I OL. -1. , : ?.! rvf Y Thvksdat, t Josh n AT -TH,VTr tSOOF FA"!!.- . . . l1 , - r u v r a - " o rr r .. . . . t, rTR ASSVM, rATABLE HALF t 1 A ") V A V C 1- iIXCiLK PATEH IQCINIS.' : of ti e inciter contained rt the bTAR n- :. .',c ir.tcrtb'-, U will be regularly piejea, v riven at the end of each Volume. t - . . rif suhsen;uon. One JJuir.tr end t 1 f .. .! i,nr(1ii from each Subscriber, which ( -ail be raid to tfce . Gentlemen- whose T v ire anr.e xeu s Agents ; and who, we request vi,;'i,. il.e trouble of t'-; nr,n:kdng to us wkuever V v i v receive. In tbosc counties where we ... .:i t'T.:n-!f!ves of sucft tnexis ot cosreyance as, ti v v ,v t'.i.ik proper. J'unduaiitf m u.dixfienta- ,i re ry. , We are mucn liancrea ana pieascn v'..i ba oti our list so mwiy respectable names, u r -ir'nl .Hr request our friends to send us none L t tf tuobe person who' tvre both able andlibcrj -...rrhin mike their 8ubscrimionsmrrwJarr- -We r Mf !, n:iv of Kin? Gcoree or Emperor Na r '.- .;, and cannot aS'ord to give awuy our time and r ..m'vv i hovit com pcnsntion.to serve even uitivmc ,.,',... S'nonKlaiiv of our Subscribers die. re tio e, cr become insolvent, we Lope to be uuormed , 8f It. ., .' W'V-'" Jnents for the'Slar. A e eounii,, ' " Tbomr.s J.l'Gimpsey. .4:iKon, . - Vleaufurte SmU(t:iinM v,J be ret rived tit the Star OrTKE I frthcSetjtutl.u.ijnt, - J tvtvri'ocmt'.TiKriotn'r FAMILY PIIYS1CIANV Civthlci the FtaatcVy It Manner's Medical Compaaiea, T JAMT.S LirilJJ I hjcian,i Savannah. . , V COMMENDATIONS. ' : H ta.f', oj me v wwn rcicoc- nHu w .... ., - rhiliWphia Dec- 31, 180T- v 1 ' t - I U .1.1 i Tt! pave rras.i yuitr (jiwt cnk.iiit - ni Mrito-r4 Mtdlcid Companion," with p'uurc, stul tUlUK It Wormy UIC Meenutm Ol u riiiM-rm ui uiw vi. sutc.- - - w. smriEV, m.ix ! Dr. i tract Ewtll. . ... , . ,rnjute fAwxttmj. - i ..'.. -,u ; Fhiljuleipliim, Dre. SI, 180T. Silt 1 hsre erefall penwed j4;j work lust printed, fnuued The Punier nd Miiincr't Medical Comp- f ak tiuu-h nlfiiurfs In exnress'mtr mr entire t- . . .W f th wt.t-V ul nf t!v ulllitv Willi LWU'jnuwtl VI . i v Kiui-B you ure conuueteo your uKfuincm. uur ' not tlul to b yerj ccepuble preent to the public in eieral, md cspcc'udly of our own couiitrjinen. I rellj m ofoiiiuon, tlit you r entitled to much prie for the pan wiucft you nve UK.cn in lunuMnnj w uu ui . w Medical Com&anion." the want of which h& long been ex;ericnred ainony us. , . J WiUi ainccre wiitiies !ir) our iieaiiuanu n'nuc, ng for the continuance of your usefulness, I remuii, my dear ... ..;n.t. - It. S. RAHTON. M. D. ' U VWUA MlVim, . " .- t , , jrnjwjr .uiiima iiwu, autsrui Eurke, Camden, , ,. , ; J ' Cr(roe, ' Eaharru, v '' Ccrtcnt, ' , ' Cux-zcll court-hour?, ! V Jid-lIouney Caxwell, Janbui'ou! Chatham Cltvcr'Gardctij'lio.'. CSowaa, ; , ... . ' CwnterUnd, 4 ; , JlrfgecomliC) ' . Jrnnklirtf pranviUet' Guilford, .Jofmston' Junes, ' - Iredell, ' " X-enoir,'-; tlwul erisilit ubitton.wilu, u'ul-- fli.ea cU f jr a.sj.ii!T ''."' In SliV. a. k. : - ProreMor of Cl-ieml j y In the t caof I X.'q-e tSt tLi t ...- s alciickiic w .Mir)lud. . " ' nuter? tin w. jjilw f r Joi n tlair; lu Marsh '1 hon;.is Lrowftv GoorgeSwJn.1;;.; Artnur uuis. , ' .,. Samuel GerockV . , - Wii'ditm II. Brandon; Hryan Helen. John Graves Jonn r.I Aocn- Dismukes & Warden. ' R. Freeman; '. Henderson Stordlrw Duncan M'Jlea, Daniel Re Jniond, . Joel Saneei-. v'. Stephen Sneed,"f;T: J A trt toil irr. ?rv..".4'i " - William Burt u ' , ' Christooher Houston' , ' ' t ' Abraham Croont. itirtinw:,'' .,r,,1 eVf Jesse 1'Joncs,;;;::; 'Dfeeniber 23. 1807. " i T V... tK Wnntpr and lirlner'a MeiUca! Com- nanioft,' by Dr. James Zve'i of the State ofXicorgla, with pleasure and uf'ctHv It it a book contaiiunfr a variety of nutter in a arua'J eompaa. t "he practica which he re. commends in disease, i niode-rn and f udicioua, and the ivork cannot fail of Peine useful, In all families In the U. States. ;. JAMES WOODltOfbE, M. D. : ' V 'rntfetierofVhtmutryiiUl Vnitertitj f DEiR 'SHU-t We looked over ' The Planter' and 'aiiner. Medical jCompwiionf with jreit pleasure, ami . - r.Hi. ;nutiHi.iint . I find it an excellent rcmembran- rrd learnt from other works. :fd fim profewiomd experience. jneuip ocutr u(u . r;wm.iLirM rvf Ithe neoile of the United j. ... . .r... niwlnction of the kind hitherto rtublished, it cunnoi fuii to prove an invaluable Compa- tiion to those remote fttnt Medical aid. inat n jrmr iews in the pnbbeatioo Of it mar M more man rcauieu, i . ;n.r ariah'nf imur friend and ob't'seiTant; C'J I . . - cniATSI.V.! CALDWELL. Mitt. 1 Dr, James EwettSVV rttV' TX; Hi i rVi.-';-;.vV'V.,'.i,-. PhilarVlphia, Dee. 29. 1807.. t I J" . "'.I" V DEAIT SraThe i6rk enUUed, " Tne nantera ana Mariner's UolnpaniQn', 'which you were good enough to iubmittd hiT examination; I have read Very ttentively, I . r . f a ..l.a au..tlA nn nali. Und Dba Pia hare looVoVr your "Mtbcal CcTTjn'on" with pleasure and s.UMaeut.n,ai4 f-ro e f ite dea n. I Tl.. .r.triri"lL,Hl ffllie MllDtii tl.T'l la blJiliOUS, tii Un-ajpe It pUin nl prrtncuu, and Cie n-nt.iix. tit bip pdy conden.d Oit r..oUs of treatment grove out of O.e moat improved Jt ate of oar science, and ro.y k re uoton'r . ..r : i . f -n-.-Ar lntl- Ptantrr and Mariner. arc well calculated from their inyiiuic merit to au'-et Every fniilr, cut oil from tbe irjrular scrvicetof able pbyweuma, would w my oi'iiuwn, with adrnuje, pcucas ouaotyourToiumea.. - - 1 '; Accept the hotnsg of my rrfrd-.. . Inua It ilivitir.t. v. n. ' - : " Profeaior if Ana'omy, 8urjjcry, kc. in tba Collt je '. . r.f i..l i. . ' ' ' JSahimare ftb. 19, " v: Ccorpe' Town, Columbia, 7 . . . -Ln.Oil, t " DEAR.bllt-The ample tcsumonia! of arpmbatiOn nWi;....ltvnur -r,rk. entitled " The Medical Coliipani- on" will 1 hope, Secure you the pairotuipe of your couiury. men. ' - t - . . - ' ' i. iUm Avolnuvolv in tn TetA nlivaieian to be Sole Bfc kj IV.'I ' t, V v-.u --J w " I . to determine the nerit of medical Coinoaiuon, and your book has auBpicioily conciliated Uie un-puTOcal conuuen l 'i.n r.fn,lici.l nanica of no common note. ' - ' T.nhr.:.niiiw.i wW1 thu rewarda of their Well and laborioua exertiona in Uie caw of bumaity. but that your ... . . . w . ri )U . a. a laaoaDie exertions may otvuaw; rewi w- -m.w wtaaoff w; ; your''. . -f j s . a. Dr. Jamoa Etreiu - : March 17. ' ,.n; nn:ri S-.i -rler I .a b- ,: u! A - rfiltniriw ir' (in iitc'ar.il, 1'i.t fi. ttcia h'rrv f t:i:it!.c L it arKjeh. for ranetv. it not : . iV. r.ur t) a. i.i ( v. . wiC lliat persons n ai .ivW r-rtkr 'r !: the artft'ea inoat in il'mar i. h ri i t..uu f T'r r to . - urtute Uk Muiwinsr. w.u L no L-a a.il l.u . . la r i t . snjr on Banit. v :itKrfine Uoths, --. Swat:s.bwn, l. ain!rrr, ! jTiei!r'!ra. Mintmti. ol U MWCi.t r. luiincla ol a.l e k sluon,. . - ; ' Cot-.i, wi.ud i .i i. Coatnic'a,' ' . - . : - - Hose, Calhenrt, '. do; CX C. ?vc Cambriek.' 4 "'' " . f i'.ks. a rari. c f to! ..?. Winter tjinnnnlL ' -- Jaconet an 1 Lno Sbii, cm ton aud sT.E. ' ' ll.immums. Hrovm lioiUnd. - Irish IJni n. D imbazrue Duranta. t' la l.es'fi.ibUiriblebo:."' 7 Otton Sliiniii elvet. ' . 1 (Jettons and 1 ! "ieta.' , ; i a-i.... a i... ii. ' v I'ut-ar, brown arid LftlJ Chocolate. ; i i ' Powder nd sh--t. " Wkltje ted and .KrfJJfkTtt nP jI LOTTERt Wiifct 1000 Dollars vortK; of 1; JEWELLEaT, COLD & SILAXIt WATCLES, 61LVES i ii i; Jru.Tiblaiik-.entitledtjoaGoldWatcb ! i Chain and Key, worth : ' . ' , S13C ! i An KrJnn hi ant after 800 numbers are ! .' . -i i . c- it. f..l l r-h-:- drawn, cnuuea to a oin hw.h,vuw ; , Kllll Ktir. . - . " s i fdn: & Co:d thatch. lOtahi'ana Key. 9 I-1 do. a doicit best Silver Table Spoofts, ; .i " 'i ". .1 4 t t dn. a dozen ditto. : V " - .- s '.'"'. W I 1 I.,., a dnaen best Silver Tea Spoons, Ladle and Su- . t u . tii.. do. .-00. ,2j Sdo. Siter Watches, taeu R2J,' -rv.'",'TV--" $0 3 do.- g 15 each, W betaken 1a any article, -'ix r - 4i k95dn.at fc f each. .?!; jajSl i&Jfc-! ij i'tadn. at A t each. 1 .....,.'.'; r- .a..i. ' 12 Mens' coarse & fine ha Silkand cotton Uinbrsi House paper." ' - Carpeunff. , Cotreeand Tl hpicea . ' , Uum of S, very frpertate ijia Apie branJy. AfeWhalf barrels or Susrar I aver sctnor flvM .71 fbrpnrste fumiliea; ,',1 of wliich beia til.; ost 1 to iJ aJ a miKhrate profit for Cash, or 2 or 3 nion.!icru:ttath'MH' on ho.se punctuality he can re'y. ' lie h-,H th.it b, attention to Uiose my iinwr mm nut ureir lunu will be such as to give entire satisfaction. ' " i The following Article! will be weired in bwjer-frnin persons wto cannot conveniently are mnn-r, ri i- V. iiil Homespun, fine and washed ; Ceas Wax, Tallow, )f enUiej J nd Pork at the current Kaluijjh price. ' " - Italrih, Xar. 17, 1808. r .its. ,-tt : 00XlTicket,,ldolWac'h,fhalife;U' , l,00t nd eonsideritthtlnost useful popidaJ treatise on tned J SuU jnj tj,e first Friday in December next.. 'Those ine ever publislied. . ; ; u.,, V' 1 a-entlemen who hare undertaken to sell Tickets, will please to return $ny which y remain unscja, y toe .out o f ember. -. .- ' '; '. "V '. . . - x- . Daniel Liallant, 'ifoort, - . - Onslow . .. - Oretj-e, ' - . . - Per ton, r :, -Pi.V, Iiidd&, " -jjtickmond'.-1 . Hoivan, , , : ; - Rockingham , J. M'K Alexander , H: VJ"' . -William Mttrtm.il, ' " lohn LxAV'JJ'V'::'"jJ(.V! Stephen Ferra; 1 " Jame Webb, , , 1 r Pleasant Henderson, Jllilll TV UUOIUOI. . . '" ' V- George Greene, f , VOW .. Joha Clarke 1 I Tk.am..inn n Tiufitrf lltirflAlt. IHO IICCCC Un lUi IUIT ecthavedeseraredly acquired reputation, but Uteir prsc- si . V.,i K,.A lf tlAUt f aiirium.' 1 y -. - wiutu i.iicy uihi wismi vjtMv v v. - , .,. i. a ru .t wnrir.; in & stvle liluin na fatniUAr, which ihould wulcate practice suited to the diwitfef ot I ,...V.aA ,k- w.n, t tnisf timt W;Ur VPfY TaMtaWe bOOS ! ,.illil'Ui. .uv . . ' - - j L:..L.'Mj.i..;.,i.i.rt ' r, ic c. ri;iiiiW calculated to do fl ' t . . i r. .. . ,... ,1.1 .,, sml miw-fullv I mucn gvott', jtivtiy laiimji kwuiuiuii..i. - 4 read it. r " . . Willi a m - - ' 1. .5. ' UNITEU STATES, .'i; l-' j j;;- j . : r --'. ; U:tp. ft l r s. -;;' - , 1 .1 '1" .111 111 jS"v.ti. 1 Dr. James Jiutherford f y gobcton,'- c '.. - Tima CamtobelL I ' si ! ' . --a ... ifI -VVV i. , Aai.Verr w:PS i. Alexander 4owiana, ; i .C Moore.-- v.. Nathaniel hhober. :t . S Jose i i Willianisi jrJ 1 . ...... -0 ''';.. : uiiui, 5 , t ... ' ' 4 "J i l rt-wttm vr v . , i ., asuaMMMifSMsM 1. UAillaa n'aaAea, ' , David CUrsW ,f.?; Hatw, Nicholson Wasbingtpiv J , mikea, ' - ' wni. p;:: WaugK - Jg? .:c r r rw: rx r i v Andrew jpunn. i f rk..Stt r I 4 Tnhn F;.Wilsonl ? ' " tf any errors have been committed in the direction : fanrnarP,a. th tibttii hi rectified on oeincPointCQ . out To every individual whosft name' .laas. Jbeen V ent us, a paper nas been auuresseu. r a B ': nuing such until they both signily theirtwish W w . f.raw anq pay up arrcaraKc. if.w .For Sale.- -a 4 HOUSE AND LOT IX TuiiXTTf OP RAtETGlf, . t.-v. A-:.. m.' ITrtvtretStrrt.rl nearhXtififiQiitCiiM f : ( ' WWIIl V AM-i,- 7 S . t f 1 ' - . va 'Jlr. MitchcW Tiri)tm. t- .7 .--.:.. aL a.' .V.. J THE House i nearly new, well built, wo stonea iur".' - -1 t-:.)iAT ottnehwA , Th stand tor - ' business is exctlleiit. . A long credit wdl be pventor tne , k.i 1. ....... ;e ...ioc,,.,:l : P.nnmiT frreater part ot tne purcuaae imnnj u. anv..v. -on tiiepienw.es, of " ILLL NELjIES. , jrreat esteem, I am sir, Stv ',jvt--va. i M. CUAPMAJ., ,M. !). Ewelb ? .',, t ".'",, ' ' j uv ti) cioLlf riiM r-tullvneruBed tout ," Medical 1 Companion," and have much pleasure in asserting that It abounds w excellent observations,, weu i.aicm" conyey ahj-de instruction to all who are not poatf sscd of reSUiae miorniauon un uic auMjcvu, vi - ; -ia easy of coniprebenaion andiias an ImjiorUint advantage - ..j.!i-a u I.. i:i,1d aha, tiiM,j4itiiiliiniHVi jn oeuifr .nan,: wu.ii kic" muv v..-. ; "il.j. j c :t;.' will iind it a useful (nude on luffu. ' v. ...... . , " - 1 , . . i.. ,lvf in ivif.nni1 : many interesting occasion.. a ei muttu, ..... . to rtre more auemion to tne principle, i " he means f xemedyini? them, their ravages might be mucli more extensively mitigated.: ;With my best wisht i for your success in your endeavours l lessen the sum 01 ' ... . 1 , .... .A AlM, S mm- itnll'liF. Uuroan vns, s oeg you w as asauiu, mi . -" lyourswsincerrfgarav 'Dr. 'James ISwellvyi- f 'HlW-t'ft, iftK;'':':'ital uAH o ill-- e iiavc reumjvu. - . led the " Planter's and Mariners Medical CompamOatT, .. . . . . ............. k.nvnnunpr , i n nw-riiaiii. wivvw Jpr the cmicise and accurate history which it gives ot the various aiseaaea 01 too uuroau uuuj, " . 7 V . ' we believa are omitted) and the method of cure, which, is 1 . .....t m..aai.1a m Aiu. fviwiniHinA.1 We 'aife happy that you have, made use of the new facts that hare occurred in medicine, in that plain and easy manner Which fenders thert.ca.ay td be comprehended nd acted Upoti by person of moderate knbwledge'in diseases We can recotw not an opportuniry or means of proennng regular medical advice, and consider it as ftdly answcruig the intentia of - -A.f..iii ie.na viia ft.li.iwla ! naMt tnat nriiaa ncsircvviuuT -. 1 .. ... p, , - settled himself in Raleigh, and hopes to meet that share cf patronage be deserves.' , ie uaa niauc, an buiuihui tormer assortment of Jewellery, fashionable Eur & Fingei Rinjs, Gold Watch Kes, Chains and Seals, Sleeve Buttons, Si-east Pint of every Uscnpucn sjocajets ana omuuuin r.a 1..1 fCiUt.rAi ni n.imcntafl Combs. Bracelets. Sic t.r k,u r.Miib -iiA, 1 . la)il. lvnni-rt and 'Tea tinoor.B. Soup, Punch, and 5auc Ladles, 8ugar Tongs, Sidtvels, Ladies Chains, Jtc. made oftbe beat Silver., St Orders (rom tne country wm pe atricuy attenaeuto SUte Gold, Spanish Cob Pieces, plugged Half Joes, or old Sdver received in payment - 4 t . AoWw i; 1803. " : . .. .. .... : . t .. . - , f, I"- a. a. mt u a .1 . si a . a a r m . w ' -w. 1 HAS jtist received from New-York a rt of his Tall supply of GOODS 1 The remainder is expected in a J...,. uKW-h hrn ,liVd tii Ilia lutre stock now on v ..J " -- fj -, ... j nand, will form a very superior assortment of well Selected Goods, suitable tor all Beaaous - wmca wui oe auspwacuui . ... f 1 . 1 . ,:. . .. at lus usuaireaueea prices iur casu or puuii isvuu, w yuiic , i Merchantable Cotton in seed will be recoived m payment at the market price; 'fZt :':h ' -'X J.-.'! w t, in h.i uian Mlvit t mrmi of Sherrr ana Lis bon Wine of very supeTMf uaUty, with othet Liquors in 1 common use, ana aunpst every pene u ivci ic . .... ... - 1. , . ir 1 oX, l.i: " ,v 3 7 J . wautgih V aiinawea- u, ,uvu.v t John Sc Robert Stiiart,". ,"": T710 nOOriS HEL0W THE " UTAH urri, , -m -a. r,-nri1iyri T IT i.AWT. lti Til 11 is tllJlt th(?V IlftVC PC ROTrte varieiy of UltY GOODS, among which irflXAWM ( - 0 v-Boat Bomt vfi'om No. X to No. 6, Wnclt pUwh IIa-i s, end a general assortment 01 tjMAjn. " wiiliatandinir tint embaiTasBment of present times, tliese . .. i. .1 -.1. . . Pack, and tn thoaewei.believe ' 1 ' ) , 1 1 , ll lilUC Wil" I'.'-. V'.'. F ..,,'.1 .ei-XOl.wl Will l.tf fllll il as low as fttanvformer pe W A1 IJaA V A H UPW.tlj J ' - at r'm L Ca- h given here for Tobacco inspected at TwbOa "5 'i, an 1 at our House there, ior icsacco iniw ayvvwj f -...i . IKf i ... . J. .".i v. y , iii.i:.i'.i , ..v ' jj tata,V , tk. am. t AaiNAwr t - '.. W fPIT T" Tflll WT K. 1 11 1 V 11 I IVI I iSa TDrljaWEwell ,:.;eift5. t; DEAll But We have perusea yotir dook, emmea planter's and Mariner's Medical Companion,' with mucn satifaction, aftd strohgly rccommcna k m tne those famibe tvhd cannot Vith Convenience procure medi cal aid. Wc think t .the best publication ye have ever read. n the domestic treatment of diseases, tnoreespeci- ,, , j. -i..., e v.t;,r,i v.4rcrv re H'itffl ."i t...-....i ..i.v tin TtntnAiitl Medicine- With pleasure. The practice recommended in I tlunk judict- ' -j ft ..- J to, ih anlitartr'nlanter and the voyager, secluded from medical aid, will often be und? be under great obbgations to you.: tour work is the first ttiat IJ...-U., wftitAan ia foTrtilvllflt itl thiti countiT. nd beinsr froin the pen ofa native physician, has great advantage oyer f the pubUcaticr? of Eacuan widTissot. If itt tbaSenuaation . .. i ; , vn. a H ; ,-' v i- ''i ';'?. . i.''.......'c7,- f ..c' s- ; ;'::v;- 'V-..- r m . nnrrmw ivrt t ru 'rlT!ir fl V II ASH'?'' nn rifi ubsVaiber h Jwrt scavpd, by tlie way of rucn- l I " " f I ... 1 .. .. 1 I. . .Ii.irniil katnia. V. mona an i-eecraour, n jihto mj v s""?- v" fc iient of rANCY ClOODS, which he is now opening in the house adjoining Messrs. John And Robert Stuart's Store, and. immediately opposite aw. raisira arern, vunauuuis .fl),. CvlLnw.nm .hiiiIm. Vit " ::' , .. :. .. 4'. i 14C ,n 1 i va. um. v.rw.n , ---- - - .r - ' t ' . - ,i Supernne viotns uassimers, oo. o. Mng, - new, and flannels ; Jfegro Cottons, rose and striped Blankets t kln,.v a,i4nTanrl nlivn VflvplA. tHnrderovs & Thick- uiauiuuii'iii .iinvuw-.w'. - - - sets - Swsnsdowns, Bennett's Patent Cord, and Todlenet ir.:..i.,.'.. r'..iul,t S'lnMntii-ua and Sattlhette ditto i lYKlBLIAmuiig , v. . . ... . , plabi check -and changeable LiwrtrmM t ' 64 M nd a a - hKmi .".i, .m ninmii Hranrnipu. imra a ill i f v.04uuiu.a., jiit. ...(.w. India mulmul Muslins i --Ladies SpVdernett Bilk and cot ton Hose, do. dol-feloves snd Grecian Sleeves ; do. do. do. Kid, Morocco, and leather Slippers Mdl ics J nusn, uip- . o. 1:- a. .... -.l T.vn, .Imm 1t4nwai Kill? &rift Iaev,. i ui, ouaw Hiuinimi, . Cambrkk ShawlSj black aftA wflhite thread and cotton - . t w) 1 .- - O.a.. .1 ni rain t n ri niAa4 0 1 11 IrtTlfy TVf" ( cktl t;s i 'rartiKa Uo Ait r,nH-tnn and Crescent ditto 1 IkJAlV f AAMU. VWIaww uv ,v --j j- 7- .- t and art elepant assortment of Jewellery, plain Snembossed Ki liana, V elvet oo., vomraon ina vamonta.. tiniuie, t. itnltnnT h.,itn Ktiirtiner nnd trlfih t jnens.' dittoa jjl lwii . i m i ' v., wk.v... u.... . -- . ; t'tmKlliia' Cililli.m,n'i Kfavcl llflts. ilitto Finn Shoes and Suarrow Boots, Pateht Anglo Lathbs-wool and worsted . . ...... ; . i , a a .i . IIoiery, piain piaca ano, no ao, iut,tyotion nvj a-camair Suspenders, Buckskin and Woollen ClOTea. (, '''impeHdV:'8wenotiV snd Young Ifyson' Teas' Cofiec . ... 1 1. e B :l.-k.h. aH';na ,l.,t1nnl t'J. Ul'Own ailU 4A7IU Ollfar, uiij, wiii French Brandy, Apple do. and Whiskey an iissbrtment of Glass Ware, wan a variety oi outer articles too numerous. toinsert.vt'v v fcH'-a t--'iV . V'-2-J ::---V; : . C i . 03" The 'above Goods will be sold. unusually low for Cash ONLY i except to tlitwe who, by their punctuality, . 1 .1 ,U..,.e -..r..l., . Tn.han. nave proven, ineuiacivca wui mv i tumiui-iivo ? Y ashort crtulit, if required, w'ill be tiven,'- if t' ' : JiaJWffft, A4v. 14 J Jj-'-'i ;i-.7;Sv;Pi con way; ; " . .!' ' vttiiLA vo. a a '.1 .f. - ' C J ' . 1 ' trOVSE "OF JiEPHESE.VT.lTfrtS. -; ' r Wisatisat. Nov.-i6. '-l. . ' : -. . Mr. WCreery presented the memorial of suhdry' AmrfS ,7 can citizens, taken in the expedition r.ttea out or M .ranaa. and now in a state of confinement in Spanish fortresses,- 7 , praying Congress td adopt some measure for their liber?.ti-' on. It was referred to s special committee 01 hve. ( Mr. CliiUCnddn called up his resolution relative to tu-- y repeal of the embargo laws 1 buttlie house refused to go. . into tne orueroi ue oay ontnaisuojecioiuy iiu-hmju-w . .. rising in support of the call; ' ; - '.","!' '''" . Mr. Cook offered a resolution, the first part of wliicl . ? was similar to that of Mr. Mumford's, which was submitteil 7 on Monday but oti ihe' suggestion of Mr.. Elliot wa 1.' stricken out j--when the resolution in the following Torn was considered, agreed to, and rclerred to the coinmiltcsa .; of the .sajtole house, to whom bad been tefcrred the several 7U resolutions toticlung the embargo. ' ' - . - - - : . 1 i f Kcsolved, Tnattiie citizens ot Uie unneit Mates oe au- 1in,aAt In ..mi eni Mnin llf.il m.rrti:illt VPSSpls ftlf thfll purpose of dttiltnding them against French and B; itisl . cruisers, who may molest them when bound to any p.'rt of, ; - .r 1.-....11': ,...t-U 1,,1. . - -. Tueresoiutiouwaaoraereatoocpriiuea. -v 4 rr . XT,... IT ..... ' : ''. v- V '. Mp T.5vphmnrrented several tit. ' "on fiomtV: inns! v bitsnts of the state of Massachusetts, s .ed by between and 5000 persons prnrniij for a repeal 01 tneemuargo otj.;:-, Mr.M:'"onsaid, already bad many resolutions been sub--; 7 mitted to t..e consideration of tbe House on tit subject of . our foreign relatior.i, and the embargo j some for a total. ' and some tar a toarual rereal ot it. Asiu-neoi '. moonis had met hii entire appro 1 ;; :-.'.ion, suidas 1 -as one of the most imort:nit jne-'ions 1 fore the House, he wished iiLmit to t three propositions, v. hicli be wished to t; Cerent from tjiat which liad been giv ! ; ' ,t have been ajtetushtotsatd V : t.) 1 ' solutiohs onCiesubiectof theCn; . , 1 1 plating its entire continuance. Is tne Anieric..i natiot ppnilif tn how the lierk:? Are wc ' -eaiv to stuimit to do tax- edbvGreat4)ritain and Fraife a if we were tlteir Colonies?; . , red thi 'I I'ddcome be i Htse two of - . a ciiurse dif- '-V-' '.asonth qimntiTfe ne content Jier tex ,1 .-.uper. Whcr is. thrit spirit which for this reaton .'' ted urfvi I Anm'tfia nntim.. of Tairone ? Wherfe is i'.,at 6..'; vhicU enforced aaimple resolution of Uie old i bindinar unon uie people, as a law from Il.avcn? 1 thif I la !t 11 ffi 1 l.ia lint ! ah 1 . Il'ifil' n I f,f Pi ceded every other nwUve ul the brea oi Americans ! Shall the maority govern, or shall a few wi ked and aban flimprl men drive this nation from the BTOtind itli: s t : '.en f 7 U it come to this, that a law constitutionally enai : even afieraformaiQecisionintavorotitsconstituuonani), not be enforced t Shall the nation givewaytoan opponon of afew, and those the roost profbgntepwrt of the co nu , 1 . ... I. 1 ........ , i.i nr.ia tUty A tuina. uie Btaiitt w; wkik ,at i one and I am..tortai.ingerery measure ior , um.v,, u, nation to maintain it' Ju.taaour iiKai-uie is U-tim..., to operate J. just as provisions are b'cnit,v . -Hit e nvtii West-Indies and tliiewliere, not v iuisi.. ..! " " of c .r lav, fe are Called upon tor eal it. 1.' t 1 -h.,-1' made this niotion at this time, 1, ,1 itnotbi - n : i-. 1 pe;' 'i"tl just feientrL When I stand here, sjr, tUa- t bf a pari of t . o:nimmiv withl-ir;r one f the e -. niietvofthe pe.:.L"'-li.t-i'llistan(l,i.:r I auiv.i ,,r 7toe-;:w - mifthe petition, UeatlngitwitU that rts-pcctwhi-a 1 "-u- ceive to bC due t ! US 10 tlie p-.7 rei :ny ;hu.:.i iii iu people, Iwiah n-vsei.limfci.tsoii1.iis m ' 77CU0 be seen. . A proclamation Veen ic.s.ie.d by ouci.i dm bi U-a ' since the paswve Oi' oureu,'-. ."!.. w, sir Lo al it- . What says it i Clearance or no clearance, we Will receive . 1-.': -,. 7' jv-., 1 ... -:. . ' j , : , av- sj ' - V. v-' ',,'.'y V t., - :;7-h'?::"- ; 7i::'f :7-".:''r v:'. ;''"VFT'!:f'r-'.:'-Vv':?.' iv,. A'---" "-''' '-;;"'""":i'" ' '.';'. u f r!'n in thcp;:!;h:lTC : .7-7 y J15,,X.'-:fm5fft? .. ( .'..j . : -1: