RALEIGH, NOVEMBER 17, 1308. : Vol. 1. i0. -T '( t.HSHL't LVLl-r thOMSUJir, SrVo.Vtl tf. j-XV-fyJf fP-S VtVLM KKO Of HI T7' ILL& Tl.e prir.3 cf this p.-per is. ThrceflJcSars per v ), p...! hull yc-riy in cdvr"-e.-- A t a portion cf the m.uer coi:ul 1 in the St4 n ; ; 1 c f 'Jurdilc iaterc st, it v LI Le regularly pa&td, a. I ,n I.u'ex c,i.eu i.t the end of cwh Volume. J'-.- t! e tt nv.4 of subscription. One Dollar and f,. y l'c;.lsb:cjvdi!c from each Subscriber, luch v,eex'. - t il be Iij ta tlie Gentlemen whose r vr.c arc -nncxe i as A;ents f and who, vie request, ni:.t.-l;e the tiouhlc of inu.srrdtung to us whatever i;t.v receive.. ..'In those ctmnurs where yrt 1 o not vet rpctintcd A!-rtr.u our Subscribers will t;x;nsclves of such rue j's of convevanceas. t: cy ii.cT think proper.' Pum:uaU:y U indtuftenta' ' J'y H.-ffi. ari. We are much fLuctvd and pleased , .', I wii .;; on our list so many respectable names, ' ic v e particularly request our friends to Rend v none tut of those persons who are both able and lihcnd nouh to niike their su)scripuonswfrona-r We . are but 10 the pny of Kuig licorge or Emperor ra po'.eon, and cannot afford to give away our time and r.ior.cy without compensutkon,toscrveeven tlie Ame . Ticon cuusev Should any of our Subscribers die, rc move, or become insolvent, we hope to be informed Agents for the SiaK'&C. mtuy .V- ;," Thomas M'Gimpsey. ,k HJit county ; "- Eeaufurt county. " . XJulcomii '. : ' '' ; j; . Jiurke, .,". vi '.. Camd'itf' :- l'i.': .- '.Vi,,. ' CtCT-r-n, '.Vf '. CuWrrrf, - Cuwefl court-hiurie,' .": Jird-IIouae, Caawt!l, ' John Elair.' : " Mr.'Marsh.---' jv? i fhomas Ihtiwo, V i tieorge Svrain..' ' :'4 ' C rorgi Tlton. ; ' ;';Artliur Olds ; Samuel G crock. C Wiliiam II. Brandon, j Bryan Helerw : John Graves : ; ' John M' Aden. ' " TiiUbarough, OB.'Aam, ; Dismukes Warden. J" Clsver-Garden, do. : :-'-; f Ri FMenim-"''--:,c,-"--, CAontzn, ; :.. -t'. '"V Ilendersort Stanlin, ; . 'Cumbcrlandr u X ; Duncan irRea. -'-.5 i:. ' 'JZdgecombe, 'SrimiUUt Guilford,.: , sJofmlotif fJone$yi., Daniel Ilcdmcndv i'i ?f . Stephen Sneed -r&'l ' V 1 wis IyeMay. C". William Sneed.itltVi'V v ' Joseph Davis, ;"Jt " James DidUV t 1 William Ri'.rt . V'sieoir,-'j-i"v,. ;.&fortinj-K:'?'. ?Z: John Sleyhensi" j Puraiit I Iatchy jf i,. V't; ;,$;Jame$ prwin.-;. C Chrbtopher I Iouiton';i t.. Jolm Washington, f; ?t;,';' Ahraham prncm' - ' Jesse Jones .-". i !';-Lf A&l' ft'J;. M'K. Alexander pi i'w'vr:;.iViHia ,Aev-Uanover .?w - Jolm Lord," Onilowi,.:' -'j lyj&epheri Femnd. i i f :..v John Wuuamsi' rJRando. isRichmond, Searcey, 'g.ZiSh' John Knoxi.-i, ;it-V -;r'4;--Vf ; George Grcene.l;,vit lfihf'K f . ' Jesse Harper. j; ; land, .5 ; V. V JohnjClarkV VSt lt?'?- j.f.-,.'ifan'.i-i?' w, ,r Nathaniel Shober.'v-;-: -:iv;W;.''A,i;-Jisenh ,''.V i .t't s . Z' Washingtoii, ,WilIiams,ji -Ru(un;MS'U"!?i Vii David .Clark.i.iW'lf;. icholbon Washington; r . , w -. ... i vv augn. -i,: , John Carson. TiCamdeni:(!S. C,) ii'-v: ,5 Andrew: Flinn.' --'V-. iCieraw f&4 C.t John F.;WiISof:S 'fouf paper s they- shall be rei(iiwbeinbtte4 F mir. I r PVPPV irvrli vl Inol tirlrvoa tiam . IQta rutfn ; v -cm us, a paper has been addressed. ; :: - ; V I ; . k IC? All sub-jcnbers wall .be considered . as conu- . .V nuing sucn untutneyDotn signuy,theirwishtowitn- fJiESIDEJTFs MESSAGE. VYASUINGTON CITY, Not. t. This (lat. l 12 o'clork, tlie ITuiaViil of die Vminl Stutai 'commuiucatrd, t Mr IjWs liiw k$-uiy, U7 tullaw ing Mititcc to both ilotutcif Oorvrcm. . ..'.. 75 tlx Senate and ILune JtrijretenlativtM cf the i ; United Stcter. -,... It Vould liave'becn a source, ft How-citizens, of much gratification, tf our last conimunicauons from r.urope had ena!)led me to inform you, that the br ligerent nations, whose disregard of neutral rights has been so destmctire to our commerce, had be come awakened to the duty arid true poiicy of revo king their unrighteous edicts.', tTbat no means nuirht be omitted to produce this salutary effect, I lost no time in Tailin!j myself of the act authorising uspcmion,in wliale or in part, of the several env baivo laws. - Our. minister ta Ixmlon and Farls were kistructedto explain to the respective gotvm roenta there, our disposition to exercise the author! ty in ucb ma!UK-r a would niihdraw the pretext on which the aggressions were originally founded, and open the way Kr a renewal of that commercial intercourse which it' was alledged on all sides had been reluctantly obstructed. As each of those gov ernments lad pledged iu rcauiics to concur in re nounging a measure which readied its adverwy Uiivugh the incontestable ntruts ot neutrals inn ly, and as tlie; measure had been assumed by each as a retuTlation for an asserted acquiescence in tlie aggressions of the other, it was reasonably expected that tlie occasion would have lcen seiied by both for evincing the rinccrity of their professions, and for restorhig .to the commerce of the United Slates its legitimate freedom, v The instructions to our mi nisters with respect to the different belligerents were '.leccssoruy mouihed with a reference to thcur pllier. ent circumstances, and to the condition annexed by law to the Execuuve power of suspension rcquumj a dcirree of security to Our commerce which would not result from a repeal of (he decrees of France-- l:utead. 01 a pledge thereiore ot a suspension ot the nbargo as to her m case of such repeti U was pre sumed that a aufficient inducement might be found in other considerations, and particularly in the change produced by a compliance w Uh our just demands by one belligerent, and a refusal by tlie other, in' the relations between this other and the United otatcs. To Great-Britain, whose power on the ocean is so ascendant,, it was deemed not inconsistent with that condition, to 'state expbeitly, that on her rescinding her Uruers in relation, to. the United States their trade would be opened with her, and remain shut to her enejoy, m case, of hia failure to rescmd his de decrccs also. . From France; no answer has been received, nor any indicution that the requisite change ul her decrees ii, contemplated.: . 1 be favourable re ccpuon ot Uia proposition to Grest Untain was the less to be doubted as her Orders of Cotincil had not only been referred fof their vindication to an acqui escence' on; the part of the Vhited States no longer to be pretended, but as the arrangement proposed, whilst it? resisted the illegal decrees of France, in; volved moreover substantuuly, tlie precise advanta ges professedly einied at by the British Orders i'he arrangement lias nevertheless been rejected. V vfTyA' candid an4; liberal experiment having thus failed, and iio.ethcr event liaving occurred on which a suspciiaoh 'of the embargo by the Executive "was kuthbtised, it nccessariljf remains iu the extent ori ginally jgivcntO it. !' We liave thi; satisfaction; how ever to reflect that in return for the privations imr posed by the measure, and which bur fellow-citizens in generai have borne-with patriotism it has. had! the important effects of saying, our ; mariner and our t-ast mercantile property, as well' as of affording time for prosecuting tW defensive and provisional measurei caHeii for bTeoecasiomIt has'demori strated to foreign nations the moderation and firm ness which govern our councils, and to' our citizens tlie necessity 'of uniting hi support of the laws and the Tighta-df their country i ahd lias thus lonj: frus trated those' usurpations and spoliations whicli, If resisted uivolved ;war, if submitted to, sacrificed a yital principle of otnr natioriarlndepenence.' H $ i Under a continuance of. the bellisrererit measures, wliich in defiance oi laws w hich consecrate the rights. of neiitrals overspread tlie ocean with danger, it will the i ustmcnt, is u.I auhcred to; and moreovrr it now brought ir.to connccdon viii the di-- ur.ct i 'hi irrfiative case oi tne ururrs in cout .! The isiarucions which lad been pirrn to our min ister U Lont'uRi, uu a Stw to laciV, linecrssa n, t'.e rrparauon claimed by tlie United State, ue iix !. !d in the d.ciiBit3t cominumratciL Ovir rel.aiuns 'uh the othrr powers of Europe have ungrrgone noraalerial changes sbice your last n. - I he Iciportint ncgocULions with Siut, which had been alternately suspended and resumed, neccsianiv expenencc a pause, uiwicr uie cstraor- duwry and interesting crisis which tSsunuishcs her Internal situation. - .s ' - ' Wi;h tlie Bai-bary powcrf we continue in harmo ny, 1th the exception of an unjustifiable proceeUng of'tlio Dcy of Algiers towards our Consid to t!t retreivv. Iu character and circunta?ioM sre now laid 4eioiw yd:j and, 'will enablo you to decide how far it may either now or hereafter call for any mea sures not within' the Umixs cf the F-nxutive autho. rity.' . ... s . '. ;-: . ; . , -v .: V. V ith our Indian neighbour! the public peace has been steadily maintained. Some instances of indi vidual wrong have, as at other times, taken place. but in no w ise implicaUnr- the will of tlie nation,-- jue)Txiu uie uiis&utsiju uie lowajs, mr oocs, anu the Al'ibamas have delivered up for L i and pimish a: w v' vhh , vj ft a t ure, ';sr v-?, TTAS lust received from New.York. a nitrtofhis Pall 1 IS ; :i A. suT)'jIy of GOODS i Tlie fen;ainder 5XDccted ui a ' -.. fewriavs. wfiicli. when aAtlul to hia arire mtiv nnwcm . . ? r i- J . . . . . i . . . . e rt. i . . : v i j liana, wm lurra a tctt suiicrior aawnniem oi weu tejecien i il fSoods;- suitable for ail Seasons . which will be disposed of .-. v.; - f hifi Iiiuinl wmf4ia4 MUAi ttt Jlnnls ntf nlul A . a A nlih a . i4"'. aLsiiij ytimi icuuvi'M jin-tivt vnmi wi fiiui v viuii w 'unc tual ciutomers. MlC Merc h an table Cotton VI seed Will be received m payment ,tat the Ttintket price. gv;;": on Vinew -yej-y si:i'iU' qiuity; Wia'cWF Liquors m comman ta,iutVk fiif'ioy iii i vpvics v noviva ) '-' . ; f c Indian Queen." . - -.rpHE Subscriber returns hi sin , "the favours go Ubertuly hestowed up-. on him in urn pastnna hopes lor a continuance of them. .Every fttten- ; tion wi II be pmd to the accoixunoda. jtion and convenience of the Members in u..;.v ... ...i-ly, 'and others wbo may' call nponhiia btniiC8 i:ilbe wU nrnehed ana attended. , , ' s. v 1 ' : JVVi-Mt'-.-r R j, i U.c yc.i-!r i spp'xjpriu. :i-r of t'.-.e r:-. tlx- L.'.ter 3 is nt of r i swi T!.. rest with the wisdom' of Congress to decide on the course lest adapted to such a state of things i and bringing with them, as they do,r froin every part of uie union, uw sentiments ot our constituents, my, confidence is strengthened that in forming this do cision, they will, with pn unerring regard to the; es sential rights and mterestsrpt tlio nation Weigh , and compare the;? wunful alternatives- out of; whidh a choice isto'madij. - Nor should I do jiistieo to the Virtues ' which oti other occasions have marked the charactcr ot our fellor citizens, if I did not che rish ah etjiial conhdeiice, that tlie altemativechosen, whatever; it may be, wll be maintained wii all the fortitude and patriotism which the, crisis .ought to kispire, -f'V'-i' 'f S t'rf H ;"; Th( documents, i;oritainuig the cprre'spbndeice wi tho; subject of tli foreign edicts against our com merce," with the bstructiona given to on'riMtnisters at Londoli and Paris, avo now laid before yott-i . i;Tho ccramunications, mado to Congress at t',eir last session, explained the ostur; in Which the Close of tho discussions relative to the attack by a British ship of war on the' frigata Cheftapeake, feu a subject on whiclt the nation had manifested so honourable, a sensibility. EvcrTi view" of what had1 passed ailtlio'r rised a taliftf that imniediata steps woidd bo- taken by the British government ibf redressing' a! "wrong, whichj "tho: mcH' it wasinvestigated, appeared tlie moi-e Clearly to require what had not been: provided for in the special mission. It is found that no steps have been taken forthe purpose. "On the contrary it'vill be sccn"in the documents laid before you ni ent individuals 'from among themselves accused of murdering citizens of Uie United Stated On t!iis side the Mississippi the Creeks are exerJng them selves to arrest offenders of the same kind, and the Chotlawshave manifested their readiness and desire for amicable ami just arrangements respecting de predations connniticd by disorderiv persons of tlicir trile. . Andgcncrdly from a convKtion tbotwecon- skler them as a pail of ourselves, and cherish with sincerity their rights and interests, the attachment of the Indian tribes is gaining strength d'uly,is extend ing from tho nearer to th more remote,' and will amply reiusie Us for the justice and friehdsliip prac tised toward; them, i Husbandry' and household manufacture afe-advancing among them,'tnore ra pidly with the Soutlicrn than Northern tribes, fiom circumstances of soil and climate, and one of the two great divisions of the Cherokee nation have now tin der consideration to solicit the' citizenship of the Umted States, and to be identified ' with tia in fc-ws and government in auch progressive manner as we shall UunkbesC JVi i -,; r-Tl ' In consaquecce of the appropriaUons of the last session oi iOngrc&s for the: security pt our seaport towns; and harbors, auch works of -Kleienae have been erected as seemed to be called for by the situ ation of the several places, their relative Importance, and the scale of expem; indicated by the amount cf the appropriation. Olese works will chiefly be fi nished in the course of the pfeSent season, except at wew-iork. and wew-Urleam, vhere most was to be done s and allhough a 'grcnt proportion of the" last appropriauon lias been expended on. the Jbrmer place, vet some further views will be submitted to Congress for rfcnderingits security entirely adequate against nwd, enterprize. : A view of what has been done at the several pkicev nd of what is proposed to be donei shall btf communicated as soon as U19 cveraf reports are Teceived."". 'v f1-- t- Of the cun.boats authorised by the act of Decem ber last, it has been thought necessary to build onfy sno hundred and three in the presentye-nv. I aea$ with those before possessed, are ' sufiicieni for tlie harbors and waters most expose!,: and the resldite will require little time for their Construction, when it shall be deemed'tiecewfw'yri,p4l' 1 Under the act of the last session fc raising an ad1 ditional mUiiary force, so many officers were iintac diately hppointcd as were necessary for carrying on tlie bumiicss of recruiting, and m proportion as it ad ranced, others hare been added. ; We have reason to believe their success has been satisfactory,, altho1 sticU returns have not yet been received as' ehable me to Resent you statement of the numbers en wwsd. , .'"it .'. , .-" '-, r I haVe pot thought it necessary, in the course of the last reason to call lor any general detachments of mrdtia or of Tblunteers' under .the laws' passed fof,that purpose, Fof the ensuing seasdh hoWeyet, they willbe reqtdredjto 1eirt readiness, should their semce be wanted. Some small and special detach- mepta have I been necessary to maintam the, laws of .the embargo, on that portion of our northern fron .tier which offered pecnlmi. facilities, for evaston quarters,' the Spirit of clisobediehce and abuse, whicli manifested itself early, ,'and' with .sensible effect, while we were unprepared to meet it, has been con siderably repressed", : ' ' m J: T Considering '.the - extraordinarjr character hi the umes m wncn we. live, .our anenyon snouia unre wittingly, be,, fixed 6n the eafety of our country For a People who are free iuid who tfiean torcmain soi'a 'well Organised and armed militia is theirbest securicyi It is Uierefop uicumbent on us, at every meeting, to 'revise the titoditionof the militia, and to ask ourserves If it is prVarcd to repel a powerful enemy at eyery point ofytnir tcnitoric expose'l t6 invasion tii-JSoms of tb j states have paid a laudable attention iq this, object i but everjr degree of neglect is to be! found anwsig others.1 Congress alone having .1. . . ....,::ri" ....... .P uie yu v. w.pvuuuce au.mmytni piawsoi preparau on in this creut brcrau of defenct: tha interest' whirh they so deeply feci in their own and their country's Beemiivj- wiu pveseiuuus as am.mijjjuie moijinnpor. tantobiccts of their d"eTibcratkii.:--ii''''VviU'V,-jt'.i;. , - Unoei thtf a'cts of March 1 1, and' April 83, re specung arms, the uuliculty of pi'ocprmg them from abroad dtirmg tlie present situation and dispositions pf Europe,; jjnduccd us, to4direct buf wholo ffort to the Tricans jbfmteiiial sapply," '.The pi. I 'lo factories have thereiore been enlarged ifdiuoiml machihe- rics erected, and in propoitioit i;s 'artificers can be found or lormed, their, effect, aim ' more thtsn 1 1 v ' 1 ( Uie t:icour.. iin-ntof f nwic f.'.cMr;-s cf a contracts lave U. n entered J.i'.o '. '1 ...:; derukcrs ta scuriy the amount d tU f.r ppropi ution. . ..... Th? aurpeiuJon of or fotxign rirr.nurcc, j-.-oi ductsl by Uie injunice of the lxl','';enn: j.,ui r-, and the consequent losses and sacrificrs cf i-.:.r 1 r l xens, are subj-cts of just cwrm, The si:.1 i-.-i ' into hich we have tlras been forrcd, ha i:- ; t U 1 ns to apply a portion of our industry ahu t a; .i. 1 t.i intcmiii nian aLctures and Improvements. Tlie exi tent of this conversion is daily hicreasin, and 1. J doubt remains that the esUiblUhments formed txA fornung, ill, under the auspice of draper ruite rials and su!)jistcnce, the frttdont of L'xr frcia tax - . atiou with tiss and of protectin duties tnj prohiM tijns,becc,ne permanent 'lha commerre viJi tlie Indians too, witl.ra our owu Lourklarlesj Is llke ly to receive a5uniiait tlhiu at from the same intcri nal source; and will iccure to them peace and tlio progress of civUiztfsi undisturbed by practices bos - ' tik to b4b. i?J : v. ? . ; -..'-'-"'. ; .-, ' " -Tho accounts of tlie roceipU and expenditures during tlie year ending on the thirtieth cbyof Sep- tember last, bemg not yet made up. con-ect state ment Will hrpaf.ri h f rmQtn-Hfd frtm. t-,r. tr-.r.cl ' ry.t In t he-mean time it is ascertained that tl.fr re ceipts havd amounted to near "eighteen rrjliicS of' dollars, which with Uie eiglrt lrt'dlions and an lu lfm the treasury at the beginning of the year, have enai bled us after meeting the current demands, and in-l ; terestkcurrcdjto pay two nullions three hidrcd . ' tliwisand dollars of the principal of our funded debt, and iPlt 111 .tA frriiatirir m Hint Ar.n iwif rmtt.n mdllons of dollars. Of these, 2?b millions thrco" hundred and fifty thousand lollars will be neccss-.'-y to pay what will be due on the first day of"1 Join. nvt- m'lit.K' brlfl . , .1 ! I . . i . , .... uie eigui per oem, scocx..- 1 nesc. paTnents, witn i those made hi tlie tlx years and an half preceding will have extingiiislied - thuty-thrce millions, fivi ' hundred and eighty thousand dollars of the principal " of the funded debt, being tlie vhcle which could bo , paid or purchased within the limits of the law and of contracts and the-amount of principal thus ills-' charged viU have liberated the revenue from' ab .u? ; two millions of dollars of interest, and added thatf stjm annually to Ue disposable surplus. ; The pro-' -'" bu-ble accuitjulutton of the surplusses of revenue be ' V. yond what r can be applie! to -the' payment of tho ' tltlhlie w. th4neitKrthfl tr(Hlom snd cL.fr-tvnf wir commerce shall lie restored; meritsthc considerati- ' . f ....'.ci ft I. tr' ' i,..: . . .1 wii - 01 . vwngress. onau . it ue unpnxiucuve in tno . n:- 1. 01.11 1 .... t - I....... puuuc Tttiuis. ciiau u.r lvenue uc reuuecu 1 or shall it' not rather be appropriated i the impn'r ; merits-of roads, calials, rivcreducatiou'iuid dftitt great foundutions of prosperity "ttmi union, uulor the'-" poTVors -wmcn -Congress tnav already possess, cr t; 1 . e .t , 1 . sucu ameiKiment 01 uie consutuuon as inav oep- - provca ny uie states r , vv niic unceruan 01 tne cav of tilings this time may be wlrantageously n ii loji ra obtatning1' il:e powers necessary for a systcufji improvement, should that oe thought nest, r Availmg myself of this the last occasion wh ' ' wUl occur of addressing the two Housesbf Legici tui at thctr" meeting, I cahnot omit tlie cxprcsi iar S' 1VliuyifVV MHIUlVOlU. K . Jl.') J V41llAii.7 V-l UlHJ their predecessors smce my call to the adini- ' - tion, and the many indulgences expci iencedat panels, if l hcsame graterui acfenowleugenicnts ara ; du to my fellow-citizens generally, wlose support nas oecumy great encouragement under an cmoar rassmentsIn the transaction of their business l'f tmperiect nature. ' But I tniy . say wh troth, my ? errorsjiavo been of the undersUnilibgj not of inlt-n- v tion..anu mat urn advancement oi-Uie-T'iinhts sna.-, : 61 has been tho constant motive :f.r every measure. , On these considerations solicit their ' indulgence.'; "Looking forti-strd with anxiety to then V .uu.u UV.U.Ul.a A Kl 1I3V UIPl .11 U1 . V .1 1... I - 1 ll.i ' -' . ' - te'd tnshoken by difficulties, in their h- 2 libcny obedicnte to la'wj aiid support of the p. .c authoi i- ; tkjft, -1 see a surd guan'ntce of the pci .nence cf" pur republic ; and retiring from the clvu - of'theh ; affairs I carry widisme tlie; consolation " persuasion that Heaven has in store for our bclo couiitry, loiig ajes to'come of prosperity and liappU, hcssi;vv;,.?:.;vv i , xvvi'tI JEFFEIISON.- !pveinocr; i SOiM'fW' . ?A U".-.' i iAccompaiylng the "fMiie message cf ff-so Frc tlnt were the comniunicaiions tliereih 1 . cd t A toifidential triesago fwas-, likewise . ..en! cJ, which we tahdersturid, coiitihis nothing piore t' personal allusions 1ii tjic "corrcspcndcnce pul.l ' lnrjaedtoCongress.;;-;'Vc,''Vf , ";'''' "''"." -' Co ii AviAti mteiy uentea uie Tr, reecrdy ocru X A liedby .Mr: Janiss Mears,. wluCh he has fitted up i.i a. rtry convametnt ityle, solicit tlie Patronage fhh iviowl and the PuUBct'i.A be is dcterniincd to 'keep a plent iful swpplytif trovcnder of every Kinds goodljquoisi ft wt ll fulriiiKlied Larder and jpxxl Bails, he flatti-rs lunisi It' that those' wbn will fayor him With jheit- eunloni, will be p! .tt withtliKirentertammtnt.' ; - , i Htf hope that those Members tifk.isemb.'ai.d ol hci . who attend during the Session, and wish to live coniforta hyi will apiJy tohim.. v'ji ; ,;J.W A-ft . JftliOHC lu-iulcifien, wh hhvaPit (!rmer occasion,' nK!n hts house thfcir hunie, diuing the SiMon, will ':;am i -voir mcir KvinijKifvt tic MssiinrsTxsciiu ur 'H in- notliuig wanting ;thut h; eani pntedre, 4rtmnice tii.-ie t'mr puss agreeably. , , i ' JiaMfA, Oct. 10M, 1-'.'..' ; ' i' ' fay' m' .1.1. ' i :' ' i 'i ii 'iir i . i ..j ' rMi;yimJUAM eOTTtltlattho inadmissiblo preliminary, wliich obstructed I doubled, may be increasct1. so ; i m keep pace vkh' -:VV!?V 'iw:,";,.:.;'.'-'' ' -i-' Jifct'-i '.'. !' 1 V- I j ''.-Tlx..-,, . -V..v ,'(",. - V-f-i ' V - .-,. ' , ii-r.:, - Jr.,: .... i. i, v - ' .' f- "'If i ' . 1P'P'?V'--'W -.''r!yj'Vi : .y-3!-'".?' ' ,' :'---r, iriisBfs ail k:xd JT Til . .iccsBdcr Ana i . a

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