove an invuluu hie tnj nion' to dose renwte ftom Medical aid. "1 hat all jour views hi the publication of it my be more than Teaueu, . .. r.. - i .a .r--.,! ml uli'L servant. ' . i u.e sincere wuu 01 yu- - - - . , , . Dr. jamts EwclL . : .'-J, " y. i. -. r. v . ,;. "The rlaniT s ana ... . , . .. ..1 .1, n-,r PTlrd tllOUSTn tO Maimer s impani'm ' wmv" j - . . . mtmr . . 1. .1 .T ."" IT ' I 111 I It.TC l.W, " " . . a.,d I consider Utlwot uaful jwptdar. t?Uel1U. rt,. f nwrf. nucban. andTlerce on this sub- , - .':... ....iii.m. but thtirprae- JCClUveaeenreiJT vr , .; -j- . ... .w j:.iui lit thA-eountrn- n tice is aaaptea ratner iu iu?w.v. ;.,,,.., A well ttKnsLeci w ui v pv i whth.hU-UUat?acUce.a lhouiteaoias 2- " hook W ,,i'1;: w'caiaatad to do may iaw7wwu ---full lit Jia f 1 t-vc ! with j kaxire and s! .' i t-.ns, : The ; ""-nx rt ' f t'i e lanfjini i I- -,i If--. ,lu r..,i.l , ii,.V.. s r inirit iin.r. . cd si it c t r s- ?, ' -'- asutf'l.lvfliru'.ls tt).e" i r are Well c:.h u'..Ud 1 ni Cu-ir inu.n..c v--'..'. uin!lotl.c iui J.rsd prart'.tmncr. Every tUm.iy, cutci f.in he r-: r -t pl'.yoirian!), vould in my Opinion w.ia .-"- onw your volumes. . , Acc-PttUcLoni5jcoin'yrr:-.. ., JoHxli JiAViPOr, v. : , i if MUi-'me of Marybai X , , Jtattimtr f c. Wt lo03. ; - . Dr udirs Lu-iX ...'' '.. '.' '.'Ceor? Town, Columbia, ; ' . ' irth 3c, liuA 5' ' " 1 , . l)ri;; : ;it Theampl teaumnntj .." rrr n r.icJ to y-iur work, cut 'tied "T'.e i:1. r;;l On on" will 1 i'V ecu-e you uie pua v. j v. . w men. ' , "vv ... ' tt Ulonrs exclusively to the real r.:,;-. cian to r detcmi.!e the merit ei'r.ie.'.. l Com.Kiiitior.s, r book has a ' -isSuity cot.c.i'.at.-d t'.e wnc'inivocJ e datioiwof u,. .i.c Mumesof not'.. r.n.u. nv . .. - Fe uhvsifbns n.e-.-twitli '. e rew.ii- " w labnrio'i cxertUm in t!.c t..e oi l.i' .t.t u. iauditbte tiut.or.s nmy be l.l .r;.:'y rehiuwti is U wislior yours, ; - JOM s . "EMS, rtr. James EtcIL . . March 17. ' ... t .l:ii:,'-! :.t SJ.CL .1 . Andrew Flinn. John F. Wilson, i; i 1 pdCt b. other date M he shall judge eouita- r-niTimitted in the direction J: ',i:.,,.j.",. , ,v- r pupci s, tl-.cy shall be recuaco on oeuig iiu.uwu i Jnd be it further enaciea, i ma, uie exe Tn -v-rv individual whose name has been! ', arWn and territories -mav e. v .t.j , . ... I CClLl. v V. I fcuv -lvi w v- sei.tus, a pr.pcr h..s been nflilressed. ; ceDt 64 part of the said detachment, any corps ot S.L-J All SUDSCl lLlCrS r, ill uc .,.. .;: nmng f ucb ui ''draw ftid pty . If aiiv errors have bceft co xfc out piier iws utui iiumwrawu. - :. , cep part oi uie saio ueiacuuicuv, an yvn" w 1 subscribers v. ill be considered asconti- vofmtecra wiw 8hall engage to Continue in service i until they both signify their wuAtowiUi- gj- m0ltiia Rfter they arrive al the Jilace of rende My up arrearages. '..A -" '' ,? ,' vousN :V :f,;. ' v - t JJ;. ( b . . .AN ACT ' r ' President of the United States: to accept (;f a number of volunteer companies, not exr :.,rty thousand men. ' ' ' ( trd I" the Smite and House cfRcfire ttr.T tniy rh of America, in Con.frw Tl tt the Ti c -lent of the United States ' i by i ,, at' ' .orized to accept of any - -: ,f vnlnntp.ers. either of arr ,'rl.r.ditrj', 'ao may associate and ' r the srrvicc. notcxcccLjn'.Ttlur , . . v, 1 .,'. .;J is tUti &nd fan.'..h- ,!.. 'i .v furthfrntarted. That the detnch ment of milfcia and volunteers aforesaid shall bo of-, ficcredjtiutbf the present militia officers, or otlicrs, k vmn an.1 tiirrption of the constitutional au- Al UtV WIIMWM - . , thority jn the . respective states and territories, the the i cspective states' and territories, as he may deem. proper.. ;-- ;.j -.JV -; - , ' ' ,vt Sec;;;iflt e ff ;TJ, 931,1 deUchments shall not be compelled to serve a long: er time than six roonths after tliey, arnve at the place of rendesvous, anu 'tnataurmguieuiuoui u.cu service, tliey shun beenuueuio uiesmuio vjfn- nri 'Jiinwenrf. for clotliinci as are established by law, for the army of the United States. V:K SCC. 5, tna oe iijunrurr riuntcu, . i" dent of the United States be, and he is hereby ay- thortsed to call into actual service any yii4 yi v wh( &Iaid detachment, wncn ne sn" juuEo the exigencies of the United States require tt ; and, if a part only of the said detachment shall be Called into actual service they shall be taken from i t! h part thereof, es the rresucm pi uie vmu '.- Sec 6. 6e it farther enacted, That a sum not f dollars be, and the same is hereby appropiitttcJ, out oi any monies in the trea- read it y I v.-i ,;f-r; . . Wtht esteem. I ff f. :-:: . i . ..u in o-rtinir that it twnpanion, -" nTo iimv.u.iw.v"- - . r. j T-.t -ot.miQ - wn-ll calculated, yo convey valuable iastruction to all who are not poesaot ...... ... ..l ...... Ar w4.:..i. i 4uta it retrular inionnauan on tne suojecm m . fc ,. v . Jtnivn-tiutt advantage la easy oi copiprceii" " - - r. . . in being short, whilst it leaves little that is easetiUal unnor . i ,tj t jv-.ir.... !1 it a useful truide on manyintcrcitinff oecasions. Were indeed, men in general to rive more altcvion to the principle of diseases, and the mean 'reioeuvin mem, uk ..... !;...,. '.:..:..f v,f.o-,ff( wth mvbest wialies milCIl mure jiicuwci; imh - r n r tor your success in your, endeavours- to lessen the um oi human eniaj I neg-youto oo jiasurcm vu -7-. --? yours won saicere seearu, , . v.. .pr. James frweu. .:?fn;.ti .. .,je.., w; juuitsmore jviarcn o jduo, .W cfr, "tr. ...i ..... v.tir TMihlirntirnv entit. led the " Pkiter's iitd Mariuei-'s Medical Companion" -...u ..h .ri ffmllv it UK meriuii!! cuicuitt for the concisennd atcurate history which it gives ot the . J' f.l,. k.,n Knt.. Cfnr if nntrnt which. ki;- oiY ImhteSY and the method of cure.whicn, u both 'rations! aid agreeable to eur experience. Weai e T Ui'ppy that you tiave Ande use of Uie new facts that hav occurrcu tu iiiv!" fiuwi"",,,K ...... T rentiers them eiiy to h coiupreiiendejtt ana acceuujxiii persons Of WodcJate kiwledge in disease. Wc can recoin. menu it wiuipiwieiy,,, to wat nui not an opwrUinfy or nsans-of procuring regular medic J advice, ana Cinaiaer iL)unui)Fi'"."6 " your bencvoiendt to .the people Of these states, in its com pilation. 1 ' , . " Dr. James r.Q, - ' RALEIGH ACADZMT. f ITT? oml.unniiui ntlbiiC F. v.tiniuatiiMl 11.1 FAj-i A Uie Students of tlie iri'ficH Arvh n y, ci.. inence on Vedne.lay the I5ih Mrnw-. sM('""!';'l!,) three days.- Cn tlie evening of each day, s. a-ct o- " wiU be diUvwdby tlw Students. ThuT.'jisu t ; w21 alo act the justly celebraied tu.medy oi " JO ... . Farce of - TUB POOH SOLDI t-U," ! die but. t ;f Uie Academy .-Parents and fiaixhiins wdl pieana a.i r .. !;-': ORDER OF EXAMINATION. i i-mV fiM ..1. r.fim o till 1 o'clock, the L.i r.or c1.;'' nlhmetic From 2 till 5 a ch.s of this m Isc..n t. mw and Ceognphv, with several clas.C.-o lin ' Latin, tiueefc. ana trencu";iua)-.c. y" from 9 till 1 a Mathematical class of ver-l cla- of Girls in Heading. Writing, Cona'tM.nf.fcnr..-.ht- j- mar, Ceomptiv, ne. wna V. - , . - i advanced in the knowledge of tlie langius. 1 101,1 2 1.1 5 in the eveniiw Uie first class of o.t- bid.es in tue Aca demy m Reading, Writing,' Aritla:., uc, Con..,n,.t:otV Enq;liih Cramnim-, wiui r..,. fieoin-aoliv. withtl.e f tlie Ct.ol.es) ln.--v -t IPrton to close with an examination ot a class t . ' f Men in Natural a.vlWral Philosophy The Uu. d . .-. . ...:il -fc?M ta-tiK 4l.-inctii-i. rluKSf;!. I.'ull.l Cxaminf'uon mwnwin. - ? Ui; male and fem.aU departments," in the branches of A u cntion above mentioned. -, The whole to close with the w MCtion of the Young Jdie's Needle Work, ramt-n.:, nraw'mg, w. with an examination of Mw. Sim.bon.-t rnilllS m alUSlcaiiU uie onianttiiuu w n-"1- ; . t. r.i, n.io ,!.rtmnit ni the avcn.ii S (il the two first days, from 6 till 9 will deliver OriU't-ins, anl otiUieeveningiu uieunriiawj u; -; . Raleigh Thespians at tlie Thet.e ' ' - Mark Cooke,T HA.VING lately Rented tlie , TAVERN, crrntly orn pied by Mr. Janies Mi'iu-s, which he has fitted ti( in S." JJ4. ".T ..... v,.. - - . I ' , -Minmnieiitstvle. aol.t itji the l'aai!iflof his 1 . nn. . andtha Pablict As he is detvunmedto keep ft plunylus . supplvpf Provender otcverviviiKls g"oa intjuoii awn ... fii!ir iuinbelf tit at iiiruiDiivu. ,11 1 1 Uiose who will favor him with Uieir custonwWiH he pScasvd ,( with their entertainment. . . M , , - lie hopes UiatUtosc Members of Aisbmbly, ar.d ot." , . 1 Who attend during Uie Session, and w ifchtohve coinio. t.i- , bly, W.U apply to ium, - . - - ; : if.i. . ,.r. 4iAKann flrme occasions. n n ki his house their home, during the Session, Will again t .L,. f . . '. 1 . .1 . 1 .in ! 1 I . him with their company, ne assure wem, wwv y" nodiing wanting Uiath Cam pix tire, to make their ttma pass agreeablv. . i'' ct 10 A 18f"3 . Boarding. Ttira stibscTiber informs tbe-Membera of the ensu.rg ' JL General Aasemhlv and ie public in (.tnn -al, tlmt hii v has rented the house lately occupied by 5Ir. M ilham Ann strong, opposite Casso'a Tavern, wid provided, hmu tlf. lorvitcir i;4.uiiiiiivnMw..... . .. . nn,... . fvnnr V.itn with their comnitnv m.tvrc'vt l " I, i.W.1 T . . " t . . his exertion to render their situation Bt-nveaUle. i . - - . . lltMlX 11. UUUB.li- rPalcigh',Mrvembcr I, 18C3. - 1 Mi nr An Kill -W hare 'net-used vottrbook, entitled vie Vs and llatmer s.Medical l.ompamon, - .. i . 1 . . . I . 1.1.. I-.,. Kf.l..il I iimtiaiurm " witnmucu ,r-i-c u. i... ...... ... i - . . rt;r.n -rnH .n-onHvi--niminena it to tne attcnuon 01 ,t nr.'. ,iu v,,.v......w I" ' .1 i ,4 l.pui t.n irriimn we nave ever 111 trvaimeutofdlacftsc, .jiiweespeci. those families wji Cal aid. ' We -13 read, on the do. ; John Robert Stuart, Tiro DOOXS E22LL " ST Jit 0F1ICL, RES1T.CTI . . X ii'frm the pulu Jtl t1 ' l ere ccived,dl.ntfrtinthecityoe- 'lund some variety of LiltV GOt'US," among w!r . I.oir. Gon-Boat Dokxcts, fi-om o. 1 to J. '. -. - l Hats, and a general assortment of C. t... "t " witiistanding the cn h nassnu. t ' cr -' 11 1 i goods, (to those vtiohave Cash, and to t c L. - will pay Vtru tU) v. 1 he a,.' Us 1 1 1 ' ' r " rio.l. t:u..h t'lven l.ie hr Tor ... ,. . tl - ; ycr "!; ar.d a. " there, lf..l - -'- I -J ' 'v;'J.lS'4--: r. r ,-v 1 - ir-:V;.;i.:V: t4i -1; ':' .t,N -- -'; -::V H 1 -i'4vt-H-:';Vr- i. . , - i - 7

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